How to truly enable the NFC module on your iPhone. We check the presence of NFC in the phone and correct the situation

Hello everyone! Still modern technologies- this is a very cool thing. Just a few years ago, no one could have imagined that when going out to the store to shop, you wouldn’t need to take your wallet or plastic card- after all, everything can be paid for iPhone Help. It's really cool and convenient! But we must remember that nothing is perfect and Apple Pay, unfortunately, is no exception.

So what is “imperfection”? There is one problem... In some cases, Apple Pay technology may simply not work the moment you bring your iPhone to the terminal to pay. The result is a very stupid and slightly sad situation, which your humble servant has already found himself in several times.

You stand at the checkout and think: “Wow! Now I’ll surprise everyone and make them cry with the help of an iPhone - let them know about new technologies!” iPhone already in my hand, the screen displays the message “bring it to the terminal to pay”, I bring it up and... nothing happens. Tough :)

And if this happened once, then an explanation can still be found - maybe the case is to blame or the bank has some kind of failure. But in the case when Apple Pay does not work all the time... something clearly needs to be done with the iPhone! Let's talk about this, let's go!

But let's get back to our problem...

Crashes and problems in iOS as the reason for Apple Pay not working

As many have noted, iOS is no longer as stable and bug-free as it used to be. Perhaps the reason for this was the constant addition of new functions, perhaps something else... but the fact remains that it was better before :)

So, to rule out the fact that problems with Apple Pay are caused by glitches operating system, we need to do the following:

As you can see, nothing complicated. The hardest thing is to constantly run around and check if Apple Pay is working? Although you can always use Macdonalds and its self-service terminals...

External factors preventing you from paying using iPhone

Besides software, there are some other factors that may affect the performance of contactless payments using iPhone. These include:

  • Case. It’s clear that a regular plastic or silicone pad is unlikely to interfere with Apple Pay. But if you use some kind of ultra-protected case from the unknown Chinese's better to take it off.
  • Malfunctions of the terminal, bank, card. IN in this case, you need to at least try to pay in another store, and at maximum, call the bank and find out “is everything okay with them?”

Not that much, right? But you shouldn’t forget about this.

Damage (absence) of the NFC antenna

A special NFC module is responsible for connecting the smartphone to the terminal and transmitting transaction data. Accordingly, it depends on its performance whether you can make a purchase using an iPhone or not.

Attention! If guarantee period your his iPhone yet has not expired, then you don’t need to tinker with the device yourself - .

Although such breakdowns rarely appear on official and new devices. Most often, previously repaired or “handicraft” restored iPhones are susceptible to this - the NFC chip (or, to be more precise, the special “jumper” connecting the board to the case) is simply “forgotten.”

Problems with NFC may be indirectly indicated by error 56 in iTunes when updating and restoring the firmware. Why indirectly? Because there are a lot of examples when the contactless payment chip for Apple Pay does not work, but the iPhone itself is flashed without any errors.

Here's what you should pay attention to:

Of course, if you are not good at assembling and disassembling an iPhone, then it is better to entrust all these manipulations to the service center specialists.

So, a little conclusion:

  1. If Apple Pay “sometimes works, sometimes it doesn’t” - let’s deal with iOS and other issues (banks, cards, terminals).
  2. If contactless payments on iPhone do not always work, and all the above manipulations have been completed, then there is a problem with the NFC chip.

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And everyone has already learned how to add cards, however, on some devices the contactless payment system does not work at all or only works every once in a while.

Here is one of your requests:

Good afternoon. My iPhone 6 periodically refuses to pay for purchases using Apple Pay. I tried to find a pattern depending on the specific terminal, but even at the same point there were both successful and unsuccessful payments.

What could be the problem?

Very often the problem is caused mechanical failure, but let's talk about everything in order.

Restoring the firmware

Before you climb inside your smartphone, let's make sure that program level No problem. To do this we do the following:

1. We create backup copy data in iTunes or iCloud.

2. Restoring the firmware via iTunes on your computer.

3. We do not download the backup to the device, but set it up as new.

4. Add the card to Apple Pay and try to pay.

When paying, remove all covers and cases (even original ones) from your iPhone. Try applying the smartphone to the terminal not only with the back cover, but also with the ends of the device.

If you're unlucky

Most likely, you will be unlucky and restoring the firmware will not work.

In this case, you need to take the iPhone to a service center. When the device is under warranty, there is nothing to worry about, but if the device was purchased second-hand without documents or the warranty period has expired, you can end up with “expensive repairs.”

Depending on the impudence of the technician, they may be charged from one and a half to five thousand rubles, and this is not the limit.

Some “serious” service centers may even refuse such repairs.

Before giving your favorite gadget into the wrong hands, let's figure out what the problem is.

It's all about this little thing

For Apple works Pay on iPhone uses an NFC chip. This module rarely fails. Most often, the contact between it and the smartphone’s antenna simply disappears.

The bracket, which is responsible for signal transmission, is located on the right top corner housings. It is a small jumper.

This jumper often has bad contact with the antenna housing and because of this payment service refuses to work. It is enough to tighten a couple of screws more tightly and the problem is solved.

Sometimes good contact clogged dust or debris is in the way, you need to completely unscrew the jumper, clean the contact, blow it out and install the part in place.

In some cases, a drop of glue or plastic that was carelessly left when assembling the device interferes with adhesion.

Sometimes users who open their smartphone are in for a bit of a shock - the required spare part and is not in place at all, as are the two screws that should ensure reliable contact. You can find the part in service centers and workshops that buy iPhones for use.

You can order the jumper on AliExpress. There is nothing super-technological in it; it is not necessary to chase the original.

How did this happen

The mount could become loose due to a strong shake or fall of the gadget.

If it doesn't exist at all, it's sure sign that the iPhone was rebuilt. It could be sold under the guise of a restored one or even a new one. This often happens at unauthorized points of sale, when purchasing second-hand, or when ordering an iPhone abroad.

Perhaps the device was repaired and they either deliberately or accidentally forgot to screw on a “useless” part.

In any case, no luck, all that remains is to fix the problem so that everything works.

How to fix it

You need to go to the nearest service center, tell the technician everything inside and out and ask him to tighten the necessary screws in your presence. Taking more than 500 rubles for such a procedure is robbery, bargain.

A handy technician will get everything done in 15 minutes and will be happy with two or three hundred rubles as a thank you.

You can try to carry out the repair yourself. To do this you will need a set of tools and instructions from the guys from iFixit.

Attention! You do all actions with your device at your own peril and risk; the site administration is not responsible for possible consequences

It will be enough to complete the first 9 steps, and then tighten the screws from step 33. There is no need to disconnect the display and other modules.

This is how the common problem with Apple Pay not working is solved, the solution to which is service center They will ask for a lot of money.

Why doesn't Apple Pay work on iPhone 7 and how to fix the problem?

With Apple Pay, users can store all their bank cards in in electronic format. Standard utility Apple Wallet guarantees reliable data encryption and the impossibility of theft from Apple servers.

Despite the many advantages of contactless payment, you may encounter problems using this function. For example, in 2017, many iPhone owners 7, problems began with the operation of saved maps. This type of breakdown still occurs today.

Most likely, the vulnerability will also affect users of newer versions. apple smartphones, so you need to be prepared for problems to arise. Let's look at what to do if Apple Pay doesn't work on iPhone 7 and how to fix this problem at the software or hardware level.

Causes of malfunction

The main reasons why the iPhone stops working contactless payment:

  1. Software. This includes all sorts of bugs and errors that arise in new firmware versions or the problem appears due to incorrect settings, which were set by the user himself;
  2. Hardware failure. The NFC chip and its antenna are responsible for the operation of the function. If the smartphone is dropped or hit, this component may stop working. The antenna needs to be cleaned or replaced;
  3. Case. In addition to the standard reasons, it is important to note that a cover can interfere with the operation of contactless payment. Of course, there will be no harm from ordinary plastic, silicone and leather options, but when using super-protected models, problems may arise with the “phone-terminal” connection;
  4. Breakdown of the terminal or its temporary shutdown. In this case, nothing depends on your smartphone. You should wait until the store employees fix the device or try to pay for the goods at another point of sale.

Troubleshooting a software problem

Before proceeding with hardware repair, make sure that there are no failures at the software level:

  • Create a backup copy of the files and contacts you need and add it to iCloud;
  • Then perform a factory reset;
  • After turning on the phone again, activate it and check the operation of contactless payment. If everything works fine, the problem was an operating system bug. If payment is unsuccessful, proceed with repairs.

Replacing the NFC chip

As we mentioned above, contactless payment works thanks to the built-in smartphone NFC chip. Open back cover phone and check whether the chip's antenna is dirty with dust. In most cases it helps easy cleaning contacts from debris. If you see traces of rust on the contacts, they can be removed with a regular office eraser.

The location of the NFC antenna is shown in the figure:

Buy new part antennas are quite difficult, so to repair NFC in iPhone 7 and other models, they use parts from donor phones. IN official list There are no spare parts from Apple.

Remember that to open the case you will need special set tools that you can buy on YodaMobile:

  • Spudger;
  • Suction cup for detaching the screen;
  • Tweezers;
  • Engineering hair dryer;
  • Mediators;
  • Pentalobe screwdrivers.
Any instructions for self-repair You can find your iPhone 7 on our website, or call a specialist for to any place convenient for you.

Wireless technologies have long been used in mobile phones. This allows them to exchange information without using a cable.

One of these technologies is the NFC specification, which has long been implemented in all modern phones. Get to know her technical features Can .

Basic Concepts

NFC technology is wireless communication, which can only be carried out at a distance of up to 10 cm. This operation is ensured by a special chip built into the device.

The peculiarity of this approach is that data transmission is carried out over secure channels that are difficult to hack to obtain information. This allows you to instantly exchange information that open access you won't quit.

These radio waves are used today to solve several problems:

  1. Organizing payment for purchases through various banking systems. The most common approach, which allows you to use only credit card information, without having one.
  2. Terminals for checking bank card balances. WITH using NFC you can replenish them through special terminals.
  3. Security key to lock the car.
  4. Controlling speakers and transferring data between phones.

iPhone 6 Features

NFC technology is installed by default in this smartphone model. But its support in our country is limited only to the possibility of purchases through the brand Apple store. This is due to the fact that practically no one here is implementing this standard. Today, NFC can be used to pay for metro travel and transfer money, but only through certain banks.

The peculiarity of this device is that it is activated automatically. There is no button on the smartphone that would enable NFC. There are several programs that manage this function, but they involve hacking the phone.

The easiest way to test NFC is to pay for a small purchase or subway fare. To do this you need to use standard program Passbook take a photo credit card. This is where all the settings end.

To make a payment, you must bring your phone to the PayPass terminal. If a confirmation appears on the screen that the payment was successful, then everything is working. Otherwise, the error that has occurred should be analyzed. Only experienced specialists can do this correctly, and you should contact them in case of a malfunction.

With the help of technologyNFC you can not only transfer data from one cell phone to another, but also pay for purchases(for example, purchasing food products in a supermarket).

The decoding is simple - NearFieldCommunication, which, when literally translated into Russian, means near-field communication or communication in nearby space.

Initially, this technology was used for fast contactless payment. Now NFC is replacing plastic bank card and Bluetooth and combines them in one system, which is a fairly practical invention to use. Do you want to make the process of paying for purchases or transferring files easier? Let's figure out how to find out if your phone, tablet or laptop has NFC.

The history of the appearance of technology in the telephone

It is believed that this is a relatively young development. Its appearance dates back to 2004: it was during this period that three famous Nokia company, Philipps and Sony organize the “NFC Forum”, and three years later they integrate the first NFC tags into a Nokia phone.

Smartphone models that support NFC

It should be noted that not all phones support this data transfer technology. It is known that NFC support devices such as:

  • Apple iPhone (from 6S and 6S Plus models);
  • new items in the Galaxy line from Samsung and smartphones from other manufacturers on Android platform(since Android0).

Checking the device for NFC

Would you like to try the technology in practice, but don’t know if this is possible on your device? Let's check.

To do this, carefully open the back cover of the smartphone or tablet, in a situation where it can be moved away without damage, and inspect the gadget’s battery.

When NFC development is present, you will see this abbreviation there. If the cover of the phone/tablet is not removable, the corresponding icon or abbreviation will be located on the outside.

If for some reason you do not want or cannot remove the cover, you can make sure that this method of communication is available in the device settings.

Find the tab " Wireless network", then "More..." and if NFC is available on the device, then there will definitely be a corresponding item there.

How it looks, look at the photo above or in video instructions on how to How check correctlyNFC on the phone:

NFC activation

If you find it on your device, you need to activate access to the technologyNFC. You can do this as follows:

  1. go to the “Settings” section and then “Wireless networks”, “More...”, where previously you could verify the presence of NFC;
  2. confirm by clicking on the item “Allow data exchange when combining > device name > with another”;
  3. Android Beam is immediately activated on your Android smartphone. If this does not happen, click on it and select “Yes” so as not to disrupt the system;

NFC can also be activated in quick menu, in the same place where Wi-fi is turned on. This is done by touching the NFC tag.

Watch the video for more details:

What should I do if my device does not support NFC?

Don't worry if you don't find the built-in feature, there is a way to connect NFC to your device. But this can only be done if the panel cover on the back and the SIM card hole on your smartphone/tablet are removable . Installing NFC in this case will not be difficult.

Installing an NFC module

The optimal solution is to install a special module - an external communication device. It is compatible with almost all smartphones, is easy to use and gives access to NFC without purchasing a new phone.

Types of modules and methods of their implementation

Main types: chips, SIM cards, external devices, stickers. The latter of them are of two types: passive - which do not allow the exchange of data, and active - they use channels for transmission bluetooth connection and Wi-fi, which significantly increases energy consumption.

These stickers are attached to outer shell phone, which is also not very practical.

The most popular of them are:

  • NFC SIM card. Now available for purchase from most mobile operators. You can find out about the availability of such a SIM at a communication store. You just need to install the finished card into your phone or tablet. This type of module is the most affordable and easiest to install.
  • NFC antenna. The second method for which you will need to purchase an NFC antenna. This can be done in a communication salon. Next, the antenna is attached to the SIM card and inserted into the device.

As you have already seen, install the module quite simple and safe : no download required additional applications or programs. However, these services do not completely replace the application Android Pay, but are just some of its many functions.

How to use an NFC tag

An NFC tag is a miniature device in the form of a chip that can be attached almost anywhere: from a phone to insertion under the skin!

We won't use these radical methods, but it's worth noting that contacts, settings, a URL, and other data and commands can be placed on the chip. All gadgets can support the tag.

Data exchange via NFC

The technology can also be used to transfer files.

To transfer data you must take the following steps:

  1. make sure that you have completed NFC and Android Beam activation;
  2. unlock the device, exit “sleep mode”;
  3. check the devices are detected with each other;
  4. connect;
  5. transfer data between devices;
  6. at the end a specific sound signal will sound.

However, not all types of files can be transferred this way. For example, applications cannot be sent.

Advantages and disadvantages of NFC

The main advantages are:

  • low price;
  • small dimensions of the device;
  • high transmission speed;
  • support on almost all mobile devices.

It is worth highlighting the disadvantages:

  • relatively short range;
  • Not all devices are equipped with an NFC chip.

So, thanks to these notes, you have learned quick and simple ways checking your device to ensure it can transmit information and interact with others technical means using Near Field Communication. Following simple instructions this article, you can also find out for yourself whether your smartphone has this technology, be able to integrate NFC into your phone and transfer necessary files at high speed.