How to determine the real page of a star in Odnoklassniki. Famous classmates

One of the main charms of the Internet, which did not exist in any other media genre, and especially in real life earlier, is the equality of people. Anyone can easily write to their favorite actor or singer and are likely to receive a response or even start a long, constructive conversation. By the way, the likelihood increases if you have . Of course, one cannot speak in this context about the entire Internet as a whole. And even the official websites of stars of various echelons have long ceased to fulfill their original function, but are, rather, posters about a specific performer, writer, and so on. Social networks have become the center of the Internet, no matter how scary it may sound. And the stars in Odnoklassniki with a tick have firmly taken their place there. There you can find official pages both individuals and entire groups dedicated to them.

The truth of a star

The main indicators, how to find out this page stars in Odnoklassniki is blue tick, located opposite the name. If you have it, you can find out so you can always have it fast access to the page. And by pointing at it, you will receive a hint that this is an official page or even a group.

Option from developers

It's even on the net special group, where all the stars who use it gather. This is, for example:

    • Nyusha;

  • Dmitry Malikov;

  • Dmitry Bilan;

  • Anna Semenovich;
  • And many others.

Here you can also find out how to subscribe to star news on Odnoklassniki in order to receive notifications about what they write and keep abreast of events.

An important feature of Odnoklassniki, which shows how to find a real star in Odnoklassniki, if you are really interested in this, is that even in the drop-down search box with hints, you will already see a check mark confirming its authenticity. This will eliminate the need to sort through numerous pages of fans, admirers, and so on. In the same way you can quickly and easily.

How to reach a star? Chat with your idol - a theater or film star? This material will present stars in Odnoklassniki, as well as methods for finding them.

They are real

Let’s reveal a secret right away - real stars and their pages are actually located on the social network site. There is an official community of stars in Odnoklassniki. The group is called “Stars in OK”. Located at: Please note that this page has a check mark (2). A white check mark on a blue background is located next to the group name.

To see what stars are there, scroll down the feed. On the left side of the page, left-click the words “All links to groups.”

Several dozen confirmed star pages will open, on which celebrities are located.

Attention! The checkmark is a sign of a verified account. But we are in no hurry to say that the star himself will respond from such a page with a check mark. For example, Timati or Yuri Shatunov.

How to find a star through the star catalog

To find a star it is not necessary to look for links to official groups. It could be easier. Now we’ll tell you how to find the star yourself. At the top of the site, left-click the word “Friends” (1). Information about friends will open. On the right under your profile photo, click “My Subscriptions” (2).

Here you are free to choose who to subscribe to. You can choose to subscribe to:

You can see which stars are on Odnoklassniki by simply typing the name of the celebrity into the search in the upper left corner, for example, Yarik Lapa. Don't know who it is? A formerly ordinary student became a famous video blogger...

What about the Ural dumplings, which are adored by many TV viewers? To subscribe to these guys, type the words “Ural dumplings” in the search, then select the “Groups” tab (1). The first group with the same name is confirmed with a tick (2).

Judging by the content (posters, information about concerts, performances), it really is an official page.

Important! Remember that even having a tick cannot guarantee communication with a real star. Most likely, you will never know who is hiding on the other side of the page. The main thing is, do not let yourself be deceived or drawn into fraudulent schemes. Today there are a lot of criminals trying to make money by any means. Including hiding behind star names.

“If the stars light up, does that mean someone needs it? So, does anyone want them to exist?” - asked the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. By the way, his group is also on Odnoklassniki. Only it is not confirmed by a tick. Remember what this says?

Many people try to look for their idols on social media. Odnoklassniki networks. But not every page of a famous person is real. Quite a few are scammers, and sometimes trading companies, promote their accounts in this way. But there are still real stars in Odnoklassniki. And a special catalog of stars has been created for them, which everyone can use.

How to find a “star” in Odnoklassniki using the catalog?

If you go to Friends on this site, then you should go to the My Subscriptions section. There you will see everyone you follow. And just below there will be Recommended subscriptions.

Among them, you should look for accounts marked with a white checkmark on a blue background. These are celebrities whose accounts are verified and not fake.

But such authenticity is determined by the version of Odnoklassniki themselves. Nobody knows whether it is possible to make a false account confirmation, and whether it is possible to buy a “tick” for yourself. Therefore, you should not religiously believe those who sit on the pages of the stars.

How to find real stars on Odnoklassniki?

You can use for this purpose simple search. Enter your name and age the right person and the system will find everyone for you. Here it is also worth looking at the blue mark. It proves the authenticity of the stars.

But remember that many idols may go by pseudonyms and change their names. This makes it much more difficult to find them. And many generally use other accounts so that fans don’t pester them.

Therefore, one should not hope to communicate with a star. Instead, there is always a risk of being drawn into fraudulent schemes. Some people professionally take away funds from people.

A little about famous people

The vast majority of such people do not have much free time and desire to communicate with someone. They have a particularly negative attitude towards annoying admirers. And if you were in their place, you would do the same.

Therefore, it is better not to approach a person with your conjectures and ideas. In most cases, they simply won’t answer you. And many celebrity accounts are simply closed.

The only thing you can do is to remain your idol's subscriber. At most, you can count on “friends”. But it’s better to pave the way to glory on your own. And don't pray for those who did it before you.

Today I want to tell you about star classmates. Many of them simply went to the same school, and some studied in the same class and are still friends.
Let's start with the singer and actress Billie Piper and Amy Winehouse, who went to the same school, Sylvia Young Theater School.

Next, I would never have believed it, but Cameron Diaz and Snoop Dogg!!! They attended Log Beach Polytechnic College together.
“He was a year older than me... I remember him, he was very tall and skinny. He wore a lot of ponytails... I'm sure I bought weed from him!” Cameron once said.

Jada Pinkett Smith and Tupac met at the Baltimore School of the Arts, where they became close friends. Speaking about their friendship, Jada said: “It was beyond friendship for us. It was the type of relationship that happens once in a lifetime.” Unfortunately, they weren't on speaking terms when Tupac was killed in 1996.

Jennifer Aniston and Cher's son Chaz Bono went to LaGuardia together High school performing arts (although Chaz was known as Chastity back then).

\Jessie J and Adele went to London School of Performing Arts and Technology together.
"She was in a parallel class," Adele once said of Jess. "I think her voice is illegal. What she can do with her voice is a crime." While Jessie said: "We used to hang out at lunchtime and someone played the guitar, and we both just sang.”

Kate Hudson and Liv Tyler have been friends since high school, they both went to Crossroads School in Santa Monica.

Everyone knows about the friendship of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, but this couple also studied together at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. They also took part in school plays together.

Real stars and famous people do not ignore social networks and they also create their own pages on the Odnoklassniki website. Many fans want to find their favorite hero and are wondering how to recognize a star on Odnoklassniki? Now there are a lot of fake accounts in the system and it can be difficult to distinguish the real Nikolai Baskov from a clone. It doesn’t matter at all that Nikolai rarely visits his personal page, what’s more important is that the brightest Russian pop singer is on your list of friends: smile:!

The main problem is the presence of fake profiles, that is, those same clones who, under the guise of popular people, write and send gossip. I think that no one will want to add such fake friends suffering from delusions of grandeur and other rare diseases as friends. By the way, I recommend that Twitter fans follow.

How to recognize a star in Odnoklassniki?

To avoid misunderstandings, the creators of the project have developed a special section where all the official pages of stars on Odnoklassniki are posted. To go to this directory you should follow this link. As a result, a page will open with a list of your favorite heroes and performers: smile:.

Let's get acquainted with another wonderful method - this checking star pages in Odnoklassniki. To confirm their status, real stars have an asterisk symbol next to their name, and when you go to your profile, a bright guarantee sign of the service itself is displayed at the top of the page.

Of course popular people there are accounts in the system and they are created mainly to inform fans about the nearest life and business plans, concerts. IN in social networks idols post their own photos with their family, at a banquet, at a resort, interesting videos, and such materials cannot be found anywhere else: smile:, they are not published in magazines or shown on television.

And lastly, due to the older age category in Odnoklassniki than in other social networks, the catalog of real stars is not as huge as we would like. And, nevertheless, here it is possible to find out and find pages famous people. For example, you can add Mikhail Grebenshchikov, Alena Vodonaeva, Nikolai Baskov, Timur Batrutdinov to your friends.

For dessert, a video about two real boys talking: smile::