Irbis reference information system. Installation and launch. Main software and technology components

The system uses the TCP/IP network protocol, so you must first ensure its support on all machines on which the system will operate.

To install, execute the appropriate mode of the installation program - "IRBIS 64 Server". In this case, you must specify the full path for installing server software and system databases, as well as the port ( the default is 6666). The server should be installed on a machine with a dedicated IP address. Simultaneously with the server, the Administrator workstation is installed along the specified path. These parameters can be changed in the future (they are stored in the server ini file irbis_server.ini).

Composition of the IRBIS64 server

irbis_server.exe – executable file for launching the server as a regular Windows application.

service_64.exe – executable file for starting the server in Windows service mode.

server_64.exe – executable file of the processing process. Launched by the IRBIS64 server, not intended to be launched by the user.

irbis64.dll - library for accessing IRBIS64 databases and formatting records.

A fully functional DLL - irbis64_client.dll - (and a full description for it) has been created for client access to the database through the IRBIS64 server. This DLL is addressed to user-developers who intend to create their own applications to access the IRBIS64 database in a client-server architecture. (To access the IRBIS64 database in the file server architecture, use irbis64.dll). (RELEASE_9_1)

To start the server in Windows application mode, use the IRBIS_SERVER.EXE program. After the server starts, a corresponding icon appears on the taskbar in the indicator area. To call the server dispatch modes, use the menu that appears when you right-click on the server icon.

Running the server as a Windows service

In addition to launching the IRBIS64 server program as a separate application irbis_server.exe, it is possible to launch the IRBIS64 server as a WINDOWS service. During the server installation process, the service is registered automatically, after which it can be launched from the WINDOWS services start menu.


If an error occurs during registration of the service or it does not work, you must configure the service manually. To configure, you must perform the following steps:

Service_64.exe /INSTALL . After this, a service named Irbis64_Service will appear in the list of installed WINDOWS services.

It is necessary to set the 1st command line parameter of the service equal to the full path to the server executable module. The name of this module is determined in the ini file irbis_server.ini of the IRBIS64 server by the SERVICE_NAME parameter. By default it is equal to irbis_server.exe, but you can also use the console version of the IRBIS64 server server_64_console.exe. This path must match the path to service_64.exe and the path to the IRBIS64 server ini file irbis_server.ini. This must be done once in the regedit.exe program - the WINDOWS registry editor. To do this, you need to find the address in the WINDOWS registry:

And add the full path to service_64.exe to the ImagePath value as a command line.

Was - service_64.exe

It has become service_64.exe

To unregister the IRBIS64 service, you must complete

Service_64.exe /UNINSTALL.

See also:

State Public Scientific and Technical Library

(State Public Library for Science and Technology of Russia)

International Association of Users and Developers

electronic libraries and new information technologies

(EBNIT Association)

Web-IRBIS 64

User guide

State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia

Moscow 2005

UDC 025:65.011.56

BBK 78.30

Web-IRBIS 64. User's Guide - M.: State Public Library of Science and Technology of Russia, 2005. - 44 p.

The software of the Web-IRBIS 64 system is designed to provide Internet users with access to electronic catalogs and other bibliographic databases of the IRBIS64 library automation system. The Web-IRBIS 64 system is a standard integrated solution in the field of automation of library technologies and is intended for use in libraries of any type and profile for use as one of the main components of library Internet servers and Internet complexes. The system fully meets the international requirements for such systems and supports all domestic bibliographic standards and formats.

ISBN 5-85638-028-2© State Public Library for Science and Technology of Russia, 2005

© EBNIT Association, 2005

Chapter 1


General information

Web-IRBIS 64 software is designed to provide Internet users with access to electronic catalogs and other bibliographic databases prepared using the IRBIS64 system. The Web-IRBIS 64 system is used as one of the main components of library Internet servers and Internet complexes (BIK).

Main system characteristics of Web-IRBIS 64

    Unified technology for servicing local and remote users.

    The ability to use a single bibliographic array, both for technological operations and for servicing local and remote users.

    Ability to work with any number of bibliographic databases.

    Wide range of customization options and creating the most convenient environment for users of a particular library.

    Ability to use any user-defined output formats, including RUSMARC, UNIMARC, USMARC.

Basic operations of Web-IRBIS 64

    Search in an arbitrary database with the IRBIS64 structure for an unlimited number of fields, for any elements of the description and their combinations, using the logic “AND”, “OR” and “ENTIRE PHRASE” , with the ability to determine prefixes and qualifiers of search terms, grammatical normalization of words in the Russian language and the use of truncation apparatus.

    Refining search in the results of a previous search by condition (sequential search)

    Sort search results by criteria

    Storage of placed orders with the ability to edit (order “basket” mode).

    View the status of your reader's form in real time.

    When searching, use static dictionaries and rubricators included in search forms or connected externally, with the ability to combine dictionary elements with any other search requirements.

    Using dynamic database dictionaries, with the ability to obtain a list of dictionary terms and then search for selected terms; navigation through dictionaries, including setting the start of scanning by the first characters, and in terms of “next”, “previous”.

    Displaying records from an arbitrary database in all types of standard formats, including information, in the form of an index card, in tags and decrypted RUSMARC, UNIMARC, USMARC. It is possible to use any formats defined by the user in the IRBIS notation.

    Quantization of output records in a user-defined format, followed by navigation in terms of “next”, “previous”.

    Selection of records from among those found, with their subsequent processing, including uploading selected records in standard formats RUSMARC, UNIMARC, USMARC.

The software was developed in such a way that all functions and capabilities are fully controlled by the administrator of the library information complex, including setting up search forms, adding and removing search fields, setting their attributes, including rubricators and static dictionaries.

During the development of Web-IRBIS 64, special attention was paid to additional service functions aimed at improving user service and integration within library and interlibrary technologies through the library information complex.

This is especially important for approaching modern technologies of remote service for readers and electronic libraries. It is known that typical library information complexes have a significant drawback - a gap in the technology of search and subsequent access to the found primary sources. Of course, the situation is quite inconvenient for the user when he can find a description of the publication he needs, regardless of time and geographical conditions, and then cannot use modern communication technologies to obtain the document he needs.

To solve this problem, elements of support for electronic delivery of documents and direct access to full text (if available) from search results were introduced. In this case, of course, legal restrictions related to the need to comply with copyright were taken into account, i.e. The placement of full-text documents and the conditions for their use on the Internet underwent the required approvals from copyright holders.

It is necessary to note the created possibility of using different modes of access to databases. For this purpose, in the process of research and development, 3 basic modes were introduced, the properties of which can be combined and redefined for each specific Internet complex.

It should also be emphasized that the authorized access technology is not built on the level of standard Web server methods, but on the basis of original solutions using dynamically generated pages and form file libraries. This was implemented in order to expand the ability to adapt to specific conditions and increase resistance to unauthorized intervention.

The next important feature of Web-IRBIS 64 is the built-in support for including links to full texts of documents in the electronic catalog and database. At the same time, a free technology for generating links in the form of URLs has been implemented, which allows you to use this solution not only for creating your own collection of full texts, but also for cataloging and including Internet resources in a database, which is extremely important in modern conditions. Thus, Web-IRBIS 64 can be used as a basic technology when creating virtual and electronic libraries.

The process of creating links is quite simple and is fully integrated with the IRBIS catalog description creation technology: when formatting a record, a standard link is automatically generated and a direct link to the full text of the document appears in the description.

The advantages of Web-IRBIS 64 include the high speed of executing queries of varying degrees of complexity.

The Web-IRBIS 64 system supports extended and nested formats, which was not available in previous implementations, setting issuance parameters; allows the possibility of using advanced query generation tools and using several terms in one field; has advanced service functions.

Main software and technology components

Rice. 1. General functional block diagram of the operation algorithm of Web-IRBIS 64.

Rice. 2.1. Block diagram of the operation of Web-IRBIS 64.

Display of new arrivals The IBIS_EX section provides display of an advanced search page and display of dictionary terms. The display of search results is set ONLY in the IBIS section, which allows it to be unified. On the other hand, this makes it impossible to transfer the I21DBN parameter by format to the search form.

The Web-IRBIS 64 system is based on the following set of main components (see Fig. 1):

    A module for providing communication between the Web server and the database, created on the basis of CGI (Common Gateway Interface - common gateway interface), which ensures that the software works with any servers that support this technology, which is a standard for running applications on the Internet. Modules using CGI are implemented as executable programs, while APIs are implemented as dynamic libraries. These modules are the only ones specific to various Web servers - all the others do not depend on the type of specified servers and methods of interaction.

    Modules for searching and formatting results are common to Web-IRBIS 64 and IRBIS64, and are implemented in the form of dynamic libraries. They are controlled by the communication module and provide search and output of pre-formatted results in accordance with the passed parameters. The final formatting and conversion to HTML is done by the communication module.

    A library of form files is the basis of secure authorized access technology. The developed algorithm will make it possible not to permanently store search pages and result pages - they are created when a request to perform an operation is received and are deleted after the process is completed. Therefore, it is impossible to provide unauthorized access to all modes from the Internet via direct URLs (universal resource locator).

    Technological databases. Contains information about registration of remote users and received orders.

    Tree of static pages. Used for initial study and as examples for designing your server. The Web-IRBIS 64 system is a reliable and convenient platform for implementing library Internet applications and their subsequent integration into a single library Internet complex.

Differences between Web-IRBIS 32 and Web-IRBIS 64

    The names of the ini file, gateway and frame storage folders are suffixed with the corresponding version. For example, cgiirbis_64.exe – cgiirbis_32.exe, i – i. This difference is necessary for the possible simultaneous installation of 2 versions.

    All frames of the two versions are in utf-8 format. In the ini file it is possible to change the encoding of frames and search links to WINDOWS-1251(ANSI). The possibility of independent encodings for frames and links is due to the fact that search links must be written in URI format, which is transmitted in UTF-8 Latin (same as in WINDOWS-1251). There are special unifors for working with encodings:

    • &unifor("+3E" - translation into URI format for transmission to the server.

      &unifor("+3D" – translation from URI (used by the gateway when working using the GET method).

      &unifor("+3U" - translation of ANSI to UTF8 - used in WEB IRBIS32 to generate links in UTF8 encoding.

      &unifor("+3+" – translation of the + sign into %2B for the correct transmission of a search query containing OR logic by reference in the parameter S21ALL – search query in the ISIS language.

Whatever encoding the frames are stored in, the gateway produces output in UTF8 encoding, which allows you to show diacrits in IRBIS32 when formatting found records.

The difference in the data storage format of IRBIS64 and IRBIS32 leads to a difference in the formation of search links if their encoding is set to UTF8. In IRBIS 32, you additionally have to translate the link into UTF8 using the &unifor("+3U" format. Web-IRBIS 64 is constantly being improved and modified, new functions and capabilities are being added, integration with other subsystems of the IRBIS 64 series is being deepened. User support is provided in the same way as in the traditional way , and through an Internet conference ( http:// irbis. gpntb. ru).

The developers will be grateful for any comments and feedback, as well as for advice on the further development of the system. Write to Mikhail Goncharov ( goncharov@ gpntb. ru) and Konstantin Sboychakov ( ksboychakov@).

Installing Web-IRBIS 64

General remarks

To install the software on the server, you need to run the program wsetup64 r. exe, included in the delivery set. If you do not have a Web server installed, then before installing Web-IRBIS 64, you must install it. All issues related to the use of servers are not the subject of this manual and should be resolved in accordance with the documentation for the server.

A general view of the installation directory is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 3 Root directory of the distributionWeb-IRBIS 64.

Before installing the product, you must determine and install (if necessary) in accordance with the instructions the version of the Windows operating system and the HTTP server (IIS, Apache, etc.). Currently, various versions of Windows and http servers are supported.

Windows 2000 + IIS

Windows 2000 + Apache

Windows XP + IIS

Windows XP + Apache

Windows 2003 + Apache

Unlike previous versions, installation paths are not automatically detected and require manual configuration of paths for the directory of HTML files and CGI scripts. You need to define these directories in advance and set the paths when prompted. In addition, you must keep in mind that the IRBIS64 server is required and during installation you will need to enter the path to its configuration file.

By default, test and service databases are located in the IRBIS64 server directory. You can change these paths in the config file irbis_server. in, which Always located in the root directory of the operating system (C:\Windows, C:\WINNT).

It is allowed to use network paths defined in a standard way.

It must be remembered that the tree of HTML pages of Web-IRBIS 64, in order to save user data, is placed in a special directory inside the root directory of HTML files of your http server. Therefore, the call to Web-IRBIS 64 is carried out as follows: http://<ИМЯ СЕРВЕРА>/Irbis64r/index.html. You can change the location of the Web-IRBIS 64 directory either during installation or when necessary using standard methods of moving subdirectories and making appropriate changes to the i.

Standard installation procedure

To install a complete set of programs, about 6 MB of free disk space is required. If an earlier version of Web-IRBIS 64 is already installed on your machine, it is recommended to make a backup copy of the system components. Typically these are form files created or changed during system adaptation, formats and parameters in irbis_ server. ini. To begin the installation procedure, you need to run the setup.exe program from the root directory of your distribution (see Fig. 3).

The installer contains two screens.

Rice. 4. First screen of the Web-IRBIS 64 installation program.

It must be remembered that for different http servers it is necessary to select the option for executing CGI scripts. By default (except when using IIS), the standard CGI and POST request method are used, which function optimally on most http servers.

Rice. 5. Second screen of the Web-IRBIS 64 installation program.

The following paths must be set (see Fig. 5):

    Path to the IRBIS64 server parametric file– this file contains paths to databases, access to which will be allowed through the Web interface, files for working with databases, paths to settings files for Web pages, temporary files

    Root directory of CGI programs and root directory of WWW pages– respectively, the paths to the root directories of the http server, in which executable programs (CGI, SCRIPTS) and the directory for HTML documents are located, respectively.

    Gateway type– executable module (exe) or DLL.

The following directories are created

    Along the DATAI path from the ini file of the IRBIS64 server, a folder frames_r\ibis is created with the subdirectories MAIN, MAINEX, MAINRDR, MAINRQST, MAINZAKAZ

    In the htdocs directory of the WEB server, an Irbis64r folder is created with subdirectories for scripts and images

    The Irbis64r folder is created in the cgi (or scripts) directory of the WEB server

    File i is written to the WINDOWS directory

The following files are added to the IRBIS64 databases:

    The following files are added to the IBIS database directory

Free_ekz.pft, fullwebr.pft, insert_export.pft, insert_file_author.pft, insert_search_result.pft, mfull.pft, referings.pft, web_dict.pft, WebNews.pft, zakaz.pft, avhead.srw, dkv.srw, dp. srw, dz.srw, god.srw, tipvid.srw.

    The following mful.pft files are added to the RDR database directory

The following files basket.pft, rqst_web.pft are added to the RQST database directory

Once the installation procedure is completed successfully, a message will appear on the screen.

Rice. 5. Message about the successful completion of the installation process of Web-IRBIS 64.

Then it is necessary to test the performance of the resulting software configuration.

Checking the functionality of the program after installation

On the screen after entering the address http://<ИМЯ СЕРВЕРА>/Irbis64r/index.html The main screen of the Web-IRBIS 64 system should appear (see Fig. 6).


is. 6. Start page
Web-IRBIS 64.

If the main screen of the Web-IRBIS 64 system is not displayed, then you need to check the functionality of your http server and the correctness of setting the path in the browser and in the file irbis_ server. ini. If necessary, you need to manually adjust the paths in the configuration files or the http server menu and irbis_ server. ini.

Then you need to check access to the sections. If it is impossible to display, carry out the actions described in the previous paragraph.

After this, it is necessary to check the functionality of the main mode - (see Fig. 6.). If the paths of the working program directory are specified incorrectly, the transition to building a search form is impossible. In this case, you need to match the real paths and the paths in the file irbis_ server. ini.

Rice. 6. Page for free access to the IRBIS database.

If the search form is displayed correctly, you need to test the different search modes.

Search results are displayed on a separate page (see Fig. 7.) in accordance with the request, in the form required by the user. The mode of free access to the IRBIS database is described in more detail in Chapter 2.

Rice. 7. Search results page.

If the search does not work or does not work correctly, you need to check that the paths are set correctly and the access requirements are met. It is necessary to remember that Web-IRBIS 64 requires the ability to write, create and delete files in the IRBIS64 server database directory, defined by the http server. For most http servers, no additional steps are required for this. The exception is IIS, for which additional operations must be performed (see. below)

If any of the above actions did not lead to localization of the problem, you need to report this to the following addresses: ksboychakov@ And goncharov@ . The letter must be accompanied by information about the product version and configuration file irbis _ server . ini and a detailed description of the problem.

Chapter 2


Features of Web-IRBIS 64

In general, the solution functions as shown in Fig. 8.

Rice. 8. Functional diagram of a typical solution.

The work of Web-IRBIS 64 is based on the use of form files. The request processed by the CGI program generates a response in the form of another HTML form for further work. The response is based on predefined form files. To construct a response to a CGI request for each command, the sequence of output of form files defined in file i is used. These output sequences form the complete HTML page. The output sequences are described below.

The main and only parametric file of Web-IRBIS 64 is i, which is located in the Windows system directory (for example winnt, winxp, etc.).

The option offered in the base package is a fully functional example of using the default IRBIS64 (ibis) database. To connect other databases, you need to make changes to the form files and perform additional configuration. As a simple solution to get started, it is recommended that you simply copy your e-catalog into the ibis database.

Basic CommandsWeb-IRBIS 64

    Show frameset (F).

  1. Display dictionary terms (T).

For each command in the parametric file i there is a hard decoding (name): F = ShowFrames, S = SearchFrames, T = DictionryFrames, Z = ZakazFrames.

Each name has a corresponding value in the form of a string that lists the frames, separated by commas, in the order they are shown after the command is executed. These commands may be defined differently in different sections for different databases. Moreover, for one database there can be any number of functionally different sections. The section name is specified by the I21DBN= parameter in the argument line of the parent link. The command is specified in the same link by the C21COM= parameter. A full description of the possible parameters is given in Table 2.

Search command (S)" - display search results and the command "Show frameset (F)" - provide display of a set of frames in a given order and display of search results.

The difference between these commands is that if the search result is zero, the SEARCH command displays a message text, which is taken from the gateway message file webmsg.txt. In the distribution this is an EMPTY REPLY.


example from the section. ShowFrames=header_1.frm, menu_2.frm,search_4.frm,rubrics_5.frm,News_6.frm,RESULT,footer_7.frm.

Rice. 8. Page for free access to the IRBIS database.

In this case, the main search page of the distribution is displayed, which is called via the link

Additional parameters in the link S21FMT= and S21ALL= provide search and display of new arrivals. By changing the set and sequence of frames, you can change the appearance and functional features of a dynamic page. For example, let’s remove from the sequence the frame rubrics_5.frm, which is responsible for displaying a fragment of the SRNTI rubricator. The result is shown in the figure.

Similarly, you can add, change and remove any frames.

Rice. 9. Changed page for free access to the IRBIS database.

The special name of the RESULT frame determines the point of issuing search results - after which and before which frame the results of formatting the found documents will be inserted.

Team"Displaying dictionary terms (T)" shows dictionary terms

The dictionary is displayed starting from the term specified by the parameter using the format that is specified in the parameters of the search form DICT_FORMAT= (by default - web_dict). Dictionary terms are shown as links that provide direct navigation to relevant entries. If you need to search for several terms, you need to mark them or enter them into the “Selected terms” input element by clicking the “Return” button. Navigation through the dictionary is carried out using the “Dictionary” button and the “Key” input element, which specifies the term from which the next portion is displayed.

Rice. 10. IRBIS database dictionary display page.

Command "Order (Z)" (Requires authorization). Orders one publication from the list of found ones.

Before completing an order, the distribution provides a special form in which you are required to indicate the reader's ID to confirm the order. In the distribution, this form has additional optional fields as an example of order organization.

is. 11. Search results page.

The required parameter is Z21MFN= order entry number.

The “My Form” and “My Cart” functions are available after authorization and provide a display of previously issued literature and the status of the user’s orders. In this case, orders can be deleted from the cart.

leadership and intra-system book exchange, ... professional community. Quality offered users information – regulatory and legal, ... for testing the program Web- « Irbis64". Based on it...

  • Research and development of means for ensuring interoperability of electronic information resources of scientific information


    ... users Internet to electronic catalogs and other bibliographic databases IRBIS. Web-IRBIS... I recommend reading the relevant section of this manuals: “The work leads to a doctorate” ... - 29-30 lines, 62- 64 character in the line. When typing...

  • I r b i s 6 4 / 1 2 8 general description of the system


    Local databases IRBIS64 , DB WEB-IRBIS 32/64 , BD Z39.50, BD IRBIS 128, RAIDB ... in the documentation Library Automation System IRBIS. AWS "Cataloguer". Managementuser. If the reformatting table is not...

  • “creation of a corporate network of public libraries in Moscow”


    Available for interested parties users reference information... 64 Kbps 64 Kbps - 56 Kbps 56 Kbps 64 Kbps 64 Kbps 64 ... namely: Web-IRBIS– a solution that provides... records. (Appendix B" Guides...") - b- agency -two-character...

  • Purpose and main characteristics of the Reader workstation is an automated workstation for the end user of the library and is designed to provide access to the Electronic Catalog databases in order to search for the necessary literature (information) and create an order for its issuance. Main characteristics of the "Reader" workstation: Comfortable, user-friendly interface, designed for a user who does not have any special knowledge; Availability of a wide range of search tools that provide quick (by direct access through dictionaries) search in the Electronic Catalog database for all the main elements of the bibliographic description and their combinations; Ability to work with several databases that make up the Electronic Catalogue; Taking into account different levels of user experience, i.e. the same result can be achieved both by performing a sequence of simple operations designed for a novice user, and by performing one non-trivial operation designed for a trained user; Availability of paperless technology for placing orders for issuing literature.

    Purpose and main characteristics of the automated workplace "Cataloguer" - is a workstation of a librarian who performs all the functions of creating (replenishing and adjusting) Electronic Catalog databases. In addition, the "Catalogizer" workstation is used to create and maintain databases of Readers, Authoritative Files, the Alphabetical Subject Index to the UDC/LBC, the Thesaurus, etc. To form a database of the Electronic Catalog, the "Catalogizer" workstation offers a technology in which the following can be distinguished: main characteristics: The structure of the bibliographic description, based on GOST and the international standard UNIMARC/RUSMARC. It is possible - in accordance with the user's requirements - to change this structure (both in the direction of simplification and in the direction of addition); A wide range of worksheets (screen forms) focused on various types of publications (including non-traditional ones) and types of bibliographic descriptions; Automated technology for linguistic processing (systematization, subjectization, indexing) of publications, including thematic navigation apparatus for the SRNTI Rubricator, Alphabetical Subject Indexes to the UDC/BBK, the Authoritative File of Subject Headings and the Thesaurus;

    An original technology for describing periodicals (magazines), which ensures, on the one hand, the presence of a summary description of the publication as a whole, including information about the receipt of all its issues (volumes), and, on the other hand, the presence of a description of a separate issue containing information about the articles included in it, with the ability to create analytical descriptions of individual articles; A special technology for copying data that eliminates the need for re-entry when creating similar bibliographic descriptions, in particular: when processing multi-volume (continuing) publications; A wide range of data entry service tools that simplify the input process and reduce the likelihood of errors - in particular, directory menus, dictionaries, Authoritative files, nested worksheets (eliminating the need to enter special separators for data elements); A system of formal-logical data control both at the level of individual bibliographic elements and at the level of description as a whole - significantly reducing the likelihood of errors in the input process; An original technology for automatically checking for doublets, eliminating re-entry into the Electronic Catalog database of the description of a publication already present in the database;

    Tools for importing/exporting data in communication formats (UNIMARC/USMARC/RUSMARC); Tools for global (group) database updating; Ability to connect graphic data, full texts of source documents and other external objects to bibliographic descriptions; A wide range of output forms for presenting bibliographic descriptions, incl. tables and indexes. Automated technology for obtaining a complete set of catalog cards - implemented directly in the process of creating (entering) a bibliographic description; A wide range of search tools designed to search for documents (bibliographic descriptions) for the purpose of their further correction or copying.

    The main functions of the compiler when working in an automated system are: entering into the Database (DB) new documents with a brief Bibliographic Description (BD) of books and Periodicals (PI) of newspapers, magazines, etc.; entering information about ordering books, subscribing to PI and receiving relevant printed documents for registration; tracking and control of order fulfillment; registration of book receipts and receipt of special printed forms; entering information into the catalog database about the disposal of copies of books from Library departments and about the transfer of part of the retired books to other departments (write-off); obtaining special printed forms.

    Purpose and main characteristics of the automated workplace "Book lending" is a workplace of a library worker performing the functions of issuing and returning literature. Main characteristics of the “Book Issue” automated workstation: Work with the queue of orders for the issue of literature, formed on the “Reader” automated workstation, in real time with recording of their execution; Availability of operational - updated in real time - information about free copies of ordered literature; Availability of operational - updated in real time - information about issued literature and readers who have it in their hands; A simple technology for recording the fact of the return of literature and the release of the corresponding copy; Recording of all information about the issuance/return of literature in individual cards (documents) of readers; The ability to obtain statistical information about the functioning of book lending - in particular, about debtors, outstanding literature and the number of issues (demand statistics); Special accelerated issuance/return technology based on barcoding of library cards and copies of publications.

    IRBIS 64- for Windows 2000/XP and higher in client-server architecture - for medium and large libraries - integrated automation system consisting of a TCP/IP database server and seven workstations

    Databases of classification systems on CD-ROM in the environment of the Universal Automated Workstation of Systematizer

    UDC table databases

    Databases are presented in the search interface of the IRBIS Library Automation System.

    Each database entry contains an index, heading name, links and guidelines. Abridged version entries have representative rubric extensions.

    Searching in databases can be carried out both by a full-depth graph, and by indexes of individual tables and by keywords. In the full database, a search for excluded indexes has been introduced, with information about replacement indexes provided.

    Database of complete UDC tables

    The database is a complete electronic edition of the UDC tables, corresponding to the complete 4th printed edition of the UDC tables - Universal Decimal Classification / VINITI RAS. – Complete 4th ed. in Russian language – M., 2001-2009, including Changes and additions. Vol. 1-6 – M., 2001-2013, as well as the Universal Decimal Classification. – 4th ed. in Russian language, corr. and additional Volume 1. – M., 2011.

    Database of abbreviated tables UDC

    The database is an abbreviated electronic edition of the UDC tables, corresponding to the abbreviated printed edition of the UDC tables - Universal Decimal Classification. Bookkeeping Worksheets. – M., 2002, updated in accordance with the full tables of the UDC, issued after 2002. The tables are an abbreviated version of the UDC, equipped with comments and links, and are intended to provide a unified approach to the systematization of publications as an intellectual product in publishing houses, libraries and bookselling enterprises and to facilitate the process systematization, which causes difficulties due to the large volume of complete UDC tables. Compared to the full version of the UDC, the main and auxiliary tables, methodological and reference apparatus have been simplified, and emphasis has been placed on comments that reveal the content of divisions and their terminological content.

    BBK table databases

    Databases are presented in the search interface of the IRBIS Library Automation System.

    Each database entry contains an index, heading name, links and guidelines.

    Searching in databases can be carried out both by a full-depth graph, and by indexes of individual tables and by keywords.
    The interface is equipped with convenient tools for selecting tabular indexes and constructing an index for a publication, with its subsequent transfer to a bibliographic record created using any automated library and information system.

    BBK Average Table Database

    The database is an electronic edition of the LBC Average Tables, corresponding to the following printed editions of these tables: Library and bibliographic classification: Average tables: a practical guide / Russian. state b-ka, Ros. national B-ka, B-ka Ros. acad. Sci. Vol. 1. 60/63 S/T Social sciences in general. Social science. Story. Historical Sciences. – M.: Liberea, 2001. Additional. issue Tables of typical divisions of general use. – M.: Liberea, 2003. Issue. 2. 65/68 U/C Economics. Economic Sciences. Policy. Political science. Right. Legal sciences. Warfare. Military science. – M.: Liberea-Bibinform, 2005. Issue. 3. 4/5 P/R Agriculture and forestry. Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Healthcare. Medical Sciences. – M.: Liberea-Bibinform, 2007. Issue. 4. 7 H Culture. The science. Education. – M.: Pashkov House, 2011. Issue. 5. 80/84 Ш Philological sciences. Fiction. 85 Ш Art. Art history. 86 E Religion. 87 Yu0/8 Philosophy. 88 Yu9 Psychology. – M.: Pashkov House, 2012. Issue 6. 3 F/O Technology. Technical science. - M.: Pashkov House, 2013.

    BBK Abbreviated Tables Database

    The database is an electronic edition of the Abbreviated LBC Tables, corresponding to the printed edition of these tables - Library and Bibliographic Classification: Abbreviated Tables: A Practical Guide. – M.: Pashkov House, 2015.

    Database of BBK tables for children's and school libraries

    The database is an electronic edition of the LBC tables for children's and school libraries, corresponding to the printed edition of these tables - Library and bibliographic classification: Tables for children's and school libraries. – 4th ed., rev. and additional – M.: Liberea-Bibinform, 2008.

    OKSO database (All-Russian Classifier of Specialties by Education)

    The database was prepared on the basis of OK 009-2003. All-Russian Classifier of Specialties in Education (OKSO). Adopted by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated September 30, 2003 No. 276-st. Entered into force on January 1, 2004. As amended by Amendments 1/2005 OKSO, approved by Rostechregulirovanie and introduced on October 1, 2005, Amendments 2/2010 OKSO, approved by Order of Rostechregulirovanie dated March 31, 2010 No. 48-st and introduced on June 10, 2010 The All-Russian Classification of Specialties by Education (OKSO) covers higher and secondary vocational education and is based on the lists of areas of training and specialties of higher and secondary vocational education approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

    The objects of classification in OKSO are specialties of higher and secondary vocational education. Three levels of hierarchical classification of objects are distinguished: enlarged groups of specialties and areas of training; areas of training; specialties. The block of additional classification characteristics contains information about the qualifications assigned in the field of training and/or specialty.

    SRSTI database

    The database is a complete electronic publication of the State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information (GRNTI).

    Each database entry contains a heading code, heading name, links, UDC index and VAK code corresponding to the SRNTI heading.

    A search in the database can be carried out using the full depth graph of the State Scientific Research Institute, as well as by heading codes, UDC indexes, HAC codes and keywords. The interface is equipped with convenient means for selecting SRNTI heading codes and then transferring them to a bibliographic description created using any automated library and information system.

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