How to remove a reserved disk on Windows 7. Purpose of the hidden System Reserved

Many users, when installing Windows OS on PCs and laptops, saw how the installer operating system creates a partition on the disk called "System Reserved". However, not everyone knows what this section is and what it is needed for. Moreover, some are annoyed by such “arbitrariness” on the part of the Microsoft OS, and they are trying with all their might to remove this section. How to remove "Reserved by the system" and still keep the OS in in working condition? This is what will be discussed in the material. But first you need to understand what this section is and what it is intended for.

What is this section?

To begin with, it is worth noting that this type section appeared only with the release of Windows 7. Neither XP nor 2000 had it. What is in this section? This is where the Windows boot manager is located. Previously, it was located in the same section as the installed OS, but then the developers decided that it was better to allocate a separate place for it. It will be more wholesome. Data for hard encryption disk if the owner of a PC or laptop uses a system utility to encrypt data. The size of this partition can vary from 100 to 500 megabytes. The last figure is relevant only for Windows 10. How to remove a “System Reserved” disk and is it safe? The answer to this question depends on your specific goal. If the section just needs to be removed from the Explorer menu, then there is no problem with this. If you need to physically remove it, then some problems may arise. But first things first.

How to remove a section from the Explorer lists?

It's very easy to do. You need to go to the Start menu and select Run. There you need to enter "diskmgmt.msc". A window will open system utility for working with disks and partitions. Here you need to select the desired section and delete the letter under which it is displayed in Explorer. To do this, you will have to confirm the operation twice. After the process is completed, you should restart your computer. This section will no longer annoy you with its illegitimate presence in Explorer. It is worth noting that if you see in file manager this partition, then most likely it is located on a separate hard drive, which at one time contained the Windows operating system. If this is the case, then you can easily remove it completely, since there is no useful information he no longer carries it within himself. How to remove a disk reserved by the system completely? This will be discussed in the next section.

If the partition is on another hard drive

If this is the case, then you can delete this section with a clear conscience. How to remove a system-reserved disk in Windows 7? Go to the "Start" menu, select "Run" and enter the command to launch the disk manager "diskmgmt.msc". Here you need to select the desired section and click on “Delete”. The program will ask you to confirm this action several times. After completing all operations, you should restart your computer. That's all. Now these 300 megabytes can be easily used to store files. True, it is not clear what can be recorded on them with the current size of audio and video files. Yes and high quality photos Now they take up quite a lot of space. But that doesn't matter. The main thing is that 300 megabytes are returned to the user. However, many users are not satisfied with this state of affairs. It is necessary that the partition does not appear at all when installing the operating system. How to remove the "System Reserved" disk in Windows 7 when installing the OS? This will be discussed in the next section.

Steps to install the OS

It is possible to prevent the Windows installer from creating this partition at the initial stage of installing the operating system. How to remove "Reserved by the system"? Very simple. When you start the installer, before the window with disk selection appears, you need to hold down the Shift and F10 key combination. This action starts command line installer In it you need to type “diskpart” and press Enter. This will start console application on working with disks and partitions. Now you need to type “select disk 0” and press Enter. This action selects HDD as the main partition for installation. We complete the process using the “create partition primary” command. The utility will create the required partition. Now you need to exit the command line and continue with the installation. In the disk selection window there will be an already prepared partition. Therefore, “Reserved by the system” will no longer appear. It is worth noting that this method is only suitable if you have only one partition on your hard drive. If there are several of them, then all other sections will be destroyed. Along with all the files stored on them.

Should I delete this section altogether?

Before you remove “Reserved by the system” in Windows 7, you should think several times. The fact is that not only the OS bootloader with ciphers is stored on this disk. There is also information for restoring the operating system. Some laptops use this section to provide the user with a "one-button recovery" option. If this section does not exist, then there will be nothing to restore. In the event of any system failure, you will have to install the operating system again. And this is long and tedious. In principle, this section does not interfere. And its size is such that using the freed 100-300 megabytes for data storage is simply ridiculous. It's better to leave everything as is. But there will be additional insurance in case of unforeseen situations.

Consequences of deleting a partition from a working OS

Let's assume that you found a way to remove "Reserved by the system" and did it on your working OS. What could be the consequences? The saddest. By your actions, you completely removed the Windows bootloader, which was used to load the operating system after starting the BIOS. You will see a message like "NTLDR is missing" on the screen. Now nothing can be fixed. All that remains is to reinstall the operating system. It seems nothing complicated, but this process will take a lot of time. And for many, time is of the essence. Therefore, you should not touch this partition unless absolutely necessary: ​​100-300 megabytes will not play a role, but serious problems can arise when you try to free them. It's better to leave everything as it is. And the computer will work as it should.

Characteristics of this section in Windows 10

In this operating system, this section has where larger size. This is due to the fact that the “top ten” uses a completely different type of bootloader. And its size is noticeably larger. Therefore, the partition size is different. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to remove “Reserved by the system” in Windows 10, then immediately abandon this activity. "Ten" is a very capricious system. And if you change anything in it, it will refuse to work at all. Do you need it? There is also an opinion that No. 10 stores user data there that it collected to send to Microsoft. This OS is engaged in spying activities (everyone knows this), but storing data on a reserved disk is too much. Most likely, the size of the data required to restore the operating system is larger than in previous versions. Hence the larger size of the reserved disk.

What do IT specialists say about the “Reserved by the system” section? How to remove this fragment in Windows 7 and is it worth doing? Leading experts agree that it is not worth touching this section unless absolutely necessary. The consequences can be the most tragic: from unstable work system until the complete failure of the equipment installed in the computer. If this partition is really an eyesore for the user, then you can remove it only if it is located on another hard drive and has nothing to do with the main one. working system. The only way. Experts from Microsoft say the same thing. But who listened to them and when? They have one goal: to earn money. more money. But they are still professionals in this field. And sometimes it’s worth listening to them. Many users have already encountered a lot of problems when trying to delete this partition. Don't repeat their mistakes.

Instead of a conclusion

So, we looked at the question of how to remove “Reserved by the system” from the list of sections. This operation is quite simple and does not promise the user any trouble. You can also prevent the system from creating a partition during the installation stage. There will be no problems with this either. But if the user decides to delete a partition of his main system with which he works, then such an action can lead to unpredictable and very unpleasant consequences. It is not recommended to touch “Reserved by the system” unless absolutely necessary. And if you really can’t stand it, then you should exercise extreme caution when working with this section.

Hello friends. After updating or installing Windows 7, did you have a partition (disk) called “System Reserved”? It's okay, now let's try to solve this problem.

I somehow downloaded a new one windows assembly 7 and installed it on a laptop, not even for myself. After installation, I went to “My Computer” and saw that, along with the usual drives C, D, etc., a disk called “Reserved by the system” appeared. It is approximately 100 MB in size. I didn’t want to leave it, especially since the laptop is not mine and there was little they could do with this partition, for example, delete files from it. Therefore, I had to hide it manually.

This partition is created during the installation of Windows 7, when we divide the hard drive into partitions. The system warns about the creation of this backup partition. But it should be hidden, but for some reason in my case it received the letter, if I’m not mistaken, then also E, and was displayed along with all local drives.

How to hide the “System Reserved” section?

Let's now proceed to actions that will help us remove the “Reserved by the system” section; it won’t disappear anywhere, we just won’t see it.

Click “Start”, then click on “Computer” right click mouse and select “Manage”.

A window will open in which we click on “Disk Management” on the right, wait a little while the system loads the information, and look for our section in the list, which is called “Reserved by the system.” Right-click on it and select “Change drive letter or drive path...”.

A window will appear in which we delete our letter by clicking on “Delete”. We answer “Yes” to all questions.

That's it, now the "System Reserved" section will not appear along with all drives. Good luck!

How to hide a system reserved partition in Windows 7

To begin with, I would like to answer the question, reserved by the system, what kind of section is this and what is it for? I will say right away that it will not cause harm to the computer, otherwise some of my friends who are faced with this issue, for some reason, are thinking about infecting the computer with a virus or something like that. So let's figure it out.

The partition is reserved by the system - you can say that windows boot loader, because It serves to favorably load our system. For example, if we delete it, then windows more will not boot and will need to be restored again by taking some action to further start the operating system. In general, this partition should inherently be hidden, but if there are failures or the installation of a second operating system on the computer, it can appear by automatically assigning a drive letter (label). Delete reserved disk It’s also possible, but I think there’s no point in it, because... you will need to transfer the bootloader to the main one local disk using the command line, you will also have to work with windows registry etc. I think it will be easier to hide it, but I’ll show you how to do it below. This instruction Suitable not only for the Windows 7 operating system, but also for versions 8 and 10, among others.

As you can see in the picture, the drive is assigned a letter (G:). To hide it, we just need to remove the label by deleting it.

To do this, enter the control point by right-clicking on the My Computer icon and selecting it, or by entering the command diskmgmt.msc in the line.

We go to the disk management tab, where we see the partition that we need to hide, and for this, as mentioned above, we need to delete the assigned letter.

Right-click on it and select Change drive letter or drive path...

In the window to allow access to this volume by drive letter and specified paths, select the label and click delete -> ok.

We confirm the removal of this drive letter.

If a second warning appears, ignore it and agree by clicking yes.

Everything, as we see, the section reserved by the system now has no label, which means that it is hidden.

To be sure, go to my computer and check. If the partition has not disappeared yet, you may need to restart your computer.

Leave your opinion about this article, and of course, ask your questions if something suddenly went wrong for you.

How to remove "Reserved by the system" (disk) in Windows 7

If one day after purchase computer equipment or reinstalling the operating system, you went to “My Computer” and saw an incomprehensible hard drive there with a size of 100 or 350 megabytes, do not be scared or surprised. The main thing is don't touch anything on it and everything will be fine. If it bothers you and is an eyesore, then it is better to hide it far away. Let's figure out how to remove "Reserved by the system".

What it is?

First we need to understand what we are dealing with. "Reserved by the system" - what is it? You may encounter similar problem exclusively in operating systems starting from Windows 7. In this case, the system reserves 100 megabytes on the hard drive to accommodate boot files and data for encryption. How many times have users deleted system files, as a result of which the computer stopped rebooting? In modern operating systems, their creators decided to play it safe and hide such important data on a hidden system disk.

In Windows 8, the “System Reserved” section takes up a little more - 350 megabytes. This is due to the fact that it also contains some files for restoring the operating system.


Where does this section come from? As far as advanced users know, despite the fact that Windows 7 is installed in automatic mode, we still need to manage some actions. This includes creating partitions on your hard drive.

Imagine what you bought new laptop with the Windows 8 operating system installed. You are far from a fan of this version and decide to reinstall the older “seven”. You insert the installation disk, and the first thing that catches your eye when you get to the partition manager is three named areas, one of which is outrageously small and not labeled in any way. What to do?

We will omit the description of converting partition formats from GPT to MBR and other preparations for reinstallation. But here's what you should know. If you delete all partitions hard drive and you install the OS on a completely empty disk, it will automatically create a boot partition for itself, which will be hidden by default and the next time you reinstall it you can find it again.


So, the installation of Windows 7 was successful, but you found on your computer new hard disk. Why did it happen? In most cases, the “Reserved by the system” section appears due to the programmer’s “crooked hands” in pirated assemblies operating system. Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with the fact that you are faced with a similar problem. You have several options to choose from:

  1. Let it be as it is. Just don't touch this section and nothing bad will happen to your computer.
  2. If you have a child who might unknowingly get in there and mess something up, you can hide the “System Reserved” option.
  3. There is a way to completely remove this partition by moving the files to the system drive. Doing this is highly discouraged, as the security level of your PC will be greatly reduced.

In other words, "Reserved by the system" - what is it? This is the main engine of your personal computer, which powers all the others basic programs. Depriving him of protection is an extremely ill-considered and risky step.

Delete or...

If you are interested in how to remove “Reserved by the system”, then think about whether this is what you need? This process will not free up extra space for you, but will simply transfer data from one disk to another. You will have to change many settings on your computer and its registry. Moreover, you will need additional software and a so-called LiveCD. After all, the operating system will be “protected”. She will not allow you to easily delete the data that is important to her. The worst thing is that if it fails, your computer may simply refuse to boot or issue a warning that the operating system was not found at all.

But still...

It's time to move on to the question of how to remove "Reserved by the system". We have already established that deleting an existing boot partition will not lead to anything good. Therefore, if you still want to get rid of it, you have a chance to do this during the installation of the operating system. Before you start the following instructions, worry about the safety of your data. If your hard drive is divided into several parts, then data from all must first be copied to removable media, otherwise they will be lost forever.

  1. Format your hard drive and delete all partitions.
  2. When installing the operating system, press Shift + F10. This command will open a command prompt for you.
  3. To begin, enter the command diskpart and confirm your entry.
  4. Then enter: select disk 0.
  5. The last command will be: create partition primary.
  6. Close the command prompt and continue installing the system on given hard disk.

Section deleted

What have we achieved? The entire first hard drive is given over to one single partition. Therefore, the system will not be able to free space for creating backup hard disk. What do we get?


  • You will not see the "System Reserved" section.


  • The level of OS security is reduced.
  • You only have one partition on your hard drive, which means that when big problems with the OS and its reinstallation, you may well lose your data.
  • Inconvenience. Probably, most users have long been accustomed to the fact that they have several partitions on the HDD. You divide your data - games and programs on one disk, movies and photos on the other. On the third are working documents.

As you can see, there are many more disadvantages than advantages. Is deleting one partition worth such sacrifices? However, they can be avoided if you use a special partition manager utility, for example, Partition Wizard. It will allow you to “cut off” a part without losing data or damaging the operating system hard memory disk and create from it new section.

If you don’t want to waste time and effort on reinstalling the operating system, then you just need to know how to remove “Reserved by the system,” or rather hide it.

Removing the section

Now you can start hiding the eyesore section. How to remove "Reserved by the system"? There's really nothing complicated about it. We won't need any third party software, but you just need to follow the next steps.

  1. Open the Start menu and find the Computer button.
  2. Right-click on it and click on “Manage” in the drop-down menu.
  3. A settings window will open in front of us. In the left column we find the sub-item “Disk Management”.
  4. Right-click on the “Reserved by the system” section. We are interested in the “Change drive letter or drive path” item.
  5. A window appears in front of us, in which the letter indicating this section will be indicated. Since addressing in computer memory is organized according to this name, we need to remove it.
  6. Select the “letter” and click on the “delete” button below. We confirm.

Bottom line

That's all, the extra partition will disappear from the "My Computer" screen, but will remain in the system, and this will not affect the operation of Windows. Now you know how to remove “Reserved by the system”. The only thing worth adding: to avoid unnecessary worries, “operate” your computer only on clean operating systems, or simply create backups data. You never know at what point in the instructions you will make a mistake, and what this may lead to. You perform all operations at your own peril and risk and be prepared to bear responsibility for what you do.

Hidden section System Reserved - reserved by the system

For many users who installed the Windows 7 or Windows 8 operating system on their PC for the first time, this may come as a surprise hidden section System Reserved, which is designated as “Reserved by the system.” What is this section for and what is its function?

Purpose of hidden System Reserved

If your PC has not previously had an operating system installed, that is, it is clean, then after installing Windows 7 or Windows 8 you may not notice anything. The hidden section is not visible in Explorer. However, you can view it by running the following actions.

Click “Start”, right-click “Computer” and click “Manage”.

Go to the “Storage Devices” section and click “Disk Management”. We see a section that is named “Reserved by the system”. It has a different volume on each PC.

What is it intended for?

Main destination System Reserved is the protection of OS boot files and their storage. The key attributes of this section are:

  • "System". This attribute indicates that this PC can run one or more operating systems that are already installed.
  • Attribute "Active" - important component BIOS. With its help, the system can read information for fast loading computer and determine where important files are located.
  • "Primary partition" is not an attribute, but a System Reserved partition type that stores boot files. It is active, unlike the previous two. Without it, it is impossible to install the operating system.

What is the difference between System Reserved in windows 7 and windows 8?

If you look at the picture of the hidden windows partition 8, you can see that System Reserved takes up more than 20% of the hard disk space. In Windows 7, this percentage is much lower, since the system recovery environment files are located in the “Recovery” folder, which is stored in the part of the hard drive on which the system is installed. In Windows 8, recovery files are located in “System Reserved”. Therefore its volume is much larger.

This is a big plus, since in the event of a serious error, system recovery files can always be retrieved from this partition.

However, something that is common to the two systems in "System Reserved" is the boot store or BCD configuration files.

Some features of the hidden section

Many users wonder why hidden System section Reserved in Windows 7 or Windows 8 OS appears after installation in some cases, but not in others. There is an explanation for this:

  • Download from external device. If programs are launched from under Windows, the ability to work with hard drives is not presented to the user.
  • The number of hard drive partitions before installing the OS should not exceed 2. Otherwise, the hidden partition will not be created, and the download files will be assigned to the existing active partition.
  • The system must be installed in an unallocated area of ​​the disk. If the disk is already partitioned, then when selecting a partition you need to format it and then create a new one.

Pros and cons of a hidden section

Having a hidden System Reserved partition on your PC, the user receives a lot of advantages, namely:

  • Protecting the boot data store, and in Windows 8 also the system recovery environment.
  • Condensation disk space does not affect boot files.
  • Action protection inexperienced users.
  • Easier OS reinstallation if there are several versions on one PC.

The only disadvantage is the slight inconvenience that is associated with assigning a hidden partition letter to each of the systems that is installed on one device.

Therefore, we can conclude that the hidden System Reserved partition has more benefits, rather than shortcomings, and thanks to it, loading the OS becomes less dependent on user actions.

How to remove a system-reserved disk and why it is created when installing windows

For the release of the Windows 10 operating system, Microsoft has simplified the process of installing it on your computer as much as possible. You can install the system from a disk or flash drive by clicking on several menu items and waiting for a while. Despite this, after installation, many users are faced with the problem of having a new drive among the connected devices and disks labeled “Reserved by the system.” The article will discuss how to remove such a disk, why it appears, why it is needed, and how to prevent its creation.

Why is a system-reserved disk necessary?

During the Windows installation stage, a disk reserved by the system is created automatically, if you do not forced shutdown. If the installation procedure is carried out correctly, it remains hidden from the user, who is not even aware of its existence. The appearance of the disk is a consequence of the creation of a separate 200-600 MB partition during the system installation process.

If after installation you go to “My Computer” and find the presence of a separate drive that says “Reserved by the system”, the reason for this may be the following:

  • The operating system was not installed from a licensed distribution;
  • At the Windows installation stage, work was carried out to redistribute disk space;
  • A system restore operation was performed;
  • On new windows drive was copied from another medium.

The system-reserved partition itself is required to store boot parameters. Starting with the Windows 7 operating system, a separate partition is allocated on the drive for the needs of the system, whereas previously it was located directly on the system drive.

In Windows 10, the system reserves from 500 to 600 MB for its needs, with more earlier versions she needed no more than 300 MB. This is due to the fact that in the new operating system Microsoft company started adding functionality windows recovery for now technical section.

Important: B professional versions Windows operating system available BitLocker feature. It allows users to encrypt data on their hard drive or external media. Stored on a system-reserved disk necessary information to decrypt the data.

How to remove a system-reserved disk

Availability additional disk among drives may irritate or confuse users. In such a situation, they have a desire to remove the disk reserved by the system. Naturally, Microsoft made sure that a computer user could not delete data from it and format it even with administrator rights.

If you want to remove a system-reserved disk from the list of drives, you must do this as follows:

After this, the system-reserved disk will no longer be displayed in Explorer. At the same time, its operation will not be disrupted, and if it is necessary to restore the system, Windows will be able to use the information from this section.

Important: If you have multiple drives installed on your computer, you may notice that there are two (or more) system-reserved partitions. This suggests that previously the connected disks also had Windows installed, which created this partition. For proper operation of the current system, the “old reserve” is not required, and you can safely delete it, and then format the disk, creating a partition that occupies the entire volume of the drive.

How to disable Windows disk backup

It was noted above that Microsoft specifically thought about creating this partition on the hard drive so that the user could restore the system if serious errors occurred on the base drive. Based on this, during the installation of the operating system it is better not to disable its creation in order to avoid possible problems. Despite this, it is possible to disable Windows disk backup during system installation; to do this you need:

  1. Run command line before hard choice disk for future system. This is done during the Windows installation process using the key combination windows+F10;
  2. Next, in the window that opens, you need to write and activate ( Enter key) command diskpart. After this, select the base hard drive using the select disc 0 command. And then enter the create partition primary command to create the primary partition before Windows does it automatically;
  3. After completing the steps, close the command line and continue installing the system, selecting the previously created partition from the options proposed for its location.

Important: This method cannot be used if you need to save hard structure a disk divided into several partitions (for example, C and E). After executing the commands described above, all information from partition E will be deleted.

If you are haunted by a disk (or rather a partition on your hard drive) marked “Reserved by the system,” then in this article I will describe in detail what it is and whether it can be deleted (and how to do it in cases where it is possible). The instructions are suitable for Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7.

It is also possible that you simply see a volume reserved by the system in your explorer and want to remove it from there (hide it so that it is not displayed) - I’ll say right away that this can be done very easily. So, let's take it in order. See also: How to hide a hard drive partition in Windows (including the System Reserved drive).

What is a system-reserved disk volume for?

A system-reserved partition was first created automatically in Windows 7; it was not present in earlier versions. It is used to store service data necessary for Windows operation, namely:

Boot options (bootloader) - by default, the bootloader is not located on system partition, namely in the “Reserved by the System” volume, and the OS itself is already on the system partition of the disk. Accordingly, manipulations with a reserved volume can lead to a bootloader error BOOTMGR is missing. Although you can make both the bootloader and system were on the same section. Also on this section data can be stored to encrypt the hard drive with using BitLocker, if you are using it.

The system-reserved disk is created when creating partitions during the installation of Windows 7 or 8 (8.1), and it can occupy from 100 MB to 350 MB, depending on the OS version and the partition structure on the HDD. After installing Windows, this disk(volume) does not appear in Explorer, but in some cases it may appear there.

Now let's talk about how to delete this section. I will consider the following possible options in order:

How to hide a partition reserved by the system from Explorer How to prevent this partition from appearing on the disk when installing the OS

I do not indicate how to completely delete this partition, because this action requires special skills (transferring and setting up the boot loader, Windows itself, changing the partition structure) and may result in the need to reinstall Windows.

How to remove the “System Reserved” drive from File Explorer

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In the event that you have a separate disk with the specified label, then you can simply hide it from there without performing any operations on hard drive. To do this, follow these steps:

Launch control Windows disks, to do this, you can press the Win + R keys and enter the command diskmgmt. msc
In the Disk Management utility, right-click on the system-reserved partition and select “Change drive letter or drive path.”
In the window that opens, select the letter under which this drive appears and click “Delete”. You will have to confirm the deletion of this letter twice (you will receive a message indicating that the partition is in use).

After these steps and possibly a reboot computer, this drive will no longer appear in Explorer.

Please note: if you see such a partition, but it is located not on the system physical hard drive, but on the second hard drive (that is, you actually have two of them), then this means that Windows was previously installed on it and, if it's not there important files, then using the same disk management you can delete all partitions from a given HDD, and then create a new one that occupies the entire size, format it and assign a letter to it - that is, completely delete the volume reserved by the system.

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How to prevent this section from appearing when installing Windows

In addition to the above option, you can also ensure that the system-reserved disk is not created at all by Windows 7 or 8 when installed on the computer.

Important: if your hard drive is divided into several logical partitions (Disk C and D), do not use this method, you will lose everything on drive D.

This will require the following steps:

During installation, even before the partition selection screen, click Shift keys+ F10, the command line will open. Type the command diskpart and press Enter. After that, enter select disk 0 and also confirm your entry. Enter the command create partition primary and after you see that the primary partition has been successfully created, close the command prompt.

Then you should continue the installation and when prompted to select a partition for installation, select the only partition that is on this HDD and continue the installation - the System Reserved disk will not appear.

In general, I recommend not touching this section and leaving it as it is intended - it seems to me that 100 or 300 megabytes are not something for which you should delve into the system and, moreover, they are not available for use for a reason.

Very often when Windows installation(updates or other manipulations with the system or disks) a disk appears in My computer with the name “Reserved by the system”

This problem affects all versions of Windows. Read more about this disc in the article? In particular, it describes that this disk cannot be deleted and why (and there is a good comment down there from a site visitor about how to make sure that this disk is not created at all), but we will not delete it, but will hide it like this: so that in My computer it doesn’t get in the way among the other disks we need for visibility.
So, in order to remove this disk from Windows Explorer, we need to start disk management. This can be done either through special programs(both paid and free), or through standard utility which is in any Windows versions.

Right-click on My Computer and select Manage

Or a combination Win keys+ R and enter diskmgmt.msc

In Disk Management, select the item Change drive letter(with RMB on a disk Reserved by the system)

and remove the drive letter

after this the system may quarrel. We agree with this

After we reboot, the System Reserved disk will no longer be in the list of disks on My Computer.

What have we done? We did not delete the “Reserved by the system” disk, we only deleted its designation in the system. And if the system does not see the letter, then it does not show it in the list. Although in fact it will exist and will still take up space (you can verify the same Disk Management snap-in), we managed to somehow remove it from the system. This way you can hide other drives if you want.
By the way, often after installation Windows system Doesn't see any disk. In this case, on the contrary, you need to assign a name to the disk (on last step, instead of “Delete”, select “Add”) and then it will appear, but that’s a completely different story...

At clean install Windows master automatically creates on your hard drive with markup MBR special hidden section System Reserved or else "Reserved by the system" . Depending on the version of Windows, its size may differ, so in Windows 7 there is a dedicated 100 MB disk space, whereas in Windows 8.1 and 10 the wizard reserves on disk 350 And 500 MB respectively. What is it for?

If earlier bootable Windows files located in the same partition as the system itself, then in Windows 7 the developers allocated a separate disk area for them, which made it possible to protect boot files and make the system boot more stable. With the release Windows 8/8.1 In addition, space has been added to this area for a boot environment, the one that allows users to troubleshoot problems using restore points, the command line, and other diagnostic tools without having to boot from an installation disk.

Some administrators delete this partition in order to save disk space; it also happens that for certain reasons, when installing Windows, it is not created automatically. In turn, the absence or deletion of a section System Reserved in some cases it can lead to system malfunctions, which is why it has to be restored.

If you don't have a section "Reserved by the system" and you want to restore it, but don’t know how to do it, use these instructions.

The method discussed here is the simplest. It involves recreating the area to store boot files, but not the recovery environment (it is much more difficult to recreate it) , however, this is not so critical, since to restore the system you can always use installation disk. If this suits you, let's get down to business.

In running Windows, open as administrator command line and run these commands sequentially:

list volume
select volume 1
shrink desired=100

The first command launches the built-in utility, the second displays a list of partitions for all available disks, the third command selects the partition with installed system (V in this example it has serial number 1) , the fourth team squeezes it, releasing 100 MB disk space. We continue to work with DiskPart.

format fs=ntfs
assign letter Y

With the fifth command we create a new partition, with the sixth we format it in NTFS, mark the seventh as active, temporarily assign a letter to the eighth. Team exit let's finish the job.

Note: instead of the utility, you can also use any other third party program for working with disk partitions, for example, Acronis Disk Director .

Now, in order for the system to boot from the new partition, you need to create boot files on it. To do this, run the following command:

bcdboot C:\Windows

That's all, you can do it in the console bcdedit and see which partition your bootloader is located on (with ID bootmgr) . In Explorer, most likely, the partition will appear as empty, but if you mount it in Acronis Disk Director or other similar program, then you can see that it contains boot files.

And one last thing. Open Disk Management and remove the letter from the created partition to make it invisible, as expected.

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How to install Windows 10 on a small SSD without creating a System Reserved partition... When installing Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 on an MBR disk, at the beginning of the partitioning process, the system prompts you to create a hidden System Reserved partition on the disk. Its size can be 100, 350 and 500 depending on the version of the operating system...