Word spell checker. How to Enable Spell Checking in Word

We talked about how to create a document header.

Now let's talk about spell checking in Microsoft Word.

There is one thing that you cannot help but notice - these are the spelling errors that occur in the text. As we agreed earlier, you typed the text without concentrating on the mistakes that you probably made while typing. These errors are likely highlighted by a red wavy line in the document. If there are words or phrases in the text that are underlined with a wavy green line, then there is a grammatical error (or Microsoft Word insists that you made a grammatical error).

The easiest way to correct a spelling mistake is to right-click on the word underlined with a red wavy line. You will see the following menu appear:

In this image, we right-clicked on the incorrectly spelled word “free”. The menu that appears shows possible variants of the correct spelling of this word. We choose the “free” option. Left-click on the correct option to replace the incorrectly spelled word with it. The red wavy line will disappear. (By the way, ignore the window that appears above the menu (sometimes below the menu) for now; we'll get to formatting options in the next section.)

Do the same with the remaining misspelled words in your text, then save your work.

WORD spell check options

To check the spelling of more than one word at a time, use the Grammar and Spelling dialog box. To see it, click on the Review tab at the top of word. In the Review tab, find the Spelling section. Then click the Spelling and Grammar button.

After clicking the Spelling and Grammar button, you will see a dialog box appear.

Using this dialog box, you can perform most of the actions that you could do by right-clicking on a misspelled word. The Options area offers alternative words with the correct spelling to the underlined word.

For example, if you need to write your last name, then it will not be in the proposed options. Then you need to click on the Add to dictionary button (or click Skip).

After you correct one word, the dialog box moves to the next underlined word in the text. If the following word is misspelled, then you must select the correct option from the list provided and click Replace. When the list of incorrectly spelled words ends, the dialog box will disappear.


Sometimes, you want to have a little more control over what Microsoft Word highlights to you. To do this, use the Spelling dialog box.

In Word 2010, click on the File tab. You'll see Settings at the bottom left.

Click the word Options button (or the Options item) and you will see a new dialog box appear. On the left, select Spelling. You will then see a somewhat complex list of actions that you can choose to perform.

The checkboxes next to each action indicate what actions will be performed when checking spelling. Click on the checkbox if you want to cancel an action and vice versa, click on the empty window if you want to check the box and select the operation you need. So, for example, if you do not want Word to mark repeated words in the text, then uncheck the box next to this action.


A very interesting option - AutoCorrect. Click the AutoCorrect Options button at the top of the Proofing dialog box. The following dialog box will appear:

In the AutoCorrect tab, you can see many built-in options marked with checkmarks. So, for example, Word will automatically change the first letter in the name of the days of the week to a capital letter as soon as you press the spacebar at the end of the word, if there is a checkmark next to the option “Capitalize the names of the days.”

In the picture above you can also see that there is a checkmark next to the “Replace as you type” entry. This means that if you want to type a series of characters from the left column of the table (a colon and the following parenthesis), then word will automatically replace them with a smiley.

If you do not want Word to perform this action, select this option and then click the button Delete.

At the same time, you can use AutoCorrect to your advantage

So, for example, if you don’t want to write your full name every time, but want to limit yourself to writing your initials so that after pressing the space bar they will automatically change to your full first and last name, then you can make adjustments in the “replace as you type” field. So, enter your name in the field as shown in the picture below

After clicking the add button, your text will be added to the list.

Click OK in the AutoCorrect dialog box and in the Options dialog box and you'll be back in Word.

Now, when you type the initials IVI, they will be replaced by Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich in your text.

In the next lesson we will look at some elements of document formatting in Word.

The Microsoft Word text editor checks errors automatically, and sometimes makes edits on its own, but standard checking is not always enough, especially when using foreign languages ​​in the text.

For more efficient work in finding and correcting errors, the editor has additional tools, which we will look at using Word 2016 as an example. However, the interface is partly similar to previous releases of the application.

Underlining errors

By default, Word uses a red line to underline unfamiliar words that it considers to be an error. When you right-click on an underlined word or area, the application will automatically suggest a correction option if a suitable alternative is available in its dictionaries. It also happens that there is no alternative, or all the proposed options obviously do not suit you.

Most often, Word is not familiar with the names of companies and places, as well as some first and last names. If you plan to use this or that word more than once in the future, then through the same context menu, called up by right-clicking the mouse, you can select the “Add to dictionary” option and the word used in the future in the same case form will no longer be be considered a mistake. In addition, by selecting “Ignore all” from the context menu in the current document, you will get rid of annoying underlines.

Grammar underlining

Checking grammatical structures works in a similar way. With the difference that possible errors are highlighted not with a red, but with a blue wavy line. This is not always really an error; often it is just the opinion of the text editor, based on a set of built-in rules, so you should not blindly trust such selections. By the way, correction suggestions are also available by right-clicking.

You can configure the set of available grammar rules and enable or disable this option through the menu “File” – “Options” – “Spelling” tab.

Manual error and grammar checking

You can consistently check all errors in a document by going through the ribbon menu to the “Review” tab and clicking the “Spelling” button (or simply pressing the F7 key). Word will show you the errors one by one, and a special window will open on the right side of the document, offering options for correction and buttons for controlling the procedure. This option will seriously save time when working with large documents, moving sequentially from error to error, instead of independently searching for every word underlined by the editor.

If while working on a document you manually skipped some words, you can cancel this action. “File” – “Options” – “Spelling” tab and “Re-check” button.

Dictionary management

You may accidentally add a misspelled word to the dictionary and want to remove it, or you may simply want to clean up the set available in the dictionary. To do this, go to the “File” menu – “Options” – the “Spelling” tab and the “Custom Dictionaries” button – select the dictionary you are using and click the “Change word list” button.

In the window that opens, you will see a list of all words ever manually added. You can delete any of them, or all of them at once. Here you can add new words, in particular using different case and numeric forms, so that in the future the text editor does not mistake them for errors.

Changing the language

You can run spelling and grammar checks for a wide variety of languages. To do this, select the “Review” tab from the ribbon menu, click the “Language” button and select “Spell Check Language” from the drop-down menu. In the window that opens, you will see a list of available language sets. Previously installed languages ​​will be marked with a special icon to the left of their name.

Here you can indicate in which language the selected text is typed, so that there is no confusion during checking. Also in this window you can specify the default language, which will also be used in subsequent documents.

Installing new dictionaries

If you don’t have a particular language dictionary installed, no problem. Simply double-click the corresponding name in the “Language” window, discussed in the previous paragraph, and then in the “Review” menu, click “Language” and select “Language Options”. You will see a set of selected languages ​​and information about whether dictionaries are installed for them. If the dictionary is not installed, then you will be offered an active link, clicking on which will take you to the official website office.com.

On the website you can select one of the available languages ​​and download the dictionary. Instructions for installing the language pack will also be provided there.

Disable spell checking

The Word text editor offers the option to disable automatic checking. Moreover, you can selectively disable grammar or spell checking, or both. This is done in the already familiar “Spelling” tab in the “Options” menu.

Uncheck "Check spelling as you type" and Word will only look for errors when you click the "Spelling" button through the "Review" menu. Red wavy lines will no longer appear. If you want to disable this option only for the current document, then use the “Hide spelling documents only in this document” checkbox at the bottom of the “Spelling” tab in “Options”.

The grammar check is disabled in the same way. In addition, it is possible to cancel the check point by point, for which you need to select a specific paragraph, go to the “Review” menu - the “Language” button, the “Spell Check Language” item and in the new window, check the “Do not check spelling” checkbox.

Auto correction

This option can be both useful and downright annoying. It automatically corrects those places that it considers incorrect. It is active by default, but is customizable. You can manually specify in which cases automatic corrections should be made, and in which they will be unnecessary.

In particular, this option can be extremely useful if you often type the same set of words. For example, if you regularly use the full name of a particular enterprise or educational institution, then you can give it a short form, which will automatically transform into a full-fledged version.

This is done in the “Options”, on the “Spelling” tab, clicking on the “AutoCorrect Options” button. There are already five tabs in the window that opens, and after studying the contents, you can discover a lot of interesting and useful things.

Other office applications

Other applications in the Microsoft Office suite also have a built-in spell checker. For example, in PowerPoint, words will be underlined in a similar way, and when working with Excel spreadsheets, to check spelling you will have to use the ribbon menu - the “Review” tab and the “Spelling” button.

Publisher for Office 365 Publisher 2019 OneNote 2013 Publisher 2016 Visio 2013 Excel 2013 Word 2013 Outlook 2013 PowerPoint 2013 Publisher 2013 Access 2013 Excel 2010 Word 2010 Outlook 2010 PowerPoint 2010 OneNote 2010 Access 2010 Publisher 2010 Visio 20 10 Project 2010 Excel 2007 Word 2007 Outlook 2007 PowerPoint 2007 Publisher 2007 Access 2007 Visio 2007 OneNote 2007 Project 2007 Project Professional 2013 Project Standard 2010 Project Standard 2013 Visio Professional 2013 Visio Standard 2010 Less

Make sure the text is in the correct language

If the spell checker does not check words entered in another language, or flags correctly entered foreign words as misspelled, the language for those words may be incorrectly defined.

To manually change the language of individual words or a piece of text in Word, follow these steps:

Make sure you are using the correct language version of the dictionary

Make sure the dictionary is set to the correct regional version of the text language, such as English (United States) rather than English (United Kingdom).

To change the dictionary for a specific language in Word, follow these steps:

To change the dictionary for selected text, follow these steps:

Make sure "Detect language automatically" is checked

To check the box


    At least one sentence is required for the automatic language detection feature to work correctly. If the phrases are too short, you may need to type several sentences, otherwise Word won't have enough context to automatically detect the language and apply the correct dictionary.

    The same spelling of some words in different languages ​​(for example, center in English (United Kingdom) and French (France)) may cause the Detect Language feature to automatically detect the language of the text incorrectly. To resolve this issue, enter a few more words in the desired language or clear the Detect language automatically check box.

Make sure the "Automatically switch keyboard layout to match the language of surrounding text" checkbox is checked

If checked, this may cause typos when changing keyboard layouts while entering text. Type a few more words in the language you want, or clear the Automatically switch keyboard layout to match the language of the surrounding text check box.

To select the Automatically switch keyboard layout based on the language of surrounding text check box (in Office 2010, Office 2013, and Office 2016), follow these steps:

Make sure "Don't check spelling" is unchecked

If the Don't check spelling check box is selected, spelling in documents is not checked.

To clear the Automatically detect language in Word check box, follow these steps:

Make sure the misspelled word wasn't accidentally added to the custom dictionary

If a misspelled word has been added to the custom dictionary, you need to find and remove it. For information about how to check a custom dictionary for misspelled words, see Use custom dictionaries to add words to the spell checker. For information about how to remove a word from the dictionary, see Add or change words in the spell check dictionary.

The language you want is missing from the Language dialog box

The most common reason why a dictionary language is not listed in the Dictionary Language list in the Language dialog box is that the language is not included as an editing language or is not present in the installed version of Office and requires a language pack to be installed. For information about how to enable editing language, see the article

Spell checking in Word. Writing competently, especially on websites or blogs, is the main condition for people to come to you. It’s very unpleasant when you see a bunch of gross mistakes. You can understand when a person simply used the wrong key, but when you see an obvious “loser”, it is repulsive. I, too, often rush after my thoughts and may miss a letter or even a whole word, or a comma. Microsoft Word helps me a lot when writing articles. If configured correctly, it will be an indispensable assistant in your creative endeavors. This program has great potential. As you write the text, she can check spelling, grammar, correct your mistake on her own, suggest which word is best to use in this writing style, select synonyms and much more. Again, I repeat - the main thing is to configure it correctly.

It is much faster and more comfortable to work in a text editor when it is pre-created or ready-made with well-thought-out .

The Settings window will open. Select the Proofing tab.

Today we'll set up Word to check spelling and grammar.

In order for the program to automatically check spelling and grammar in your text, open the Tools menu. Select the Options command.

  • In the Spelling field, check the Automatically check spelling box;

  • In the Grammar field, check the checkboxes for Automatically check grammar and Also check spelling.

  • There is no need to check the Don't highlight misspelled words property, otherwise, if you make a mistake, the program will not show it to you, and you may not notice.

  • You can leave all other settings as they are.

Next, click the Settings button under the Rule Set window and go to the Grammar Check Settings window. In the Used set of rules box, select the set you need. Personally, I use For business correspondence.

Set the switch to Grammar and check all functions in the window below. Leave everything else as is and click OK.

Spell checking in word 2007

To set up automatic spell checking in Word 2007, click at the very top left on the beautiful icon with the program logo, and go to the very bottom of the list that opens. Click on the Word Options button.

In the next window, go to the Spelling tab and check the boxes where necessary.

After all the changes, do not forget to click OK at the very bottom to save the settings.

Spell checking in word 2010

In the Word 2010 text editor, the spell check setting is slightly different from the setting in Word 2007.

You must first go to the File menu. Then go down to the entry Settings.

And in the Word Options window, make the settings described above.

After setting up spell checking in Word, the program itself will check and indicate errors by underlining with a wavy line. The red line means a spelling error, and the green line means a syntax error.

Regarding commas, the program does not always correctly indicate their location, so sometimes think for yourself. But about spelling, she is not wrong.

If the program does not know some word, i.e. this word is not in her dictionary, then you can add this word to the dictionary yourself, just check before doing so, at least on the Internet for the correct spelling.

Continuing the topic of effectively working with Word 2007, I would like to dwell on spelling and spelling checking for a product from Microsoft - “Word”, released in 2007. I would like to remind you that in the previous article we discussed the topic: .

Entering and checking spelling of text

If all the necessary styles have already been developed and saved in the template, then entering text is reduced to simply typing on the keyboard or transferring fragments from other documents.

When transferring fragments from other documents, the text may “come” with its own styles. Other styles have nothing to do in your document. From time to time, look through the list of open styles and if you find something new there that came from nowhere, delete it with the command: Home > Styles > Select the required one (after selecting the text needed to change). Click on the picture to enlarge.

After changing the style, check which style the new text has accepted and, if necessary, apply a different one; if everything suits you, save it.

The main thing to focus on when typing while checking spelling in Word 2007 is structure and spelling. Check the structure by viewing the document in structure display mode.

Use the built-in spell checkers to check spelling. During the check, words with spelling errors are underlined with a red wavy line, and text fragments with incorrect grammar are underlined with a green line. To understand what the error is, right-click on the underlined text and use the context menu. In the figure below you can see that there is no sign after the decimal point - a space.

If the spelling checkers do not work, check the Automatically check spelling and Automatically check grammar checkboxes on the Spelling tab in the Options dialog box, to do this, right-click on the underlined text and use the context menu, then click Spelling, as shown in the figure below.

And finally, by clicking on - parameters, we get to the menu we need, where we put the necessary checkboxes.

It was the case in earlier versions of Word that spell checkers were not installed with the program. Then the program had to be rearranged and be sure not to forget about these components. These issues have been corrected in Word 2007.

I think that this article will help not only students, but also bloggers (webmasters), since it helps them write competent texts without errors, thereby allowing them to establish themselves as an educated person among their readers.