Systems based on thermal sensors

In modern retail trade conversion rate is used to motivate sellers. How many of the people who came were converted into buyers? It’s not difficult to calculate how many people made a purchase. But how many people came into the store? Below general review existing solutions to count buyers with my thoughts about the pros and cons of a particular system.

The systems on the market can be divided according to their operating principle:

  • Systems operating using infrared rays;
  • Systems operating on thermal sensors;
  • Systems with video sensors.
Systems operating using infrared rays.
The system consists of an IR transmitter and an IR receiver. An infrared beam passes between them. As soon as a person crosses it, the sensor is triggered.

Horizontal systems are divided into unidirectional and bidirectional. Unidirectional - there is only one beam; when it crosses, the counter is triggered. Bidirectional - there are two beams, depending on the order of their intersection, it counts as input and output.

By food type infrared sensors are divided into autonomous and non-autonomous. Autonomous ones are powered by batteries, non-autonomous ones are powered by the mains.

Based on the type of connection, they can be divided into those connected to a computer and those not connected to a computer.

By type of installation - horizontal, vertical. Vertical – installation height no more than 3 m. Horizontal – passage width no more than 5 m (in fact no more than 2 m).

pros– low cost (set cost from 3500-10000 rubles depending on the configuration), ease of installation and configuration. When connected to a computer, it is possible to create analytical reports, including direct data transfer to the office over the network. It is possible to integrate this type of system into anti-theft gates.

Minuses– high error, without connecting to a computer it is possible to view reports only by day, and not by hour, and this is done by the store manager. Quite easily deceived by sellers (beam blocking). With autonomous power supply, frequent battery replacement is required (on average once every three months). There is a possibility that the sensor will use non-standard batteries, the cost of which is noticeably higher and they are more difficult to find. (although they look like the same AA batteries). The software often fails; reinstalling the software yourself without calling the supplier is often problematic. Without permanent fee Technical support for the software is quite weak.

General impression- a very inaccurate and, in conjunction with a computer, a very capricious system that is quite easy to deceive. But inexpensive. Suitable if you need approximate data when the flow of customers is not very intense.

If the salary of salespeople depends on conversion, then I do not recommend using this type of system

Systems based on thermal sensors

The person is visible as a heat spot. This eliminates double counting of visitors, as in the case of beam crossing. It is possible to connect directly to local network with data transfer to the office bypassing the computer. Can be connected to a computer.
Installation height from 3 to 11 m.
Pros: higher accuracy, independence from lighting, it is difficult to deceive such a system.
Cons – cannot be used next to thermal curtains. They give a large error if the entrance to the store is next to the entrance to the street.

In my opinion, the solution is not universal; it has a number of installation restrictions. Average price sensor costs about several tens of thousands of rubles.

General impression- in large retail chains, where store configurations can vary greatly, I would not use them. But to equip a large shopping center, where it is clearly stated in advance in the architectural project is quite acceptable.

Systems operating on video sensors.
Such systems are based on sensors with video cameras (one camera in 2D and two in 3D sensor).

pros- high counting accuracy, the ability to transfer data directly to the office via the network, bypassing a computer. Possibility of generating reports in a slice of up to 5 minutes. In the case of 3D sensors, it is possible to approximately estimate the height of buyers and remove children from traffic. It is almost impossible to cheat such a system. Counting accuracy is 95-97%.

Minuses– sensors depend on lighting. In poor lighting, accuracy decreases, 2D sensors can mistake shadows for people, 3D sensors can count reflections as people.
However, in 3D sensors this is compensated for by a flexible system of settings.
It is possible to set up a “buffer zone”; a person walking around the trading floor will not be counted twice if he walks near the entrance. Those. a person came in, stood in the buffer zone and left. In this case, it will not be counted (in the picture below it is outlined in yellow).
The average cost of a 3D sensor is 70,000-90,000 rubles.

General impression- In my opinion, 3D sensors are the most universal and accurate solution, which is being actively implemented in many retail chains. Given the high calculation accuracy (95-97%), data from these sensors can be used when calculating the bonus part of salespersons’ salaries.

The people counting system should be selected based on the objectives.
It should be remembered that after installation the system must be maintained, and this is also an expense. Sometimes it is better to install a more expensive system, but in the long term maintenance will cost much less.
And if the tasks change, then a system change may be necessary. Therefore, it is better to think about the future in advance.

If you are faced with the task of approximately estimating the flow of buyers, without using the data to calculate seller bonuses, then I would recommend setting inexpensive system horizontal counting by IR beam without connection to a PC, without autonomous power supply. This option will provide data with a high error, but at a minimal cost. If the sensors fail, they are easy to replace; they are not tied to computer equipment. The system consists of one unit – the sensor itself. However, the number of visitors for the whole day will be known, without breakdown by hour, and the manager may forget to send them or enter the wrong number.

If you are faced with the task of estimating the number of visitors with a minimum error and using this data to calculate bonuses for sellers, then it is better to install 2D/3D sensors. You will receive high accuracy, sellers will not be able to influence the data in any way, the data goes directly to the office, has much fewer installation restrictions (you can equip all stores, practically without taking into account such individual features as thermal curtains, ceiling height, entrance width, distance from going outside).
The system consists of two nodes – a sensor and a power supply. If there is no connection with the office, the sensor can work autonomously for up to 10 days, saving data to the internal memory.
True, in this case you will have to install a server in the office that will receive and process this data. Or order data processing services from a third party.

I would not recommend using intermediate solutions. By intermediate solutions I mean IR sensors connected to a computer via a radio channel.
You will need to call third-party specialists and give them access to the PC, install additional software, and train staff to use it.
Also, such a system has more components that can fail (the sensors themselves, the base that receives data from the sensors, the computer, the software on the computer). In this case, data is transmitted from the sensor to the base via a radio channel, which reduces the reliability of the system.
If you have 1-2 stores, then this solution is still acceptable. For large network it doesn't fit.

The MegaCount 3D STEREO visitor counter uses a stereo video sequence algorithm consisting of two individual images allowing to achieve a stereo effect.

The image from each receiving sensor enters the counter's GPU processor, where, using a stereo vision algorithm, a three-dimensional image scene is created, allowing one to accurately distinguish passing visitors under the counter.

1) No need for a computer to be turned on all the time, all mathematical calculations take place in the meter
2) High counting accuracy up to 100%, the counter accurately determines a person’s height
3) Exclude shadows, children, bags, strollers and grocery carts
4) Elimination of the influence of clothing color and changes in external lighting
5) People counting in large shopping centers
6) Counting customers in line

Exception from counting:
1. Shadows
2 children
3. Baby strollers
4. Grocery strollers
5. Bags


The Stereo 3D video counter, developed by the MegaCount engineering team taking into account the latest advances in stereo analytics, has highest performance. For parallel calculations operating with huge data streams, the stereo counter is equipped with a video chip computer vision, which is used in modern robotics.

GPU processor MegaCount Stereo 3D uses a powerful dual-core 1.8GHz GPU DSP processing unit for continuous streaming stereo data processing. A stereo counter is a multifunctional analytical tool that is as powerful as modern computers. Wide-Angle Lenses MegaCount Stereo 3D is equipped with two lenses that provide a 120-degree field of view with unique depth of view. Thanks to the wide field of view, higher counting accuracy is achieved compared to similar devices using telephoto lenses. Minimum size MegaCount Stereo 3D is made in a modern plastic case, lightweight and impact resistant. It is the smallest dual lens device on the market. The aesthetic form allows the counter to be invisible to visitors. PoE power supply – 1 cable required for operation MegaCount Stereo 3D uses Power technology over Ethernet for power supply and data transmission. This connection method significantly reduces the complexity of installing and starting the system, and also does not require sockets near the sensor. Non-volatile memory MegaCount Stereo 3D uses 4GB FLASH memory, providing a long data storage period, which is important for long-term work and calculations operating with huge data flows. The stereo counter is capable of storing accumulated statistics for more than 15 years.

Device dimensions 135x65x25 mm

Stereo 3D depth map technology

Lens Two wide-angle lenses. Viewing angle 120°

Housing Impact-resistant plastic housing, IP62 protection class

Calibration Fully automatic

Power supply PoE: 48V DC, 0.12A (6W) Height sensitivity From 5 cm

Memory Non-volatile FLASH

Installation height From 2.5 to 6 m

Operating speed 30 FPS

Processor Dual-core GPU assembly

Store visitor counters are becoming increasingly common among Russian retailers. What are they? How can a business owner choose optimal solution from among the products of the corresponding category offered on the national market?

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Why do we need people counting systems?

Devices that can estimate or even accurately count how many people have visited a retail outlet are used primarily for marketing purposes. The availability of data on visits in comparison with sales statistics allows you to calculate conversion (the ratio of the number of visitors and actual buyers) and, as a result, business efficiency (the work of specific specialists responsible for organizing sales).

Indicators on store visits over time will be very informative - so as to track them in relation to specific activities aimed at improving sales. If there is a correlation here, then store owners and managers will have the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of each individual promotion tool.

Let us now consider in more detail what types of visitor counting systems there are, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Types and principle of operation of store visitor counters

The number of store visitors is counted using technical solutions, which can be classified into the following common varieties.

1. Based on infrared sensors

This is how such systems work. At the entrance to the store (or other control point, where there is the least likelihood of interference with the operation of the equipment), 2 devices are installed - an IR ray emitter and a receiver. Customers are expected to walk between them. The system turns on and 2 infrared beams are passed between the emitter and receiver.

If a buyer enters a store, then the contact between the emitter and the receiver is sequentially interrupted 2 times - when the buyer crosses the first one - let it be beam A, and then the second beam - let it be beam B. The system records that the buyer has entered the store.

If the customer leaves the store, then the contact between the emitter and the receiver is also interrupted, but the order in which each beam is interrupted changes. That is, beam B is interrupted first, and then beam A. The system records that the customer has left the store.

Note that there are also unidirectional solutions on the market - those that provide for the use of only 1 infrared beam.

The main computing component of the system here is a computer, to which infrared sensors using special interfaces send signals that a person has entered or left the store. Communication between sensors and PC can be wired or wireless - with using Wi-Fi. The sensors can operate from mains or batteries.

The main advantages of infrared people counting systems include:

  • affordable price;
  • low visibility;
  • relatively high protection from interference, temperature changes, air humidity, and indoor lighting.

But IR sensors also have disadvantages. First of all, this is not the highest measurement accuracy. For example, if he goes into a store married couple holding hands (there are quite a lot of such buyers), then the system will most likely identify them as one visitor. And if they come out separately, it will be like two. Thus, there are possible both obvious errors in calculating the total number of visitors, as well as discrepancies in determining the number of visitors arriving and leaving.

Another disadvantage of IR sensors is that they can only be installed in relatively narrow passages - usually no more than 2 meters. This is not always possible, especially in large chain stores, where the comfort of visitors comes first.

When connecting the devices in question to a PC, as a rule, it is possible to generate various analytical reports in a user-friendly format (if specialized software is available).

2. Based on thermal sensors

The operating principle of such systems is completely different. Their main technological component is a thermal scanner. When it is turned on, it scans the surrounding space and determines its temperature background. As soon as a person enters a space within the “field of view” of the scanner, the device detects a change in the temperature background in the scanned area. The system records, depending on the location of the device, that the customer has entered or exited.

The main advantages of this category of devices include:

  • adaptability to installation anywhere in the store (as a rule, such devices are mounted on the ceiling and can scan almost any area in the store underneath them);
  • relatively high accuracy with low customer traffic.

Thermal sensors also have disadvantages, including:

  • relatively high cost;
  • sensitivity to changes in the thermal background (for example, due to the inclusion of an air conditioner or heater);
  • high probability of inaccuracies in measurements with large customer traffic.

3. Based on video meters

This category of store visitor counters includes a large number of There are different types of solutions, and the principles of their operation can vary significantly. The only thing they have in common is the fact that, as a key technological component a video camera is used - capable of forming real picture from the sales floor (areas where the number of visitors entering and exiting is analyzed).

Most technologically advanced simple solutions based on video cameras - those that operate on a principle similar to that characterizing thermal sensors. Cameras on such devices, having “scanned” the surrounding space, set the parameters of the light background in the store (the analyzed area) when there are no visitors. When a visitor enters (exits), the light background changes, and the system records, accordingly, the person’s entrance or exit.

The main advantages of such solutions include:

  • as in the case of heat meters - the possibility of installation on the ceiling (moreover, such an installation is considered the most optimal for ensuring efficient work devices);
  • the possibility of using the existing video surveillance infrastructure (subject to the installation of the necessary software, if necessary, update the camera firmware in order to ensure its operation in the desired mode);
  • the ability to use cameras, along with their use as part of visitor counting systems, as part of the infrastructure of security systems and for other purposes.

The main disadvantage of systems operating on the basis of the principle of recognizing a buyer against a general light background is the low accuracy of calculations in many scenarios of consumer behavior (for example, if a person, while in the analyzed area, stands for a long time and does not know whether he will enter the store or not), when changes in the light background not provided for software algorithm(for example, if objects similar to a person fall into the lens - large toys, items of outerwear), in heavy traffic, general change background light (for example, if a lamp burns out, the sunlight). Ideal conditions to ensure the accuracy of measurements using the devices in question may not be observed too often.

The next common video technology is based on the use of 2D and 3D video counters. It can be called specific specifically to the segment of equipment designed to count the number of visitors in a store.

Such systems operate using complex, and at the same time reliable (the most reliable when using 3D systems) algorithms for recognizing objects in a video image. The visitor in the picture is perceived by the camera not as a change in the light background, but as an object with given characteristics. The most modern devices The categories in question allow visitors to be divided into adults, children, and even men and women - according to typical anthropometric data that is included in the camera control program.

If we talk specifically about 2D systems, then their installation is cheaper - since it involves installation in general case no more than 1 chamber in the analyzed area, but, at the same time, it is not overly characterized high accuracy calculations under conditions that deviate from typical ones. For example, when direct sunlight hits objects that the lens catches. 2D systems are also sensitive to dense customer traffic. Many 2D counters involve the use of video cameras with functionality that is characterized by high level autonomy - that is, it performs basic operations by analyzing a video stream, without transferring data to a computer.

Systems based on 2D meters are an excellent solution for small and medium-sized retail chains, who, however, master advanced sales optimization algorithms by analyzing customer traffic data. In turn, the largest brands prefer to be equipped with more powerful 3D systems.

Solutions based on 3D counters involve the use of not 1, but 2 (if necessary, more) cameras. This is done to improve the quality of video stream analysis, which is performed in 3 dimensions. Technologies implemented in 3D store visitor counters make it possible to analyze a given area of ​​a shopping center for the appearance of almost any objects there. It doesn’t matter how similar they are to visitors - the system will detect the presence of a person in the analyzed area with a probability of about 97%.

The functionality of many 3D systems includes the separation of customers from store staff and the correct establishment of the entrance (in case of “doubtful” behavior of visitors). The quality of operation of devices, as a rule, does not depend on the amount of customer traffic, lighting level, air temperature and other factors that can affect the accuracy of counting the number of customers with less technologically advanced devices.

The video cameras included in the solutions under consideration are characterized by the highest degree of autonomy. In fact, information about customer traffic, ready for use for marketing purposes, is transferred to the server of the store’s responsible employee.

Perhaps the most pronounced disadvantage of 3D customer counting systems is the high cost of such solutions. But it should be noted that the target group of users of these systems are the largest chain retailers and shopping center tenants. They should not have problems equipping with such infrastructure.

Note that the final effectiveness of 3D systems is largely determined by their quality component base. Solutions that are nominally identical in functionality can show a noticeable difference in performance if some use parts from little-known manufacturers, while others use components from leading global brands (in the segment of suppliers of 3D video counters, such manufacturers include Xovis and Brickstream).

4. Other devices

What other technological solutions in the segment of devices for counting the number of visitors to a retail outlet may be worthy of attention?

Such devices include those that operate on the basis of so-called kinect technologies. Such solutions involve establishing the fact that a person visited the analyzed area using infrared rays, which make it possible to record the sequence of movement various objects in the appropriate area. IR emitter in in this case equipped unique feature- recognizing a beam reflected from an object and calculating the distance to it based on the time delay between the exit of the beam and its return to the receiver after reflection.

This technology in some implementations makes it possible to reduce the cost of infrastructure; however, its use in practice requires, as in the case of using the least technologically advanced solutions, conditions that are close to ideal in terms of the absence of factors that can affect the operation of the equipment.

Other notable technologies that are in demand among retail business owners:

  • ibeacon(calculating the movement of visitors through the mobile devices they use and allow to be used as beacons);
  • tracking based on data over Wi-Fi networks(here it is possible to use a wide range of technologies - for example, those that involve establishing the fact of a visit to the analyzed site by detecting what is carried by the buyer mobile device, which carries out automatic search Wi-Fi networks).

Let us now study which popular solutions from those described above are in demand in the Russian market.

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Review of popular people counting systems

Leaders Russian market equipment for counting customer traffic - companies "Vatcom" and "Anti-Theft". The share of the first in the segment is about 60%, the second is about 20%. When choosing the optimal solution for your business, you can focus on offers, first of all, from these leading suppliers.


The Watcom company produces equipment for counting customers under the unified brand CountMax (LINK).

The main product line that belongs to this brand is presented:

  1. Horizontal infrared sensor.

The device is designed for placement in passages whose width does not exceed 2 meters. It is possible to count visitors in 2 directions - at the entrance and at the exit. Information about visits is recorded in non-volatile memory devices. They can be transferred to the computer of the responsible employee at any time.

The manufacturer claims an accuracy of 96% in measuring visits when placing the sensor in aisles not exceeding the specified width, and provided that 1 person passes through the sensor. In addition, it is stated that the accuracy of measurements is not affected by temperature, air humidity, or illumination.

The device can be installed in 2 ways - on the walls or on special racks to the right and left of the passage.

  1. 2D counter (video data).

The device is capable of tracking and identifying objects in the analyzed area by the nature of their movement. It is possible to track up to 15 such objects simultaneously. There is a function for counting people who pass by a retail outlet (at the same time, those people who did not enter the trading area are also excluded from the counting process). The system records the time the visitor spends in the analyzed area.

Among the most notable characteristics of the device:

  • adaptability for collecting data on 5 different metrics (among them - counting customers in line, in the service area);
  • the ability to establish 6 analyzed areas with different metrics;
  • adaptability to remote control;
  • possibility of video recording.

The device has a high degree of autonomy. All necessary settings are stored on a special flash memory module, which remains functional even when the power supply is turned off. The device carries out a full cycle of processing video data, which results in a stream of data adapted for use for marketing purposes.

Data about visitors is stored in the device’s memory for 140 days.

This solution is optimal for small and medium-sized retail outlets with traffic.

  1. 3D counter (video data).

The device, like the previous solution, tracks and analyzes objects within given areas based on the nature of their movement, tracks people passing by, and records the time visitors spend in certain areas. Up to 15 objects are simultaneously monitored in the analyzed area.

Traffic is assessed using 6 markers, including the visitor’s weight and height. Objects are tracked taking into account their height, shape and other parameters. The device allows you to analyze up to 32 independent sections using different metrics.

The manufacturer states that air temperature, light, and humidity do not affect the quality of equipment operation. The stated measurement accuracy is 98%.

Maybe remote control system, viewing video recordings. Like the previous solution, the device is characterized by a high degree of autonomy. Information about visits is stored in the device memory for 140 days.

The sensor is usually fixed to the ceiling, but it can also be installed on vertical surfaces. Camera overview within the analyzed area - 360 degrees.

This device is designed for use in retail outlets with any volume of customer traffic.

  1. 3Dx counter (video data).

The device allows you to count visitors according to 3 metrics - entry, exit, and the number of visitors in the analyzed area. It is possible to track an unlimited number of visitors within the camera's visibility range.

The device determines the duration of a person’s stay in the analyzed area (monitoring of visits to 8 such areas is supported). The viewing angle of the meter cameras is 130 degrees.

It is possible to remotely control the device by distinguishing user rights between normal and those set for the administrator.

The device is positioned by the manufacturer as having exceptional measurement accuracy. At the same time, the device can be configured to change the logic of site analysis in order to achieve the most accurate results of measuring customer traffic.

Like other solutions from Whatcom, this system is characterized by a high degree of autonomy of work. Data storage in the device memory is possible for 122 days. The device is designed for use in retail facilities with any amount of customer traffic.