Why does my computer crash while playing? Problem with the video card driver. For owners of old monitors

    but I noticed that the cooler on the video card does not work

    as a reason
  • Overheat.
    Video chip detachment, video memory glitches.
    Insufficient power to the system in general or the video card in particular.
    Glitches in random access memory.
    Errors on the hard drive.
    OS and software errors

    Choose any reason. And it will be possible to determine more accurately only after diagnosis.

    Look at the peak value in the BIOS. If 95+, then set the value lower. If it is 70-90, then most likely the temperature sensor is burned out.
    And yes, 70-90 is too much in any case. Even when buying a machine for gaming, it was worth thinking about appropriate cooling.

    Laptops are not for gaming at all. But if it turns off during weak games, then you may need to clean and replace the thermal paste
    If he is covered in dust, then he can pass out even without games.

    Of course, this is most likely overheating. But there are other reasons - isolated ones.
    So - play, if it turns off in the future, it means you need to either clean it or avoid heating it with some other possible ways, for example, keep the computer only on a flat, cold surface.
    If this does not happen again in the near future, then there is nothing to worry about.

    And, by the way, in BIOS you can configure critical temperature which turns off the computer.

    Don't play?

    You can also try lowering the graphics level in the game and disabling other programs in the background, for example: Skype, browser and uTorrent.

    Check if the capacitors on the motherboard are swollen?
    If not, then most likely the power supply.

    The dragon's fiery breath overheats the computer. This is an idea for complete immersion in the world

    In the settings, uncheck the option "turn off the game completely when placing commands"

    The cooling system is clogged with dust, which is why it gets hot, and turning it off is a protective function to prevent it from overheating.
    If the laptop is under warranty, definitely take it to the warranty service.

Like any other technical device, your computer may behave contrary to your wishes from time to time.

For example, during a game you can switch off spontaneously, and at the most tense and crucial moment. Needless to say, the situation is not the most pleasant. Let's figure out why a computer may turn off spontaneously and what needs to be done to fix this problem.

First, let's see how the computer behaves after trying to turn it on again - does it work as if nothing had happened or does it turn off again?

Computer turns off immediately after turning on

There may be several reasons for this.

1. sinks Reset button. Check the position of the button after pressing whether it returned to its previous state or not. If the button is stuck in the pressed position, it continues to send a shutdown signal to the computer, and as soon as the processor boots, it immediately begins to shut down again. Return the button to normal position, and the problem will be fixed.

2. The processor overheated during the game and did not have time to cool down while it was turned off. In order to eliminate this malfunction, you need to understand its causes, which are directly related to the cooling system.

3. Video card overheating. The causes and solutions to this problem are the same as when the processor overheats.

4. The power supply is faulty. This can be found out if you replace it with another one that is known to be good, and the computer will then operate normally.

5. Bloating electrolytic capacitors. They can be easily recognized on the board: they look like small barrels with a flat top. If top part“barrels” are raised and swollen - they need to be replaced.

Eliminate CPU overheating

The processor of a computer is its most important component: without a processor, any computer becomes just a piece of meaningless hardware. During intensive work, the processor generates heat, and the higher its load, the more it overheats.

In order for the processor to properly perform its functions, it needs to be constantly cooled, otherwise due to overheating it will simply fail, and you will have to buy a new one - and this is not a cheap purchase.

“Manages” the cooling of the processor powerful cooler, driving a stream of air over it. To make things go faster, a multi-fin radiator is glued to the processor plane with special thermal paste, which draws excess heat onto itself and dissipates it through its fins. But over time, dust accumulates on the cooler and radiator. If it is not removed, over time it clogs all the cracks and heat dissipation deteriorates.

To prevent the processor from overheating, you need to periodically with a regular vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air remove dust from all the “insides” of the computer on which it has accumulated. This should be done carefully, only with the power off and, if possible, without touching the surface of the boards with the vacuum cleaner pipe. After removing the dust, you need to remove the radiator, remove any remaining old thermal paste from it and apply new one.

Perhaps there was so much dust that it caused one of the coolers to break - on the processor, video card, power supply, etc. In this case, you need to replace it with a working one, otherwise even after cleaning. New cooler should be no less powerful than the old one - if it turns out to be more powerful, that’s even better, as long as the power supply has enough power.

Other reasons for computer shutdown

In fact, the computer can turn off spontaneously during the game for the most various reasons. For example:

— the power supply power may not be enough to ensure the system unit operates at full load;

- the UPS is faulty - the battery needs to be replaced or there is a fault in the control unit;

- insufficient voltage in the electrical network - its level can be checked by measuring it with a conventional tester, and if the device shows less than the standard 220 V, you will have to buy a voltage stabilizer;

— the extension cord or filter through which the computer is connected has failed;

— one of the connecting wires has failed.

These are just some of the reasons why your computer may turn off.

If you have checked everything mentioned above, but the problem is not resolved, then you will have to call a specialist for help.

Many people are interested in computer games. But not every computer can easily cope with any modern games. One of the most common problems that may occur during startup demanding games, is a sudden reboot. The computer simply turns off during the game. This happens unexpectedly and the user loses unsaved gameplay. In this article, we will talk about why the computer turns off during the game, and also give some tips to help fix this problem.

Not powerful enough or faulty unit nutrition

If the computer turns off while playing, then in most cases the problem is in the power supply. Most likely it cannot cope with the load, which leads to a sudden reboot of the computer.

If everything worked fine before, but after installing new components (for example, a video card), the computer began to reboot, then the reason is definitely in the power supply. In this situation, this can be stated with almost one hundred percent certainty.

If no new components were installed, but the computer began to turn off during games, then problems with the power supply also cannot be ruled out. But, in similar situation First of all, you need to prevent overheating of the processor and video card.

In order to test the stability of the computer in general and the power supply in particular, you can use the S&M program. This program contains a series of tests that create heavy load on computer. Thus, a test called “Power” is designed specifically for testing the power supply. If your computer turns off while working this test, then most likely the problem is in the power supply.

CPU overheating

Another fairly common reason for your computer turning off during a game is the processor overheating. during the game is quite simple. To do this, download and install HWmonitor program.

After starting the program, launch the game and play for a while. After that, switch to the HWmonitor program and check the processor temperature.

The HWmonitor program displays three temperature values: Value (current temperature), Min (minimum temperature recorded while the program was running), Max ( Maximum temperature, recorded during the operation of the program). Naturally, we are interested in the maximum temperature.

If your processor heats up to 65 degrees Celsius under load, then you have overheating problems. It’s not a fact that this is why the computer is overloaded, but the processor temperature needs to be lowered. To do this, you can install an additional fan in system unit.

There are situations when the computer turns off so quickly that it is simply impossible to measure the temperature using programs. In such a situation, you need to immediately reboot your computer immediately after. In BIOS you can see current temperature your processor.

The gaming industry is constantly evolving and does not stand still. And this is not surprising, because every year more and more people on our planet begin to play with various kinds of toys. In addition, games sometimes bring fabulous royalties to their creators, amounting to billions of dollars.

The latest toys that came out look so realistic that it seems as if you are watching a movie and at the same time playing the main role in it (if we talk, for example, about some shooter). But in order for a computer to be able to handle such a resource-demanding game, it needs powerful hardware. Even if everything is fine, during gameplay Various kinds of troubles may occur. One of them is to turn off the computer while playing. Why does this happen and how to deal with the problem? You will learn about this from my article.

Overheating of the processor or video card

Just a few days ago I went into detail about exactly what causes the video card to overheat, which is perhaps the main component of a computer for gaming. I also told you how to deal with the problem, so I’ll have to repeat myself a little.

Rebooting or shutting down your computer during a game most often occurs due to overheating of the video card. As soon as the temperature reaches a critical point, the electronics instructs you to immediately turn off the computer or reboot it as a last resort, which will help stop the video adapter from heating up. If this is not done, the video card may simply burn out. And considering that it can cost tens of thousands of rubles, I can say that the computer makes the right decision.

What could cause overheating? Firstly, insufficient optimization of the game itself for a certain model video cards. Most often this problem occurs in online games. It is usually solved by installing add-ons for both the game and the video card. But much more often, overheating is due to the fact that there is a lot of dirt and dust in the system unit, which in turn prevents the components from cooling. So it turns out that the hot air has nowhere to go; it circulates inside the system unit, simultaneously increasing the temperature of other components. Therefore, it is very important to keep the inside of the case clean. You can get rid of dust using a regular brush or vacuum cleaner, but in the second case you need to be very careful, since one awkward movement can damage one or another component. And remember the most important thing - you can open it, and even more so sweep dust out of the case, only after complete shutdown computer, including from the outlet!

Some users advise removing the side cover and not using it at all. Yes, this is a good option, but because of this, the noise from the computer increases, more dust and dirt gets into the system unit, and if it stands under the table, then you can accidentally kick it and break something, both for yourself and for someone else. any detail. I wouldn't recommend doing that.

If cleaning the system unit does not help, then the processor is next on our list. It can heat up no less than the video card and cause a lot of trouble. However, in in this case the problem usually lies not in the presence of dust, but in the fact that it is time to change the thermal paste located between the processor and the cooler that cools it. The paste helps remove heat from the processor, thereby lowering its temperature. In principle, there is nothing difficult in replacing the paste, but I would not recommend this to a beginner - there is a high risk of spreading more, or, conversely, less than the recommended amount of paste.

Checking the temperature of components

By the way, I almost missed the most important thing. Before you begin any actions with your computer, I advise. Of course, it won’t hurt to get rid of dust inside the system unit case in any case, but it is possible that there is no point in changing the thermal paste on the processor, since this is not the problem.

Download a program that shows the temperature of components. I usually use SpeedFan because it is small, very convenient, shows the correct temperature and, last but not least, is free.

Download and install the program. Launch it and only after that you can start playing. Periodically minimize the game (usually this action is assigned to the Alt+Tab buttons) and see which of the components heats up the most, and sometimes overheats. By the way, if this is a video card, then the problem may also be in the thermal paste. True, this only applies to either old video cards, where the paste has become unusable, or defective ones. I myself did not change the thermal paste in the video card, only on the processor, but I don’t think that this process is different.

Regarding the temperature issue. For a processor without load, a normal temperature is considered to be up to 45°C, under load - up to 65°C. For a video card there will be slightly different numbers: when idle - up to 45°C, when under load - up to 85°C.

Other reasons for computer shutdown

Let's assume that neither the video adapter nor the processor have anything to do with turning off the computer during a game. What could it be then? For example, a power supply whose power is simply not enough. In this case, replacing the power supply with a more powerful one will help. In some cases, it simply acts up, but only specialists at the service center can find out.

Another possible variant- lack of voltage in the outlet. It may be below the required 10 or even 20 volts, which is the reason for turning off the computer. True, in this case, shutdown can occur not only during gameplay, but absolutely at any time.

I hope mine simple tips they will help you. And if not, write about your difficulties, and we’ll try to solve them together.

Perhaps with spontaneous shutdown or reboot personal computer every user faced the most crucial moment of an exciting game. However, even laptop owners often wonder about this during the game.

Such behavior computing system may indicate that there is hardware failure, and if appropriate measures are not taken, then there is a possibility that some component will soon fail. Of course, it can be attributed to service center for diagnosis and repair, but sometimes the cause turns out to be so simple that paying for a “restoration” does not seem very reasonable. In this article we will indicate why during games, listing the main reasons for such a failure.

Lack of power

Each component being complex electronic device, connected to motherboard, consumes electricity. Its total value should not exceed the capabilities of the power supply. For example, if the power supply is capable of delivering 250 Watts, then the total consumption of the entire system unit should not be greater.

For high-quality sources, a 30% reserve is quite enough, but in budget options, where the indicated and actual values ​​differ significantly, this difference cannot be less than 50%. If this rule is not followed, then you should not be surprised why the computer turns off during games. To calculate the total power of the system unit, you can use two methods:

On special pages on the Internet (there are quite a lot of such resources), enter the number and type of components and click “Calculate”;

Find out the power of each element on the manufacturers’ websites in the “Specifications” section and summarize them.

To make sure that the reason that the computer turns off during games is a lack of power, it is enough to disconnect some of the components, reducing the load on the unit. So, you should temporarily remove the flash drives, additional hard drives, remove acceleration. If possible, it is necessary to check the functionality with more powerful block nutrition.


Often, users who are interested in the question of why the computer turns off during games lose sight of the fact that the system unit needs to be periodically cleaned of dust. Gradually, cooling systems become covered with household debris (dust, lint), which has low thermal conductivity. As a result, the heat removal efficiency decreases, and when high load(during games) components overheat. The reason why the computer turns off during games, in 90% of cases, is precisely the banal clogging of the cooling systems. You can check the heating using the AIDA64 program by opening the “Sensors” tab in it. The problem can be solved simply: remove the case cover, clean the radiators and fans in one way or another (but without water). The same is true for laptops. Unless their disassembly is different due to design features.

Software and hardware errors

In some cases, the cause of such failures is errors in drivers. You need to install another version control program for a video card.

Also, do not exclude the possibility of failure of some components. As an example, we can recall the story of the chip dump in video adapters with nVidia chips - the cards are simply without visible reasons stopped working.