Russian analogue of Aliexpress with Russian goods. The “killer” of the AliExpress trading platform has opened in Russia

Online stores have long appeared on the Internet, selling thousands of products. One of the most famous platforms is AliExpress. This is a resource with Chinese goods. There are also analogues of Aliexpress with free delivery in Russia. Most Popular:

1. Ebay is main competitor. The sales scheme is identical. The trading platform was founded in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar. The difference from AliExpress is the auction, in which the highest bid wins. Available double protection, but there is also a minus - some goods cannot be sent to Russia. Some items cost more. The site is more suitable for selling exclusive brands.

2. Taobao was founded in 2003. Initially, the platform was created only for the sale of goods to the Chinese. It was not even possible to register on the resource if you did not have a country SIM card and a bank account. Then these rules were greatly simplified. Now people from any country can register on the site. The difference from AliExpress is that it is aimed at trading specifically in China. As a result, there is a difference in the range of goods and their prices. In addition, the resource is designed on Chinese.

3. TinyDeal offers a huge range of products different categories– electronics, clothing, car accessories, etc. The main difference from AliExpress is that goods are sold directly, without intermediaries. Delivery is carried out by mail, free of charge. There is an option to use a courier service.

4. Lightin and MinilnTheBox are platforms that are very similar in design and belong to the same company. They may seem interesting due to the methods of payment for goods. This can be done through Qiwi, Yandex-money, Webmoney. The site offers a large assortment in different categories.

5. Gearbest specializes in electronics. However, there are other product categories. Available free shipping anywhere in the world. The disadvantages include the payment method - only via Paypal or card. Delivery is free, but without a tracking number. You will have to pay extra for tracking.

6. Banggood is a Chinese hypermarket offering products in almost all categories. The store was created in 2004. The advantages include a minimum order amount and payment. In addition to the card, you can use Qiwi, Yandex-money, Webmoney.

7. DealExtreme was founded in 2005. Payment for goods is made using a card, Paypal and Webmoney. The assortment is very large. The platform represents almost all product categories. Free shipping available anywhere in the world.

The listed analogues are not yet full list. There is also a Russian analogue of “Aliexpress” in Russia. For example, the Tekhnosila store. Which offers original products from the world's leading manufacturers. The store's warehouses are located in Russia. There is free delivery in Moscow and Moscow Region. Time frame: 2–3 days.

Another analogue of Aliexpress in Russia is Redmond. Offers technology. There is a wide range for kitchens. Products for the home and children can be found in Wikimart, power tools in “220 VOLT”. Big choice household appliances are offered by the online store (analogous to Aliexpress in Russia) Rusmart. Fans of French skin cosmetics brands can use the DERMACENTER HUSSIA platform.

Domestic market ecommerce serious changes await. Now we can’t say that it’s a niche e-commerce in our country has been developed in any serious way. Most Russian residents are accustomed to ordering almost any goods from Chinese AliExpress seller- a brand of the super-successful Alibaba company Jack Ma.

At the same time, Jack Ma himself gives the impression of an extremely smart businessman. He regularly comes to Russia, participates in economic and financial forums, not to mention close professional contacts. He often speaks out at such events about the future of the digital economy in Russia, talks with German Gref, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, and representatives of large Russian businesses. The Chinese e-commerce guru's interest in Russian market It’s not difficult to understand - the popularity of its services in Russia is extremely high.

In May 2018, it became known that Sberbank, together with Yandex.Market, decided to open the first Russian marketplace “Beru” on the basis of the Russian IT giant, which has already been dubbed “ Russian Amazon" However, by the fall it became clear that the promising online merchant would most likely have a competitor.

Alisher Usmanov appeared on the forefront (suddenly or not entirely), having recently sold his stake in Alibaba and announced the withdrawal of shares of his Megafon from the London Stock Exchange. It was stated that the assets of the Russian oligarch will be invested in the creation of a serious competitor to Beru - AliExpress Russia, in which Alibaba will receive the largest share.

Usmanov bypasses Gref?

The agreement to create AliExpress Russia was signed on September 11 at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF). Shares in the new enterprise will be received by Chinese Alibaba, Mail.Ru Group, Megafon and state-owned Russian Foundation direct investment (RDIF). The new company is already valued at $2.1 billion.

Alibaba will receive the largest share in the new Russian online retailer - 48%. Megafon will become the owner of 24%, Mail.Ru Group - 15%, Russia represented by RDIF - 13%. The parties agreed that Alibaba Group will contribute to new company Not only cash, but also Russian assets of AliExpress, as well as another trading platform Alibaba - Tmall. will transmit to new business your service of Chinese goods Pandao and funds. Megafon will make a kind of castling, giving Alibaba a 10% stake in in order to receive 24% of AliExpress Russia shares. Finally, RDIF will allocate about $300 million in exchange for a stake in the retailer. Actually, the preliminary value of the company is precisely assessed through the ratio of the funds contributed by RDIF and the share of shares received by the fund.

Thus, Alibaba’s share in the new joint venture will be the largest; no one will receive a controlling stake, but the three Russian co-owners will collectively be able to control the company.

The benefit for the enterprising Jack Ma is obvious: he will consolidate his business in Russia under one brand, including the assets of Tmall and AliExpress. Both assets will no longer exist solely on Chinese funds, but will receive investments from RDIF and Alisher Usmanov.

In fact, this will be an increase in Alibaba’s capabilities in Russia, as well as an expansion of its business, in which Russian capital is now beginning to participate. Jack Ma himself has repeatedly stated that he is focused on projects in Russia, and now the opportunity has arisen to extract even more serious benefits from this market, and also for Russian money.

Together with Alibaba we can invest in various technologies. Alibaba will have the opportunity, through its partnership with RDIF, to interact with various Russian companies By wide range directions. Within the framework of our partnership, we can jointly enter into technological projects,

RDIF head Kirill Dmitriev commented on the deal.

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The head of the fund told Interfax at the end of 2017 that RDIF intends to expand cooperation with Chinese partners. He expressed this idea at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin, but then they talked about the fund’s investments in Yandex.Taxi together with Alibaba. Since then, as we see, the situation has changed.
In 2017, Sberbank wanted to build a new business with Alibaba.

However, they decided that it was not worth giving the Chinese access to the bank’s infrastructure, and preferred to build Beru with Yandex. Alibaba, for its part, refused to cooperate with Yandex, wanting to combine Russian assets through Usmanov, and not create competitors for itself in the Russian market.

At the same time, Usmanov knew exactly how to bribe Jack Ma, promising him to transfer his Pandao service, a direct competitor of AliExpress in Russia, to AliExpress Russia (that is, actually under the direct control of Alibaba).

How Usmanov approached the deal and Megafon for last years received a significant increase in capitalization due to the share that Usmanov previously owned in Alibaba. However, at the end of 2016, the businessman announced the sale of this asset, since it had already played its role: “We increased investments five to six times,” Usmanov said. This announcement then caused a serious increase in the shares of Megafon and

Usmanov generally values ​​foreign IT assets. He owned shares in Facebook and still has a stake in Apple. However, for some time now things have not gone so well for the oligarch.
In 2018, fearing a continuation of the “sanctions war,” he announced the sale of his stake in the London football club Arsenal. Some of the IT assets were also sold. Finally, in July, Usmanov announced the delisting of Megafon from the London Stock Exchange - the company ceased to be public.

What does this mean for Megafon? On the one hand - a reduction in capitalization, on the other - getting rid of listing costs and satisfying the interests of shareholders. In global business, such a step means a change in the company's strategy and a reorientation towards maintaining income. This is often done for the sake of promising investments.

A. Usmanov. Photo:

Let's not forget that Alisher Usmanov is still not included in the US sanctions lists. In April, Washington introduced tough measures against many representatives of large Russian businesses - primarily the owner of Rusal, En+ and the GAZ Group Oleg Deripaska, Renova Viktor Vekselberg, VTB head Andrei Kostin and many others. Then Usmanov’s partner in USM Holdings, Andrey Skoch, was included in the SDN-list, but not Usmanov himself.

There is some kind of behind-the-scenes struggle going on there. Perhaps Usmanov managed to lobby for a postponement of inclusion in this sanctions list. Well, you have to understand that Washington is also a bureaucratic machine. Maybe they put it off for later. Option two,

Economist and politician Alexey Lapushkin told Tsargrad.

Let us recall that American sanctions immediately lead to the freezing of the victim’s foreign accounts and also mean a ban on the use of financial and debt instruments. All this usually leads to a collapse in the shares of companies owned by those on the sanctions list. A ban on foreign companies collaborating with the disgraced businessman also automatically comes into effect under the threat of secondary sanctions.

It would seem that big money can always be hidden in offshore companies, as many Russian oligarchs did and are doing. However, recently, under pressure from the United States, it has become increasingly difficult to hide income there. Back in the summer, Cypriot banks, under the threat of sanctions, stopped opening accounts for Russian citizens if they did not confirm the legality of receiving income.

The UK and a number of other countries have announced the launch of a program to combat criminal proceeds and money laundering through the acquisition of real estate. In the UK, legislation is expected to be passed soon requiring the names of beneficiaries of high-value properties to be named.

Most of our companies are oligarchic, their business model is tailored to the West. And the nominal owners of Russian assets are Western, offshore companies. Now there is pressure on the Russian elite to change course in the country,

Lapushkin thinks.

Business security strategy

Less than six months later, we see what we see - a major deal with the participation of RDIF with a top Chinese company, respected in the West. It seems that Usmanov has found an excellent way out of the situation.

Partnership with a global leader in e-commerce will have great importance for the digital transformation of the Russian economy. And given that this is a partnership with a Chinese company, I am confident in the great potential of the deal for strengthening Russian-Chinese business ties,

This is stated in Usmanov’s commentary for RBC.

According to him, alliances in the e-commerce market are the current trend. And the market itself has enormous potential. Usmanov did not forget to mention the benefits for Russian business.

What actually happens? In fact, Usmanov is implementing a strategy to secure his assets by entering into close ties with Alibaba. It is unlikely that Western sanctions will seriously affect this largest company, one of the world leaders in IT trade. Moreover, the timing was chosen well - while there are no sanctions against Usmanov, that is, he can afford safe transactions.

After the emergence of AliExspress Russia, Usmanov’s assets will be under the wing of Alibaba, which means they will be in almost guaranteed safety. Only one point was important - to convince Jack Ma of the need for such a deal by offering the most profitable option.

That is why AliExpress competitor Pandao is being liquidated, which threw a white flag in front of Mr. Ma. That is why Mr. Usmanov gives Ma 10% of Megafon.

And that is why RDIF was included in the deal, which also corresponds to the plans of its head to move to the East. As a result, Alibaba will combine assets in Russia, deal with competitors and receive Russian money and the Russian market.

The benefit of Russia itself and its inhabitants remains an open question. We have stores of the Association of Internet Trade Companies (AKIT), there is a joint venture between Sberbank and Yandex, and other, smaller services operate. Finally, until recently, AliExpress seemed to satisfy many requests.

Time will tell how this market will change with the expansion of Alibaba in Russia. Most likely, the Russian consumer will receive the same goods and in the same assortment as from the current AliExpress, only under the AliExpress Russia brand. The only benefit may be savings on expensive goods - after all, from January 1, 2019, there is a duty-free threshold for purchases from foreign stores will be reduced to 500 euros. However, this is significantly more than the average monthly income of the Russian population...

Every day many competitors arise around the Aliexpress website. Analogue sites and trading platforms like Aliexpress are ready to give the buyer the opportunity to buy goods from them under the same conditions as on Aliexpress.

Chinese equivalent of Aliexpress

If you use Chinese analogues of Aliexpress in order to find even lower prices, then the chance that you will find something similar is very small. Since there are also products offered to the buyer without dropshippers, that is, without intermediaries. The price indicated there will be basic, without markups, just like on AliExpress.

List similar to Aliexpress:


The interface of these sites is quite convenient to use. On the left is a menu where products are sorted into categories and subcategories. In addition, these sites have a convenient filter by price categories and an informative search, where when you enter, a list of products that are available and their quantity immediately appears.

For the most convenient shopping, each online store has a Russified version of the site, where prices are presented in rubles, not dollars. Besides this there is also mobile versions sites and applications that can be downloaded on Google Play.

On these Chinese trading platforms you can find almost everything: men's, women's and children's clothing, gadgets, stationery, hygiene and health items, household appliances and tools.

Russian analogue of Aliexpress

Is there a Russian analogue of the Aliexpress website with Russian goods and free shipping? Nothing came to my mind that could be called the Russian analogue of Aliexpress.

You can find many popular ones on the Internet. Russian Internet stores (M.Video,, svyaznoy,, but they will not be an analogue of Aliexpress, since they sell goods that are not produced in Russia, but mainly abroad. But I think that in the near future the Russian government, inspired by the successes of Aliexpress, EBay and Amazon, will decide to create their analogue for selling Russian goods abroad.

American analogue of Aliexpress

There are similar sites in America, where the Chinese also post their goods. Such as EBay and Amazon. But there, the same goods that were offered on AliExpress will already have a markup, and not a small one.

Thus, we can conclude that now shopping internet Mostly Chinese goods are placed on the sites. They can be bought in various online stores, with a large markup and delivery fees, or purchased without intermediaries from a Chinese seller directly, that is, on

"Aliexpress" has won popular love thanks to its widest range and affordable prices. Despite the long wait for delivery and sometimes products that do not meet expectations, this trading platform continues to be in the top online stores for many years.

How Aliexpress works

Aliexpress is a trading arena with a huge number of sellers offering various Chinese goods. Here you can buy absolutely everything, from clothing and cosmetics to appliances, household items and musical instruments.

The rich assortment is due to smart principle work that brings together different stores on one site. In fact, Aliexpress is an analogue of the American site Ebay. However, a huge advantage of the Chinese site is its attractive price policy, which becomes especially relevant in conditions of the financial crisis.

Also, for most entrepreneurs, such platforms are a profitable source of wholesale purchases. It is possible to create your own online store, reselling Chinese goods at double or triple the price.

Chinese analogs of "Aliexpress"


Despite the fact that for the Western world prices on Aliexpress seem prohibitively low, there are sites with even cheaper products, for example TaoBao. Initially, it was created exclusively for the Chinese population, which is why the site is not available in Chinese international delivery. But due to high demand, many Russian-speaking intermediaries have appeared who, for a certain percentage, will guide you from choosing a product to payment and delivery.

Free shipping - quite a rare event on Aliexpress. ChinaBuye's analogue wins in this regard, since it delivers free of charge anywhere in the world. The store specializes in selling equipment, clothing, and cosmetics, but the assortment is inferior to its competitor.

Another Chinese online store is, which sells electronics, auto parts, clothing, toys and household items. The advantages include free shipping and a good choice The downside is that there is no payment via Webmoney.

Russian analogues of "Aliexpress"

Recently, news spread across the Internet - Russian Post is launching a domestic “Aliexpress”, an analogue Chinese giant and American Ebay. This project can compete with its foreign rivals first of all fast delivery. As for the assortment and price list, Pochtamarket is clearly losing here.

Another Russian analogue of Aliexpress is Huge selection goods (more than 700 million) of various subjects, low prices, frequent discounts up to 70% on delivery. This platform is also attractive for entrepreneurs, as there is the possibility of wholesale purchases.

Similar sites with free shipping

Many are interested in analogues of "Aliexpress" with free shipping, since in the first postal forwarding sometimes exceeds the cost of the ordered goods. Fortunately, there are quite a few such sites, but it should be noted that often delivery is already included in the price of the product.

One of these sites is The advantages, in addition to delivery, include a Russian-language interface, variety of payment methods, low prices, pleasant and clear design. To the minuses - come across unscrupulous sellers, so before placing an order, carefully study the reviews about a particular store.

Another store with free shipping- User-friendly interface, the site has been translated into 18 languages, affordable prices, dropshipping system. The site specializes in the sale of electronics, auto parts, household accessories, and beauty products; There are no categories with clothes and shoes.

Summing up, it becomes obvious that it is quite difficult to find a replacement for the Aliexpress service. An analogue of this site exists, but only a few can create worthy competition, since Aliexpress combines a win-win policy of minimum cost of goods and the widest range.


The vast expanses of the Internet are full of sites similar in functionality to Aliexpress. Mostly, these are analogue online stores specializing in the sale of goods from the Middle Kingdom. Let's compose small rating really good internet stores whose functionality requires the presence Russian-language interface and free shipping. You can pay for orders using regular bank cards or electronic currency.

Chinese online stores in Russian with free shipping

Quantity Chinese stores increases daily. All of them are created by analogy with the well-known platform Aliexpress. They provide free delivery to Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. It should be noted that free delivery to modern world is already the norm, especially when it comes to stores in China. Below are official websites similar in functionality to Aliexpress, where you can purchase absolutely all high-tech gadgets, players, cameras, tablets, etc.

Stores that deserve close attention:

  •– the largest trading platform not only in China, but throughout the world;
  •– large online portal DealExtreme;
  • BangGood.compopular internet a store from the Middle Kingdom that provides support for the Russian language;
  • GearBest.commodern technology at an affordable price, which can be purchased inexpensively and quickly;
  •– popular electronics store in China;
  •– a store with high-quality small-sized products.

Generally speaking, Aliexpress's closest competitors are essentially dropshippers who ship goods directly from the factories of manufacturing companies. Due to this, affordable prices are ensured, and the goods do not lie idle in the warehouse. Thanks to this approach, the dropshipping system is now popular all over the world, and not just in China.

And here it is necessary to focus on the fact that even Aliexpress is not a full-fledged online store, but a functional trading platform, on the same principle as hundreds of other platforms. In fact, the administration takes on the role of an intermediary between the buyer and seller.

The ones listed above Chinese sites a lot in common with Aliexpress. And for some, the design is even licked. Exists great amount dropshippers that operate in each specific region:,,, Be that as it may, it is always more profitable to purchase goods from Chinese manufacturers.