Did you drown your iPhone? He can still be saved! (Instructions). iPhone fell into water - solution found

There is a very high chance that your phone may fall into water. Water-repellent accessories and protective cases will help prevent the harmful effects of moisture on an expensive iPhone, but they will not help if the device is completely immersed in a river or bathtub. The slightest wrong move and your favorite gadget ends up in the sink with dishes or in a puddle. The main thing in such moments is to put aside panic and indignation, act quickly and harmoniously. It is the first seconds after contact with water that will be decisive.

Water is an absolutely neutral substance; it cannot greatly damage the hardware components of the phone or destroy contacts at lightning speed, so you can quickly “reanimate” the device. Only prolonged exposure to water can lead to irreversible corrosion of conductive metal elements.

This is what a flooded iPhone leads to

If contact with water was prolonged, take the smartphone to a service center. If the moisture ingress was insignificant and there is no need to contact a specialist, it is better not to use the device for several days.

How does moisture affect speaker sound quality?

Even a few drops of water falling on the protective mesh of the speaker immediately penetrate the membrane. Their action provokes the penetration of dust, even after the liquid evaporates, dirt remains and the speaker membrane is blocked. Thus, under the influence of dust and water, a soundproof barrier is formed, which leads to poor audibility of conversations on the iPhone.

The mesh forms a barrier of water and dust

Algorithm for iPhone falling into water:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to turn on the device. If the device remains on after the fall, turn it off. Otherwise, the phone may burn if water gets on critical chips.
  2. Use an absorbent wipe to blot off any remaining water, and carefully wipe the connectors for the charger and headphones with ear sticks. You can lightly shake the phone to release water.
  3. Do not use a hair dryer or other devices with a stream of hot air for drying. Severe overheating of the gadget can lead to irreversible damage to the sensitive components of the microcircuit. If you really can't wait, use a hairdryer at the lowest temperature and minimum speed. With a powerful air stream, the liquid can be driven even deeper into the most important electronics of the phone, closing the contacts, accelerating the destructive corrosion process.
  4. The following steps are not for everyone, but they helped many. Pour raw rice into a container or bag. Cereals perfectly absorb moisture and “pull” it out of the body of the affected device. Undoubtedly, rice absorbs liquid evaporation well, but its small particles can get into the charger or headphone jacks. To prevent this, it is necessary to use cereals with large grains.
  5. Place the phone there, completely covering it with cereal and leave it for a day.
  6. Remove the iPhone from the rice and thoroughly wipe off any rice dust.
  7. Turn on your smartphone. If this manipulation does not cause any reaction, the battery may be discharged. The battery may not withstand a short circuit caused by moisture and may be completely discharged. Charge the battery. If nothing changes, contact the service center.

Unfortunately, a phone that falls into water will never function as before: the battery may not hold a charge for long, part of the touch screen may fail, there will be sluggishness and a slow response to button presses, and the sound in the speaker will become quiet. When purchasing previously used smartphones, be sure to check the moisture sensors - these are indicators built into the dock connectors and headphone jacks. They change color from white (at rest) to red when exposed to liquid.

So, you can fix your iPhone yourself after falling into water. But it is better to seek qualified help from specialists. They quickly diagnose the extent of damage, replace rusting contacts, and prevent further destructive processes.

Apple brand products have long established themselves in the mobile device market as high-quality and high-tech electronics. However, happy owners of elegant iPhone phones may be disappointed by the fact that their cellular device, in general, is practically not protected from the harmful effects of water. An expensive mobile phone will not save you from protracted “rainy procedures” and the onslaught of liquid from a filled bath. And therefore the question: “What to do if the iPhone fell into the water?” quite relevant. Let’s make a reservation right away: only your efficiency and clear actions will help avoid the fatal outcome of unforeseen “wet” circumstances. Not at all superfluous recommendations and the common sense humor of the story will magically turn you, dear reader, into a technical rescuer. So get ready for a transformation!

Various Internet resources (globally) vying with each other to try the miracle recipe for restoring “soaked” mobile equipment. It is worth noting that this option is not without meaning, but it is certainly not suitable for iPhone devices. Since the rather hermetically sealed case of the specified model will cast doubt on the success of the enterprise, which can be briefly characterized by the phrase: “pulling moisture from the bowels of the device using ... rice.” Since the modern panacea (according to the same sources) that resolves the difficult question “what to do if an iPhone falls into water” is this particular cereal. It is generally accepted that its grains have fantastic properties, “reincarnating” sunken and washed phones. Irony is not appropriate only if the drowned device is first disassembled and the motherboard is completely immersed in the rice. However, treatment with a special agent will also be the final part of the restoration process. Draw your own conclusions: is it worth covering your mobile phone with rice grains and languishing in anticipation (rice technology gives results only after 12-48 hours), like Pinocchio from the famous fairy tale?

If your iPhone falls into water, the first thing you need to do is turn it off. The plan for further action is as follows:

  • There is no need to shake the mobile phone and try to “squeeze” the remaining liquid out of it.
  • Wipe the device dry and, using available tools, try to unscrew the two end screws that are located at the edges of the device’s system connector.
  • Having freed the back cover of the device from the fixing elements, slide this housing part up and lift it.
  • Carefully unscrew the two mounting bolts of the frame that secures the battery connector.
  • Remove the battery by first disconnecting the terminal from the contact pad of the phone's motherboard.

This is the main thing to do when your iPhone falls into water. Next, you should contact a specialist or independently take a number of actions to restore the functionality of the “drowned man”.

In the previous paragraph, the phrase “improvised means” was mentioned, which could easily have been a fastener with sharp edges or an apartment key. As you probably understand, the priority action in the moment of adverse effects of water is the prompt process of de-energizing the phone. Since life-giving moisture in this situation completely loses all its “magical” properties, this is real death for unprotected electronics. Therefore, in order to be fully prepared in the event of an unforeseen “emergency”, for the sake of wisdom, purchase special Apple screwdrivers, which - believe me! - will be needed again and again. After all, our lives are incredibly dynamic, and the repetition of the “iPhone fell into the water” situation is only a matter of time...

It is easiest for a man to decide to carry out repairs on his own to clean the inside of the device from traces of water ingress than for a representative of the fairer sex. However, a technically savvy woman can easily cope with the generally not labor-intensive task of dismantling the housing part of a mobile device.

  • Before you begin the practical implementation of the scenario: “What to do if your iPhone falls into water?”, find a video on disassembling your specific iPhone model.
  • Prepare your work area and tools.
  • You will need rubbing alcohol and a small brush to clean the interior of the case and components on the phone board that have been exposed to water or any other derivative thereof.
  • After you have disassembled the phone with due care and precision, treat each component on the board with alcohol. Using a prepared brush, thoroughly clean the device from moisture.
  • Using a household hair dryer, dry all components and structural parts of the device.
  • Reassemble, making sure that at the end of the process there are no “extra” parts left.

Congratulations: now you know what to do if your iPhone 5 falls into water. However, the principle and algorithm of the restoration process remains unchanged and is identical for literally the entire line of iPhones. Only a few design features should be taken into account during the repair process, which you can easily find out about by looking through the pages of the relevant information resources.

After you have safely assembled your device, the question: “What to do if your iPhone fell into the water?” will most likely seem simple in terms of its implementation. However, it is too early to draw conclusions, since it is necessary to ensure the functionality of the device.

  • Start your phone.
  • Connect the charger. If it doesn’t charge, you can hardly avoid a visit to the workshop. Don't try to fix the situation yourself. This is such a troublesome task.
  • Check the sound quality and functionality If you find any defects, please refer to the advice above.
  • Make a test call and ask the other person how you can be heard. In general, chase the “resurrected from the abyss.”

You now know what to do if you dropped your iPhone in water. However, it would be a good idea to purchase a special case that prevents moisture from getting inside the device. Fortunately, today there are many such accessories on sale - for every taste and color. The reliability and quality of such products often depends on the price. Due to the fact that the iPhone is far from a cheap pleasure, you should not skimp on operational safety.

Don’t be fooled if you purchased the supposedly “waterproof” new iPhone 6. The only barrier to liquid in the sixth model was the rubberized flippers as a structural addition to the device’s navigation buttons. The system connector, speaker and polyphonic speaker are still open to the “water elements”. Therefore, you should not be overly naive and it is pointless to hope that you will never have the question: “What to do if the iPhone fell into the water?” Believe me, despite the real opposite, he will still drown. Take care of your iPhone, it's worth it!

Have you ever dropped your phone? With complete confidence, we can say that this happened to 70% of iPhone users. And for another 30%, after a fall the gadget turned off and did not want to turn on without certain manipulations. This article describes in detail situations when the iPhone has fallen and does not turn on, what to do in such cases and how to deal with the problem yourself.

In order not to deviate from the topic, we will not conduct moral lectures on how to properly handle your device, but will immediately move on to the possible consequences if you dropped your iPhone:

Broken screen

The breakdown may have several variations of the malfunction:

  1. the display is cracked, but partially works;
  2. there is an image, but the sensor does not respond;
  3. completely black or white screen;
  4. total refusal to work with the inability to turn on the device.

If the display is cracked, but its performance remains normal, you do not have to make repairs, but continue to use the device. In some cases, the defect is purely aesthetic. But sometimes, due to everyday vibration, cracks can increase, which in the future can affect image distortion or poor performance of the touch screen. It is better to immediately replace the part yourself or take it to a service center.

Hull deformation

The most harmless result is a simple dent on the surface that does not affect the functionality of the iPhone. But unfortunately, this rarely happens. Dents that may affect the failure of the device to turn on damage the following internal parts:

  • CPU
  • screen control module
  • power supply device
  • power button chip
  • printed circuit board
  • damaged or disconnected display cable
  • broken track on the microcircuit.

This is not the entire list of failed parts that affect the operation of the iPhone. You can determine the breakdown yourself when the device stops functioning by first disassembling the device, but even if you find a broken element, you will not be able to make repairs without special equipment and knowledge. The best thing to do would be to take the phone to a specialist.

Invisible defects

Not always, after an iPhone has fallen and does not turn on, the consequences are dire; it can be revived by a simple reboot. Press and hold the HOME and ON buttons at the same time until the smartphone starts to reboot. If this does not help, then you need to try connecting the device to the computer via iTunes and solving the problem at the software level.

When this procedure does not work, there is only one way out - a service center.

The only plus about invisible defects, provided that the iPhone is still under warranty, is almost 100% replacement of the gadget with a new one from an official dealer (unless, of course, you tell them that you dropped the gadget).

Battery failure

Sometimes, after hitting a hard surface, problems with the battery occur. This could be either a loose cable or damage to it. It is also possible for the battery to swell if the contacts inside it are shorted.

In case of any of these malfunctions, you cannot do without opening the case, since all Apple batteries are built-in.

To replace a battery, you need some skill and a set of tools. Having neither one nor the other, it is better to take the phone to a service center. If you decide to make the replacement yourself, follow the instructions below:

  • First of all, you need to remove the front panel. To do this, you will need a five-blade screwdriver and a special suction cup with a ring. Unscrew the two screws on the sides of the case, attach the suction cup to the bottom area of ​​the screen and, using a special plastic spatula, separate the top panel from the main part of the mobile phone, while simultaneously pulling the display with the suction cup.
  • Now you need to raise the front side so that it is located at an angle of 90 degrees to the bottom of the case. This is necessary because the display is connected by three cables to the main board, which are secured with a bracket. In this position, you need to unscrew the three screws and disconnect the bracket. Using a plastic spatula, disconnect the display, front camera and sensor wires from the microcircuit. That's it, the front part of the iPhone can be completely put aside.
  • Now you need to start releasing the cable coming from the battery. Unscrew the two screws of the metal bracket, remove the clamp itself and release the wire. In order to remove the battery, you need to tear it off the case, because the battery is fixed with glue from the factory. Take a plastic spatula and run it around the perimeter of the battery several times, after which it should come off easily.


Having taken a new battery, perform all the above manipulations in reverse order.

Important! All the screws in the iPhone are of different sizes, so you need to prepare 1.6mm, 1.8mm and 1.2mm penta-blade screwdrivers. When removing the screws, it is better to take a photo or draw a diagram of where what size is screwed in.

Damage to the charging module

The charging module is an intermediary between the battery and the main board; it also distributes the power supply to all parts of the device that require it. You can replace the power controller yourself by purchasing the necessary spare part for your Apple model, but it is better to take the gadget to a service center so as not to aggravate the situation if the repair is carried out incorrectly. After all, a specialist will quickly identify all the problems associated with the repair.

The motherboard has failed

Perhaps this is one of the most significant breakdowns, because the outcome of a fall can be different, from the inability to find the network to complete inoperability when, for example, the iPhone 5s does not turn on. The “motherboard” contains a very large number of different parts and modules, each of which is responsible for its own functionality, and it is possible to analyze a specific malfunction only in a service center, using special equipment.

If some peripheral element fails, then it is possible to repair the system board and restore the phone's operation. When the board itself breaks, you will most likely have to say goodbye to your device. Of course, you can buy a new motherboard and fix everything, but the cost is unlikely to make such a repair worthwhile.

In each Apple model, motherboards have different degrees of strength and the number of modules installed on them. So, for example, modifications 5 and 5s contain a huge number of microcircuits that are easily damaged after a fall. An even more sensitive board is installed on models 4 and 4S, where damage to not only individual parts is possible, but also complete failure of the board.

Power button or cable

After an impact, your phone's power button or its elements may be damaged. The following may break:

  • the key mechanism itself
  • spring membrane
  • contact pad
  • cable or power path

You can determine for yourself that the power button is out of order only when the smartphone is turned on and there is no reaction when you press this key.

Restoring such a fault is considered one of the most expensive, due to the high price of spare parts and it is difficult to fix the breakdown on your own. In order not to overpay, the right decision would be to contact a trusted and reliable service center, where, if possible, they will be able to repair the broken button, and not just offer a complete replacement of the module.


Try to be careful with your favorite iPhone from Apple, because restoring the device’s functionality in most cases costs the owner a large sum. Although many people believe that if a phone is expensive, its body and internal parts are quite reliable and durable, but in practice everything is completely different. If you determine in percentage terms which part of a mobile device breaks down most often, then the answer is clear: 65% is the screen, and the younger the model, the more expensive it is.


The popularity of the iPhone is only increasing every day. This is due to the fact that the device has proven itself only from the best side. The iPhone is not only a high-quality device, but also a multifunctional device. Despite its software protection, the iPhone is not at all protected from water. It doesn’t matter whether the device is caught in a downpour or in a puddle. What to do if your iPhone 6 falls into water?

Effect of liquids on iPhone

What happens to the gadget if water gets on it? The acidity level of the liquid is of great importance. The lower the indicators, the greater the danger the substance poses to the device. The pH level of the water is 7, which is not dangerous for a smartphone. To avoid problems, you need to get rid of moisture quickly.

The most dangerous liquids for iPhone 5 are:

  • Acetic acid: pH = 2.5;
  • Pepsi-Cola: pH = 3;
  • Mineral waters: pH = 3;
  • Orange juice: pH = 3.5;
  • Beer drinks: pH from 3.5 to 6 (depending on the variety);
  • Milk: pH = 6.5.

Unfortunately, oxidation is not the only thing that can happen to the iPhone 5. Water is an excellent conductor of current. When liquid hits the motherboard, the device simply shorts out.

If you drown your smartphone, you need to react immediately. Otherwise, the device will no longer be able to be revived.

Phone in water - what to do

What to do if your iPhone falls into water or other liquid? It is recommended to calm down, as panic will not lead to anything good. It is important to quickly remove the iPhone 5 from the water. The phone must have been in the liquid for less than 10 seconds. If you do not remove the device within 40 seconds, it will no longer be salvageable.

A phone that has been drowning before should be turned off immediately. After this, you need to use a screwdriver to remove the battery. It is important to note that the cover can only be unscrewed with a Pentalobe screwdriver.

If bubbles have accumulated under the film, it must be removed. When droplets do not appear, there is no need to remove the film. As for the cover, you need to get rid of it, as moisture can accumulate under it.

Getting rid of moisture

You need to understand what to do if your iPhone . After removing it from the liquid and turning it off, you need to start drying the device. First you need to use paper napkins. This product absorbs moisture well. Since water may have gotten into the speaker and connectors, you should use a cocktail tube.

The next step is to check all moisture indicators. On the iPhone 3GS (4 and 4S), they are located in the headphone hole and dock connector. As for the iPhone 5 (5S and 6), it has one indicator located in the SIM card slot. If moisture does not get on the “sensors”, then their color will be white. When water gets in, the indicator turns red.

Changing the color scheme of the “sensor” means that you can forget about warranty service. When purchasing a new gadget, you should consider the indicators. They allow you to understand whether the device in front of you is recessed or not.

The device should not be turned on for 2-3 days. It is recommended to contact the service center immediately.

Drying with improvised means

If water gets on your iPhone, you can use folk remedies to get rid of moisture. In fact, there are about 10 ways that your device will become dry. It is worth highlighting the rice that best copes with the task.

So, to dry the device, you need to put rice in a container and then place your iPhone there. It is important that the cereal completely covers the device. The phone will dry for 24 hours.

If the iPhone 6 (or another model) falls into water, this drying method should not be used. Of course, the rice will be able to absorb all the moisture, but the minerals and salts remaining on the contacts will react. As a result, the elements will begin to rot.

What not to do

If your iPhone falls into water, you need to do everything to prevent the phone from turning on. Otherwise there may be a short circuit. To rid a phone that has fallen into liquid, many people will consider using a hair dryer, as the hot air will quickly do the job. In fact, you shouldn't do this. The iPhone has parts that begin to melt when exposed to high temperatures. After such drying, all that remains is to throw away the phone. Before drying the device, you need to think carefully about whether it is necessary to do so.

Those who dropped their iPhone 5 in water don't need to rely on rice. Of course, cereal will rid the device of moisture, but salts and minerals will damage the microcircuit. In this case, rice may become clogged in the connector, which means the device will have to be disassembled in any case. Not everyone can cope with this task on their own.

What happens to the device

Owners of a popular gadget (who drowned an iPhone) should know what happens to the device after exposure to liquid. First of all, it should be noted that the consequences will begin to appear in a few days (weeks):

  • The phone does not turn on;
  • The screen stops responding to commands;
  • The device turns off during operation.

All this happens after exposure to salts and minerals. If you look at the motherboard through a microscope, you can see:

  • Oxidized contacts;
  • Split connectors;
  • Rotting microcircuits.

It is impossible to get rid of such damage on your own. As for replacing the motherboard, this is not a cheap pleasure. However, finding such a component part is not easy.

Signs of chip rotting

After self-drying or poor-quality repairs in “garages”, the phone can be turned on, but not for long. After a week, the following changes will appear:

  • Rapid battery drain;
  • Reducing screen sensitivity several times;
  • Problems appearing with the Wi-Fi module (connection constantly disappears);
  • Changing the sound level, it can also disappear completely;
  • The device may be turned off.

If such “symptoms” were noticed, it would be quite difficult and expensive to revive the phone. Rarely do specialists undertake such work. It will be easier to buy a new smartphone.

Do I need to contact a service center?

Every person's phone can fall either on the floor or in water. If the iPhone is completely wet and liquid gets inside, you won’t be able to revive the device on your own. It is recommended to go to a service center as soon as possible.

Before the specialist begins the inspection, it is necessary to tell under what circumstances the phone “managed to drown.” Most likely, drying of parts, and possibly repairs, will take at least 3 days.

The specialist will have to fully examine every detail under a microscope. Remaining moisture is removed using directed air flow. As for salts, they can be removed with a toothbrush and Contact Cleaner.

If a person does not “drown” the iPhone in rice, but immediately goes to the service center, in 70% of cases the device will be revived. If the “drowned person” was taken to the “intensive care unit” a day later or after a long stay in the water, you can think about purchasing a new gadget.

Video instructions: what to do if water gets into your iPhone


It is best not to get into such an unpleasant situation. If your iPhone does fall into water, you need to quickly remove it from the liquid and then turn it off. To save your gadget, you must immediately go to a specialized center. The faster the device is delivered for diagnosis and repair, the greater the chance that the device will function normally. You shouldn’t waste money, because it’s easier to pay 1,000 rubles for inspection and drying than to then spend tens of thousands on buying a new iPhone.

No one is safe from an iPhone falling - no matter how careful the user is with his equipment. However, the worst thing is if the smartphone falls into the water - a few seconds (and sometimes even one second) are enough for the iPhone to be silent forever, depending on your luck. There are several ways to save an iPhone after contact with water, and we will talk about them in this article.

Many people have heard about an approximate plan of action in the event of any device falling into water - advice immediately comes to mind with drying it on a radiator, with a hairdryer or in rice. However, few people know the correct sequence of performing all these actions, and few are familiar with the details of the same drying. So what should you do if your iPhone falls into water?

Note: if the iPhone has been in water for a long time, for example, 30 seconds or more, it is better to immediately go to a service center and not make any attempts to resuscitate the device yourself.

Drying the iPhone

Important: you cannot turn on the iPhone in order to check its functionality. Even if the water did not cause serious harm, play it safe and follow the instructions described below. Turning on a water-damaged device can lead to permanent failure.

The first thing to do is try to wipe the device as quickly as possible and begin preparations for drying. The ideal solution would be to disconnect the battery, but without the skills to disassemble an iPhone, this is unlikely to be possible. In this case, you need to remove the SIM card tray, pick up a regular hair dryer and start drying the device. Be careful, it is not advisable to turn on the hair dryer at maximum speed and temperature - this can only make things worse.

An alternative method can also help, the idea of ​​which is to dry the iPhone with rice. Rice perfectly absorbs moisture, and cases of gadgets being saved after falling into water have been recorded more than once. Skepticism aside, take the sunken iPhone and place it in a bag of rice for 12-24 hours, best done after an initial blow-dry.

Turn on iPhone

And now, a day has passed since you accidentally dropped your iPhone into the water. The smartphone was dried and now lies in a bag of rice, awaiting its fate. Statistics show that even if the water ingress is not very strong and all the above instructions are followed correctly, the iPhone will “come to life” in 65% of cases, however, you need to prepare for the worst.

If the iPhone does not turn on, unfortunately, you will have to take it to a service center, in the hope that the contacts remain intact and can be restored. Repairs, depending on the number of defects, can be estimated at 1000-10000 rubles.