A quick program for creating an autorun menu. How to create Autorun on a disk or flash drive

CD Autorun Creator v2.0.6
In order not to get confused in the contents of a large number of disks, you can create an autorun file for them. Autoran will display a menu where you can view a description of the programs on the disk, run the installation of the program, etc. CD Autorun Creator allows you to quickly create autorun files. The program is so easy to configure that even novice users can easily figure it out.
http://www.qwerks.com/download/4673/cdarc.zip, 3.9 Mb

Autorun Inf Editor 1.0
Making an autorun file is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In order to run any file from the CD, you need to write the autorun.inf file to the root of the disk, in which you need to specify the parameters of the autorun file. The Autorun.inf Editor utility allows you to quickly and easily create autorun.inf files. In its settings, you specify the application that will be launched immediately after the system detects a CD in the drive, and the icon that will be assigned to this disk in the Explorer window. You can also set the volume label and write commands context menu, which will be used when working with the disk.
http://download.com.com/3000-2084-10238045.html?tag=lst-2-8 , 121, Kb

AutoPlay Media Studio
Professional program to create autoruns. Has everything necessary tools For quick creation startup files. Among its additional features:
- A special manual for beginners, created at the request of users.
- A large number of autorun window styles.
- Built-in CD burning utility.
- Utility for mixing audio files.
- Spellchecking.
http://www.autoplaystudio.com/site/download_free_trial.php, 29.6 Mb

AutoRun Pro 2.0
The AutoRun Pro utility is designed for developing interactive shells that automatically launch when you start a CD/DVD. C using AutoRun Pro you can create a menu with a navigation system for the contents of the disc, all kinds of presentations, an application installation wizard and much more. The design of the created shell depends only on your imagination. When creating a startup file, you can use raster and vector graphics, sound accompaniment, Flash and Java applets, HTML code, etc.
http://www.tucows.com/preview/345475.html, 1.2 Mb

Easy Autorun Creator 1.2.1
Simple program to create autoruns. It is suitable for both beginners and more experienced users. Easy Autorun Creator can include data obtained as a result of scanning folders in the autorun menu. The program supports scanning up to the sixth level. Easy Autorun Creator also automatically creates file descriptions and has a large number of tools for creating HTML pages. The finished autorun is written to a file with the extension .exe.
http://aw-software.com/downloads/setup_eac.exe, 3.3 Mb

CD Start-It 1.4
A program that can help you properly design a presentation CD-ROM. Your partners should probably appreciate the autorun of certain types of files, dynamic menus links, splash windows.
Among other features of the program:
- Execute files from disk.
- Playing sound and video files.
- Inserting hyperlinks.
- Sending mail.
http://www.tucows.com/preview/326300.html, 2.1 Mb

CDRoller 5.21
CDRoller is a software package for working with CDs. It includes the following utilities:
- Data CD browser and content reader - disk file manager showing the contents of the CD.
- CD-ripper - a utility for copying audio tracks to HDD. This utility"sees" Cda tracks as regular files, which can be copied to the hard drive.
- CD-tester - a utility that tests a CD for performance.
- CD-cataloger - compact cataloguer.
- CD Data Rescue - a utility that allows you to recover information from damaged CD. If it is no longer possible to recover the data, CD Data Recovery will allow you to copy the undamaged part of the file/directory.
http://www.cdwalker.com/download/CDRoller.zip, 1.4 Mb

CD Tray Pal 1.0
Convenient free utility for managing CD-ROM devices. CD Tray Pal “hides” in the system tray and, if necessary, opens and closes the CD-ROM tray."a. The program allows you to work with several devices at the same time and has options for opening and closing all trays. Other features of CD Tray Pal include providing information about disks located in the CD-ROM - about the volume label, serial number and size.
http://download1.e-systems.ro/cdtraypal.zip, 180 Kb

AutoPlay Menu Builder 4.0
AutoPlay Menu Builder is one of the most popular programs to create autorun files for CD. Its main advantage is that it does not require programming knowledge to work with it. The program has clear interface, thanks to which even the most inexperienced user can create your own autorun in a matter of minutes. The menu compiled using AutoPlay Menu Builder allows you to navigate through recorded files and folders, navigate the contents of the disc, launch applications, etc.
http://www.linasoft.com/download.html, 1.6 Mb

CD Drive Tool 2.3
This one is small free program useful for those who work on a computer with two or more CD drives, as well as virtual disks. To never forget which disk is in which drive, use the CD Drive Tool. The program allows you to work with five or even seven drives simultaneously. With its help, you can open and close CD-ROMs, run discs, disable or enable the autorun option, change the default audio player. After launch, the program turns into an icon in the system tray, which can look like the letter CD ROM or The DVD you're in this moment work, or be presented in the form of an icon of a disk that is in the drive.
http://www.simtel.net/pub/pd/58547.html, 705 Kb

Anti-lost CD Ejector Pro 2.2
This small program is intended primarily for absent-minded users who forget CDs in the drive. When you turn off your computer, Anti-lost CD Ejector Pro will remind you to remove the disc by pulling out the drive tray. For such a simple function, the program has a huge number of settings. Anti-lost CD Ejector allows you to control the CD-ROM using keys quick access, enable/disable the autorun function, automatically close the tray, use the middle mouse button to control the drive, etc.
http://www.softpile.com/Utilities/Disk_Utilities/Download_10590_1.html, 769 Kb

CDEject 2.61
If you have small children at home, you should be very familiar with the situation when, due to excessive curiosity, they try with all their might to “study” the structure of any technology. This utility allows you to block the control buttons of the CD drive, intercepting all its functions. You can control CDEject using hotkeys, and the program can be hidden in invisible mode.
http://www.web-thread.com/zip/cdeject.zip, 916 Kb

Express CD-Ejector v1.0.6
A user who is accustomed to his computer tries to make working on it as convenient as possible. Express CD-Ejector is another utility that will help you with this. Its only purpose is to open and close the CD-ROM tray. This can be done using hot keys or by clicking on the program icon in the tray. The program is free and takes up very little space on your hard drive.
http://www.contextmagic.com/ftp/CDEjectorSetup.exe, 90 Kb

CDCheck v3.1
After you have recorded another disc CD-R or CD-RW, it would be a good idea to check it for errors. This can be done using the CDCheck utility. This program consists of several utilities that allow you to quickly and accurately check your media. To determine the quality of the recorded disc, the program uses checksum all files on the media. Information provided by CDCheck includes: the amount of information read compared to the total disk space, the data read speed in Kb/sec, the current and approximate disk scan time, and the number of file folders scanned. The media check result can be saved in text file or as a MS Excel table.
http://www.elpros.si/CDCheck/CDCheckSetup.exe, 827 Kb

CDMenu 2.00
With this program the user can create various menus autorun CD. Such menus can be used to navigate the disc, interactive learning, presentations, etc. In addition to the executable file, the program generates the Autorun.inf file, which contains autorun parameters. The Profesional Edition allows you to use created menu sound and player AVI video files.
http://download.ks-sw.com/menuse20001.exe, 2.37 Mb

A utility for creating copies of CDs that are completely identical to the original. The program writes discs in RAW mode, providing the user with full control behind the recorded data. Russian language is supported.
http://www.slysoft.com/download/SetupCloneCD.exe, 2.3 Mb

Marina Bondarenko

Hello again super hacker. :) Now you are interested in the name - “Do it yourself Autorun”. Well, let’s figure it out, as you understand, this does not apply to the field of hacking, it’s just experience and skill that can be useful to you always and everywhere.
I'm 101% sure that you've at least once stuck some kind of game disc in your new cider!!! And knowing that after you inserted it. A beautiful window with all sorts of menus and buttons appeared before your eyes.

Now this is practiced everywhere, both on discs with games, and on discs with docks, music, even on my cleaning disc there is this. At all AutoRun invented for lamers who don’t know what to click to install the game or find the desired abstract on the disk. But some people use it for convenience and so as not to have to climb the disk too much.

But right now you’ll ask: “Why the hell should I be so happy?”
I answer: “Well, let’s say you collected all the hacking or programming programs on one disk. And then a neighbor with big breasts asks you for this disk. Would you refuse her? And then she will call you all evening or finally come home (Then don’t read any further;)). Silly questions, not everyone can stand this.
And if you write Autorun, the disk itself will tell her what to do. They'll come out on the screen beautiful pages or windows with buttons and information:
"Installation, removal, configuration." And you won't have to explain anything to anyone. And when I was writing this article, I realized that there is no need to perform such a trick with a busty blonde, tell her to come to you, and you will tell and show her everything. But it’s not for me to explain to you: .(PS - This applies to males and ceilings...)

So, let's start learning:

An autorun can be made from anything, be it *.exe *.bat *.com *.txt *.html files. It all depends on your knowledge. Autorun itself is created in Notepad and is always called the same “Autorun.inf”, create a file with that name and enter it into it


There are two parameters "icon=ico.ico" , this is the disk icon that will be displayed in Explorer instead of the standard one. There are plenty of icons on the net, or draw them yourself, it’s not difficult. You can install the ArtICO program or draw a small bmp in Paint and change the extension to ico. The icon will be ready.


he will write that "index.html is not a Win32 application", what a stupid masday :)
For such a case, in all Chip Log disks there is a start.exe file, copy it to your disk and write this

open=start.exe index.html

Your index will open in the Browser, you can write such a mess yourself in any programming language in 2 lines. If you have brains.
So, you can make Autorun via (Web interface) html as a Website...
*.bat will execute perfectly on its own, did you get the hint?? It can be made hidden and launched when needed.

Naturally, you can leave “Autorun.inf” on the disk itself and shove other files anywhere, for example, like this


This file will also work on hard drives, that is, you can make an icon for your hard drive. But on floppy disks this doesn’t work, they don’t see it, but it’s a pity!
If you want to get creative, you can copy the io.sys file from the main drive c: and burn it to a CD. And if the user forgets to remove the disk, then Windows will not boot. Smart people We came up with protection against scammers in the form of a BAT file. And protected your disk with a password. But that's a different conversation. As they say: “Everything is limited by imagination, and what more topics the ideas will become more delusional and more intelligent. ;)))!!!"

Using AutoRun you can run any programs from the user's hard drive.
Having created bat file and having registered it in Autorun, you can launch a Virus to it without the user’s knowledge, so that he will not notice, you can delete something, install something, etc. without his knowledge.
But spoiling blanks just for fun is not a big deal and it’s expensive!

There is a program AutoPlayMenu with its help you can easily create autoruns. You can even make an autorun in C++ and another programming language. In general, you understand that everything is limited only by your imagination and capabilities, and this is where we will end our educational article.

No matter what experts from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) say, it’s not just music pirates who use the CD-R/RW disc recording functions. In a business environment, recording information onto a CD turns out to be the most in a convenient way conveying the necessary information to target audience. Reliable and mobile CD drives are the most popular means of distribution today. PowerPoint presentations, HTML documents, PDF forms, Flash animations and any other business data.

CD autorun feature found in almost all operating systems, makes the user's life much easier. A simple text file autorun.inf is responsible for managing autorun, which can be created using one of many special utilities, and independently - there would be a text editor and minimum set knowledge.

Method one

This idea was spotted on the forum http://www.cyberforum.ru/html/: since the autorun.inf file of the basic configuration determines which program should be launched when a CD is inserted into the drive and which icon should be displayed when viewing the disc using Windows Explorer (Windows Explorer) or any other file manager. Then the text file should be placed in root directory disk and contain the following lines:


The icon file should also be stored in the root directory of the disk.

Another variant

If the autorun program is not stored in the root directory of the disk, you should specify the path to it in the autorun.inf file:


Sometimes for automatic start programs may need to specify an argument:

open=program_name.exe /argument

Autorun without program

If presentations are recorded on the disc, PDF files or HTML documents for clients, investors and employees, the autorun.inf file should look slightly different, and the command file should be stored in the root directory of the disk DOS file. In this configuration, the autorun.inf file runs a batch file, which opens the files written to disk using the default application selected for of this type files. For example:

open=autorun.bat index.htm

And the autorun.bat file should contain the following code:

echo off
@start %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

Another variation of the same scenario involves using the ShellExecute command:


Using the autorun.inf file to autorun self-burned CDs will save users unnecessary headaches and increase the likelihood that important information will reach the recipients. And since this is a simple text file, it can be created using any text editor and just burn it to disk.

Method two

The autorun.inf file created using the first method will work on any computer - with the exception of those in which the autorun function does not work at all for one reason or another. Batch file, used in the first case, does not provide for the likelihood of errors, and therefore simply does not work if errors do occur.

In this case, a shell utility from one of the third party manufacturers. Such utilities contain mechanisms for resolving common errors, which allows you to complete the autorun process even if a failure occurs. Our example uses the autorun.exe utility, which can be downloaded from the Tarma Software Research website. The Tarma utility can be used freely and freely for both individual and commercial purposes without any licenses or user agreements.

To use the utility, you simply need to replace autorun.bat with autorun.exe in the autorun.inf file. Then a simple autorun.inf file will look like this.

A file in Windows OS located in the root of the disk.
Every time you open a disk (local, portable, or the one in the drive) or USB flash drive(a common case) the system immediately checks for its presence of this file. If it is there, she looks at what is written there and launches it.
This is a startup file that tells the system what to do when the disk starts.

It is usually used for good purposes. Have you ever wondered why, when you open a disk with a program or game inserted into the drive, it immediately displays beautiful menu with choice further actions? And also usually the disk icon is replaced with another one from the creators of the game/program. So, it’s all because of this file.

And it is precisely because of these properties that viruses love it so much that they write a path in it to launch their malicious code.

What is the Autorun.inf file?
This is normal Text Document(although it is hidden), inside of which the code for launching programs is written. And it can also be opened and edited using standard Notepad.

Typically the Autorun.inf file contains the following code:


1 is the path to the program
2 - program name
3 - icon
4 - disc name (label)

This is just an example. There are a lot of commands for it, but it’s enough for a general idea.

How to create an Autorun.inf file for autorun?
This is a kind of guide to pranks

1) Create a text document called Autorun.
2) Create a folder vindavoz.
3) Open our Autorun and paste it there


4) Save it with the extension .inf
5) Place the file and folder in the root of the disk

The result should be the following:
When loading a disk (or flash drive), the icon will be the one MyIcon.ico. The disc title will be Vindavoz. And it will open right away MyProg.exe with the name in the autorun menu Prog.

Of course, all these names are for example and they should already be in the folder vindavoz.
Well, for “beauty”, you can make these folders and files hidden.

You can also simply make the disk name and icon. Surprising your friends with the fact that your flash drive will have its own name is not new. But when the icon is different, that’s a trick
The contents of the AutoRun.inf file will then be like this:


True, some antiviruses may swear at this, but you know that there is nothing dangerous in it.

AutoRun.inf file and viruses
The autorun.inf file is now widely used for distribution computer viruses via flash drives and network drives. To do this, virus authors write a name executable file With malicious code in the open parameter. When an infected flash drive is connected, Windows launches the file recorded in the “open” parameter for execution, resulting in the computer becoming infected.

Located in random access memory infected computer, the virus periodically scans the system in order to search for new disks, and when they are detected (when connecting another flash drive or network drive) creates autorun.inf on them with a link to a copy of its executable file, thus ensuring its further distribution.

How to delete the AutoRun.inf file?
Usually the virus tries to protect itself in every possible way: it makes itself hidden, cannot be deleted, does not allow access to the flash drive, etc.

In order to remove this dirty trick manually, we will use command line (win+r-> enter cmd).
1) Go to the infected flash drive (look at the drive letter in My Computer)


I have a flash drive under the letter g, so instead of it you should write your letter.

2) Change the file attributes to normal

attrib -a -s -h -r autorun.inf

If everything is done absolutely correctly, nothing will change. If an error was made, the corresponding information will appear.

3) Remove the virus

del autorun.inf

How to remove AutoRun.inf virus using
I already wrote above how to get to the Registry Editor. We need a branch

and delete the Shell subsection in it. You can delete everything in the MountPoints2 section this way, but then information about all media will be deleted. You decide.

You can also use a program that blocks the creation of the autorun.inf file and makes it impossible to autorun any malware. Creates special folder and file that do not take up disk space.
A couple more programs that can help you, in my opinion, are .

How to protect yourself from AutoRun.inf viruses?

Of course Disable autorun!
I wrote a little about this in the article, in particular in the first tip. It described how to disable autorun using standard using Windows, and now I will describe how to do this “hard” using the Registry Editor.
Open the registry editor ( win+r->enter regedit ) and follow the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer in which we create a DWORD parameter (32 Bits)

NoDriveTypeAutoRun with dword:000000ff value

Now let's make the protection even stronger
The fact is that the Windows OS does not allow you to create files and folders with same names, because for her the difference between a file and a folder is only one bit.

If anyone tries to argue with me about this, create a folder anywhere and then a file with the same name .
It is with name, without extension.

Therefore, if the autorun.inf folder exists, then a file with that name will no longer be able to be created. So the initial option is to create a file or folder called autorun.inf. The virus will see that such a name already exists, will be offended and leave with nothing.
This may be true, but... There are “intelligent” viruses that will understand that there is a file or folder with that name and can easily delete your created folder (file) and write their own autorun.inf file, which will launch viruses.
To solve this problem, we will create a super-duper undeletable folder. Which can only be deleted if you format the flash drive.

So, to create such a folder, you need to create a simple text document in Notepad with the following content:

attrib -s -h -r autorun.* del autorun.* mkdir "\\?\%~d0\autorun.inf\vindavoz..\" attrib +s +h %~d0\autorun.inf

Click File - Save as... and enter any name, but the main thing is that it is .bat
For example vindavoz.bat.
Then copy this file to the USB flash drive and run it.
As a result, you should get an autorun.inf folder inside of which there will be an undeletable vindavoz folder

Well, for those who don’t want to bother with this, I have prepared this file in the archive.
All you need to do is download it, unpack it, transfer the vindavoz.bat file to a flash drive (disk) and run it.

By the way, if the folder remains visible after this, change its attribute to hidden by right-clicking on it and selecting Properties

This "Focus" will not work on NTFS system, but flash drives often use FAT, so you can use it.

Why make a folder within a folder? Yes, because the autorun.inf folder serves as an “indicator”. And if, after wandering around computers, it came to you and its attribute is not hidden, then the viruses already wanted to delete it and register in it, which is why they changed the attributes. Feel free to search for strangers hidden files and delete them. These will be viruses.

How to create Autorun on a disk or flash drive?

Without use third party programs and, without having any special skills, you can perform many different actions on computers.

For example, you can speed up the system, run different procedures projector and even create an autorun for any removable media memory.

How to create Autorun on a disk or flash drive? When you insert a disk or flash drive into your computer, it appears standard window, where you are asked to select an action (for example, open a folder). This is not always convenient; for example, if a disc contains a game or program, it makes sense to add an automatic launch file to it.

Creating Autorun.inf for a flash drive and disk in 5 minutes

When a flash drive or disk is connected to the computer, the system immediately checks whether it contains the Autorun.inf file. If it is, then it starts immediately.

You can create it yourself and add any program to it so that it loads automatically. For example, if you have a flash drive with useful program, immediately after connecting it, it will start.

What is Autorun.inf? This is a regular text document and can be created in Notepad. It doesn't take much intelligence to fill it out. Open notepad and add these lines there:

  • open= program.exe
  • icon= icon.ico

Instead of the word program, you must specify the name of the file to be launched. Instead of an icon, the name of the icon. That’s it, click save and don’t forget to indicate the format in the title:

This text file needs to be added to a disk or flash drive. In the same folder with it there should be an icon and a file in .exe format (which will be launched). Therefore, on the flash drive or disk everything should look like this:

Folders are needed for the program to work; the icon and autorun are needed for automatic launch. The program itself is also located in this folder.

If you add Autorun.inf to root folder, and the icon or program will be in other folders, the address will need to be specified in full (open= Audio/555/program.exe

If you want Autorun.inf to do additional functions, add a couple more lines to it:

  • open= program.exe
  • action= launch Workion program
  • icon= icon.ico
  • label= flash drive name

The action function opens the text when autorun starts. The label line will come in handy if you are tired of seeing the usual inscription “ Removable drive", she replaces the name.