How to remove the time of the last visit in Odnoklassniki. How to log into Odnoklassniki incognito, how to find out who visited a page in Odnoklassniki

The social network Odnoklassniki is extremely popular among users of the World Wide Web. Until recently, the site had one advantageous advantage that significantly distinguished it from other similar Internet hangouts. Previously, users did not have the opportunity to hide their visit to the page of another network user, for example, their enemy or the girl they liked, but the site administration helped implement this opportunity by providing new service"Invisible." What does invisible mean in Odnoklassniki? This is exactly what will be the topic of our conversation today.

What is the “Invisible” service in Odnoklassniki?

What does it represent this service? Everything is quite simple: by activating the service, any resident of Odnoklassniki can freely walk through the “houses” of other users, remaining unrecognized.

Advantages of "invisibility"

Like any other service, Invisibility provides several additional features:

  1. By activating the “Invisible” service in Odnoklassniki, the user can freely visit other people’s profiles while remaining incognito. Instead of the guest's photo, a simple black profile will be displayed.
  2. After the expiration date service the dark silhouette displayed in the guest tab will not be replaced by real photo visitor.

How to recognize an invisible person?

Probably the most relevant this moment for users social network question: “How can I recognize an invisible person in Odnoklassniki?” To get a complete answer to the question posed, you should understand how this service works.

First of all, any user looking at someone else’s profile when the mode is turned on does not have a flashing “On site” beacon under his photo. It also does not appear in the feed indicating which friends are currently on the site. And instead of an avatar, just a picture is displayed: male or female silhouette. And it is completely impossible to determine who visited your page.

As a rule, all profile visitors are displayed in the “Guests” tab. The invisible avatar will be automatically removed from this section after 30 days. It may disappear a little earlier if the invisible guest visits the page again, but with the invisibility mode turned off. Then the silhouette picture will automatically be replaced with a real photo of the guest. This is practically the only way to get to know your invisible visitor.

An invisible person in Odnoklassniki cannot freely walk through other people's private profiles, unless, of course, he is a friend of the owner of the page. Therefore, if your profile is closed to visitors, then one of your friends has become invisible.

Connecting the service

How to enable “Invisibility” in Odnoklassniki? On your page, directly below your avatar, there is an item “Other actions”. We highlight this inscription using computer mouse, click on the “Enable invisibility” link and simply follow the steps of the displayed instructions.

Service cost

This service is paid. Minimum term use of the invisible mode - 10 days from the moment of its activation. The cost of the service is from 20 OK. “OK” is the internal currency of the site, through which payments are made various services. The maximum period of use of “Invisibility” is 3 months, and the cost, accordingly, is 180 OK.

The service will be activated immediately after the request, if there are funds in the account. If not, then you will need to purchase the amount necessary for payment. You can buy OKi different ways. Payments accepted bank cards, electronic money. Payment can be made via payment terminal or debited from your mobile phone account.

We buy Odnoklassniki currency through a mobile phone

The users of this social network are mainly young people, who find it much easier to pay their invoices through mobile phone. There must be at least 35 rubles in your account if you decide to purchase a minimum amount of 20 OK. To buy OK, click under main photo the inscription “Top up your account”. In the window that opens, select the most suitable payment option, in our case, a mobile phone. Highlight this tab and enter your number cell phone. Literally a few seconds later specified number a message will come containing secret code. We enter it in the appropriate window, and the payment transaction is completed: with mobile account the payment amount was written off, and the internal account was replenished with the number of OKs ordered. The same algorithm is used to purchase OKs through other payment systems.

"Odnoklassniki": invisible guests

How to get rid of annoying invisible visitors? Previously, the site had access to viewing the HTML code of the page, where you could see uninvited guest. But in currently this opportunity was closed by the administration.

If you are tired of one of these invisible people, regularly visiting your page, and the decision to calculate has become practical, then you need to move on to decisive action.

If you constantly communicate on this social network and have a wonderful one, then look at the guests over the past few days. The essence of the method is that if someone you know looked at you under a black silhouette, and today they looked again, but with the mode turned off, then their real avatar will be displayed.

It is somewhat more difficult with such invisible visitors if they have not been seen visiting you before. If it doesn’t cause any particular trouble, then you shouldn’t worry too much. Perhaps this is a secret admirer.

But a different development of events is also possible. Stretch your memory and remember all the unpleasant situations that happened not so long ago. It is likely that the invisible person is precisely the opponent of that conflict and thus takes revenge on you for the insult caused. If you assume that it is one of your friends hiding behind the mask, then add him to the “Black List”. If the visits stop, then the suspicions turned out to be correct.

If a visitor really causes too much trouble, then as a last resort, you should contact the moderators. In this case, it is necessary to fill out the appropriate form, which briefly and clearly outlines the essence of the problem. You won’t recognize the name of the annoying visitor, but he won’t be able to continue doing dirty tricks on the page.

Limiting your profile

Get additional protection Closing your profile will help prevent invisible visitors. As a rule, the user's friends already have full access to his information, photographs, and there is no need for them to activate the “Invisible” profile. Also, it will not be possible to access the user profile of people included in the “Black List”, and a dark mask will not help here.

Subtleties of the "Invisible" mode

During the paid service activation period, the user independently decides whether to enable invisible mode or use the site while remaining open to the eyes of users. When choosing the “Invisible” status in Odnoklassniki for yourself, you should not forget about one very important point. By leaving a comment, message or rating a photo you like, the user automatically declassifies himself. And then the invisible person in Odnoklassniki becomes visible to everyone.

We hope that you have found all the answers to your questions.

Unfortunately, hacking of pages on social networks is not uncommon. Moreover, attackers do not always change passwords and deprive you of access. Often they just do things on your behalf from time to time. different actions, for example, they send spam, and in some cases they simply monitor your correspondence, which is also not good. Therefore, it is extremely important to detect vulnerabilities in time and take action. Let's talk about this.

Browsing history

Large social networks have long created special sections for their members in which they store basic information about the devices from which you access the site. I recommend that you periodically review this data so that if anything happens you can take action.

What to look for?

First of all, on IP addresses and entry points.

Example. You have been in Tver all month, and another city, for example, London, has appeared among the connection points.

What actions should you take?

  1. Check the host file and machine for viruses.
  2. Change your passwords to more complex ones
  3. Notify the social network administration about the suspicious entry point.

Well, now I’ll tell you how to find your browsing history on different sites.


To get into your browsing history in Odnoklassniki, you need to click on “ change settings"under the main photo of the page, then select " Browsing history».

I also advise you to pay attention to the link “ Logging out from other devices" Clicking on it is possible only when you opened Odnoklassniki on several computers, phones or tablets and at the same time forgot to correctly exit the social network (simply closed the browser window instead of clicking on the link " Exit").

In contact with.

The history of visits on VKontakte is hidden in the “ Settings" Go to it and select the section “ Safety" Click on the link " Show activity history" That's where he's hiding information sought. Please note that on the " Safety", you can also end all sessions (exit VKontakte) from all computers, tablets and phones with one click.


Click on the gears in the right corner and select “ Settings" Now on the left side menu you must select " Security" The information of interest is located after the heading “ Active sessions»


(as well as (Gmail) and other services from Google)

Yandex Mail.

Scroll the page to the end. Approximately in the middle there is a link “ Last entrance " This is the story.

Many have noticed that friends show the time last visit in Odnoklassniki: date and time. This is very convenient; you can always look and find out the last time a friend logged into a social network.

How to hide last seen time in Odnoklassniki

You can hide your last visit (visit) in Odnoklassniki using the “Invisible” function. It is paid, costs 49 OK (49 rubles).

Also, to ensure anonymity, you can disable the function of showing me in the “People Now on the Site” section. To do this you need:

  1. Go to “Change settings”;
  2. Go to the “Publicity” section;
  3. Scroll down the page and find the item “Show me in the “People Now Online” section”;
  4. Uncheck this item;
  5. Click "Save".

Invisibility will allow you to hide your last visit from friends on Odnoklassniki. And turning off the checkbox next to “People are online now” will hide your online presence; no one will be able to see whether you are online or not.

How to hide visiting time in Odnoklassniki?

In Odnoklassniki, as well as in some other social networks, the time is indicated by default last visit site user. And now a completely logical question arises - is it possible to remove this time, and if so, how to do it?

First, let's go to a friend's page and see when he was last on the site:

As you can see, the user was on the site today at 11 am.

The “Invisible” function can help partly. It does not allow you to hide the time of your last visit, but it does allow you to not show a message indicating that you are on the site.

You can connect it from the menu located under the avatar:

Then select the required period and pay for the service.

There are no methods yet that would allow you to completely hide the time of your last visit to a website.

Secrets of Odnoklassniki

Today we’ll talk about secrets in Odnoklassniki. The following functions are not actually secrets as such; many users are simply not even aware of their existence. So, what interesting things have we prepared for you today?


Odnoklassniki, as you know, uses an unusual scheme for guests - they are all visible in a special section, that is, you can always find out who visited your page. In order to hide this fact, the “Invisible” service was invented - when connected, you can visit other people’s pages without being noticed, because invisible people are not reflected in guests.

Closed profile

By default, the user profile is open, as it should be. However, if you are tired of someone constantly visiting your page, you can use the “Closed Profile” service. What does it give? They close your page, making it open only to friends. Accordingly, if a person wants to see information on your page, he should become your friend. Until now he will see something like this:

Reflection on the site

Today, users increasingly prefer to use Mobile Internet to visit your pages on social networks. Did you know that users who logged into Odnoklassniki from a computer or mobile device, have different marks? For “mobile” users it applies blue circle, and for those who logged in from a computer - orange.

Browsing history

The site has a “Visit History” section, which reflects the city and IP address of the user who visited your page. Ideally, only your IP addresses should be there, but if you see someone else's, perhaps someone has accessed your page and is visiting it.

When was the profile created?

Black list

If one of the users bothers you with his intrusiveness, you can block him, that is, add him to the so-called “Black List”. If a user is blocked, he will not be able to visit your page (it will be closed specifically for him), will not be able to write messages, view your photos, write messages, etc.

We spoke in detail about the emergency earlier.

Recovering a deleted profile

Now, in case of deletion, the profile can be restored, which is given for 90 days. In this case, restoration is only possible using the mobile phone to which the page is linked - otherwise the profile cannot be restored.

Although the page can be restored within the specified period, it is hidden on the site and when you go to such a profile, you will receive a 404 error - page not found.

How to hide visiting time in Odnoklassniki - how to hide LAST VISIT in Odnoklassniki - 2 answers

In the Internet section, to the question how to hide the LAST VISIT in Odnoklassniki asked by the author Gogi, the best answer is how to hide the last visit in Odnoklassniki?

Answer from My life"""My rules [newbie] I think it’s impossible.. Answer from Ereken Bond [guru] in general then make the invisible mode, there is such a function Answer from Côte d'Ivoire [guru] Put on your hat, but first pay for the mode invisibleResponse from Wally[guru]In my opinion there is no such option.Response from Egor Goncharov[newbie]nezyaResponse from Ioman Kirillchenko[newbie]Look for profile settingsResponse from Vasily Khalyava[newbie]Buy invisibleResponse from 31313 1313[newbie]Delete the pageResponse from Vova vova [guru]Delete pageAnswer from Kirill Gronin[expert]no answerAnswer from Ora Fedorov[newbie]Try to change the date, on the server they will take you for an idiot and in the log they should write according to your date from the computerAnswer from Donatello[newbie]Or change the date at home, or rummage through your profile settings, or buy an invisible oneResponse from Nikolai Zhuravlev [newbie] get away from your fucking classmates, and don’t go to the page of people you don’t want your family to know about 😀Response from Zapas mail what for [newbie] there is no such Answer from Anton Kurdo [active] No Answer from Eesti Waffen-SS [guru] Not going to this parody of Facebook would be the best solution Answer from Julia Melnik [active] There is no such function on this site Answer from Yoash Listov [newbie] This function is missing. Answer from Alisa Zenenko [newbie] Buy 10-50 OK and you can hide at least the last 10 visits))

On the social network Odnoklassniki there is interesting feature invisibility. What does invisibility give, what is it for and how to make it? Let's figure it out. So, this is an excellent method to make your presence on the site completely invisible to social network users: smile:. That is, absolutely no one will know that you are online on the website The service is tempting, although you need to pay OK or cash for it.

Every user has probably visited the tab , where people who visited the page are noted.

Many are interested to see who came in. Still, some people like it, while others don’t want to be noticed. Happens in everyone's life various situations, when you want to make your presence on the site invisible.

What does invisibility give in Odnoklassniki?

If compared with normal mode, then you get the following benefits when you enable this feature:

  1. You will not appear in the Friends section on the site;
  2. The photo will not indicate that you are online in Odnoklassniki;
  3. While visiting any page in a tab , instead of your avatar, an invisible image will be displayed.

All other features will remain the same as before.

How to make invisible in Odnoklassniki?

To activate this service, click on the line in the left menu under the avatar . Unfortunately, the function of turning on the invisible mode in Odnoklassniki is paid. Anyone who wants to use this function will have to fork out a small amount. The cost depends on the duration of use.

After clicking, a pop-up window will open with the option to pay for the service for 10 days via mobile phone. Here you can note a different period of validity of the invisible (from 10 to 90 days) and payment method for OK. The amount of money and required OKs is automatically recalculated when changing parameters. After the final installation of the data, just enter the phone number to which an SMS notification with a code will be sent.

After entering the code, that is, after payment, the service will be activated within 24 hours. If you have any questions or problems, then feel free to contact support.

During the payment period, you are given the opportunity to decide to turn on invisibility or leave your stay in Odnoklassniki in previous regime. While in a position of invisibility, remember that when writing messages, comments and rating photos, secrecy disappears. The principle of secrecy is based on visiting a social network without leaving a trace.

You can almost always see the person who visited your page. If previously it was completely impossible to hide, then not so long ago a service called “Invisible” appeared, thanks to which you can view other people’s profiles without remaining recognized.

Currently this option can be connected for a period of 10, 25 or 50 days depending on needs. The cost is 20, 50 and 100 OK respectively. To use Invisible, you need to activate the service, after which you can pay for it.

How to enable invisibility?

It couldn't be easier to do this. Go to and look at the menu that is located under your avatar. It contains the item “Turn on invisibility”. We click on it.

A window opens in front of you with the choice of period and payment. If you don't have enough funds in your account to pay for Invisible, you can.

How does invisibility work in Odnoklassniki?

It's simple. After payment the service is activated. From now on, you can go to the page of friends or users who are not added to your friends, and at the same time they will not be able to find out that it was you who visited them. Why? Because the name and avatar of the guest are hidden. The user can only guess who it was... However, one should not forget that private profiles cannot be viewed even with invisibility activated.

How to recognize the invisible person in Odnoklassniki?

No way, otherwise what is the point of this service? Of course, you can guess who visits your page under the name of an invisible person, but you won’t be able to find out for sure. And if you are offered to find out for money or with the help special programs, don’t believe it, this is a scam aimed at emptying your wallet.

Popular questions and answers

We answer others popular questions, related to the “Invisible” service.

Will it show up? Your photo after turning off the service for those you visited while in invisible mode?

Answer: no, don't worry, nothing is displayed.

Can a person be invisible on my page if he is on my blacklist?

Answer: it can’t, unless from another account that .

Does the invisible person have the ability to rate and comment on photos?

Answer: yes, it does, but in this case the invisible person can declassify itself.

When several different invisible people come in, how many avatars are displayed?

Answer: the same number of avatars is displayed as the number of guests who came to your page.

Is it possible to disable this mode yourself? For example, today I wanted to visit a friend under my name, and tomorrow - under an invisible name?

Answer: of course. You can enable and disable the service as many times as you like as long as it is paid for.

How to remove invisible guests?

Answer: Wait until he disappears from the list. This will happen in 30 days. Or, as an option, hide from guests yourself in the section of the same name.