How to make a diagram in an open office. Open Office. org Calc. Building and formatting charts


1) educational

  • Learn how to create tables and graphs in Calc.
  • Teach the skills to work on their design.
  • Reinforce the material practically by completing the task at your PC.

2) educational

  • Cultivating a sense of the new, progressive; objectivity, resourcefulness, discipline.
  • Cultivating hard work.
  • Instilling in students the skills of independence in work.

3) developing

Type of lesson: learning new material.

Interdisciplinary connections: mathematics, Russian language, economics.

Level of knowledge acquisition: ability and skills.

Control: to carry out practical actions.

Providing classes: instructions for practical work.

General information

1. Graph (Diagram) XY

XY diagram in its basic form is based on a single data series consisting of a name, a list of values X and a list of values Y. Each value pair (X, Y) displayed as a point in the coordinate system. Data series name associated with values Y and is indicated in the legend.

XY diagram solves the following problems:

  • axis scaling X;
  • creating a parametric curve, such as a spiral;
  • creating a graph of a function;
  • study of statistical relationships between quantitative variables.

XY diagram may contain several rows of data.

Option XY charts can be selected on the first page Chart Wizards or along the way Format ->Chart Type for diagram in edit mode.

The chart is created using the default settings. After you create a chart, you can edit its properties to change its appearance. Line styles and icons can be changed in the tab Line in the data series properties dialog box.

Double-clicking on any data point will open a dialog box Data series. This dialog box allows you to change many properties of a data series.

For 2D charts you can select here Insert>Error bars for Y, to enable the display of error bars.

Using menu commands "Insert" You can enable the display of average lines and trend lines.

Dots only

Each data point is indicated by an icon. IN are used standard icons with different shapes and colors for each data series. Standard colors are set in the menu Tools -> Options -> Diagrams -> Standard colors.

Lines only

In this variation, straight lines connect one data point to another. Data points are not indicated by icons.

The order of the figure matches the order in the data series. Option Sort by X values allows you to draw lines in order of values X. This sorting does not apply to the data in the table, but only to the chart.

Lines and dots

This option displays both points and lines simultaneously.

3D lines

Lines appear as ribbons. Data points are not indicated by icons. In the finished diagram you need to select 3D view to set properties such as lighting and viewing angle.

Smoothing lines

Option Smoothing lines allows you to draw curves instead of straight lines.

Must select Properties to set additional curve parameters.

Cubic spline interpolates data points with third degree parabolas. The transitions between the fragments of the parabola are smoothed and have the same slope and curvature.

Permission specifies the number of line segments calculated to create a parabola fragment between two data points. When you click on a data point, intermediate points are displayed.

Bi-spline uses data points as control points to form a bi-spline curve. These curves are formed from parabolas. Function Order of data points sets the degree k these parabolas.

Work order

Exercise 1.

Plot a graph linear function y=3.65x-1.5 .

For this:

1. Launch Calc .

2. On the first sheet, create a table according to the sample.

3. Rename the shortcut Sheet 1, giving it the name “ Schedule 1”.

4. Graph a Linear Function y=3.65x-1.5 on the interval [-6,6] using Chart Wizard by selecting in step 1, the chart type is XY Chart (lines only);

  • in step 2, when selecting a data range, set Data series in rows;
  • in step 4, enter the chart elements: title “CHART y=3.65x-1.5”, show legend on the right, display grid along the X and Y axis.
  • 5. Format the constructed graph.

    Produce gradient fill area of ​​the diagram and set a border for it.

    6. Fill the legend area with texture and set a border for it.

    7. Insert data signatures.

    To do this, click on the desired row and execute Insert -> Data Signature.

    8. Produce Axis Format X .

    For this:

    • Click RMB along the axis X and select Axis format... from the context menu.
    • In the tab Scaling window that appears X axis

    • In the tab Line set for axis X 0.10 cm .
    • Press Ok .

    9. Produce Axis Format Y .

    For this:

    • Click RMB along the axis Y and select Axis format... from the context menu.
    • In the tab Scaling window that appears Y axis perform the installation according to the figure:

    • In the tab Line set for axis X solid line of blue color width 0.10 cm .
    • Press Ok .

    10. Produce the main axis grid format X .

    For this:

    • Click RMB along the main axis grid X and select Main Grid Format from the context menu.
    • In the tab Line window that appears Main axis mesh X 0.05 cm .
    • Press Ok .

    11. Produce the main axis grid format Y .

    For this:

    • Click RMB along the main axis grid Y and select Main Grid Format from the context menu.
    • In the tab Line window that appears Main axis mesh Y set a solid red line width 0.05 cm .
    • Press Ok .

    12. Format the optional axis grid X .

    For this:

    • Click RMB along an additional axis grid X and select Additional format mesh from the context menu.
    • In the tab Line window that appears Additional axis grid X set a solid black line width 0.01 cm .
    • Press Ok .

    13. Increase the size of the graph proportionally.

    For this:

    • Hover your mouse over one of the eight size handles located on the chart frame until it becomes a double-headed arrow.
    • Press the key Shift And LMB and drag the marker to the right size diagrams.

    14. Save the resulting file under the name Charts.ods .

    Task 2.

    Graph the Function y=sin2х on the interval [-10,10].

    For this:

    1. Open the file Charts.ods . Go to the second sheet by clicking on the shortcut Sheet 2 .

    2. Rename the shortcut Sheet 2 , giving it the name “ Schedule 2 ”.

    3. Graph the function y=sin2х on the interval [-10,10] using Diagram Wizards (see step 4 of task 1).

    A table of values ​​for a function can be built both horizontally and vertically.

    • IN in this case table of values ​​for the function y=sin2х build vertically.
    • To graph this function, enter the following expression in the formula bar: = SIN(2*X) or = SIN(2*A2).
    • Smooth the line.

    • As a result, you should get:

    4. Format the constructed graph by repeating the steps paragraph 5–13 of task 1 .

    5. Resave the resulting file under the same name Charts.ods .

    Task 3.

    Solve the system of equations graphically

    For this:

    1. Open the file Charts.ods . Go to the third sheet by clicking on the label Sheet 3 .

    2. Rename the shortcut Sheet 3 , giving it the name “ Schedule 3 ”.

    3. Graph functions and with the help Chart Wizards .

    Construct tables of the values ​​of these functions and their graphs in this way:

    4. Format the constructed graphs by repeating the steps paragraph 5–13 of task 1 .

    5. Resave the file under the same name Charts.xls .

    Control questions:

    1. What problems can be solved using XY Charts ?

    2. What the option allows you to do Smoothing lines V XY diagram?

    3. What actions can be performed when formatting axes X And Y?

    4. What is “autofill” and when is it used?

    5. How to delete a chart (graph)?

    Now all that remains is to insert the diagram of our calculation. This is done very simply:

    Two columns stand out A And B. Select an item from the menu Insert->Diagram...

    In our case, the first line is the axis label x, so leave the checkbox First line as signature. Range of values ​​recorded in the field Region, was determined automatically, it, as expected, is equal to $Sheet1.$A$1:$B$361.

    Our diagram can be placed either on one of the existing sheets or on a new sheet. If you place a diagram on a new sheet, it will occupy the entire sheet, which is very convenient for printing diagrams on a whole sheet. In our example, selected to place the chart Sheet1.

    After completing each dialog box, click the button Further.

    In this window, select the chart type from the following options:

    2D charts

    • lines;
    • with regions;
    • bar chart;
    • ruled;
    • circular;
    • XY chart;
    • mesh;
    • stock exchange

    3D charts

    • 3M schedule;
    • with 3M areas;
    • histogram 3M;
    • ruled 3M;
    • circular 3M.

    Since the chart is built using two columns, we choose an XY chart. Data series are specified in columns.

    This window specifies the diagram variant.

    We indicate the name of the diagram; Since there is only one dependency on it, we uncheck the legend box. Enter the labels for the X and Y axes.

    Building charts in Calc

    Practical work 9th grade

    DIAGRAM (from the Greek diagramma - image, drawing, drawing), graphic image, visually showing the relationship of some quantities. Charts and graphs can be powerful ways of conveying information to the reader and Calc offers a variety various formats charts or graphs for your data. To create a chart, first highlight (select) the data that will be included in the chart, select Insert > Chart from the menu. ( Fig 1)

    Fig 1 Insert Diagram

    Starts Chart Wizard, which, step by step, will allow you to make basic settings when constructing a diagram: select the proposed options and proceed to the next step.

    Examples of diagrams:

    Fig 2 Example of a histogram

    Fig 3 Example pie chart

    Fig 4 Example of a bar chart

    Editing a chart

    Call the context menu on the diagram and select Edit. Menu Insert And Format changes and commands appear in them that allow you to edit charts: add data labels, change the position of the legend, show additional axes, insert titles (Figure 5).

    Fig 5 Editing a diagram

    An example of a histogram in which the values ​​are labeled and the number format is configured (Figure 6).

    Fig 6 Example of a chart with data labels

    Move or delete a chart

    The selected diagram can be easily deleted by selecting a menu item Cut, enabled when you right-click (Figure 7). Select the chart, click right click mouse, select menu item Cut.

    Fig 7 Deleting a diagram

    To move a chart:

    1. Set rates inside the chart.

    2. When a four-directional arrow appears, click the mouse button.

    3. Move the diagram to the desired location on the sheet.

    4. Release the mouse button.

    4. Consolidation of what has been learned (practical work)

    Fill out the table "Largest Rivers" in the appropriate program according to the example. Calculate the maximum, minimum and average values. Build diagrams:

    1. river lengths;

    2. water consumption;

    3. according to average values.

    Largest rivers

    River name

    River location

    River length (km)

    Basin area (thousand sq. km)

    Water consumption (cubic m/s)












































    • 5. Summing up, grading

    • What is a diagram?

    • Name the main objects of diagrams.

    • Name the main types of diagrams.

    • List the advantages and disadvantages of different types of diagrams.
    Key points:

    • The Chart Wizard automates the tasks of creating a chart, eliminating the need for you to manually add elements such as chart titles, axis labels, and legends.

    • You can change the layout and size of the chart to make it easier to view other data or elements on the worksheet.

    • You can apply formats to parts of a chart to highlight specific data and enhance appearance leaf.

    • Calc provides Various types diagrams.
    6. Homework:

    Create table by this template, calculate the average score.

    Entrance exam results








    Average score


    Ivanov I. I.








    Petrov P.P.








    Sidorov S.S.








    Vasiliev V.V.








    Sokolov I.E.








    Nesterov K.K.







    Building charts

    Two bar graphs should be constructed for this table. Place the first diagram on an existing sheet, the second on a separate sheet.

    The Gantt chart is now the de facto method for illustrating a work plan or schedule. In addition, the basic knowledge that is given at the university on building them in spreadsheet processors(Excel or Calc) do not always allow you to fully imagine all the possibilities and necessary knowledge for their use in real conditions. Therefore, I consider it necessary to talk about this type of diagrams.

    A Gantt chart is a bar chart (bar chart) with an axis configured as categories and a timeline. It's quite natural and intuitive. Its simplest examples could be a schedule for cleaning public areas in a communal apartment or a schedule for shift work, and among the most commonly used examples are a project schedule and daily routine. However, when large quantities tasks (events), it becomes difficult to read - this is its main drawback.
    IN LibreOffice Calc No special type diagrams intended for quick construction Gantt charts. But it can be created correct formation data in the table and finishing in the chart editor. I would like to address the following issues regarding building a Gantt chart in LibreOffice Calc:

    • Table structure for creating a simple Gantt chart;
    • Creating subtasks;
    • Automation of accounting for task completion;
    • Creating a sequence of steps and milestones;
    • Color settings;
    • Setting the scales.

    I described the creation of histograms in detail in the article "Creating histograms using the Chart Wizard in LibreOffice Calc", so here I will only dwell on the steps required to create this type of chart.

    Building a simple Gantt chart

    To make it easier for us to navigate complex examples, let's start with a simple Gantt chart. For more convenient construction the table should have the following structure: categories → task start time → task duration. Let's build a chart based on a simple daily chart on a weekday. The table will look like this:

    To quickly create such a table, enter a number in cell B2. Then insert the formula =C3+B3 into cell B3, select cell B3 and use the square to drag it to B12. This will allow you to enter only the duration of time, the start of the next task will be indicated automatically. Then fill in the task duration column.
    Select the range A3:C12 and launch the Chart Wizard. In the first step, we need to select the “Bar” chart type and the “Stacked” subtype. You can skip the second and third steps for our chart (I described them in detail in the article about histograms), but for this table the wizard determined everything correctly. In the fourth step, uncheck the “Show legend” box and fill in the “Title” field. Click the “Done” button. Our diagram looks like this so far:

    Now we need to set up the chart. To do this, flip the X axis so that the beginning of the day is at the top, adjust the Y axis so that the time period corresponds to the day and remove extra elements from the diagram for better reading.
    Immediately after creating a diagram, you are in the diagram editor. If you are out of it, right-click on the diagram and select “Edit”, or double-left-click on the diagram itself.
    Right-click on the X-axis (where we list tasks) and select “Format Axis...” from the context menu. On the “Scaling” tab, check the “In reverse order" Click Yes.

    Now right-click on the Y axis (where we have time) and select “Format Axis...” from the context menu. Uncheck “Automatic” for “Maximum”, “Minimum” and “Main interval”. Let’s set the values: for “Minimum” the start of the first task is 06:00:00, for “Maximum” the start of the first task plus the period of the entire chart is 30:00:00, for “Main interval” a convenient interval for display is 02:00:00 .

    Let's go to the "Signatures" tab. On this tab, in the “Text Orientation” section, enter 90 in the “Degrees” field and click the “Yes” button.

    The next step is to remove the unnecessary parts of the ribbons from the diagram. Right-click on the blue part of the ribbon and select “Format data series...” in the context menu. In the window that opens, on the “Areas” tab, select “None” from the drop-down menu. And click the “Yes” button. Let's deselect the diagram. This is what happened.

    As you can see, you have to tinker with the construction, but not as much as it seems at first glance.

    Gantt chart with subtasks

    Subtasks in a Gantt chart in LibreOffice Calc, like main tasks, are done by formatting the required table structure. Let's look at drawing up a diagram with subtasks using the example of a plan research project my wife's. The duration of the task will be specified in calendar days. The table will look like this:

    If we talk about easier filling in with formulas, then it won’t be possible to do it as in the previous example. However, it is preferable to use formulas because the entire table becomes more interactive. Here is my way of using formulas for this case:

    All construction steps will correspond to the steps from the first example, with the exception of setting the Y axis. Select the range A3:D14 and launch the Chart Wizard. In the first step, select “Ruled” and the “Stacked” subtype. The second and third steps can be skipped for this table. On the fourth, fill in the “Title” field and uncheck the “show legend” checkbox.
    The next thing we do is set up the axes. For the X axis (where the categories are): click on it right key mouse and in the context menu select “Axis format...”, on the “Scaling” tab, check the “Reverse order” box, click “Yes”. We didn’t get dates on the Y axis at all, so we’ll have to tinker more. Right-click on it and select “Format Axis...” in the context menu. In the window that opens, the first thing we do is go to the “Numbers” tab, uncheck “ Source format" and select the date format. For our case, DD.MM.YY is best suited. Click the “Yes” button. Now we must open the same window again. Why? The fact is that, unfortunately, “Minimum” and “Maximum” do not immediately respond to format changes, but after accepting the changes this will happen, and we will receive human-readable dates in these fields, and not correspond to the number of days that have passed since December 31, 1899. This inconvenience has not yet been eliminated, unfortunately. If you can figure out how much you need to decrease/increase the number, you can do it all in one step. And so, right-click on the Y axis and select “Format Axis...” in the context menu again. On the “Scaling” tab, uncheck “Automatically” from “Minimum”, “Maximum” and “Main interval” and in the “Minimum” field the start date of our project is 09/01/2014, in the “Maximum” field we enter the end date of the project - 06/01. 2015, and in the “Main interval” field we put the number through which we will display the grid lines; for this project it is most logical to put 30.
    If you don't like the "Zigzag" arrangement of the axes, you can correct this in the "Labels" tab. The Tile feature rotates all labels by 45 degrees by default. I'll rotate it 60 degrees. You can do this by entering a number in the Text Orientation section of the Degrees field. More detailed settings We will look at the axes further, while we dwell on this.
    All that remains is to remove the unnecessary elements. Right-click on the first row of data (for me it looks like blue lines) and select “Format data series...” from the context menu. Go to the “Areas” tab and select “None” from the “Fill” drop-down menu. Click “Yes”. The result is a diagram like this.

    Automation of task tracking for the Gantt chart

    The Gantt chart in LibreOffice Calc can be used to show the progress of a plan. In this case, you can make an interactive chart so that you don’t have to rebuild it every time, but simply change the values ​​in the table cells. Let's look at this opportunity using the plan from the previous example. To do this, change the table as follows:

    The columns with the name “Calculate...” will eventually be hidden; they are service ones to make calculations easier. The “Completion” column is used to enter the percentage of task completion. I gave the formulas for the “Start” column in the previous example, here they are exactly the same. In the “Calculate task completion” column, in cell C3 we insert the formula =G3*I3 and stretch it to cell C14. In the field “Calculate the rest. duration tasks" insert =G3-C3 into cell D3 and drag it to D14 - this calculates the time until the end of the task. We do the same for subtasks. In the column “Calculating the completion of the subtask” in cell E3, insert the formula =H3*I3 and stretch it to cell H14. In the column “Calculate the remainder. duration subtasks”, insert the formula =H3-E3 into cell F3 and stretch it to F14. In a column, execution is a little more complicated. We need a task that has subtasks to be calculated automatically. Therefore, in the field of a task that has subtasks, we insert a formula in which we will add up the completion of all subtasks and divide the result by their number. For our example, these are tasks 2 and 3. In cell I4 we insert the formula =(I5+I6)/2, and in cell I7 the formula =(I8+I9+I10+I11)/4. And set the percentage format to cells I3:I14. General form tables with formulas like this:

    Since we will have many colors on the diagram, it is better to create a legend to make it easier to read. But because the column names are very long, it is better to create a separate range for the legend. My range looks like this:

    In cell A16 I typed a space - this is a little trick to fool the chart wizard. If this is not done, then the legend will display the column name “Column B” as the name of the transparent data series “Beginning”, which we do not need in the legend. A space will also be displayed there, but it will not be visible, which means it will not interfere with reading the diagram.
    Now let's build a Gantt chart. Select the range A3:F14 and launch the Chart Wizard. In the first step, select the “Bar” chart type and the “Stacked” subtype. In our case, the second step can be skipped, and in the third step we need to enter the corresponding value of the cell with the name in the “Range for: Title” field of each data row: for “Column B” - this is a cell with a space; for “Column C” - “task completion”; for “Column D” - “task”; for “Column E” - “subtask execution”; for "Column F" - "subtask". Let me remind you that this is easier to do using the button for selecting a data range, which is located next to the “Range for: Name” field. In the fourth step, as always, fill in the “Title” field and, for our case, set the value to show legend “Bottom”.
    Now we need to expand the X axis and adjust the Y axis. This is done in the same way as in the previous example. When we remove the display of unnecessary data rows, we need to check the “Include values ​​of hidden cells” checkbox on the “Options” tab. This will allow us to hide all service ranges so that they do not prevent us from using the table for its intended purpose.
    Due to the fact that the algorithms for arranging the elements of the diagram are still in the development stage, we will have to clarify the location and size of its elements in the diagram manually. To select a chart element, you can use 2 methods:

    • the first - as I told you earlier, just click on it with the mouse, it is convenient because you are not distracted from working with the diagram;
    • the second is to select a chart element from the drop-down menu on the toolbar; this often saves when the chart elements are very small.

    Select the legend of the diagram and stretch it to the right, grabbing the right green square, until the entire legend is lined up in one row. As soon as you do this, the diagram view will break and the diagram will run over the legend. This always happens when you change from automatic to manual layout. Unfortunately, we have to measure this for now. Select the diagram and use the lower green square to squeeze it a little vertically and then, finding a place where the cursor will take the form of arrows pointing in different sides, lift it up. This manual layout of the diagram is not often needed, but sometimes it cannot be avoided.
    Now that the diagram is ready, you can indicate the degree of completion of tasks and it will automatically be reflected on the diagram. I marked the partial completion of only some tasks so that you can see what it looks like.

    The color scheme of the resulting diagram is confusing. We'll look at how to fix this in the next section.

    Customize Gantt chart colors

    Default colors in LibreOffice Calc for all charts are set in the Options dialog: “Tools” → “Options...” → “Charts” → “Default Colors”. But this only allows you to select colors, for Gantt chart it is not the best option. In LibreOffice Calc, it is possible to customize the colors and decorative display in the diagram editor. This is done in the “Data Series” settings window on the “Areas” tab.
    An interesting property for a diagram can be shading; it is done on the same tab as choosing a color. In order to set the color for the hatch background, you need to check the “Background color” checkbox, after which the drop-down list with colors will become available. At the bottom of the window there will be a field with a color preview.

    If you need to slightly shade one element from another, provided that your elements have the same colors, you can go to the “Transparency” tab and set the transparency value. Just like with the “Areas” tab, a preview of the resulting color will be available.
    For the tasks, I set the color to “Diagram 4”; for completed tasks I set the shading to 45 degrees, the background to “Diagram 4” and the transparency to 10%; for subtasks “Diagram 8”; for completed subtasks, shading is 45 degrees and transparency is 10%. Here's what I got:

    Creating a sequence of steps and milestones for a Gantt chart

    The sequence of steps in LibreOffice Calc for a Gantt chart cannot be displayed using the wizard and chart editor. But the task is still feasible. If we need to make arrows to represent a sequence of steps, we can draw them. The disadvantage of this method is that if we have to change the duration of a task in the table, the arrows will not automatically move behind the line in the Gantt chart. Each time we will have to fine-tune the look with our hands. Although, if you often use this feature, you can make a macro that will itself adjust the arrows the way you need. You can combine arrows and a diagram into one entity, for easier resizing, dragging or copying, without macros. Here we will look at creating the necessary elements manually.
    The chart fits the width of an A4 sheet by default portrait orientation. You can change its size in several ways:

    • The first, simplest one is to select an area of ​​the diagram and drag the square on its side;
    • the second (suitable for precise fitting) is to right-click on the diagram area and select “Position and Size” in the context menu.
    In essence, these two methods are suitable for any element of the diagram, but the second is usually used only when overlaying diagrams.
    Arrows and milestones can be drawn in different ways. Drawing is a rather tedious task and takes a lot of time, especially when you are just learning it. The reason for this, in my opinion, is that at first you don’t understand how your drawing will look on the diagram; you often have to redraw it. When I first started using this feature I used the LibreOffice Calc menu: Insert → Object → OLE object" and in the window that opened, select "LibreOffice Drawing" and create a new drawing. An embedded document appears and you can draw in it. Then, when I realized that many of my arrows were repeated from project to project, I decided to create drawings in separate files, and already include this file in the document. Thus, my arrows began to accumulate, and the speed of creating the diagram began to increase.
    In order to insert a picture into a LibreOffice Calc sheet, you also need to go to the “Insert” → “Object” → “OLE Object” menu.

    In the window that opens, you need to select “Create from file”. It will change, now you can specify the path to the file. If the path is long or you don’t remember the exact path, you can click on the “Search” button, this will open a file selection dialog box.

    I draw large arrows on a grid in LibreOffice Draw, it’s more convenient for me. When inserted, a large drawing is obtained that can be compressed to the required size.

    In my drawing, the width of the line is 0.2 cm, the width of the arrow is 1.50 cm, and the width of the diamond is 1.2 cm. After drawing, the sheet needs to be adjusted so that unnecessary things are not inserted empty space, then the work will be easier. You can do this by right-clicking on the picture field and selecting “Page” → “Page Settings” in the context menu. In the window that opens, set the width and height of the paper format.
    Once you have drawn the milestones and arrows for the steps and placed them in place, select all the arrows with Shift pressed and lastly the diagram, then release Shift and right-click on the diagram. In the context menu, select “Group” → “Group”. After which the diagram will become one entity: it can be moved, resized and copied into other documents (for example, Writer or Draw).

    A few clarifications: if large elements are inserted after small ones and their area overlaps the area of ​​the small element, then selecting the latter is very difficult. Can large element move it to a more background by right-clicking on it and selecting “Arrange” → “Move Back” in the context menu. Sometimes it makes sense to make one grouping first, and then group the remaining elements and that grouping.
    To edit elements, you can either ungroup (in the context menu “Group” → “Ungroup”) or enter a group (“Group” → “Enter Group”). After editing is completed, you need to group the elements again if you ungrouped them, or leave the group if you entered it.
    If you want to make milestones in MS Project style, then you need to leave empty lines in their place, which can be hidden after creating the chart, having previously included the values ​​of the hidden cells.

    Gantt chart scale settings

    Setting up a timeline on a Gantt chart in LibreOffice Calc is one of the most time-consuming tasks. Sometimes, it is really difficult to make the necessary mapping. For example, if your project lasts six months, then it is unlikely to be possible to divide the scale exactly by month without writing macros. As another example, a multi-level Y-axis is created by layering multiple charts, which is time-consuming and makes it impossible for the chart to automatically adjust when input data changes. However, setting a week, quarter or even a millisecond (although there is no such format in LibreOffice Calc) is quite simple, you just need to format the type of values ​​​​in the “Numbers” tab of the Y axis. The official wiki has an excellent article on this subject (Number format codes in LibreOffice) . I will devote separate articles to chart overlays and macros, but here we will deal with setting up the X axis.
    The first thing you want to do in the previous diagrams is to align the names of tasks and subtasks to the left; this can be done using a monospaced font and spaces. In order not to do the dull work of counting spaces, and to preserve the possibility automatic adjustment diagram when changing it, it is worth using the formula. Let's look at this using the previous example. Let's add two columns to the table. In the first, we will consider the length of the task/subtask name, and in the second, add spaces to the name to the maximum length long line. The table will look like this:

    In cell C3 we insert the formula =LEN(A3) and stretch it to C14, and in cell D3 we insert the formula =CONCATENATE(A3;REPT(" "; MAX($B$3:$B$14)-B3)) and stretch it up to D14. The LEN() function simply counts the number of characters in a string, and the MAX() function finds the maximum value in given array values. Please note that the array is enclosed with $ signs, otherwise it will go beyond the required range. The REPT() function repeats the sign a specified number of times, for our example equal to length longest string minus length current line. And the CONCATENATE() function combines strings, in our case this is the name of the task/subtask and a string with spaces. As a result, we get lines containing an equal number of characters. To make the subtasks a little further from the left edge, simply add a space before the text in column A, this will make it easier to read. Now, if we decide to change the name of one of the tasks/subtasks, then everything in column C will be automatically recalculated.
    The next step is to build the diagram itself. To create a chart for this table, use the range C3:H14. All steps will follow the example “Automating task tracking using a Gantt chart in Calc.” With one small exception, we need to adjust fonts everywhere. In my opinion, the nicest fonts are DejaVu Sans Mono. Therefore, I chose them to display the title and X-axis. For the Y-axis, I chose DejaVu Sans, it is similar to the first one, but not monospaced, I chose it because of its compactness. You can choose your fonts, the only thing you need to remember is that for this purpose for the X axis the font must be monospaced, otherwise nothing will work.
    To open the font settings dialog, right-click on the required diagram element and select element format in the context menu. In the window that opens, we need the “Font” tab, where you can select a font, specify its size and properties.
    I added arrows for steps and milestones to the diagram to show the whole picture. This is what ended up happening.

    Annotation: The concept of diagrams is given. The procedure for creating a chart based on available tabular data is shown. Shows ways to select a diagram and its elements. Tools for working with a diagram as a graphic object and editing the diagram are presented. Editing diagrams is covered in detail. Attention is drawn to the features of working with a diagram in editing mode. It is possible to change the chart type. The possibilities of adding and removing diagram elements are shown. The design of diagrams is studied. The ability to set line and fill parameters and select font parameters is shown. A general idea of ​​the possibilities for printing documents is given. Shown is working with a document in the mode preview before printing. An idea of ​​the parameters of document pages is given. Tools for working with them are presented. Shows how to configure page settings, select page orientation, set margin sizes, and center the table on the page. The possibilities for printing tables are shown, including printing multiple copies and multiple pages on one sheet of paper.

    Creating a Chart

    Diagrams are a tool visual representation data and make it easier to make comparisons and identify patterns and trends in the data.

    Charts are created based on data located on a sheet. Typically, data from one sheet is used. This can be data from ranges of both adjacent and non-adjacent cells. Non-adjacent cells should form a rectangle. If necessary, during or after creating a chart, you can add data located on other sheets to it.

    The diagram can be positioned like graphic object on the data sheet (not necessarily the same one as the data used to create the chart). There can be several charts on one data sheet.

    The chart is permanently linked to the data from which it is created, and is updated automatically when the source data changes.

    IN OpenOffice Calc You can create various diagrams. There are a total of 10 types of built-in diagrams, each of which has many more varieties (types). The choice of diagram type is determined by the tasks solved when creating it.

    The chart is created using the Chart Wizard. During the creation process, its main parameters are configured. The parameters can be changed later when editing the diagram. The design of the diagram (line and fill colors, font settings, etc.) is set after its creation.

    Before you create a chart, make sure that the data on your worksheet is organized according to the type of chart you plan to use.

    The data must be organized by columns or rows. Columns (rows) of data do not have to be contiguous, but non-adjacent cells must form a rectangle.

    The data used to create the chart generally should not have significantly different values.

    • Select the table fragment for which you are creating a chart.
    • In the toolbar Standard click the button Diagram, after which a chart (histogram) will be immediately inserted into the sheet and a window will appear Chart Wizard(Fig. 10.1).
    • In the first step window of the Chart Wizard, you can select the type and type of chart, as well as configure the features of this type. For example, when you create a bar, bar, or pie chart, you can give it a 3-D appearance. The selected parameters are immediately displayed in a chart on the sheet (Fig. 10.2).
    • Click the button Further.
    • In the window of the second step of the chart wizard (Fig. 10.3), if necessary, you can select a different data range on the basis of which the chart is built. To do this, clear the contents of the field Data range, click the button located to the right of the field and select another range.
    • In addition, in this window you can select the type of arrangement of data series: in rows or in columns. Also check if the data range has signatures in the first row or first column, or both row and column (