How to choose a processor cooler. CPU fans: Sleeve bearing. Cooler rotation speed

Hi all! Everyone knows that computers are a complex system, consisting of components: video card, motherboard, and many other integral parts. How to cool the hottest part of the system - the processor! There is a great invention for this: a cooler! And today I will tell you how to choose a cooler and which manufacturer you should take a closer look at.

How to choose a CPU cooler?

First, let's decide on the goals of how intensively you will use the computer. Will you use office applications, play games, or will you use it aggressively by overclocking the processor?

  • The most common option for desktop computers is a simple cooler without heat pipes, usually their power is enough for cooling, but when running applications such as Microsoft Office, browser or minor games when your computer is running at its minimum capacity.

  • Well, what if you are an avid gamer and like to play games like Crysis 3? In this case, the second option is used - cooling coolers with heat pipes or with coolant. This cooler is based on removing heat from the processor using liquid in a tube and converting it into steam, which dissipates. The most important thing is the copper plate, which is in contact with the processor and removes heat.

Results: the first option is suitable for those who do not load the computer and work on it in normal mode, but if the computer was purchased for gaming, then you need either a tower cooler or water cooling.

Weight, dimensions and characteristics.

When choosing a cooler, you need to pay attention to several more important aspects:

  • Size and weight, they should not exceed 700-750 grams, because there is a load on it, which can cause its deformation.

  • Socket Compatibility. Before buying a cooler, you need to look at what socket your motherboard has, because... Cooler mounts are quite individual. The socket is the platform where the processor is installed, so if you buy a cooler for the wrong purpose, you will not be able to attach it to the motherboard.

  • Dimensions: width, height. Also a very important factor, because installation may be difficult. And even if the cooler fits into the case, it is not a fact that you will be able to insert RAM.

  • Active or passive cooling (preferably active). Of course, there are cool coolers with passive cooling, but all modern motherboards can adjust the speed. Therefore, if you are worried about noise, then even with an active cooler, you may not hear anything.

  • Radiator types: tower and standard. Tower coolers dissipate heat well, unlike conventional ones. For this reason, take tower ones whenever possible. But if you have a limited budget and do not actively use your computer, then a regular cooler will do. Tower coolers also differ, but don’t bother, take the type like in the picture below.

  • Noise level- of course, the quieter the better and more comfortable. Everything is simple here, you need good manufacturer and that the motherboard has support automatic adjustment cooler speed.
  • Material. There are 3 types. These are copper, aluminum and aluminum + copper. It is better to take only copper, it will best dissipate heat.
  • Number of coolers. If you are not going to overclock anything, one cooler will be enough for you. Just in case, take one that has the ability to install another one. For example Zalman performance.

The best cooler manufacturers

Here many will probably refute me, but I will speak from my own experience. And my many years of experience say that best manufacturers coolers are Noctua, Zalman and Thermaltake. These are real maniacs in their field, especially Zalman and Noctua...

And to confirm, I will say that they keep the temperature of the 4th generation Intel i7 processor, which I have, at 30°. Well, in games, of course, it gets hot, but! They cope well in games too! At first I thought it wouldn’t cope, I’d buy another fan for the tower cooler, but no, a tower radiator and one fan are enough!

Well of course still big influence has a case, I also have a Zalman z11 plus, in which air circulation is also well thought out and hot air does not linger.

So, in my opinion best companies coolers are as follows:

1. Zalman this is the undisputed leader, the rest are just trying to compete and parody. Every company has its ups and downs, but in this area, this firm has more ups than downs.

2. Noctua this company is no worse than Zalman, but their price tags are much higher, and if you don’t overclock anything and don’t have extra money, then this company is not for you.

3. Thermaltake- also cooler maniacs, but in my opinion they are slightly inferior to Zalman, but there are also interesting models. But for example, I only have cooling from Zalman, but from ThermalTake, because... they still make them better.

4. Corsair— I like this company’s RAM more.

5. Cooler Master — they also make good coolers and cases.

6.GlacialTech- good coolers, on average level processors.

7. Arctic Cooling— I saw a couple of good tower coolers.

8. Deepcool- cheap and cheerful. An actively developing company.

9. Intel- what can I say, a company, a company to all companies. Coolers are supplied in a box with processors. The i3 and i5 work well! And of course, you don’t even have to say about the coolers of their servers that their coolers, like those in Dell or HP, do a good job. Their servers cost so much that it’s a sin for them to overheat.

Because of all that has been said, I would advise you to choose Zalman cooling systems for both the processor and all parts of the case!

This is how you can choose the best cooler and prevent your computer from overheating. But when the computer overheats, it starts to slow down!

Hi all. Let's talk about how to choose cooling for a computer, more precisely for a processor.

In general, any weather (in winter - batteries, in summer - sun) is a difficult time for our computer, because the temperature environment(and as a result, computer components) increases significantly, and therefore the cooling systems have to work at full capacity, trying to cool the ardent character of our iron friends.

However, standard coolers do not always cope with their task successfully, which leads to constant reboots, shutdowns and other problems that follow overheating of the computer.

As you probably remember, the article “” will help you identify overheating (and find out the temperatures of components in general), and today I will tell you how to choose the right cooler for, which, as a rule, has the hardest time of all.

Why do you need a separate CPU cooling system?

To begin with, I would like to explain a little why the processor needs cooling and why the cooler that is usually given in addition to the crystal (that is, to this very processor) is bad. No, seriously, there was no way to do without this part, because I am very often asked why the option that comes with the processor is so bad, because, they say, they are not fools and know what to put in the kit. Of course, I don’t argue that the computer works with such a cooling system, but there are a number of nuances here.

To put it very simply, the processor consists of a huge number of small electrical conductors, each of which needs energy. And, as is known from school course According to physics, energy does not disappear from the conductor - it goes from electrical to thermal.

Considering that a modern processor has more than half a billion transistors, the question of the need for cooling disappears by itself: there is enough heat from them for heating small room. The processor cannot independently dissipate such an amount of energy: the area is too small, and the materials are not the same.

Therefore, with each crystal, manufacturers supply a simple cooler (if, of course, you buy BOX processor version, not OEM). For operation at standard frequencies and at normal temperature it's enough, but for extreme situations(long warm-up, i.e., for example, working with a full-fledged processor-dependent application or game, heat environment (summer), overclocking, etc.) it is better to look for a more powerful model.

The fact is that under this very simple cooler supplied in the kit, the processor still gets noticeably very hot. No, the temperature does not reach critical, but it is still stable is high, and because of it, some chemical processes that continuously occur in the crystal are accelerated, as a result of which, firstly, it can simply fail faster, and secondly, it slows down and skips cycles. The main problem lies precisely in the fact that when weak system CPU cooling.. mmm.. small performance margin. Look at all sorts of results tables on the Internet.

Even in an air-conditioned room, the temperature of the crystal under a standard knob rises to 73 degrees (and this is with the stand open, i.e. without the case). In the building where they live next door hard disks, video cards, disk drives, etc., the air can heat up under 60 degrees and the higher this temperature, the more difficult it is for the cooler, and the hotter the surrounding air, the more performance drops.

However, it’s also not worth going to the store and buying the first cooler you come across. In the world of cooling, sometimes a device is 3000 rubles may well be worse than the model for 1000 rubles and this is due to many factors, which we will talk about now.

Part 1: Cooler Base

Well, let's get started.

The work of any cooler begins... at its base, namely, at the place where it comes into contact with the processor. Here the cooler takes heat from it and transfers it to the cooling area. This process is called heat transfer, and its efficiency depends on two variables - area and surface material.

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It’s usually impossible to come up with something superb here, because the dimensions of the processor are fixed, that is, the contact area cannot be increased, and there is only one material that is affordable and has high-quality thermal conductivity - copper (there is, of course, also aluminum, but it is less efficient).

It turns out that the maximum that the manufacturer can do is to make sure that, with all other components, heat transfer is carried out as efficiently as possible, namely... the base must be ideally polished.

Therefore, one of the first selection criteria is the “specularity” of the metal in the area of ​​​​contact with the processor, that is, ideally you should see your reflection on the surface, or at least not observe any significant irregularities or, especially, scratches, because they reduce contact area and reduce work efficiency.

Also beware of heat pipes “tearing” the base of the cooler (see photo above), as they also reduce the useful contact area. If you see that the tubes protrude from the total surface area, then it is better to put such a cooler aside and look for something else.

But what you rarely need to pay attention to ( common mistake beginners who believe that color always determines the material), this is the color, because copper is often coated with nickel.

Part 2: Heat Pipes

The next stage of work is the transfer of heat to the cooling surfaces. When the processors were weak and cold, this stage did not exist: the radiator was attached directly to the base and dissipated heat into the air. With the increase in productivity and the amount of energy released, heat transfer began to be taken more seriously - heat-conducting tubes appeared on coolers.

This invention is old and well known to many. One end of a copper pipe is soldered, liquid is poured into it, the air is pumped out and the other end is sealed. When heated, water absorbs energy and turns into steam, which rises to the upper (cold) part of the pipe, cools, condenses, releasing stored energy, and flows down. And so on ad infinitum.

Everything is the same in coolers, but with one caveat. When installed in the case, the cooling system is in horizontal position, and water cannot flow into the heating zone on its own. Therefore, the tubes are filled with porous material. Due to the capillary effect, liquid can move against the forces of gravity and move in any direction.

It is also difficult to come up with anything new at this stage, because the operation of heat pipes practically does not depend on their physical parameters, and therefore, as a criterion, one must rely on the number of heat pipes. Globally, the more, the better, but in general, three or four will do as a minimum (less is doubtful).

Part 3: body and components

The next phase of the cooler's operation is heat dissipation. This action takes place on the fins of the radiator, namely dozens of plates strung on heat pipes. It is here that the heat taken from the processor will be given to the air and it will be able to breathe more freely. The radiator can look whatever you want - developers are not shy about experimenting with shapes, angles of inclination, materials, and so on, but all this joy is subject to a number of rules, which are the following criteria for selection.

Firstly, the dissipation area should be maximum, that is, there should be as many radiator plates as possible, and the radiator itself should be as massive as possible. Secondly, the thinner the plates, the better, because the heat will be retained less. The requirements for the material of this whole thing are the same - high thermal conductivity, that is, copper should act as it. Some say that copper is not necessary in this phase and it is important to use it exclusively in the base and heat pipes, because given the high dissipation area, the radiator can also be made of aluminum. However, I do not really agree with this statement and I think that even here it is better to choose copper as a material. But see for yourself.

Part 4: active cooling, namely the fan itself

Well final stage operation of the cooling system for the processor is active cooling, i.e. the spinner itself. Whatever the manufacturers say, a radiator with powerful processor fail to cope - the limitation of available space and high thermal resistance(temperature drop per watt of heat removed).

Again, the use of a heatsink alone is questionable due to the weak release of dissipated heat from the case, which leads to an increase in temperature in the case and heating of other elements inside it.

Naturally, a fan helps overcome such problems: the powerful air flow created reduces the resistance of the radiator and increases the amount of heat removed.

The rule for turntables is simple: you need to look for the largest ones in size (and not, contrary to the opinion of beginners, in the number of revolutions). The larger the diameter of the impeller, the more air is taken in per revolution, which means the required rotation speed and, as a result, the noise decreases.

Tobish, taking the turntable 120 mm With 1200 revs and turntable 80 mm With 2400 and having compared them, we find that the first one is, firstly, more efficient, and secondly, much quieter.

By the way, in addition to the size and speed, you also need to monitor the type of bearing. If it says " Ball bearing"(swings) - we take them because they are quiet and last a long time. If " Slide bearing"(slips) - we put it off, because they make noise and quickly turn sour.

Part 5: choosing thermal paste

When buying a cooler, do not forget about thermal paste. Expensive and good coolers usually have it included in the kit or already applied to the surface, but for the rest it’s worth buying separately.

What is thermal paste? This is a layer of paste (just like toothpaste), the purpose of which, when applied to the surface between the processor and the base of the cooler, is to eliminate the unevenness of the contacting surfaces and remove all the air between them. Good thermal paste may well bring the temperature down 5-10 degrees.

Unfortunately, smart comparative tests There are almost no pastes, and those that are made do not correspond to reality. The fact is that to get into working mode, the paste needs about 200 hours, and as you understand, no one will spend that much time on each tube. So you need to choose it according technical specifications. Most important parameter- thermal conductivity. The higher the better.

Globally, it seems that he covered all the main points and did not forget anything. It’s probably impossible to be more detailed :)
As always, if you have any questions, want to add or say something, then write in the comments to this article.

By the way, do not forget that dust often accumulates between the fins of the radiator and it needs to be cleaned, which I wrote about in the article ". By the way, there are also a few words about choosing the right case.

As always, if you have any questions, thoughts, additions, etc., then welcome to comment on this article.

  • PS2: I wrote a few words about cooling video cards.
  • PS3: Thanks to my favorite magazine for help in writing the article “ gambling addiction”.

Have you ever wondered what the performance and speed of modern processors is? This is actually very important. Every modern processor definitely needs to be refrigerated. This need arises due to the fact that it constantly heats up, due to the huge number of information flows that it has to process. Of course, the cooler plays the most important role in the process of cooling the processor. This device constantly supplies cool air to the core of the processor, allowing it to work for many years. However, not every processor cooling system is capable of coping with such a complex task. On the market computer equipment In 2018, a huge number of models are presented, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. It’s easy to get confused in such diversity. We will talk about how to choose a cooler for an AMD and Intel processor in this article.

A socket is a connector on the motherboard into which the central processor is inserted. Sockets have different distance mounts for coolers, so the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a good cooling system is the socket. The design features of modern sockets are such that they differ for each specific processor. The method of mounting the device will be different, and it is necessary to decide on the model in advance before visiting the store. Modern processor manufacturers, AMD and Intel, produce completely different architectures for these sockets, each of which is suitable only for one type of processor. The main thing is to know what kind of hardware your computer has, then everything will fall into place.

CPU Cooler Size

After the socket is determined, you need to choose one of the hundreds of models of cool processor cooling systems that the modern market offers. Cost is not always the most important factor here. The main thing is that the fan fits easily inside the system unit. Some home computers have undergone repeated upgrades over many years of operation, and this leads to the fact that certain problems may arise when installing a cooling system. There may simply not be enough space for the cooler. That is why its geometric parameters must be treated extremely carefully. The size of the fan blades directly determines the amount of air that will be supplied to cool the processor. The stronger this flow, the better for the computer. The best cooler has geometric parameters of 92 by 92 by 25 mm. This standard is primarily used by people in private home settings. For a processor that is not the fastest, this is quite enough. If a person purchases a fan for a computer that he uses for gaming and performing complex tasks, then this size may not be enough. Here it is worth paying attention to models with a geometry of 120 by 120 by 25 mm. It's more powerful device, which creates more intense air flow. By the way, it has been noted that larger fans for cooling the processor are less noisy.

Expert video advice on choosing a cooling system for a processor

Cooler rotation speed

A reliable cooler should provide high enough rotation speeds to ensure maximum cooling efficiency. This parameter is measured in revolutions per minute. The most “advanced” models are considered intelligent, that is, they independently change the rotation speed depending on the load on the system. For example, a person just surfs the Internet, while the processor runs on a minimum of resources. In this situation, the rotation speed will be approximately 1100 rpm. If he suddenly decides to play some modern “shooter” game, then the fan begins to navigate according to the state of the processor, that is, it picks up speed, which can rise up to 2000 rpm. For those who purchased a fan big size, you don't have to worry about overheating at all, it will easily maintain optimal temperature processor.

Types of CPU Cooling Systems

There are several types of processor cooling systems.

Box cooling systems

A cooler that comes with a processor in one box for one price is called boxed, from the word BOX (box). They are not the most powerful and are quite noisy. But for low-power household computer It is better to buy this system is very convenient. It's easier and cheaper than buying these devices separately.

Cooling systems without heat pipes

The simplest and cheapest processor cooling systems consist of a cooler and a radiator, which is a block of copper or aluminum plates - heat reflectors. They are easy to install and easy to use. Such cooling is quite sufficient for a low-power computer; in addition, this system has low price. Its significant feature is the fairly high noise from the fan, which increases with increasing load on the computer.

Multi-cooler cooling system

Many processor cooling systems are equipped with two or even three coolers. Of course, the more fans, the more powerful flow air and, accordingly, stronger cooling of the processor. But such units are massive and weigh quite a lot. It is clear that it is not advisable to install this expensive type of cooling system in an ordinary low-power computer.

Liquid Cooled Systems

Systems with liquid processor cooling have copper and aluminum heat pipes through which a liquid circulates, intensively removing heat. These systems are extremely effective and differ quiet operation. But the price of such systems is quite high. In addition, they have specific fastenings, which make the coolers difficult to install; The devices are quite bulky and take up a lot of space. And it’s not a fact that in a system with liquid cooled there will be a high-quality fan.

Radiator designs for processor cooling systems

To choose the right cooler For Intel processor and AMD, it is important to take into account the design of its heatsink, which determines the direction of outgoing air flows inside the system unit.

Coolers with tower radiators

Tower cooling systems do an excellent job of cooling the fastest processors. They remove heat well, thereby providing long work computer. The only disadvantage of this type of radiator is the narrow direction of the outgoing air flow, which does not reach other parts of the motherboard. Outgoing air from tower systems rushes either upward or towards back system unit.

C-type coolers

C-type cooling systems, with their curved tubes over the processor with a radiator with a cooler attached to them, resemble the letter - C. These systems, in addition high-quality cooling The processor blows air onto the motherboard much better.


Combined processor cooling systems are quite rare. They are equipped with powerful expensive system units. This aims to combine the two above-mentioned types of cooling. But devices of this type are not much more effective, but they are expensive. And whether they are needed is a personal question for everyone.

Top CPU coolers of 2018

The main characteristics of good coolers were listed above, but in addition to them, you need to pay attention to the specific company that produced this device, and released it into the world. The most popular and high-quality computer market Products of the year 2018 are considered to be Thermaltake and Cooler Master. It is these two companies that are most widely known today. This does not mean that there are no other manufacturers on the market similar devices. Of course, they are present, and even produce products that are distinguished by high quality indicators. Only Thermaltake and Cooler Master cover their devices additional protection which prevents dust from falling out. After all, dust is also destructive for any microprocessor technology. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the products of companies - DeepCool, Zalman and Thermalright and so as not to get confused in this a huge number models, we have compiled a rating of the best coolers for all types of processors and sockets, which took the entire Top of the coolest magazines and won the respect of gamers, so here they are.

The best CPU coolers of 2018

This Top includes universal models of processor cooling systems that became sales leaders throughout 2017-2018, that is, they are suitable for both Intel and AMD.

  3. Cooler Master Hyper 412S
  5. Noctua NH-D15
  6. Cryorig H5 Ultimate
  7. Arctic Freezer i32

The best coolers for Intel i5, i7 processor

Here we have collected the Top 7 most best systems cooling of Intel processors in 2018.

  1. Deepcool Lucifer V2
  2. Master Hyper 101
  3. Cooler Scythe Katana 3
  4. Thermalright HR-22
  5. Thermaltake Contac 30
  6. Cooler Master X6 Elite

Best CPU coolers for AMD

If you decide to collect new computer yourself, then you have to solve a number of problems related to the selection of components. One of these problems is choosing a CPU cooler. In this article we will look at the main points in this simple matter.

When building a new PC, it's always tempting to choose the standard cooler that comes with the processor. After all, using it you can save a little.

If you are building a computer to work with non- demanding programs, then a standard cooler will be quite enough. Moreover, if good air movement is organized in the case, then a standard cooler will cope even with heavy programs and computer games.

The only thing a standard cooler is definitely not suitable for is overclocking a processor. If you plan to overclock the processor, then you must definitely choose a more efficient cooling system.

Also, you should not choose a standard cooler (or as it is also called a “Box cooler”) if you want to build quiet computer. Standard coolers are usually very small diameter and because of this they are noticeably noisy. At the same time, the speed of such a cooler should be high, because the radiator underneath is also small.

CPU cooler socket and dimensions

If you are choosing a cooler for a processor, then the first thing you need to consider is the dimensions of the cooler.

If you choose a cooler that supports your processor socket, then you simply will not be able to install it; the cooler will not fit in the right place. If you make a mistake with the dimensions of the cooler, you may have problems closing the case. If the cooler turns out to be Furthermore space that is between the processor and the case cover, then you simply cannot install the side cover.

In the case of particularly large coolers and compact motherboards There may be situations where the cooler will overlap slots for RAM or even PCI Express connectors. This also needs to be taken into account when choosing a CPU cooler.

Not a standard cooler in a computer case

Therefore, in order to avoid having to return the cooler to the store later, it is better to carefully study the characteristics of the cooler and make sure that your processor socket is in the list of supported sockets, and that the dimensions of the cooler will not create problems when assembling the system.

Cooler efficiency

When choosing a CPU cooler, it is very important to correctly evaluate its efficiency and processor heat dissipation. To do this, it is best to focus on the TDP of the processor and cooler. TDP stands for “Thermal design power”, which in turn can be translated as “Cooling system requirements”. TDP is specified in Watts and refers to the amount of heat that the processor cooling system must dissipate. You can read more about this.

If the characteristics of the cooler indicate the TDP for which it is designed, then simply compare the TDP of the cooler with the TDP of the processor. If the TDP of the cooler is higher, then you can safely buy such a cooler. It will cope with cooling your processor without any problems.

But the characteristics of coolers do not always contain information about TDP. In this case, when choosing a cooler for a processor, you have to evaluate its effectiveness based on indirect factors. These factors are:

  • Radiator weight. The heavier the heatsink, the more heat it can take away from the processor and dissipate into the space around it. Therefore, the greater the weight of the radiator, the more efficient system cooling.
  • Number of heat pipes. Heat pipes transfer heat from the processor to the heatsink fins. Therefore, the more heat pipes and the larger their diameter, the more efficient the radiator is.
  • Number of coolers and their size. The more coolers on the radiator and the larger the diameter of these coolers, the better the radiator is blown and the more efficient the cooling system.
  • Heat pipe contact. Heat pipes can contact the processor either directly or through an additional plate. The best option is direct contact. This way, the heat pipes will be able to better transfer heat from the processor to the radiator fins.

The requirements for modern processor coolers have long been established. Firstly, this is the efficiency of heat dissipation, secondly, this is, of course, the minimum noise emitted by the fans, and thirdly, this is the price. Choosing the most efficient or most “powerful” cooler is not a problem; it’s much more difficult to choose the right one best option cooler, based on the price/performance ratio. Today we will review and compare several processor coolers from world-famous companies, such as: Thermalright, SilverStone, Zalman, Scythe, Thermaltake, Deepcool, Ice Hammer. And after that, we will try to identify “the best of the best.”

Thermalright Silver Arrow SB-E Extreme

Silver Arrow S.B.- E does not need any special introduction, this is a well-known super-cooler from the company Thermalright, which can rightfully be considered a leader in its class. The version " Extreme» Designed for large processors with high heat dissipation, such as the Intel i7 socket 2011.

Thermalright Silver Arrow SB-E Extreme has a two-section radiator of impressive dimensions, the weight of which is 800 grams. Eight heat pipes penetrate 51 plates in each section, the total area of ​​which is about 11,500 cm2. The cooler comes with two 140 mm fans marked TR-TY143, the rotation speed of which is 600 - 2500 rpm. It is possible to install another additional fan on the cooler.

The cooler has a huge base made of nickel-plated copper, which is securely soldered to six millimeter heat pipes. The base of the cooler looks perfectly level, which confirms “ mirror effect"on its surface.

Thermalright Silver Arrow S.B.- E Extreme.

Cooler dimensions, mm

155 x 104 x 163

Weight, gr.

1140 (with fans)

Base material

Nickel plated copper

Radiator fin material

Nickel plated aluminum

Number of plates, pcs.

Heat pipe material

Nickel plated copper

Fan size mm.,

their number, pcs.

600 - 2500 rpm


AMD Socket AM2/ AM2+/ AM3

SilverStone Heligon HE01

Heligon HE01 another representative of the family of super-coolers from the company SilverStone, which has a two-section radiator, typical of all modern coolers of this class. The first thing that catches your eye is, of course, the different thickness of the radiator sections. Radiator design Heligon HE01 similar to the one used in most super coolers. Six heat pipes distribute thermal energy over two sections, each of which has 47 aluminum plates with a total area of ​​about 10900 cm2. Another one distinguishing feature The cooler is the presence of a massive 140 mm fan with an impressive thickness of 38 mm! This monster is capable of providing a maximum air flow of 171 CFM at a rotation speed of 2000 rpm, but the noise from the fan can hardly be called comfortable.

Six-millimeter heat pipes penetrate the small-sized base of the cooler, which has a very smooth surface. After processing the base, traces from the router remained, which are clearly visible and tactile. This, of course, can negatively affect the efficiency of heat removal.

Let's look at the main characteristics SilverStone Heligon HE01.

Cooler dimensions, mm

160 x 140 x 119

Weight, gr.

1150 (with fan)

Base material

Nickel plated copper

Radiator fin material

Nickel plated aluminum

Number of plates, pcs.

Heat pipe material

Nickel plated copper

Number of heat pipes pcs. and diameter mm.

Fan size mm.,

their number, pcs.

Fan rotation speed, rpm.

500 - 2000 rpm


Intel LGA 775/ 1155/ 1156/ 1366/ 2011

Zalman CNPS12X

Model CNPS12X this is another creation of engineers Zalman having its own original design, for which the company has been famous since the days of “bowl-shaped” copper coolers. But if you put everything aside and look at Zalman CNPS12X on the other hand, we have a typical two-section cooler, with not the most large area radiator dispersion, which is 9600 cm2. Engineers still love the bowl shape Zalman not for a minute, which is probably why the radiator sections have a “designer” shape. The only thing that can be noted is that the cooler has three fans measuring 120x120 mm, which, again, have their own “original” (non-removable) design. As a result, replacing a fan with a more efficient or quieter one causes big problems.

The base is made using the technology of direct contact of heat pipes with the heat distribution cover of the processor, designed to improve heat dissipation. In my opinion, the effectiveness of this technology is quite controversial. Although all six heat pipes are packed very tightly together, there are gaps between them that are very noticeable to the naked eye. There is no need to talk about a smooth surface or a mirror effect here, since the base was not sanded.

Let's look at the main characteristics Zalman CNPS12X

Cooler dimensions, mm

151 x 132 x 154

Weight, gr.

Base material

Nickel plated copper

Radiator fin material

Nickel plated aluminum

Number of plates, pcs.

Heat pipe material

Nickel plated copper

Number of heat pipes pcs. and diameter mm.

Fan size mm.,

their number, pcs.

Fan rotation speed, rpm.

250 - 1200 rpm


Intel LGA 775/ 1155/ 1156/ 1366/ 2011

AMD Socket AM2/ AM2+/ AM3+/FM1

Zalman FX100 Cube

Zalman FX100 Cube is not similar to any of the previously reviewed coolers. This is not surprising, because the model FX100 Cube positioned as passive CPU cooler tower type. Its appearance resembles a sort of massive “black cube”, with an unusual and at the same time strict design. The cooler consists of six small radiators, which are connected to each other using ten heat pipes. The outer four sections are connected by a system of eight heat pipes, each section has 19 aluminum plates, the distance between which is 4 mm. Two more small radiators are located inside; they consist of 26 plates, the distance between which is half as much. The total dispersion area is 5000 cm2. To increase efficiency, the cooler is equipped with a seat for a fan measuring 92x92 mm, between the internal radiators. However, for some reason the fan is not included in the kit.

Base FX100 Cube the area is very small, thereby engineers Zalman hint to us that this model The cooler is more suitable for processors with low heat generation. The quality of surface treatment of the base does not raise any complaints. It has a very smooth surface and a mirror effect, which in turn should have a positive effect on the efficiency of heat removal.

Let's look at the main characteristics ZalmanFX100 Cube

Cooler dimensions, mm

156 x 157 x 156

Weight, gr.

Base material

Nickel plated copper

Radiator fin material

Nickel plated aluminum

Number of plates, pcs.

128 (total number)

Heat pipe material

Nickel plated copper

Number of heat pipes pcs. and diameter mm.

Fan size mm.,

their number, pcs.



Intel LGA 775/ 1155/ 1156/ 1366/ 2011

AMD Socket AM2/ AM2+/ AM3+/FM1

Scythe Mugen 4

Cooler series Mugen from a Japanese company Scythe has been known to everyone for a long time and is not something new. Here is the updated model Mugen 4 which replaced its brother, it is still the same single-section cooler weighing 625 grams, which has undergone minor changes. Now, instead of four full-fledged sections as in the cases with Mugen 3, we see a single radiator with slight divisions throughout the entire area. Thanks to such a solution, the company's engineers Scythe managed to increase the dispersion area, which is 7300 cm2. The cooler is equipped with one 120 mm fan, the rotation speed of which is 400-1400 rpm. It is noteworthy that the design of the fan blades is similar to the well-known models from the German company Be Quiet.

As for the foundation, there have been no fundamental changes. All the same six heat pipes are laid and soldered to a copper base, which has a flat surface. The mirror effect is not fully present, but there is a slight “ripple”.

Let's look at the main characteristics Scythe Mugen 4

Cooler dimensions, mm

130 x 88 x 156

Weight, gr.

Base material

Nickel plated copper

Radiator fin material


Number of plates, pcs.

Heat pipe material

Nickel plated copper

Number of heat pipes pcs. and diameter mm.

Fan size mm.,

their number, pcs.

Fan rotation speed, rpm.

400 - 1400 rpm


Intel LGA 775/ 1156 /1155/ 1366/ 2011

AMD Socket AM2/ AM2+/ AM3+/FM1

Thermaltake Frio OK

Updated Frio from company Thermaltake at first glance it looks impressive due to its dimensions, and most importantly due to its plastic casing. Radiator cooler Thermaltake Frio OK divided into two parts, each of which is penetrated by five heat pipes with a diameter of 6 mm. Each radiator section consists of 45 plates, the total area of ​​which is almost 6000 cm2. Most of the plastic casing is occupied by 140 mm fans, which have an unusual frame structure. There are two fans here, they are removable, but due to their design feature they can only be used with this cooler.

Cooler base Thermaltake Frio OK not particularly attractive. In addition to noticeable marks from the router on the surface of the base, during testing, an unevenness in the center was revealed. All this, of course, affected the results.

Let's look at the main characteristics Thermaltake Frio OK

Cooler dimensions, mm

143 x 137 x 158

Weight, gr.

Base material

Nickel plated copper

Radiator fin material

Nickel plated aluminum

Number of plates, pcs.

Heat pipe material

Nickel plated copper

Number of heat pipes pcs. and diameter mm.

Fan size mm.,

their number, pcs.

Fan rotation speed, rpm.

1200 - 2100 rpm


AMD Socket AM2/ AM2+/ AM3+

Deepcool Gamer Storm Lucifer

Another creation from the company Deepcool under the name Gamer Storm Lucifer has a very massive radiator of an interesting shape, which resembles the wings of a butterfly or a “fallen angel”. Radiator design Gamer Storm Lucifer somewhat similar to SilverStone HE02, it has 36 plates and six nickel-plated heat pipes with a diameter of 6 mm. The interfin distance of the radiator is 2.7 mm, which gives an advantage when using a cooler with low-speed fans. The dispersion area is 6800 cm2.

The cooler comes with a 140 mm fan with an interesting color scheme and markings. U.F.140 . This is a well-known fan from Deepcool measuring 140x140x25 mm and having an anti-vibration coating around the entire frame.

Cooler base surface Deepcool Gamer Storm Lucifer processed perfectly. There are no complaints about it; the mirror effect is present throughout the entire area.

Let's look at the main characteristics Deepcool Gamer Storm Lucifer

Cooler dimensions, mm

168 x 136 x 140

Weight, gr.

893 (with fan)

Base material

Nickel plated copper

Radiator fin material

Nickel plated aluminum

Number of plates, pcs.

Heat pipe material

Nickel plated copper

Number of heat pipes pcs. and diameter mm.

Fan size mm.,

their number, pcs.

Fan rotation speed, rpm.

700 - 1400 rpm


Intel LGA 775/ 1156/1155/ 1366/ 2011

AMD Socket AM2+/AM3+

Ice Hammer IH-THOR

IH-THOR This another representative family of super coolers from the company Ice Hammer. A large two-section radiator weighing almost 1 kg very much reminds us of the design COGAGE ARROW from Thermalright. All the same two sections with equal thickness, between which are located a pair of fans with a standard size of 140 mm. However, in the radiator IH-THOR 58 aluminum plates are located on six heat pipes, versus 55 plates and four tubes COGAGE ARROW. Increasing the number of radiator plates gave a dissipation area of ​​11,500 cm2. The design of the fans included in the kit is also copied from TR-TY143 from the same company Thermalright.

The extremely flat base is very well soldered at the points of contact with the heat pipes. The polished surface of the cooler base has a mirror effect.

Let's look at the main characteristics Ice Hammer IH-THOR

Cooler dimensions, mm

164 x 147 x 123

Weight, gr.

Base material

Nickel plated copper

Radiator fin material

Nickel plated aluminum

Number of plates, pcs.

Heat pipe material

Nickel plated copper

Number of heat pipes pcs. and diameter mm.

Fan size mm.,

their number, pcs.

Fan rotation speed, rpm.

900 - 1300 rpm


Intel LGA 775/ 1156/1155/ 1366/ 2011

AMD Socket AM2+/AM3+


Having gotten to know all the participants better and looked at the features, I suggest you take a look at the retail price* of each model.

*Price for a particular model may vary depending on the region and the selected retail store.

Testing tools and methodology

Test system configuration:

  • Processor: Intel i7-3930K (4.20 GHz / HT on - 1.260V);
  • Thermal interface: Arctic Cooling MX-4;
  • Motherboard: ASUS Rampage IV Formula;
  • RAM: Corsair Dominator GT 2133MHz 4Gbx4;
  • Video card: ASUS HD7970 DC2 TOP;
  • Power supply: Corsair HX 650W.

Testing tools:

  • Operating system: Windows 7 x64;
  • CPU temperature monitoring program: RealTemp GT 3.70;
  • CPU testing program: LinX 0.6.4 AVX;
  • CPU program: CPU-Z 1.62 x64;
  • Reobas: Scythe Kaze Master II.

The i7-3930K processor frequency has been increased to 4.2 GHz at a voltage of 1,260 V and active technology Hyper-Threading. Using the program LinX 0.6.4 AVX 100% processor load was carried out in 10 cycles, with a total duration of ~10 minutes. Temperature measurements for each core were carried out using the program RealTemp GT 3.70. The temperature values ​​presented below are arithmetic averages for each mode. The coolers were tested in two modes with standard fans included in the package. First mode "quiet", fan rotation speed was 1000-1050 rpm, second mode "maximum", the name itself suggests that the fan rotation speed was the highest possible. Cooler Zalman FX100 Cube V passive mode(“quiet”) and with a 90 mm fan installed Arctic Cooling F9 at 1500 rpm (“maximum”). The ambient temperature during testing was 26 OWITH.

Test results

First, let's look at the processor temperature without load.

As you can see, almost all participants demonstrate similar results. Only one stands out, it's a passive cooler Zalman FX100 Cube which is not surprising. The temperature difference between the other coolers is 3-4 degrees.

Now let's look at the processor temperatures at 100% load.

The leader this time, surprisingly, was Heligon HE01 from company SilverStone, which coped very well with the hot temper of the i7-3930K. Second place belongs to the updated Silver Arrow S.B.- E Extreme from the world famous Thermalright, who lost only 1 degree to the leader. Well, third place went to Deepcool Gamer Storm Lucifer. Don't forget what the final result The temperature value was taken in the “maximum” mode, in which the fan rotation speed varies. Concerning Zalman FX100 Cube, then here he failed miserably! Although you shouldn’t blame him for this, fate FX100 Cube these are processors with a heat dissipation of no more than 80 W, such as i5 . The temperature during testing reached 99 OWITH, after which testing had to be stopped to avoid overheating of the processor.


Well, today we tested and identified the best of the best among modern coolers. But that's not all, our editors have established three nominations among the participants in our testing today.

So, the nomination "Super cooler" rightfully awarded Silver Arrow S.B.- E Extreme from company Thermalright. Despite the fact that he lost only 1 degree Heligon HE01, noise level emitted by fans from Thermalright was much smaller than the 38 mm monster SilverStone. Thereby Silver Arrow SB-E Extreme once again confirms its title of “Super Cooler” .

In nomination "Golden mean" deservedly won Deepcool Gamer Storm Lucifer, which showed decent results in both fan operating modes. Wherein Gamer Storm Lucifer costs significantly less than many other test participants.

Last nomination « Innovative design» awarded to passive cooler Zalman FX100 Cube. Although he did not cope with the task, the company’s engineers still Zalman We managed to develop an excellent passive cooler that can cool mid-segment processors without any problems.

Also, all participants in our testing receive honorary titles “Participant in spring testing 2014”

The editors express great gratitude to the companies SilverStone,Zalman, Thermaltake, Deepcool, Ice Hammer, as well as an online store coolera. ru, for providing cooler models for testing.