Technologies for working with static and dynamic content. Depending on the method of image formation. Creation of information content

Dynamic Content- This user changeable information on a virtual page that can also be loaded using databases. Robots search engines in this case, dynamic content will be indexed similarly to static content, but only up to the question mark (?).

According to many experts, this type of content cannot be assessed unambiguously. It may seem that there is nothing more attractive than constant news messages that always remain relevant and interest visitors. However, the question arises: can the constant change of the text negatively affect search engine promotion pages and ranking indicators of the entire site.

The reality of the downsides to using dynamic content

Negative aspects can arise, but for this it is necessary to modify absolutely all the information in short time. It is advisable to consider the problem of the amount of text being changed. No problems will arise if the content is changed in sections specifically designed for this. Controversial issues disappear when it comes to news sites, the essence of which is constant dynamic updates. Any god can be used as an example. Contents on home page Such resources undergo changes depending on the desire and activity of the creator.

Dynamic content is the engine of progress

During development modern resources It’s simply impossible to do without dynamic content. Webmasters only need to remember which elements virtual page must remain unchanged:

Page title.
Basic navigation elements (their static nature allows you to get a large number of data to search engines responsible for correct ranking and rendering of pages when requested).

Inappropriate changes in information content can negatively affect the reputation of the resource and reduce the most important search metrics. As an example, it is appropriate to consider resources specializing in the sale of goods. Making changes to the actual assortment will not lead to anything good - if potential clients If they don’t find on virtual shelves the goods they came for using the information indexed earlier, they will be very unhappy with this fact.

In such situations, the dynamics of content changes should be thought out in advance. It makes sense to cache pages or maintain a certain interval between updates.

The use of dynamic content should be considered a given. It was the next step in development world wide web. Static information gradually loses its relevance and does not allow resources to perform the functions assigned to them. Previously existing problems associated with indexing pages containing dynamic content no longer exist. Changing ranking technologies and search algorithms simplified the tasks of webmasters who have the opportunity to develop diverse projects using information content of the type in question.

Information content- information in any form that gives a comprehensive answer to the user’s question or tells about something. Information content includes:

  • descriptions of goods in online store cards;
  • articles “How to reinstall Windows”, “How to pour a concrete floor”, “Why grinding of a log house is necessary”;
  • cases of marketing agencies;
  • blog articles with personal reflections;
  • news content;
  • and many other types of content.

Information content helps or another platform, indirectly and helps in the eyes of clients, if detailed answers to the most FAQ. Information will benefit you if you publish truly useful, relevant, understandable materials.

Social networks (SMM).User in in social networks concentrates on one object for an average of 8 seconds, so the short format predominates here. Information materials served in the form of small posts with interesting facts, separate pages with longer articles or guides, infographics or videos. Now the new one is being actively used.

Other sites. You can post information content in the media, on visited blogs, news sites and other platforms. Such guest posts will bring visitors to your website, increase brand awareness, help you express yourself and expand your target audience reach.

The role of information content in promotion

Informational content helps promote not only the website, but also the business as a whole. With it you can:

  • bring the portal to the TOP of search engine results for high-frequency, mid-frequency or by publishing optimized for keywords materials;
  • increase brand awareness through frequent sharing of useful materials, viral publications, and growth of natural traffic from search engines;
  • increase the level of expertise in the eyes of readers by publishing your research, cases, real examples from practice, checklists, answers to difficult questions.
  • tell more about the product, service and their benefits, give examples of using the product or service to increase the reader’s interest in your offer.

In the complex, namely information content, increases the number of sales. If you post constantly useful materials, traffic to a site, profile or group will increase. New clients, buyers or readers will appear.

Vivid examples of the effectiveness of information content:

  • Tilda website builder blog with useful articles, guides, instructions on the topic of Internet marketing;
  • Elena Torshina with publications of original materials on her Torshinsky website;
  • website trademark“Clean Line” with life hacks, makeup secrets and other useful materials.

Creation of information content

To create truly useful and high-quality information content, you need:

  1. Determine target audience and find out what they would be interested in reading about. To do this, you can use survey forms for the company’s clients, discussions on social networks, or the latest trends in the field.
  2. Collect material. Depending on the format, collect facts, reference research, conduct product testing, or prepare detailed description your opinion.
  3. Create text, image or video. Write concisely, to the point, without being distracted by unimportant deviations from the topic. This will make the materials rich, short, and interesting.

You can attract other companies or authors to create information content so that they write guest articles or publish on your site under their name. You can also write your guest posts on popular platforms.

Examples of information content

Now let’s give examples of information content on the site that sells like hot cakes.

How do you use information content? Do you think it is effective? Share your opinion in the comments.

ANNOTATION FOR WORK PROGRAM PM.01 PROCESSING OF INDUSTRY INFORMATION 1.1. Scope of the program Work program professional module“Processing of industry information” is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty SPO 09.02.05 Applied informatics (by industry) of basic training in terms of mastering the main type professional activity and corresponding professional competencies (PC): PC1.1. Process static information content. PC1.2. Process dynamic information content. PC1.3. Prepare equipment for operation. PC1.4. Set up and work with industry-specific information content processing equipment. PC1.5. Monitor the operation of computers, peripheral devices and telecommunication systems, ensure their correct operation 1.2. Place of the professional module in the structure of the main professional educational program: the discipline is included in the professional cycle of the compulsory part. 1.3. Goals and objectives of the professional module - requirements for the results of mastering the professional module In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the corresponding professional competencies, the student during the development of the professional module must: have practical experience: 1. processing static information content; 2. processing dynamic information content; 3. installation of dynamic information content; 4. work with industry equipment for processing information content; 5. monitoring the operation of computer, peripheral devices and telecommunication systems, ensuring their correct operation; 6. preparing equipment for operation; be able to: 1. carry out the process prepress information content; 2. install and work with specialized application software; 3. work in a graphic editor; 4. process raster and vector images; 5. work with packages application programs text layout; 6. prepare original layouts; 7. work with application packages for processing industry information; 8. work with presentation preparation programs; 9. install and work with application software for processing dynamic information content; 10. work with application software for processing economic information; 11. convert analog forms of dynamic information content into digital ones; 12. record dynamic information content in a given format; 13. install and work with specialized application software for editing dynamic information content; 14. select dynamic content editing tools; 15. carry out event-oriented editing of dynamic content; 16. work with specialized equipment for processing static and dynamic information content; 17. choose equipment to solve the task; 18. install and configure application software; 19. diagnose equipment malfunctions using technical and software; 20. monitor the operating parameters of the equipment; 21. eliminate minor malfunctions in the operation of equipment; 22. carry out equipment maintenance at the user level; 23. prepare error reports; 24. switch industry-specific hardware systems; 25. carry out commissioning of industry-specific equipment; 26. carry out testing of industry-specific equipment; 27. establish collateral; and configure system software to know: 1. basics of information technology; 2. technologies for working with static information content; 3. standards for presentation formats of static information content; 4. standards for formats for presenting graphical data; 5. computer terminology; 6. standards for the preparation of technical documentation; 7. sequence and rules of pre-press preparation; 8. rules for preparing and designing presentations; 9. software for processing information content; 10. basics of ergonomics; eleven. mathematical methods information processing; 12. information technologies for working with dynamic content; 13. standards for dynamic data presentation formats; 14. terminology in the field of dynamic information content; 15. software for processing information content; 16. principles of linear and non-linear editing of dynamic content; 17. rules for constructing dynamic information content; 18. rules for preparing dynamic information content for installation; 19. technical means of collecting, processing, storing and displaying static and dynamic content; 20. principles of operation of specialized equipment; 21. operating modes of computer and peripheral devices; 22. principles of building computer and peripheral equipment; 23. rules Maintenance equipment; 24. equipment maintenance regulations; 25. types and types of text checks; 26. ranges of permissible operational characteristics of equipment; 27. principles of switching industry-specific hardware systems; 28. operational characteristics of industry equipment; 29. operating principles of system software; 1.4. Recommended number of hours for mastering the professional module program: maximum student teaching load 745 hours, including:  mandatory classroom teaching load of the student 394 hours;  independent work 197 hours;  educational practice 78;  industrial practice 76 hours. 1.5. Forms of intermediate certification: differentiated tests, exam, qualifying exam. 1.6. Contents of the professional module Section 1. Processing of static information content Topic 1.1. Fundamentals of information technology Topic 1.2.Static information content Topic 1.3.Computer graphics content Topic 1.4.Theory of computer graphics Topic 1.5.Photo processing Topic 1.6.Basic parameters of a vector contour Topic 1.7.Processing of raster images Topic 1.8.Development of design and construction documentation Section 2. Processing of dynamic information content Topic 2.1. The process of planning a layout and working with a printing house Topic 2.2. Basic techniques for creating original layouts of various printed publications, taking into account the features of the modern printing base and paper type Topic 2.3. Technologies of the printing process Topic 2.4. Basics of typography Topic 2.5. Equipment for the designer's work Topic 2.6. Creation of ps-files and preparation of the original layout for transfer to the printing house for subsequent color separation on a phototypesetting machine Section 3. Preparing equipment for work Topic 3.1. Presentation preparation standard Topic 3.2. Presentation forms Topic 3.3. Presentation effects Topic 3.4 Preparing presentations Section 4. Information Technology working with economic information Topic 4.1. General information and interface of the Mathcad program Topic 4.2. Exact calculations in Mathcad Topic 4.3. Numerical methods in Mathcad Section 5. Information technologies for working with sound Topic 5.1 Forms of presentation of audio information Topic 5.2 AdobeAudition program Topic 5.3 Working in single-track mode (EditView). Working in multi-track mode Topic 5.4 Working with cyclic and wave files Topic 5.5 Using noise reduction filters Topic 5.6 Editing voices Topic 5.7 Using the channel mixer and real-time effects of the Audition program. Topic 5.8 Batch Processing and scripting Topic 5.9 Optimization sound files for the Internet Topic 5.10 Importing audio data from a CD and creating a new CD Section 6. Video processing Topic 6.1 Methods of creating a digital video image. Types of digital video Topic 6.2 Basic Concepts AdobePremiere. Program interface. Windows Project, Source, Program Topic 6.3 Importing and exporting files Section 7 Creating simple animation Topic 7.1 Methods of creating animation. Types of animation. The simplest GIF animation. FLASH animation Topic 7.2 AdobeFlash program. Program interface capabilities Topic 7.3 Tools of the AdobeFlash program Topic 7.4 Filling. Combining contours. Lasso tool. Work with text. Section 8. Editing dynamic information content Topic 8.1 Concept of editing Topic 8.2 Basic rules for shooting video materials Topic 8.3 Video editing. Film editing Topic 8.4 Video editing. Basics of working in the AdobePremierePro application and its installation Topic 8.5 Video editing. Basic editing tools in the Program, Source, and Timeline windows. Topic 8.6 Video editing. Video and audio transitions Topic 8.7 Video editing. Transparency of video clips. Movement and scaling of clips Topic 8.8 Video editing. Video effects Topic 8.9 Video editing. Sound in the film Theme 8.10 Computer animation: Technology for creating an animated film Topic 8.11 Computer animation: Working with color. Types of fills and their application Topic 8.12 Computer animation: Shape animation. Tracing raster images Topic 8.13 Computer animation: motion animation Topic 8.14 Computer animation: Symbols. Complex animation Topic 8.15 Computer animation: Library samples and their instances Topic 8.16 Computer animation: Animating a nested instance Topic 8.17 Computer animation: Layer mask. Masking layers Topic 8.18 Computer animation: Sound. Preservation, export, publication Section 9. Technical means for collecting, storing and displaying static content Topic 9.1 Camera and its equipment Topic 9.2 Graphics tablet Topic 9.3 Scanners Topic 9.4 Printers Topic 9.5 Plotters Topic 9.6 Risograph Topic 9.7 Cutter and laminator Topic 9.8 Stapler and booklet maker Section 10. Technical means for collecting, processing, storing and displaying dynamic content Topic 10.1 Video camera and its equipment Topic 10.2 Equipment for recording sound Section 11. Technical means for processing and storing content Topic 11.1 Processor Topic 11.2 Motherboard Topic 11.3 Video card Topic 11.4 Sound card Topic 11.5 Video capture card Topic 11.6 Information storage equipment

1. Prepare a video report about the organization (the report must include video materials, audio materials, have logical structure and plot, credits). To reflect in the report general information about the organization, interviews with employees, the specifics of the activities of individual specialists, the duration of the material is no more than 10 minutes.

2. Development stages:

Creating a plot;

Storyboard (preferably);

Recording video material;

Recording audio material (interviews with employees);

Processing and installation;

Adding titles and footage.


All types of materials are collected only with the permission of the organization’s management and should not contain confidential information, as well as violate the laws of the Russian Federation by any means.

Task 3. Complete the work and describe the procedure for its implementation(based on the organization’s profile):

Install and work with specialized application software;

Install and work with application software;

Diagnose equipment malfunctions using hardware and software;

Monitor operating parameters of equipment;

Eliminate minor malfunctions in equipment operation;

Perform equipment maintenance at the user level;

Prepare error reports;

Carry out commissioning of industry equipment;

Test industry equipment;

Install and configure system software.

Task 4. Create a standard form and calculation of an employee’s salary at the enterprise (where the internship takes place). Take any work position as an example.

1. The development must be external program, containing tabular data, graphic data, and control elements. The program should generate one type of report - “employee salary for six months.”

Task 5. Provide information on these issues based on the industry focus of the enterprise:

1. Operating principles of specialized equipment;

2. Operating modes of computer and peripheral devices;

3. Principles of constructing computer and peripheral equipment;

4. Equipment maintenance rules;

5. Equipment maintenance regulations;

6. Types and types test checks;

7. Ranges of permissible operational characteristics of equipment;

8. Operational characteristics of industry-specific equipment;

9. Principles of switching industry-specific hardware systems;

10. Operating principles of system software.

Task 6. Creating a presentation using MS PowerPoint (or any other presentation resource) in which to present information on the following topics:

Topic 1. Static information content

Technologies for working with static information content;

Standards for graphic data presentation formats;

Standards for presentation formats for static information content;

Rules for constructing static information content;

Technical means for collecting, processing, storing and displaying static content.

Topic 2. Dynamic information content

Technologies for working with dynamic information content;

Standards for dynamic data presentation formats;

Standards for formats for presenting dynamic information content;

Software processing information content;

Rules for constructing dynamic information content;

Principles of linear and non-linear editing of dynamic content;

Rules for preparing dynamic information content for editing;

Technical means for collecting, processing, storing and displaying dynamic content.

The lesson is held on the second day of educational practice according to MDK.01.03. (II year, specialty 230701 “Applied Informatics”).

Consists of 3 parts:

Repetition theoretical material MDK.01.03. for maintenance technical means informatization of industry information processing;

Role-playing game“Designing information content using a group method using tools”;


Lesson duration – 270 minutes (6 lessons of 45 minutes each).



Slide 3 Lesson topic:Creation of a project for preventive maintenance of TSI equipment using a group method using network technologies.

Slide 4 Objective of the lesson:Formation of professional and general professional competencies (related to group work when developing products and online content. (cm.

Slide 5 Lesson plan:

1. Organizing time- 5 minutes

2. Check homework- 20 minutes

3. Updating knowledge in the form of testing on the topic “Maintenance of TSI” - 20 min

4. Role-playing game “Designing information content using the group method using tools” - 180 min

5. Review and evaluation of created projects (reflection) - 40 min

6. Summing up - 5 min

Progress of the lesson:

Slide 6 Checking homework - 20 min

I. Oral survey (10 min):

1. Rules for servicing the system unit.

2. Organization of a software developer’s workplace.

3. Organization of the manager’s workplace.

3 people answer.

Slides 7-8 II. "Who is faster". Fill out the table (10 min):

TSI products that can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner

Two are recording on interactive whiteboard answer, the rest work in a notebook. After filling out the table, students check whether the task was completed correctly. Those who worked at the board and the first person to correctly fill out the table in the notebook receive marks. If a TSI device is recorded that is not included in the verification table, or a device is indicated that is superfluous in the table, after explaining the answer, if the justification is correct, +1 point to the assessment Answer table

Slide 9

Updating knowledge in the form of testingon the topic "TSI Maintenance" - 20 min

Testing is carried out in the MyTest program.

The number of questions asked on this topic is 20 out of 60. Random sampling.

Test time is 20 minutes.

Criteria for evaluation:

"5" - 90% of points scored

"4" - 75% of points scored

"3" - 60% of points scored

Role-playing game "Designing information content using a group method using tools" (180 min)

Slide 10 Preparatory stage (5 min):

On at this stage students connect their account to (Login to the Internet. Load the CHROME browser. Log in to your account on

A general task is set for the entire group, working conditions and resources are determined.

Slide 11 Task:

Create a presentation project on a given topic using the capabilities of your account. (10-15 slides)

Slide 12 Working conditions:

  1. Everyone performs only their part of the task.
  2. The presentation is assembled by everyone at the same time.
  3. The senior coordinates the work of the group

Slide 13 Resources:

  1. Electronic copies of textbooks
  2. Electronic copies of documentation for TSI
  3. Lecture notes
  4. Information on the Internet

Slide 14 Organizational stage of the game (5 minutes)

1. Divide into groups of 5 people (optional).

2. Choosing a senior in each group.

3. Distribution of roles (responsibilities) to perform the work

Slides 15-16 Roles in the group (take one of 4 options):

Option 1.

Senior - project coordinator

Rest - equal members of the working group.

All stages of work are completed as they arise by each student. Previously, the senior distributes subsections of the topic between the participants. Collectively choose the style and formats for the design of the project.

Option 2.

Senior - project coordinator

Designer - project design

Information Collector- search for information on a topic

Project builder – distribution of information across slides


All stages of work are performed sequentially, after completion of the previous stage

Option 3.

Senior - project coordinator and editor

2 project builders

2 information collectors

The leader divides the group into 2 subgroups and distributes subsections of the topic between them. All stages of work are completed as they arise by each student.

Option 4.

Senior - coordinator

Graphics editordesign and animation

Information Collector- search for information

2 project builders

The senior distributes the subsections of the topic among the project assemblers. The stages of work are performed sequentially, after completion of the previous stage.

4. Get the assignment and topic of your project.

Slide 17 Project topics:

1. Safety precautions when working with TSI.

2. Preventive maintenance of printers and plotters.

3. Preventive maintenance of monitors.

4. Preventative maintenance of storage media

5. Preventative maintenance of information input devices

6. Preventive maintenance of copiers

7. Preventative maintenance of the speaker system.

Slide 18 Project execution phase (175 minutes)

The team leader creates the first project warehouse and gives access to the project to members of his team (10 min). Coordinates the work of the group, helps those lagging behind. When working on search and selection necessary information Allotted from 50 to 100 minutes, depending on the chosen role model of the group. The time for creating and designing a project is from 115 to 155 minutes. Students are encouraged to help each other if someone starts to fall behind

Slides 19-21 Reflection phase (40 minutes)

1.After completing the project by all groups, each student is asked to evaluate the work of their colleagues on the project in a 5-point system according to following criteria: design, animation, content, readability of information. (3 min)

2. Each student evaluates their project according to the same criteria, after which the group gives one overall grade to their project. (2 minutes)

3. Group projects are reviewed. They are assessed by each student working group according to the same criteria as your project. (30 minutes, 5 minutes per project)

4. Students compare the results of assessing other people’s projects in their group, and, after discussion, give one overall mark from the group for each criterion for each project. (3 min)

5. The group senior fills out his column in the “work results” file table for all projects. Access to the file is provided by e-mail. The program will calculate points and a grade for the project for each group (the result is visible in the filled cells). (2 minutes)

Table of the “work results” file

Group 1 project

Evaluation criterion




group 2

group 3

group 4

group 5



Readability of information

lead time

1, 0, +1



Slide 22 Lesson summary (5 min):

1. The senior introduces the group to the assessment for the work. (2 min)

2. Summing up jointly by students and teacher (3 min):

  1. Gained practical experience working in a small team;
  2. mastered a new software product;
  3. learned to jointly process information content online;
  4. consolidated the skills necessary for the development of professional competencies in specialty 230701.