Program for writing php code. How to open .PHP file

Sometimes something is really missing good editor for PHP exactly from the point of view comfortable work with code, something more serious than simple syntax highlighting. At the same time, ordinary editors are a dime a dozen, in which, unfortunately, the same syntax highlighting does not always work correctly.

I would like to have a normal implementation of IntelliSense, and not a “wooden” parody of it in the form of a predetermined list of methods and language constants that “falls out” during work with or without reason in the form of a complete list. IntelliSense must “know” about all the classes you use, about their methods and variables, that is, you have connected the file with the definition of your class via #include, and the editor immediately picks it up, prompting information about all the “internals” of objects of this class.

It would also be nice to have hints while typing the name of the function in the form brief description functions (accepted parameters, whether there are overloaded functions, etc.). This is especially lacking for self-written functions; in some typical editors I saw such hints, but only for native PHP functions. Oh yes, it’s also very convenient to quickly move to the definition of a function from the place where it is called. In general, I want a lot more, and I consider all these possibilities to be only a fraction of the most necessary things in the coding process and not an excess...

We can say that in this sense, my ideal is the combination of MS Visual Studio + Visual Assist, which I use when working with C# and C++ (Visual Assist in this combination is simply like a life preserver). When you don’t have to go into other files once again to look at the accepted function parameters or the names of certain class members, this in any case contributes to the productivity and “pleasantness” of the process. The absence of such an editor among its tools is very depressing, given the increasing (from version to version) object-oriented nature of PHP.

And here it is!

Still, I found a pretty good editor for myself - . If you, like me, used regular editors that replace the standard “notepad” and also longed for human IntelliSense, I advise you to definitely try it. In addition, it is also free (about the paid version below) and works on the basis of the Mozilov framework (XPFE), which makes it also multi-platform.

This editor is not ideal, it has a lot of good things, but, of course, it still has room for improvement. But, in general, in the first days of meeting him I had no bounds of joy :)

It is also worth noting support for other languages ​​(Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl), as well as JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XML and much more (judging by the list of files that it can open, it knows many more languages ​​and technologies, but not sure about IntelliSense working for all of them). I was pleasantly surprised by the support for many popular frameworks for JavaScript (this was useful for this).

I probably haven’t had time to study all the functionality of Komodo Edit yet, but I would like to describe some points.

First of all, I customized color scheme code highlighting for PHP ( Edit -> Preferences… -> Fonts and Colors), since I’m already used to colors from .

Also useful addition It turned out to be a plugin that finds all TODOs in an open project or file and displays them in one list (similar to how it is implemented in VS). And a plugin that allows you to see in the form of one list all the classes and methods defined in the open file () for quick navigation through them.

In general, before using Komodo, it makes sense to study its settings, changing certain parameters to suit yourself. For example, I also redefined hotkey to go to defining functions (I did F12, like in Visual Studio :)

In general, everything works quite well, “earth and sky” compared to coding in a regular editor.

A little inconvenient for full support IntelliSense must create a project file (you just need to save it to the root directory of the site). That is, if you open one file outside the Komodo project, all the included files will not be processed in any way, and, accordingly, Komodo will not know anything about the functions and classes defined in the included files. But, in general, this small inconvenience can be overcome :)

On the other hand, creating a project file allows you to make more detailed project settings, which are saved and every time you open the project, Komodo will remember them. Through it, for example, you can specify additional directories so that Komodo, when working with your project, always has in mind the structure of classes and methods (for IntelliSense and various tooltips) implemented in files that are located in the connected directory, even if these files nor are they actually connected (via include or require) to the file being edited. You can also search or replace text in all project files. Also, Komodo remembers the bookmarks you make inside the code ( Ctrl+F2) for each file, this is very convenient.

I was a little unpleasantly surprised that Komodo Edit does not know anything about the built-in classes in PHP (maybe I'm doing something wrong?). For example, if you need to use the mysqli class:

$mysqli = new mysqli(HOST, USER, PASS, MBASE); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) ( print "Connect failed: ".mysqli_connect_error(); exit(); ) $mysqli->query("INSERT....."); $mysqli->close();

When, after writing the word “$mysqli”, I start accessing the methods of this object (I write the “->” sign), Komodo Edit does not want to prompt anything about the query, close, etc. methods, and in the status bar it swears that, they say , I never saw the definition of this class... Moreover, with built-in PHP functions there are no problems, for example, Komodo knows very well about the mysqli_* family of functions (the wrapper of which is the mysqli class). But I hope this flaw will be corrected someday. If, for example, you work with the database through your own wrapper class (or through something like PEAR), then there should be no problems with IntelliSense.

Once it happened to me that when editing a js file, Komodo did not understand which Java Script framework I was using. But, fortunately, this can always be corrected in its settings ( Edit -> Preferences… -> Code Intelligence).

There is a paid version of Komodo called Komodo IDE. As I understand it, the main difference from Komodo Edit is in the functions common to many IDEs. Komodo IDE has built-in version control (SVN) tools and a code debugger.

By the way, Komodo Edit still has a primitive debugger that notifies you on the fly about such minor errors as a forgotten semicolon at the end of a line, an unclosed parenthesis, etc. He highlights such errors with a red wavy line. In order for such debugging to work, you need to specify the path to the PHP executable file and php.ini in the program settings ( Edit -> Preferences… -> Languages ​​-> PHP).

As you can see, similar settings can be made for all other languages.


Komodo Edit is now my everyday tool 🙂 Plus, for short edits of some small things in occasional cases, I continue to use an analogue of an advanced notepad - Notepad++, that is, I use it for its real purpose.

Before Komodo Edit, I also tried an interesting plugin for Visual Studio called VS.Php. It is built into Visual Studio and allows you to work with PHP in the same way as, for example, with C# (you can debug code, IntelliSense works, etc.). But somehow it didn’t really impress me, especially considering that it’s paid for. Besides, as I understand it, when working in it you can completely forget about Java support Script, etc. Another interesting thing is that, just like Komodo, IntelliSense does not work for classes built into PHP. This VS.Php also conflicts with Visual Assist.

There are two more similar editors that I heard about, but somehow didn’t happen to try them (the following is just IMHO and guesses based on “rumors”):

  • Zend Studio is paid, according to reviews, the impression is that it is something cumbersome and is applicable primarily in very large and complex projects, it is especially appropriate, perhaps, if the project is created based on the Zend Framework.
  • Eclipse is free, but it probably scared me away because it was too complicated. As I understand it, you still need to be able to assemble it for yourself from various modules. In general, somehow there was no desire to figure out how to install and configure it (but at one time I still tried a little 😉), although, undoubtedly, someone may really like it.


If anyone can recommend any other editors keeping in mind my “picky” tastes, I would be very grateful. It would also be interesting to hear about some additional interesting features of Komodo from those who already use it.

In general, away with the primitive code illumination with the carriage unnecessary functions! This is a “sore” stone in the garden of constantly appearing simple editors code that highlights among its “advantages” a built-in file system explorer or something like a mini editor/database viewer (well, why is this necessary if there are not the most important things for exactly what the code editor is originally supposed to be used for) and so on. etc.. For some reason, almost every beginner (although maybe not always a beginner) programmer wants to “quickly” create their own “mega” editor, which often degenerates into “again something painfully familiar”... obviously this tradition from the series “Hello World!” 😉

PHP is a great language for creating web pages. On this moment it is supported by most hosting providers and is the leading programming language for creating dynamic websites. The beginning PHP creation It is generally accepted that 1994 was when Rasmus Lerdorf created a simple set of scripts for processing HTML documents... Perhaps because at the time of creation PHP handler written in C, the syntaxes of the languages ​​are very similar...

1 place. PhpStorm

PhpStorm is a cross-platform development environment for the PHP language. The program is a multifunctional and intelligent editor for PHP, HTML and JavaScript. There are many features of the program, of which I would like to note the ability to analyze and code on the fly; the error prevention function ensures unsurpassed performance.

2nd place. Sublime Text

Simple, free, convenient editor different code. Among the advantages, one cannot fail to note the pleasant interface, ease of management, and flexible configuration. Another undoubted advantage is that this editor is multi-platform. I really liked the multiple selection and editing function; other editors do not have this function. It works like this: you hold down Ctrl and after selecting lines of text, they are edited simultaneously. This editor also has a hotkey function for any action. There are not many plugins yet.

3rd place. Komodo IDE

Komodo is a professional IDE for major web programming languages, including Python, PHP, Ruby, Perl, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You will enjoy this editor and develop faster using the full set of tools. Key features: Code folding, multi-window editing, smart syntax checking, highlighting, powerful snippets and convenient macros for tools and other productivity-enhancing features. A sleek interface frees up space and gives room for creativity.

4th place. Expression Studio

This is not just an application, it is a whole software package developed by the company Microsoft. This package contains: visual editor,interface design tools, graphic design, and many other means.

5th place. PhpED

The program has many tools that are very useful in developing both in PHP and in other languages ​​that the editor supports. The built-in web server is used to debug web applications. You may spend a lot of time and effort setting up at first, but it's worth it. Another disadvantage of the program is that there is no distribution for MAC and Linux.

6th place. PHPEdit

This editor's arsenal includes not only syntax highlighting, but also a function automatic filling, code checking, there is also a built-in debugger. It’s not good that there are no Russian-language textbooks yet, and you won’t be fed up with the management. There are also no distributions for MAC and Linux.

7th place. Dreamweaver

When using this program, you can simultaneously view the design and code of the page, tooltips and auto-completion are also used. The search and replacement of symbols is conveniently organized. On the official website of the program you will find many commercial and non-commercial plugins for this program.

8th place. phpDesigner

This code editor is specially tailored for PHP; of course, with its help you can create and edit projects in other languages, but this will be ineffective. One of the shortcomings that immediately catches your eye is the lack of cross-platform functionality; this editor is only available for Windows. Unlike other editors, you cannot change the font size in it (who knows, maybe your eyesight is bad, but most programmers have exactly that). The program also lacks convenient vertical selection. But despite all the shortcomings, phpDesigner has best backlight code, it is very well organized, in general, try it and you will find out.

9th place. PHP Studio 2010

The editor itself is a development environment for PHP. It allows you to code faster using a large number of features such as: built-in server, web browser and much more. Like most editors, there is syntax checking, support different encodings, support for multiple development languages.

10th place. RadPHP

RadPHP is aimed at those who do not have much coding experience. Among the advantages, one cannot fail to note the syntax highlighting, the presence of a built-in browser and debugger, the ability to create breakpoints, and ease of use is immediately noticeable. There is technical support organized at top level. One of the shortcomings that immediately jumps out is that there are no distributions for MAC and Linux.

It's been quite a long time since I wrote a single article on my blog. Unfortunately, the reason was the lack of a PC. As soon as my 8-year-old old one was completely worn out, I immediately arranged for the delivery of a new one. Finally, after a week and a half, I received a new set and can now continue to blog.

Immediately after I assembled the PC, configured the OS, etc., I had a question about which IDEs should be installed. Quite often I am tormented by this question because the choice is quite large. Well, in order to make it much easier for you to make your choice, I have given you a list of 15 best IDEs for coding in PHP.


  • Languages: PHP, HTML and JS
  • Price: $199 for the first year
  • Code quality analysis, PHPUnit tests, GitHub


  • Languages: Java ME & SE, JavaScript, HTML5, PHP, C/C++, XML, Groovy, Javadoc, JSP
  • Price: Free
  • Integration of Subversion, Mercurial and Git, NetBeans Profiler

Aptana Studio

Another favorite IDE of mine that I met before the storm. A huge plus of it is that it is free.

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux, Plugin for Eclipse
  • Languages: JS, HTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Python, Perl
  • Price: Free
  • Open source, deployment wizard for RoR, GitHub


Surely most of you associate this editor with programming in Java, but that’s not the case! Eclipse's support is incredible. great amount languages ​​and is completely free.

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris
  • Languages: Ada, ABAP, C, C++, COBOL, D, Fortran, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Julia, Lasso, Lua, NATURAL, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Rust, Scala, Clojure, Groovy, Scheme, Erlang, LaTeX, Mathematica
  • Price: Free
  • Rich Client Platform, support for Tomcat, GlassFish and other services, Web Tools Platform

Sublime Text

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux
  • Languages: Incredibly large number of most common languages
  • Price: Currently priced at $70
  • Package Manager

Visual Studio Code

Quite a powerful IDE that firmly defends its place in this market. Write PHP projects I didn’t have to use this editor, since I met it when I was learning the C# language

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux
  • Languages: Batch, C++, Clojure, CoffeeScript, DockerFile, Elixir, F#, Go, Pug template language, Java, HandleBars, Ini, Lua, Makefile, Objective-C, Perl, PowerShell, Python, R, Razor, Ruby, Rust, SQL, Visual Basic, XML, PHP, JS
  • Price: Free, developer license from Microsoft
  • GitHub, code refactoring, debugger


In one of the first articles I already wrote about this editor, and since then I have not changed my opinion. Simple, beautiful and free. Perfect for young and beginning developers. Well, those who are 15-22 years old and have just begun their acquaintance with PHP. Well, Atom is also a free and limited alternative to Storm. You can work on it, and I think that quite a lot of developers use it, and not just PHP. To me it seemed too simple and not convenient (after the storm, of course). Well, actually, I only worked on the fluff for him.

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux
  • Languages: HTML, CSS, Less, Sass, GitHub Flavored Markdown, C/C++, C#, Go, Java, Objective-C, JavaScript, JSON, CoffeeScript, Python, PHP, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, shell script, Clojure, Perl , Git, Make, Property List (Apple), TOML, XML, YAML, Mustache, Julia & SQL
  • Price: Free
  • Open source, built-in Package Manager, Themes


Oh yes. Now it's time to talk about grandfathers. Many would probably now say: “What are you doing, have you gone nuts or something?” Well, seriously... If you compare IDE and Windows. Then Notepad++ is Win XP or ME. Precisely in classic themes.

NotePad is the same IDE that is neither good nor bad. It's just a real classic. It's just incredibly simple, flexible and fast. I have never seen a single editor that works so quickly. In which the user without extra effort can customize color scheme for every single letter, every single language. This editor is perfect for any novice developer. I would even say that any beginner simply must start writing code in this IDE.

I could write about this notebook forever. Despite the fact that this is a very old and simple IDE, I don’t know a single programmer who continues to use it.

  • Platforms: Windows
  • Languages: Ada, asp, Assembly, AutoIt, Batch, C, C++, C#, Caml, Cmake, COBOL, CoffeeScript, CSS, D, Diff, Flash ActionScript, Fortran, Gui4CLI, Haskell, HTML, INNO, Java, JavaScript, JSP , KiXtart, LISP, Lua, Makefile, Matlab, MS-DOS, INI file, NSIS, Normal Text File, Objective-C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, PostScript, PowerShell, Properties, Python, R, Resource file, Ruby, Shell , Scheme, Smalltalk, SQL, TCL, TeX, Visual Basic, VHDL, Verilog, XML, YAML
  • Price: Free
  • Open source, Macro recording and playback, User Defined Syntax Highlighting and Folding


No matter how much of an “apple” hater I am, how could I miss this editor, designed specifically for Makovodov. To be honest, I don’t understand why this IDE is needed at all, since it only supports the HTML language, and it also costs money. Please do not write a bunch of insults at me, since there was no desire or opportunity to test this editor.

  • Platforms: Mac OS X
  • Languages: HTML
  • Price: 99$
  • Touch Bar ready, FTP, SFTP, FTP+SSL, and WebDAV client


The same editor that many people know about. From one friend I heard that this is not an IDE at all. Maybe he's right.

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux
  • Languages: C++, C, VBScript, Java, JavaScript, HTML, Python, Perl, Ruby
  • Price: Free
  • Live Preview, JSLint, LESS


Something unknown to me and dark. I've never worked with this topic. But I studied a little, maybe in the future I will still have to deal with this IDE

  • Platforms: Cross-platform
  • Languages: GNU C/C++, Java, WinDbg, Clang C/C++ LLDB, Google Go, Groovy, Python, Perl, Ruby, PHP, XCode, Android JVM/NDK
  • Price: SlickEdit Standard $99.95, SlickEdit Standard for Enterprise $149.95
  • GitHub, Subversion, Mercurial, Perforce, CVS


This is the same editor that supports an incredibly huge number of operating systems. And just a HUGE list of languages. So huge that I didn’t even bother to include them here, but will simply give you a link to the full list. And all this, completely free!

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux, BSD, OS/2, UNIX, VMS
  • Languages:
  • Price: Free
  • Open source, Split Windows, extensive library of plugins

Programmer's Notepad

Programmer's notebook. As for me, it’s a simplified copy of NotePad++. Lately I’ve been getting the impression that all the old IDEs were written exclusively for ALL programming languages.

  • Platforms: Windows
  • Languages: List of languages
  • Price: Free
  • Open source, Folding, Plugins

Komodo Edit

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux
  • Languages: Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Tcl, SQL, Smarty, CSS, HTML, XML
  • Price: $295
  • Package Manager, Vagrant, Docker, Unit Testing

RJ TextEd

I have no idea what it is... If I know anything about Komodo, this is the first time I’ve seen it) If anyone knows, please leave a comment.

  • Platform: Win, Linux
  • Languages: PHP, ASP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Price: Free
  • FTP and SFTP client


In this article I gave an example of 15 editors that you can try for yourself. Well, if you are interested in my opinion, then the best one is Storm. If you just started learning programming or just love simplicity, then you need NotePad++. Well, if you are a young student who only has money for beer at the kiosk, but at the same time wants to work in a beautifully designed instrument, then choose Atom. And also for the most practical people who have only the latest windows version, 2 huge monitors and even pencils and pens lie neatly in their place on the table, then, of course, Visual Studio is perfect for you.

- Extension (format) is the characters at the end of the file after the last dot.
- The computer determines the file type by its extension.
- By Windows default does not show file name extensions.
- Some characters cannot be used in the file name and extension.
- Not all formats are related to the same program.
- Below are all the programs that can be used to open a PHP file.

Many MS Windows users have long noticed that the standard notepad is a rather inconvenient program to use. This could be a replacement for it. free editor text files, providing syntax support large quantity programming languages. The program contains a fairly wide range of options and is characterized by minimal consumption of processor resources. The program makes it possible to simultaneously view several documents at once and edit them, without closing unnecessary windows. An option such as editing the same document in different places which is very convenient...

Notepad2 is a simple application that allows you to type and edit text. It will help in creating HTML pages, programming in various languages ​​(CSS, Java, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Perl, PHP) as it can highlight code. The program is built on the principle a simple notepad, it is lightweight and compact. This text editor checks all parentheses for pairs and supports auto-indentation. Notepad2 not only supports ASCII encodings and UTF-8, but also knows how to convert them. Allows you to roll back unwanted operations many levels back. Supports block selection of text elements and has numbered...

One of best programs creating web applications for WEB 2.0 developers. Includes a convenient and simple interface, convenient HTML, PHP, Ruby, CSS, Python and JavaScript editors, supports HTML5, has a built-in Debugger with a wide range of capabilities, support for various browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox,Opera, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari, quickly supports all new technologies, such as Adobe AIR and even development for IPhone 5. The help system is quite rich and without a doubt this right choice for any developer. The program runs on Eclipse platform and has a lot of plugins that...

Bluefish – powerful program for programming and web development. It has many functions for developing websites, scripts and program codes. The program runs at high speed and can download hundreds of files in a matter of seconds. Open more than 500+ documents simultaneously without any problems. There are very useful features, How good search by files as well as without limit functions “Undo” and “Redo”. Automatic recovery in case of unplanned shutdown. Integration external programs and external filters. Language support, namely reference Information online. The program is under development, but already supports 17 languages...

PSPad is a very useful editor program code, suitable for coders who write in multiple languages. Suitable for those who need program code highlighting. Can easily replace popular tools. The PSPad will prove its worth when working with complex code syntax. It was created to help all types of users. The program comes with an impressive list of templates. There are features like syntax highlighting, macro recording, or search and replace functions that are common in such applications. It comes with HEX editor, an FTP client so that the user can edit the code directly...

PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for web development. Supports HTML language and is capable of generating and passing information to an HTML file. PHP integrates into many platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix). Its main task is to create active dynamic web pages. It is one of the most user-friendly programming languages. PHP is known for its reliability, speed, stability and increased level security. The code written in the PHP scripting language is interpreted by the web server using PHP module dynamic web pages are generated.

Komodo Edit is a convenient code editor that supports a wide range of different programming languages. The program gives users the opportunity to work with several files at once; writing code will become more efficient using the autocomplete function and hints. The application allows you to automatically highlight variables when you select them. Using the editor, you can view files in other programming languages. The program supports syntax coloring and indentation. Can check syntax parameters, snippets used to store source column code. Has a simple editing mode and supports drag and drop...

There are a lot of programs on the Internet that allow you to edit source another program, file, etc. However, most of similar programs are just text editor like a notepad. They differ from the above editor only in that they have syntax highlighting. However, in some cases, this program functionality is not enough. A programmer may need to quickly find different parts of a document. And now, finally, a program has appeared that allows you to solve this problem. The program is called SynWrite. Her distinctive feature- Availability navigation bar with a tree that...

Free Opener is a fairly functional viewer of the most popular files, including Winrar archives, Microsoft documents Office, PDF, Photoshop documents, torrent files, icons, web pages, text documents, audio and video files, graphic files including Flash and much more. The number of supported files exceeds seventy. The program does not have the usual settings and options except for changing the design. It is also necessary to note that there is no Russian language, but given the simplicity, do not underestimate the program. Free Opener is a universal and very convenient reading program various types files.

The PHP file contains the source code implemented using the language PHP programming. The file has a PHP extension and can be a script or a web page. This file format requires specialized software on user computer. The advantage of the PHP language is its server-side execution.

For correct opening PHP file, as well as subsequent debugging of the code stored in it, operating system must have a local server installed.
There are several applications that can fully open a file with a PHP extension. Such utilities include software editors like Dreamweaver, PHPEdit, and also Eclipse PHP Development Tools, they can quickly open a PHP file. If the user wants to view the content that carries the PHP file extension, you can use a text editor, while experts recommend the use of editors such as Adobe Dreamweaver, Notepad++ or PSPad editor.

The file with the PHP extension is common in the programming environment for the World Wide Web; the obvious advantages of the PHP script are its simplicity, rich functionality and high execution speed. The PHP extension is used by a very large number of developers from all over the world. Often, PHP language programming is used in conjunction with MySQL databases.

The PHP page code is dynamically processed by the server, after which the user receives the generated HTML code. If the computer owner wants to execute the .php file, they should use local PHP servers such as Denver, Apache-PHP or WampServer. To open PHP this way, just put this type file to the web server folder by launching it by typing the address in the browser line.