What does avatars on classmates mean? Proper design of groups on social networks. Photos with a partner

The meaning of the word “avatar” originally meant incarnation or reincarnation, and is literally translated as descent. In a more general sense, it is the incarnation of God.

What is Avatar

Avatar (avatars) is a static or dynamic (animated) image that users of social networks use as personalization. Thanks to this, you can make a first impression about a person.

Not only a user’s photo can serve as an avatar. Very often people choose an image for themselves that would reflect them character traits, appearance or just an image you like.

In addition, various word forms and synonyms words "avatar":

  • awka;
  • avatar;
  • userpic;
  • user picture.

Userpics include three-dimensional models of characters in computer games, and in particular online games (MMOs). In them, the user customizes certain aspects of the selected hero to his liking.

History of origin

Contrary to the popular belief that the concept of avatar came to us from Western culture, this word has ancient Indian roots. They were called incarnations of gods descended to the lowest, earthly level. In modern society, it has retained its original meaning and is now a kind of embodiment of the user in the virtual world.

Where is the avatar used?

Since an avatar is a kind of reflection of the user, it is often used to profile individualization in the Internet. Whether it's a web forum, a social network, or a separate site with the ability to comment - everywhere people want to stand out from others. Without this, a person becomes faceless and of no interest to anyone.

Avatar on social networks and instant messengers

Today, on social networks, many people use their real photo as a photo, often processed in a graphics editor or a special program. There are those who prefer not to “shine” their face on the Internet, and select a picture for themselves as a userpic that displays certain features of this person. For example, here is an account on the social network VKontakte, which prefers funny images as its userpic:

And this is what the avatar of a user of the Odnoklassniki social network looks like:

Here is an example of people’s avatars from the popular WhatsApp messenger:

Another analogue of the messenger is Viber:

Users of social networks who take virtual communication seriously often have in their arsenal a whole range of avatars for all occasions. These can be pictures expressing certain emotions or their desires. In this way, it is possible to express the attitude towards the interlocutor as fully as possible.

What to put on your avatar

Since the choice of ava has a strong influence on the interest of other users, it becomes necessary to select an image. Of course, this is a matter of taste. For example, you can put a personal photo among friends while doing your favorite hobby. There are a lot of options, but if you don’t want to use your photo, you can choose a picture on some topic:

  • flowers;
  • heroes of your favorite fantasy;
  • animals;
  • cars;
  • cinema and celebrities;
  • abstractions and much more.

There are no restrictions here except your imagination. Today, choosing an image is quite simple, because the Internet is full of pictures for every taste.

How to create an avatar

If you don’t want to put your photo as an ava, and none of the images presented on the Internet suit you, you can use special online services. A good site for such purposes is avatar-creator.

The service provides the ability to choose a style for your avatar. For example, anime fans can choose a picture in this style. You can also create an animated image if you wish.

Another image editing site is canva. The database contains ready-made templates and recommendations for creating your own designs. There are various filters to create your own unique userpic. It is also possible to select the size of the finished image (in mm, cm, inches, pixels).

To summarize, it is worth noting that when communicating, users first of all pay attention to the avatar of the interlocutor, so it is necessary to approach the choice of a picture with the utmost care.

Creating and organizing a group on social networks is today a necessary element in the implementation of almost any Internet project. We recently updated avatars in social networking groups and encountered some problems: the required image size was not indicated everywhere, and in some places the image was “smeared”, even at the recommended size. Through trial and error, we selected the optimal sizes of avatars and collected all the nuances in one article. This will be a “memo” to our designers and our readers.


  • R The size of the header for the updated design is 851 by 314 pixels (you can and should take more)
  • The size of a Facebook avatar for a group must be at least 180 by 180 pixels, but it is strongly recommended to upload in the highest available resolution.

Google Plus

  • Minimum background size: 480 by 270, but in this case the image may blur, it is better to take the largest available size.
  • It is advisable to use an avatar in a size of 250 by 250 pixels; larger sizes are welcome.

In contact with

  • Everything is very simple here - the vertical logo of your group should be 200 pixels wide and a maximum height of 500 pixels.


  • In Odnoklassniki everything is simple - the group avatar can be anything, since it is cut into a “square” measuring 190 by 190 pixels, therefore, to avoid “blurring” the optimal size is 300 by 300 pixels.


First, you will need to go to your page on the Odnoklassniki social network. On the main page of the site, in a special window, enter your credentials in the appropriate lines - login and password specified when registering on the site, and then click the “Login” button. For convenience, if only you use the computer, on the main page of the site where you indicated your login and password, check the box next to the inscription “Remember me”. Once you find yourself on the main page, you can save it in your browser bookmarks and later access the site with one click.

When you find yourself on your page, hover your mouse over the main photo and in the drop-down window, click on the link that says “Change photo.” After this, a new window will open on the page in which you can select any image from those previously added to the “Personal Photos” section or add a new picture.

To select an image from those already available on the site, click on the photo you need. Then, if necessary, you can use additional image editing functions. Click on the "Edit Photo" link and go to the settings section. Drag the frame to highlight the area you want in the photo. It is this part of the image inside the frame that will be visible to your friends, will be displayed in discussions and on your page as an avatar.

If you are satisfied with everything, click the “Done” button. If further changes are required, click Cancel and select the area of ​​the image you want.

You can also add a photo located in a computer folder or on removable media. In this case, click on the empty square labeled “Add Photo” and indicate the location of the required image. Edit the view and click the “Finish” button. Now you have a new ava, which means you can expect guests to come to your page. As a rule, after changing a personal photo there are quite a lot of them.

There are many ways to place a photo on a computer for processing, transmission over network connections, or simply for storage. The choice of a specific option depends on where and in what form the photo is stored. For example, you may have a photograph in a classic paper version, or in electronic form (in a file) in a digital camera or mobile phone.


Scan the photo if it is only available in paper form. The scanner will create an electronic copy that, using the software itself or some imaging program, can be saved to a file on your computer's hard drive. If neither you nor your friends have a scanner, nor at work or at school, then contact, for example, a photo studio - most of them also do computer photo processing. If the scanner is not connected to your computer, then keep in mind that you will need some kind of removable media (for example, a flash drive) to transfer the created file to your computer. Although, you can ask to send the created file to you by email.

Use a special flash card reader if the photo was taken with a digital camera. Typically, such a camera stores pictures on a small, flat flash card, which can be removed from it and then read on a computer using a device called a “card reader.” Some laptops have a device in their arsenal, but it is not often found on desktop computers, although sometimes a card reader is built into multimedia keyboards for personal computers. If you expect to frequently transfer photos to your computer using flash cards, then it makes sense to purchase this device. Otherwise, you can use the services of the same photo studio.

Connect the camera to the computer directly, without a transfer link in the form of a flash card, if, of course, such an option is provided in it. Some types of cameras can be connected directly to a USB port, the socket of which is located on the computer case. In this case, the camera will be automatically recognized by the system as an external drive and you will be able to copy the photos contained in it. Other cameras require special software to be installed on your computer, which should be included with the camera. In this case, you will have to copy photos using this software.

Establish a Bluetooth connection with your mobile phone if it contains a photo. Of course, both devices should be able to work in Bluetooth mode. Most cellular communications can also be connected to a computer's USB port. As with digital cameras, you may need to install additional software.

By registering in one of the social networks, for example Odnoklassniki, you can find old friends and classmates, add them as friends, and exchange information. But first you need to fill out your profile, and without an avatar it will be incomplete and not informative enough.


There are many people of different ages registered on the Odnoklassniki social network. To find someone specific, you need to know at least his first and last name. But you may encounter a problem when you find several people at once who have the same first name, last name, and sometimes even residence. In this case, you can find out which of the found users you need by looking at their avatar, provided that it has a really recognizable photograph on it, and not just a picture. Take the time to choose a high-quality photo for your profile so that you can be easily recognized in it.

On the main page of your Odnoklassniki profile, you can see the following tabs: “Basic”, “Friends”, “Groups”, “Photos”, “Notes”, “Games” and “More”. First download to your computer the photo that you want to make the “face” of your account, click on the “Photo” tab, then select “Add Photo”. A small window will open where you need to select the required file and confirm the download.

After the photo is uploaded, hover your mouse over it to open a list of the following functions that can be applied to the photo: “Make main”, “Tag friends”, “Change description”, “Delete”. Select the first function, when a confirmation question appears, click on the “Change” button - your avatar on Odnoklassniki has been updated. If you want to replace your profile photo with another one, simply do the above operations again, but with a different file.

Keep in mind that you can only use a personal photo for an avatar in Odnoklassniki. Photos from your profile albums cannot be used for this purpose. If you want to use a photo from the album as your profile picture, simply download it to your computer, and then follow the steps described above.

Avatar is the main profile image. Usually this is a real photo of the user, although nowadays some people simply post pictures they like. What is an avatar in Odnoklassniki, how to put a photo on the avatar, change it, or how to decorate it?

How to change/set an avatar

To change or set an avatar in Odnoklassniki, you must do the following:

  • In the window that opens, select any photo;
  • If the required image is not in the “Personal Photos” section, then click on the “Select photo from computer” field;

  • Indicate the location of the photo (1);
  • Click on the “Open” icon (2);

  • The selected photo will be displayed in close-up;
  • Select the area that will be shown on the page, in messages and discussions;
  • Click on the “Install” icon.

ATTENTION. If you are not happy with the selected area of ​​the photo, you can change it by hovering the cursor over the photo and selecting the “Edit Photo” icon in the drop-down window.
Some people put names on the ava. To do this, you should find a special picture on the Internet and upload it to the site according to the instructions.

IMPORTANT. Fraudsters can steal your personal photo to create their own pages. Is the photo being used on someone else's profile? Complain about the user to the site administration.

REFERENCE. You can decorate a photo for free using some applications on the site: go to the “Games” section, select from the proposed applications, and change the design to your taste (put a frame, a sticker, write an inscription on the photo).

Why is my avatar missing/not displayed?

There are several problems.

  • If the picture disappears, the problem lies in the image size. You can reduce it using the Paint program on your computer. This method is the simplest. You can use special programs.
  • The problem may be the content of the picture. Each photo uploaded to the site is moderated: those containing prohibited elements are deleted by the administration.
  • There are special extensions for browsers that perceive some pictures as advertising and therefore the photo is not displayed. To return the photo, click on the extension and change its settings.

In the event that none of the above situations suits you, and the photo is still missing, contact us and ask: where did the avatar go?

Many people believe that an avatar and a screensaver are one and the same. On the Odnoklassniki social network these are different things. The screensaver is the profile background, the avatar is the user's display. It is not necessary to put a personal image on the main photo - use any picture that you like. The main thing is to follow the site rules.

Save it for yourself!