The best smartphones with two active SIM cards. What is a Dual SIM smartphone and what are its advantages?

Two technologies for two SIM cards September 29th, 2016

Smartphones with support for two SIM cards have become so widespread over the past few years that it is now easy to buy such a gadget for every taste and budget, from simple dialers to flagships. But almost all of them work with SIM cards in alternating (DSDS) mode, and to find a device in which both SIM cards work simultaneously (DSDA), you will have to try.

I knew the basic principles of smartphone operation in both modes, but still, it turned out there was interesting points. Look...


Overwhelmingly modern gadgets communication two SIM cards operate in DSDS mode (Dual SIM Dual Standby), which in Russian is usually called “alternating”. The operating principle of DSDS is that both SIM cards use the same radio module. Smartphones with DSDS can have either one or two IMEI numbers(international identifier mobile device communications), but the presence of a second one is not necessary according to the rules of the GSM Association.

The ability to receive calls to any of the SIM cards is due to the fact that in standby mode, SIM cards can “communicate” with the network simultaneously thanks to time multiplexing. If a call arrives on one of the SIM cards, the second one is simply turned off - at that moment you can neither call nor send a message to it.

Another disadvantage of DSDS is the lower quality of communication compared to phones with a single SIM card. The radio module constantly has to carry a double load and, as a rule, “communicate” with different base stations different operators. For the same reasons, everything is not so smooth with the mobile Internet: maximum speed It is almost impossible to obtain data transmission on DSDS devices.

Of course, in reality, everything is not so bad: DSDS smartphones usually cost less and last longer on a single battery charge, and modern models are quite capable of providing decent communication quality.

But if you want to get the most reliable “dual SIM” gadget, you need to look among devices that support DSDA (Dual SIM Dual Active) mode. Such smartphones are equipped with two radio modules independent from each other, each of which is mandatory has its own IMEI. Thanks to the presence of two radio modules, communication is usually more stable. Plus, they allow you to simultaneously receive calls on both SIM cards or talk on the phone and watch at the same time. necessary information in the Internet. But such gadgets consume more energy - this feature is worth keeping in mind. Also, the second radio module in DSDA smartphones is often limited to 2G or 3G networks, but this is done to reduce the cost of the device and increase its autonomy.

By the way, I once saw almost five-SIM phones on Chinese sites.


Dual-SIM smartphones have long become no less popular than their “regular” counterparts. Previously, you could not find the most productive Dual on the market SIM solutions from A-brands and Chinese powerful smartphones, but in Lately More and more flagship devices are getting dual-SIM versions. This is why Dual is popular SIM phones only growing. If you want to get such a device, you should know some nuances. We'll talk about them in this article.

Previous interesting articles on this topic:

Classification of dual-SIM smartphones

Not everyone knows that dual sim smartphones are divided into 3 types:

1. Passive Dual SIM - this technology is already obsolete and, fortunately, you will no longer see it in modern devices. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning, at least for informational purposes.

The bottom line is this: only one radio module is built into the device and only one of the two SIM cards can be active. To receive calls on a specific SIM card, you will have to go into the settings each time and select which SIM card you want to leave active.

2. Dual SIM Stand-By - this type of dual-SIM phone also has one radio module built-in, but two SIM cards are active at the same time. The catch is that when you talk on one of them, the second one becomes inactive, that is, they won’t be able to call you on it. But when the conversation ends, both SIM cards become active again.

3. Dual SIM Active - full-time job two SIM cards. Such devices have two built-in radio modules and both SIM cards remain active even when incoming call to one of them, so you won’t be able to miss the call.

Working with Dual SIM

Importing/exporting contacts on dual-SIM phones is the same as on regular phones, except that you have two SIM cards installed. Therefore, for example, when transferring contacts from a SIM card to Android, you will be asked to choose from which SIM card you want to import contacts into your Google account.

In the same way, you can choose a SIM card.

In general, working with Dual SIM is practically no different from working with regular smartphones with the exception of the ability to select a SIM card for one or another option.

Disadvantages of dual-SIM smartphones

Dual-SIM smartphones are good for everyone, but such devices also have disadvantages. The most important thing is energy consumption. This does not apply to Dual SIM smartphones with one active radio module, but owners of Dual SIM Active should remember that two simultaneously active SIM cards consume more battery power.

It is also worth noting that Dual SIM Active is also more expensive, although in practice this technology is only needed by those who talk on the phone a lot. Everyone else will not feel the difference, because it is unlikely that two subscribers will call you on different numbers at the same time.

Have you ever wondered what is so special about smartphones with two cards?

What has useful technology Dual SIM, how does it work and what advantages can it provide?

Maybe you already know these things, but are you wondering what is Dual SIM standby and how is it different from active?

If you want answers to these questions, or see a list best smartphones with two cards, read this article.

What is a Dual SIM smartphone

A device that can hold two cards is called Dual SIM. If you have two cards, this means that your smartphone can use them to make or receive phone calls.

Why Dual SIM Smartphones Are Useful

For some people, Dual SIM devices can be extremely useful. For example, business people, as a rule, have one phone number for work and one for personal life.

An entrepreneur can either use two different smartphones, or use a phone with both active phone numbers on it. Having only one smartphone is, of course, easier than constantly carrying two at once.

Another common situation in which you might be interested in this technology is when one card is used for calls and the other for the Internet.

For example, some mobile operators have good plans for voice calls, but expensive for internet access.

Then having Dual smartphone SIM, you can combine two different operator and in total get bills cheaper.

What Dual SIM smartphones are there?

If you decide to buy a Dual SIM smartphone, you should know that there are several types of implementations and some of them are better than others. The most common types are:

  • Dual SIM passive is the weakest implementation and is used mainly on cheap phones, not smartphones. Such passive mode capable of using two different cards, but only one of them can be active. This means that if one works, then the other doesn’t. In order to use the second one, you need to activate it manually, and the first one will be automatically disabled.
  • Dual SIM active— this implementation allows you to make phone calls from any card and receive calls on any card at the same time. Having this technology, you can conduct a conversation from one card, and the other can receive calls, messages and data from the Internet. For example, if you have a call on the first card, and receive another one on the second, you will be notified about this. These devices have two radio transmitters, one for each card. This means they consume more power than single and more expensive smartphones, resulting in more high price at the time of buying.
  • Dual SIM dual standby is a hybrid between two Standby and Dual SIM dual active. Dual standby mode can work with two cards active at the same time, but they are only active while the smartphone is in standby mode. Then you can make and receive calls to any number. When do you do phone call on one of the numbers, the other becomes inactive. Is not perfect solution, but a less expensive option and very common.

Is it possible to use the Internet on both cards in a Dual SIM smartphone?

Answer: yes, but it depends on the manufacturer you choose. Manufacturers look at how much it will cost them and their profitability.

It is inexpensive to create devices that support fourth- and second-generation data connections.

4G + 2G modes can be combined and use the same spectrum.

However, if you want a Dual SIM smartphone that supports 4G on one card and 3G or 4G on the other, you'll need enough powerful processor to handle two connections high speed transmission data at the same time.

Examples of smartphones Dual SIM double active

Although the devices are dual active, the most The best decision, but due to their high cost they are not widely used.

The only dual-active smartphone that can easily be found on the counter is ASUS ZenFone 2 ZE551ML.

Examples of smartphones Dual SIM double backup

A good balance between cost and features that they offer, most Dual SIM smartphones on the market today are dual standby.

If you want to buy such a device, here is a list of some good options: Samsung Galaxy S7, LG G5, Huawei Mate 8, Xiaomi Mi 5 Dual, ASUS Zenfone 2 Laser ZE550K, ASUS Zenfone Max ZC550KL, Lenovo Vibe X3, Huawei P8 Lite, OnePlus X and Lumia 650.

« Dual devices" can be very useful in some cases, and manufacturers have noticed that people want such devices. As a result, more and more of them are produced every year. However, as you've seen in this guide, not everything works alone, and some implementations are better than others.

Tell us what experience you've had with this technology and what you think about it in the comments below. Good luck.

Phones with support for dual SIM cards appeared relatively recently, just like . Moreover, just a few years ago, the only representatives of “dual-sim systems” were Chinese replicas of well-known terminals. However, most modern manufacturers did not want to miss such a promising market and introduced own solutions in this segment.

As a rule, phones that support simultaneous operation of two SIM cards are chosen by people who need to separate business and work contacts. They have to make calls much more often, so you need to approach the choice of phone consciously. But what are the main types of DualSIM devices that can be found on sale? There are three basic “formats”:

  • Dual SIM Standby;
  • Dual SIM Active;
  • Dual SIM Dual Standby.

That's what we'll talk about today.

Dual SIM Standby

This technology appeared very first. You should not expect outstanding performance indicators from it, since all its differences from classic phones consist of two slots for SIM cards. This means that there will always be only one card online. And, if you want to make a call from another, you will have to turn off the first one. For a long time for a change active card I had to reboot the phone. Many people did not like this solution, and the manufacturers added the ability to switch cards from the menu.

Of course, Dual SIM Standby has a significant drawback - the ability to use only one card at a time. However, many buyers only need an occasional phone call. additional number. Also, the level of energy consumption is significantly reduced compared to a full-fledged Dual SIM. And the price of the phones themselves is not much higher than conventional “single-wear” devices.

Dual SIM Active

Phones that support this mode have two slots for SIM cards. Moreover, both cards will work simultaneously, both for reception and for conversation, for which it is necessary to contact a direct or other operator. Thus, the owner of such a “tube” will always be “online”.

Often, you can find a combination where one slot only supports work in GSM networks, while the second one is in both GSM and UMTS. Such a solution will be convenient for those who always need to have at hand Mobile Internet 3G and your permanent number. The disadvantage of phones with Dual support SIM Active is the presence of two radio modules, which significantly increases the price of the phone. But, in addition, the level of energy consumption also increases. Therefore, you should not shave phones with simultaneous operation of two SIM cards if their battery capacity is below 1000 mAh. It is best if this figure exceeds 1200 mAh. Otherwise, you will have to constantly look for an outlet.

Dual SIM Dual Standby

Following the first two types of “dual SIM” phones, a compromise option appeared - Dual SIM Dual Standby. It assumes that the phone has only one radio module. However, both SIM cards will be available for the appointment. The only exceptions are those moments when there is a conversation on one number - then the first one will be offline. This became possible thanks to the operation of the radio module in alternating mode. This approach has made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of DualSIM phones to the average and even lower level. price range. In addition, the operating time on a single battery charge has increased significantly.

The most widely used devices are Dual SIM Dual Standby devices, which ensure constant stay “in touch” without the need to overpay extra money for the opportunity to talk with two subscribers at the same time and make transactions.

Before buying a DualSIM phone, you should pay attention to what mode you will use it in. For those who only care about conversations, you should pay attention to the most cheap models with simultaneous operation of two SIM cards in standby mode (or constantly). Well, for those who buy such devices in order to save on Internet bills, we can advise choosing devices with large touch displays, which began to appear on the market like mushrooms after rain. In any case, happy shopping!

When Apple announced the new iPhones XS, XS Max and XR on September 12, one feature captured the attention of international travelers and multi-phone owners: dual SIM cards.

If the processor is the brain of your phone, the SIM card or subscriber identity module is its soul, the tiny little chip that stores your phone number and connects you to cellular network. Essentially, this is what makes your phone a phone.

If you've ever wanted two phone lines on one device, new technology Dual SIM Dual Standby from Apple can change your life (for Android users this is no longer a new product). It may be more practical to have two phone numbers on one phone - one for business, one for personal use. And it becomes much easier and cheaper to use own phone when traveling abroad.

Although iOS beta 12.1 contains essential component technology - remote provisioning of eSIM, Apple will make it available for mass use at the end of this fall. Of course, this won't be a deciding factor for the vast majority of people who are eyeing a new iPhone in 2018, but the debut of the iPhone XS, XS Max and XR means new era phones with two SIM cards.

We don't yet know all the details about how, when and where Apple's Dual-SIM feature will work. But based on our current understanding of how the technology will be implemented, there are some limitations. So far, here's what we know about double Apple SIM card- and what this means for the three new iPhone models.

Note. The information below is all we know about this moment. If you're buying an iPhone XS, XS Max or XR to take advantage of dual-SIM/eSIM technology, make sure you get an unlocked phone (see below) before you make your purchase.

What is a dual-sim in terms of Apple?

The 2018 iPhone will allow you to have two different phone numbers on one phone. You will be able to make and receive calls, as well as send and receive SMS to any of the numbers.

Why do I need a dual SIM phone?

There are two main advantages. You can have two different phone numbers - for example, one for business and one for personal use - without having to carry two phones. And when traveling abroad, dual SIM card slots make it easy to add a local number to your phone to avoid costly international roaming charges.

Will the iPhone have both eSIM and plastic SIM cards?

Yes. The new iPhones will have a traditional plastic SIM card, a familiar SIM card that identifies you to your carrier network, and an eSIM, the more modern software equivalent.

And here's the main point - eSIM can accommodate several telephone numbers, which you can add, remove and customize directly from your iPhone settings. The plastic SIM card can only be physically removed or replaced.

In theory, as soon as eSIM technology becomes widely supported mobile operators Internationally, Apple may ditch the plastic SIM card entirely. For now, 2018 iPhones have both plastic SIMs and eSIMs, and Apple has both covered.

What is Dual SIM Dual Standby?

Apple's dual SIM card system is called Dual SIM Dual Standby. This means the new iPhones can control two devices simultaneously. telephone lines- calls received to any of them will be sent to your phone, and you can easily make calls and send SMS from any of your numbers without changing SIM cards.

Please note that you will not be able to send and receive data on both lines at the same time; If one line is on, incoming calls to the other number will go to voicemail.

How is eSIM different from Apple SIM?

Originally known as Apple SIM, the first version of Apple's soft SIM card appeared on the LTE-compatible iPad and Apple Watch Series 3. Analysts believe the technology is the same at a fundamental level, but iOS 12 may bring improvements to the user interface.

Can I add numbers from different operators?

Yes. Apple says you can add numbers from two different carriers - as long as your iPhone isn't locked to one carrier. And this main nuance. If your phone is linked, both numbers must be from the same operator. And if the first SIM card is provided by the operator CDMA standard, such as Verizon, Sprint, US Cellular, Boost and Virgin, your second SIM card will not support CDMA.

Can I use eSIM on an operator-locked iPhone?

When you buy an iPhone directly from Apple, online or from a partner store, it is untethered—meaning it can be set up and activated on any carrier's network.

But if your phone is tethered, your options are much more limited. The associated phone has program code, which prevents you from using it on another operator's network. An unlinked phone does not have a blocking one software, it happens that some craftsmen call previously linked phones from the operator. Once the device is unlocked, you can change the SIM card to a SIM card from any other operator. Most carriers require you to pay for your phone in full before they will unlock it, and other restrictions may apply.

An unlocked phone with a plastic SIM card requires a new plastic SIM card to move to a new operator. On the other hand, eSIM can accommodate multiple SIM profiles from multiple operators. So far, eSIM has not received much support from telecom operators, who are understandably wary of making it easier for customers to switch to other operators.

When will Apple launch its eSIM feature?

Apple activates eSIM features in iOS update 12.1, which is currently in beta. At first, of course, everything will work only in the USA. American operators a QR code will need to be provided before the line is activated using the eSIM, which will likely coincide with the public release of iOS 12.1. According to the German site, some Deutsche Telekom users have reportedly already used the eSIM to add a second number to their iPhone.

How to set up eSIM on a new iPhone?

Owners of 2018 iPhone models will be able to access eSIM through the smartphone settings. According to an Apple spokesperson, you'll be able to use your phone's camera to scan a carrier QR code, which will initiate the second number activation process. Next, iOS will let you choose a default number for calls and SMS, choose a label for each number, and so on.

Apple has outlined the eSIM setup process step-by-step on its support site.

Is it possible to rewrite an eSIM?

eSIM can be rewritten and you can choose a tariff from any operator that supports the technology.

Which operators support eSIM technology?

Apple says eSIM works in 16 countries: in the US, AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon currently support this technology. A Sprint spokesperson said the company will begin supporting the feature in the near future.) Internationally, participating carriers currently include Truphone, Bell, EE, GigSky, Vodafone, Jio, Airtel and Deutsche Telekom.

At a conference on September 12, Apple announced that more operators will add support throughout the fall and into next year.

Are there other phones with Dual SIM technology? And doesn't Google Pixel 2 have an eSIM?

There are many phones that can handle two SIM cards at the same time, but only a few support eSIM so far. Google Pixel 2 has an eSIM - but it's primarily for use with the service cellular communication Google Project Fi.

Do I have to get permission from my primary carrier to add a second phone number?

No, you do not need permission to add a second phone number. In fact, the main benefit of eSIM is that you don't even have to go to a store to activate your second number - it can all be done remotely.

Why doesn't eSIM work in China?

Apple has announced a special edition of the new iPhones for China, which will feature two plastic SIM card slots instead of eSIM technology. According to Neil Shah, who studies mobile technologies for Counterpoint Research, Dual-SIM technology popular in China, but very few operators have introduced support for eSIM technology.

What about Russia?

According to representatives of the big four cellular operators operating in Russia, they are all testing work with eSIM in their networks.

A representative of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications said that the department would welcome the introduction of eSIM Russian operators, however, strict compliance with the law is required, including the identification of subscribers. To date, companies have not contacted the ministry regarding changes to the legal framework.