Download the maps mi app. Free GPS navigators for Android with offline maps

MAPS.ME – Offline maps is a mapping service made to work offline. The program allows you to find and download a map for any country, and then perform navigation, search for places and much more, even without an Internet connection.

The developer company MAPS.ME was founded in 2010. The startup received active development, as a result of which it was soon sold to Group.

Features of the MAPS.ME application – Offline maps

  • Work even without active connection to the Internet. Useful for those who often find themselves in places with expensive or poor-quality connections, making online navigation impractical.
  • To save traffic, the application includes two versions of maps: with and without routes. The first is suitable for those who need a navigator.
  • Maps are updated continuously, which significantly increases their relevance.
  • An advanced search system that allows you to find a location by name, keyword, coordinates or address.
  • Autofollow mode, in which the map automatically moves along with the movement of the smartphone owner.
  • 3D mode, which makes buildings on the map three-dimensional, which improves the information content of the application.
  • Thanks to caching, MAPS.ME works very quickly, leaving no empty squares even when moving very quickly.
  • Frequent updates and the ability to enter building data yourself makes the maps very detailed.

The MAPS.ME program is special in that it was originally designed to work without the Internet, prompting the user to download data the first time it is launched. This will not leave it without navigation at the wrong time, since in analogues from other developers, downloading occurs at will, as a result of which not everyone does it. The application supports all current OS

, including smartphones from Blackberry and Firefox OS. This is one of best apps for offline navigation. From version to version, new functions appear in it, and today it can lay out ordinary and pedestrian routes, has highly detailed maps and excellent speed work. The application is completely free and does not contain any restrictions on the number of downloaded maps - you can download at least the whole world

, if the smartphone’s storage capacity allows it.

In this application, the source of map information is the OpenStreetMap project, which exists and is filled with data thanks to the help of thousands of volunteers from around the world. The usefulness of this application may depend on the place where it is used, since in some regions it knows the location of literally every object, even shops and monuments, while in others it has difficulty displaying only the main streets. Free version allows you to download maps for ten different countries, which in most cases is quite enough. Some additional functions implemented in OsmAnd using plugins, which also need to be downloaded separately. Overall OsmAnd is a powerful application with large set functions, but with a somewhat confusing interface.

City Maps 2Go

This app's maps and data are stored on your device, so you can access them at any time, including offline. All functions such as address search, reviewing and GPS location can work without Internet access. Although the map data is also drawn from the OpenStreetMap project, I found the map detail in this application to be a little less detailed than in the previous one. allows you to search for addresses, attractions, points of interest in offline mode, however, does not have a navigation function. An interesting feature of this application is the integration with Wikipedia, so you can always get Additional information about the places you are interested in.

Google Maps

We can talk about the main mapping application for Android for a very long time, since it has a huge amount different functions. However, in light of this review, we're most interested in offline use. It was possible to download map sections in this application before, and more recently the developers added full-fledged navigation and search for objects without an Internet connection. So now Google Maps You can safely use it abroad while roaming or in places where Internet connection is not available.

Saving the map

App Store and Google Play

Today we updated Yandex.Maps for iOS and Android. Now search in the application works even without Internet access. This will be useful if mobile account suddenly you run out of money or you find yourself in roaming or in a place where there is no cellular network signal.

In offline mode, you can search for addresses, toponyms and organizations: cafes, shops, ATMs, pharmacies, gas stations and so on. Maps will not only show where the organization is located, but will also provide details: opening hours and telephone number. If you are looking for a hotel, the application will indicate approximate cost rooms, and if a restaurant - then average bill. And all this without the Internet: you just need to save the map to your device in advance the desired city or region.

View information about organizations offline

Despite the fact that the offline card now has more features, it weighs much less. Let's say a map of Moscow takes up only 144 MB instead of 1.9 GB, and a map of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region takes up 231 MB instead of 3.2 GB. It was possible to make the map easier by switching to new format: Instead of raster maps, the application uses vector maps. Peculiarity vector graphics— the ability to scale the image without losing quality; Thanks to this, there is no need to save several versions of the same map at different scales.

Saving the map

Finally, we've added several features to the app that make using the map easier. Firstly, the angle of the map can be changed - just swipe two fingers across the screen. This will help, for example, to navigate the street you are going to walk or drive along. And secondly, street names are now always visible - even if traffic jams are turned on in Maps.

You can download new Yandex.Maps from the App Store and Google Play. When updating the application, maps previously saved to memory will be deleted. You will need to download them again - but as a result free space there will be much more on the device.


Today we updated Yandex.Maps for iOS and Android. Now search in the application works even without Internet access. This will come in handy if your mobile account suddenly runs out of money or you find yourself roaming or in a place where there is no cellular network signal.

In offline mode, you can search for addresses, toponyms and organizations: cafes, shops, ATMs, pharmacies, gas stations and so on. Maps will not only show where the organization is located, but will also provide details: opening hours and telephone number. If you are looking for a hotel, the application will indicate the approximate cost of the rooms, and if you are looking for a restaurant, then the average bill. And all this without the Internet: you just need to save a map of the desired city or region to your device in advance.

View information about organizations offline

Despite the fact that the offline card now has more features, it weighs much less. Let's say a map of Moscow takes up only 144 MB instead of 1.9 GB, and a map of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region takes up 231 MB instead of 3.2 GB. The map was made easier by switching to a new format: instead of raster maps, the application uses vector maps. A special feature of vector graphics is the ability to scale the image without losing quality; Thanks to this, there is no need to save several versions of the same map at different scales.

Saving the map

Finally, we've added several features to the app that make using the map easier. Firstly, the angle of the map can be changed - just swipe two fingers across the screen. This will help, for example, to navigate the street you are going to walk or drive along. And secondly, street names are now always visible - even if traffic jams are turned on in Maps.

You can download new Yandex.Maps from the App Store and Google Play. When updating the application, maps previously saved to memory will be deleted. You will need to download them again, but this will result in much more free space on your device.

Today we updated Yandex.Maps for iOS and Android. Now search in the application works even without Internet access. This will come in handy if your mobile account suddenly runs out of money or you find yourself roaming or in a place where there is no cellular network signal.

In offline mode, you can search for addresses, toponyms and organizations: cafes, shops, ATMs, pharmacies, gas stations and so on. Maps will not only show where the organization is located, but will also provide details: opening hours and telephone number. If you are looking for a hotel, the application will indicate the approximate cost of the rooms, and if you are looking for a restaurant, then the average bill. And all this without the Internet: you just need to save a map of the desired city or region to your device in advance.

View information about organizations offline

Despite the fact that the offline card now has more features, it weighs much less. Let's say a map of Moscow takes up only 144 MB instead of 1.9 GB, and a map of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region takes up 231 MB instead of 3.2 GB. The map was made easier by switching to a new format: instead of raster maps, the application uses vector maps. A special feature of vector graphics is the ability to scale the image without losing quality; Thanks to this, there is no need to save several versions of the same map at different scales.

Saving the map

Finally, we've added several features to the app that make using the map easier. Firstly, the angle of the map can be changed - just swipe two fingers across the screen. This will help, for example, to navigate the street you are going to walk or drive along. And secondly, street names are now always visible - even if traffic jams are turned on in Maps.

You can download new Yandex.Maps from the App Store and Google Play. When updating the application, maps previously saved to memory will be deleted. You will need to download them again, but this will result in much more free space on your device.

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We have updated Yandex.Maps for iOS and Android. Now you can search for addresses, toponyms and organizations even without the Internet. The maps will show you what you need and clarify details: for example, the organization’s phone number and opening hours. Offline maps have become easier - so, detailed diagram Moscow takes up only 144 MB, and St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - 231 MB. The angle of the map can be changed: to do this, just swipe across the screen with two fingers.


We have updated Yandex.Maps for iOS and Android. Now you can search for addresses, toponyms and organizations even without the Internet. The maps will show you what you need and clarify details: for example, the organization’s phone number and opening hours. Offline maps have become lighter - for example, a detailed map of Moscow takes only 144 MB, and St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - 231 MB. The angle of the map can be changed: to do this, just swipe across the screen with two fingers.

We have updated Yandex.Maps for iOS and Android. Now you can search for addresses, toponyms and organizations even without the Internet. The maps will show you what you need and clarify details: for example, the organization’s phone number and opening hours. Offline maps have become lighter - for example, a detailed map of Moscow takes only 144 MB, and St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - 231 MB. The angle of the map can be changed: to do this, just swipe across the screen with two fingers.

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Cards are one of the most popular standard applications in iOS. Navigation on smartphones and tablets is a very useful feature in mobile devices that allows you to comfortably and quickly find your way to the right places, buildings and addresses. However, in addition to the built-in iPad application, there are several other high-quality and convenient navigation applications, including offline maps for iOS.

Popular iOS maps

Google Maps. Exactly this popular app among all iOS cards, which is installed on almost every iPhone and iPad. A high degree of detail, pedestrian and car routes, a useful Street View function (viewing streets in photos) - all this makes the Google application the most popular among users of mobile devices not only with iOS, but also with other operating systems.

Yandex maps. The topographic service developed by Yandex is considered the most the best option for Russian users of mobile devices with iOS. Yandex iOS cards can work offline, have a wide useful functionality, are distinguished by detailed depiction of the terrain and other advantages. Yandex iOS maps are worth downloading for every owner of an Apple device, since you can find more detailed information O populated areas Russia is impossible in any other service. The application is updated regularly, and you can download it absolutely free. The application can also be used.

2 Gis. Although in this map service relatively present a small amount of cities, the information provided about each of them is absolutely complete and does not need any correction. The names of organizations, their addresses and telephone numbers, as well as routes to them - this is very convenient for many business people. The application is at the stage active development, which promises him very great prospects.

Navitel. These iOS offline maps are also very popular among users of Apple mobile devices, but they have a rather controversial reputation: some users are delighted with them, while others do not want to hear about the service. Among other things, the application is paid; for maps of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus you will have to pay about 2,000 rubles. Surprisingly, the area plans European countries are much cheaper.

City Maps 2Gooffline maps iOS, which will help every travel lover. The service is constantly updated with new cities, providing users with information about their institutions and attractions.


Use detailed maps offline

This app is especially valuable for travelers because it does not require an Internet connection to use. If you download Maps Me for Android, maps of various cities will always be at hand. The application also has other interesting options.

Features and Features

GPS location determination - the program is adapted specifically for use on smartphones and tablets. It does not require an Internet connection; the traveler's current coordinates are determined using GPS.

Offline maps are main reason download Maps Me for Android for free. Users can pre-download to their mobile device detailed maps more than 345 cities in different countries. All of them will be available offline and differ high level detailing. The maps indicate many points of interest for the traveler, from attractions and ATMs to gas stations and pharmacies.

Detailed walking routes - the application will help the user choose the best one walking route before desired point. The navigator also works without the Internet.

Maps.Me supports such useful features, like auto-rotate maps, the ability to import or export maps, allows you to leave marks on them and interact with each other among users of the service.

Ease of use and design

The application is not overloaded with complex settings. Its controls fully correspond to the definition of “intuitive”. Him modern design and nice color scheme. The detailed and visual construction and display of routes deserves praise. It is possible to connect voice prompts in 24 different languages.

Paid content

You can download Maps Me for Android for free on this page. The application does not have trial period, built-in advertising and restrictions on use. The maps are also completely free to download. From any additional content The developers refused to pay at the end of 2014.