A program for quickly filling out all registration forms. Programs for automatically filling out forms. Multiple action buttons

The search module is not installed.

Nadezhda Balovsyak

Those users who often have to spend a lot of time on the Internet, for example, registering products, sending materials or online shopping, spend a lot of time filling out various web forms. Logins, passwords, names, addresses, index and much more...

Endless wait for registration to complete after entering almost the same data. This routine work can be simplified by special programs designed to automatically fill out forms.

There are a lot of programs of this class on the Internet, but there are only a few real generalists among them, since most of these programs often have too narrow a specialization.

While surfing the Internet, you often have to fill out various forms on web pages, indicating the same data - last name, first name, address, date of birth and much more. Using special programs, you can save this data in a special database, and, if necessary, substitute it into forms on web pages.

IE Scripter

Developer's website: www.iescripter.com
Distribution size: 1.2 MB
Status: Shareware

As a result of installation, IE Scripter adds its button to the Internet Explorer browser toolbar. When you come across a form on a web page, you need to enter data and then click this button. An additional panel will be displayed in the browser window, with the help of which you can control the operation of the program. You can save the data entered into the form. At the same time, the program allows you to select which values ​​you want to keep and which ones to omit.

When you encounter a form on another site, in order to use the saved data, click the Load button, and the program will automatically insert all the values ​​into the required fields. However, it should be noted that the program does not always work correctly, especially for drop-down fields. In addition, it is not possible to use different data for one page opened in Internet Explorer; for example, you cannot use data from several mailboxes - the program cannot remember several sets of values.

In addition to this filling method, you can save a standard set of values ​​in the IE Scripter database, which the program will use when filling out forms found on web pages. These parameters should be set in the program settings window. It should be noted that the set of standard parameters is insufficient, and they are not always enough to fill out forms. These settings can be loaded from a set saved in Internet Explorer settings. In addition, the program does not have the ability to edit the list of keywords that determine the type of field in a web form.

The program has flexible settings. Settings can be saved in a special file. Additional features of the program include a password generation tool and viewing cookies.


Developer's website: www.inetformfiller.com
Distribution size: 2.8 MB
Status: Shareware

After installation and mandatory registration of the iNetFormFiller program, its icon will be placed in the system tray.

The main window of the program contains questionnaires with very detailed information about the user. It seems that the program developers have provided all possible options for input fields, even those that are very rarely encountered when filling out web forms. Form data is saved in a profile, which can be customized by randomly selecting the fields that will be included in it, as well as creating groups of fields. In addition, the questionnaire can contain fields of absolutely any standard. In this case, some fields can be linked to each other. In this case, when you enter certain information in one field, the others associated with it can be filled in automatically with the specified values. When creating a profile, the program supports deleting unnecessary fields. And ready-made profiles can be saved as templates and used later when creating other profiles.

After installing the program, an additional iNEtFormFiller toolbar is built into the Internet Explorer browser.

This program can also fill out forms in two ways - by substituting saved data into fields on a web page, or by saving data that was entered into forms on a web page. To fill out the form, just click the Fill button, and all data will be saved in the form.

All pages filled in by the program are saved in a special section - the list of form cards. If you select a form card in the list, the fields of this page will be shown next to it in the program window, which can be edited offline by simply entering the required values ​​there. Essentially, a form card is the same web page with a form, but with a preserved structure.

In the batch information input mode, the program allows you to fill out online forms with standard data, and you can specify which data should be substituted from the profile and which should be entered manually.

Another interesting tool available in iNetFormFiller allows you to record every user action performed in the browser. In this mode of operation, the program remembers not only the fields filled in, but also every click on a link or button. You can remember almost any set of actions, and then simply reproduce it the required number of times, changing some parameters if necessary.

It should be noted that the program has flexible customization options. For each page, the program allows you to set your own settings, including various saving and filling options. Thanks to the functions of exporting and importing settings and saved profiles, the program database can be transferred to another computer.


Developer's website: www.roboform.com
Distribution size: 1.8 MB
Status: Shareware

RoboForm's functionality sets this program apart from its peers, making it one of the best in its category.

This program also adds its own button to the browser toolbar. RoboForm can save the data you entered into web pages. In this case, the program stores this data in special records called pass cards. These pass cards can be used to fill out forms. And if you enter some data into forms on web pages, the program will be able to recognize your actions and offer you to save this data.

Using the person editor, you can manually save data for later use when filling out forms. The contents of the program database, pass cards, as well as the ability to add new entries to the program database can be protected with passwords.

If several users work with the program, each of them can set their own parameters for filling out forms.

It should be noted that the program has extensive customization options. For example, RoboForm allows you to completely customize the composition of the Internet Explorer context menu; you can also customize the key combinations used by the program to fill out forms.


Developer's website: www.m8software.com
Distribution size: 1.59 MB
Status: Shareware

The program allows you to work with a large amount of different data to fill out web forms. The main inconvenience of working with the program is that for each form you need to create its own separate list of field values. And to fill out the form, you should select in the program the required list of field values ​​for it, prepared in advance. Therefore, using WebM8, it is quite difficult to fill out different web forms found on different web pages. But if you need to fill out the same forms, the program will be the ideal solution for you.

Something as seemingly trivial as filling out paper forms can cause a lot of hassle and develop into a real problem! Especially if the need to repeatedly fill out paper forms arises at every step. For example, when filling out birth certificates, school certificates, powers of attorney or employee profiles. Even if you have a typewriter and an experienced typist, this is a long and troublesome task: each form must be inserted into the typewriter and the necessary fields must be filled out. If there are hundreds or thousands of such forms, mistakes are inevitable, followed by covering them up with a proofreader and correction. The most annoying thing is that many of the fields in such forms are exactly the same (for example, address, details and name of the organization), but they have to be filled out every time. Of course, you can use carbon paper to fill out several forms at the same time, but problems arise here too:

  • Paper for forms is most often very thick, which allows you to get no more than 2 or 3 copies in one pass of the typewriter.
  • Forms may differ from each other in the size of the margins: top or bottom, left or right. This leads to the fact that the text on the copies is shifted relative to the fields being filled in: it turns out ugly or completely “unreadable”.
  • If the typist makes a mistake, she has to correct it on all copies.
  • Each form will still have to be reinserted into the typewriter and fields that are different from others will have to be filled in: for example, “Last Name” and “Name”.

What about on a computer?

Indeed, why not make do with modern means? Moreover, most documents are now generated automatically using industry-specific software and printed without problems. But what if you urgently need to fill out a document that exists only on paper, such as a new tax form? You can, of course, “draw” it in Excel and print it on a printer. The process of creating the form will take a lot of time, but the problem can still be solved. But the diploma, certificate or diploma must be filled out - beautifully print the required text in a certain place form. How to do this using a computer and printer?

You can, in principle, measure a template down to the millimeter, create and mark up a document accordingly in Word, and type text in a certain place in this document. After this, “shoot” several times, first printing the entered information on a blank sheet of paper and checking it “in the light” - will it fall into the right place in the template? This is exactly the picture of filling out forms that was once observed in one of the branches of the respected Sberbank. What is surprising is that it was not just some kind of greeting cards that were filled out in this way, which are not scary to “screw up”, but promissory notes - securities, which are not dangerous to spoil. which are “like death.” The task was complicated by the fact that the bills differed in the size of the upper margins, so each form needed individual “shooting.” Only after that the valuable document itself was inserted into the printer. Isn’t it even more troublesome to have such problems? with filling out forms in our age of high computer technology.

Form Pilot Office

There is no need to repeat such a sad experience, since there is an alternative to a typewriter. To fill out paper forms of any kind, you will need a computer, a scanner, a printer, and the Form Pilot Office program (hereinafter referred to as Form Pilot). The form filled out in this program can not only be printed, but also sent by fax or email, even exporting it to PDF before that, if necessary. It's all done like this. Directly from Form Pilot, the process of scanning a paper form is launched, and after its completion, the resulting image appears in the window of a new program document. The program’s built-in tools allow you to straighten the image (if it was unevenly inserted into the scanner) and trim the “blackness” that appears as a result After scanning, the program is shown the location of the upper left corner, and the document is ready to be filled out.

Most often you just need to enter text. To do this, use a special tool, when selected, the mouse cursor becomes similar to a fountain pen. You just need to click this pen in the desired place on the form and fill out the text field that appears. All that remains is to send the typed text for printing by setting the switch to the “Print to ready-made form” position. Naturally, the paper form must be in the printer. After printing, it will look exactly the same as on your monitor screen. You can also print on a blank sheet - the entire document with an image of the form and typed text.

Filling out electronic forms

Filling out paper forms is, without a doubt, the highlight of the Form Pilot program. But with the same success you can fill out electronic forms in different formats: PDF, HTML, DOC, XLS, TXT and others. To do this, you just need to open the document in the native application and “print” it on the Form Pilot Office printer. You heard right - a printer with that name appears in the list of “real” devices after installing Form Pilot. In fact, the document, of course, will not be printed, but will only open in Form Pilot for filling out. In the same way, you can fill out any form in graphical form; to do this, you just need to open the file with its image in Form Pilot.

In addition to text, you can insert a ready-made picture, some symbol, or draw something yourself into the document (the program contains standard drawing tools). For example, you can fill in the missing lines on a form, or “sign” a document by inserting your scanned signature, stamp or seal into it. Frequently used graphic and text objects can be placed on the “shelf” and then simply “drag” them from there into other documents. The use of templates also allows you to automate and simplify the creation of new documents. With their help, you can quickly create a new document using the source information from the template. Text fields with variable content can be left empty in the template and filled in when printing forms.

Filling out forms multiple times

Let's say you need to fill out some paper files for employees. Using the method described above, you create a Form Pilot document and save it as a template. Then open this template, fill out the data for each employee and print it. At the same time, you would really like to save all the entered personal data. How to do this? You can, Of course, save each completed questionnaire in a separate file, but if there are hundreds or thousands of such questionnaires, then it’s time to get confused in these files.

Form Pilot eliminates the hassle of filling out the same form over and over again. The program maintains its own database for each of the created forms. If you have 100 employees, then you can make 100 entries in the database using the form with the questionnaire, and save all this in one single Form Pilot file. What’s good is that when filling out the database, you don’t need to “drive in” the same fields for each entry - You can create a duplicate entry based on any form filling option. All you have to do is change or add what you need and print the completed forms.

Moreover, forms do not need to be filled out manually if the data for them is available in “ready-made” databases. Simply import from these databases (Access, Excel, DBF, and others) into a Form Pilot document, and you can simply print automatically completed forms. And, if you need to re-sort the data in the database, get some statistics on it, or print data for all fields on one sheet in the form of a table, then you can use the function of exporting data from the Form Pilot database to an external database.

Form Pilot + Form Filler combination

To fill out forms prepared in Form Pilot, there is a separate program - Form Filler Pilot. In this "pilot" analogue of "Adobe Reader", you can fill out only those fields that were created in Form Pilot. It would seem that Do you need a program with such extremely limited capabilities? However, it is precisely this severe limitation of Form Filler that allows the program to find interesting applications.

For example, you can “distribute” this program to clients to fill out contracts and other documents (the program is free for the Russian market). It is a notorious fact that when filling out forms in DOC format, clients can not only accidentally spoil the document, but also deliberately change part of it. But the form prepared in Form Pilot cannot be “screwed up” or corrected, but only filled out as required, printed or sent back by e-mail.

For automated testing, as well as for writing bots that click on links, fill out forms and imitate user actions, the same programs are used. Programmers will not be interested in ready-made solutions, but components that allow doing this will most likely be of interest. Let's look at free solutions.

1) Selenium
Selenium is not the chemical element selenium, it is a tool for testing websites. It is intended primarily for testing, i.e. you can make a program and watch how the browser launches, in it the robot walks through pages, clicks on links, downloads files, etc.

Personally, I like the module for the Python programming language, although it is available for other languages, as well as a standalone IDE for the Firefox browser.
Installation for Python is quite simple
From the site seleniumhq.org download Selenium Client Drivers for python, unpack and install as usual, for Windows via the setup.py -install file
Example program in python

#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from selenium import webdriver from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys import time browser = webdriver.Firefox () # Get local session of firefox browser.get("http://www.yandex.ru") # Load page assert "Yandex".decode("utf-8") in browser.title elem = browser.find_element_by_name( "text") # Find the query box elem..decode("utf-8") + Keys.RETURN) time.sleep(0.2) # Let the page load, will be added to the API

In this example, the Mozilla Firefox browser is launched, the script goes to the Yandex search page..

For those who need simple automation, for example just performing standard actions, it is better to use an add-on for the Firefox browser called Selenium IDE
Watin is also not insulation, but a testing tool. In fact, this is a .NET port of the Watir library for Ruby
There are slightly fewer possibilities, as well as the number of supported browsers. Only “donkey” (internet iexplorer) is working and tested. The Watin library can be downloaded from watin.sourceforge.net
One of the advantages of the component is a fairly accurate imitation of the user's action, for example, in the field it is the set of characters that occurs, and not the assignment of a value.
Example program in C#

Using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using WatiN.Core; namespace ConsoleApplication1 ( class Program ( static void Main(string args) ( // Windows WatiN.Core.IE window = new WatiN.Core.IE(); // Frames // Model TextField txt_login = window.TextField(Find.ByName( "login")); Element __ = window.Element(Find.ByText("")); TextField txt_passwd = window.TextField(Find.ByName("passwd")); // Code window.GoTo("http:/ /mail.yandex.ru/"); txt_login.Click(); txt_login.TypeText("your login"); txt_passwd.Click(); txt_passwd.TypeText("your password"); ) ) )

This program opens the Internet Iexplorer browser, goes to the Yandex mail page and enters the username and password. You can log in yourself, it’s not difficult, you can just send the Enter key to the browser.

As a programming feature, the project profile must be simply Net, and not ClientProfile, otherwise there will be an error. And conversion to the STA type is mandatory, in this program it is done with a line

Every day, Internet users have to fill out various forms on websites and online stores. And this often takes away our precious time.

Let's take, for example, the website of one tour operator. So many fields, isn't it?

So many fields, isn't it?

And I must say that it is quite cumbersome to go into each one and choose. Especially if you have to do this several times.

After all, the selection of a tour according to the parameters you set is not always available and you have to adjust the conditions. But if you definitely decide to find a tour that 100% meets your requirements, and despite the fact that there are not always places available, then re-entering the same search parameters every time will be a fairly routine task.

Sergey Nivens / Shutterstock.com

A program will help us with this - a constructor of scripts that allows you to automate any actions in the browser, which is called . To give you an idea about this program, I will list only the basic functionality.

Features of the XWeb Human Emulator program

  • Autofill forms and text fields.
  • Record and repeat work with any element of the site.
  • Collection, comparison, storage and sending of data.
  • There is a built-in task scheduler that can be launched at the time you designate.
  • While working, you can roll it up into a systray. This will not affect the performance of other applications in any way.

As you can see, even this is enough to call the program functionally rich.

And now, I’ll show you with an example how you can automate the process of filling out a form on a website.

Autofill form

In the address bar (highlighted with a yellow marker). Below, on the right side of the program window, a web page with a form for searching and booking tours is loaded.

2. Select the “Macro” section in the main menu and click on “Record”. The same can be done by pressing the hot keys Ctrl+Shift+R. Now the program will record all our actions in a separate macro.

200 children wanted to study at the lyceum. But the school only enrolled 75 students. There was a countdown on the said website. At the appointed time, the form opened and parents began to fill it out. The form appeared in parts - some information was loaded from another page.

Those who did not meet the 1.5 minutes were left out. Read more about.

The first thing that came to mind: [the tool was made so that anyone could use it—no need to know how to program].

Mozilla Firefox JavaScript Editor

If you press Shift F4 at the same time, a window will appear where you can write any JavaScript and execute it by clicking the "Run" button. For example, this is how you can display a message on the screen

Alert("My message");

Script for automatically filling out form fields

I didn’t have a second chance, I didn’t know what the developers could change, what data would be transferred, so I played it safe. I ran this JS in the editor.

// applicant details requestAnimationFrame(step00); var razstart = null; function step00(timestamp) ( var raz = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("input, input:not()")).filter(function(a) (return a.offsetHeight > "5")) ; // if text fields are larger than 5px if (!razstart) razstart = timestamp; if (raz.length // until there are more than 5 such fields, repeat the function (more reliable than setTimeout and setInterval delay) requestAnimationFrame(step00); ) else (// when there are more than 5 such fields, fill them in"; raz.value = "raz.value = "Ivanova"; raz.value = "Natalia"; raz.value = "0000"; raz.value = "000000"; raz.value = "Ivanovna"; raz.value = "01.01.2009"; for (var i = 0; i // эмулировать (имитировать) действия посетителя raz[i].dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); raz[i].dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); raz[i].dispatchEvent(new Event("keydown")); raz[i].dispatchEvent(new Event("keyup")); } requestAnimationFrame(step01); !} DEPARTMENT OF THE FMS OF RUSSIA... } } // run the next function// data about the child var razstart = null; function step01(timestamp) ( var raz = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("input, input:not()")).filter(function(a) (return (a.offsetHeight > "5") && (a.value != "Natalia") && (a.value != "Ivanovna") && (a.value != "0000") && (a.value != "000000") && (a.value != "00000") = "DEPARTMENT OF THE FMS OF RUSSIA FOR...") && (a.value != "01.01.2009"))); if (!razstart) razstart = timestamp; if (raz.length // registration address var razstart = null; function step02(timestamp) ( var raz = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("input, input:not()")).filter(function (a) (return (a.offsetHeight > "5") && (a.value != "Ivanova") && (a.value != "Natalia") && (a.value != "Ivanovna") && (a .value != "0000") && (a.value != "000000") && (a.value != "DEPARTMENT OF THE FMS OF RUSSIA FOR...") && (a.value != "01.01.2009") && (a.value != "Ivanov") && (a.value != "Ivan") && (a.value != "Ivanovich") && (a.value != "01/01/2009") && (a.value != "Samara city") && (a.value != "III-EP") && (a.value != "000000"))); if (!razstart) razstart = if (raz.length "5 ") && (a.innerHTML.indexOf("register") != -1))).dispatchEvent(new Event("click"));// emulate a click on a button larger than 5px and containing the text "register" requestAnimationFrame(step03); requestAnimationFrame(step04); requestAnimationFrame(step05);) ) // Contact details var razstart = null; function step03(timestamp) ( var raz = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("button")).filter(function(a) (return (a.offsetHeight > "5") && (a.innerHTML. indexOf("mail") != -1))); if (!razstart) razstart = timestamp; if (raz.length == 0) ( requestAnimationFrame(step03); ) else ( raz.dispatchEvent(new Event("click ")); var razI = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("input")).filter(function(a) (return (a.offsetHeight > "5") && (a.value == " "))); razI.value = " [email protected]"; razI.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); razI.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); ) ) // button "Load data on required properties" var razstart = null; function step04(timestamp) ( var raz = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("button")).filter(function(a) (return (a.offsetHeight > "5") && (a.innerHTML. indexOf("load") != -1))); if (!razstart) razstart = timestamp; if (raz.length == 0) ( requestAnimationFrame(step04); ) else ( raz.dispatchEvent(new Event("click ")); ) ) // checkbox "I consent to the processing of personal data" raz.dispatchEvent(new Event("click"));