How to change your login in Odnoklassniki if you forgot. How to change login in Odnoklassniki

Today we will learn how to change your login in Odnoklassniki. There are several quite interesting and simple approaches that even the most novice user can implement. True, not all are as effective as we would like. Let's quickly get started with today's topic.

What is this?

But before you change your login in Odnoklassniki, you need to generally have an idea about this object. What it is? Why is it needed?

In order to log in to any system on the World Wide Web, we will have to obtain a name and password. The first item in this list is nothing more than a login. Without it, frankly, you will not be able to log in and use many sites/programs. So this is a very important element of the World Wide Web.

Login and password in Odnoklassniki can be hacked. Therefore, users quite often think about constantly and regularly changing them. But this question can be interpreted in several meanings. We will understand everything that can be meant by this concept.

From the questionnaire

So, the first scenario may seem banal to some (those who have used this social network), and unusual to others (for new users). Let's figure out how to change the login used for authorization in Odnoklassniki. That is, we will change the name of your work profile with you. It's not as difficult as it might seem.

Now we must move on to the profile settings. To do this, click the appropriate inscription (lowest) under your profile image on the left side of the page. As soon as you do this, a window will appear in front of you, where we will work with you.

In the menu that appears, click on “Login”, and then “Change”. Here you will have to enter the special security code that you entered when creating your profile. It is either sent to your mobile phone (in this case you will receive a new combination), or entered personally by you (the old one). Click on the appropriate button and then enter the code. Next, you need to enter your mobile number, and then your new login. Confirm your actions by entering your password and clicking on the appropriate button. That's all. Now you can log into Odnoklassniki using the login and password that you just set.

List of authorized

And now we will learn another rather interesting approach to solving the issue. The fact is that if many people were on your computer on a social network, then most likely their logins were also saved. So let's figure out how to return everything to its place (namely, put your data in the appropriate field).

This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you are thinking about how to change your login in Odnoklassniki when logging in, you will have to go to the main page of the social network. Have you come in? Now enter your details and then check the “remember me” box. Log in to the system. That's all. Now in the list of logins your name will be in first place. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here.


Well, we already know how to change the login in Odnoklassniki. Now let's see how you can remove it from the main page (after authorization). Honestly, there are several ways here, but they all give the same result.

For example, you can clear your cookies. Go to your browser settings, and then select "History" - "Delete". Modern apps give you a choice of cleaning settings. Leave a tick next to "cookies" - that's it.

You can also install CCleaner for yourself, set the browser check in the application settings, and then click on “Analysis”. Finally, click on “Cleanup”. That's all. Now all logins and passwords ever entered will be cleared.

When registering on the Odnoklassniki website, you were asked to provide a phone number, enter a password for the page being created and provide some other personal information. Thus, your login, which is required to enter the site, automatically became the entered phone number.

In this article we will figure out how you can change it. If your phone number to which the page is assigned has changed, then I advise you to be able to restore access to your profile without any problems. In order to, read the following article. If you need, by clicking on the link, you can read the material on this topic.

How to change the login for a page

So, to change it for your Odnoklassniki profile, open your page. In the menu under the main photo, click on the “Change settings” link.

On the “Basic” tab, in one of the lines you will see the required item. Hover your mouse over it, the “Edit” button will appear, click on it.

After this, a window will appear in which it will be written that to change your login, a special code will be sent to your phone number, which is indicated in your profile. Again, let me clarify, if your number has changed, then indicate it in the settings, the link to the detailed article is given above. Click "Request New Code".

Enter the code that came in the message into the appropriate field and click “Verify code”.

In the next window, in the “Password” field, enter the current password for your page, and in the “New Login” field, come up with and enter what suits you. To do this, use Latin letters (the keyboard layout must be English), numbers and valid characters. For example, Katerina_Alex86, or it could be a Russian word, and the result will be a set of letters: Rfnthbyf_Fktrc86.

Change username from phone

For those who use the Odnoklassniki mobile application, everything is done in the following way. From the side menu, go to Settings.

Then open Profile Settings by clicking on your name at the top.

Go to “Personal Data Settings”.

You will be notified that an SMS will be sent to your phone to change it. If your number has changed, click on the “Change number” link and enter the one that is current at the moment. Click "Request new code".

Enter the code in the field provided and click “Verify Code”.

Enter your current password and new username to access your page. Click "Save".

If you have forgotten your Odnoklassniki login and cannot access your page, then read the article on how to recover a forgotten password (the link to it is given above). Change the site login password using your phone, or email, or profile link.

Once you have access to your page again, go to settings and see your current login. It’s better to write it down somewhere, along with the password for your page.

I hope everything worked out. Enjoy your time online!

A login is a set of alphabetic (Latin) and numeric characters that users use to log into a social network. On Odnoklassniki, it is selected when the user registers or is installed automatically. Often, for greater convenience and to avoid frequent requests for data loss, a phone number can be used instead of a user login, which is not always convenient.

Change login to OK

Changing personal data on Odnoklassniki is a free, publicly available option, but not every social network user knows how to change their login and password. Let's figure this problem out! We bring to your attention step-by-step and most detailed instructions for the process of replacing a login on Odnoklassniki:

First of all, you need to open your page on Odnoklassniki. When you log in, you will be offered the choice of entering the phone number you specified during registration, or your own email address, as well as a security password.

The page will contain information such as:

In order to replace data, you need to enter the settings menu, which is located directly under your photo and is called “Change settings”.

The “Basic” setup menu contains information about the user and you can change it here. Move your mouse cursor to the window called “Login” and the “Change” function will become available. The password changes in the same way.

To change the information, you need to confirm your actions by entering a code that the system will send to your phone number absolutely free of charge. It is previously impossible to change your login without using the phone number specified during registration. If you have not yet linked your page to a phone number, then in order to replace data and carry out any other operations, you will have to do this.

Enter the 6 received numbers in the special window and click on the “Confirm code” button.

Now you need to enter your old login password and the new login that you created for yourself and click on the “Save” button.

Login rules

  1. The combination should not be too short, that is, consist of less than 6 characters. For example: Fiona.
  2. To compose, you need to use only Latin letters and Arabic numbers, otherwise the system will say that the login was entered in the wrong format.
  3. You cannot use a combination that is already occupied by another user. If the combination you came up with was previously liked by someone else, just add a few more letters or numbers to it. For example: Fiona4 is a busy login, but Fiona4Fiona4 or Fiona443322 are free.


Having a login in the form of a personal phone number is not pleasant for everyone, so they often ask how to change the ego to another. To change it, you need to go to your profile and on the left under the Avatar (where your photo is located) select the “Settings” link. After which the user is taken to the profile settings.

In the profile settings, you need to select the first tab “Basic”, in it we see our login, password and other settings (after registration, by default the login is the phone number). Click on the link under the “edit” login.

If the phone number was not confirmed immediately upon registration, then Odnoklassniki will offer us to do this at this stage. You need to click “Request a new code” after which the system will send it to our number (the number is specified during registration, also known as login). The code that will come via SMS must be entered in the window that will open.

If the confirmation procedure was successful, then a window will open in front of us where we can enter a new login; to do this, first enter the password (valid for logging into Odnoklassniki), and then the new login and click “Save”.

Now we see in the profile settings a new Login with which we can access our Odnoklassniki page.

Congratulations, you have now successfully learned how to change your login in Odnoklassniki (odnoklassniki, You can freely use and enjoy interesting pages of your friends.

Restoring access to the page from classmates is divided into 2 or 3 stages:

Treating your computer for viruses (if there has been a hack as a result of a PC being infected with a Trojan);
Search for a personal page (profile) on the website of classmates;
Application for restoration;
Search page
To recover your password from classmates, go to the main page of the site ( In the window where you enter your username and password there is a link “Forgot your password?” Click on it.

Search for a profile in Odnoklassniki to restore access

If a phone number was linked to the page and you have access to it, then you should try starting with this method. Click on “Phone”. Next, select the country and indicate the number itself. Click “Continue”.

If you remember the e-mail attached to the page, click on “Mail”, enter the e-mail and click “Continue”

In a similar way, you can find a profile by clicking on “Login” or “Link to profile”.

If you do not remember any data, then click on the “Contact us” link, which is located just below the 4 buttons. A window like this will open.

Contacting the support service of the social network OdnoklassnikiYou will need to fill out the feedback form as completely as possible, describing the problem and click on “Send a message”. In about 3-5 days, a response from the classmates support service will be sent to the email address specified in the message.

If you remember some data and did everything correctly, and the scammers did not have time to change the phone number from your page, then regardless of which of the four methods was used, a window will open with the choice of method for obtaining a recovery code (if not, then read here):

get recovery code in Odnoklassniki

1. Select “SMS to number...”. Next, click on “Send code”

get a recovery code in Odnoklassniki2. We are waiting for an SMS with a six-digit code to arrive. If the SMS has not arrived after 2 minutes, then we try to request a second one by clicking on the “Request code again” link that appears below.

enter the code from the SMS on the website ok.ru3. Enter the code from the SMS and click “Confirm”.

1. Select “Email...”. Next, click on “Send code”;

2. You should receive a letter to the email associated with your account: “You have made a request to change your password on “Confirm password change” You can also enter the code on the recovery page: XXXXXX...”

Letter from Odnoklassniki

You can either click on the green “Confirm password change” button, or enter the code from the letter and click “Confirm”.

enter the code in Odnoklassniki

Now we are asked to come up with a password. I strongly recommend using COMPLEX passwords (see example in the picture)! (Instructions “How to come up with a complex password”)

Enter a new password


Your Odnoklassniki password has been changed. If you have not changed your Odnoklassniki password, you can reset it using this link

Always yours, Odnoklassniki"

All. You have managed to restore access to the website!

Odnoklassniki blocked for suspected hacking. What to do?
So, you entered your login and password from your classmates and something like this message appeared in front of you:

My Odnoklassniki profile has been blocked for suspected hacking. What to do?

How to restore the page in Odnoklassniki in this case? Depending on the degree of blocking, will ask you to either enter a phone number or guess from your friends’ photos. In the first case, to unlock classmates you will need to enter a phone number, click on “Continue”, and then enter the code sent by SMS. In the second case, you will be shown photos of your friends, and you will need to correctly indicate their names. You cannot influence the choice of unlocking method. If, for example, you received an SMS, but the number is no longer available, you will have to write to support saying that this is how it is - you cannot unblock it for suspected hacking.

Classmates blocked for violating site rules
Most often, you need to restore your Odnoklassniki page after violating rules 7.4.22 and 7.4.9. In such a situation, two options are possible:

You were hacked and the site rules were violated on your behalf.
You actually broke something.
If you have not violated the rules yourself, then:

We treat your computer for viruses! This is a must. Odnoklassniki recommends Cezurity antivirus, but I still recommend using Dr.Web CureIt.

You need to contact the website support service, be sure to indicate the following information:

Your first and last name;
E-mail address;
Phone number;
Country and locality where you live;
Link to profile or ID.
All submitted data must correspond to what you specified on the page. If you were registered under a fictitious name or, for example, your age does not correspond to your real one, then you need to indicate the one in the application form. There are also cases when you are asked to send a photo against the background of the monitor plus a scan of documents. In this case, you will have to write your real age and FI in parentheses and explain that this is how it is – he lied a little in his profile.

In addition, it is necessary to describe the problem in detail.

Within 5 days you will receive a response from support and with a high degree of probability your access will be returned or they will tell you what else needs to be done.

In fact, there are two ways out. Either he will accept it or try to convince support that a hack took place, i.e. do all the same actions that I described in the “I didn’t break the rules” section. However, the chances are much less, especially if you were blocked for violating clause 7.4.22 of the License Agreement

The blocking for this item is more severe. Here is what is written in the official information about this:

clarifications to rule paragraph 7.4.22 of the rules

However, there is still a ghostly chance; you need to try to appeal the blocking by writing the following:

Dear Odnoklassniki, in the help paragraph regarding clause 7.4.22 it is written:

“Even if your profile was hacked, it cannot be unblocked, because in such a situation you had time to react in time.”

However, I want to note this: in the evening I was sitting in Odnoklassniki and everything was ok, there was no spam or anything else, but in the morning I woke up and saw that I was blocked. How much time to react can we talk about? Please understand my situation and help me regain access!

Of course, if you really had more time, or, for example, you used your page for commercial purposes, then this advice will not help. But in some cases, there is a chance of unblocking Odnoklassniki after being blocked under clause 7.4.22 of the license agreement.

How to recover an accidentally deleted page.
To be honest, I can’t imagine how you can accidentally delete your page on Odnoklassniki because... the magic button that allows you to do this does not loom in the main menu.

If you nevertheless managed to delete it, then I have to disappoint you - such a page cannot be restored! Be vigilant and do not fall for offers to “restore your page for a reasonable fee.” This is another scam whose goal is to scam you out of money!

Classmates ask to send an SMS message. What should I do?
If suddenly, in order to restore the Odnoklassniki page, they require you to send an SMS, then under no circumstances should you do this! Instead, check out the article on how to combat viruses, because... it is the virus created by the scammers that makes such demands.

We return access without a phone number

So, here’s what you need to do if the number has changed (or was not specified) and the password is forgotten:

Through a friend or directly, you need to send a request to the support service to reset your password on the Odnoklassniki website with the following content:

Good afternoon I forgot my Odnoklassniki password. What should I do if the number has changed? Please help!
According to the published recommendation, one of your agents provides extended information about myself so that you can identify me as the owner of the page and ask you to return access:

My login: (indicate the login specified in your profile, if you remember);
First name, last name and age: (indicate the one indicated in the profile)
City and country indicated in the profile: (indicate);

Date of profile creation: (at least indicate approximately - the exact date is not necessary, if not, skip this point);
Link to profile: (Indicate the link or profile ID. Read how to find out the ID here);
Date of last visit to the site: (approximate or exact);
When was the last time changes were made to your personal profile information? What information was changed? (This field can be filled out in any form);

Phone number and e-mail that were specified during registration: (preferably in international format via +7);
Have you purchased paid services on the Odnoklassniki website? If yes, which ones? How was the payment made? (Answer in any form);

Did the profile owner indicate a significant other or any relative? If so, who (first name, last name, age and city or profile link)? (also filled with free text);
What gifts (badges) were sent or received? To whom (from whom) and when?
Which user has the profile owner communicated with on the site recently?
If the profile owner (i.e. you) can provide us with any more information, this will speed up the process.

In addition, when contacting the Odnoklassniki support service, you will need to take a photo of the profile owner in the background of correspondence with the Support Service. To take a photo like this correctly you need:

Open a correspondence with the Support Service on your computer;
Sit next to the monitor on which this correspondence is open;
Take a photo (the computer monitor and your face should be visible in the photo at the same time);
Attach a photo to a letter with a questionnaire, an example of which is described above.
NOTE! Without a photo in the background of correspondence, the Odnoklassniki website will most likely refuse to consider an application to restore access, because This is the only proof that it was you who made this statement, and not a fraudster.

If you have forgotten or lost your password in Odnoklassniki, we need to go through the procedure for recovering your password in Odnoklassniki.
And so, to recover your password in Odnoklassniki, you need to go to the Odnoklassniki login page in your browser, then on this page you need to follow the link “Forgot your password?”.2

When you click on the “Forgot your password?” link, a page will open on your computer to recover your password in Odnoklassniki.
And so on opposite the line “Enter your login, email address. mail or phone number", you need to indicate the login from your page or the phone number linked to your page, and you can also indicate the email address linked to your page.
And so, enter your phone number, login or email in a special field, then click on the “Continue” button.3

How to recover your password in Odnoklassniki?

When you click on the “Continue” button, a page will open in your browser with a message stating that a free SMS with a code to recover the password for your page has been sent to your linked phone number.
Usually an SMS with a code takes about two to five minutes to arrive.

When you receive an SMS with a code on your phone, you need to enter the code in a special window and click on the “Confirm” button.
how to recover password in Odnoklassniki

When you click on the “Confirm” button, a page will open on your computer in which you can recover your password in Odnoklassniki.

And so, in order to recover a forgotten password in Odnoklassniki, you will have to indicate your new password in the special “Create a strong password” field.

The Odnoklassniki password can contain large and small Latin letters, as well as numbers.
After you enter your new password in the special “Create a strong password” field, you just have to click on the “Continue” button.

Please note: be sure to write down your new password in a text pad on your computer.
When you click on the “Continue” button, your password will be restored and you will be able to log into your Odnoklassniki page with a new password.

The way out of this situation may be simple. You can recover the password in OK, and then replace it.

To do this, you need to recover your password in on the main page, in the window for entering your login and password. Near the “Login” button, click on the “Forgot your password” link.

Then you need to select an item through which you can recover your password.

“Personal data” - here you can enter information about yourself - first name, last name, age and city. And enter the code from the picture to confirm that you are a person and not a spam program. (This item must be entered in all five recovery options.
“Phone” - here we fill in: Country and phone number. (By default, the country code is automatically displayed; it should not be removed)
“Mail” - you can also change your password via email, where you fill in the address.

“Login” - you can also use entering your login from your account.
“Profile link” you can also enter it if you remember or you have it written down. This will give you the opportunity to find and decide on your page.

Thus, if you entered the information correctly, you should be offered two options for sending a secret code to restore the Odnoklassniki page. This is via SMS message or sent via email, that is, you will receive it in your mail linked to your account.

After receiving the code, enter it in the field and click “Confirm.”

I forgot my Odnoklassniki password, how can I recover it?

Now the time has come to come up with and enter a new password to log into your Odnoklassniki page.

Odnoklassniki password and login

Due to the increasing number of cases of pages being hacked by scammers, we recommend that you come up with a more complex password. It is desirable that it include both letters and numbers and consist of at least six characters. Ideally it will be around ten. It is also advisable for you to write down the password in case you forget it again.

After entering your new password, you will be taken to your page. And with the subsequent entrance you apply it.

A login in Odnoklassniki is understood as a combination of numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet, with which a user can log into this one of the most popular social networks in the CIS.

Phone number as login

When registering with Odnoklassniki, you will have to provide your phone number (link it to your account) and enter a password. Almost nothing else is required. This simplified registration procedure leads to the fact that the entered phone number automatically becomes the login. Some users don't like this state of affairs. They will probably be interested in information on how to change their login and password. It's actually not that difficult to do.

The process of changing your login step by step

First of all, to do this, you should go to your page in Odnoklassniki. When you log in, on the left under the photo (avatar) you can see a menu in which there is an item “Change settings”. It is on it that you need to hover the cursor and click on the left button of the touchpad or mouse.

After this, a new page will open, where, among other things, there will be a “Login” line. When the cursor is on this line, a small orange "Edit" link will appear here. You need to click on this link with the same left mouse button.

As a result of this action, a window should appear on the screen prompting the user to send a special SMS code. This is a completely normal practice, and there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

After a person clicks on the “Request code” box, it will be sent to the number linked to the account during registration in the form of an SMS message - it’s absolutely free, so the money on the balance will remain safe. In this situation, you cannot do without the phone number that was specified during registration. The user, if he has forgotten or lost the required SIM card, must first link the new current number to the Odnoklassniki page. This is done in approximately the same way as changing the login, but a detailed description of the process still requires a separate article.

The SMS code sent will consist of six digits, and you need to enter them in the next window that opens. After this, click on the “Verify code” checkbox.

If everything was done correctly, another window will open under the heading “Change login”. There will be two empty fields here - you need to enter a password in the first, a new login in the second, and then click “Save”.

What logins can there be in Odnoklassniki?

In Odnoklassniki they can be at least 6 characters long. You can only enter here:

  • Arabic numerals,
  • letters.

That is, you should check before entering which layout is on your computer. For a person who uses the Cyrillic alphabet, the system will write that the format is incorrect. Another interesting thing is this: if the typed login is already taken by someone (a message about this will appear below), the user will have to come up with another option. To quickly solve this problem, you can add a couple more letters and numbers to the existing combination.

Is it possible to make a replacement without logging into your account?

Some people may be wondering if it is possible to change their login without going to their page. Unfortunately, this is out of the question. The user must have access to the account in order to update this or that information.