Chinese trading platforms except Aliexpress in Russian. The “killer” of the AliExpress trading platform has opened in Russia

Today there are so-called giant stores that are almost monopolists in their field. These are the largest trade centers where thousands, hundreds of thousands of units of goods are sold. And these include, without any doubt, the AliExpress store.

Analogue - does it exist?

Platforms that would offer customers huge selection Products (mainly electronics) made in China are not at all difficult to find. Those today great amount, all of them are engaged in sending goods around the world, intermediating between a plant in some province of Guangzhou and the end client located in Russia, for example.

What is also characteristic is the growing popularity of such resources. Each of these portals attracts a huge number of buyers. Thousands of people are ready to register on them and place orders. Such “increased demand” for such products is achieved due to a very wide range and low prices, which no analogue can offer.

AliExpress in Russia also has a huge number of fans. At all this platform extremely popular all over the world.

Order scheme

Buying online is very easy. Placing an order in Chinese shops is even easier. Just enter your address, decide on the name and configuration of the product, clarify the payment details, and your parcel will be delivered directly in 3-4 weeks (depending on the delivery method and the region where you live). Perhaps the mandatory waiting period is the only disadvantage of Chinese sites. This makes it possible to save on transportation (such stores often mark “free delivery” in the settings), but lose a lot of time on receipt.

What would happen if some solution could be found on how to speed up the process without increasing the price of delivery services. And users, if we analyze the series search queries, this is considered to be the opportunity to find an analogue instead of AliExpress. Obviously, it must be a store that is closer or at least makes delivery faster and cheaper. Does such a service exist?

Largest stores

There are simply no services that could replace the AliExpress platform. On this moment Considering the position of the giant Ali himself in the market, it is not worth counting on the fact that he can be squeezed out. This is too large a site by the standards of any country in the world. Millions of product turnover and an ever-growing number of customers confirm this.

So does AliExpress have an analogue? From the point of view of a standard, habitual purchase (for example, if we want to purchase an inexpensive action camera), there are many similar resources. They are very easy to find - many are very popular and in demand. Here are three: DealExtreme, TinyDeal, GearBest. These resources, like Ali, sell a variety of products made in China that can be ordered anywhere in the world. Their prices may be similar, but there is one a big difference in the model of operation of these services and "Ali".

How does AliExpress and others work?

All of the stores listed above are actually simple online stores. Their administration finds suppliers, draws up some agreements with them and sells the goods on its own behalf. The Russian Eldorado and Tekhnosila, for example, are structured in the same way, only we're talking about about Chinese products that are most in demand in Russia, Europe and the West (accessories, electronics, household goods, etc.).

But in this article we are studying a slightly different model by which AliExpress operates. It is much more difficult to find an analogue (especially in terms of product volumes). This resource is a platform where buyers and sellers “meet”. The first is in search of a product that interests him, and the second puts all the trading positions that he has on display. Thus, you can see, for example, the same product displayed according to different prices on behalf of various plants and factories. Therefore, on AliExpress you can independently choose what interests you.

If an analogue of DX can be called “Svyaznoy” (roughly speaking), then does our “giant” have an analogue? "AliExpress" in Russia is somewhat similar to the Avito board or the Tiu resource. On the latter, by the way, users also search for goods offered by seller companies.

Product specifics

As you can see, the level of promotion of AliExpress has not yet been beaten by anyone Russian store. Even the quality of goods, as a rule, on a Chinese resource will be higher, and the price will remain more affordable than in the case of the Russian version. Do you need such an analogue?

Moreover, all accessories and electronics are produced in China. It means that Russian analogue AliExpress would sell what arrived from the Middle Kingdom earlier. Then, one might ask, what is the point of looking for analogues in our country? It's easier to buy directly...

We can say that this is the specificity of the goods sold on the AliExpress resource. It is possible to create an analogue of such a store in Moscow, but the products for it will still have to be delivered from there, which automatically increases the cost of such things. Which means there is no point in it.

The language barrier

Of course, certain difficulties in working with AliExpress are experienced by those people who do not know English language. It is on it that there are descriptions in basic version resource. However, there shouldn’t be any difficulties with this - the Chinese site also has a “Russian” analogue. AliExpress has different language versions.

Ad titles can be automatically translated using Google Translate. At first glance, this may seem like a bunch of unrelated words, but in fact, after certain period time (during which various goods will be ordered), you will become accustomed and begin to have a good understanding of what the seller wanted to say.

Descriptions of lots submitted in English can also be translated into Google Translate (in individual mode). Thus, everything is provided for, and you simply won’t need to look for an online store similar to AliExpress.

Speeding up delivery

The second, in addition to language, is the question of how you can receive your goods faster. And there are several ways to do this. Firstly, you can order not free shipping via AirMail, but more expensive but faster shipping of the item via DHL, EMS or TNT. All these and many other methods will be available in the menu on the product page. The transportation price will start from 30-40 dollars (depending on the volume of goods). Then you will receive your parcel in a couple of days.

There is also information for those who are interested in similar analogue sites. AliExpress is a place where resellers often shop. You can purchase something more expensive from them, but without having to wait for delivery. Thus, you will win, since you can receive the goods almost on the same day. Then you just need to look for stores that sell what interests you. And don't think about Chinese AliExpress.


Thus, let's start with the fact that there is no analogue of the “Ali” site in principle. This is the only one in the whole world this kind website. No matter how hard you try, it’s not so easy to find a similar analogue in Russia. AliExpress is (in its own way) a unique platform.

But you can solve the problems associated with the remoteness of the base in another way. For example, use automatic translation site pages. If desired, you can open in parallel Google translator and see all the words indicated by the seller. So there is no need to look for an analogue. "AliExpress" in Russian may well meet your needs.

Finally one more important point- this is the delivery speed. You can overcome this by ordering through intermediary companies in Russia, which may already have stocks of goods to solve such problems. If you are ordering something that is not too specific, then this method may be suitable. Finally, you can always pay more, but order the goods through a delivery service, which will take much less time.

Are you still hoping to find an analogue? AliExpress is too unique and individual a platform, so, unfortunately, there is no really competitive resource for it yet. This company is too strong a monopolist.

Online stores have long appeared on the Internet, selling thousands of products. One of the most famous platforms is AliExpress. This is a resource with Chinese goods. There are also analogs of “Aliexpress” with free shipping in Russia. Most Popular:

1. Ebay is main competitor. The sales scheme is identical. The trading platform was founded in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar. The difference from AliExpress is the auction, in which the highest bid wins. Available double protection, but there is also a minus - some goods cannot be sent to Russia. Some items cost more. The site is more suitable for selling exclusive brands.

2. Taobao was founded in 2003. Initially, the platform was created only for the sale of goods to the Chinese. It was not even possible to register on the resource if you did not have a country SIM card and a bank account. Then these rules were greatly simplified. Now people from any country can register on the site. The difference from AliExpress is that it is aimed at trading specifically in China. As a result, there is a difference in the range of goods and their prices. In addition, the resource is designed in Chinese.

3. TinyDeal offers a huge range of products different categories– electronics, clothing, car accessories, etc. The main difference from AliExpress is that goods are sold directly, without intermediaries. Delivery is carried out by mail, free of charge. There is an option to use a courier service.

4. Lightin and MinilnTheBox are platforms that are very similar in design and belong to the same company. They may seem interesting due to the methods of payment for goods. This can be done through Qiwi, Yandex-money, Webmoney. The site offers a large assortment in different categories.

5. Gearbest specializes in electronics. However, there are other product categories. Free shipping available anywhere in the world. The disadvantages include the payment method - only via Paypal or card. Delivery is free, but without a tracking number. You will have to pay extra for tracking.

6. Banggood is a Chinese hypermarket offering products in almost all categories. The store was created in 2004. The advantages include a minimum order amount and payment. In addition to the card, you can use Qiwi, Yandex-money, Webmoney.

7. DealExtreme was founded in 2005. Payment for goods is made using a card, Paypal and Webmoney. The assortment is very large. The platform represents almost all product categories. Free shipping available anywhere in the world.

The listed analogues are not yet full list. There is also a Russian analogue of “Aliexpress” in Russia. For example, the Tekhnosila store. Which offers original products from the world's leading manufacturers. The store's warehouses are located in Russia. There is free delivery in Moscow and Moscow Region. Time frame: 2–3 days.

Another analogue of Aliexpress in Russia is Redmond. Offers technology. There is a wide range for kitchens. Products for the home and children can be found in Wikimart, power tools in “220 VOLT”. Big choice household appliances are offered by the online store (analogous to Aliexpress in Russia) Rusmart. Fans of French skin cosmetics brands can use the DERMACENTER HUSSIA platform.

In the century high technology It has become very popular to buy goods online. By using World Wide Web you can buy almost any thing, from a variety of Chinese tea to auto parts, clothing and electronics. There are a huge number of similar shopping sites, one of the most common is Chinese Internet platform The offers on this site make my eyes wide open. You can pay for purchases without leaving your home using VISA, MasterCard, Qiwi, Webmoney, Yandex.Money cards.

The largest Chinese online stores in Russian

Aliexpress is one of the largest trading platforms, which consists of thousands of sellers, not even related to each other. It turns out that private stores are engaged in sales, and the Aliexpress website guarantees delivery of goods and their quality for buyers and fair payment for sellers.

All online stores are dropshippers; the manufacturer sends the goods to the buyer himself, so prices are low and the goods do not have time to sit in the warehouse.

If you choose from the list presented where to order a product, Aliexpress clearly has the advantage. Prices on competitors' websites are noticeably higher. And sometimes you have to wait for better service. Perhaps over time the errors will be corrected, but for now Aliexpress is the unanimous leader on Chinese trading platforms. Aliexpress regularly holds competitions, discounts, sales, and you can buy products at incredibly low prices.

Even the constant growth of new online stores does not interfere with the Aliexpress website. If you look at the design of similar stores, it is even somewhat similar to If you pay attention to the prices, it’s unlikely to be found cheaper than Aliexpress. World-famous American online platforms such as Ebay and Amazon are very popular, but there are also a lot of sellers from the Middle Kingdom, but the prices are much higher than on Aliexpress.

The Chinese dropshipper also resembles our price alligators, such as,,,, here, just like on Aliexpress, you can see prices in online stores, but, unfortunately, you cannot pay. But let’s not forget the modern saying: “Whatever is done, is done in China.” Therefore, buying directly from the seller is always more profitable.

Less than a month has passed since the Chinese trading platform AliExpress announced the launch of a Tmall store, which will sell goods only in Russia. This is a very interesting move that will allow Russians to buy goods directly on the territory of the country, thereby not only reducing their delivery time from several months to a couple of days, but also significantly simplifying warranty obligations and the procedure for returning goods. However, the other day a real “killer” started working in Russia trading platform AliExpress, and created it Russian company, but this is kept secret.

According to RBC, Group has launched a trading platform called Pandao, which is a “killer” Chinese AliExpress. With its help, Russian residents can also order various goods for themselves, paying for them directly on the website. It is interesting that the Russian company itself has not publicly announced the launch of this store, but it is now operating in the form of a beta version.

According to the source, the representative office of Group confirmed that this trading platform belongs to it, but it refused to give any comments about it. Although the Pandao online store is currently operating in beta mode, it already offers more than 170 thousand different products from China, including Appliances, smartphones, tablets, clothing, accessories for cars and motorcycles, and many other things, most of which relate to electronics.

You can pay for goods on the Pandao trading platform using bank cards. Visa cards and MasterCard, as well as through payment systems Android Pay And Apple Pay. Average terms Delivery of parcels from China through the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" is 15-45 days. The online store provides a guarantee for all goods during their delivery to the buyer, as well as within 14 days from the date of receipt at the post office.

It is obvious that the Russian “killer” of the popular trading AliExpress sites can reach great heights if the company invests money in its improvement and development. It is possible that in the future Group will make some kind of analogue that will allow Russians to make purchases directly on the territory of Russia, thereby significantly reducing the time interval between paying for goods and receiving them.

The Pandao platform already has proprietary applications for iOS and Android. When registering a new account through them or on the official website, the user receives 200 bonus points, which can be immediately spent on various purchases. When placing an order, you can also use a promotional code, but how and for what you can get them is still unknown. Most likely, when this trading platform leaves the “beta” stage, the company that created it will announce this event throughout the country.

What do you think, will Pandao be able to displace the position of AliExpress in Russia?

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Although AliExpress store has many advantages; sometimes certain products are cheaper on other sites. Therefore, in this article we will talk about what analogues of AliExpress exist.

But first, let's decide which sites similar to Aliexpress operate on the Internet and what criteria you can rely on when choosing.

We believe that such stores should:

  • To be cheap and offer customers a wide range of goods from China, because it is cheap Chinese goods that attract millions of shopaholics to Ali;
  • Have a Russian interface accessible to Russian-speaking users;
  • Offer purchases with free shipping to any country.

On the Internet you will find many sites similar to AliExpress, and there are also many trading platforms that sell Chinese goods. Therefore, we will try to compile a list of the best Chinese online stores, which have free delivery and are available in Russian. But it should immediately be noted that the interface in most cases is translated (as on Ali), and we recommend using English version, if you are at least somewhat familiar with this language.

Similar sites deliver orders to countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and other CIS countries. Chinese stores are fighting for audiences, and one of the main features is free shipping. Below we will present the most popular online stores so that you can see that an alternative to Aliexpress exists and there is plenty to choose from.

The analogues presented below in Russia provide the opportunity to buy tablets, portable and other small electronics, clothes, shoes, interesting accessories and much more at excellent prices. is the most famous online mall with Chinese goods and many stores of various types. Pass here interesting promotions and sales several times a year.

Sites similar to Aliexpress in Russia

  • GearBest – best analogue Aliexpress store, where prices for individual equipment and electronics are even lower. This is the second most popular Chinese site in Russia with free shipping from China
  • JD.RU is the largest site where users buy electronics profitably and conveniently
  • is another alternative with a nice interface and affordable prices
  • - a huge online store DealExtreme, everything is really cheap and inexpensive
  • is quite famous among Russian speaking users marketplace with free shipping to many countries. Translated from English, the name of the store means “tiny deals”
  • is another analogue of Aliexpress with high traffic in Russian. LightInTheBox translates as “light in the box.” The store team focuses on holidays and gifts, so you will often find themed promotions here.
  • (Jum) - a service for buying cheap Chinese goods(even cheaper than on Ali), which initially worked only on mobile platforms, as an application. It's very cheap to buy here, but sometimes goods take a long time. Try downloading mobile app Jum on Android and iOS and very cheap to buy.

All of the above platforms are Chinese analogues of Aliexpress. On most of the sites listed, sellers work as dropshippers, that is, they supply products to buyers directly from manufacturing companies. Thanks to this, the buyer receives low price, and the manufacturer is happy, because the product is not in stock. The main emphasis on most of the sites presented is on small appliances and electronics, but you will also find other categories of Chinese goods on them: things for everyday use, clothes and shoes, tools, things for the home and kitchen.

You may not know, but Aliexpress is not just an online store, but a so-called mall. This is big shopping mall, where thousands of individual stores that compete with each other post their offers. The main feature here is that the site itself is an intermediary between sellers and buyers. No, he doesn’t charge any crazy commissions, but he provides a guarantee of high-quality service and fair transactions between trading participants. Thanks to this, deception is eliminated and the site has high trust among buyers.

If you take a closer look at the stores offered, you will find a lot similar to AliExpress, not only the design, but also marketing moves, attempts to attract buyers, etc. The Chinese tend to copy what already works.

But are there really worthy competitors?

We advise you to buy safely and securely at But if you want to save a couple of pennies, you can look towards Girbest or Joom, or other competitor sites. But the prices differ very slightly. Some things will be cheaper, and most goods will be more expensive.

Western alternatives to the site are the well-known EBay and Amazon. There are also Chinese stores there, but they sell their products to a Western audience at a much higher price than on Ali.

If you want to find local analogues of the service, look towards domestic price aggregators (Prices, Yandex, Hotline, etc.) But in most cases, you will see that buying directly from China will be much more profitable.

Let's sum it up

Analogues of Aliexpress exist, but in terms of scale and level of service they are inferior to the most famous trading platform from AliBaba Group. Sometimes you can save very little on such commercial web resources, but there will be certain risks and disadvantages.

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