Should I put a dot after kg? Proofreading rules. Solid text, no paragraph divisions

Good afternoon Please tell me what is correct: They gave hope to 10 million Africans (Africans)? Thank you in advance

Right: ten million Africans.

Question No. 298623

Is it acceptable to write “1 million 208 thousand 241 rubles 25 kopecks” in this way?

Russian language help desk response

Right: RUB 1,208,241 25 kopecks

Question No. 298113

Hello! The question has already been asked here: is it necessary to put periods after abbreviated numerals in official documents: million (.), billion (.)? The answer from the Russian language help desk: “there is no need to put a period, but in practice a period is usually put.” In other answers to questions about the period after million, which are not related to official documents, the period is also not put. I have a question: is it correct to put a period in official documents, if there is a rule that it is not needed, why is “in practice usually put” - is this normal? Even in recommendations for writing documents for subsidiaries, the parent organization puts a period after millions. (does not recommend putting it, but simply contains a million with a dot in the text, and this is already taken as an example). That is, illiteracy comes to us “from above,” it turns out. Sincerely.

Russian language help desk response

In a sense, you are right. Sometimes erroneous spellings are recorded in documents. Then these errors are reproduced in documents subordinate to the first.

Question No. 297580

Good afternoon. How to correctly write (we are talking about scientific periodicals) “million”, abbreviated as “million” or “million.” My colleagues convince me that “million” without a dot is only in the nominative case (really?) Thank you, Marina Knorre

Russian language help desk response

After reduction million The period is not placed regardless of the case.

Question No. 297099

Hello. Do we need to repeat thousands, millions, billions, etc.? ...from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, profit increased from 1 to 3 million rubles, from 5 to 10 rubles, from 5 to 10 billion rubles?

Russian language help desk response

It needs to be repeated so that it is clear that the starting number is thousands, millions, billions.

Question No. 297052

The volume of budget revenues amounted to 989 million rubles, or 110% of the level of the previous year. Is there a comma before or?

Russian language help desk response

A comma is added.

Question No. 296967

12 million people did not return from the war or 12 million people did not return from the war

Russian language help desk response

Both options are correct.

Question No. 295712

Hello! You definitely don’t have such an example on your website - everything has already been viewed by both “million” and “million”. Which is correct: from 5 to 10 million (billion, trillion, thousand, etc.) or from 5 million to 10 million?

Russian language help desk response

When using a verbal-digital form of numbers, it is permissible to omit the designation in the number of the lower limit thousand, million, billion, since the reader perceives such designations as an integral part of the unit of value. That is, repeat million possible, but not necessary (if the context makes it clear that we are talking about 5 million, and not just about 5 ).

Question No. 295615

Is it necessary to put periods after abbreviated numbers in official documents: million (.), billion (.)?

Russian language help desk response

There is no need to put a period, but in practice a period is usually put.

Please tell me whether the word “loan” is used correctly in the text. Or do you still need a “loan”? Microloan is: from 30 thousand rubles. up to 3 million rub. for a period of 3 months. up to 3 years; repayment in equal monthly term payments (annuity payments) at a rate of 10% per annum (for individual programs - 7%); no “commissions” or “hidden fees”; providing a grace period (interest payment only) for up to 3 months; the possibility of full or partial early repayment of debt after 3 months from the date of the loan without additional costs to the borrower. Microloans in the amount of up to 500 thousand rubles. inclusive can be provided without collateral, under the guarantee of legal entities or individuals. The Fund operates special programs for providing microloans: for peasant (farm) households; for aspiring entrepreneurs - winners of regional and municipal competitions for the provision of subsidies to start their own business; “Tender loan” – for small and medium-sized businesses participating in competitive procedures for the procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs; combination of microloans and leasing financing schemes (under separate agreements with leasing companies).

Russian language help desk response

In the nominative case singular. the numbers are only correct loan, all other case forms are formed from the stem loan-: loan, borrow etc.; in plural: loans, loans, loans etc. Therefore it is correct: microloan, But microloans.

Question No. 292530

Good afternoon A question arose at work about setting up a dash. I can't find any convincing proof or refutation. Fragment of a sentence: “In our country, there are more than 20 million self-employed people.” The question concerns the placement or absence of a dash before the word “more.” I would be grateful for the rationale.

Russian language help desk response

There is no reason to put a dash here.

Question No. 292142

Is a comma necessary in the sentence: “The deduction limit will be 390,000 rubles, or 13% of 3,000,000 million rubles.”

Russian language help desk response

A comma is needed. Reduction million superfluous (or 3 million rubles, or 3,000,000 rubles).

Question No. 292062

Certificate, dear, answer, please! Is a comma necessary in this sentence: For 2016, the actual amount of transport tax revenue was 206 million rubles, which is 3% more than budget indicators and six times, or 176 million rubles (,) higher than the actual figure for 2015.

Russian language help desk response

A comma is needed. The proposal requires stylistic revision.

Question No. 292002

Please answer whether a comma is needed in the sentence: “The bank’s capital increased by 513 million rubles (,) or by 1.6%.” Thanks for the answer.

Russian language help desk response

A comma is needed. Please note: the percent sign must be separated from the number by a space.

How to abbreviate words correctly?

What are the requirements for reductions?

    Abbreviations should be clear to the reader. A large number of non-common abbreviations makes the text difficult to read. When a word is truncated, the remaining part should allow the full word to be easily and accurately restored, for example: philos., philol., Not Phil.

    Abbreviations that have the same spelling as others are undesirable. Such abbreviations are permissible only if the context suggests which word or phrase is being abbreviated.

    Abbreviations must be uniform. The principle of uniformity is maintained when all words of the same type are abbreviated (or not abbreviated). The form of the contraction must be the same.

Where can I find rules for abbreviating words?

    Excerpts from “GOST R 7.0.12-2011 SIBID. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases." General requirements and rules (rules for abbreviating words and a list of the most common abbreviations) in the “Official Documents” section on our portal.

    Rules for abbreviating words are given in the book by A.E. Milchin and L.K. Cheltsova “Handbook of Publisher and Author” (2nd ed., M., 2003).

Many common abbreviations can be found here:

    N. N. Novichkov. Dictionary of modern Russian abbreviations and abbreviations. Paris-Moscow, 1995;

    Russian spelling dictionary / Ed. V. V. Lopatina, O. E. Ivanova. 4th ed., M., 2012;

Here is a list of some common abbreviations:

adm.-terr. administrative-territorial

acad. academician, academy

a/o joint stock company, autonomous okrug, autonomous region

b byte

b-ka library

V. century, centuries century

railway station railway station

in evening department

eastern european Eastern European

G. year; mountain

gg. years; mountains

G gram

G. And Mr. sir

gg. And sir gentlemen

G. And Mrs. madam

G. And mountains city

gg. cities

state state

state state

gr. And gr-ka citizen

gr. And UAH citizen

gr-not citizens

dep. department; deputy

diss. thesis

before. And before Holiday House

before day department

dollars valley

Doll. dollar

daily daily

and. And wives female

and. d. And railway Railway

railway And railway railway

zap. And h. west

Western-European Western European

zarub. foreign

h. To. And h/c a prisoner

s/o extramural

publishing house publishing house

in. And foreign foreign

Institute And inst. institute

And. O. acting; First and middle name

and so on. and the like, and the like

Ph.D. And To. candidate

kg kilogram

kg. size

m. And husband. male

m meter

MB And MB megabyte

mb millibar

min. minister

min. And min. ministry

min. And m. minute (The spelling of this abbreviation with a dot is recorded in the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences; according to GOST, this abbreviation should be written without a dot. - Ed.)

min. And min. minimum

mm millimeter

Moscow Moscow

weeks a week

P. paragraph, clause

pp. paragraphs, paragraphs

lane And P. lane

PO Box Mailbox

ave., etc. And Ave. avenue

R. And rub. ruble

With. And sec. second

With. And p. page

cm centimeter

cm. Look

SPb. Saint Petersburg

T. volume, vol. volumes

T. And tel. telephone

T. And Comrade comrade

T. And thousand thousand

t/k TV channel

st. Street

FULL NAME. And f. And. O. Full Name

h. hour (The spelling of this abbreviation with a dot is recorded in the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences; according to GOST, this abbreviation should be written without a dot. - Ed.)

Standard aspects of the language of written work include the unification of abbreviations. Word combinations characterized by high frequency of use are shortened. Terms, names of organizations, well-known legal acts, codes of laws, nomenclature signs of various properties, text designations, etc. are abbreviated. All abbreviations of words and names in documents must be generally accepted and understandable.

There are three types of abbreviations: graphic, alphabetic abbreviations and compound words. Regardless of the method used, the abbreviation must remain at least two letters.

Only generally accepted text abbreviations or abbreviations are allowed to be used without decoding (example: RF, TSB RF) . Other abbreviations must be deciphered the first time they are mentioned in the text ( Example: Kuban Socio-Economic Institute (KSEI).The writing of abbreviations must be unified within one text.

Basic rules for using abbreviations and compound words:

The names of geographical concepts, time periods, quantitative definitions, etc. are abbreviated as follows:

a) before the word they refer to (example: lake(lake)Deep,G.(city)Eagle);

b) after numerals (example: 8 thousand(thousands)machine tools).

The names of academic degrees, titles or professions may be abbreviated in the text immediately before the surnames (example: acad.(academician)Semenov,Eng.(engineer)Kravtsov) .

Compound abbreviated names formed from initial letters are written in capital letters (example: Moscow State University) .

In names formed according to a mixed principle, letter abbreviations are written in capital letters, syllabic abbreviations - in lowercase letters (example: Research Institute Stroydormash- Research Institute of Construction and Road Engineering) .

Complex abbreviated words denoting the names of institutions and organizations are written with a capital letter (example: Gosplan, Mossovet).

All abbreviations read by letter names are written in capital letters (example: USSR(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), Ministry of Internal Affairs(Ministry of Internal Affairs), Central Committee(Central Committee).

All abbreviations that can be read by sound, denoting names of institutions or organizations in which at least the first word is written with a capital letter (example: Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( Ministry of Foreign Affairs),UN(United Nations), as well as abbreviations, readable in one part by the names of letters, and in the other by sounds (example : CDSA(read “tsedesa”).

If abbreviations of this type are declined, then their endings are written in lowercase letters closely (example: TASS, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) .

Conventional graphic abbreviations should be distinguished from alphabetic abbreviations, which are always read in full and are abbreviated only in writing.

Graphic abbreviations (except for standard abbreviations for metric measures) are written with dots in place of the abbreviation and, in relation to uppercase and lowercase letters and hyphens, follow the full name (example: south-east(southeastern),M-K. and. d.(Moscow-Kursk Railway) .

When abbreviating words, you cannot shorten by a vowel if it is not initial in the word, and by b (example: wordKareliancan be shortened:To., kar., Karelian, and not in the form of “ka.”, “kare.”, “karel.”, but:O. Sakhalin) .

When two identical consonants collide, the contraction should be made after the first consonant (example: wallscalendar,gram.error(and not “sten.”, “gram.”). Howexception: Ott.(according to GOST 7.12-93) .

When two different or several consonants collide, the reduction should be made after the last consonant (example: folkcreation(not “people.”),Russianlanguage(not “Russian”),artssilk(and not “art.”, or “art.”, or “art.”) .

The abbreviated word must have a margin of safety so that when deciphered it is understood unambiguously (example: instead of the wordobligationyou can't writeoblig.orabout, since this can be understood in different ways (responsibilities, circumstance, etc.). The correct abbreviation for this word is:obligation) .

Designations of physical units quantities are abbreviated by cutting off the final part of the word and when reading are pronounced in full form, but, according to GOST 8.417 - 2002 (State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurement. Units of quantities), they are written without a dot at the end.


- gram – g

- kilowatt – kW

- kilometer – km

- day – day

- minute – min

There is no dot:

1) at the end of the abbreviation, if the abbreviated phrase when read aloud is pronounced in an abbreviated form: this means that the text uses an initial abbreviation or a complex abbreviated word in which the abbreviation is not graphically indicated (example: Efficiency, but notefficiency, because it reads “kapade”) ;

2) at the end of the abbreviation, if the middle part of the word is eliminated, replaced by a hyphen, and the abbreviation ends on the last letter of the complete word (example: Mr., publishing house, institute, inst.) ;

3) when graphically designating an abbreviation with a slash, so as not to graphically show the abbreviation twice (example: n/a, n/a) ;

4) in the middle of a double one-letter graphic abbreviation: the abbreviation is written together, and a period is placed only at the end (example: centuries, years, pp.) ;

The following types of abbreviations have been standardized:

Postal information (example: city, region, district, p.i., station, dept. and so on.) ;

Names of positions and titles (example: prof., corresponding member, candidate. tech. Sciences, Head, Deputy, Acting, Asst. and so on.) ;

Document titles (example: GOST, technical plan, technical specifications, special order, etc.);

Word year (example: y., y., 1996/97 reporting year) ;

Currency (example: 2000 rub.; 80 kopecks, but 2000 rubles. 80 k.; 4 thousand rub.) ;

Text symbols (example: etc., etc., see, etc., e.g., s., ch., s. G.) .

Examples of standardized abbreviations:

That is, that is,

Etc. - and the like,

And others - and others,

Etc. - and others,

Eg. - For example,

V. - century (when designated by numbers of centuries, years),

Vv. - centuries (when designated by numbers of centuries, years),

G. - year (when denoting centuries, years with numbers),

Gg. - years (when designated by numbers of centuries, years),

Tt. - then we,

N. st. - a new style,

Art. Art. - old style,

N. e. - ad,

G. - city,

Region - region,

R. - river,

Oz. - lake,

O. - island,

Page - page,

Academician - academician,

Assoc. - assistant professor,

Prof. - Professor,

Railway - railway,

Railway - railway,

Them. - name.

Examples of traditional text abbreviations:

Adm.-terr. - administrative-territorial,

B-ka - library,

G. and Mr. - Mr., Messrs. and g-da - gentlemen, g. and mrs - madam (politeness index when addressing by surname),

State - state,

State - state,

Gr. and the gr-ka is a citizen,

Gr. and gr-n - citizen, gr-not - citizens,

J. and wives - female,

Zarub. - foreign,

Publishing house - publishing house,

In. and foreign - foreign,

Institute and inst. - institute,

And about. - acting,

M. and husband - male,

Min. - minute,

Min. and min. - minimal,

- million (no dot! ) - million,

- billion (no dot! ) - billion,

Mm - millimeter,

Ave. etc. - avenue,

R. and rub. - ruble,

S. and page - page,

cm - centimeter,

St. - Street,

Full name and f. And. O. - Full Name.

Nomenclature abbreviations denoting the legal status of enterprises:

OJSC is an open joint stock company,

CJSC - closed joint stock company,

LLC - limited liability company,

SOE is a state enterprise,

SUE is a state unitary enterprise,

MP - municipal enterprise,

MUP is a municipal unitary enterprise,

IP - individual entrepreneur,

NPO is a scientific and production association.

In the abstract of a final qualifying (diploma) thesis, words are not abbreviated. Abbreviations should be avoided in section and subsection headings (with the exception of generally accepted abbreviations, units of quantities and abbreviations).

In the section on the question Why is thousand (an abbreviation of the word thousand) written with a dot, and pcs and million - without? given by the author Eurovision the best answer is Certificate. ru sometimes amazes me. Negative. Without dots, as far as I remember, the accepted abbreviations of measure and volume are put (l - liters, cm - centimeters, m - meters, ha - hectares, etc.). And pieces, millions and billions (and trillions too) are abbreviated with a dot. In this case, I propose to believe the very specific Rosenthal.

Answer from Panther[guru]
Burn your textbook. He's left.

Answer from !Alina![guru]
and who told you that “million” is without a period? Personally, I have always written and I think I will write with a period.

Answer from Serve[guru]
All abbreviations are written with a period.

Answer from Echo voice[guru]
Russian language help desk response
"The abbreviations million, billion are written without dots (in all texts). Dots are not placed at the end of abbreviations formed by removing vowels."
Usually these are abbreviations consisting of numerals and units of measurement:
million - million,
billion - billion,
mm -- millimeter
cm -- centimeter
(enter million in the “search for answer” window)
But these abbreviations are sometimes written with a period. For example, in the reference book “Spelling” by D. E. Rosenthal:
30 million tons of food
There is also no period:
1) if the abbreviated phrase is pronounced letter by letter (initial abbreviation or compound word): efficiency, emf, USA;
2) if the abbreviation is written with a hyphen and ends with the last letter of the full word: publishing house, in-t; 3) if a slash is used: p/p

By adhering to accepted typing rules, you can significantly improve the appearance of the documents you create, whether for print or electronic publication.

How to enter text? When to use non-breaking spaces? Which symbol should I choose to represent a dash? Is there a space before and after a period? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

    Units of measurement should be separated from the corresponding values ​​by a non-breaking space (Alt + Num 0160).

    For a dash (“Knowledge is power”) use an em dash (Alt + Num 0151). An em dash is separated from the preceding word by a continuous space, and from the following word by a regular space.

    To indicate ranges (“3-5 kg”) and as a minus sign (“-32º C”), use an en dash (Alt + Num 0150). The en dash in ranges does not differ from the previous and subsequent values. The minus sign is not separated from the subsequent value, but is separated from the preceding word by an ordinary space.

    The hyphen (“something”) is typed directly on the keyboard. The hyphen is part of the word and is not separated from preceding or following characters.

    In the ranges, units of measurement are indicated only after the upper limit: “2670-2780 mm”. You should not duplicate units of measurement before the dash.

    Abbreviations when referring to figures, tables, pages, etc., when indicated in the middle of a sentence, are written with a lowercase (small) letter: “Parking lights (see Fig. 1).” If an abbreviation is at the beginning of a sentence, it is written with a capital letter.

    The numbers of the figures are formatted as follows: “Fig. 1. General view.” There is no period at the end of the signature. A period is also not placed if the number of the figure and table is not accompanied by the caption: “Fig. 1".

    In headings, only the first word should be capitalized, as in regular sentences. Do not capitalize all words in the title.

    Periods are not placed at the end of headings (except for abbreviations).

    Periods are not placed at the end of table cells (except for abbreviations).

    Dots are not placed after abbreviations of standard units of measurement (SI): “150 m, 16 kg, 300 l.” Dots are also not placed after the abbreviations “million” and “billion” (but after “thousand” they are placed): “1 million”, but “23 thousand”. After abbreviations of units of measurement that are not standard, dots are added: “30 pcs., 12,000 rubles.”

    The period after the abbreviation at the end of the sentence is not duplicated: “First, second, etc.” However, if an abbreviation with a period is enclosed in quotation marks or parentheses, a period is placed at the end of the sentence: “The complete set (8 pieces) must be installed.”

    Punctuation marks dot (.), semicolon (;), comma (,), question mark (?), exclamation point (!), ellipsis (...) and colon (:) do not break away from the preceding text, but from the next one is separated by a space: “green, yellow, blue.”

    As an ellipsis sign, you should use three separate period characters (when typing in Microsoft Word, you need to disable ellipsis autocorrect for this): “...”. When using an ellipsis together with a question mark or exclamation mark, these marks are placed first, and then two dots: “?..”. Ellipsis combined with interrogative And exclamation marks are typed in the following sequence: “?!.”.

    Double spaces should be avoided in the text you type. To control the use of spaces in text when working in Microsoft Word, it is recommended to enable the mode for showing non-printing characters.

    If an entire sentence (or several sentences) is enclosed in brackets, the period at the end of the sentence is placed inside the brackets: “Press the button Cancel. (If the data has been changed, the system will display a warning window.)." Otherwise, punctuation marks (if required) are placed after the closing bracket: “Select the required items (check the appropriate boxes).”

    Only generally accepted abbreviations should be used.

    In numbers with 5 or more digits, groups of digits are divided into threes and separated by non-breaking spaces (Alt + Num 0160): “35,000 rubles.” In four-digit numbers, division into groups is not made: “3200 pcs.”

    When typing text, it is not allowed to use mixed registers, for example, instead of characters of the Russian alphabet, use characters of the Latin alphabet that are similar in style. This makes spell checking, searching, indexing, and other automated procedures difficult.

    In Russian-language texts, the sign “№” (rather than “#”) should be used to indicate a number. The “No” sign is separated from the subsequent number by a non-breaking space: “No. 36”.

    Only corner quotes should be used: " (Alt + Num 0171) and " (Alt + Num 0187). If necessary, you should use quotes like “ (Alt + Num 0147) and “ (Alt + Num 0148) as nested quotes: “Rainbow Project.” However, it is recommended to avoid nested quotes.

    Only parentheses should be used as parentheses, regardless of nesting level. The parentheses are not separated from the text enclosed within them and are separated from external fragments, with the exception of punctuation marks: “The rent is 10,000 (ten thousand) US dollars”; "Press the button Exit(at the bottom of the dialog window), and then confirm saving the data."

  • The letter “е” is written in the following cases:

    • when it is necessary to prevent incorrect reading and understanding of a word, for example: let's find out Unlike let's find out; All Unlike All; bucket Unlike bucket; perfect(participle) in contrast to perfect(adjective);
    • when you need to indicate the pronunciation of a little-known word, for example: Olekma River.
  • In other cases, the letter “e” should be used.