How to vote in VK? How to vote on VKontakte (open and anonymous). Why are surveys needed?

Social networks have a feature that helps you easily conduct various types of surveys. This article tells you how to create a vote in a VKontakte conversation, in a group, or just on your page. The algorithm is simple and only takes a few steps. With it, any vote will be placed in the place you need.

Why are such topics created? Some users value their opinion on a certain issue. Others just need attention. And still others want the assessment of the majority.

The social network VKontakte, along with others, are modernizing their services. And you can create a survey in a few clicks. To do this, go to your personal page on VK and place the cursor in the “What’s new with you” line. An entry field will open. Below this line there will be icons with a choice of actions: add video, audio, photo and the “more” tab. We will need exactly the last point. Clicking on it will open a pop-up window and a list of other options:

  • Document;
  • The note;
  • Map;
  • Graffiti;
  • Product;
  • Survey;
  • Timer.

If you want to remove any option, click on the cross at the end of the line. Video and audio, as well as photographs and drawings are added to the voting. At the bottom there is an option to check the “Anonymous voting” box - this is necessary so that participating users are not displayed.

Many more people will take the test if their choice remains a secret.

Then click “send”. The created survey will appear on your page.

To ensure that users see it in the first rows, pin the post. When creating a survey in a group, the algorithm remains the same. Follow the above instructions. But in conversations there is no such function.

The VKontakte administration does not consider it necessary to create this functionality. Because everything you need can be found out without a survey. You can also always copy the voting code and add it to your correspondence. Your interlocutors will follow the link and be able to answer your questions.

Voting on VKontakte is a very convenient way to find out from users their opinion on any issue: which phone model they prefer, what they do in their free time, how much time they spend on social networks, etc. People like it and group/public administrators can get useful information. Recently, you can even share surveys on your wall, which can have a positive impact on group attendance. Here are some examples of surveys:

How to vote on VKontakte

You will see a form for creating a survey, where you can enter: Subject, answer options and enable anonymous survey mode:

By the way, you can attach pictures, music, video, graffiti, map, document or timer to surveys using the “Attach” button.

Voting efficiency

  • Relevant topic. If the group is about flowers, users will not be interested in discussing cars, and gamers will not even think about participating in a survey about dog breeds.
  • Decor. If necessary, add pictures, attract the attention of your visitors to the survey, and carefully consider the answer options.
  • Anonymity. Some surveys (on intimate topics, etc.) should be made anonymous (just check the appropriate box)

Social networks have become such a part of our lives that it is now simply impossible to imagine it without them. One of the most popular is “VKontakte”, which is not surprising, because this network allows you not only to communicate, but also to ask for advice on voting means, so it is not surprising that many are wondering how to vote “VKontakte”?

This method of communication is very popular not only with visitors to social networks, but also with moderators who can make changes by receiving and analyzing the information received. Not long ago, a feature appeared that allows you to post polls on your page or in a group, which can increase traffic. Therefore, now we will try to figure out how to vote on VKontakte.

Poll creation sequence

Creating a survey is actually very easy. All you need to do is click on the “What’s new with you?” box located on your personal page. Next, hover over the “Attach” button, go to “Other” and select “Poll”. If we consider the entire sequence in more detail, it will look like this:

  • First, a form opens for creating a survey, which prompts you to enter a survey topic, answer options, and switch to anonymous mode in case you want to remain incognito.
  • You can also attach music, a picture, a video or a document to the vote. For these purposes, there is an “Attach” button.

In order to create a vote in a group, you need to perform all the same manipulations as on the wall. True, there is one rule for the group, which states that only the group administrator can create polls in it.

How effective is voting?

  • Firstly, the topic must be appropriate. This means that if a group is dedicated to floristry or decoupage, then its participants are unlikely to be interested in anything from technological progress, and gamers are unlikely to vote for handicrafts and cooking.
  • The second stage is registration. If possible, it is better to add pictures to the survey, as this will attract more attention to it. It’s also worth thinking about your answer options in advance.
  • And the last, but not the most significant aspect is anonymity. Many visitors do not want to reveal their identity, so in some questions you need to check a special box, which will help avoid unwanted consequences.

VK voting is a reliable method of attracting attention to a community or personal page, as well as an opportunity to find out the opinions of other people and discuss important issues. But this method should not be abused, since the same type of content is boring and forces readers to unsubscribe. Let's look at how to vote on VK in a group so that subscribers don't get bored.

Why do we need group surveys?

First you need to know what problems are solved using voting:

  • Real and free product reviews. Many companies encounter difficulty when trying to find out customers' opinions about products or services. Customers are silent, and in response to a straightforward request they write classic messages from the category “done well, thank you guys.” There are two options: hire marketers and conduct research, or manually get an audience response on social networks.
  • Understanding audience needs and behavioral variations. Using surveys, you can find out people's expectations and needs. This helps in developing and creating new products and improving business schemes. By knowing what your audience needs, you are protected from serious mistakes.
  • Community generation and promotion. Voting engages the audience and stimulates activity. By participating in the survey, each client understands that communication with the company has a two-way form. This turns readers into a living community whose members communicate with each other and interact with the brand.

How to make a poll or vote in a VK group?

First, let's consider the option of placing it on the group wall:

  • Go to the group wall and in the “More” tab, click “Poll”.

  • Next you should write the topic and answer options. If you check the “Anonymous voting” box, subscribers will not be able to find out the names of those who voted. There can be many answer options, but we recommend adding no more than 5.

  • All you have to do is click the “Submit” button and the survey will appear as a recent publication in the community.
  • Go to the community wall and click on the box that says “What’s new with you”;
  • Next, click on the “Attach” window (looks like a paperclip icon);
  • After this, a menu with options will appear, among them you need to select “Survey”;
  • Click on it and indicate the topic for and answer options;
  • Additionally, you can attach a track, photo, document, video, etc.;

Important! The survey can be either open-ended or anonymous.

How to increase the activity of participants using voting in a VK group?

If you start adding various surveys to your community, this will increase the activity of subscribers, although not much. For it to work efficiently, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Introduce special VK voting features. For example, you can conduct a survey widget. To do this, you need to open the HTML code panel by clicking on the “get code” button. It can be embedded on the pages of a personal web resource. Then not only group subscribers, but also site visitors will take part in the voting. To vote, a person will need to log in to VK through the quick login panel.
  • Use anonymity. In a standard survey, a user, by casting a personal vote for one of the answer options, can find out the accounts of all voting participants. For the one who conducts it, this may be useful to conduct a comparative analysis: how many people chose one of the options and what kind of people they are. But it all depends on the topic. Sometimes it is better to hide the names of voters, otherwise they will simply be embarrassed to vote.

Possible problems when creating polls/votings in a VK group

It would seem, what could be the problem when creating a survey? However, difficulties with voting in a group may arise. For example:

  • Sometimes you want to attach various pictures or videos to a survey, for example, the standard 10 pieces to a post, but VK does not allow this. Solution: it is also considered one of the elements of the post, which means that in addition you can attach no more than 9 fragments at a time (music, video, photo).
  • A situation when there can be so many answer options that VK does not allow you to add them all. Solution: reduce the number of answers to no more than 10 (in community discussions - no more than 20).

A survey is an important thing in promoting a community because it can help you increase activity, find out your audience's priorities, and find out who your subscribers are.

The ability to create polls is one of the many great features of the VKontakte social network. With its help, you can survey your friends or group subscribers on any topic that worries you. If you don’t yet know how such things are done, then this article will certainly be useful to you.

If you often add various entries to your VK wall or make reposts, then I recommend reading the article, then your survey will always be located at the top of the page.

How to create a poll on the wall of your VKontakte page

There is nothing complicated here. We need a field to create posts on our wall. Place the mouse cursor on it and click on the “Attach” link in the lower right corner. Select “Other” from the drop-down list.

A more complete list opens, from which we select the “Survey” item:

In the window that opens, enter the topic and answer options. There are no special restrictions on the number of options. If you check the box next to the “Anonymous voting” item, then the people who will take part in your survey will remain unknown.

After all fields are filled in, click on the “Submit” button:

As a result, a poll will be created on your wall. I noticed some flaw in this matter. In addition to the title of the topic, we also duplicate the same text as an entry. It doesn't look very nice. We have the opportunity to correct this “dirty thing.” Move the mouse to the upper right corner and click on the “pencil”, which symbolizes the “Edit” button.

Delete or change the duplicated phrase and click on the “Save” button.

How to create a poll in a VK group

On the group wall

This is done in exactly the same way as on the wall of the page. In the same way, you place the cursor on the add entry field and attach a survey there. Once again it makes no sense to duplicate the procedure:

Add to group discussion

In addition to the fact that we can add polls to the group wall, VKontakte has the ability to insert them into new discussions or into existing ones.

Inserting into a new discussion

To do this, click on the “Add discussion” button

In the window that opens in the lower right corner, click on the “Attach” button and select “Poll” from the drop-down menu

We have additional fields in which we can enter a topic and answer options:

Insert into existing discussion

Click on discussion. In the “View Topic” tab in the upper right corner, click on the “Edit” button and select “Attach a poll.”

Creation in the VKontakte mobile application for Android

Click on the “New Post” link on the wall:

Then we fill in the name and answer options, and also indicate or not indicate the anonymity of the survey.

And that's all for today. Survey your followers and friends.