How to create passive income from scratch? Proven ways to gain financial independence. New business ideas

Alexey Zenkov

When someone is looking for an opportunity to earn extra income, most often they are advised to find a temporary part-time job. But what if you don't have the time or energy for this? In this case, you need to find ways to generate passive income - earning money with a small investment of time and effort on your part.

  1. Try index funds

Index funds allow you to earn income from investing in the stock market completely passively. For example, if you invest in a fund based on the S&P 500 index, your money will be invested in the overall market, and you won't have to worry about how to manage your money or whether to sell or buy shares of certain companies. All these points will be managed by the fund, which forms its investment portfolio depending on the state of a particular index.

You can also choose a fund that covers any index. There are funds involved in various business sectors - energy, precious metals, banking, emerging markets and others. All you have to do is decide for yourself that this is what you want to do, then invest the money and relax. From now on, your stock portfolio will run on autopilot.

  1. Make videos for YouTube

This area is developing very quickly. You can make videos of absolutely any category - music, educational, comedy, movie reviews - anything... and then post it on YouTube. Then you can connect Google AdSense to these videos, and automatic advertising will appear in them. When viewers click on these ads, you will earn money from Google AdSense.

Your main task is to create decent videos, promote them on social networks and maintain a sufficient number of them to provide yourself with income from several clips. Shooting and editing a video is not that easy, but once done, you will have a source of completely passive income that can last for a very long time.

Not sure if you'll succeed on YouTube? Michelle Phan combined her love of makeup and drawing with video production, gained more than 8 million subscribers, and now launched her own company with a capitalization of $800 million.

  1. Try Affiliate Marketing and Start Selling

This is a passive income technique that is more suitable for owners of blogs and active Internet sites. You can start promoting any products on your website and receive a fixed fee or a percentage of sales.

Making money this way is not as difficult as you might think because many companies are interested in selling their products in as many places as possible.

You can find partnership offers either by contacting manufacturers directly or on specialized websites. It is best if the advertised product or service is interesting to you or matches the theme of the site.

  1. Make your photos profitable online

Do you like photography? If so, you may be able to turn this into a source of passive income. Photo banks, such as and, can provide you with a platform for selling photographs. You will receive a percentage or flat rate for each photo sold to a website client.

In this case, each photo represents a separate source of income that can work over and over again. All you need to do is create a portfolio, upload it to one or more platforms, and that's where your active work will end. All technical issues of photo sales are resolved using the web platform.

  1. Buy high-yield stocks

By creating a portfolio of high-yield stocks, you will receive a source of regular passive income with an annual interest rate that is much higher than the interest on bank deposits.

Don't forget that high-yielding stocks are still stocks, so there's always the possibility of capital overvaluation. In this case, you will receive profit from two sources - from dividends and return on invested capital. To purchase these shares and complete the appropriate forms, you will need to create a brokerage account.

  1. Write an e-book

Of course, this can be quite a time-consuming process, but once you write a book and publish it on marketplaces, it can provide you with income for years. You can sell the book on your own website or enter into a partnership agreement with other websites that are similar in theme to the book.

  1. Write a real book and get royalties

Just like writing an e-book, there's a lot of work involved at first. But when the work is completed and the book goes on sale, it will become a completely passive source of income.

This is especially true if you manage to sell your book to a publisher who will pay you a royalty on the sales. You will receive a percentage of each copy sold, and if the book is popular, these percentages can add up to significant amounts. Moreover, these payments can last for years.

Mike Piper of recently did just that. He wrote a book, Investing Plain, which was sold only on Amazon. The first book became so profitable that he created a whole series. These books total .

  1. Get cashback on credit card transactions

Many credit cards offer cash back ranging from 1% to 5% of the purchase price. You still go shopping and spend money, right?

Such bonuses allow you to provide yourself with a kind of passive “income” (in the form of reduced spending) from actions that you perform anyway.

  1. Sell ​​your own products online

The possibilities in this area are endless: you can sell almost any product or service. It could be something you created and made yourself, or it could be a digital product (software, DVDs, or instructional videos)

For trading, you can use a specialized resource, if suddenly you do not have your own website or blog. In addition, you can enter into a partnership agreement by offering goods to sites on relevant topics or using platforms like (American marketplace for selling digital information products - editor's note).

You can learn how to sell products online and earn quite a lot from it. This may not be completely passive income, but it is certainly more passive than a regular job that you have to go to every morning.

  1. Invest in real estate

This method falls more into the category of semi-passive income, since investing in real estate involves at least a small level of activity. However, if you have a property that you're already renting out, it's mostly just a matter of maintaining it.

Additionally, there are professional property managers who can manage your property for a commission of approximately 10% of the rent. Such professional managers help make the process of receiving profits from such investments more passive, but they will take part of it.

Another way to invest in real estate is to pay off a loan. If you take out a loan to buy a property that you will rent out, your tenants will pay off that debt a little each month. When the full amount is paid, your profits will increase dramatically, and your relatively small investment will turn into a full-fledged program for quitting your day job.

  1. Buy a blog

Thousands of blogs are created every year, and many of them end up abandoned after some time. If you can acquire a blog with enough visitors—and therefore enough cash flow—it can be a great source of passive income.

Most blogs use Google AdSense, which pays once a month for advertising placed on the site. To provide additional income, you can also enter into partnership agreements. Both of these income streams will be yours if you own a blog.

From a financial perspective, blogs typically sell for 24 times the monthly income the blog can generate. That is, if a site can earn $250 per month, most likely you can buy it for $3,000. This means that by investing $3,000, you can receive $1,500 annually.

You may be able to buy the site for less money if the owner really wants to get rid of this asset. Some sites contain “eternal” materials that will not lose relevance and will generate income years after publication.

Bonus tip: If you buy such a site and then fill it with fresh content, you will be able to increase your monthly income, and you will be able to sell the site again after some time for a significantly higher price than you paid when buying it.

Finally, instead of buying a blog, you can create your own. This is also a good way to earn money.

  1. Create a website that sells

If there is a product that you know a lot about, you can start selling it on a specialized website. The technique is the same as when selling a product of your own making, except that you do not have to deal with the production itself.

After some time, you may find that you can add similar products. If this happens, the site will begin to generate significant profits.

If you can find a way to ship products directly from the manufacturer to the buyer, you won't even have to get your hands dirty. This may not be 100% passive income, but it’s very close to it.

  1. Invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs)

Let's say you decide to invest in real estate, but you don't want to devote any attention or time to it. Investment trusts can help you with this. They are something like a fund that owns various real estate projects. The funds are managed by professionals, so you don't have to interfere with their work at all.

One of the main advantages of investing in REITs is that they typically pay higher dividends than stocks, bonds and bank deposits. You can also sell your interest in the trust at any time, making such assets more liquid than owning real estate on your own.

  1. Become a passive business partner

Do you know a successful company that needs capital to expand its business? If so, you can become something of a short-term angel and provide that capital. But instead of giving a loan to the owner of the company, ask for a share of the shares. In this case, the owner of the company will manage the work of the company, while you will be a passive partner, also taking part in the business.

Every small business needs a source of referrals to support sales. Make a list of entrepreneurs whose services you use regularly and whom you can recommend for cooperation. Contact them and find out if they have a system for paying for referrals.

The list could include acquaintances: accountants, landscape designers, electricians, plumbers, carpet cleaners—anyone. Be prepared to recommend the services of these people to your friends, relatives and colleagues. You can earn a commission on every referral just by talking to people.

Don’t underestimate referral programs in the professional sphere either. If the company you work for offers bonuses for referring new employees or new clients, take advantage of it. This is very easy money.

  1. Rent out your unused property on Airbnb

You might ask: If there are so many apps out there, why would you try to create another one. Is there too much competition? This is all true, but fresh, creative ideas can benefit. If you can come up with something unique, you can make money from it.

Don't know how to program? No problem, you can learn. There are a lot of different courses on the Internet, including free ones. Alternatively, you can hire a developer to create an app based on your idea.

The end result is an application that will potentially generate relatively passive income.

  1. Create online courses

Every person is an expert in something. Why not create an online course about your passion?

There are several ways to create and deliver your own online courses. One of the easiest ways is to use sites like

Passive income online is not just a reality. Moreover, there are several ways to earn passive income on the Internet. Read more about each of them in our new material.

Many people dream of passive income, and some even try to come up with schemes for such income. And only a few manage to successfully implement them.

Let's look at how to earn passive income through the Internet.

Passive income on the Internet without investment

When people meet a lucky guy who earns passive income, there is a lot that is not available to them. They see investors or businessmen who lead a serene life and do not care about money. However, in reality they had to spend a lot of time and effort to achieve this result.

Unfortunately, there is no serious passive income without investments.

To start receiving money online, you need to:

  1. invest money;
  2. spend a lot of personal time;
  3. constantly engage in self-education and self-improvement.

Success is based on determination and diligence.

Passive income on the Internet: how to achieve it

The richer you want to become in the future, the more seriously you need to work at the very beginning of your journey.

Few people manage to achieve completely passive income. However, many responsibilities can be delegated to other employees. As a result, you will only spend a few hours a week analyzing your current situation.

Let's look at the most popular ways to secure passive income on the Internet.

  • Selling advertising on your own website, blog

The most common option for passive income is creating an information website and its further promotion.

There are several advantages of this method.

  1. The chance of making a good profit is high. By following the recommendations and rules, you can easily reach a certain number of visitors per day.
  2. Stability and constancy. When only “white hat” promotion methods were used, the project will be able to attract new users for several months without the participation of the owner himself. If he regularly devotes time to developing the site, at least a few hours a week, then the project will maintain its position for many years.
  3. You don't need to be an experienced professional to successfully promote an information site. Just follow the step-by-step instructions and you can achieve the desired result, even without any SEO experience.

Most often, contextual advertising is used to make money on the site. The pages contain blocks with advertising from Google and Yandex. You probably remember what these blocks look like, since they are found on almost every information site.

Profit is influenced by the theme of the site, the number of advertising blocks on one page and their location.

If a site is visited daily by a thousand users, then its owner will be able to receive approximately 3 thousand rubles every month.

  • Internet business

An excellent option is to organize an online business and automate it. The Internet perfectly automates all business processes, which makes it easier to achieve passive income.

First, you will have to invest a lot of time and effort into the creation and development of your project. Over time, it will require less and less time, but the income will remain at a high level.

5 ways to earn income online.

  • Online store

Not all virtual stores that you come across on the Internet have their own warehouse with goods. Many of them use drop shipping and sell products that another virtual store has.

To make money this way, you will need to create your own online store. After this, you need to agree with another store that you will make purchases from them on a regular basis. As a regular customer, you are entitled to a discount.

  • Services

You don't have to know anything about renovation, law, or design to make money from it. Just find a specialist in any field. You can work with him on a partnership basis or hire him.

Another option is to agree with a company that it will pay you a reward for finding additional clients.

  • Service

With this option, you will already need to have a certain specialization. An example would be access to a proprietary database.

  • Infobusiness

The most profitable way to earn money is to sell information online. To create an information product (a training course, a book or a separate video lesson), you don’t need a lot of money. However, if people like your product, you can sell it many times.

Today we need to come up with and compose a really high-quality information product, since there is huge competition in the information business.

  • Newsletter

Don't spam - people should leave their email address on a voluntary basis. Send users only useful and interesting information. Advertising should be allocated a maximum of 30% of the entire letter.

There are many ways to build a subscriber base - by promising useful information in return for e-mail, using a subscription form on the website.

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Passive income is such income that does not depend on a person’s regular activities. The simplest example would be a deposit in a bank: it consistently brings interest to its owner. Regardless of the depositor’s age, illness or desire to go to work, interest will be accrued to him.

Active income depends entirely on human actions. To receive it, you need to engage in some kind of activity: produce goods, sell them, provide services, extract minerals and much more.

When expanding the concept of stable passive income, one should not forget about the risks. Using a deposit as an example, we can highlight the following risks for depositors:

  • currency depreciation;
  • bank bankruptcy;
  • force majeure circumstances.

There are also a number of inconveniences: interest is accrued after a certain period of time (for example, once a month), and the invested money cannot be used until the end of the deposit period.

Therefore, before creating a passive source of income, it is necessary to take into account all possible risks of the activity.

Proven Ways to Create Passive Income

Before you create passive income from scratch, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with existing methods of such passive income. This will help you see all the advantages and disadvantages of the main options for passive sources of income. The article will discuss effective and proven sources of passive income. They can be used as a basis for building your business.

It is necessary to take into account that, having a certain amount of funds, it is somewhat easier to build a source of stable passive income. Without money, you will have to spend your own time and effort to realize your dream.

Registration of business and delegation of powers

This is the most effective way to earn passive income. It has a minimum of disadvantages if the business is properly organized. To create it you will need the following:

  • organization of the enterprise;
  • business development;
  • reaching a stable level of income;
  • selection of a candidate for the position of manager;
  • making a profit with minimal time spent on monitoring key documentation and making important decisions.

Of course, there are risks here. Among them, the main one stands out: the responsibility and integrity of the manager. The further success of the company or organization will depend on his daily decisions. To select a suitable candidate, they most often resort to proven personnel who have worked at the enterprise for a long time.

It's not easy to create and grow a business. This requires a lot of time, money and skills. However, there are many situations when a skillfully chosen niche for running a business allows you to quickly develop it.

What you need to start your own business:

  • business plan;
  • starting capital (in most cases);
  • official registration;
  • rental of premises;
  • hiring employees (if required).

Any enterprise carries risks for the entrepreneur. No one can be sure that the activity will generally generate income and not losses. Therefore, you need to weigh everything correctly before creating your own business. If everything is done correctly, the entrepreneur will have success and the opportunity to receive passive income.

Selling your intellectual property

This activity option is suitable for those who have knowledge and skills in certain sciences or specialties. How to create passive income from scratch, having the opportunity to create popular information products? They need to be implemented.

What can be considered intellectual property:

  • artistic, literary and scientific works;
  • created unique industrial designs;
  • developed software;
  • invented objects or technologies in all sectors of life.

As can be seen from the list, intellectual property can be in any field of human activity. Passive income can come from either a written book or a unique invention that helps increase equipment productivity, for example. For property to be individual, it must be documented. For this purpose, patents are issued and copyrights are assigned. By owning them you can make a profit from the sale of your goods/services.

The simplest example for considering the option of making a profit would be a written book. The author of the book will sell copies of the books himself or by entering into an agreement with a publishing company. The owner of the rights will receive a profit from each book sold. If it is in demand, it brings profit. If it is in demand for a long time, it brings profit for a long time.

This doesn't just apply to books. Increasingly, people are resorting to creating various programs on PCs or mobile devices. One completed project can generate passive income until another, cheaper or more useful one comes on the market.

Accordingly, to create such a source of income, a person needs:

  • come up with/create something unique and in demand for society;
  • confirm your rights to the invention;
  • realize the product of your activities.

Disadvantages: it takes a lot of work to create unique works/techniques/technologies; the property may be unclaimed and will not bring significant profit.

Building your own retail network

Such a network can provide its owner with constant passive income. All actions will be performed by network participants, and its creator will receive ever-increasing profits. To do this you need the following:

  • create your own unique products (services are provided less often);
  • formalize a production and sales enterprise or cooperate with a manufacturer;
  • to interest those wishing to become members of the network;
  • sell them to other network participants;
  • form the price of the product in such a way that part of the profit goes to the owner of the network, and part to the seller of the product.

Anyone who wants to make money in such a network must sell these goods. The more he sells, the more he earns. The main key to success is high-quality and in-demand products at competitive prices. This could be anything from cosmetics to food, medical products or unique services.

The main difference from most network marketing companies should be the following:

  • providing guarantees to all network participants;
  • using only safe products;
  • availability of contacts for communication with management and all comprehensive information about the activities of the organization.

These factors will increase sales and employee engagement.

Due to numerous requests from readers... So get ready, pour yourself some tea or coffee, make yourself comfortable - this will be a voluminous, but very useful article! 🙂

How would your life be different if you made a few hundred or thousand dollars a month without actively working?

Perhaps you could get busy which you have always dreamed of. Maybe you would travel more around the world. Perhaps they would move to live in another country with a better climate and quality of life. Some would spend more time with their family and take more care of their health. And someone would combine All the above! And passive income allows you to realize these ideas.

The idea of ​​passive income is so attractive for people all over the world precisely because it allows a person do more of what he likes and minimize what he doesn’t like.


I want to immediately clarify one point - I have not come across any “passive” income. Almost every passive income requires some work, at least in the beginning, after which it can generate income for a very long time without requiring your active involvement.

So, let's look at the main types of passive income.

Rent out real estate

You can purchase residential or commercial real estate for rent, or you can rent out the property you already own (for example: an apartment, house, cottage, garage, basement, attic, etc.). You can even rent out part of your home (for example, one of the rooms, using the service . You can get confused and pass through).

Rent out your home and move into a rented one yourself

Don't want to share your home with anyone? You can rent out your own, more expensive housing, and also rent another, but cheaper one yourself. The difference in these rents will be your additional passive income.

Sell ​​your accumulated trash and junk

If you think that these are pennies that are not worth spending time on, look at how my wife and I for thousands of dollars! Many of these things have been stored since student days and have cluttered our house for years.

Turn your car into a means of earning money

You can rent out your car to taxi services, or you can use it as an advertising medium. Similar services have been present in big cities for a long time.


Deposits are one of the easiest and an understandable way for the population to save money and earn passive income. It's simple - you give the bank your money for a certain period, for which the bank charges you interest. The return on deposits is usually low and does not cover inflation, therefore, this method of earning money is only suitable for short-term strategies.

If you know a subject (no matter what topic!), write an e-book and sell it on your website or on special platforms for selling e-books. Writing a book takes anywhere from a few days to 2-4 months, but once you write it and post it on book platforms, it can provide you with passive income for years.

Create a video training course

The idea is the same as with an e-book. If you are an expert in some field, record a training video course and sell it on special educational platforms (see the complete list of platforms for creating video courses ) or on your website.

Create or buy a ready-made online store

If you already have goods for sale or you know how to arrange supply, sales and delivery, it’s time to think about your own online store. There are services that allow you to automate delivery, storage, accounting, sales, payment acceptance, discounts and promotions, and even marketing.

Start your YouTube channel and make money from advertising

You can shoot simple videos (including on a mobile phone) - music, educational, comedy, movie reviews, equipment - anything!YouTube will show people ads before or while playing your videos, and you will receive money (with monetization enabled and AdSence connected).

Earn money from advertising on your site

If you have your own website, you can (should) enable advertising (AdSense or any other). This is done in different ways (read on the Internet) and is generally very simple. People come to your site, read or watch something, and are automatically shown an ad. You get paid for views and/or clicks from your readers. See examples of advertising at . Subscribe to my articles to see how it works in the articles :).

Credit card bonuses - No No No!

My readers know very well my opinion about plastic cards - do not deceive yourself with the attitudes “I pay off the debt on the card every month” or “I earn miles or cashback” and other nonsense. Just ask yourself the question, from which…. does the bank give you free money, miles, cashbacks and other goodies? 🙂 I explain in detail here: In a nutshell, try to get rid of this source of “income”, because... in the end you will lose much more than you earn. Trust the person who had more than 20 mega-cool cards))) Also read and watch:

Do you like photography and are you great at it? Then you can sell your pictures or videos through photo banks such as Shutterstock, Depositphotos and iStockphoto You will receive a percentage or flat rate for every photo or video sold through these photo banks. You upload your photos and videos to one or more platforms, and that's where your activism ends.

Microloans - NO NO NO!

Microloans are a disgusting tool for robbing financially illiterate and desperate people. People take a small amount “before payday” at 100-200 percent or more per annum, thinking “just think, the interest will be only 500-1000 rubles. It’s just pennies.” There are platforms that offer you to become a lender and receive a certain percentage from it. I won’t give links because... I am categorically against earning money that drives other people into a financial abyss.

Accelerated repayment of loans and debts

Every penny you pay to the bank is a penny that could be (passively) making you money! Debts, like termites, devour and destroy the financial well-being of a family. It is important to understand that for every dollar (ruble, etc.) returned ahead of schedule, interest will not accrue (for months or years in the future) and all these months or years you will be able toearn interest yourself rather than pay it to the bank.

Example: If instead of a 20-year mortgage, in the amount of 3 million rubles. (~ 50 thousand dollars. This is a studio or one-room apartment in St. Petersburg), taken for 20 years, at 12%, set aside the same money that you will pay monthly to the bank (the monthly payment will be 33 thousand rubles), at, say, 8% - in 20 years you would have accumulated an amount approximately equal to 20 million rubles (~300-350 thousand dollars) due to ! This amount would be enough to provide you with an income of 1.5 to 3 thousand dollars for the rest of your life per month! With that kind of income, you could live well in any country from east to west! By the way, this amount would put you in the 5-10% richest people on the planet! Make sure of this .

Change jobs

If you are sure that you are being paid below the market, attend interviews and change jobs! Thus, you will provide yourself with additional income for many years in the form of the difference between the old and new salaries. This can be very scary to do, because... We, people, become attached to the team, to the work being done, to status, to various bonuses, to stability, etc. We are afraid to take risks and change something. However, every fear has a price! If you're losing hundreds or thousands of dollars a year, it's time to stop being afraid and start taking action!

Ask for a raise

You can change your job for a new one, or you can ask for a raise. If you find out (and don’t just think so) that you are objectively worth more, if you bring value to the company that you can evaluate and show to management, if you are not easy to replace, ask for a raise. Read: .

Get everything from the state!

Take everything from the state what it provides by law. You may not pay (that is, you will return this tax to your family) tax on purchased real estate (up to 260 thousand rubles or 4,300 dollars), for interest on a mortgage (390 thousand rubles or 6.5 thousand . dollars), for training and treatment, etc.

My wife and I, for example, used tax deductions when purchasing real estate. This returned 130,000 rubles to the family (more than 5 thousand dollars in old money). We received all possible benefits for children, including maternity capital (450 thousand rubles or 7.5 thousand dollars).

In addition, you can getsubsidies(compensation) from the state to pay for communal services, to create/develop a business, payments to mothers under Maternity Capital certificates, try to get preferential housing (for some categories of citizens),social benefits for the birth of a child, etc.

You can buy a blog or a ready-made online business

Thousands of blogs and online businesses are created every year, and many of them end up abandoned after some time. If you can find and purchase a blog/online business with a sufficient flow of visitors, then you can make good money from it. Blogs typically sell for 24 times monthly income, giving a 4.2% (100/24) return (typically in dollars) - which isn't very high, but not very low, considering the rates on dollar deposits in banks. Plus, a blog or online business can be developed and earnings increased.

Participation in reviews, clicks and other online manipulations

Many advertisers pay money for certain actions on the Internet, such as: click on a link, leave a review, like, repost, fill out a form, etc. Accordingly, there are services (eg seosprint,,,,,, etc.), which can automate the process and connect advertisers with people who want to earn money in this way. However, calling such income passive can only be conditional.


A share is a A security document that gives its owner the right to a share in the company and to receive part of the profit in the form of dividends.

Company shares can be purchased through a broker. The entry threshold is usually very low. Earnings will consist of two components - the increase in the value of the stock (bought cheaply and sold more expensive) and also from dividends that companies (though not all) can pay to the owners of their shares. However, I do not recommend that non-professional investors buy shares of individual companies, because... Without significant experience and knowledge, such purchases will be similar to betting in a casino. The best solution for an inexperienced investor would be mutual funds or structured products offered by brokers. Such funds/products include many stocks, so a sharp drop in the value of one share will not significantly affect the decline of the entire fund/product.


A bond is a fixed income bond.Essentially, it is a loan agreement between a lender (usually national governments, municipal governments and private companies) in which you lend a certain amount, for a certain period and at a certain interest rate.

The riskiness of this instrument as a rule, very low, but the profitability is also low. However, you can (often) make more money on bonds than on bank deposits. You can also buy bonds through a broker, but the entry threshold can be high, from tens of thousands of dollars to a couple of hundred thousand.

Mutual funds

mutual funds or Mutual Investment Funds are a pool of money from a large number of investors (like you, for example), which is managed by a management company in order to increase the value of this fund.

Mutual funds can be selected to suit every taste- industry, “blue chips”, etc. The value of your share (the part you purchased in the fund) can go into deep minus and rapidly grow upward. Therefore, this is a long-term instrument, for investing for 5-10 or more years. The entry threshold can start from several tens of dollars or thousands of rubles.

ETFs and index funds

In developed Western markets(for example, American or European stock markets) you can invest in ETFs ( Exchange Traded Funds ) or to index funds (the same ETFs linked to a specific index). These instruments, as a rule, are tied to a certain type of asset (for example, blue chips, shares of fast-growing companies, oil sector companies, stock index of the largest American companies (for example, S&P500), etc. There are a great variety of them and you can choose to suit every taste and attitude to risk!

You can buy these instruments (in Russia) through brokers, which provide access to foreign markets and instruments.These are very cool toolsallowing you to earn 5-10 percent or more in dollars and get rid of country risk, which is very important for you and me :) Like mutual funds, ETFsThese are long-term instruments designed for investment for 5-10 years or more. The entry threshold is from a couple of hundred to several thousand dollars. These are my favorite passive income tools!

“A dollar saved is a dollar earned!” B. Franklin.

Perhaps none of the methods described above suited you, but there is one way to make money that is available to everyone! This . Saving on yourself is unpleasant. However, saving is “smart” when you save money, but do not noticeably change the lifestyle to which you are accustomed - even exciting and reckless. Hundreds of smart saving ideas .

Investment in yourself loved one!

In all my materials I write and say that money is always a tool (like an axe, hammer or brick), but not an end in itself. Therefore, the most inexpensive investments with the highest short-term and long-term returns are investments in yourself, such as:

- investment in relationships with your spouse, children, relatives, friends. For example, an unsuccessful marriage can put an end to all your investment desires for years and decades and ultimately ruin you. What do you do to keep your relationship alive?

— investments in health- these investments bring income, ranging from savings on the costs of doctors and medications, and ending with the fact that a healthy body greatly affects the health of the “brains”, your thoughts, mood, motivation, which, in turn, affects everything in including the ability to earn more and invest better. Watch me play sports for free.

- spiritual development- we, as a rule, leave this aspect to the very end, although in life it is almost the most important. Your spirit, your mood, your attitude towards life and other people, your life goals influence everything!

What type of passive income should you choose?

Not one alone!None of the tools described above separately will be the right and good solution for generating confident and reliable passive income. Remember - “don’t keep all your eggs in one basket”! As a rule, it is necessary to combine some the tools described above. Something like - part of the assets in cash, part in bonds, part in real estate, part in mutual funds/funds or structured products. At the same time, part of all assets must be in the national currency, and part must be tied to hard currency (for example, the dollar).

Test before invest!And one more thing - no matter what you choose - “test before invest” & “try small” - which means “test, then invest” and “try on a small scale”. You don’t need to use all your money to buy one instrument (for example, shares of a company or mutual fund) that you have not tried before. Buy it for a small amount, try it, make sure everything works well and then increase your investment in this or that tool.

Break down the risks over time!An additional strategy could be to enter a particular instrument gradually - for example, buy such and such an ETF for a certain amount every month. This will help you reduce (but not eliminate) the risks of getting into a bad instrument and losing money.

When should you start creating passive income tools?

The earlier the better! Preferably from school, student, or at least your first job. But, if you haven't done it then, it's never too late to start doing this. It’s just that the sooner you start, the more powerfully (in your place) compound interest will work, whose power grows like a snowball, only after some time. Read the amazing story of Susan, Bill and Chris and you will understand what I mean.

BUT! There is one limitation.I recommend starting to invest only AFTER how you pay off all debts (except the mortgage) and create equal to 6 monthly income (or expenses, if that’s easier for you:). And only after that you can and should engage in investments, making money, etc.

One of the most effective tools for solving these two problems (getting rid of loans and forming a fire reserve) is.


As you can see, there are many types of passive income. Some are very easy to understand and cheap to get into, some are a little more complex and more expensive. You don't need to limit yourself to one tool and you don't need to try to fit into too many of them.

The main thing is not to “sit” forever in the asset, who earns less than inflation (like cash under your pillow or money on deposit), and learn to invest your money in profitable (and passive) instruments. And then, one day, your passive income will start earning more than active income, and you will be able to do what brings you joy for the rest of your life!

It will be useful!

Call to action

What can you do right now? Two things:

First.On your own or with help, make an annual budget for your family, set yourself the goal of “expeditiously paying off all debts except the mortgage” and “forming a Fire Reserve” of 6 months and make these two goals part of your budget.

And the second one!Meet with 2-3 large brokers in your country and city and ask them to tell you about the tools described above, taking into account your financial capabilities and risk tolerance. This conversation will be very useful and will charge you with the necessary motivation to engage in passive income!

Greetings, friends. Many people are interested in how to make money on the Internet and where to get sites that won’t get scammed. Today I decided to make a selection of proven sites for making money on the Internet with withdrawal of money in real life.

There are a lot of services that provide various simple work on the Internet, but I made a selection only of proven services that pay regularly and have proven themselves well in my eyes. Scams and non-payments are very common in this niche, since it is easiest to make money from inexperienced beginners, so many fall for scammers. I remember in 2007 or 2008 I myself earned my first $10 from clicks in one service, but I couldn’t withdraw it, and I wasted a lot of time.

Another trick of scammers is to first ask you to pay for various nonsense or as a sign of seriousness of intentions, and then disappear with your donations. So you should immediately look for services for earning money without investments, everything with investments is a scam, with rare exceptions. I can imagine, you came to get a job as an engineer at a plant, and they tell you to put 30 thousand in the cash register first - well, that’s nonsense?

And one more point that I would like to highlight is that there are sites where you can earn money, but you cannot withdraw funds. That is, there is a certain internal currency, after receiving which you can spend it on all sorts of coupons, services, or various specific goods. It’s a stretch to call it earnings, since you can’t get real money from them. So when searching, immediately choose sites for making money where you can withdraw money to Yandex Money, Webmoney, Qiwi, PayPal or other common currencies and don’t be fooled by anything else.

Sites for making money on social networks

This type of income is based on the purchase by advertisers of various social signals - likes, reposts, subscriptions, joining a group, video views. If you have accounts on VK, FB, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Odnoklassniki, Google+, etc., then you can get to work.


Convenient service for work. Automatic verification of simple tasks without the need to send reports for likes or subscriptions. In addition to tasks on social networks, there are more complex and higher-paying tasks in a variety of areas - registration on sites, installation of applications, etc.

Referral program: yes

The site contains tasks in several categories. Most associated with social networks, but there are others. For example, there are many orders for posting posts on various forums or blogs with a link to the desired site.

Since tasks are not always simple, there is no automatic acceptance. But the prices for execution compare favorably with competitors. For example, for a couple of likes on Facebook you can earn a few rubles.

Referral program: yes


Referral program: yes


This service for making money is distinguished by a large number of tasks and their constant replenishment, but there are two disadvantages: the prices are slightly lower than those of competitors and only the VKontakte social network is supported (at least for now).

Referral program: yes

Sites for making money on texts

The need for texts for websites is constantly growing, as new projects appear on the Internet every day. In addition, competition is growing and good copywriters earn much more than the national average salary. At the same time, copywriting and rewriting does not force you to work full time - if you have free time, you take orders, if you don’t have time, you don’t take them.


One of the oldest copywriting exchanges with a huge audience of employers. There are always orders of different levels - from simple comments for the site to full-fledged articles of tens of thousands of characters. There is a rating system for performers, thanks to which, with good work, the average payment per 1000 characters will increase. You can not only take orders, but also upload finished works to the store. Payments in the system are made in dollars, payments are made in WMZ.

Referral program: yes


To make money on this exchange, you just need to register and start submitting applications for orders. The higher the rating, the higher the chances of getting good, expensive tasks. You can increase your skill level in the system by completing test tasks from the service. This site uses rubles for making money in calculations with withdrawal of money to Webmoney.

Referral program: yes


Little different from previous sites. It is also possible to sell ready-made articles and take orders for writing texts on assignment. The rating is formed on the basis of completed orders and the quality of their implementation. Positive reviews help you rise in the rankings faster, so ask customers to leave them. Payments are made to a WMR wallet.

Referral program: yes

Sites for automatic earnings

This part contains sites where the work is mostly done not by you, but by your computer. Something like this: you launch the program, it performs certain actions on the Internet, and you are charged money for this.


Vipip is an active advertising service through which you can promote websites, accounts on social networks (likes, subscriptions, etc.), there are free-form tasks - in this way it is similar to many other axle boxes, but there is a feature that distinguishes it favorably from competitors is a browser extension that earns money automatically by performing the simplest and most common tasks without human intervention.

For the extension to work, you need to download it to your computer, connect your accounts on social networks and periodically withdraw money, albeit small, but truly passive.

Referral program: yes


To make money, you install an add-on to your browser that periodically displays small advertising banners. Banners do not require any reaction (closing, transitioning, viewing, etc.), they do not interfere with working on the network (visiting websites, communicating on social networks, etc.). You use the Internet as usual, you are not distracted by banners, but you get money for them, albeit small ones.

Additionally, in beta testing mode, Surfearner has a cryptocurrency mining script. You start mining in your personal account and part of the power of your computer’s processor will be used by the service for mining. You set the percentage of power yourself from 0 to 100 - determine it experimentally so that it does not slow down other programs.

Withdrawing money to Yandex, WebMoney, Qiwi, etc.

Referral program: yes


This is a service for promoting video clips on Youtube. He gets views, likes, subscribers. Operates automatically. To earn money, you need to install a program or browser plugin from your personal account.

After launching, the program itself will open pages with video clips and unscrew them for a specified duration. Moreover, when you open a tab with a video in the browser, it does not become active and does not in any way interfere with your normal work. You go about your business, and the program in the background earns a little money, albeit very little.

The service is English-language and pays only via PayPal.

Referral program: yes

Sites for making money on surveys

Many people do not trust such income, since it is not clear who is willing to pay for all this. In fact, various companies constantly conduct market research and allocate budgets for this. Part of these budgets goes to pay for volunteers who are ready to take part.


Official questionnaire from the search engine Yandex. A variety of tasks appear in the system: identifying sites containing porn images, assessing the relevance (compliance) of a page with a search query - these are small tasks. There are also those where you need to check the operation of an online store from Yandex Market (place an order and return the product) - serious money is paid for such tasks. I wrote a description of how the service works when it first appeared in the article. Since then, there have been more different tasks.

Referral program: no


Earning money follows the standard scheme - register, fill out your personal data, answer questions from the tasks. The number of available surveys depends on your personal profile. Customers indicate the category of people whose opinion they are interested in, so topics about cars will come more often to men, and about raising children to women.

For the initial information about yourself, the service charges money - you will receive a total of 80 rubles by simply indicating your marital status, bad habits, education, etc.

Withdrawal of funds is available when you reach 500 rubles via Webmoney or phone.

Referral program: 15 rubles per friend


The service is similar to the previous one, but there are financial nuances. For filling out the questionnaire you will be able to earn only 10 rubles, but withdrawal is available from a smaller amount - only 300 rubles, which are transferred to WebMoney.

Referral program: yes


The minimum withdrawal of money on this site is from 500 rubles, transferred to a mobile phone account. Tasks do not appear too often; you can count on several questionnaires within a month.

Referral program: no


Initially, the service is foreign, as evidenced by the clumsy translation in places, but surveys appear regularly in Russian. Withdrawal of earned money is possible both in the form of various bonuses and in real rubles on PayPal (from there you can withdraw to your card).

Referral program: no

Sites for making money by entering captcha

Many services, applications and games are protected from bots using captcha (pictures depicting different symbols). Robots are not yet able to solve such images; accordingly, there is a considerable demand on the market for human captcha recognition - low-skilled work, but in demand.


Before you start working in RuCaptcha, there is a training course where you will be taught to recognize all possible options for pictures. The payment for captcha recognition is not very high, but there is always work to be done at any time of the day or night. The secret to increasing earnings is working at night, when the activity of performers is minimal - during this period the average price of one input is 3 times higher.

By the way, this type of income is an excellent tool for practicing touch typing. A couple of hours of work and you will know the computer keyboard like the back of your hand, and you will also earn money.

Withdrawal of earned money is possible on Webmoney, Yandex, Qiwi, Bitcoin, etc.

Referral program: yes


English-language service for entering captchas. Registration is only possible using an invitation code, here it is – DEQ1. In my opinion, the service is significantly inferior to the manual one; there are often no tasks, so I present it only as an alternative option.

You can withdraw money only to Webmoney.

Referral program: yes

Sites for making money on clicks and other little things


A service with a large number of different tasks, ranging from simple ones (like subscribing to a social account) to complex multi-step ones (like opening a search, entering a phrase, finding a website, going to it). Difficult tasks pay more. There are always a lot of tasks - this is a plus.

Each newcomer will receive 50 rubles as a gift if they enter the promotional code during registration - 9948465ab38a7105853

Referral system: yes

This service provides access to several types of tasks - reading letters, surfing websites, random tasks, tests and social networks. Letters are a kind of advertisements that contain a link to the site. Surfing is directly going to a website and viewing it for a certain time. In arbitrary tasks, anything can occur - likes, registrations in services, etc. Subscriptions, reposts and likes are waiting for you in the social networks section. Please read the service rules carefully.

Withdrawal of funds from 20 kopecks to a Webmoney wallet.

Referral program: yes

Websites for making money from reviews

This category contains services that pay for publishing interesting and useful reviews about something. These can be a variety of texts, from your experience of using an iron to your impressions of walking to the top of a mountain.


The operating principle is described above. No pre-agreed topic is imposed on you - you choose everything yourself. Complete freedom of imagination and creativity. Just write the text and publish it on the site. Payment for a review will depend on how interesting it is (number of views) and useful (rating). Moreover, accrual occurs constantly as your publications are viewed. With high activity, you can create a source of passive income.

Withdrawals go to Webmoney, the first time a minimum of 200 rubles, subsequent payments from 100.

Referral program: yes


A site completely similar to the Otzovik service. Write reviews and get bonuses for it. Bonuses can be exchanged for prizes, or withdrawn via Webmoney or to a mobile account. The minimum payment amount is 500 rubles.

Referral program: yes

Sites for making money on comments

Writing comments is ordered for different purposes - in some places you need to dilute the SEO text in an article, in others you need to add volume, but most often commenting is bought in order to create the appearance of higher activity. Often such tasks can be found on text exchanges and other services described in this article, but there are also highly specialized sites aimed only at this type of income.


The name Qcomment itself shows that with the help of this resource you can earn money on the Internet by commenting on the instructions of advertisers. The site specializes in commenting, but recently other areas have appeared on it, in particular working with social signals and surfing.

You can withdraw payment through Yandex and Webmoney.

Referral program: yes

Freelance service sites

At the beginning of this project, it was focused on text orders and looked more like one of the copywriting exchanges, but over time it grew into a full-fledged service, where the share of text orders is only a small percentage. There is work here for those who know how to draw banners, those who make videos, and many others. True, to participate as a performer, a deposit is required (to rid the system of low-skilled personnel who want to try).

Referral program: yes


On this exchange you can buy or sell any service at a fixed price of 500 rubles. True, the service takes 20% from the performer for its mediation, which ultimately leaves you with only 400 rubles. There are a lot of areas of work, and for what is not included in the standardized headings there is a section “Original”.

Referral program: yes

When writing the article, I did not have the goal of talking about all the projects for making money that exist on the Internet; I wanted to give readers only those sites that are trustworthy and relevant today. I hope now you know everything you need to create income on the Internet without a website or initial investment.

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