How to create a pie chart in Word. How to Create a Chart in Word

No one will dispute that a histogram is a good tool for visually displaying data. Just by looking at such a diagram, you can quickly assess the situation without resorting to analyzing the numerical values ​​in the table. That is why the world-famous Excel spreadsheet editor adopted this tool.

This article will tell you how to build a histogram in Excel. Four construction methods will be discussed, each of which is quite different from each other. That is why it is worth reading the article to the end to choose a method for yourself. At the end of the article there will also be an example of constructing a histogram in Word.

Building a histogram

Excel allows you to build a histogram using three methods:

  • using a special tool;
  • using conditional formatting;
  • using add-ons.

Now we will look at all the ways to build. By the way, it can be designed in different ways - be part of a specific cell or as a separate object.

First method: building a regular histogram

The construction begins by selecting an area of ​​the table, the values ​​of which will be displayed in the future histogram. Once the selection has been made, you need to go to the "Insert" tab. In it, you need to click on the “Histogram” button, which is located in the “Charts” area.

As a result, you will see a detailed list from which you need to select one of the diagrams. By the way, regular histograms are located first in the list.

After selection, the required option will appear in Excel, and at this point the construction can be considered complete. However, you can edit the histogram using the tools located in the group of tabs called "Chart Tools".

Second method: building with accumulation

As in the first method, we need a dedicated table. The histogram in this case is constructed a little differently. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the names in the header: they should not be there. Otherwise, nothing will work.

After selection, you must also go to the “Insert” tab, click on the “Charts” button and select the one you are interested in in the “Histogram” drop-down menu. It's worth noting that stacked histograms are on the right side of the list.

By selecting one of the elements, you will see a graph on the document sheet. The histogram, as in the previous method, can be changed at your discretion; for this, also use the tools located in the “Working with Charts” tab group.

Third method: building using add-ons

Now let's move on to the third way to build a histogram. It involves using a special analysis package.

The first thing you need to do is activate this package. To do this, you need to initially click on the “File” button in the program. Next, go to the “Options” section in the sidebar. Now find the “Add-ons” item and select “Manage” from the drop-down list. After that, click the “Go” button.

An add-ons window will open in front of you, in which you need to check the box next to “Analysis package” and click the “OK” button.

So, the analysis package is activated. Now the histogram is built in the “Data” tab - go there.

On the toolbar, you need to click on the “Data Analysis” button, located on the right side in the “Analysis” area. A window will appear in which you need to select the “Histogram” item and click the “OK” button.

Another window will open where you need to set the parameters of the future diagram. In the "Input interval" field, you need to specify the table area whose data will be used for construction. After that, check the box next to “Output graph”. Now all you have to do is indicate where this graph will be displayed. There are three options - for a new workbook, a new sheet, or for this sheet. Once the settings are configured, click OK.

As a result, a histogram graph will be displayed in the location you specify.

Fourth method: building with conditional formatting

The fourth way to build a histogram is radically different from all those presented above. At the end of its analysis, you will see this for yourself.

Initially, as in previous times, you need to select an area of ​​the table whose data will be used for construction. Once you do this, go to the "Home" tab and open "Conditional Formatting" in the toolbar. In it you need to find the “Histograms” item and select the histogram type in the window that appears. There are two options: with a gradient fill and with a solid one. There is practically no difference between them, so when choosing, you can be guided by your taste.

Once you select the histogram type, it will appear in certain cells as a fill line.

Building a histogram in Word

Now let's figure it out. At its core, the process of creating it is not much different from Excel, but first things first.

Initially, by clicking the left mouse button, indicate the place where you want to insert the histogram. After that, go to the "Insert" tab and in the "Illustrations" area, click on the "Insert diagram" button - a window of the same name will appear.

In the sidebar window, select the "Histogram" category, and on the right side, define the histogram type. As you can see, there are both regular and cumulative ones - select the one you need and press the "OK" button.

Your histogram will appear on the Word sheet. Please note that underneath there will be a small Excel table for data entry. Set the necessary variables and enjoy the result.

Now you know how to make a histogram in Word. It should be noted that this is no more difficult than in Excel.

In various financial documents or reports, coursework or diplomas, you may find data presented in table form. And in order to make them look more clearly, it is better to build a graph based on them. Since almost all documentation that is presented in electronic form is created in the MS Word editor, in this article we will learn how to create graphs in Word.

If you have a table with data in your document, then, of course, you can do everything yourself. To do this, turn on the visibility of the grid; using lines, draw the axes; sign them; and then, using the curve, draw.

But why such complexity if this function is already built into the editor. We just need to enter the data correctly and everything will be ready.

But let's talk about everything in order.

How to build graphs

Let me take the following data as an example. There are employees, and the amount of goods they sold in a certain month. The graph will help you quickly understand which employee sold the most goods for a certain month, or for the entire period.

Place the cursor at the desired location in the document. Then go to the tab and in the “Illustrations” section, click on the button with the image of the diagram.

A window like the one in the screenshot below will appear. In it, select the type of chart that suits you best. Then click "OK". I'll build with markers, but in this case you could also make a histogram, or bar chart.

You need to transfer into it all the values ​​that you have indicated in the table in the Word document.

First you need to select the correct range of values ​​in Excel. I will have 5 rows (top row and 4 employees), and 8 columns (employee names and months). Grab the lower right corner and select the number of rows and columns you need.

When you change them, please note that the schedule itself changes.

Once everything in Excel has been changed, close this window.

This is the result I got.

If you double-click with the left mouse button on the vertical (0, 10, 20, 30...), horizontal (Katya, Masha...) axis, legend (January, February...) or any of the data series (colored curves), a window with settings will open .

For example, click on the curve with values ​​for April, a window opens "Data Series Format". Here you can change the color, line type, etc.

If you click on the horizontal axis, a window will open. There you can select the necessary parameters.

If you right-click on the chart itself, a context menu will open. In it you can "To change the data"– an Excel sheet will appear with the created table, which we closed, and more.

By clicking on the created graph, a tab will appear at the top. In it you will see three additional tabs: “Designer”, “Layout” and “Format”. Click on them and see how else you can change the view. For example, add a title to your chart.

How to create a function graph

If you need to insert it into a document, then you can proceed as follows. First add a function graph in Excel, I described how to do this in a separate article, and then copy and paste it into a Word document. After this, you will still have the opportunity to edit it in Word, as described above: either click on the axes, or go to the tab.

You can also find various programs on the Internet that can be used to create a graph of a function in Word. I'll tell you about one of them - "Chart Builder 1.50".

This is a macro that needs to be installed on your computer. Then open Word and launch the program in “Add-ons”.

I downloaded the installation file from the Internet. Then I launched the installation wizard.

There is nothing special about the installation. Select your language, accept the license agreement, and click .

In order for the macro to work, you need to slightly change the Word settings. Go to the “File” tab and click on the item.

In the next window, go to the tab "Security Control Center" and click on the button.

On the tab "Macro Options" place a marker in the field "Enable all macros". Click "Ok" in this window and in the previous one.

If you do not plan to constantly use this macro, then after working with it, go back to Word and return everything back.

If you had a Word document open at the time of installing the program, then close it and open it again.

Then go to the tab. A new icon corresponding to the macro should appear there. To run the macro, click on it.

The program interface is in Russian. Enter your values ​​and draw the desired function.

If you have Excel installed on your computer, you can take advantage of Word's advanced charting capabilities.

In this article

About charts

Charts are used to present series of numerical data in a graphical format that makes it easier to understand large amounts of information and the relationships between different data series.

1. Sheet data

2. Chart created from worksheet data

Excel supports different types of charts, which allows you to present data in the most understandable way for a particular audience. When you create a new chart or edit an existing chart, you can choose from a variety of chart types (such as bar chart or pie chart) and subtypes (such as stacked bar chart or 3-D pie chart). By combining different types in one chart, you can create a mixed chart.

An example of a mixed chart that combines a histogram and a graph.

For more information about the chart types supported in Excel, see Chart Types.

Chart elements

A diagram consists of various elements. Some of them are displayed by default, others can be added as needed. You can change the appearance of chart elements by moving them to a different location or changing their size or format. You can also remove chart elements that you don't want to display.

1. chart area.

2. diagram plotting area.

3. data points for a series of data marked on a chart.

5. Chart legend.

6. Names of the chart and axes that can be used in the chart.

7. data label, which can be used to indicate the information of a data point in a data series.

Modify the base chart to suit your needs

Once you've created a chart, you can change any of its elements. For example, you can change the appearance of the axes, add a chart title, move or hide the legend, and add additional elements.

To change the chart you can do the following:

    Change the appearance of the chart axes. You can specify the scale of the axes and change the spacing between values ​​or categories. To make the chart easier to read, you can add tick marks on the axes and specify the amount of space between them.

    Adding titles and data labels to a chart To help explain the data displayed in a chart, you can add a chart title, axis titles, and data labels.

    Adding a legend and data table. You can show or hide the legend, change its location or elements. For some charts, you can also display a data table that contains the legend keys and values ​​represented in the chart.

    Apply special parameters for different types of charts. For different chart types, you can apply a variety of special lines (such as swing corridors and trend lines), bars (such as up and down bars and error bars), data markers, and so on.

Use ready-made chart styles and layouts for a professional look

Instead of adding or changing chart elements and formatting them manually, you can quickly apply a pre-made chart layout or style to your data. Word has many useful pre-designed layouts and styles that you can use as is or customize by manually changing the layout or format of individual chart elements, such as the chart area, plot area, data series, and legend.

When you use a preset chart layout, the chart displays a specified set of elements (for example, titles, legend, data table, or data labels) in a specific order. You can select a suitable layout from those provided for a specific chart type.

When you use a preset chart style, the chart's formatting is based on the document theme applied, so the chart's appearance will match the theme colors (set of colors), theme fonts (set of heading and body text fonts), and theme effects (set of borders and fills) that your organization or organization uses. specified by the user.

You can't create your own chart styles or layouts, but you can create chart templates that contain the layout and formatting you want.

Attractive chart formatting

In addition to using a preset chart style, you can easily change the formatting of individual chart elements, such as data markers, chart area, plot area, numbers, and text in titles and captions, which will attract attention and make the chart stand out. You can also apply shape styles and WordArt styles, or manually format shapes and text in chart elements.

To add formatting you can do the following:

    Filling diagram elements. To draw attention to certain chart elements, you can fill them with color, texture, pattern, or gradient.

    Change the outlines of chart elements. To highlight chart elements, you can change the color, type, or thickness of the lines.

    Adding special effects to chart elements To complete your diagram, you can apply special effects to its elements, such as shadow, reflection, glow, smooth edges, embossing, or volumetric rotation.

    Formatting text and numbers Text and numbers in chart titles, labels, and legends can be formatted in the same way as text and numbers on a worksheet. You can even apply WordArt styles to highlight text or numbers.

Reusing diagrams by creating templates

If you want to reuse a customized chart, you can save it as a chart template (CRTX file) in the Chart Templates folder. When you create a chart, you can apply a template in the same way as a built-in chart type. Chart templates are custom chart types that allow you to change the type of an existing chart. If you need to use a particular chart template frequently, you can save it as the default chart type.

Step 1: Create a Basic Chart

You can add a chart to a Word document in one of two ways: by embedding it, or by inserting an Excel chart that is linked to data in an Office Excel 2007 worksheet. The main differences between embedded and linked charts are where the data is stored and how it is updated after it is inserted into Word document.

Note: Some types of charts require data to be arranged in a specific way on the Excel worksheet. For more information, see .

Inserting a diagram by embedding it in a document

If an Excel chart is embedded in a Word file, it will not change even if you change the original Excel file. Embedded objects become part of the Word file and are no longer part of the original file.

Because the data is stored entirely in a single Word document, embedding is useful when you don't want it to change based on changes to the source file, or you don't want recipients of the document to have to update related information.

Insert a linked Excel chart into a document

You can create a chart in an external Excel 2007 worksheet, copy it, and paste a linked version into a Word document. If a chart is linked, the data in it is updated when the external Excel worksheet changes. The associated data is stored in an Excel sheet. A Word document stores only the location of the source file and displays a view of the associated data.

    In Excel, select a chart by clicking its border and then on the tab home in Group Clipboard click Cut.

    The chart will be deleted, but its data will remain in Excel.

    In Word, click where you want to insert the chart in the document.

    On the tab home in Group Clipboard click the button Insert.

    Button Paste Options indicates that the chart will be linked to Excel data.

    Save the Word document with the chart linked to the Excel data.

    When you reopen the Word document, click Yes to update Excel data.

You can also create visual representations of data using SmartArt graphics. For more information, see Create a SmartArt graphic.

Organize data in an Excel worksheet

Most charts, such as histograms and bar charts, can be drawn from data arranged in the rows or columns of a worksheet. However, some types of charts, such as pie and bubble charts, require the data to be arranged in a specific way.

    Add the data to the worksheet that you want to use to create a chart.

    You can arrange your data in rows or columns - Excel will automatically determine the best way to construct the chart. Some chart types, such as pie and bubble charts, require data to be arranged in a specific way, as described in the table below.

    Stock chart

    By column or row in the following order, using titles or dates as labels:

    high, low and closing values

    For example:





  1. Select the cells containing the data you want to use to create the chart.

    Advice: If you select only one cell, Excel automatically builds a chart based on the adjacent cells that contain data. If the cells you want are not in a contiguous range, you can select nonadjacent cells or ranges; in this case, the selection should be a rectangle. You can also hide rows and columns that you don't want to appear in the chart.

    Select cells, ranges, rows, and columns

    To highlight

    Follow these steps

    Single cell

    Click a cell or use the arrow keys to move to the desired cell.

    Cell range

    Click the first cell of the range, and then drag the mouse to the last cell of the range. You can also press the SHIFT key and use the arrow keys to expand the selection.

    Alternatively, you can select the first cell of a range and then press F8 to expand the selection using the arrow keys. To stop expanding the selection, press F8 again.

    Large cell range

    Click the first cell in the range, and then Shift-click the last cell in the range. Scroll to display the last cell.

    All sheet cells

    Click the button Select all.

    You can also press CTRL+A to select the entire sheet.

    If the table contains data, pressing CTRL+A selects the current range. Pressing CTRL+A again will select the entire table.

    Non-adjacent cells or ranges of cells

    Select the first cell or range of cells, and then hold down the CTRL key while selecting other cells or ranges.

    You can also select the first cell or range of cells, and then press Shift+F8 to include other nonadjacent cells or ranges in the selection. To stop turning on cells and ranges, press Shift+F8 again.

    Note: You cannot deselect individual non-adjacent cells or ranges without deselecting the entire selection.

    Entire column or row

    Click the timeline or column heading.

    1. Row header

    2. Column header

    You can also select cells in a row or column by selecting the first row and then pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW (RIGHT or LEFT for rows, UP or DOWN for columns).

    If a row or column contains data, pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW will highlight the row or column up to the last filled cell. Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW again will select the entire row or column.

    Adjacent rows or columns

    Drag your mouse over the row or column headings. You can also select the first row or column, and then press SHIFT to select the last row or column.

    Non-adjacent rows or columns

    Select the row or column header of the first row or column of the selection, and then press CTRL to click the column or row headers that you want to add to the selection.

    The first or last cell in a row or column

    Select a cell in a row or column, and then press Ctrl+ARROW (RIGHT or LEFT for rows, UP or DOWN for columns).

    The first or last cell in a Microsoft Office Excel worksheet or table

    To select the first cell in an Excel worksheet or list, press CTRL+HOME.

    To select the last cell that contains data or formatting in an Excel worksheet or list, press CTRL+END.

    Cells up to the last used worksheet cell (lower right corner)

    Select the first cell, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+END to expand the selection to the last cell in the worksheet you use (bottom right corner).

    Cells before the beginning of the sheet

    Select the first cell, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+HOME to expand the selection to the beginning of the sheet.

    More or fewer cells than there are in the active selection

    While holding down the SHIFT key, click the last cell you want to include in the new selection. The new selection will include a rectangular range between the active cell and the cell that was clicked.

    To deselect cells, click any cell on the worksheet.

    To quickly create a chart based on the default chart type, select the data you want and press Alt+F1. Pressing ALT+F1 creates an embedded chart.

    When you create a chart, Excel determines the orientation of the data series based on the number of worksheet rows and columns that are included in it. After creating a chart, you can change the way the rows and columns are displayed in the chart by swapping them.

    If the diagram is not needed, you can delete it. Click the chart to select it, and then press DELETE.

Step 2: Change the chart layout or style

After creating a chart, you can instantly change its appearance. Instead of manually adding or changing chart elements or formatting, you can quickly apply a preset layout and style to your chart. Word provides a variety of useful chart layouts and styles (or Quick Layouts and Quick Styles) to choose from; If necessary, you can further customize the layout or style by manually changing the layout and format of individual chart elements.

Rarely is a report complete without a diagram. It allows you to display digital data using graphics, making it much easier to understand. Many users believe that it is more convenient to do them in MS Excel. But for those who do not have sufficient skills in working with spreadsheet editors, creating them in Word is much easier and faster. How exactly this is done will be discussed further.

Working with charts in Word

Word has a rich set of tools for creating and customizing diagrams. Thanks to it, the user has the opportunity to maximally customize the created diagram to suit his specific needs and make it unique. This work includes several steps.

Step 1: Create a Chart

To create a new chart in Word:

After these manipulations, the new diagram will be automatically inserted into the text in the place where the cursor was.

Step 2: Chart Setup

If the parameters of the created diagram fully meet the user’s requirements, then in the first step you can finish working with it. But this is not always the case. Therefore, after creation, it is usually further modified to an acceptable form. To do this, Word provides the following options:

Using the mouse, you can scale the object by moving the corners of the selection. And if you right-click on it, a menu will appear from where you can go to change its parameters:

The chart element format menu looks like this (using the legend as an example):

Exactly the same manipulations can be performed with any element of the diagram.

The examples above show that thanks to the variety of chart customization tools, you can create visual and colorful documents that meet the requirements of even the most demanding user.

If you need to visualize difficult-to-understand data, a chart can help you with this. Using a chart, you can easily demonstrate the relationships between various indicators, as well as identify patterns and sequences in the available data.

You might think that creating a chart requires you to use difficult-to-learn programs, but that's not true. For this, a regular word text editor will be enough for you. And in this article we will demonstrate this. Here you can learn how to make a chart in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

How to make a chart in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016

If you are using Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, then in order to make a diagram you you need to go to the “Insert” tab and click on the “Diagram” button there.

After this, the “Insert Chart” window will appear in front of you. In this window you need to select the appearance of the diagram that you want to insert into your Word document and click on the “Ok” button. Let's take a pie chart as an example.

Once you select a chart appearance, an example of what the chart you selected might look like appears in your Word document. This will immediately open an Excel window. In Excel, you will see a small table with data that is used to build a chart in Word.

To change the inserted diagram to suit your needs, you need to make changes to the table in Excel. To do this, simply enter your own column names and the necessary data. If you need to increase or decrease the number of rows in the table, you can do this by changing the area highlighted in blue.

After all the necessary data has been entered into the table, Excel can be closed. After closing Excel, you will receive the chart you need in Word.

If in the future there is a need to change the data used to construct the diagram, then for this you need to select the diagram, go to the “Design” tab and click on the “Edit data” button.

To customize the appearance of your chart, use the Design, Layout, and Format tabs. Using the tools on these tabs, you can change the chart color, labels, text wrapping, and many other options.

How to Make a Pie Chart in Word 2003

If you use the text editor Word 2003, then in order to make a diagram you you need to open the “Insert” menu and select “Drawing - Diagram” there.

As a result, a chart and table will appear in your Word document.

To make a pie chart right-click on the chart and select the “Chart Type” menu item.

After this, a window will appear in which you can select the appropriate chart type. Among other things, you can select a pie chart here.

After saving the settings for the appearance of the chart, you can start changing the data in the table. Double-click on the diagram with the left mouse button and a table will appear in front of you.

Using this table, you can change the data that is used to build the chart.