Google adsense and monetization YouTube negative review. My earnings in AdSense

Hi all! Attention, if you are the owner of a blog or YouTube channel or both, then be patient and read this article completely. I will tell you about the pitfalls that the owners of channels and sites find out about too late and all their efforts go down the drain, but first things first.

As soon as you have your personal website and your first visitors have arrived. Thoughts appear about passive income, that is, from advertising that you place on your website. The question arises where to get it and the first thing that comes up is Google adsense. Google accepts almost all sites, even if their traffic is 1-2 unique visitors per day and it seems to you that this is the solution and what good people are those who created this Adsense service. They take all sites indiscriminately, not like Yandex Direct from 300 unique visitors per day.

Then the worst thing is that you accumulate $10 in your AdSense account and they send you an envelope with a PIN code to confirm your residential address. And then you are simply euphoric, how serious everything is, what a good company. Next, you are asked to select a payment method to transfer your earnings.

The first payment starts from 100 dollars or 70 euros. And as soon as this day comes, and as a rule, small sites wait half a year or a year for this day. You receive a letter stating that your account has been blocked and the money has been returned to advertisers.

And you start digging on the Internet and it turns out you’re not the only one. Don't believe me? Type in a search engine, Adsense account has been blocked, and read about people’s ordeals. The chances of unblocking your account are 1% out of 100%, and even then you’ll have to wait a year.

Over time, your income per click will fall. Personally, more than one colleague has heard complaints that Adsense feeds you from the beginning and the amounts grow, but after the first payments, income falls, although traffic increases


If your website traffic is below 300 unique visitors per day, then you shouldn’t think about advertising at all. There will be pennies or look directly for someone who will place advertising banners or articles with you. As a rule, when your traffic is 100 or more unique visitors and you are on a specific topic, for example Forex, then advertisers will contact you directly and offer to post on your resource for good money. And then decide for yourself whether you need advertising from Google at all.

If you even start receiving money from Google Adsense, then payment will be made to your bank currency card. Problems with the tax authorities will begin, there will be questions from government agencies where the dollars come from and a simple printed offer from Adsense may not be suitable, they may require blue stamps and this will be a problem.

It's no secret that there are a lot of inappropriate people on the Internet. You can run into someone like this, chat in the comments on your blog with such a friend and that’s it. A friend will make 100 clicks on your Google ad and Adsense will ban you and you won’t do anything about it, you can’t find the truth.

If Google Adsense strived for honesty, then at the end of the month it would simply subtract the generated clicks from the amount of earnings and that’s all. But no you have to block it to get your money.

YouTube channel

When you register a channel on YouTube Do not enable the Monetize button!!! The first reaction of people when they started a channel on YouTube and posted the first videos was monetization of the channel. But just like with sites, there is no point in turning it on early, reach 1000 views per day (total views), then think about it. People don't really like advertising in your videos when you have few videos and few subscribers.

Therefore, you should focus on the design of the channel, on the quality of the videos you make, it is clear that not everything at once, slowly from video to video, try to improve the quality and design of the video.

If you are already ready for monetization, then think carefully about how to do it. You can link your YouTube account to your Adsense account and there will be a story, as I talked about on the sites above. Or through media networks. These are separate organizations and through them you will receive more profit than from Google Adsense. Profit of approximately 1000 views is 1 dollar and this is not bad money. Google pays less.

If you decide to choose media networks, then they have conditions, for example, the age of the channel is at least 30 days, more than 10 subscribers and more than 1000 video views (total views) and that the monetization button is not disabled. If you haven’t touched it from the very beginning of creating the channel, then everything is fine. If it says disabled. Unfortunately, your channel will never receive money from advertising again.

Why is the monetization button disabled? When monetization is enabled, when the channel has just begun to exist and the connection between the YouTube channel and Google Adsense. The first time advertisements are shown and money slowly drips in, though very slowly and all the same procedures as for sites, PIN code, first $100 and account blocking. Of course, not everyone’s accounts are blocked and not always, but think for yourself whether you are ready to constantly think about whether your account is blocked or not.

Attention! If you have more than one channel on one account, then if monetization is turned off on one, then soon 100% of it will be turned off on all others without the possibility of restoring it. Next, you create a new account and Google tracks that you use accounts on the same computer and so on, it can link them and cut off monetization on the new account as well.

P/S I don't want to say that Google Adsense is a bad system for monetizing traffic on your website or channel. The only thing I wanted to convey in this article is the nuances and pitfalls of working with this giant. And think about whether your resource is at the right stage to monetize it, maybe it’s still worth working a little, pushing it with new articles, new videos.

Related video:

If you have any questions, write in the comments. If you find the article useful, please share it on social networks. If someone had told me about this earlier, I would have been very grateful.

If you have decided to enable monetization of your website or YouTube channel, then read this article urgently. The consequences are irreparable...

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Good day to all! Today I will tell you about another way to make money on a blog. Now let's try to make money on contextual advertising.

– this is a block of advertising links, if a visitor clicks on it, you receive money into your account. The amount of a click depends on the topic of the blog, advertisers and other factors. You can see an example of contextual advertising in the figure below:

If your blog is young, it is advisable to install Google Adsense on it first, and then, when the number of unique visitors per day exceeds 300, you can switch to Yandex Direct.

Google Adsense is the first step to start making money on a blog. Many bloggers earn between $300 and $1000 per month. With a competent, serious approach, with a blog with 150-200 visitors per day, I think you can earn 50-100 dollars a month. Therefore, be sure to try this method.

Before applying for a blog in Adsense, try to make it as “human” as possible so that the moderators see that this is a “Site for People”.

Earning money with Google Adsense: registration

First to have earnings from Google Adsense, we need, of course, to register.

In the second part, I will tell you how to insert Google Adsense ad units into your blog and how to get maximum profit from it.

See you in future lessons!
Guard. Do you find website development difficult? Then entrust this task to professionals, because the creation of a website must be approached responsibly.

The SendPulse service is a marketing tool for creating a subscription base and converting casual visitors to your website into regular ones. SendPulse combines on one platform the most important functions for attracting and retaining customers:
● e-mail newsletters,
● web push,
● SMS mailings,
● newsletters in Viber,
● sending messages to facebook messenger.

Email newsletters

You can use various tariffs for conducting e-mail mailings, including free ones. The free plan has restrictions: the subscription base is no more than 2500.
The first thing you need to start with when working with the e-mail newsletter service is to create your own address book. Set a title and upload a list of email addresses.

It’s convenient to create on SendPulse subscription forms in the form of a pop-up window, built-in forms, floating and fixed in a certain part of the screen. Using subscription forms, you will collect a subscriber base from scratch or add new addresses to your base.
In the form designer, you can create exactly the subscription form that best meets your needs, and the service tips will help you cope with this task. It is also possible to use one of the available ready-made forms.

When creating subscription forms, be sure to use an email with a corporate domain. Read how.
Message templates will help you beautifully design your letters to subscribers. You can create your own letter template in a special designer.

Automatic mailings. Content managers actively use automatic mailing. This helps automate the process of working with clients. You can create an automail newsletter in several ways:
Sequential series of letters. This is the simplest option when, regardless of the conditions, several letters are written that will be sent to recipients in a certain order. There may be options here - series of messages(simple message chain), special date(letters are timed to specific dates), trigger letter– the letter is sent depending on the subscriber’s actions (opening a message, etc.).
Automation360– mailing with certain filters and conditions, as well as taking into account conversions.
Ready-made chains according to the template. You can create a series of letters using a given template or modify the template and adjust it to your needs.
A/B testing will help you experiment with different options for sending a series of letters and determine the best option based on opens or clicks.

Sending Push Notifications

Push mailings are a subscription in a browser window, this is a kind of replacement for RSS subscriptions. Web-push technologies have rapidly entered our lives, and it is already difficult to find a website that does not use push mailings to attract and retain customers. Request script for , you can send letters either manually or create auto-mailings by creating a series of letters or collecting data from RSS. The second option implies that after a new article appears on your website, a notification about this will be automatically sent to your subscribers with a brief announcement.

New from SendPulse– now you can monetize your site using Push notifications by embedding advertisements in them. Upon reaching $10, payments are made every Monday to one of the payment systems - Visa/mastercard, PayPal or Webmoney.
Push messages on the service are absolutely free. Payment is taken only for White Label - mailings without mentioning the SendPulse service, but if the service logo does not bother you, then you can use push notifications for free without restrictions.


The SMTP function protects your mailings from being blacklisted by using whitelisted IP addresses. Cryptographic signature technologies DKIM and SPF, which are used in SendPulse mailings, increase the trust in the letters sent, making your letters less likely to end up in spam or blacklist.

Facebook Messenger Bots

Facebook chatbot is in beta testing. You can connect it to your page and send messages to subscribers.

Sending SMS

Through the SendPulse service it is easy to send mailings using a database of phone numbers. First, you need to create an address book with a list of phone numbers. To do this, select the “Address Book” section, create a new address book, and upload phone numbers. Now you can create an SMS newsletter using this database. The price of SMS messaging varies depending on the recipient's telecom operators and averages from 1.26 rubles to 2.55 rubles per 1 SMS sent.

affiliate program

SendPulse implements an affiliate program, within which a registered user using your link who has paid for the tariff will bring you 4,000 rubles. The invited user receives a discount of 4,000 rubles for the first 5 months of using the service.

Hello friends! Alexander Borisov is with you! What is the first thing a beginner who wants and can earn money from when he or she has just made his own website or blog? That's right, on advertising! And basically everyone uses Adsense! =) I often notice that when you go to someone’s website or blog that was created literally yesterday, there are only 2 articles of content, but the advertising sparkles so much that it cuts your teeth.

It sparkles and says, “Press me.” In my last article “”, I talked about the fact that one of the biggest mistakes that a person can make at the initial stage of development of his resource is early monetization.

Just to earn money quickly, the rest will come later - this is not right. But today is not about that. Today I would like to upset many guys who plan to earn hundreds, and maybe more, thousands of rubles on Google Adsense advertising in the future, when their resources (maybe) will be visited by thousands of people per day... You friends, much is still missing you know (if you are newbies of course)...

More traffic means more clicks on advertising. More clicks on advertising means more $ will be earned! This is exactly what beginners who want to earn money on Adsense think. Yes, that’s right, income will grow, but you shouldn’t dream of millions...

And now here's a joke for you! Do you believe that a site with 30 people visiting per day can generate much more profit from Adsense than a site with 1000 people visiting?

Either way, you will say, “No, I don’t believe it,” “This can’t be true,” “Nonsense,” etc. Imagine - it can!!! My personal experience! Adsense income depends not only on the number of clicks on an ad, but also on indicators such as CRT, eCPM, traffic, content, etc. If you don’t know what CTR and eCPM are, I’ll explain briefly.

CRT- click-through rate. It is defined as the ratio of the number of clicks on an advertisement to the number of its impressions; CTR is measured as a percentage. Let’s say you have an Adsense ad unit on your website. Shows are underway. If out of 100 ad impressions only 1 person clicks on it, then the CTR will be equal to 1%.

This is very little, so if you have a small CTR, then even with huge traffic, you can receive pennies... Well, maybe not pennies, but still not as much as you expected... That's how things are... Big CTR tells Google that your ads are often clicked on and are generating good revenue for the company, so Google will reward you for this with increased revenue.

eCPM- effective cost per thousand impressions. This indicator largely determines how much money you will earn. Extract from gogole adsense:

For example, if you earned $0.15 for 25 page impressions, your page's eCPM would be (0.15/25)*1000, or $6. If you earned $180 for 45,000 ad impressions, your ad's eCPM would be (180/45,000)*1000, or $4.

If you think about it, eCPM depends on CTR. If the CTR is higher, then the eCPM will be higher, right? Also, earning money from Adsense largely depends on the content of your website or blog. If your resource is interesting and convenient for visitors, then more people will visit it! As Uncle Google says, engaged users and highly relevant ads are the key to success.

Conclusion: make SDL (sites for people) + increase CTR!!! How? It's very simple - experiment! I advise you to use Google Analytics to identify the most clickable places on your website or blog. Change the design of your ads, experiment with image ads, not just text ones and vice versa... In general, work!

But what do you think, is this all I wanted to tell you? Not at all! I have something else interesting for you today. Do you know that some foreign webmasters earn $20,000 - $30,000 per month from adsense? Again the question is, “How?”

A friend of mine once explained to me how. It was very interesting. The thing is that in Russia the prices per click on ads are several times lower than in the USA. I can show you with a specific example. Go here now - “” and enter into the form - “a word or phrase”, let’s say the word “business” in Russian. Below, click on “additional settings” and select “location - Russian Federation”, “Languages ​​- Russian”. Next, at the bottom right, click “columns - average cost per click (check the box) - apply”.

After that, enter the characters shown in the picture and click “Search”.

Here's what I got:

Now let's have another option. Do everything the same, just enter the word in English - “business” and in the additional settings set “location - USA”, “Languages ​​- English” - click “search”.

Here's what I got:

No comments...

If, for example, we take the first price of $2.55 per click on the Russian word “business”, then this does not apply to us webmasters, this applies to advertisers. This is the price they need to pay for 1 click, the click that will be made by some person who types the word “business” in a Google search engine, sees the ad, clicks on it and gets to the advertiser’s website.

Accordingly, the webmaster will receive even less. Google will take some of it, and not a small one at that. And if you also have a small CTR, then you will generally get a pittance... These are the pies, friends...

In the USA everything is different, as we see clicks are much more expensive there! By the way, in order for you to be amazed at some prices for some clicks, you can type queries like: lawyer, insurance, attorney, forex, consolidation, etc. and look at how much such clicks cost... I think you will be shocked! =)

I once analyzed various English words in this service and found prices that simply, pardon the expression, shocked me. There are words with 3000 and 3500 rubles per click. Do you hear? 1 click!!!

Of course, no one pays that kind of money per click, but still such prices exist... I think some large American insurance company, for example, would not mind throwing away 1000 rubles. for clicking on an advertisement to get to the first places in ads!!! Lucky are those (here they worked) who have cool English sites on the topic of “insurance,” for example. Here they are raking in the dough!!! By the way, would you like to make yourself an English website? =)

I've already thought about this, but not yet! Honestly! And again, not everything is as simple as it seems...

Well, this is where I end my article and in conclusion I want to give two pieces of advice to those who make money from Google Adsense advertising.

1. Install custom search from Google on your website.

After I posted it on the blog, income from adsense increased significantly, since in the search results for the blog, ads from Google appear first at the top, and then the search results themselves.

2. Advice for beginners. Don’t think that making money with adsense is easy! Before you start making good money from advertising, you must conduct a bunch of experiments on effective ad placement. A good location will increase your CTR and your income will grow accordingly.

Google gives preference to high-quality and well-visited sites, so you need to strive for this first, everything else comes later.

I wish you success!

Best regards, Alexander Borisov

Google AdSense is a program that is open and available to anyone who owns and operates any kind of website, including blogs. What does AdSense do? Adsense is designed to allow you to make money on your website by selling advertising. The program works by displaying text or an image in specific places on your blog. You receive a reward for each visitor who clicks on one of the advertisements.

Some bloggers manage to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per month using AdSense. However, this requires some effort and discipline on your part. If you have a blog, it is of course important for you to know how to effectively use AdSense on your blog.

What does AdSense do? - Opportunity to earn money!

First of all, find out if you can work with AdSense. Just because you run a blog doesn't mean you're automatically eligible for the AdSense program. Google follows its policy of selecting and approving sites that are eligible to be part of their AdSense program. For example, if your blog is adult oriented or has illegal content, Google is very likely to deny you participation in the AdSense program. You can read more about Google AdSense policies on their website.

Increase your blog traffic. AdSense works on a pay-per-click system, i.e. you get paid when people click on ads on your blog. One way to increase your clicks is to increase the total number of visitors to your site. And how to do it?

The most important, write high quality and unique content. In order to attract many visitors, your blog must be full of unique content that visitors cannot find anywhere else. Additionally, your content must be of high quality. Uniqueness will attract, and high quality will make visitors come back again and again.

The second thing to do is - optimize content for search engines. There is an entire blog design paradigm known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that aims to make sure that your blog content will be indexed by search engines and shown to visitors who search for relevant keywords.

It is also very important promote your blog online. When you visit other blogs that cover topics related to your own blog, you can comment on posts on other people's blogs and leave a link to yours. Look for forums and communities that fall into your target niche and let them know that you are developing a related blog.

Optimize your blog design for AdSense advertising. The AdSense program allows you to choose where you want your ads to appear and the color scheme for your ads. Where your ad is placed can influence whether visitors see it and click on it. Choose a location that is clear and immediately visible when you visit. The latest trend among bloggers is placing AdSense ads directly in the blog feed. For example, you can place your blog advertisement under each post.

Make sure your AdSense ads are relevant to your blog. If you blog on Hi Tech topics, your health or pet care advertisements will not be noticed by your visitors. On the other hand, if you run a blog about computer games, then advertising computer monitors will most likely be appropriate.

One way to ensure that AdSense delivers ads that are relevant to your blog is to make sure that your blog content is specific and targeted. Instead of starting a golf blog, it might be worth starting a women's golf blog, or a golf club review blog. The more targeted your content is, the better the ads for your blog will be selected. And your income directly depends on this!

Now you know what AdSense gives you. However, if you want to consider alternatives to Adsense, then you will be interested in our article about the system.