Creating a reflection effect in Photoshop. Water Reflection Effect Options Dialog Box

After three days on " hotline", I still begged Morozov for the task. And I wasn’t even upset when he sent me to some kind of regular youth action: volunteers handed out leaflets to passersby about the dangers of alcohol and nicotine, and at the end they staged a flash mob, collecting the phrase “We are for healthy image life!
I interviewed the guys, asked the opinions of several passers-by about the action in particular and about the harmful habits of humanity in general, and added all this general statistics Rosstat about the approximate number of smoking and drinking residents of the Russian Federation, information about the consequences of this lifestyle, and was generally pleased with the resulting material. But in the latest issue of the newspaper, only four sentences remained from him! And in response to the attempt to be indignant, “GlavVred” stopped standing on ceremony and abruptly switched to “you” and snapped dryly:
- I told you what - write the information! They don’t teach you to distinguish between genres there, in the cultural capital? Information, Lisa, these are four sentences, or rather three - what happened, where and when? All! Why the hell did you write me a three-page poem? Newspaper space should be used sparingly and saved for relevant materials.
- But it's very actual topic!
- This is a dead topic! - Morozov snapped displeasedly, having been in a bad mood since the morning. - Do you think that because you scared drunks with the vague specter of cirrhosis of the liver, they will suddenly stop and start new life? Wait a minute! Such individuals use newspaper exclusively as a snack.
- But…
- That's it, Lisa! You have one publication, congratulations, rest. - Morozov fenced himself off from me with a pile of papers and with his whole appearance showed that he was extremely busy. - Go home, then we’ll pick up something else.
“Again on two lines,” I thought gloomily and suggested:
- Maybe I should write about some interesting person? I am good at such materials.
- Oh really? - the editor snapped angrily and suddenly chuckled insidiously. - I love initiative students. Well, if you insist, we have one here interesting person. Manager surgical department Igor Borisovich Gorin. Candidate of Medical Sciences, by the way. Performs operations that the regional luminaries of medicine do not undertake. The other day he won a large grant for the department, but the problem is that he is a modest person, does not like the press, and refused an interview. If you, Lisa, suddenly manage to convince him, you can write at least ten pages of material. I won't cut it.
Judging by the cunning gleam of gray eyes, the task they set before me was practically impossible, but it was inconvenient to refuse - it asked for it. All that was left was to breathe and ask:
- Can you give me some kind of document confirming that I am doing an internship with you? Well, to make it easier to introduce yourself? At Boudoir they issued me a freelancer’s certificate.
- Where where? - Morozov asked sarcastically, and the expression on his face became the same as at the moment of looking at the ill-fated love detective novel. - This is a lady's pussy, or what? Well, of course, we'll write it out. Why are we worse than this “Peignoir”?
Seems like all kinds of funds mass media Morozov divided exclusively into serious ones, among which he included “Temensky News”, and empty ones, that is, women’s ones. I regretted that I said about “Boudoir”, now they won’t assign me anything worthwhile here. Unless we can convince Gorin to descend to the regional newspaper. I wonder if I even have one chance?
Before visiting the hospital, I addressed this question to the editor of the social and legal department, Zhanna Valerievna Pronichkina, a plump, pretty thirty-four-year-old brunette with glasses. Medicine was her topic, so she couldn’t help but know the famous surgeon. Hearing this name, the woman became sad and shook her head negatively, explaining:
“I’ve been following him for five years now, ever since he literally pieced together the boy who was hit by a tractor. Useless. And it’s also very unpleasant: Gorin is not one of those who tactfully chooses his words, he says what he thinks. Everyone. Always. He was given the nickname “scalpel” not because of his profession, but because of his language. So don't waste your time and nerves, don't go. And in the morning you will tell your boss that nothing worked out.
“Come on, let the girl try,” Leonid Boriskin, working at the next table, intervened. - Look how thin and pale she is, as if she just crawled out of his department, maybe this will get through to him.
- Lenya, you should have submitted an article about opening a poultry farm an hour ago, didn’t you forget? “You shouldn’t be distracted, “ChiefVred” is already not in the mood in the morning,” Zhanna sternly reminded her cheerful colleague, and she gave me a sympathetic smile and advised: “If you still decide to go, don’t immediately say where and on what issue, otherwise he will It won’t even come to you.
When I, having decided not to be offended by the “pale and thin one,” asked what to ask Gorin if he agreed to an interview, Zhanna and Leonid exchanged surprised and mocking glances. Boriskin cackled again, muttering something inarticulate about naive students, and Pronichkina, rummaging through the computer, printed out a rough list of questions, clearly having no doubt that I wouldn’t need it.

Morozov did not appreciate the initiative shown. As soon as I had time to cross the threshold of the editorial office, he called me into the office and attacked me with reproaches.
- Who asked you to meddle with Brodsky! - he growled, throwing away the ceremony and familiarly switching to you. - What is this, some kind of protest? Why are my instructions being ignored? The initiative, Lisa, is not something that came into your head, but something that I approved.
“But a journalist should be able to make independent decisions,” I added timidly.
- A journalist - yes, but a half-finished student - only after agreement with the editor-in-chief! - Rodion Vasilyevich clarified sternly. - And I highly doubt that it was your decision. Probably, Gorin got the idea, the scoundrel!
I blushed - there was nothing to object to this except one thing:
- Why did you send me to him? They knew that he would refuse!
- I couldn’t even imagine that you would trample on Brodsky! And now he’s been calling me for hours and complaining about tactless students sticking their noses where they shouldn’t. Here you are! - the gloomy Morozov showed me a simple black mobile phone that exploded with a trill and accepted the challenge. - Yes, Matvey Sergeevich, don’t shout like that. I understood you last time. I agree, this is simply outrageous,” “ChiefVred” took a long pause and continued angrily. - An outrageously short list of questions! Was it worth taking you away from work for such a little thing? Therefore, we will expand it, supplement it, send it with official request and, according to Article 39 of the Law “On the Mass Media”, you will be obliged to answer it within seven days! Otherwise, the prosecutor's office will ask you for failure to comply with the law. All the best!

In this tutorial you will learn how to create text effect with a mirrored landscape using nature photos, clipping layers, masks, brushes and filters. Let's begin!

This effect was inspired by the many layer styles available on GraphicRiver.

1. Create the background and text layers

Step 1

For a quality result, it is very important to choose the right picture. There should be two contrasting areas on it, which we will mirror and get desired effect, and one of the contrasting areas should be fairly monochromatic with a small amount of detail.

Open a foggy landscape or any other picture in Photoshop. The image is quite large, so we will adjust its resolution using the command Image- ImageSize(Image - Image Size). Enter the required dimensions and click OK.

Step 2

We write any text using the Sumac Typeface font, then press Ctrl+T to activate the mode free transformation, and adjust the text size to the size of the document.

When finished, press Enter to accept the changes.

2. Apply texture to text

Step 1

Duplicate the layer Background(Background), place a copy above the text, right-click on it and select CreateClippingMask(Create a clipping mask).

Step 2

Let's move on Edit- Transform- FlipVertical(Edit - Transform - Flip Vertical) and Edit- Transform- Fliphorizontal(Editing - Transform - Flip Horizontal).

Step 3

Let's take MoveTool(V) (Move) and using the arrows on the keyboard, move the texture until we find the most successful location.

3. Create a gradient mask

Step 1

Select the text layer and click on the button at the bottom of the layers panel Addlayermask(Add a layer mask).

Step 2

Let's take GradientTool(G) (Gradient), on the top panel select a black and white gradient and style Linear(Linear).

Click on the text layer mask and fill the bottom of the text with a gradient, starting from a point outside lower limit text and ending about halfway to the next boundary.

So we got smooth transition between the bottom of the text and the background.

4. Adding the finishing touches

Step 1

Above all the previous layers, add a new one and call it “Brush”, then take BrushTool(B) (Brush).

Set the Foreground color to white and add a set of Smoke brushes to Photoshop. With their help, we draw smoke around the text to better blend the inscription with the foggy background.

It is very important when working to adjust the opacity of the brush and the “Brush” layer separately in order to get a more interesting result than when using one opacity level.

IN in this case I reduced it Opacity(opacity) of the layer to 50%, and for the brush in the process of working on the top panel I changed the opacity.

Step 2

Above the previous layers, add a new one and call it “Noise”, then move on Edit- Fill(Editing - Fill). In the window that appears, install Content(Content) on 50% Gray(50% gray) and click OK.

Step 3

Right-click on the “Noise” layer and select ConverttoSmartObject(Convert to Smart Object). Change the blending mode of the smart layer to SoftLight(Soft light).

Step 4

Set the foreground and background colors to black and white respectively (key D) and go Filter- Noise-AddNoise(Filter - Noise - Add Noise).

Install Amount(Effect) by 15, Distribution(Distribution) - on Uniform(Uniform) and check the box next to Monochromatic(Monochrome). Please note that the value Amount(The effect) depends on the image size you chose at the beginning of the tutorial.

Congratulations, we're done!

In this tutorial, we used an image, clipping layers, masks, as well as brushes and filters to create a creative text effect with a mirrored landscape.

Feel free to leave comments, suggestions and share your results.

“We are not inclined to take risks when there is something to lose, but we are willing to take risks when there is a hope of minimizing losses.”

The psychological term "reflection effect" is so named because it suggests mirror reflection the same reality, passed through the prism of how uncertain the situation is and how its possible outcome is assessed.

This concept helps to clearly see that a person tends to abstain from risk if, in conditions of uncertainty, he first of all clearly the size of the expected benefit is shown. On the other hand, this effect clearly demonstrates that in the same circumstances Most people are inclined to take risks if they are first clearly told the extent of the possible losses.

The mechanism of interaction between these two psychological aspects was called the reflection effect.

As far as we know, one of the first scientists to describe the reflection effect was 2002 Nobel Prize winner in economics Daniel Kahneman, in collaboration with his friend (now deceased) Amos Tversky. In their famous work Prospect Theory, academics graphically presented the effect of reflection in the following form:

The S-shaped curve represents the degree of suppression of risk appetite

As can be seen from the graph, the more significant the benefit appears in a person’s eyes, the more he will suppress his inclination to do things that increase the risk of not receiving it; and conversely, the greater the losses the outcome of events promises, the less the individual is inclined to resist those options that, although they seem quite risky, carry a real hope of minimizing possible losses.

The apparent obviousness of the relationships described above takes on a rather unusual coloring in the light of the results of the experiments that were conducted by scientists.

Scientific investigative experiment

In 1981, Kahneman and Tversky co-authored the article “The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice,” in which they described the behavior pattern of two groups of people faced with a certain choice.

The conditional situation was associated with the following legend: the United States is facing a dangerous epidemic affecting citizens of Asian origin, due to which about 600 people from the specified risk group living in this territory could die.

To solve this problem, 2 programs were developed, of which you need to select only one for use:

  • program, A: if you choose it, 200 people will be saved;
  • Program B: If you choose this program, the chance of saving 600 people is estimated to be one in three (1/3), while the chance of killing all 600 people is two in three (2/3).

This group of respondents showed the following result: 72% of participants chose program A.

The second group was told the same story, but with different (diametrically opposed, i.e., “mirror”) formulations describing the consequences of the implementation of each of the programs:

  • program, A: if you select it, will die 400 people;
  • Program B: if you choose it, there is a one in three (1/3) chance that no one will die, while the probability of all 600 people dying is estimated at two in three (2/3).

The choice of this group turned out to be a mirror reflection of the result of the previous one: 78% voted for program B.

And since Daniel Kahneman, being a psychologist, became a Nobel Prize laureate in the field of economics, and not in the field of psychology, then marketers can all the more try to find ways to apply the reflection effect he described in the field of Internet marketing.

The Reflection Effect in Internet Marketing: Two Applications

Below are 2 conditional situations and ways to solve them in favor of online entrepreneurs and marketers using the reflection effect.

Situation 1: the visitor is thinking about whether to leave his lead (contacts) in registration form on the landing page.

Solution this situation from the perspective of the reflection effect: focus the client’s attention on the benefits of the USP.

Mechanism of action reflection effect: the desire to receive the listed benefits suppresses the tendency to risk not receiving them in case of refusal to fill out the lead form.

Situation 2: a person is thinking about whether he should unsubscribe from a previously subscribed mailing list.

Solution this situation from the perspective of the reflection effect: focus on what he will lose by unsubscribing from the mailing list (in practice, these can be not only elements of the USP, but also bonuses, as well as special offers).

Mechanism of action reflection effect: fear of incurring damage in the form of lost benefits suppresses the tendency to take potential risks.

In this lesson we will learn how to create realistic reflection object in the water. There will be many steps in the lesson, but in reality the special effect is simple. With its help, you can process any photo (although those photos where there was no water to begin with are better suited for this). We'll add ripples to the water using a couple of Photoshop filters, including the Displace filter, where we'll create and apply a special card offsets. Also in this version of the lesson, Photoshop’s ability to create smart filters is used, which will allow us to correct the effect of the filter at the very last moment.

We take this photo as a basis:

And here is the reflection we get as a result:

Step 1: Create a copy of the layer BackgroundLayer

The first step is to make a copy of the original. It is in the layer Background Layer, V currently it’s the only one we have in the layers panel:

Layers panel with original photo BackgroundLayer

We will create a copy of it by opening Layer in the menu located at the top of the screen and pressing New, and then Layer via Copy. You can also click Ctrl+J(Win) / Command+J(Mac) on the keyboard, it will be faster:

Opening Layer > New > Layer Via Copy

Photoshop creates a copy of the layer with the name Layer 1, we see it in the layers panel above the layer BackgroundLayer:

Layers panel with new layer Layer 1

Step 2: Add Extra Space at the Bottom

Now let's enlarge the canvas by adding space at the bottom for our reflection. Open in top menu Image and choose Canvas Size:

Opening Image > Canvas Size

Canvas Size. First of all, put a tick in front of the option Relative. Then we set the width Width 0 Percent and height Height 100 Percent (make sure you set it to Percent and not Pixels, Inches or anything else).

Under option Relative there is a field Anchor 3 × 3 cells. Select the middle cell in top row. Photoshop will add extra space at the bottom of the photo. And although this is not critical, in order to know that we are doing everything the same, in the option Canvas extension color located at the bottom of the dialog box, select White:

When finished, close the dialog box by clicking OK. Now our canvas has become twice as large, a piece of white color has been added below:

Step 3: Flip the photo in the layer vertically Layer 1

Now you need to flip the photo in the layer Layer 1, placing it upside down under the original, which will give us the effect mirror reflection. To do this, open Select at the top of the screen and select All or click Ctrl+A(Win) / Command+A(Mac) on the keyboard. This way we select the entire layer Layer 1, along its edges you will see an outline:

Choose Select > All

After that, open the menu Edit, then Transform, then Flip Vertical:

Opening Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical

The photo is turned upside down in relation to the original, just as we wanted. Before we move on, let's remove the selection outline. To do this we go to the menu Select and choose Deselect or click Ctrl+D(Win) / Command+D(Mac) on keyboard:

Choose Select > Deselect

Now we have original photo her mirror image appeared:

We flipped the layer Layer 1 vertically

Step 4: Combine these two layers into one

Now we need to combine the original and reflection into one layer. The easiest way is to do it from the keyboard. Click Shift + Ctrl + Alt + E(Win) / Shift + Command + Option + E(Mac). As if nothing had changed, but in the layers panel appeared new layer Layer 2, and in its thumbnail to the left of the name we see that it combines both layers that are under it:

Layers BackgroundLayer And Layer 1 are now merged in a new layer Layer 2

Step 5: Add a Clean Layer Blank Layer

We need to create another layer, this time clean. To do this, click on the icon New Layer at the bottom of the layers panel:

Click on the icon New Layer

Nothing happens to the image, but a new layer is added to the layers panel at the very top. Layer 3:

Layers panel with new blank layer Layer 3

Step 6: Fill the New Layer with White

The new layer must be filled with white. To do this, open Edit at the top of the screen and select the command Fill:

Opening Edit > Fill

Photoshop will open a dialog box Fill. In option Use, which is at the top, select White and make sure that in the option Mode, which is below, is installed Normal, and the value Opacity - 100 %:

Options Fill

Click OK, the window will close and Photoshop will fill the layer Layer 3 white. It will hide everything else from view for a while:

This is what our image looks like after the layer Layer 3 filled with white

Step 7: Using a Filter Halftone Pattern create black and white horizontal lines

Now using one of the Photoshop filters - Halftone Pattern- draw a white layer Layer 3 black and white horizontal lines. But first you should make sure that the foreground and background colors are set to default (black foreground and white background). This is necessary because the filter Halftone Pattern depends on the foreground and background colors, and for purposes this lesson we need it to be black and White color A.

The easiest way to restore default settings is to press D (Defaults) on keyboard. IN color cells At the bottom of the toolbar, you should see that on the top left is black (the foreground color), and on the bottom right is white (the background color):

After making sure that everything is fine with the flowers, we will select Photoshop filter CS6 Halftone Pattern. It's in the filter gallery Filter Gallery. Open in the top menu Filter and choose Filter Gallery:

Opening Filter > Filter Gallery

A huge gallery of filters opens, most of which is occupied by the preview area located on the left. The middle column contains filters classified into different categories. Find a category Sketch, click on its name and you will see a list of filters contained in it. Choose Halftone Pattern:

Options for customizing the filter appear in the right column of the filter gallery Halftone Pattern. First we select Line as Pattern Type. Then, observing the changes in the preview area, move the slider Size regulating the number of blacks and whites horizontal lines. These are our future ripples in the water. Let's set the value to 10. Below is the Contrast slider, which adjusts the clarity of the boundaries of these lines. The lower the value, the softer the border. We'll need fairly soft lines, so set Contrast to 4:

Right column with filter settings Halftone Pattern

Click OK, gallery Filter Gallery will close by applying a filter to the layer Layer 3. You should now have something like this:

Image after applying the filter Halftone Pattern

Step 8: Select the Bottom Half of the Image

Make sure you still have the layer selected Layer 3(it should be highlighted in blue in the layers panel), after which, while holding down the key Ctrl(Win) / Command layer Layer 1:

Holding Ctrl(Win) / Command(Mac), click on the thumbnail Layer 1

The bottom half of the layer will be selected Layer 3(perhaps this is not very clearly visible in the screenshot):

Bottom half of layer selected Layer 3

Step 9: Apply the command Perspective Transform

At the top of the screen, select Edit, then Transform, then Perspective:

Opening Edit > Transform > Perspective

Manipulators (small squares) appear in the corners of the bottom of the layer. Click on the bottom left or bottom right and move it a little away from the center. By moving only one of them, you will see that the second one also moves to opposite direction. Notice that the lines at the bottom of the layer become thicker and those near the center become thinner. This is a filter Perspective creates a sense of perspective, which will make our ripples more realistic, since the distance between the circles on the water will increase in proportion to the distance from the edge:

We don't touch the top half of the layer because the reflection effect will only be applied to the bottom half of the image. So there is no point in worrying about the upper half.

When finished, click Enter(Win) / Return(Mac), then Ctrl+D(Win) / Command+D(Mac) to remove the selection outline (you can also open the Select at the top of the screen and select Deselect, as we have done before). You should now have something like this:

Layer after applying the command Perspective Transform

Step 10: Create a copy of the layer in a new document

From this layer we will make a displacement map, but first we need to save it in separate document. Go to menu Layer and select Duplicate Layer:

Opening Layer > Duplicate Layer

Photoshop will open a dialog box Duplicate Layer. In option Document located in the lower half of the window, select New:

In option Document install New

Clicking OK, close the dialog box. A new Photoshop document will open in a new tab. A tab with a new document will appear at the top of the screen to the right of the first document. Since we haven't given it a name yet (we'll do that now), it's called Untitled-1:

Step 11: Save and close the new document

All we need to do with the new document is save it and close it. Go to menu Layer and select Save As:

Click File > Save As

A dialog box will open Save As. Let's name our document water-ripples. Under the file name there is an option Format, we will install Photoshop.PSD, because to create a displacement map we need to save it as a Photoshop document. Don't forget where you save the file so it's easy to find later. Save the file in a folder on your desktop. When finished, click Save, the file will be saved and the dialog will close:

Give your file a name and save it as Photoshop.PSD

Note: depending on Photoshop settings Another window may open with the option Maximize Compatibility. In this case, just click OK and close the window.

We saved new document, so you can now close it by clicking on the cross next to its name in the tab. You'll notice that it now has a new name instead of Untitled-1(in my case - water-ripples.psd). But the original document remains open:

Step 12: Delete the Layer Layer 3 in the original document

In the original document layer Layer 3 we don't need it with lines anymore, so select it in the layers panel and click Backspace(Win) / Delete(Mac) on the keyboard. You should now have three layers left, with the top layer selected Layer 2:

Layers panel after deleting a layer Layer 3

Step 13: Transform the Layer Layer 2 to smart object

Now we're ready to move on to editing the reflection with filters, but first let's convert this layer into a smart object. Thus, the filters will become smart filters, which means that we will save full control over the settings of these filters until the very end. By activating the layer Layer 2, click on the menu button located on the right top corner layers panels:

A menu opens with options that control layers. Select an option from the list Convert to Smart Object:

Select an option from the list Convert to Smart Object

At first glance, it looks like nothing happened, but in the lower right corner of the layer thumbnail Layer 2 icon will appear Smart Object, which means that the operation was completed successfully:

An icon appears on the thumbnail smart object

Step 14: Apply a filter Motion Blur

Let's start by blurring this layer a little. At the top of the screen, select Filter, then Blur, then Motion Blur:

Opening Filter > Blur > Motion Blur

In the dialog box Motion Blur set the value Angle 90° to set the vertical blur direction, then move the slider Distance, which is located at the bottom of the window, a little to the right, adding a slight blur (move the slider, keep an eye on the image). Let's install Distance 6 pixels, but in this case the photo is of low resolution. If the resolution is higher, then the number should be larger:

A dialog box opens with filter options Motion Blur

Click OK, the window will close, applying the filter to the image. Please note that there is very little blur. And don't worry about the fact that it affected the entire frame area, we'll fix that soon:

Motion Blur

Step 15: Apply a filter Displace

Now let's create ripples in the water using the newly created displacement map. Return to menu Filter, select Distort, then Displace:

Opening Filter > Distort > Displace

Filter overlay Displace consists of two stages. First, we'll use a few options to set how much the displacement map will affect the pixels in the image, and then select a file to serve as the displacement map. We will set the main options in the dialog box that appears. Displace. We will need a horizontal distortion, similar to circles on the water diverging to the sides, for this we will use the option Horizontal Scale, which is at the top of the window. We'll set the value to 4, but since we're working with a smart filter, we can go back and change it at any time.

We don't need vertical movement, so in the option Vertical Scale 0 remains. Finally, in the option Displacement Map select Stretch To Fit, and in the option Undefined Areas - Repeat Edge Pixels if this is not the default:

Setting the basic options Displace

Clicking OK, close the dialog box. A second window will appear where we will select the displacement map. Open the folder where you saved the file in step 11 water-ripples.psd. Select it and open it using the button Open:

When we open the file, Photoshop immediately applies a displacement map to the entire image, creating the appearance of water ripples (again, don't worry, next step we'll fix it):

Photo after applying the filter Displace

In the Layers panel below Layer Layer 2 we see two smart filters ( Motion Blur And Displace). Although we've already applied both of these filters, we can still adjust them. If you want to try changing the settings, for example changing the value Distance for filter Motion Blur or meaning Horizontal Scale filter Displace, open any of them by double-clicking from the layers panel, and the corresponding dialog box will appear again. At the end of this tutorial, you'll see that filter settings that produce great results on one photo won't necessarily look as good on another. There is always room for experimentation, so having smart filters is extremely useful:

Holding Ctrl(Win) / Command(Mac), click on the thumbnail Layer 1

A selection outline will appear around the bottom of the photo:

At the bottom of the layers panel, select Layer Mask:

Click Layer Mask

A layer mask thumbnail will appear in the Layers panel. Layer 2, its top half will be black, which means that it is now hidden from view, while the bottom half, white, remains visible:

Now the ripples in the water are visible only at the bottom of the image, and at the top is the untouched original photo:

Step 17: Color the water by creating a new adjustment layer Hue/Saturation

Let's complete the special effect by slightly changing the shade of the water. To do this we'll need a new adjustment layer, but since we only want to edit the bottom of the image, don't forget to click Alt(Win) / Option(Mac) use the keyboard and mouse to select the icon New Adjustment Layer at the bottom of the layers panel:

Holding Alt(Win) / Option(Mac), click on the icon New Adjustment Layer

From the list of adjustment layers that appears, select Hue/Saturation:

Add an adjustment layer Hue/Saturation

When we hold Alt(Win) / Option(Mac), Photoshop opens a dialog box to create a new layer before you add it. Select an option Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask. Photoshop will "clip" the adjustment layer to the layer below it, meaning the changes will only affect the bottom half of the image (to understand how this works, see the Basics of Clipping Masks in Photoshop tutorial):

Select an option Use Previous Layer To Create Clipping Mask

Click OK, and the dialog box will close and Photoshop will add a new layer to work with. Hue/Saturation directly above the layer Layer 2(with mask):

Adjustment Layer Hue/Saturation, limited to the layer Layer 2

We will manage the new layer through the panel Properties panel. First, check the option Colorize. Then move the slider Hue right to about 210 to get a nice blue tint:

Options Hue/Saturation in the panel Properties

Here's what we got when we colored the bottom half blue:

Step 18: Lower the Opacity of the Adjustment Layer

The last step remains: lower the opacity of the adjustment layer to make the added blue tint more subtle. Option Opacity located in the upper right corner of the layers panel. Let's reduce it to about 25%:

Meaning Opacity reduced to 25%

And that's it, you're done! Here is the final version of the water reflection special effect after lowering the opacity of the adjustment layer:

This effect also looks very good on landscapes. Let's show it using one photo as an example:

Photo after creating the special effect. This time we set the filter option value Motion Blur Distance 4 pixels instead of 6 (step 14), in the filter Displace(step 15) used the value Horizontal Scale only 1 instead of 4, making only a barely noticeable ripple, and in last step(step 18) reduced Opacity adjustment layer Hue/Saturation up to 10% instead of 25%. As you can see, specific indicators depend on the photo, so experiment and evaluate the result again each time:

Another example of the same special effect.