The best universal wallet for cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency wallet holy transaction. Multi-currency wallet for cryptocurrency

Wallet for cryptocurrency in Russian. The best multi-currency wallet for cryptocurrency. How to make a choice and not make a mistake?

Hello dear readers. The use is gaining more and more relevance every day - this is mainly due to the fact that everything large quantity services begins to accept this type Money.

In addition, one cannot help but take into account the fact that all operations carried out using cryptocurrencies are shadowy and the fiscal authorities are (for now) completely deprived of the ability to exercise any kind of control over this process. The cryptocurrency wallet guarantees its owner the strictest confidentiality along with a high level of protection.

However, like any other money (regardless of its appearance), cryptocurrency needs to be stored somewhere. Most often used for this purpose, which, just like cash, stored in them are virtual. But, nevertheless, it is thanks to these wallets that it is possible to exchange electronic currencies, as well as some other operations using them.

Today, there are a lot of wallets for cryptocurrencies (as well as themselves), and they all compete for the title of the best, trying to attract the attention of owners of electronic money. All that remains is to figure out how these wallets differ from each other, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and then draw conclusions about which wallet is better to choose for storing your own cryptocurrency.

Even if you do not currently have cryptocurrency, it is worth familiarizing yourself with this information, since the direction is relevant and it is possible that in the near future you will decide to use virtual money.

Cryptocurrency wallets: only the best options

HolyTransaction - wallet for cryptocurrency in Russian. According to users of the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, this wallet is the best and most convenient, at least for beginners. It allows you to work with 9 types of cryptocurrencies, provides two-factor authentication: the presence of “hot” and “cold” access, and assistance in API integration carried out with excellent support. Available for service - transfer and exchange will cost the owner of the wallet very inexpensively. But there are several disadvantages, one of which is the lack of software and mobile applications (only web access is possible); there is no multi-signature and HD wallet technology (in other words, this wallet is hierarchically deterministic). In addition, this wallet cannot be accessed from the United States - only Russians can use it.

Also quite popular service. It is completely free, based on open source, allows you to carry out transactions with 43 cryptocurrencies, an exchange tool and backup in HD wallet are available; It is also completely anonymous and multilingual (the interface is also available in Russian). The user is responsible for the safety of the keys; access to the wallet is possible only by keyword.

This cryptocurrency wallet (or rather, the company that founded it) issues chipped prepaid Visa cards in several versions. In addition, users are offered their own trading platform, the availability of a wide variety of mobile applications and profitable solutions for e-commerce.

  • BIT.AC.

The proposed service was developed (most likely) by fans of Bitcoin, the oldest electronic currency known to the world. Specialists in the work of this wallet made a great contribution to electronic security. The service allows you to carry out instant exchange, there is an Android application, an API, there is two-factor authentication. In addition, the company can boast of prompt technical support.

Multi-currency wallet for cryptocurrency

MuCoWa (Multi Coin Wallet)- today the wallet is one of the few that can be used to carry out various operations and save desktop-type cryptocurrency. Thanks to the use of this wallet, operations with BITCOIN, DOGE, LTC and many others become available to its owner. In other words, exactly this service is a multi-currency wallet for cryptocurrency, which implies the presence of wide functionality.

Its most important advantages over the services of competing companies are highest level reliability, greatly accelerated installation on a personal computer and a 100% guarantee of safety during storage.

Cryptonator online cryptocurrency wallet

Unfortunately, one of the most popular in Russia is the Kryptonator - online wallet cryptocurrencies This service has a huge number of disadvantages compared to similar ones, which ultimately make its use unsafe. The most significant disadvantages of the Cryptonator are following features:

As a result, all these “features” taken together led to the fact that more than one user had money illegally transferred to the wallets of scammers. Taking into account the fact that it is almost impossible to track transactions performed in this way, it is almost impossible to prove anything and return your own cryptocurrency.

Dmitry T., who lives in the city of Samara, shared his negative experience of working with Cryptonator:

“After I got myself a Kryptonator wallet, 4 bitcoins were transferred there, which I wanted to use to pay in the online store. However, after I tried to do this, nothing worked for me - I only received a message that there were not enough funds in the account. After checking my wallet again, I discovered that all my cryptocurrencies had already been successfully written off. And in a few minutes. Obviously, the scammers somehow gained access to my Cryptonator and transferred the funds to their account. Taking into account the fact that it will no longer be possible to return this money, I can give everyone advice - never get involved with that Cryptonator. There are a huge number of the most different services, thanks to which it is possible to carry out transactions with cryptocurrency without any difficulties. The experience of my friends who did not use the Kryptonator confirms this.”

The best cryptocurrency wallet: instead of the total

Of course, now it is necessary to answer the main question - what is it called? best wallet for cryptocurrency? This is quite difficult to do, and the question should be answered abstractly due to the subjectivity of the assessment. So, the best wallet is the one that satisfies your needs. given user and provides a reliable level of security. In principle, most users consider Multi Coin Wallet and HolyTransaction to be such. At least, there have never been any problems with these wallets related to the loss of cryptocurrency or incorrect transfers.

That's all for me. If you liked the article, then share it with your friends on social media. networks. Good luck!

Best regards, Stein David.


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IN modern conditions earning a lot of crypto coins is not so easy, but saving them is even more difficult. As always, the best remedy against hacking - caution, which implies the use of trusted sites and protected software, as well as reliable crypto wallets.

What are crypto wallets?

There are several types of wallets.

Eat "hot" (or "fast"), which allow you to send money instantly from anywhere - if you had access to the Internet. Eat “cold” (“slow”), which cannot be easily approached, and they are, of course, more reliable.

  • All online wallets, wherever they are located - on individual sites or, for example, on exchanges.
  • Mobile wallets. Allows access from smartphones and tablets.
  • "Paper" wallets. They are generated on special websites, saved and, as a rule, printed in the form of a QR code, which provides access to the currency.
  • In part, this also includes desktop wallets that are installed on a computer or laptop.

Best example of a cold wallet - hardware wallet , which is a physical device the size of a flash drive and contains no data other than cryptocurrency information.

How do crypto wallets differ in terms of security?

As practice shows, mobile crypto wallets hacked most often. Developers equip them with functionality of varying degrees of convenience, but the level cryptographic protection most wallets, including those from Google Play, very low.

This is explained by the small number of professionals in the crypto industry who can create a well-protected application, and by the capabilities of the applications themselves: fast and light ones come to the top, and the proper level of cryptographic protection will make them heavier, slower, and less user-friendly. According to various sources, 70-90% of mobile crypto wallets have significant vulnerabilities. And vulnerabilities of medium severity are more than 90%.

Online wallets suggest more opportunities for cryptographic protection, however, not all owners of the corresponding resources use these opportunities, so the degree of actual security varies from resource to resource.

"Paper" crypto wallets differ from other online wallets in that the user does not need to register: the address and private key are generated on the website randomly. Both the address and the key are presented in both alphanumeric and QR code form. Users are assured that the private key is stored only by the owner, but in practice there is no evidence of this. Not to mention that scanning a QR code with a tablet or smartphone also creates certain vulnerabilities, since the key ends up on devices without protection.

Desktop crypto wallets are divided into two types: "thick" and "thin". The first involves downloading the wallet program and the blockchain onto a computer, the second involves only the wallet program, and information about transactions is stored on another server, where the program accesses.

“Thick” ones are considered more reliable, since another server is an invisible phenomenon, it is not known how protected it is and it is not known who is serving it. On the other hand, server owners have the opportunity to protect them well - better than ordinary users do with their computers. Therefore, it is not servers that are hacked more often, but separate accounts, and here already The user's and developer's fault may be the same.

For example, the developer left a vulnerability (small, otherwise hackers would hack everyone, not just individual users), but the user himself gave the hacker access to it. Either he downloaded software with viruses, or surfed the Internet without an antivirus and firewall, or disabled any protection to “work faster,” or otherwise took the issue of security lightly.

If you do this, the level of security for desktop wallets will be the same. And there will be a completely different level if the user undertakes precautionary measures:

  • will put the program on separate laptop or at least to a separate virtual machine;
  • will install only reliable software;
  • New sites will be accessed from a different OS (preferably Unix-based);
  • will monitor the absence of third-party programs in the system;
  • will use a separate email on a server that is more difficult to hack, and a separate, unknown phone number.

It is much more difficult to hack the wallet of such a user, although the service itself may be the same.

However, a number of “thin” wallets, like some online resources, offer protection from user frivolity in the form of technology HD wallet. It involves creating a seed phrase based on 12 random words, which wallets “see” as a code. Based on this code, you can create any number of addresses with your own keys without the risk of losing data. If the keys are forgotten, the user only needs this phrase to gain access to their data.

Security leaders are considered hardware crypto wallets. But relatively few people use them - not least because they cost about $100-200, when everything else is free.

Popular crypto wallets: features and security

The list of the most popular wallets often changes, sometimes depending on the country, but in general it is quite confident, especially in the CIS, it contains Paytomat Wallet, HolyTransaction, Coinomi, Exodus, Electrum, Jaxx, Blockchain, Bitcoin Core, BitAddress, Ledger and Cryptonator.

  • Paytomat Wallet- comfortable online wallet for smartphones. The main difference between Paytomat Wallet and other crypto wallets is that if others are focused purely on storing money, then Paytomat Wallet is focused on maximum ease of transfers, which are carried out on the basis of the EOS platform. It operates on iOS and Android and maintains high ratings in the corresponding app stores. Today Paytomat Wallet supports several dozen cryptocurrencies. Among them are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, NEM, Zcoin, Waves, TRON, EOS and others, working on the basis of EOS and the ERC20 standard from Ethereum. Paytomat also has its own cryptocurrency - PTI.
  • Holy Transaction- multi-currency online wallet that supports 12 cryptocurrencies, dollars and euros. In Western Europe it has extensive ATM network and continues to expand, so it is possible that it will reach the CIS countries, where cryptocurrencies are not prohibited and where their legalization is possible. It is considered one of the most convenient wallets for beginners due to its clear interface. But there is no HD wallet technology; the keys to the wallets are stored on servers. One of the advantages is the availability two-factor authentication and the ability to come up with a complex password. However, for now Holy Transaction is operating as usual, and there are practically no reviews about the unavailability of funds.
  • Coinomi - mobile service, and only for Android. Multicurrency (more than 40 cryptocurrencies) and multilingual (Russian available). The code is open, which indicates the developers' willingness to cooperate. There is HD wallet. Private keys are stored with the user, but there is no two-factor authentication. Although malicious file, who gets onto a smartphone and manages to get the keys to the wallets, will most likely be able to steal confirmation codes, so there’s not much point in it.
  • Exodus has been in the top for a long time - and for good reason. This multi-currency “thin” desktop wallet, which supports internal currency exchange thanks to integration with the ShapeShift exchange. It has an intuitive and stylish interface that surpasses the look of other wallets. It is distinguished by technical support in the person of the creators, who are ready to help a beginner and listen with interest to suggestions experienced users. Assumes presence complex password, there is an HD wallet and the ability to create a backup copy of the wallet using a utility from the developers (which is also a plus, because... third party utilities tend to be not completely safe).
  • Electrum- one of the oldest Bitcoin wallets. During its existence, it has released programs for different operating systems (in the form of a “thin” wallet) and applications for smartphones. Also has open source. Convenient for those who require increased anonymity, since it works without problems when connected to Tor networks, through a proxy, etc. Involves creating a complex password and seed key. Private keys are controlled by the user, regardless of whether he uses a desktop or mobile wallet. Quite reliable, few negative reviews, technical support actively contacts users.
  • Jaxx- a multi-currency wallet that has both desktop and mobile version. Partially reminiscent of Exodus: there is an internal currency exchange thanks to the integration of ShapeShift, convenient and clear interface. Seed phrase available. The positives end there. Jaxx has a fixed commission, part of the cryptocurrency is reserved for it, and the user actually does not have access to the “reserve”. Security is even worse: For example, user password consists of 4 digits. But the most important thing is that money is constantly disappearing from wallets. The issue was covered in the media, and there were many messages about the same thing on crypto forums. Owners and technical support refrain from giving direct answers.
  • Blockchain- the most popular online wallet for bitcoins, has proven itself to be quite reliable. But there are delays in sending funds and other failures. Technical support eliminates them, but with moderate efficiency. Blockchain supports two-factor authentication and involves creating a strong password and seed key. Synchronization with a smartphone is possible via a QR code, which makes your personal wallet more vulnerable.
  • Bitcoin Core- the oldest wallet for bitcoins, which is close to official status, as it was developed by the Bitcoin Foundation. Classic example "thick" desktop wallet, which completely downloads the blockchain to the user’s computer, requires in this case about 100 GB and a considerable amount random access memory. Supports Russian language from OS - Windows, Linux, Mac. Network hacking, address substitution and other troubles are practically excluded, so it is considered one of the most safe places Bitcoin storage, allowing you to send them quickly and seamlessly. In fact, with speed, everything is not so good, since synchronization of the blockchain takes a long time, many novice users are confused by the cumbersomeness and volume of information. But the user is the full owner of all information, and, in fact, can lose his crypto money only through oversight.
  • BitAddress- one of the most popular options paper wallets. The wallet address and key can be generated by randomly moving the mouse across the screen. Obviously, they may be at the disposal of the site owners. “Advanced” users can copy the site to a flash drive and run it from under virtual machine with the Internet turned off. This is a more secure method, but only until the first transaction, which requires an Internet connection. Not to mention that a lot depends on the software with which the translation will be made. Negative feedback There is little information about the service, but few people use “paper” resources as a long-term and reliable wallet.
  • Ledger- one of the most famous manufacturers hardware wallets. He has several models, they all work on the same principle. Users have complaints about the durability of the display, otherwise negative reviews There is little information about the physical equipment of the device. There are three risks, like other hardware wallets: theft, substitution of addresses during a transaction, loss or distribution of the seed key. All the risks are relatively low. You can get rid of the first one if you handle your wallet carefully. The second can be reduced to almost zero if you use reliable and compatible crypto wallets through which the transfer takes place. For example, the same Electrum, but also the application for Chrome, recommended by the manufacturers, has also not failed yet. As for the seed key, it should be stored in a safe place and not rely on memory, thereby minimizing the latter risk.
  • Cryptonator- one of the most popular online wallets, part-time mobile, because it has applications on iOS and Android. Multicurrency (16 crypto and 4 regular currencies, including ruble and hryvnia). There is two-factor authentication with confirmation by e-mail or phone, a password is required. Another interesting thing: according to reviews, there are many cases when the transaction was confirmed, but the money never appeared in the recipient’s wallet. Technical support does not solve these problems, despite their prevalence. So it makes sense to talk about imperfect defense, but it is not a fact that it is purely technical - the human factor is also quite likely.

There are a lot of wallets now, but ease of access, convenience, and speed, as a rule, inversely proportional to the degree of safety.

And users have to choose: either sacrifice speed and the ability to use the wallet always and everywhere, or risk money.

Alexey Russkikh

With the development of the cryptocurrency market, the issue of their storage has become relevant. Regular wallets guarantee a high degree of security, but are completely devoid of convenience. Required universal solution, which would combine both convenience and security of storing electronic money. A solution was quickly found. Multi-currency wallet for cryptocurrency is a multifunctional and flexible tool that, with a high level of security, allows you to fix main drawback storing crypto money – the ability to easily manage its contents.

In our article we will talk in detail about how multicurrency has influenced the methods of storing bitcoins and altcoins (cryptocurrency alternatives to bitcoin), as well as which wallets are the most popular and safe today.

What are they needed for?

Mining one cryptocurrency does not always create a storage problem. For each altcoin there is a separate “wallet” into which it is convenient to transfer earned money, make purchases, etc. However, today there are more than 1000 cryptocurrencies, among which there are many promising and profitable for mining.

As a result, you can simply get confused in wallets, keep records in separate files, which is very inconvenient. Multi wallet solves all these problems. All that remains is to do right choice between them, having figured out what different services offer.

Storing cryptocurrencies on exchange accounts

Before considering the types of currency storage, we will tell you about another method that is very popular: storing cryptocurrency on exchanges. This is a good and universal option, since exchanges allow you to store hundreds of different altcoins and have fixed commissions, which is quite convenient. However, the main disadvantage and negative factor that negates all the advantages of such storage is the issue of security.

Among the risks of storing crypto money on exchanges it is worth highlighting:

  1. Lack of protection and insurance against burglary.
  2. Vulnerability to DDoS attacks.
  3. Incomplete control over assets.

In the shop huge selection devices in stock.

Rating of the best wallets

We will talk about the most functional, convenient, secure and reliable ways to store cryptocurrency.

The rating is based on information from open sources, reviews and monitoring available services. We deliberately removed the arrangement of places in our list, because... Ultimately, which “wallet” to choose is up to the user. Our task is to talk about the services, their security and how convenient they are.

  • Kryptonator is one of the leaders in the Russian-speaking segment. Supports 14 cryptocurrencies, allows exchange between different types accounts. Has a simple interface and many additional tools. The balance can be topped up with gift cards or through mobile app. Withdrawing funds does not present any difficulties. The downsides are that the keys are stored by a third party, there is no multi-signature, no backup in HD Wallet and no PC support.
  • HolyTransaction – supports all major cryptocurrencies. Has “cold” and “hot” access types. Instant transfers between currencies in a vault, convenient and secure. The downside is territorial restrictions. The wallet cannot be used by residents of the USA and some other countries;
  • Coinomi – supports over 60 cryptocurrencies. Has a high degree of protection and complete anonymity. Supports all languages. Access is provided using a seed key. Of the minuses - there is no two-factor authentication and multi-signature, a limited number of opportunities for using crypto money;
  • CoinsBank is an analogue of Cryptonator from Scotland. It belongs to the type of cryptobanks and issues Visa chip cards. Actively works with most currencies (dollar, euro, ruble among the main ones). The advantages and disadvantages are the same as the Kryptonator;
  • – very comfortable, universal service, which supports almost all types of wallets (some of them are still in development). Suitable for cold storage. Supports all major cryptocurrencies, instant transfers. On the downside, there are some complaints about the level of security.

Write in the comments about what wallets you use. We will tell you about the most interesting ones in our articles.

Nowadays, cryptocurrency is gaining more and more popularity. Many experts say that this is the money of the future, capable of solving many problems of our economy. Whether this is true or not is still unknown, but what is clear is that the rates of various cryptocurrencies are constantly growing, and therefore this area is profitable for investment. You can invest in a certain coin and wait for its price to rise.

But the question remains, where to store the coins? You might think that it is enough to leave your savings on the exchange and sell when it is profitable. But this is a bad idea, and not even because the exchange can do whatever it wants with your funds, but because it can simply be closed without any warning, like, for example, btc-e.

Therefore, after purchase, it is better to store your coins in personal computer. In one of the previous articles we looked at the best wallets for bitcoin, today we’ll talk about the best wallets for cryptocurrency in general. Each type of coin has its own wallet, but you won’t buy only one coin, and installing several wallets is not very convenient. Therefore, you can use a wallet that supports multiple cryptocurrencies. We will consider just such programs.

At one time, online wallets became very popular, but it is not known whether they can be trusted as much as wallets installed on your computer. We will focus on local programs, which allow you to store coins on your system, and then we will look at software devices.

1. Jaxx

Jaxx is a cross-platform cryptocurrency wallet that can be installed on Linux, Windows and MacOS, as well as Android. The developers have integrated the ShapeShift exchanger into the wallet, so you can change, sell and buy cryptocurrencies directly in your wallet without the need to transfer to an exchange.

The program's servers are used to confirm transactions so as not to store the entire blockchain on your computer. But your keys to your wallets are kept only by you, and only you have access to them. If the servers go down, you can import these keys into other wallets to gain access to your funds. Jaxx is beautiful and user-friendly interface, which makes it even better. The following currencies are supported: BTC, BCC, ETH, ETC, DASH, REP, LTC, ZEC, RSK, DGE, ICN, GNT, GNO, DGD, BCAP. In the window for each type of coin, you can see not only how many coins you have, but also their current equivalent in dollars or rubles. In my opinion, this is the best software wallet for cryptocurrency.

2. Exodus

This is one of the most best wallets. It is also cross-platform - like Jaxx, it can be installed on Windows, Linux and MacOS. It predates Jaxx and was the first to integrate the ShapeShift cryptocurrency exchange service into the interface. All your keys are recorded only on your computer and are not saved anywhere else.

Creating a wallet is much easier than in Jaxx, you launch the program, and all the wallets are already in it. Backup You can do so only when you transfer the first money there. Then the program will issue a recovery phrase. The interface is quite beautiful, one might even say better than Jaxx. On home page There is a small portfolio in which you can see how much the price of your coins has increased. The following currencies are supported: Bitcoin, Aragon, Augur, Dash, Decred, EOS, Ethereum, Gnosis, Golem, Litecoin.

3. Coinomi

Coinomi is another multi-currency wallet for Android smartphone. It has all the functions of regular desktop wallets. You can exchange coins using ShapeShift. The interface is convenient, and all your keys are stored on your smartphone and are not synchronized anywhere. All keys can be easily copied using the SID phrase. The following coins are supported: BTC, DOGE, LTC, NBT, PPC, DASH, RDD, MONA, DGB, DGC, NEOS, BLK, AC, BTA, AUR, CANN, CDN, CLAM, CLUB, GCR, NLG, FTC, EFL, IXC, JBS, NMC,NSR, PKB, BCH.

4. Mycelium

Mycelium is one of the best cryptocurrency wallets that only works on a smartphone. The wallet is no different from computer programs. It allows you to receive and send coins, a third-party server is used to confirm transactions, but all keys are stored only with you.

The wallet has been tested by millions of people and has a huge number positive feedback on GooglePlay. To increase the number of functions, the developers integrated the program with services such as Cashila, Glidera, Coinapult, Trezor, and Ledger. In addition, developers are working on creating a hardware wallet. Only BTC is supported.

5. Trezor

Now let's move on to hardware wallets, only if you consider all the best, it will be easier for you to decide which one better wallet cryptocurrencies These wallets are more secure because they only connect to your computer when you need to make a transaction. They are easy to set up and use. To work with the Trezor wallet, you can install the Chromium extension. All keys are stored on the device, so they are kept as secure as possible. But the wallet has one disadvantage - you need to have a full blockchain to confirm your transactions. Supported coins: BTC, LTC, NMC, DOGE, DASH, BCH.


Another hardware wallet that can be connected to a computer via USB. The wallet firmware is completely open source and can run on Linux, Windows, MacOS and even Android. Your keys are stored on your device, protecting them from viruses and hackers that might break into your computer. A third-party server is used to confirm transactions, so you do not need to have a copy of the blockchain on your computer. Supported coins: BTC, LTC, NMC, DOGE, DASH.


In this article, we reviewed the best cryptocurrency wallets of 2017. Most of them support multiple currencies and have all necessary functions to work with them. What is the best multi-currency cryptocurrency wallet in your opinion? Write in the comments!

Users who decide to invest personal funds in cryptographic coins are faced with the need to create a multi-currency wallet. Without a personal account, i.e. As such, you will not be able to exchange or mine cryptocurrency.

Today you can find many online various services, which are used as storage for an alternative cryptographic coin. The fact is that digital currencies are not materially embodied; accordingly, they function exclusively as an element of the Internet network.

However, what should a user who uses several different digital currencies do? There are several good solutions to this issue:

  • Choose a separate wallet for each coin.
  • Register a multi-currency wallet.

Of course, the second option is more practical, since multicurrency wallets allow you to manage several digital monetary units at once. Accordingly, it remains to make the final choice in favor of one service or another. If we talk specifically about universal storage facilities for digital currencies, then in this matter it is necessary to highlight several preferable options.

What is a resourceMulti Coin Wallet?

MuCoWa is perhaps the only multi-currency service designed for desktop cryptographic coins. Thus, with the help of this service, work is carried out with such currencies as Bitcoin, Litecoin and Dogecoin.

If we talk about the advantages, then first of all it is necessary to emphasize the highest level of reliability. The portal guarantees maximum security for its users' investments. Installing the program will not take much time.

Advantages and disadvantagesHolyTransaction

This wallet is also one of the universal ones, in particular this portal allows you to work with the following popular currencies: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Darkcoin, Blackcoin.

The key advantage is the practicality of using 7 popular cryptographic coins at once. Transfers within the vault are carried out instantly.

If we talk about weaknesses, then first of all it is necessary to note the mandatory identification, in addition, only one address is created for a single coin. The portal does not work with all users, we're talking about about territorial restrictions. For example, US residents will not be able to register their wallet on this service.

Service overviewNoobWallet

A fairly well-known multi-currency wallet designed to work with cryptographic coins. Despite the fact that this service is still in a state of development, many users have already begun to actively use this resource.

Speaking about the advantages, we should highlight the impressive level of security; no other storage facility can boast of such technologies today. The most latest version allows you to use only two crypts: Bitcoin and Mavroin. The security system is characterized by the following distinctive features:

  • Password protection manager from Google+.
  • Two-level account authentication.
  • Availability to use.

The user needs to wait until the storage begins to integrate a wider range of cryptocurrencies. There is also still no transaction history option in the interface; this section is still under implementation. However, even these shortcomings do not affect the high rating of the NoobWallet service.

Brief description of the Kryptonator portal

A fairly well-known service for creating multi-currency wallets. This resource allows you to simultaneously work with the seven most popular digital currencies: Litecoin, Bitcoin, Darkcoin, Blackcoin and others. Using the cryptonator is very easy and simple; the intuitive interface is one of the significant advantages of the service.

Cryptonator provides the ability to exchange or transfer coins to other wallets. Today, the portal in question is considered one of the leaders in this segment.

The main advantages also include Russian-language interface and the ability to exchange coins between different wallets. Equally important is a clear interface, constant update and program modernization.

If necessary, the user will be able to top up the wallet using gift card. A multifunctional mobile application has been developed that simplifies working with the resource.

Universal wallet for cryptocurrencies at

This resource assumes all responsibility related to the storage of client deposits. The user only needs to register and generate special number for each coin. Upon completion of these procedures, access to transactions with various options digital currencies.

To convert or transfer funds, it is absolutely not necessary to use a computer or laptop; you can use a smartphone or tablet. The key advantages of the service include:

  • Russian-language version of the resource, which allows you to quickly understand the features of the system.
  • There are no restrictions related to the size of the withdrawal amount.
  • The wallet is truly universal, as the user will be able to use a wide range of digital currencies.

The only drawback is the commission costs that are charged for withdrawing funds. The size of the commission varies depending on the used digital currency, in general we are talking about the amount of 10-15 rubles.

An equally significant advantage is the fact that official portal The service in question is not just a multi-currency wallet, but also an exchange platform. Thus, if you want to withdraw funds to a real account, then it’s better to change the crypt to Dogecoin, in the end you won’t overpay.

What services are intended for new cryptographic coins?

Not long ago, holders of the Ethereum cryptocurrency complained that managing the coin through command line- far from the most convenient and practical option. However, the emergence of the Ethereum Wallet service solved this problem forever. It is absolutely not necessary to type the necessary commands into the command line; it is easier to use the appropriate resource for management.

However, new platforms being an online wallet, it is still at the development stage. For example, on this moment specialists are actively working to eliminate the already discovered deficiencies as soon as possible. Regular user will be able to easily report any gaps found; to do this, you just need to contact support.

When choosing a multi-currency wallet for working with cryptocurrency, be sure to follow the following criteria:

  • Level of interface convenience.
  • Service security system.
  • Amount of commission costs.
  • Availability of Russian-language interface.

Of course, it is better to work with proven platforms that have been operating in this industry for many years.