Yandex update dates. What is included in updating the search database. Update of TCI indicators

Without understanding what an update is, it’s hardly possible effective promotion site pages upon request. Because there are some improvements in the visibility of the site in search engines ah happen only after updates. For example, if you corrected the text on the site - improved it or removed spam entries - the page's position for queries will not change, and traffic to it will not increase. But when the search engine robot visits the updated page, changes its copy in the index, and text update(recalculation of text factors), only then positions can improve and traffic will increase accordingly.

What is a search engine update?

An update means updating something. Search engines are also updated, and some updates occur much more frequently than the average user might realize.

A search engine update is an update of the system’s databases and algorithms, which entails a change in search results.

Search databases consist of copies of pages from many sites. After the update, the search bot looks for new pages on the site, and also periodically rechecks the old ones. Search database indexes contain saved copies of sites, on the basis of which the results are generated.

What are Yandex updates?

Yandex has three types of updates: issue update, YAK and TCI.

Issue update

The search bot crawls sites and saves fresh copies. During a search update, the search engine takes the saved copy for a certain day. The peculiarities of Yandex's results are that the search engine accepts data from the database not that collected by the bot on the same day, but scanned copies from the recent past. Often the difference between the day of issue and the day the saved copy is received is 3-10 days, and sometimes a couple of weeks.

ICHSH, when an update is really needed, Yandex can sleep for two or even three weeks, and when it is not needed at all and no work is being done on the sites, updates fail every day.

Here's how the shit-eaters from the server react to the update:

Yandex has the following types issuance updates:

I would also like to note that mobile search results have their own updates. They have been practically unstudied - very few people even remove positions in mobile search results.

Yak updates

Catalog updates— Yandex.Catalog updates, which include lists of authoritative trust sites that have interesting meaningful content on various topics. Nowadays it is already very difficult to get into YAK, so this is a topic for a separate article.

TIC update

Quantity, quality, thematic content, age, naturalness and other indicators form the estimated level of the TCI. It is not always the case that a large number of links definitely increases the TCI, since their quality plays a significant role. Since new links to the site constantly appear, and old ones stop working, Yandex TCI updates occur regularly.
TCI updates are presented in the form of two indicators: push-button and toolbar.

  • Toolbar indicator displayed in Yandex.Bar;
  • Button indicator can be seen on special button TIC.

As practice shows, the button indicator is updated faster.

Google updates

Google updates operate on the same principles, but a little differently.

  1. Google SERP-related updates are much faster. Google does not have a specific update schedule. Updates take place in a random order. Depending on any changes on the sites, changes occur in search results;
  2. Page Rank (PR) is a Google rating that determines the authority of a site. The PR calculation system is similar to the TCI: it all depends on the number and weight of links on the page. PR recalculation occurs every 3-4 months. But you won’t know about it - Google has already closed down “toolbar” PR.

Update tracking services

The most classic option is Evgeniy Trofimenko’s service for analyzing Yandex updates, an indicator of index ups (text), link updates, up TCI, saved copy, tweaking the algorithm and issuing Yandex, etc. Checking Yandex ups once every three minutes until 9 am, later - once an hour.

Among good services It is also worth noting about tracking updates. The page contains a calendar of Yandex updates. Contains an indicator of TCI updates, search results, behavioral factors and Yandex.Catalogue.

The promotion of Internet projects directly depends on updates to search results, the results of which are made up of additional updates of the Yandex search engine, analyzed, and final result expressed in the position occupied by the promoted resource.

Yandex uses various “robots” that analyze a certain part of the site) to collect information about sites, which ultimately transmit the received information for processing to the main server, and during its update, new positions of sites are determined for certain requests.

What updates does Yandex have?

The promotion and attitude of search engines towards the site can be easily assessed by the results of a search engine update, and the process itself, translated from English, update means update. Upgrades are divided into four groups, and each of them plays its own role in the search engine, but together they determine the state of the site, its position in search results and the attitude of the search engine to the project as a whole.

There are 4 types of Yandex updates:

  1. Updating the link mass and content on
  2. Update TCI of Internet resources.
  3. Updating Yandex search results.
  4. Upgrade of the Yandex website catalog.

Yandex link and text updates

The text update occurs simultaneously with the link update and transfers the found texts and links to the search database, which determines the place occupied in the search for a specific key query. A text update is a planned action, and if text is added to the site today, and the update occurs the next day, then the new article will not appear in the search, since the robot searching for content and links simply will not have time to view new text. If the resource owner adds new content to the site and the speed of getting into search results is very important, you need to calculate the approximate date next update and find out whether the robot will have time to view the new page.

This type of upgrade takes on average 6 days, but these times are not constant, check accurate updates Yandex won't work, so you should just use free services, which calculate the approximate update date.

Update of TCI indicators

The TCI indicator depends on the number of links to the site, as well as the total mention of the domain (for example: on other Internet resources; as a result of the analysis of these indicators, the resource is gaining popularity.

Owners of popular resources endowed with huge indicators this parameter, diligently monitor its growth and constantly monitor the correct Yandex updates so that their income grows, but if the TCI declines, the cost of links from their resource will decrease.

Updating the TCI of a website is an important event for all owners of Internet projects, since this event shows the popularity of the resource among the entire Internet. This event is the least predictable, and if any site optimizer can expect a text update once a week, then this will never happen with the TCI, so you should not even try to guess the date.

Accurate search results updates

Each update of the search results changes a lot, and if a resource after the last upgrade got to the first line for a certain query, this does not mean that with the next update it will not slide down to 5th or 10th place.

Search update is the most important process, during which Yandex fully analyzes the project, uses data from other types of updates (link, text, etc.), scans each site for a cinematic core and produces a search result. The described site analysis process allows the main one to decide which of the sites should be in the first position, and which of them will be in the twenty-fifth for the same request.

Yandex does not hide the update process and, if desired, can notify the webmaster about the start of an update of the search results, for which you simply need to configure this action in the site control panel. In addition to the system itself, you can turn to other services that are common on the Internet and on free of charge will notify clients about updates to search results, catalogs and other Yandex services.

Updating the Yandex catalog

Yandex has a directory and allows only selected sites into it, and the rest, if they could not get in on a free basis, can try to pay, however, even if they are in the directory, the resource does not receive great advantage ahead of other projects in getting to the first position.

Search engines divide sites depending on the region where the company is located (that is, a resident of Surgut will not see an organization from Novosibirsk in the first position), but those companies that are engaged in trade or services throughout Russia turn to the Yandex catalog to assign several search regions to the site .

For non-commercial projects, getting into the directory will be important due to the increase in the cost of links from their sites to customer resources and, even more so, will increase the cost of the site when selling.

If we consider the catalog of Yandex sites, then an update is an update of the positions of sites within the catalog system, where the first place goes to the project with the highest TCI, and the rest are smoothly placed among all other positions based on the value of the site’s citation index.

Methods for determining Yandex updates

Exist various services, which will show for free past updates of search results, catalogue, TCI, PR in Google and other changes in the operation of search engines, but most importantly, they can notify if the correct Yandex updates have begun.

The update begins at midnight and can last for ten or twenty hours, so you can start checking positions at least in the morning, and preferably in the late afternoon.

The update system does not work as many Internet users believe, for example: on the 1st, the search results are updated, but this update includes pages that were found before the 20th of the previous month.

What to do after Yandex updates

Any update is a change, and changes come either in good side, or bad, so you need to react quickly and check how the search engine treats the project on this moment.

SEOs remember everything about their site that they do with it: they change, delete or add something, and all these changes affect the attitude of the search engine either positively or negatively. negative side. The optimizer then analyzes the changes and decides what to do next: continue actions or change tactics.

Example. The optimizer started placing links from internal pages website to the main page, Yandex was updated, and as a result the main page did not reach the first position for the selected query, and the subpages began to bring in fewer visitors. The optimizer has to decide: return everything back and choose another method or continue and output home page site in the chosen way.

Of course, the correct Yandex updates should be constantly monitored, and it does not matter exactly how this is done, the main thing is to understand the result and decide how to further promote the site.

Among professional webmasters, you can often hear such an expression as Yandex update or AP. Naturally, not many of you are familiar with this concept, so I will try to tell you about Yandex updates in more detail.

What is Yandex Update

So, what is a Yandex update? The word update itself is in English and is translated as update, i.e. when they say Yandex update, they mean its update. It has become a little clearer, but a counter question arises - what is Yandex updating?

In fact, there are a lot of Yandex updates, but I’ll talk about them a little below, and now, to help you understand general definition AP, I’ll give you this example: you add your site to Yandex search, and after some time it appears there. This means that a Yandex incident occurred.

Or here’s an example: adding new articles to the site, they are not found in the search, but over time they also appear there, which means an update has occurred. In other words, a Yandex update is an update search base Yandex, which is updated with new sites and pages.

What types of Yandex updates are there?

I think a clearer picture has appeared in your head of what Yandex AP is, so it’s time to consider the types of updates.

Search results update. To explain what kind of update this is, I’ll give an example: you enter some query into the search, and the TOP 10 sites for these queries are displayed in front of you.

If you enter the same query about a week later, then it is likely that the site that was in 10th place for this request may end up, for example, in 8th place, or, on the contrary, instead of this site in 10th place it may end up completely another site that was not previously in the TOP 10.

Why is this so? Because there was an update to the search results, and Yandex decided that this site had no place in the TOP 10 and put another resource in its place. Those. The definition of SERP is as follows: it is a change in the positions of sites in search results.

Sometimes Yandex can rank your site higher than others, sometimes lower it in positions, or maybe leave it unchanged.

Text update. Here I think you yourself will guess that the text (new articles) is being updated. Even though you already have articles indexed in search, search robot continues to scan them in case you make any changes, and also monitors for new text material to index them and add them to the search.

Link update. I think everything is clear here too. Yandex scans the links leading to your site and decides which of them to index and which not.

In general, the updates I listed above are closely related to each other. For example, you added a lot of articles and purchased links.

Yandex needs to check and index all this, and also decide in what position to place your article, so it starts making updates. As a rule, all these APs occur at the same time, although there are also cases when they occur separately.

There are also the following types of updates:

TIC update. TIC is a parameter assigned by Yandex, and the larger it is, the better. Typically, this parameter is important for webmasters who monetize their site by selling links from it.

Favicon update. Favicon is a small graphic icon of a website. While using the search, you probably noticed that next to each site there is a small icon, and this icon is the favicon, which Yandex also sometimes updates:

When do Yandex updates take place?

We seem to have more or less figured out the updates, all that remains is to clarify, when will they take place? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, since Yandex is unpredictable, but I will still try to answer.

It is clear that webmasters work on their sites every day, so such types of updates as AP search results, as well as link and text updates should occur much more often, and preferably every day.

But Yandex believes that daily APs are too fat and updates search results, links and text on average once a week, for which, by the way, almost all owners of Russian-language sites do not like it.

At the time of writing this article, the last update was July 30, 2014. It included AP of new articles, links and search results at the same time. Before this, there were also a couple of issuance updates, but there was no text AP for 12 days.

As for the link update, it usually goes along with the text update, although you can often see such a picture in the Yandex webmaster, when the number external links It changes several times during the day, but whether it’s AP or not is anyone’s guess.

The TIC and Favicon update is a completely different story, and they are usually updated once a month.

How to find out that a Yandex update is in progress

And finally, so that you know everything about Yandex updates, it remains to tell you how to determine that a Yandex AP is in progress. In general, it is very difficult to visually determine whether an AP is happening or not, so I will tell you about the services that I use myself to determine the update.

The first service I use is seopult. When you visit this site and scroll down, you will see the following sign:

Here we are interested in the “Storm” column. A high storm index indicates that an AP is most likely underway. As I said, at the time of writing the last AP was on July 30, which is what this service tells us.

If there was a text AP, then this service also reports this, writing the time of the recorded update. Also pay attention to the 25th. The storm was also quite decent, but no text update was recorded, and it is quite possible that there was an issue update.

Another popular service to determine the update - By going to it, there will also be information about updates, and more information is indicated here specific information by updates:

You can also install the toolbar that this service offers. It will allow you to find out about the latest updates without visiting the site. You can find it just below in the left column:

If you use the Mozilla browser, you can install the RDS Bar extension for it. By the way, it’s a very useful thing that allows you to learn a lot about the sites you visit. Already installed RDS The bar will look like this:

I will not dwell now on how it works, I will only say that when update in progress, you will see a notification that an accident has been detected.

I also use the service XTOOL. In general, this service is designed to check the site’s trust, but if you register with it, you will receive letters in the mail informing you that an accident has occurred. The only negative is that the letters arrive late, when the update has already ended.

Receiving an update letter from Yandex

How is it possible, you say, that Yandex carries out updates and does not report them. In fact, it reports, you just need to notify Yandex to receive notifications. This can be done Here by checking the appropriate box:

There are a bunch of other services for determining AP, but believe me, the ones I told you about are more than enough.

As for the time of Yandex updates, usually all updates begin at 12 am Moscow time and last throughout the day, so it is best to check the AP results in the late afternoon.

Well, now you definitely know everything you need about Yandex updates, so all I can do is say goodbye to you and thank you for your attention.

Sincerely, Shkarbunenko Sergey.

Good day, dear readers. I already wrote about Yandex updates, but it was done, I decided to pay more attention to this topic, I think it will be useful for beginners to understand this.

What is an update?

The word update comes from the English update, which means:

  1. modernization,
  2. latest news,
  3. modernize,
  4. update.

In the context of search engines, the most appropriate word is “update”, i.e. an update is an update to the search engine database.

What happens during an update?

In order for a site to participate in searches, so that the search engine can show it to its visitors, it must first know about its existence. For this purpose, there is a spider robot that constantly scans the Internet, and a database into which the robot places newly found resources. But this (placement of the site in the database) does not happen immediately.

At first, the robot only collects information. You can imagine this as how we bloggers collect new information and keep it in our heads before we write about what we have learned on our blog. When enough has been collected new information, it’s time to put it in the database. But new information cannot simply be taken and placed. It is necessary to rebuild the entire database taking into account new information. After all, as we know, all sites that take into account a large number of... In order to correctly take into account new sites in your database, so that they also have the opportunity to participate in ranking, it is necessary to rebuild both new and old resources.

It is the formation new base and is called an update.

What is included in the search database update

During the update, new texts that the spider robot found, new links, and changes that occurred on already indexed sites are taken into account.

It is worth saying that every search engine has updates, but if for some, for example, Google, updates occur more often and almost unnoticeably, then for others, as in the case of Yandex, this is a whole event.

Yandex updates

Due to the fact that when updating the search database, several different parameters, then in the Yandex search engine the update is divided into several parts.

Text and link updates

  • Yandex text update- all text materials that were found by the indexing robot while crawling the Internet are taken into account.
  • Yandex link update– all links that were found (or not found) in new and old documents are taken into account.

These two updates occur most often and always together. After the robot has found new documents or seen changes in old ones, found new links to sites, it is updated and a new database is formed taking into account the changes. Therefore, in text and reference updates a new copy of the documents is uploaded to the database. It is after these updates that you can and should look to see if new site pages have appeared in the search engine index.

Here it is worth knowing that texts and links are updated on a certain date, i.e. if you posted yesterday new article, and today there was a text update, then the new article was definitely not included in this update.

Judging by the statistics, text and link updates occur in the interval from three to ten days and a copy is always posted on the date (+ day) when the previous update occurred.

For example, the penultimate update was on March 18, 2011, on this day the texts and links that the robot found before March 15 were taken into account. And the last update was on March 25, 2011, which took into account texts and links found before March 19, 2011. Those. despite the fact that we published new articles between March 20 and March 25, the latest update on March 25 did not take them into account. Pages with these articles will appear only in next update.

Therefore, when you check how many pages of your site have been indexed, take into account the update dates.

But, I’m sure, many of you have noticed how recent articles receive traffic from search engines, which essentially shouldn’t exist. The fact is that Yandex, like other search engines, has a fast robot that indexes resources that are updated frequently. These primarily include news sites, this is done so that Internet users can find out the latest news. But the fast robot indexes not only news resources, but also frequently updated sites in general, which include blogs, especially popular, frequently commented blogs.

But the most anticipated, most important updates for optimizers and money makers are different.

Issue update

Issue update– the most important update for people who promote websites. After the search robot finds new texts and links, enters them into its database, takes into account all the factors by which sites are ranked in the search engine, the long-awaited update of the search results begins - a change in the positions of sites in search results for queries.

It is difficult to say exactly how often the issue is updated. Judging by the statistics of updates, this can be just once a month or even less often, or two or three updates in a short period of time, for example, within one week. But at the same time, it is worth knowing that the site’s positions can change in the intervals between these updates, only the changes are minor. The update is accompanied by significant changes in search results.

If the development of the resource occurs correctly, the site is well internally optimized, its link mass and trust increases, then such a site will certainly move higher in the search results for the selected keywords. If you are constantly working on your site, then it is after the update that you need.

If your positions have increased, it means you are on on the right track, and you can continue working in the same direction. If your positions have fallen, this may be a signal that your actions are not correct and that mistakes have been made in your promotion.

But you should know that a drop in positions is not a guarantee of your wrong actions. If you watch for a long enough time how the site’s position on requests changes from update to update, then it becomes clear that even with proper optimization and the constant growth of external links, there may be small drops with subsequent growth in the next update. Therefore, I think there is no need to panic if you see a slight drop after an update, it is better to wait for the next one and only then draw any conclusions.

There may be several reasons for this. If, between updates, you increased your link mass, exchanged links with other resources, then perhaps not all links were found and taken into account, or the site that links to you fell under the filter.

If you made some changes to the promoted page and a crash occurred, then, firstly, you need to make sure that the updated page is already in the index, and secondly, again wait for the next update and after that draw conclusions.

In my practice, it also happened that without any reason. But then they returned to their own place.

TIC update

The most long-awaited update for many bloggers, especially for those who are going to or are already making money by selling links.

The AP TCI recalculates the thematic citation index, which is calculated based on the links that lead to your site, taking into account the thematic nature of the referring resource.

There is a distinction between updating a push-button TCI and a toolbar one. In principle, they happen at the same time, but not exactly. First, the push-button TCI is updated, and then the toolbar one, therefore, while the apa period (can last from several hours to almost a day), it is the push-button TCI that is more accurate and reliable, and it is this that is reflected in.

A push-button TCI is a button in the form of money (you can get it from Yandex itself), which you can often see on different sites.

And the toolbar is a TCI in Yandex.Bar, which can be installed in your browser.

This update happens most unexpectedly, although there are exceptions. Either it happens consistently once a month, then it’s gone for more than 2.5 months, or suddenly twice with an interval of a week (I’m talking about the latest updates). What this may be connected with is a mystery.

Any breaks or, conversely, excessive frequency in updates may be due primarily to the fact that Yandex has made some changes to its algorithms and is testing them. During testing, the site’s indicators and its positions on queries can fluctuate greatly and change significantly, but, as a rule, after a storm everything falls into place.

How to find out accurate and correct Yandex updates

I have already told my readers that I check updates on this site, and also installed their widget on the Yandex main page. For me this is the most convenient, because... I often use Yandex search, unlike many optimizers who do not recognize anything other than Google :).

Updates, as a rule, begin somewhere after 12 a.m. Moscow time, and the promosite widget immediately shows this. But I’m in no hurry to immediately check positions and other things. The search database is very large, and updating it takes quite a lot of time, up to several hours, so there is no point in checking anything at night; everything can change before the morning. You can check only in the morning, when the update has already passed and everything has settled down.

But there are other services that also monitor Yandex updates. You can find information about updates on any of the resources. Already known to all of us, it also shows updates. So, I think there are problems with getting up-to-date information There is no information about Yandex database updates.

Also, after each SERP or TCI, topics are created on various SEO forums where optimizers share their successes or failures, express their thoughts, and build hypotheses about which schemes for promoting or raising TCI work and which don’t. Of course, no one gives away secrets, but if you read it carefully, you can always learn something useful for yourself.

But most importantly, everyone can receive a message about the update of the search database on their email from Yandex itself. In Yandex Webmaster in Settings there is a page that is very difficult to get to if you don’t know where it is. On it you can select the news that you want to receive, and also choose how you want to receive it - directly in the Webmaster interface or to your mailbox.

But I want to warn you that if you follow updates only using this function, you will learn about the latest updates, because... discussion of the update begins as soon as it begins, and Yandex sends a message about the update only when everything is over. But at this moment you can be sure that the update has passed and you can already check how many positions the site has risen in search results.

That's all I wanted to tell you today. Now you know exactly what updates are, what kind of updates Yandex has, how often they happen and how to monitor them.

Good luck with your development.

Seopult– this is completely automated system By search engine promotion resources in Yandex, Google and Rambler. Allows you to promote websites with virtually no personal participation owner of the site, since he performs automatic mode full set necessary procedures– such as compiling anchors, purchasing links on the exchange and monitoring the site’s position in the search results of each system.

History of development

The official date of birth of the Seopult system is November 11, 2008 - then Seopult was presented at the third Moscow Internet Marketing exhibition. At the exhibition, Seopult was presented as an internal software package, which was supposed to be used to facilitate the promotion of UnMedia client sites. However, the speed of site promotion, which Seopult demonstrated only in the first month, made it possible to talk about its use outside the UnMedia structure: already in November 2008, 600 sites were promoted, and in a fully automated mode.

In 2009, Seopult began working with keywords and introduced the Yandex update analyzer into the systems, which made it possible to regularly update work algorithms in accordance with the requirements of the search engine.

In 2010, Seopult made it possible to track resource traffic statistics using Google counter Analytics. It allows you to view data about site visitors based on specific keywords, along which the transition was made.

The one hundred thousandth user was registered in the system on February 7, 2011 and received a prize of ten thousand rubles from the company management.

Seopult functions

Seopult provides users with A complex approach to solve the problems of promoting Internet resources, so at the moment a whole series of modules has been developed to facilitate the work of the SEO optimizer.

Seopult system modules:

  1. Module for working with internal factors, influencing the ranking of a site by search engines. Using this module, you can conduct a site audit, identify the most relevant pages and get recommendations for necessary changes content.
  2. The budget module allows you to estimate the project cost and budget for each individual request using keywords. The analysis uses data on the link mass of competing sites.
  3. A module for generating link texts and placing them in the text.
  4. A module that allows you to regularly monitor purchased links. If links bring losses, the module allows you to replace them automatically.
  5. The reporting module provides users with a daily summary of all funds spent, as well as the position of the promoted site in search results.

The creators of the Seopult service claim that fully automated processes for promoting a resource will save up to 50% of the link budget, as well as save material costs on an SEO optimizer. In addition, Seopult developers assure that all templates available in the system were initially tested on projects of the system itself.

Seopult operating modes

Each of the described modules of the Seopult system can operate in both fully automatic and manual modes. Automated work is a strict adherence to system operation algorithms, which directly depend on search engine ranking algorithms. All work schemes for Seopult were developed individually by UnMedia.

IN manual mode the system user has the opportunity to change settings directly during the campaign to promote the resource and manage major decisions. In the near future, the developers promise to add the ability to hire third-party contractors for copywriting, rewriting, code optimization, etc.