How to use the alcohol 120 virtual disk program. Related Posts

Alcohol 120 - convenient utility for working with virtual drives, disk images and everything connected with them. Let's find out how to use Alcohol 120 and what functions it performs.

How to install?

The first step is to install the program on your HDD. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Download the program installer from the link There you will find activated version with an infinite validity period, so you don’t have to pay for a license;
  2. The trial version can be downloaded from official resource;
  3. Run the installer and follow the instructions;
  4. After installation, launch the program.

Now we’ll find out how to use Alcohol 120 and what can be done with its functionality.

Main functionality

To begin with, we list the main functions that may be useful to the average computer user:

  • Creation of virtual drives. It is in them that ISO disk images are mounted.
  • Creation of the images themselves.
  • Recording images to external media.
  • Managing DVD/CD discs.

Let's look at each of the possibilities in more detail.

Creating virtual drives

The Alcohol 120 program can burn virtual discs. Creating a drive is very simple:

  • Launch the program;
  • On the left side of the menu, click “Virtual Disk”;
  • Opposite the item “Number” virtual disks» set the desired quantity;
  • Now in the lower program window, in the “Virtual DVD/CD drives” tab, the number of drives that you specified in the settings will appear.

Right-click on required disk and in the list that opens, select “Mount image” to place the disk image in the desired drive. You can also open “Properties” in the menu and see all the information about the virtual drive.

Creating images

The program has a built-in wizard for creating images. To run it, click on the “Create image” button. In the window that appears, do the following:

  1. Select the drive that is installed in the physical drive. It will be from him that he will create virtual image;
  2. Set the reading speed;
  3. Click on “Start” and wait for the process to complete.

At the bottom of the window the path to the folder with the created image will be written.

Burn image to disk

Now let's talk about how to use Alcohol 120 to burn files to DVD and CD. To record, click the “Burn image” button. In the image wizard that opens, you must specify the path to the file that needs to be written to the media. This can be done using the “Browse” button and selecting a directory. Now click “Next” to continue the procedure.

On the next screen, select the recording media and other options. To start the procedure, click the “Start” button.

Erasing Discs

You can erase the contents of CD-RW/DVD-RW discs using the built-in Alcohol 120 tool. Read on to learn how to use the function.

In the main window of the utility, click on the “Erase disks” button. A wizard for erasing rewritable media will open in front of you. The first window will display a list of all available recorders. Next, you select the erasing mode and execution speed. At the end indicate further actions after deleting files. To start cleaning, click “Erase”.


Alcohol 120 also allows you to create new images from existing files on your hard drive. For this you will need an Xtra-master. In it you must select the data from which the image will be created using the “Add” button. Files" or "Add. Folder." You can also create a separate directory, already in the image, using the " new folder" At the bottom of the window there is a visual disk fill bar and the required disk type is marked depending on the size of the folders.

After adding all the files and folders, click Next. On the next screen, select the image format, enter a name and folder to save the image on your hard drive. When finished, click “Start”. Now you know how to use the Alcohol 120 program.

Hello everyone, I have known the Alcohol 120 program for a long time, because when they bought me a computer, Alcohol 120 was one of the first programs that I mastered. This was, of course, a very long time ago, but even then the program was quite popular. Well, how long ago, eight years ago exactly. And it was thanks to this program that I could do something incredible at that time, it was just my dream, I could download games on the Internet and install them!

This time was simply unforgettable, for me to play any games at home, it was just something! I was just going to the computer Club, to play, and then they bought me a computer and it’s a complete freebie, play as much as you like and whatever you want. We exchanged discs with games back in school, it was a great time! But it all passed quickly, literally two years later I was playing much less, and then I stopped altogether. And now it’s been a couple of years since I’ve played anything at all, no modern games I don't even know

Well, somehow I’ve gone off topic, what is the Alcohol 120 program even needed for? So look, I'll tell you in simple words, well, so that you can understand. Alcohol 120 is a program that creates a virtual disk drive on your computer into which you can place virtual disks. These are disks that are also called images; in fact, they are an image of a real disk. That is, they take a real disk, insert it into the drive and copy it to the computer in the form of one file, which goes to ISO format, or in another way, it’s simply the most popular.

Well, what is this all for? The whole point is that you installed the Alcohol 120 program and you can download such disk images on the Internet, and then install for yourself what is recorded on them. Well, put, I mean games, all sorts of large programs. That's what this program is for. It was with the help of it that I installed games on my computer for a very long time, well, at the time when I just got a computer. I still thought it was all so complicated and couldn’t even imagine that it was actually easy

That is, you can even download an image of Windows on the Internet, use the Alcohol 120 program to burn it to disk, and then install real Windows on a real computer from a real disk!

The program also has a strange name, I honestly don’t know what it means, well, that is, what’s the point in it. But it’s somehow strange to call the program Alcohol 120%. But the truth is that this did not stop her from becoming very popular. And there is also the Alcohol 52% program, this free version program, there is no function for burning discs from an image. Another disadvantage is that you can create up to six virtual drives, but I think that this is not a particular disadvantage

By the way, when installing Alcohol 120%, a program like this is also installed (runs under the SFAUpdater.exe process). Well, it’s not exactly a terrible bug, but of course it’s unpleasant, because I don’t need this program for nothing, but it was installed anyway. And then the Smart File Advisor program also informed me that it had been released a new version Notepad++ editor:

When I launched Alcohol 120, a window appeared asking me to buy it. The program is paid after all. But there is a free one trial period To use it, you need to click the OK button at the bottom (which will be available a couple of seconds after the window appears):

Well, then the Alcohol 120 program itself launched, here’s what it looks like:

That is, you see, there are all the tools for working with disk images. You can create, record, well, in general, there is a lot that exists and everything is somehow conveniently done!

By the way, did I write that this program creates a virtual drive? Well, so if you open the Computer window, you will see a new device there:

Windows will think that this is a real physical drive! If you press right click on the drive, then there will be a menu like Mount image, and there you can select the image:

The program also has its own tray icon, here it is:

If you right-click on it, you will see this menu:

Well, as you can see, everything is done conveniently. In principle, there is nothing surprising, the program has existed for a long time and it has been completed for a long time, it works stably. When I used it, well, that is, for a long time, I didn’t notice any glitches or jambs even then.

The program is installed in this folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120

It runs under the Alcohol.exe process:

As you can see, the program does not particularly load the processor and does not use much RAM, which is a plus. Then I noticed that another service process from the program was being launched, it was called StarWindServiceAE.exe.

To open the program settings, you need to call the Tools menu in the main window, and then select Settings:

Here is the settings window itself:

I will say right away that you need to change some settings only if there is a need for it. With default settings, Alcohol 120 works fine without glitches, you can install the game without any problems. And in general, I don’t know what needs to be configured there, it seems like everything is already configured

On last tab Additionally, I found an interesting option; in short, the program can even emulate bad disks(I wonder how it is):

By the way, I just remembered that I have installation image Windows disk 10 LTSB in ISO format! Now I’ll try to insert it into this virtual DVD drive, let’s see what happens. I go to the Computer window (there is an item in the Start menu), and there I right-click on the virtual drive, select Mount image > Open and select the file:

Well, look, a disk was immediately found in the drive:

Then the following window automatically popped up, well, as if I had actually inserted a real disk into a real disk drive:

Well, when I clicked Run setup.exe, the installation program started Windows window 10. In general, as you can see, the Alcohol 120 program works smoothly, there are no glitches, images are inserted as if it were real wheels and real drives. A good program in one word and easy to use

What I also noticed is that this program also provides its service! I didn't even know. Look, right-click on the taskbar, select task manager there. Next, go to the Services tab and there click on the button with the same name Services:

And here the Alcohol Virtual Drive Auto-mount Service appears on the list:

If you double-click on the service, you will see the following window:

I don’t know what this service is for, but I think it’s better not to stop it. The service runs under the AxAutoMntSrv.exe process, so if you see it in the manager, you will now know where the legs come from, so to speak.

Well, now I’ll show you how to remove it, just in case you don’t need it. By the way, to remove it, you can use a remover such as, it will not only remove the program, but also clean Windows of residues. In general, I recommend it, I use it myself, it’s an excellent remover

Well, now how to remove it in a simple way, so to speak, without any programs, only using Windows functions. In short, I got a joke with this removal. The fact is that I opened Start, selected the Control Panel item there (in Windows 10 this item is located in another menu, to open it, press Win + X) and then found the Programs and Features icon and launched it. A window opened with everyone installed programs, so, the funny thing is that this left program Smart File Advisor (which was installed with alcohol), it WAS here, but Alcohol 120 itself is NOT here. This is such a funny thing, to be honest, this is also my first time meeting it.

But it’s okay, it’s actually not as scary as I first thought. Click Start and select the All Programs menu, and in it we look for the Alcohol 120% folder, in which there is such an item as Uninstall:

Here we click on it, the following window will appear, then click OK:

Then there will be another window asking if you need to delete any additional keys from the registry, if you want to delete as much as possible, then in this window also click Yes:

After this, the removal will begin, which will go quite quickly:

Well, then it will be written that the program was removed from your computer and all that, in short, everything went fine:

Well, if you also want to remove Smart File Advisor, then I wrote how to do this.

Well, that’s all, as you can see, the Alcohol 120 program is quite interesting, although the name is still strange! So if you want to learn how to install games on your computer using disk images, then you need this program

Good luck guys and Have a good mood


You can use ISO, MDS, CDI, BWT, BIN/CUE, ISZ, B5T, B6T, BWI, BWA, CCD, BWS image files to open, and you can also turn original games on discs into images, and then start using only these images game or burn the game to your disk after mounting them on virtual disks. However, Alcohol 120 will not be able to write the image to a flash drive.

How to create an image in Alcohol 120

To create a disk image in Alcohol 120 you need to click Creating images or click on the panel FileCreating images.

Alcohol 120 how to use when creating an image

A window will open in which you select the drive with the disk from which you will make the image and go to the tab Reading options. On this tab, you indicate where the image you created will be located, you can change the name of the image, and select the format in which the image will be created.

How to configure the creation of a virtual disk in Alcohol 120

Having finished with everyone listed settings press the button Start and a disk image will immediately begin to be created on your computer, which you will find in the folder you specified.

How to mount an image in Alcohol 120

To burn an image you created earlier to a CD or DVD or open an image for playback or launching a game, you need to mount the disk image in Alcohol 120 on virtual disk which is created by the Alcohol 120 program. When installing the program on your computer, one Alcohol 120 virtual disk is automatically created, and if desired, you can create from 1 to 31 virtual disks. To create a virtual disk you need to click ServiceSettings.

Alcohol 120 instructions for changing the number of virtual disks

In the settings you select Virtual disk, select the required number of virtual disks from the list and click OK. After a few seconds, the virtual disks will be created and each disk will be assigned its own letter.
After this, you can mount the previously created image in Alcohol 120. To do this, select a virtual drive at the bottom of the program, hover the cursor over it and, by pressing the right mouse button, select the item from the context menu that opens Mount image.

How to mount a game in Alcohol 120

A window will open in which you will need to find and open the image you previously created. When you manage to mount a disk in Alcohol 120, the system will ask you what to do for this disk. After this, you can run the image in Alcohol 120 or view the files in it.

How to burn an image to disk in Alcohol 120

If you need to burn a previously created disk image using Alcohol 120 onto your CD or DVD, you will need to click Burning images to discs.

Alcohol 120 how to burn a disc

A window will open in which you will need to click a button Review and in the window that opens, find and select the image. After selecting an image, press the button Further. A window will open in which you will need to set the disk burning parameters.

The computer program Alcohol 120% is a program with which you can create CD images and DVD discs and also create virtual drives CD and DVD, and burn CD and DVDs. Alcohol 120% also has additional functions such as storing your most used CDs as snapshots on your computer and installing them into 1 of 31 virtual drives with just the click of a button. If you are thinking about how to use Alcohol 120, then let's look at what this program can do and how to work in it.

Features of Alcohol 120%

Now let's look at what this program can do point by point:

  • Alcohol 120% can create up to 31 virtual drives
  • Created CD, DVD and Blu-ray disc images can support MDF/MDS, CCD, BIN/CUE, ISO, CDI, BWT, B5T, B6T, BWI, BWS, BWA, ISZ formats
  • There is a function for direct copying from one disk to another
  • You can erase information from DVD-RW, CD-RW and BD-RE discs
  • There are options for searching disk image files
  • There is an export/import function even for a list of image files

Instructions for use Alcohol 120%

Alcohol 120% is not difficult to use, but it is quite confusing. But subject to a few simple instructions, you will understand everything and stop thinking about how to create an Alcohol 120% image or how to burn CD and DVD discs. So, let's go in order:

  • To begin with, just turn on the program and look around in it in order to create a virtual disk
  • A window with Alcohol 120% settings will open in front of us. For the first time, it will be enough to create only 1 virtual image. Look around and you will see a window asking you to remount the images when you reboot the system, it should be checked. The meaning of this checkbox is as follows: after the system is rebooted, the image remains and you will not need to search for it or mount it. The suggestion below is quite convenient, so don’t hesitate to check the box. Naturally, read all the conditions and click OK.
  • So we created the disk, just in case, go to MY COMPUTER, now you can insert the disk with the files and go into the Alcohol 120% program. Then click “mount image”
  • Our next step is to enter the data. Indicate the disk that we inserted, while the main thing is to separate each image file. If the disk is damaged or the computer generates an error, you must check the box in the “skip read errors” section. This is not recommended, as glitches may occur with the file. Then click next. After that, we need to determine the location to store our file and click on the “Start” button.
  • After we have created the image in the Alcohol 120% program, a bookmark appears. If we have placed a bookmark in the “mount image to device” window, you need to click on the bookmark 2 times. If this was a movie, then such a window will definitely pop up.

That, in principle, is all that is required to solve the question of how to record an Alcohol 120% image.

Alcohol users 120%

  • Home users - this program allows you to create backups For computer games, CDs and DVDs.
  • Librarians or school administrators use this program in order to archive the institution's collections, which are recorded in the media, while being protected from damage and wear.
  • Business users - use this program to create backups software products, while there is a guarantee that there will be access to licensed software if the disk suffers various types of damage or is even destroyed.

Now, now you know not only how to launch Alcohol 120%, but also how to use it and, most importantly, what it is needed for.

With which you can create, burn and read images from disks (CD and DVD). It's easy to save exact copies information and store it in a virtual drive. This is especially convenient when, for example, you need to open MDF file in the game with old expansions or re-record the movie. But many users often have questions and problems related to this program. Some people are unable to mount an image, others are unable to create a virtual disk, and some don’t even know how to use Alcohol 120. Let’s now sort out all the questions that arise.

Program window

The Alcohol 120 program is multifunctional and is rightfully considered one of the best in its segment. Its functionality includes the following features:

  • create and burn images (completely copy files from the source disk and write this copy to another medium);
  • create virtual drives (a second drive is created into which disk images can be mounted);
  • bypass popular systems protection;
  • Perform accurate disk emulation.

The program interface is simple and intuitive. It is not difficult to use, because all the main operations are in the main menu of the utility, so you won’t have to search for them for a long time. The software is compatible with all versions of the Windows operating system, starting from XP.

Mounting information

In order to mount an image in Alcohol 120, you first need to add it to special list, and then double-click on it with the mouse. Add necessary images You can simply drag and drop files into the program window or run a search on your computer, which will return all the images available on your PC.

Don't forget to check all the necessary boxes in the properties (for example, splitting or working with damaged files). After that, all that’s left to do is select the location where the final file will be installed and start the process. As soon as the mounting is completed, the corresponding bookmark will be added to the software. Everything is extremely simple.

But you can use Alcohol 120 this way only with files that are not copy protected. If protection is provided, then the algorithm of actions is somewhat different. To bypass the protection, you can use three methods:

  • skip errors - this method is useful when mounting information on disks that have small defects on the surface (scratches, abrasions, other damage);
  • use fast skip - this method allows you to skip big blocks with damage, which significantly speeds up work (relevant for working with special formats CD);
  • improve sector scanning - another method to quickly skip errors on media and significantly speed up the process of working Alcohol 120.

Creating Disk Images

There shouldn’t be any big problems with how to create a disk image in the program. First you need to insert the CD or DVD into the drive, and in the program itself click on the “create images” button. After which the software will open a new window in front of you, and there you will have to select the drive with the storage medium on which you are going to save the files.

Alcohol 120 needs to think for a while, during which the software will read the disk to the end. After which the “start” button will be active. But don't rush to press it. Check everything first required characteristics future file, whether the checkboxes are checked or some need to be removed, and then feel free to start. With a little patience, the software will complete its task.

Another method of working with Alcohol 120 is creating images from files. To do this, find the “mastering” button and click on it. The software will open a new window for you with a short greeting. You don’t have to read it and just click on “next”. Then assemble the files that Alcohol 120 will work with. Collect all the necessary data in the window, check if you forgot anything and click the “next” button.

After which the program will again open a new window in front of you, where you will need to:

  • select a location on the computer where the created component will be stored;
  • give the new file a name;
  • select the desired format.

Now press “start” and wait until the software completes its work.

Opening files in Alcohol 120

First, create a virtual disk to get started. Find the “service” button and select “settings” there.

Select "Settings"

On the left in the column you will need to click on the “virtual disk” tab, and indicate the number of drives in the corresponding column in the right column with information. In Explorer, select “this computer”, then - virtual disk drive and right-click on it. A menu will open in front of you where you need to click.