This type of communication is not available to the subscriber. This type of communication is not available to the subscriber - what does this mean for Tele2 customers

Not everyone knows what it means that this type of communication is not available to an MTS subscriber. If earlier this caused more panic, now there are a huge number of reasons for such a message to appear. Each point should be examined in more detail.

What does it mean - this type of communication is not available to the subscriber and what are the reasons for this message

As stated earlier, the reasons for the specified car there may be sufficient information. Among the main ones are:

  1. Lack of funds on the user's balance sheet. This often happens to subscribers who are located outside the country. It is important for them to pay not only for independent calls, but also for incoming ones. If the balance does not meet the minimum payment, the caller will hear this statement. You just need to deposit a certain amount into your personal account and everything will start working as usual.
  2. The number is blocked. It will not play any role whether this was done on the subscriber’s own initiative or under the terms of the cellular operator. Here the user himself must take measures to unlock it. In addition, he himself most likely knows about such consequences.
  3. Network problems. This means that network failures may periodically occur in the service area, due to which the robot issues a message indicating that the specified type of communication is unavailable to the user. In this case, you will not be able to make calls, access web resources, or even simply send text messages. The only solution to this problem is patience and only patience. The cellular communication company MTS is involved in the work, which will try to restore everything to its place as soon as possible.
  4. Specifics of the SIM card. Everyone knows that the bulk of SIM cards are intended for making calls and accessing Internet resources. But there is also a category in which only the second option (home) is available. This means that it is absolutely impossible to call her. Yes, and this problem cannot be solved. The only correct solution for the subscriber is to activate another SIM card, which will already work in all directions.
  5. The phone is turned off. Of course, such a response may seem non-standard in the case of a non-working device or the user is outside the network coverage area. But all the information comes from the robot, which already transmits it to the caller. These expressions can become confusing and scary. Sometimes it is enough to call again to get a specific answer.
  6. Signal problems. This paragraph applies to all mobile operators without exception. To receive such a message from an informant, it is often enough to take a ride in the underground metro or take an elevator, or go into the forest, where the signal level begins to drop. To avoid such a problem, you should not go to the places indicated above. It will be enough to move from place to place and the difficulties will fade into the background.

This list indicates the main reasons why you can receive a message from the robot that the type of communication is unavailable to the MTS user. Moreover, almost each of them is instantly solved in the simplest ways. The main thing is not to be afraid, since everything is being decided. Sometimes you will have to contact the company’s office, whose addresses are listed on the official resource. They will certainly give you a specific answer.

How to get through if this type of communication is not available to the subscriber

Sometimes a question arises related to how to make a call to MTS to another user when you hear a message about the unavailability of a particular type of communication.

The user can only rely on the availability of other contacts of the subscriber, including a landline phone number. Here you will have to work and get rid of the problem. After all, the SIM card is not available for use via communication services. It is important to communicate this information to its owner, since if it is important and urgent, no one will be able to call him.

If an error occurs when they call you

If this occurs to a MTS subscriber, the only right solution is to get rid of the original source. But what does it mean? So, for example, if it concerns the financial component of the issue, top up your account with a minimum amount, which is usually equal to a negative balance. When the problem is not resolved, you should contact technical support. They can provide information regarding your personal account balance, technical work on the line, as well as other problems for which they cannot call you.

But if we are talking about the operation of the SIM card, the signal level, or, for example, a dead battery, then nothing can be done except use another phone for contact. In addition, you can call not only from a mobile phone, but also from a landline number, for which the number 8 800 250 8 250 is provided. If possible, the problem will be resolved as soon as possible.

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When making calls, subscribers periodically hear a voice notification such as “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber.”

Having heard such a message, you should not think that your number has been blacklisted, thereby avoiding communication. This recording may sound for a number of reasons:

  • low signal level;
  • mobile is disabled;
  • problems with the SIM card;
  • network failure;
  • negative balance of the subscriber to the number to which the call is made.

Connection quality

In the first case, such a message may be caused by a failure in the operator’s equipment. There are many reasons for this - preventive maintenance, difficult weather conditions. Also, the subscriber may be located at a distance from MTS communication towers.

If the service is not connected, “roaming” also leads to this kind of information. Upon returning to the coverage area, the user will receive a list of missed calls. Typically a repeat call After a few minutes it goes well, no mistakes.

The quality of communication also depends on the type of coverage - there are fewer communication towers outside the city and in rural areas it is not always possible to connect to 3G networks. This applies not only to the subscriber to whose number the call is made, but also to the user who is calling.

Disabled device

The automatic recording “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” can also be heard if the device is turned off for receiving calls - it is in airplane mode, or if it is used as a modem for an Internet connection.

When there is an incoming call, the device should switch to phone mode, but it happens that due to malfunctions of the operator or the smartphone itself, this does not happen - the phone remains in modem mode, and the caller hears a voice notification.

SIM card malfunction

Not as common a problem as the previous ones, but takes place. There are many reasons for the problem - a factory defect of the card or built-in chip, dust or small debris between the contact panel of the phone and the SIM card chip.

Most often, this happens due to the formation of condensation, when, in the winter, going from the street into a warm room, moisture can accumulate in the smartphone, which contributes to the formation of oxide on the contacts of the SIM card.

Sometimes the problem can arise due to mechanical damage to the SIM card, for example, when removed from one device and installed in another smartphone.

However this may not always be caused by damage– an incorrectly inserted card may well cause such a problem. If a problem is identified specifically in the SIM card, you should contact the MTS service center, where it is possible to repair transferring the old number to the new card. Having done this, the user will receive an information message about missed calls.

Network failures

This item includes problems beyond the control of the telecom operator. As a rule, this does not happen so often - a power outage, lightning, and a number of other reasons.

The operator informs about force majeure, distributes the load evenly across towers and centers, but this takes time; it is quite possible that you heard such a notification just at the moment of one of these reconnections.

Lack of positive balance

“This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” - a notification sounds in the device’s speaker if the subscriber to whom the incoming call is being made has not topped up the account for a long time. This practice is used by many telecom operators.

If the user has not topped up his account for a long period of time, but still uses incoming channels, thereby without bringing profit to the service provider, the operator suspends servicing the subscriber number. Suspension of services may also occur if the subscriber number has not been used for a long time.

Sometimes the number is blocked at the request of the subscriber himself. This is done in order to avoid paying for services at a certain time, for example, during a vacation or business trip. When the user's account is replenished, the blocking is removed.

As a rule, the problem can be partially resolved using SMS. If, when making a call, the message “this type of communication is not available to the subscriber” is repeated several times in a short period of time, then most likely there are problems with the network; by sending a text SMS to the subscriber’s number, there is a chance that it will reach you and they will call you back.

However, after a long time you still could not get through to the required number, contact the operator and try to clarify the reason with him. It is quite possible that the number has not been in service for a long time and has been changed to another, or that maintenance work is being carried out, and the subscriber is located right in the work area.

Sometimes an attempt to call the subscriber MTS may result in an answering machine message. Mostly you can hear that the user is currently offline or blocked. There is an extremely rare error “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber,” which many subscribers have never encountered. Let's find out the most relevant and common cases in which this phrase can be heard from the speaker of your phone.

Network errors

Many operator users are accustomed to hearing automatic messages indicating network problems or problems with their account. In the case of information about the unavailability of communication for the called subscriber, there is nothing to worry about.

Ensuring the uninterrupted operation of all elements that provide MTS communications on the territory of the Russian Federation is a complex matter. No one is immune from problems. It is curious that the phone of the called interlocutor at this moment may be turned on and fully operational.

Accordingly, the person you are calling will not even be aware of the problem. The easiest way is to postpone the call until later. Most likely, after a few minutes, normal network operation will be restored and your interlocutor will be able to receive an incoming call. Nevertheless, against the background of errors that occur, a message about an unavailable connection is a very rare occurrence.

The phone works as a modem The notification “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” can also be heard if the person you are calling has connected their mobile phone to a computer to surf the Internet. Often when a call comes in, the Internet connection is interrupted

, because MTS gives priority to providing voice communications. But no one is immune from mistakes; sometimes errors may occur on the part of the operator, due to which you will hear an answering machine when you call.

You can call back a little later. By this time, the called subscriber may turn off the Internet or network failures will stop.

The called party is roaming
Before making a voice call, make sure that the person you are calling is not

now outside the Russian Federation. Theoretically, if such a subscriber has a positive balance, then no There shouldn't be any connection problems. However, when roaming it can be difficult to keep track of your bill. There are two most convenient ways to solve the problem -, depending on the situation, use the most appropriate one. By the way, the error may occur due to communication problems with the operator providing its services for communication in roaming.


Sometimes you can hear this notification when making a voice call to the subscriber MTS, whose number is blocked. As we know, blocking occurs in the absence of timely replenishment of the account. Just try to contact this person later, maybe he will improve the situation by replenishing his balance. Or call him back on another phone, if available.

SIM card failure

You will encounter the notification “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber” if the person you are calling has problems with the SIM card or its connector in their mobile phone. This can be resolved by contacting the official MTS office or to the service center, respectively. By the way, this voice message causes some dissatisfaction among users due to the ambiguity of the wording. Most people agree that the operator should change this alert, making it more specific.

If there are no obvious reasons for this error to appear, we recommend contacting the call center of the MTS operator. The manager will study the problem, give a clear answer and help you figure it out.

For many people, staying connected is very important. Often they ask the same from their close people and just acquaintances. Therefore, when they are faced with the fact that someone’s phone is not answering, it confuses them, especially if instead of the usual beeps an auto-informer sounds. The worst things often come to such people’s minds. But most likely, everything is fine with the relative. You just need to correctly interpret the answering machine phrases.

One of these autoinformer messages is: “This data is not available to the subscriber.” This phrase can be heard for a variety of reasons. And the first thing you need to check is the amount of money in the caller’s account. It is possible that there are simply not enough funds to make such a call. You also need to cancel the ban on outgoing calls using the combination #33*0000# or ##002#.

If after this you hear in response that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, then this is due to the called number. There may be several reasons. The most common of them is a negative subscriber balance when roaming. In this case, until the money arrives in the account, you will not be able to reach him by phone. True, he will still be able to receive SMS.

Another reason could be an accidental or intentional ban on incoming calls. In this case, you just need to cancel it, and the subscriber will be able to receive calls. To do this, you need to dial the combinations #35*0000# and ##002#. If in this case the system responds that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, it is possible that his number is blocked. To resume service, you can take your passport to the nearest office or contact center of your mobile operator. A specialist will be able to quickly resolve this problem.

But it also happens that this type of communication is not available to the subscriber, and specifically to the one who is calling. It is possible that his number was simply added to the Black List. In this case, you can only do one thing - call from another phone. If you managed to get through, then most likely it is so. Unfortunately, until the subscriber himself removes the number from this list, nothing can be done.

If all the reasons have been eliminated, but the situation has not changed, and this type of communication is not available to the subscriber anyway, you need to restart the phone and move the SIM card to another mobile phone. If this does not help, then you need to contact your mobile operator for help. There may be a problem in the network and you need to fix the problem. You just need to be prepared for the fact that it will take some time to solve the problem that has arisen. Although, of course, any cellular company does everything possible to resolve issues as quickly as possible.

In any case, do not be afraid that the subscriber is unavailable. You can always find out what this auto-informer message means on the company’s website or by contacting its consultants at the contact center or the nearest office. And after that, take all the actions they recommend. It will probably turn out that everything is solvable, and in the near future you will be able to easily contact the called party.

This type of communication is not available to the subscriber, what does this mean on MTS? Users often ask this question. Our material will discuss possible reasons for this situation.

Now many operators block the number after the balance goes into negative values. This way they encourage the client to top up their account in order to continue using mobile services.

MTS is one of the operators that actively practices phone blocking. If the balance goes into minus values, then in addition to outgoing calls, incoming calls will also be subject to restrictions. To start actively using the operator’s services again, you need to top up your account to the required value.

What does it mean that this type of communication is not available to MTS subscribers? This information demonstrates that the subscriber you are trying to reach cannot use communication services for certain reasons, which is why some restrictive measures are in place on incoming calls. You will have to contact him by another phone number or through another channel.

Why is this type of communication not available to MTS subscribers?

There are many reasons for this situation:

  1. The client’s balance went into negative territory, and the operator temporarily limited the use of mobile services.
  2. There has been a breakdown.
  3. The SIM card is broken.
  4. The subscriber independently requested temporary blocking of the number.
  5. It is located along with poor signal reception.

This type of communication is not available to MTS subscribers - what should I do?

Why they say this type of communication is not available to MTS subscribers, you understand. But what to do if such a situation arises? If you cannot get through, then you should call another number, or write on social networks.

If friends or relatives cannot call you due to restrictions in the provision of services, then the first thing you need to do is check your balance. It probably went into negative values, and the operator blocked the number.

You can top up your balance in various ways:

  • At the nearest terminal.
  • At the ATM.
  • Through the Internet banking system.
  • Through third party services.
  • From an electronic wallet.
  • From a bank card on the operator’s website.

Network failure is one of the possible reasons why your phone is blocked. You need:

  1. Contact the contact center at 0890.
  2. Report a problem.
  3. Specialists will check the functioning of the network and transfer the information to the technical service.
  4. The company's employees will quickly eliminate the failure that has arisen.

You may be in an area with poor network coverage, for example, in a forest, on a highway, or on the shore of a pond. After returning to the city, communication should be fully restored.

The SIM card could be damaged. What to do in this case?

  • Contact the contact center and report the problem.
  • Employees will ask you to come to the nearest office for an exchange.
  • Choose a suitable salon and visit it in person.
  • Specialists will issue a new SIM card and copy the old number onto it.

In case of voluntary blocking, the subscriber only needs to send a request to disable it. It will appear online again within a few minutes.

Phone disconnected

We cannot exclude the possibility of simply turning off the phone. After turning on the device, the subscriber will return to the network and will again be able to receive calls from other clients.

This type of communication is not available to MTS subscribers - how can I get through?

It is worth mentioning another reason – inconsistency of standards. For example, you make a call on a 4G network, but only 2G is currently available to the client, since he is located outside the city.

What to do in such a situation? In the device settings, set priority for 2G networks. In this case, the call will be made using the legacy standard and the client will be able to receive the call.

Crossing borders

You figured out how to understand this type of communication is not available to MTS subscribers. When moving within the coverage area of ​​towers of foreign companies, communication may be unstable. Networks overlap each other, and the phone often automatically switches between them.

In border areas, for this reason, the connection may be interrupted, and it is often impossible to reach the subscriber. One way to solve this problem is to connect roaming. Don't forget to top up your account to fully use this service.

Do you receive SMS?

Do you receive SMS messages when a number is blocked? Yes, the client is able to receive the message, but will not be able to respond to it. If you want to urgently convey important information, then write an SMS and send it to the subscriber’s number.

Algorithm of actions when a problem occurs

Can't your loved ones reach you? If this situation occurs, proceed as follows:

  1. First check your phone balance.
  2. If it is negative, then top up your account.
  3. Do you have enough money to use the services? Then check the serviceability of the SIM card.
  4. Assess the signal reception level.
  5. If you cannot find the cause of the problem, then contact the operator and talk to him.