Wi-Fi does not work on the Asus tablet. Why may the tablet not connect to wi-fi? Error correction options. Can't find Wi-Fi hotspot

Wireless technology Wi-Fi has long gained wide popularity, so almost every smartphone or tablet can connect to such a network. This is very convenient because you just need to find desired point access, enter a password and use the Internet. This article will talk about what to do if your Lenovo tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi.

Description of the problem

When connected Android devices To Wi-Fi networks The message “Saved, WPA/WPA2 protected” usually appears. In some cases, even with this notification, there is no Internet on the tablet and it is necessary to somehow solve the problem. We'll talk about this below.

Why doesn't Wi-Fi work?

If you don't see web pages opening in your browser after connecting your tablet to an access point, there are a few steps you can take to try to fix the problem. The problem could be like incorrect settings, and in the router itself.


Below are the main methods that should help solve the problem. Let's get straight to the point.

If your Lenovo tablet or phone successfully connects to Wi-Fi and a corresponding notification appears on the screen, you can try rebooting the router. Sometimes after this, pages in the browser begin to open, which means everything is working correctly.

Wrong password

Everything is simple here. If, when connecting to an access point, the message “Incorrect password”, etc. appears, then the entered combination is not correct. If the password is entered correctly, then you need to use one of the solutions described below.

An error in Wi-Fi operation often occurs due to an incorrect region in the settings. To change the region, you need to go to the device’s web interface. If you do not know how to open the router settings, then read the instructions (it is usually located in the router's packaging box).

Let's look at the process of changing a region using the example of a router from the manufacturer TP-Link. You need to open the tab " Wireless mode" and in the "Region" item select the desired country. Don't forget to confirm saving the new settings using the special button.

Wi-Fi network operating mode

The router can operate in a mode that is not supported on Lenovo gadgets. There are 3 modes in total: b/g/n. The main difference is the speed of sending data. B is the slowest mode, g is medium, n is the fastest mode.

Changing the operating mode can solve the problem with Wi-Fi. After changing the settings, you need to restart the router and Wi-Fi on the tablet.

The tablet does not see Wi-Fi

It may well be that the router is turned on and working properly, but the phone or tablet does not see the access point. In this case, you need to check the settings - this is one of the main reasons for incorrect Wi-Fi work. You may need to change the operating mode or router channel.


The article describes the most effective ways to solve the problem of non-working Wi-Fi on Lenovo devices. If you know others, write in the comments.

Sometimes the tablet does not see Wi-Fi for a trivial reason. This could be a difference in frequencies or a cache buildup in the device. If the tablet does not see your home Wi-Fi network, then first try rebooting the device. Typically, an overloaded gadget may simply not connect to the network due to garbage in the memory. You don’t need to think that if you can’t see Wi-Fi, then it’s a matter of build quality.

The tablet does not see Wi-Fi - the main reasons

There are several main reasons why the device does not connect to the network. First, we will list them, and then we will analyze each case separately. So, the reasons:

  • Frequency difference between modem and planet;
  • Hardware problem – a malfunction in the tablet’s hardware;
  • The problem is in the router settings;
  • Software failure (tablet, modem).

It is not necessary that there be only one reason. Sometimes they are combined. But in any case, you should act carefully, excluding possible reasons. If your tablet stops seeing Wi-Fi, then first do a small test. Check that it doesn’t see your router, or any other source either. This way you will understand where the fault itself is – in the tablet or in the modem.

Why doesn't my tablet see Wi-Fi?

We have already written about the difference in frequencies. Please note that the device and source may operate at different frequencies. Please clarify this point in the parameters. If this is so, then the question disappears. Also, the tablet does not see the Wi-Fi network due to incorrect settings router. You can configure the modem yourself, or contact your provider. As for the software failure, first try rebooting the device and router.

You can read about us on the website. If the tablet does not see any Wi-Fi network, then try to get rid of the cache. Rebooting often helps. Finally, all the fuss may be due to problems in the tablet’s hardware. This could cause the block to fail. Wi-Fi tablet. Possible oxidation on the contacts to the signal receiver. And problems with the antenna are quite possible. If you can work with a tester, then you need to open the device and check the contacts (search for short circuits).

Why doesn't the tablet see Wi-Fi or sees it but doesn't connect?

Why does my tablet see Wi-Fi but not connect to the Internet? There could be two reasons for this. Different frequencies or a problem in the router settings. The same can happen if the tablet does not see the operator’s network. Now you know why the tablet does not see Wi-Fi. In the next post we will look at the topic - why the phone stopped seeing wifi networks. If you have any questions, ask.

We live in a time when almost any operation can be performed using a smartphone or tablet. When you can find absolutely any information on the Internet in a matter of seconds. When, sitting at home, at work, or even while on the road, you can listen to any music or watch any video ever uploaded to the network. What can baffle or frustrate us most these days? Only that moment when, unexpectedly for us, the phone or tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi, and we are unable to access the Internet. Why sometimes a phone or tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi, why errors occur when trying to connect and how to deal with them, we will look at in this material.

Reasons why the device does not connect to wireless network, there may be many

It’s worth clarifying right away that this small collection of guides is of equal value both for those who access the network using a phone and for those who use a tablet for these purposes. The Wi-Fi module in these devices works identically, so if problems arise when connecting to the Internet, the solution is most often the same for all users and devices.

Most often, problems when accessing the network arise from Android users, but the system itself gives significantly more information about a particular problem that arose during connection. That is why we will look at problems connecting to Wi-Fi using Android as an example.

When the user connects to Wi-Fi, the phone is under Android control may produce error messages containing various text. It is this text that will help us determine why the device cannot connect to the Internet, and will also help us eliminate the cause of this problem.

After selecting one or another access point, the phone may show the following messages:

  • "Obtaining an IP address..."
  • "Authentication..."
  • "Disabled."
  • "Saved, WPA/WPA2 security."

There is also a situation where the connection was successful, but the pages still cannot be opened.

In the case when an Android phone or tablet does not connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi and constantly reports only that an IP address is being obtained, the simplest thing you can do is to delete the network and its settings from the device’s memory and try to connect again. To do this, click on the name of the access point in the device settings and select context menu"Delete" option. After a few seconds, try connecting again. In this case, your phone or tablet will require you to enter your password again, so if you are not connecting to home router, you should check the correct spelling of your password in advance.


The reason why an Android tablet or phone may constantly display such a message is most likely due to the password. First, you need to make sure that you entered all the password characters correctly and did not make a typo anywhere. If the Internet does not turn on quite long time when displaying a message like this, delete the network as stated in previous paragraph instructions and try connecting again. Secondly, if this is not your first time connecting to the selected Wi-Fi network and the connection previously occurred without problems, you should check to see if the password has changed since the last successful connection. This is relevant for cases when a smartphone or tablet is not connected to home Wi-Fi.

Problems not related to the mobile device

All subsequent tips that we will give you in this material are in one way or another related to router settings, so they will be relevant primarily in the case when your tablet or smartphone experiences difficulties connecting to the network directly at your home. That is, where you can change the settings yourself network equipment.

First, you will need to find out why your gadget does not work with the selected access point, why it refuses to connect to it, and then change some of the router’s settings by logging into its control panel through any browser or through mobile app, if provided by the manufacturer.

If your Android tablet or smartphone cannot connect to the Internet in your home, there may be a simple reason for this. Despite the fact that visually it may seem that the router is working, it software may be in a frozen state. In this case, a reboot will help. Unplug the appliance and wait a few seconds (7–10). After that, plug it back into the network and make sure that it works by checking the indication. After a few seconds, check if your mobile device can see the access point and try connecting again. If the gadget does not see the network, most likely the router is still turning on and you need to wait from a few seconds to a minute.

Change Password

If your gadget sees an access point, but you cannot remember the password for your wireless network located at home, you can change it at any time in the router settings. To do this, go to the appropriate settings section and set new combination characters. There must be at least eight of them. Save the changes and reboot the router. Please note that after this procedure New Password you will need to enter into each device that works with this access point and receives a wireless signal through it.

Changing the encryption type

In some situations (this is especially true for budget-class Android devices), it may turn out that the built-in Wi-Fi module does not work with certain types of encryption. This leads to the fact that the device sees the access point, but only displays the “Disabled” error and does not connect to the Internet. To fix this problem, you will need to open the settings of your router and change the type of encryption with which your mobile device works. We recommend choosing between WPA/WPA2 and WPA-PSK types. These encryption standards are supported greatest number devices.

Change channel

For some situations in which mobile gadget does not connect to the Internet via a wireless network, it will also be useful to change the channel through which the signal is heard. The reason for changing the channel may be a situation when the device sees the access point, but the connection does not occur. This is also due to compatibility issues with network equipment and Wi-Fi module. In total, in the router settings you will find up to 12 channels, but, as a rule, not a single budget Android gadget works with a channel higher than the ninth. Consider this information when setting up your network.

Disabling MAC and IP filters

In a situation where the network equipment has been tested and is functioning correctly, the mobile gadget sees an access point, several similar devices access the network through the same device, but the smartphone still does not connect to the target network, it’s worth looking into MAC filter and IP addresses in the router settings. Sometimes network equipment is configured in such a way that only specific devices located in your home, whose MAC and IP addresses are registered in a special section of the control panel of the modem or other network equipment, can gain access to the Internet. Disable all unnecessary filters and restart the router. Don’t forget - it turns on from a few seconds to a minute, and only after that you should check whether the access point is visible to the mobile device.


As you can understand from our short instructions, almost any problem that arises when connecting mobile device to a wireless network, you can solve it in a couple of minutes, having necessary information and access to network equipment settings. We hope that our instructions helped you eliminate errors and now you can easily access the Internet from any of your gadgets. If this still doesn’t work out, we recommend going through the entire list from beginning to end and trying to use all the tips without exception.

Hi all!

I analyzed a little of the comments that visitors leave on the site, checked the queries and realized that there is a very common problem with connecting to Wi-Fi, which I have not written about yet. But many comments were left on the site asking for help to solve this problem. I advised something there, but I don’t know if my advice helped you (rarely does anyone write about the results 🙁).

And yesterday, Roman (Thank you kind man :) I left a comment on the article in which I shared information on how he solved the problem “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protection”. This comment helped me understand the problem a little, and I decided to collect all the tips for solving this error in one article.

The essence of the problem

When connecting a phone or tablet (most likely on Android), To home network, or somewhere in a cafe, an inscription appears next to the name of the network “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protection”. And nothing else happens. If you click on this network and select To plug, then nothing will happen. You can see what this error looks like in the screenshot above.

I specifically provoked this problem on my Asus RT-N13U Wi-Fi router and tried to connect the phone HTC One V (Android 4.0) . So I got this message “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protection”. Moreover, everything worked out the first time. How? Yes, very simple. In my router settings, “Wireless network mode” was set to Auto mode, and I set it to n Only. I saved the settings, disconnected the phone from Wi-Fi, but it was no longer possible to connect :)

The main causes of the error “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protection”

Friends, I cannot say exactly everything and give advice that will be one hundred percent working, I hope you understand. All devices are different, everyone has different settings and many other nuances.

But I will try to collect the reasons known to me and ways to solve them, through which such a problem with connecting to a wireless network may arise.

If, when connecting to a wireless network, you see the message “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protected” on your phone (maybe a little different), then it’s worth checking these settings (I advise you to check in the same order):

To get started, simply reboot your router.

I have already noticed this problem several times: the Internet on the phone simply stops working, but there is a connection and the network is good. I turn Wi-Fi off and on on my phone, but it no longer connects to the network, it says “Saved, WPA2 protection.” Only rebooting the router helps.

  1. Set the correct region in the router settings
  2. Check the correctness of the Wi-Fi network password
  3. Check (change) the wireless network operating mode in the router settings
  4. Check (change) the encryption type and security type, change the password in the router settings
  5. Experiment with changing the channel on which your wireless network operates.
  6. Try changing the channel width.

And now in more detail on all points

Set the correct region in the router settings

Very often, this error occurs precisely because the Wi-Fi settings are set to the wrong region.

I'm on example Tp-Link I'll show you how to change the region. If you have a router from another company, then these settings are most likely changed on the same page where you set the name and other settings of the wireless network.

In Control Panel, go to the tab Wireless (Wireless mode) and opposite the point Region indicate the country you are in.

Save the settings by clicking the button Save(Save) .

Check your password and connect again

You may have simply entered your password incorrectly (though then most likely it will go permanent connection, round. But you need to check), and before getting into the router settings, I advise you to check this.

You may ask, how can I enter the password again, because the password request does not appear. You need to delete the connection. Just click on your network and select Delete.

Now, click on your network again and enter your Wi-Fi password. Just make sure it's correct. If you forgot, look at the password in the router settings, or on the connected computer (if there are any). Read more in the article.

Checking the wireless network operating mode

It seems to me that this main reason. Just your device (phone, tablet) may not support the operating mode in which the router operates.

The operating mode is those strange letters b/g/n, which you probably already noticed in the router settings. Try experimenting with changing modes. Don’t forget to reboot your router after each change and turn off/on Wi-Fi on your phone (tablet).

So I installed n Only instead of Auto and an error popped up. What if, for example, you already have n Only in your settings? Here are your problems.

Changing the encryption/security type, password

It may be that your device simply does not like the type of security or encryption that the router uses. Or you don't like the password.

I advise you to set the following values:

WPA/WPA2 - Personal (Recommended)

Version: WPA-PSK

Encryption: AES

PSK Password (key) – at least eight characters and numbers only.

We save, reboot the router, delete the connection on the phone, and connect by entering a new password.

Attention! After changing the password or other security settings, problems may arise with connecting other devices that were already connected to this network (computers, laptops, TVs).

Experimenting with the channel on which the Wi-Fi network operates

It's unlikely, of course, but it could be. I wrote about what a wireless network channel is, how to change it and why in the article -.

Try experimenting and see if it helps.

Channel width

There is such a point in Wi-Fi settings router, like Channel width. If you have, for example, TP-Link and the menu is in English, then it is called Channel Width.

There you can select several options: Auto, 20MHz and 40MHz - depending on the router. Try installing first Auto(or in Asus 20MHz/40MHz), if that doesn’t help, then separately.

Where can I change the channel width?

Go to the router settings ( address, or, enter login/password - look at the bottom of the router).


Go to the tab Wireless network and change the value opposite Channel width.


Tab WirelessWireless Settings, paragraph Channel Width.

Don't forget to save the settings and reboot the router.


I seem to have written everything I wanted. I really hope that my advice will help you. You will get rid of this problem and make friends with your phone or tablet Wi-Fi router 🙂 .

Perhaps you know other solutions to this problem, share them in the comments - I will be grateful!

Best wishes!

Also on the site:

The phone (tablet) does not connect to Wi-Fi, it says “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protected” updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

Tablet computers are becoming increasingly popular today as a means of surfing the web. Users use them to visit social networks, watching online videos, listening musical compositions, communication via chats and Skype. There are several ways to connect these devices to world wide web: via Wi-Fi, via a 3G module or external 3G modems, using a cable via a computer, etc. Perhaps the most common of them is a connection via Wi-Fi. But from time to time, some device owners encounter a certain problem in their work: the tablet is connected to wifi, but does not access the Internet.

What does it mean? The tablet connects to wireless Wi-Fi, the connection status looks like “Connected”, an excellent signal, but there is no way to access the Internet. That is, browsers do not open sites, programs and applications that require global access do not work. Of course, there are ways to solve this problem that users should be aware of.

Internet distribution by router

Ways to solve connection problems

Setting up a Wi-Fi router

Since most tablet devices used by users are based on operating Android system, then we will talk about solving problems with the Internet precisely with this kind gadgets.

Problem encountered by users tablet computers when working with Wi-Fi, this is the appearance of the inscription “Obtaining an IP address”. The operation of the device stops at this point, and things do not go further. In fact, there are several ways to solve this problem, one of which will certainly help owners of tablet devices.

  1. Change Wi-Fi name on the name on English language(there is an opinion that tablets do not connect to networks that have Russian letters in their names)
  2. Reboot the modem (this trivial way to solve the problem is often the most effective)
  3. Change the data encryption type (in the same place where the user specified the password and network name, you need to change the protection type to some other value).

Changing the encryption type

For all changes to take effect, the router must be rebooted.

Preparing your tablet computer

In general, when setting up a wireless network, automatic receipt these same settings, but sometimes this is not suitable for correct access in Internet. In this case, you must manually enter the IP address, gateway and DNS. To do this, you need to perform the following steps.

First, you need to enter the device settings. For tablets with different versions Android OS entry into settings may differ, but not so significantly that the user could get confused. Since the device is already connected to a wireless LAN, Wi-Fi will be automatically turned on. To enter the IP address, DNS and gateway, there must be no Wi-Fi connection, so you must disconnect from the access point. Next, you need to enter all the necessary data, and then reconnect to the network. To do this, the user again selects his Wi-Fi, a dialog box opens with the parameters of this network, where you can see data about its security, signal strength and communication speed, as well as a field in which the Wi-Fi password is entered.

  1. The user enters the Wi-Fi password (it is the key that was registered in the settings of the modem or router during Wi-Fi installations)
  2. You must check the box in front of the word “Advanced” if it is not there, as this is necessary to open additional settings network (the user needs “Proxy server settings” and “IP, DHCP settings”)
  3. Next you need to select “DHCP”
  4. After this, another tab will appear, select “Custom” on it.

Network setup diagram

It is important to know that if the user has open network without a password, then at the first step there will be no such input field.

After selecting “Custom” you can see the following picture.

“Advanced” item of the “Custom” menu

Here you need to enter the following data: in the IP address field – or The last digit of the IP address can be anything, in this example it is 7, it does not matter, it is important that it is not 1 or 2. The remaining digits must correspond to those through which the user router to which you need to connect is accessible, i.e. those numbers by which the user enters the settings of his router.

It is important to know that if a user tries to register this information on more than one device, then each of them must have a different last digit of the IP address.

Next you need to enter the following information: gateway –, network prefix length – 24. Then DNS1 –, DNS2 – It can be done differently: DNS1 –, DNS2 – Moreover, if it is important for the user to take care of the device’s security, its stability and fast work, or maybe he is setting up a tablet for a child, then it is recommended to indicate safe Yandex DNS. You don’t need to change anything else, all you have to do is click the “Connect” button.

Network IP addresses

After the router is installed, you need to delete all connections that were created on the computer. Instead, specify the connection parameters in the router settings. Traditionally, all this is done on the WAN contribution.

WAN setup

After this, the router will establish a connection to the Internet. Next, you need to delete all connections on the computer, and in the properties “Connection by local network» set automatic IP and DNS.

It is important to know that this is possible if the computer is connected to the router via cable.

Automatic IP and DNS configuration

After specifying all the parameters in the router settings, a connection to the Internet should be established. At the same time, all devices, and not only mobile ones, must connect to it and access the Internet.

Root rights and system update

Sometimes it is quite likely that the cause of the absenteeism problem is tablet device access to the Internet with a correctly working router and Wi-Fi network lies in the fact that the user does not have the superuser rights necessary to interfere with the system. These so-called root rights open up the possibility of editing, deleting and changing system files, and this may well help in solving the problem with the Internet. In this case, he needs to download the desired program and install it on your device. Next, the program starts and to complete this task, you must select “Root device” in the main menu.

Superuser rights settings window

There may also be a reason that it is time for the tablet to update its firmware for a more successful and correct operation, and also to receive additional features and functions. To update the firmware to more later version, you need to select Settings - About Tablet PC - System update(Internet access is required for this).

OS update

If the system detects updates for the tablet, it will notify you and offer to install them. Probably with updated version firmware, the tablet will independently cope with the problem of the Internet not working.

Setting up a network connection via Wi-Fi