Preparation of incoming data for program testing. Poll with bias: programs for creating tests

Today, not a single teacher can do without tests, be it a school teacher or a professor of a multi-thousand online course. Selecting an option from several is not the only option: you can insert pictures and videos into surveys, change task formats almost indefinitely. Edutainme has selected seven services that will facilitate the preparation and conduct of testing.

Google Forms

Google Forms is part of the Google Drive office tools. This is perhaps one of the fastest and easiest ways to create your own survey or test: write a task, select the type of answer (choose from several options, write your own) - done! The resulting test can be sent to students by email or embedded on your website using a special code. To speed up your work, we recommend adding the Flubaroo plugin - it automatically checks student answers and assigns grades according to specified criteria. The forms are completely free - you only need to have a Google account to use the resource.

With Quizlet, you can create quizzes where students can choose the correct answer from a selection of answers, match images and information, or write their own answers. It's very easy to use - you can figure out the interface in just a couple of minutes, in addition, Quizlet supports the Russian language and works on Android and iOS. Quizlet is free, but there is also a $10 Plus subscription that lets you upload your own pictures and create an unlimited number of study groups.


Proprofs prepares tests for every taste - you can offer one or more options to choose from, ask to fill in the missing word or write a detailed answer. The service allows you to insert text documents and presentations, PDF files, as well as images, audio and video files into tasks. After completing the test, you can leave it publicly available on the Proprofs website or embed it on your page.

Although the service is free, the capabilities of Proprofs are expanded in paid plans. Teachers should pay attention to the Basic and Professional tariffs. The first opens all the main features of the service and allows you to create an unlimited number of tests for $20 per month; the second allows you to unite students into closed groups and costs $40. New users can use all Proprofs features for free for 15 days after registration.

Kahoot! allows you to submit almost all educational material in the format of surveys and tests. To get feedback from students, you can practice new topics in the form of simple questions and answers, and consolidate knowledge through more detailed testing. Kahoot! designed for use in the classroom - the teacher shows the material on the main screen, and at this time students answer questions and discuss information using a special client for computers or a browser on smartphones (Android, iOS, Windows Phone). In order to enter the virtual classroom, students must enter a special code sent by the teacher. The service allows you to find out how each student answered questions, or build charts of the progress of the entire class. Students themselves can monitor their results in special tables. Kahoot! free and fully accessible after registration.


In ClassMarker you can make surveys with different answer formats - in addition to the usual options, there is even an essay. To get started, the teacher needs to create a virtual class and send invitation codes to students. ClassMarker stores the results of all tests taken, keeping progress statistics. If the teacher has his own web page, he can embed test tasks on it.

In the free version, ClassMarker allows you to create no more than 100 tests. 400 tests per month will cost $16.50, and 1000 tests will cost $33. The service has annual packages for those who rarely take online tests. The minimum number of tests (50 per year) will cost $25 per year, and the maximum (5000 per year) will cost $1000.

A mobile application for teachers that helps arrange surveys right in the classroom. Students are given special forms with answer options (A, B, C and D) - after hearing the question, they raise the necessary cards, which the teacher scans with a smartphone camera. Plickers allows you to analyze the results of an individual student or study statistics for an entire class. The app works on Android and iOS and is free to download.

Easy Test Maker

The most interesting thing about Easy Test Maker is the ability to create tasks where you need to choose true and false statements. Texts can be formatted for ease of reading on a tablet, or downloaded in .pdf or .doc formats for testing in a more traditional format. The service can mix up questions and answer options to make it harder for students to cheat.

The free version of Easy Test Maker allows you to create 25 tests without the ability to export to paper formats. The Plus plan ($44.95 per year) allows you to check English spelling, create an unlimited number of tests, and export to offline formats. With a Premium subscription ($74.95 per year), the service will automatically check the results, and will also allow you to set a time limit for completing tasks and attach graphic files to surveys.

Egor Antonenkov

Test (from English test - “test”, “check”) - standardized, brief, time-limited tests designed to establish quantitative and qualitative individual differences.

One of the considerations underlying the creation of tests is to have a tool for quick and relatively accurate assessment of large populations of subjects. The requirement to save time becomes natural in mass processes, which is what education has become.

Testing in pedagogy performs three main interrelated functions: diagnostic, teaching and educational:

  • The diagnostic function is to identify the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of the student. This is the main and most obvious testing function. In terms of objectivity, breadth and speed of diagnosis, testing surpasses all other forms of pedagogical control.
  • The educational function of testing is to motivate the student to intensify the work on mastering the educational material. To enhance the educational function of testing, additional measures to stimulate students can be used, such as the teacher distributing an approximate list of questions for self-preparation, the presence of leading questions and tips in the test itself, and joint analysis of the test results.
  • The educational function is manifested in the frequency and inevitability of test control. This disciplines, organizes and directs the activities of students, helps to identify and eliminate gaps in knowledge, and creates a desire to develop their abilities.

Testing is a fairer method; it puts all students on equal terms, both in the control process and in the assessment process, practically eliminating the subjectivity of the teacher.

A current direction in the modern organization of test control is the individualization of control, leading to significant savings in testing time. The main costs during testing are related to the development of high-quality tools, that is, they are one-time in nature. The costs of conducting the test are significantly lower than with written or oral control.

MyTest is a software system - a student testing program, a test editor and a results log - for creating and conducting computer testing, collecting and analyzing results, and assigning a grade according to the scale specified in the test.

The program is easy and convenient to use. All students learn it quickly and easily.

To create tests there is a very convenient test editor with a user-friendly interface. Any subject teacher, even those with basic computer skills, can easily create their own tests for the MyTest program and use them in lessons.

If you have a computer network, you can organize centralized collection and processing of test results using the log module. The results of completing tasks are displayed to the student and sent to the teacher. The teacher can evaluate or analyze them at any time convenient for him.

The program works with seven types of tasks: single choice, multiple choice, establishing a sequence, establishing a correspondence, manually entering a number, manually entering a text, selecting a location on an image.

Each test has an optimal testing time, reducing or exceeding which reduces the quality of the test. Therefore, in the test settings, there is a time limit for completing both the entire test and any answer to the task (for different tasks you can set different times).

Testing parameters, tasks, images for tasks - everything is stored in one test file. No databases, no extra files - one test - one file. The test file is encrypted and compressed.

And finally, with the correct selection of test material, the content of the test can be used not only for control, but also for training. The use of test tasks in automated testing and training programs allows the test subject to independently detect gaps in the structure of his knowledge and take measures to eliminate them. In such cases, we can talk about the significant learning potential of test tasks, the use of which will become one of the effective directions for the practical implementation of the principle of unity and interrelation of training and control. When the training mode is turned on, the student receives information about his mistakes and correct answers.

Using the programs, you can organize both local and network testing. Do what is most convenient for you.

More detailed information about the program, as well as the latest version of the program, can be found at - a section of the information and educational portal [email protected] dedicated to this program. Send questions, suggestions, error messages, and your tests by e-mail: [email protected] or ask on the forum in the "computer testing" section.

All rights to the MyTest program belong to its author. Author of the program: Bashlakov Alexander Sergeevich, Unecha, Bryansk region.

MyTest program is distributed for free (Freeware). Any educational institution, teacher and student can use the program for free based on a license agreement without any monetary contributions. For more detailed information about the rights to use and distribute the program, see the license agreement.

Program website -

For the full text of the material MyTest - the best free Russian program for creating tests, see the downloadable file.
The page contains a fragment.

Testing– the process of analyzing a program or controlled execution of a program on a finite set of input data in order to detect errors

Static– program text analysis

Dynamic– analysis of controlled execution

Test methods– a set of rules governing the sequence of testing steps

Test criteria– assessments that allow one to judge the sufficiency of the testing performed

A test that leads to the detection of an error is considered successful. Testing is a destructive process.

Test– a set of input data, a set of expected results, a set of conditions designed to test a certain path of program execution.


1) Frequent lack of a fully defined standard to which results must correspond

2) The high complexity of programs excludes exhaustive testing (checking all possible execution routes)

3) Low formalization of testing completion criteria

Basic Testing Principles

1) You can’t plan testing assuming there are no errors.

2) Testing of the program by its author should be avoided

3) A description of the expected meanings of the results should be an integral part of the test

4) Tests for incorrect input data should be designed as carefully as for correct ones.

5) It should be understood that the probability of undetected errors is proportional to the number of already detected ones

6) Tests should not be thrown away, even if the program is no longer used

Test objects. Test categories

1) Specifications of program modules, groups of programs and software systems

Completeness and consistency of functions of software components

Consistency of interfaces of software components (for groups of programs and complexes)

2) Software modules


Data transformation performed by the module

Completeness of functions performed by the module

3) Groups of programs combined to solve a complete functional task

Same as for modules

Interface between programs

4) A software package used to solve several functional problems

Completeness of solution of functional problems

Functioning of programs in critical situations

Testing resource consumption

Assessing the reliability of the complex

Effectiveness of protection against corruption of general data

5) Software to be put into trial operation

Same as for 4)

Ease of installation of the working version of the program

Checking operation when changing equipment configuration

Checking the availability and correctness of documentation

Testing for compliance with technical specifications

6) Software at the maintenance stage

Ease of modification, such as expanding functionality and increasing efficiency

1 – Specifications

2 – Modules

3 – Program groups

4 – Software systems at the debugging stage

5 – Software systems as products

Types and methods of testing

Features of Top-Down Testing:


A check of the main functions is carried out from the very beginning - a conceptual check


The need to develop stubs, often quite intelligent

Parallel development of modules of different levels does not always provide the possibility of the required sequence of testing modules of different levels

Features of bottom-up testing


Ready-made modules of lower levels are used for testing


The need to develop test drivers to control the operation of lower levels from the upper ones

Delayed verification of the basic concept of the complex's functioning

1) Unit testing. Includes checking:

Module structure correctness

Correctness of the main structural components

Completeness and quality of implementation of data processing functions

Structural correctness is checked using structural methods using the “white box” principle

2) Integration testing. Examination:

The correctness of combining modules into a group or set of programs

It is carried out based on 2 approaches:

Monolithic testing, in which modules are immediately combined into a single complex and then tested together

Incremental (step-by-step), modules are connected to each other sequentially (from bottom to top or top to bottom)

Uses structural verification of plug-ins and functional verification of the completeness and quality of function implementation. Functional tests are carried out according to the “black box” principle

3) System testing. Provides verification of software compliance with specified requirements in a given environment and operating modes. Provides the following types of testing:

Functionality testing

Stress testing (testing under increased loads on used resources)

Security testing (protection against unauthorized access)

Testing disaster recovery

Recently, alpha and beta testing have become widely used - these are types of testing performed with the participation of the customer. Alpha testing is carried out on the developer's premises in a limited time (no more than a week). Beta testing is carried out after the program has been put into trial operation on the customer’s premises and is carried out for quite a long time (the norm is 1 year).

Statistics of errors in software products by type.

Test methods

All methods are divided into two unequal groups:

Static (manual)

Dynamic (machine)

Basic manual methods:

Code inspection


Dynamic methods:



Static testing methods

A common feature is that they use visual control of the program according to its text by a group of 3-4 people, one of whom is the author of the program. The purpose of the check is to detect errors, but not to eliminate them. The main concept is that the presence of errors is not the fault of the program author, but the imperfection of the program development tools and the complexity of the program as a system. When carried out normally, static testing methods can detect 30-70% of initial errors in a program. They, unlike machine ones, allow you to detect typical groups of author errors.

Code inspection. The group includes 4 people: the inspection manager, the program author, the designer and the tester. A week before the inspection, the manager distributes to all participants a list of programs that will be inspected.

2) the program is analyzed according to a typical list of common errors:

Errors in accessing data (non-initialization of data, indexes going beyond array boundaries, references to empty memory)

Errors in data description, compliance of specified types and values

Calculation errors

Control transfer errors (looping, correct program termination)

Interface errors (errors related to how parts interact with each other)

I/O errors

Code inspection result:

See-through. It begins in the same way as code inspections, but during a group meeting, familiarization with the program is carried out through a small number of sessions of manual testing of the program on simple data.

Dynamic testing

Structural testing of software modules

During structural testing, it is checked

Passing tests according to the logic of the program, the elements of which are vertices, arcs, routes, conditions and combinations of conditions of the control graph of the program

Recently, the passage of the data flow through the program information graph has been checked, which reveals anomalies in data processing

Control flow based testing

The criteria for selecting elements for testing are introduced:

1) coverage of operators (coverage of UGP vertices, coverage of lines of code). It is necessary to check the execution of each statement at least once. It is necessary to implement the path a-c-e (for example, with a test set a=2, b=0, x=3, result x=2.5). The path a-b-d is not checked. Individual conditions are not checked, for example OR instead of &. It is the weakest criterion and is used only during the initial check.

2) Coverage of branches (decisions). It is necessary to check each arc of program execution. This criterion includes the previous one.

1) Cover arcs a-c-e, a-b-d

2) Cover arcs a-c-d, a-b-e. A=3, B=0, X=3 and A=2, B=1, X=1

Does not detect all errors, for example, if instead of x>1 there is x<1. Критерий не является исчерпывающим

3) Criterion for covering conditions. Each condition used in the program must be executed at least once. The following conditions are used: A>1, B=0, A=2, x>1. It is necessary to implement checks: A>1, A<=1, B=0, B!=0, A=2, A!=2, x>1.x<=1. Для проверки этого достаточно следующей пары тестов: (A=1, B=0, X=3) идет по пути a-b-e и (A=2, B=1, x=1) идет по пути a-b-e. Оба теста проверяют один и тот же путь.

4) A combined “conditions/solutions” criterion, which must check all conditions in the program and go through each arc at least once.

The following test cases: (A=2, B=0, x=4) a-c-e, (A=1, B=1, x=1) a-b-d.

5) Combinatorial coverage of conditions. The following combinations of conditions must be covered:

(2) A>1, B!=0

(3)A<=1, B=0

(4)A<=1, B!=0

(6) A=2, x<=1

(7) A!=2, x>1

(8) A!=2, x<=1

Test kits:

(A=2, B=0, x=4) (1.5)

(A=2, B=1, x=1) (2, 6)

(A=1, B=0, x=2) (3, 7)

(A=1, B=1, x=1) (4, 8)

6) Call coverage criterion. Provides verification of the correctness of calling each procedure or function in the program.

7) Path coverage criterion. It is used in a limited version, when when using loops, only certain options for checking the loop are considered: the body of the loop is not executed even once, the body of the loop is executed once, the body of the loop is executed k times (k<=n – максимально возможное число повторений), тело цикла выполняется n раз, тело цикла выполняется n+1 раз. Является очень сложным и громоздким, применяется только при очень тщательном тестировании.

Structural testing based on data flow

The work of any program is represented as processing a stream of data transmitted from its input to its output. If there is a control graph for a program of the form

The information graph of the program is represented by dotted lines.

For each vertex i of the UGP, you can define a set def(i) - data defined in this vertex and a set use(i) - data used in this vertex.

For testing, it is necessary to select DU chains that have the following form DU=(Data, i, j), Data – data, i – vertex in which the data is created, j – vertex in which the data is used.

For our example, there are many DU chains:

DU=((a, 1, 4), (b, 1, 3), (b, 1, 6), (c, 4, 6)).

After forming a set of DU chains, the DU chains are mapped into UGP fragments corresponding to the ways of defining and using this chain.

For the chain (a, 1, 4) the path is 1-2-3-4. Using the information graph of the program, a path is generated in the control graph of the program, which is tested. This method is called the “required pairs strategy”

Disadvantage: difficulty in choosing the minimum number of tests that ensure effective verification of all DU chains.

Functional testing (FT)

Structural testing does not test all the functions assigned to a program, because some functions may simply not be present in the proposed implementation.

Functional testing is the testing required to verify that a software product meets the functional requirements specified in the specification. When performing FT, the logic of the program is ignored and all attention is focused on the output values ​​obtained as a result of processing the given input sets. Typically, FT detects the following types of errors:

1) incorrect or missing functions

2) interface errors

3) resource consumption errors (exceeding memory or execution time)

4) errors in initialization or program termination

To carry out FT, it is necessary to have: sets of input data that lead to anomalies in program execution, sets of output data that allow you to detect defects in the operation of the program.

TF methods must ensure:

1) reducing the required number of test cases (checks are performed dynamically)

2) identify classes of errors rather than individual errors

FT methods are usually used at later stages of testing than structural ones.

Method of partitioning into equivalence classes.

The input data area is divided into equivalence classes (ECL), which are a set of data with common properties, which are processed by the program in exactly the same way. The same operators and the same connections are used during processing. KLE are divided into correct (acceptable) and incorrect. CLE are determined according to the specification for the program, for example as follows: 20000<=x<=80000, правильный КлЭ - 20000<=x<=80000, 2 неправильных КлЭ – x<20000, x>80000. Test development consists of 2 stages:

1) partition into KLE

2) building tests

Selecting electrical cells according to specifications is a heuristic process

1) if the input data being checked is presented as a range of values, then one correct class (within the range) and two incorrect ones are constructed

2) if there is a specific value, then one correct and two incorrect CLEs are built

3) if the input condition describes a set of values ​​m=(a,b,c), then one correct class is built for each of the values ​​and one incorrect class for values ​​that do not belong to the set (m!=a)&(m!=b )&(m!=c)

Construction of tests.

1) Each electrical terminal is assigned a unique number

2) Tests are built for the correct classifiers so that each test covers as many of these classes as possible

3) Tests are built for incorrect classes, which must be individual, since tests with erroneous inputs can hide each other.

Analysis of boundary conditions.

The method is a development of the previous one in the sense that boundary conditions are understood as situations that arise at the boundaries of the input and output electrical cells.

Different from the previous one

1) when selecting CL elements, values ​​at and near class boundaries are used -1.0<=x<=1.0 x={-1.0, 1.0, -1.01, 1.01}

2) the method should consider not only input, but also CLE for output values.

General rule for using the method:

1) build tests for values ​​lying on the boundary of the region, and tests with incorrect data slightly beyond the boundaries

2) if a certain number of files are processed in a given range, then build tests for the boundary values ​​of the files, 1 more and less than the upper and lower bounds, respectively

3) apply approaches 1, 2 for each of the output values

4) if an ordered set of values ​​is checked, then it is necessary to perform checks on the first and last elements.

The disadvantages of the considered methods are that they do not allow checking combinations of conditions.

Functional diagram method (DPS cause-and-effect diagram method)

The method allows you to formally generate effective tests that allow you to detect ambiguity in specification requirements when combining input conditions

A functional diagram is a formal graph-analytical language that allows you to describe specifications written in natural language.

Methodology for constructing functional diagrams

1) the specification is divided into “working sections”, i.e. such areas for which the diagram will not be too cumbersome

2) specifications highlight causes and effects. The cause is a separate input condition or KE of the input conditions, the effect is the output condition, the result of program execution. Each cause and effect is assigned a unique number

3) the semantics of the information specified in the specification is analyzed and a Boolean graph is constructed that connects causes and consequences, which is a functional diagram. Each node of the graph can take 2 values: 1 – present (executed)

The following basic symbols are used to represent diagrams:

The specification has been set. The file is updated if the character read at position 1 is a A or B, and the character at position 2 is a digit. If the first character is erroneous, then the message is X1, if the second is not a number, then the message is X2.

1) the symbol at position 1 is equal to A

2) the symbol in position 1 is equal to B

3) character in position 2 digit


1) the file is updated

2) message X1 is displayed

3) message X2 is displayed

There is a problem in the above diagram: the application of reasons 1 and 2 is not limited in any way.

To account for impossible combinations of causes or effects, additional basic elements are provided.

E – cannot be at the same time

I – cannot be 0 at the same time

R – requires (a=1, then b=1)

M – prohibits (a=1, then b=0)

Taking this into account:

Generating a decision table

Using Decision Table Columns as Tests

Generating a decision table:

1) Strings corresponding to causes and effects are generated

2) Some consequence is selected that has the value 1

3) Combinations of causes are found that provide such a value for the effect

Blank elements of reason lines can take any value

The tests used will look like this

Method based on the assumption of error (negative testing method)

The essence is based on the experience of the tester and the idea is to list a certain set of possible errors, for which tests are written. A method defines ways to force a program to make an error or stop executing. Designers identify requirements for successful execution of the program and then develop tests, each of which violates one of the requirements. The program's resistance to exceptional situations is checked.

1) launch on another platform

2) rearrangement of values ​​in the file

3) lack of data in the database

4) incorrect or missing configuration parameter values

General test development strategy

1) check the logic of the program using structural testing methods according to the criteria of operator coverage, branch (condition) coverage, condition solution coverage, combinatorial condition coverage

2) checking the functionality of the program using FT methods. If there are combinations of input conditions, then you need to start with the method of functional diagrams, then partitioning into electrical elements, analysis of boundary conditions, and the method of negative testing.

Test Completion Criteria

Typically 3 groups are used

1) criteria based on a specific testing methodology that determines the percentage of test coverage of the logic and functionality of the program.

2) criteria based on expert assessments of the possible number of errors present in a program of a given class and intended purpose.

3) criterion based on the testing time diagram for each phase of program development

The computer as a testing tool has its advantages and disadvantages. However, it is difficult to deny him an objective assessment. Apparently, it is this factor that contributes to the expansion of the scope of computer testing - it is successfully used in schools, universities, when applying for a job, when passing exams in the traffic police, etc.

At the same time, the range of methods for testing complexes is quite limited:

Typically, tests can use the following five types of questions:

  1. Selecting the only correct answer.
  2. Selecting several possible correct answers.
  3. Setting the sequence of correct answers.
  4. Setting response matches.
  5. Entering the answer manually from the keyboard.

Considering the small number of testing methods, it is advisable to develop a universal program that would allow teachers of various disciplines to create their own databases and quickly receive test assignments for their subject. There are several similar programs offered on the market, and in this article we will review them. On the CD-ROM you will find trial versions of some of the programs reviewed.

Distribution method: shareware


The SunRav TestOfficePro package includes programs for creating tests, conducting tests and processing test results. With its help, you can organize and conduct tests and exams in educational institutions (universities, colleges, schools), and enterprises and organizations can carry out certification and certification of their employees.

The package allows you to create tests on school subjects, university disciplines, tests for professional testing, psychological tests, etc.

All tests and test results are encrypted using strong cryptography methods, which eliminates the possibility of falsifying results. In addition, you can set passwords for the test: for editing protects the test from viewing its structure, correct answers, etc.; to review prevents practice testing to find out the correct answers.

Questions and answer options can be formatted using the built-in text editor, which is similar in functionality to MS WORD. In the editor you can insert images, formulas, diagrams, tables, audio and video files, HTML documents and any OLE documents.

The tests can use the five types of questions listed above.

The test can be divided into several topics. In this case, it is possible to assess the test taker’s knowledge both for each topic separately and for the test as a whole.

Questions in the test can be mixed. Moreover, the test creator can determine how many questions from each topic the user will receive for testing. Let's say each topic consists of 100 questions. If you randomly select only 10 questions, test takers will receive completely different sets of questions from the same test. The answer options can also be mixed.

The order of questions can not only be linear, but also depend on the user’s answers.

Each question and answer option can have its own “weight”. This allows the user to be awarded more points for correct answers to difficult questions and fewer points for answers to easy questions.

Each question can be provided with a comment containing information about the correct answer, etc.

The following reaction to a user response is possible:

  • prompting the user to answer the following question;
  • a message that the user answered correctly/incorrectly;
  • display any document related to the question. In it, in particular, you can explain in detail why this answer is incorrect and provide additional material that will allow you to study the question in more depth.

Testing can be time limited both for the test and for each question. However, the amount of time allocated for each question may vary.

The SunRav TestOfficePro package includes the following programs:

  • tMaker a program that allows you to create and edit tests. It is possible to import tests created in a text editor or spreadsheet editor;
  • tTester testing program;
  • tAdmin program for remote user administration and processing of test results. Allows you to view/print test results, as well as create, print, edit, and export reports on testing user groups. It is possible to create a response matrix.

Technical data SunRav TestOfficePro:

  • number of questions unlimited;
  • number of answers unlimited;
  • number of users unlimited;
  • number of tests unlimited;
  • number of topics in the test up to 256;
  • tests and results are stored in files.

Currently, a large number of tests have been prepared for this package. In particular, there are educational tests in computer science, economics, English, history, and social studies.

Distribution method: shareware

Price: 5900 rub. (a 20% discount is provided for all educational institutions, that is, the price for them is 4,720 rubles).

SunRav TestOfficePro.WEB is an application for testing over the Internet and intranet. All information (tests, test sections, results, etc.) is stored in a database and is protected from unauthorized access. If the user does not have the appropriate rights, he will not be able to view, edit or delete his or others' test results.

The package is suitable for testing remote employees, students, schoolchildren, etc. To test, the user does not need to install anything on his computer; a browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla, etc.) is sufficient.

The test capabilities are similar to the test capabilities from the SunRav TestOfficePro program, which can also be used in the SunRav TestOfficePro.WEB program.

To organize testing you need:

  • Web server You can use Apache or MS IIS as such. According to the authors of the program, development was carried out using the free Apache server versions 1.3 and 2.0. It can be freely downloaded from;
  • MySQL database according to the authors of the program, development was carried out using version 3.23. It can be freely downloaded from;
  • PHP interpreter according to the authors, development was carried out using version 4.3. It can be freely downloaded from

If the user does not have his own Web server, you can use regular hosting, which provides services for using MySQL and PHP databases.

With SunRav TestOfficePro.WEB you can:

  • organize tests into sections;
  • register, import, edit users;
  • conduct testing of both registered and unregistered users;
  • view test results for an individual user and a group of users (reports);
  • view the rating results for this test;
  • save test results in the database.

Developer: Keepsoft

Distribution method: shareware

Price: Standard license 300 rub.; student license 200 rub.; corporate license for 10 computers 1000 rubles; corporate license for 20 computers 1,500 rubles; corporate license for an unlimited number of computers RUB 3,000.

"Test Designer" is a universal program for testing knowledge. The application can be used for testing at home and in educational institutions. The program allows you to use an unlimited number of topics, questions and answers.

Program features:

  • Questions may contain music (WAV, MID. RMI files), images (JPG, BMP, ICO, EMF, WMF files), videos (AVI files);
  • Questions of all five types listed above are supported;
  • printing on a printer and saving topics, questions and answers to a file;
  • printing on a printer and saving test results to a file;
  • export topics, questions and answers to files of various formats (MS Excel, MS Word, MS Access, Paradox, DBase, text file, HTML, XML, RTF (RichText format), PDF (Adobe Acrobat), MS Windows clipboard, Lotus 1 -2-3, etc.);
  • testing several users on one computer. For each user, a personal user card is created, the fields in which are customizable;
  • setting different access rights to edit the database in the “Editor” for different users;
  • asking questions in random order;
  • setting a price for each question in points;
  • time limit for response;
  • the ability to interrupt testing and continue it at another time;
  • issuing a grade at the end of the test. The rating system is configured in the “Editor”. The rating scale can be adjusted from 2 to 100 points;
  • database synchronization; Using this function, you can easily exchange data with other users and transfer data from computer to computer;
  • spell checking in the "Editor";
  • search the database in the “Editor”;
  • database compression;
  • customizable interface;
  • Internet update check function.

“Test Builder” can be downloaded from the developer’s website and you can try the program for free for 30 days. To continue working with the program, registration with payment is required. Registered users are provided with a personal registration key and free technical support via e-mail.

In the registered version, you can use ready-made tests, which can be downloaded from the developer’s website at: At the time of writing, the following ready-made tests were available: traffic rules, unified state exam for high school graduates, English and French, computer science, mathematics, etc.

Developer: Technoservice Plus LLC

Distribution method: order by e-mail

Price: 5200 rub.

The program is designed for creating tests, exams, and electronic textbooks. To develop a test or textbook, the user does not need to have programming skills; the program is adapted and intended primarily to facilitate the process of testing knowledge in educational institutions. The main difference between the product and analogues is the additional possibility of creating a module for consolidating material, when already during the learning process the user answers questions on a given topic.

The software package contains three modules:

  • a constructor that allows you to create tests, textbooks, and modules for reinforcing material. The designer provides the ability to use text format, formulas, sound recordings, videos and images;
  • textbook it is created in the designer and can have an unlimited number of sections, paragraphs and pages;
  • a test that can also be equated to an exam, since it excludes the possibility of using a textbook when testing knowledge, as when consolidating material.

In this module, new sections and questions are created, and answers to questions are indicated. In this case, in the properties of the question you must indicate the number of points awarded for the correct answer to it.

The program allows you to:

  • independently create tests to monitor students’ knowledge. Test development is automated and fast; it is possible to use not only text and drawings, but also sound recordings, videos, formulas, graphs, complex graphic objects, etc.;
  • easily import into the designer the materials on which current electronic textbooks are based;
  • carry out testing of students in order to identify their level of knowledge upon admission to the institution (upon moving to the next class (course);
  • carry out internal scheduled/unscheduled knowledge tests after completing new material to assess the mastery of the material;
  • create electronic textbooks, instructions, teaching materials;
  • in the learning mode, survey the student on selected questions; If the answer is incorrect, the program will indicate the error and recommend that you read the corresponding section of the textbook again.

The Test Designer software package includes:

  • module for creating tests and textbooks;
  • testing module;
  • training module;
  • module for viewing textbooks.

There are no restrictions on the number of computers on which the program can be installed.

You can order the program at: [email protected].

Developer: Pavel Kozlovsky

Publisher: Publishing House "Balance"

Distribution method: CD-ROM

Price: 123 rub.

This program can be used both at home and in any educational institution to conduct testing in various areas of knowledge.

The constructor allows you to cover an unlimited number of topics, questions and answers in one test, so with its help parents can not only test their child’s knowledge on a specific subject, but also determine the general level of his erudition.

The program supports all five types of questions listed at the beginning of the article and allows you to include music, sounds, images and videos in your questions. In addition to using the ready-made sample questions and pictures available on the disk, the user can independently add his own options to the test.

The CD with the program contains ready-made test tests on the most relevant topics: the Unified State Exam, school curriculum subjects, traffic rules, etc.

Any data can be printed on a printer and exported to files of various formats (Word, Excel, HTML, XML, etc.).

Developer: Georgy Gulyaev

Distribution method: shareware

AnyTest program is a tool for organizing testing of people. It allows you to maintain a database of topics and tasks for tests, create any tests based on it, and test both one person on a separate computer and a group of people (class, course, department of a company or institution, etc.) on a local network. Using this program, it is easy to organize automated taking of tests and exams in educational institutions, testing of employees when they are hired for intelligence or knowledge of a specific specialty, certification testing of enterprise employees, psychological testing of the team, etc. The program allows you to store the results of all tests, grouping them by specific people, by groups of people, by date, by specific test and at any time print reports, as well as see all the testing details (which tasks were given, what answers were given, correct answers, points, received for each answer). The extensive administration capabilities built into the program allow you to configure it so that the testing process will take place even without the participation of a teacher or testing organizer. All attempts to pass a particular test will be evaluated and saved with all the details and can be analyzed later at any convenient time.

You can download the program from our CD-ROM or on the Internet, for example, at:

Free program. With her you can organize a test, questionnaire, survey, verification and control of knowledge. In the content of the questions, you can use pictures and text formatting (color of letters and background, font, use of formulas and tables). Answer options in can be with single and multiple choice, “yes/no” (false or true), entering a number or word, sequence order, matching, selecting the answer area in the image, rearranging letters. The program implements training (error messages), penalty (points are deducted, skipping a task), free (any sequence of questions) and exclusive (the program window occupies the entire screen and cannot be minimized) training modes. The program has a nice design and easy control of all the necessary functions and settings to carry out the test.

Testing, editor and testing log

The MyTestX utility includes three modules - testing, editor and testing log. The testing module conducts a test from a saved file containing questions, answers and test settings, counts and checks correct and incorrect answers. Using the test editing module, even a novice user can easily create a new test or survey. The test log stores the results of the tests performed in the form of a detailed report.

Network testing

In a computer class using a local network, a teacher can test the knowledge of all students at the same time and carry out online monitoring of testing progress, having previously distributed tests and assignments over the network. Program for conducting tests and testing knowledge supports work on a local network, you can easily centrally organize the collection and processing of test results and view a detailed report using the testing log.

Protecting tests and their results

The MyTestX program has highly reliable protection against editing and viewing test results and test tasks. Once you set a test password, it becomes impossible for third parties to change or damage it. All settings, parameters, questions and answer keys for individual test tasks are stored in one encrypted and compressed file.

In the MyTestX archive:
  • MyTestX 10.2 program;
  • testing module for terminal classes;
  • module for creating autonomous tests;
  • a program for importing tests from text files into the MyTestX 10.2 program format;
  • programs for converting tests for MyTestX from one legacy format to another.

Official site:
OS: Windows All
Supported languages: Multilingual platform including Russian
License:freeware (for free)

File size 16.9 MB
Password for loadboard archive