How to check the technical specifications of an Android smartphone. Android characteristics: how to find out the detailed characteristics of your device

A short guide that will help you find out the actual amount of memory on your Android device and see what services and applications it is used by.

As a rule, the characteristics of a smartphone indicate two types of memory: RAM and built-in. However, the numbers on paper usually do not match the volume that is actually provided to the user. Find out exactly how much free memory is at your disposal, in the device settings.

How to find out the amount of RAM?

How to see the amount of free RAM:

1. Go to the settings menu.

2. Open the “Memory” section.

The amount of used and free memory is displayed here (and you can view data for 3, 6, 12 hours or per day), the total amount available memory, its average usage as a percentage.

3. To find out what and how much is used RAM, click on "Memory usage by applications". Here you can also view information for different periods of time.

1. To do this, go to the settings menu.

2. Select the “Applications” section.

3. Find unused application and open his page.

4. Click on the “Stop” button.

How to find out the amount of internal memory on Android?

Permanent memory, unlike RAM, does not require power to store data, so even after the phone is turned off, all information recorded on it is retained. Part of this memory is occupied by the operating system; it can only be changed with (or superuser) rights. The second part is the internal memory, it is used to install applications, settings and store files.

Usually the actual amount of this memory does not coincide with what is indicated in the specifications, since part of it goes under the system and pre-installed applications. Sometimes the manufacturer installs programs such as file manager, antivirus or music player, which may be useful to the user. In other cases, these turn out to be games or advertising applications that can be removed as unnecessary.

How to find out the actual amount of internal memory:

1. Go to settings.

2. Open the “Storage and USB drives” item.

On the example device, the total volume permanent memory is 8 GB. As we can see, only 3.71 GB of them are free for the user. IN this moment 3.32 GB used. By clicking on the section " Internal storage", you can find out what exactly this amount of memory is occupied by.

This item also displays information about removable storage, or memory card. The user can independently choose where new files will be saved: internal memory or microSD card.

We hope that our short instructions will help you not only find out the actual amount of memory on your mobile device, but also optimize its use.

The modern and high-tech Android mobile OS not only provides users with a lot of entertainment options, but is also a functional working tool. By installing special software, a smartphone or tablet under Android control can be easily converted into a full-fledged universal workstation. Unfortunately, this system also has its drawbacks, the most significant of which is significant fragmentation. Because of this, a situation can often arise when on one device certain set programs are installed without any problems, but on the other - the installation is interrupted various errors related to specific type hardware and firmware versions. Therefore, before starting to eliminate them, the user needs to know all the ins and outs of his gadget.

What specific characteristics need to be “fished out”?

To solve most problems, the user will need to find out data, which includes information about the following system components:

processor (type, architecture and model);
graphics accelerator;
diagnostic sensor readings;
device performance tests.

In general, the scope of work is clear.

How to get information

IN in this case there are two options:

Find out all the necessary information using regular funds;
use auxiliary software.

To use the first method, you just need to go to the settings menu and open the “About device” subsection (in different versions firmware, it can be called differently, for example “About the tablet”, “About the phone”, “About phone”, “About tablet”).

The tab that opens will contain all necessary information about the firmware version used, kernel version, build number and the exact name of the device model.

It makes sense to use auxiliary software if you need to find out more detailed information, such as MAC addresses, IC, FCC ID, etc. The most informative program used for these purposes can be considered Android Hardware Info, which, in addition to information about hardware, provides detailed report about the system itself.


There are also two options here:

Go to the official page on the manufacturer’s website;
use special diagnostic programs.

The first method is the simplest and fastest. However, it is far from ideal, since the manufacturer often provides only basic information.

Concerning special programs, then from them you can extract the smallest details, right down to serial number everyone separate component, so it’s better to study your gadget with their help.

Currently in the official Google store Play you can find dozens, or even hundreds various programs from this category. And, frankly speaking, two thirds of them were created only for the purpose of displaying advertising and are inept clones of each other. So your best bet would be to choose something from this list:

Android Hardware Info;
Quadrant Standard Edition;
CPU/RAM/DEVICE Identifier;
AnTuTu Tester/AnTuTu CPU Master (in combination they give detailed information about all components of the system).

Gadget performance

Before loading your mobile device with resource-intensive games and programs, it is always a good idea to make sure that it can handle them. To do this, you will need to conduct a series of synthetic performance tests, the results of which will quickly dot the i’s. The easiest way to do this is with the help of the popular AnTuTu programs Benchmark.

It was originally created for this purpose, and its developers had enough time to polish all the functionality to perfection. also in AnTuTu Benchmark there is a convenient option for comparing the performance indicators of a smartphone or tablet with others popular models. There is one more positive point- the program also provides information on hardware. Perhaps not as complete as the same CPU-Z and Android Hardware Info, but still quite detailed.

Almost all smartphone owners know how important it is for their mobile device CPU. But not everyone knows exactly how to find out information about it. Below we will tell you about the the easy way obtaining this information.

In the old days, we were not at all interested in information about what processor our phone uses. What was much more important was what functions it had. But now we live in an era of ubiquitous devices based on operating system Android. These smartphones are very similar to each other in terms of functionality. But they do not always work stably - here everything depends on the chipset. That's why it's now imperative to know what processor the smartphone or tablet you've got your eye on is based on.

When and why is this needed?

The processor on an Android smartphone plays a very important role. It is he who processes all commands. The more powerful it is, the faster device will cope with solving certain problems. Of course, RAM also makes its contribution, but the role of the chipset is still much more important. Therefore, before you buy a smartphone, mandatory You should find out about the name and structure of the processor. What if some very weak quad-core solution from MediaTek is used here? In this case, you shouldn’t place very high hopes on the device - it will definitely slow down.

Such knowledge will also be useful for those who have already purchased a smartphone. If you look at the characteristics of the installed chipset, you can understand which games are worth downloading from Google Play, and which ones you shouldn’t waste your time on. For example, dual-core solutions are gradually becoming a thing of the past, but devices created on their basis can still be bought second-hand. If you have just such a gadget, then you can forget about modern games With 3D graphics. The only exceptions are mobile Intel processors- they are made using a special technology, as a result of which the power is usually quite sufficient. But it’s becoming less and less common to find such chipsets every year, since the American company has almost completely abandoned the development of this area.

Types of installed processors

Google's mobile operating system only works fully on chipsets that use ARM architecture. We have already written about this in an article dedicated to Android emulators on PC. However, the same architecture can have the most different processors. First of all, they differ from each other in the technical process. The most popular chipsets now are those made using the following technical process:

  • 28 nm - it is now believed that such processors have too large transistors;
  • 20 nm - in such chipsets the internal dimensions are already noticeably smaller, which has a positive effect on power consumption;
  • 16 nm - even smaller transistors provide the processor with almost maximum energy efficiency;
  • 14 nm - this technological process was introduced in the second half of 2016, chipsets made using it are superior in power to absolutely all competitors.

It is believed that in the future the creators will be able to introduce a 10-nanometer technical process, and the laws of physics will not allow them to further reduce the internals of the processor, unless they change the structure of the chipset. However, the current capacity of smartphones and tablets is more than enough, so there is no point in developing this area.

Certainly, mobile processors They differ not only in the method of their creation. They also have different other parameters:

  • Number of cores - the simplest chips use one core, and the most powerful ones use ten or even more;
  • Clock frequency - the higher this parameter, the more powerful the computing cores are;
  • A graphics accelerator or GPU is what processes graphics in games and videos; in fact, it is a kind of addition to the chipset with its own cores and frequency.

Interestingly, it mainly depends on the processor whether the smartphone will support mobile networks fourth generation. Also, not all chipsets are able to recognize two or large quantity SIM cards. They also differ in their cost - the newest and most powerful models cost smartphone manufacturers 50-60 dollars apiece!

Getting information about the installed processor

If you are choosing a smartphone and are wondering “ How to find out what processor is built into Android?", then we advise you to go to Yandex Market or some other site that specializes in displaying characteristics portable gadgets. Here you will definitely find a mention of the model of the installed chipset. And in most cases, the main processor specifications are also indicated here - clock frequency, number of cores and video accelerator used.

If you already have a smartphone or tablet in your hands, then you can do it even simpler. To get information about installed chipset Just download some benchmark. For example, . is excellent for these purposes. But it evaluates absolutely all components of the device, and therefore testing takes quite a lot long time. If you are only interested in basic information, then download CPU-Z. Initially, this program displayed only information about the processor, although now it can also find information about some other components - for example, the version of the operating system and the amount of RAM.

When purchasing a smartphone/tablet or out of curiosity, many users want to check the performance of the device, basic functions and sensors.

The external condition of the gadget can be assessed without additional utilities, but the “filling” requires a more thorough approach. The easiest way to check the main sensors and functions is to use. They are very convenient and easy to use, but there are two significant drawbacks:

  1. They provide insufficient information.
  2. Does not work on all smartphones (for example, some Chinese smartphones understand only half of the requests).

Diagnostic programs

The developers offer a huge list of utilities with similar functions to check functionality various sensors, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cameras, processors and much more. We selected the most functional and useful ones and tested them on our test subject Xiaomi Redmi 2.

The order in which the software is reviewed is random. In general, the applications are equivalent, but Phone Doctor Plus has a slight advantage - it is simple and focused on .

The main screen displays general information about the device. To make them as comprehensive as possible, you need to go to the second tab, where more than 20 tests are located, including multi-touch, accelerometer, GPS and much more (see screenshots). Each of them is performed separately, some ask you to do a simple action, such as shaking your phone or inserting headphones. Upon successful completion, a green icon with a checkmark appears - this means that the function works correctly.

The program came from the computer sphere (Windows), where it managed to prove itself with the best side. The Android version was no exception, which is why it was included in our selection.

The main screen looks nondescript, there is not even a hint of a minimalist design. But that’s not what we’re here for, so let’s move on to functionality. AIDA64 provides information on the following points:

  • System: device model, board, RAM, storage and more.
  • CPU: exact model processor, technological process, bit rate, number of cores, frequency range and, most importantly, load. If the latter constantly strives for 100 percent, it means either the smartphone is clogged and requires a comprehensive one, or there are serious problems with the chipset.
  • Display: All data about the display, including resolution, technology, diagonal, video accelerator and OpenGL version. Pay attention to “GPU load” - it should only occur in games or when working with graphics. IN normal mode on the tested gadget the indicator was zero.
  • Net: operator, country, provider code and other details. To check the connection, it’s easier to just call someone and go online.
  • Battery: charge level, battery condition, temperature and capacity. For a detailed battery check, please refer to.
  • Android: version, API level, build ID, and so on.
  • Devices: Rear and front cameras with descriptions of features such as stabilization, auto exposure, flash and other functions. Comprehensive information about the video processor.
  • Temperature components in Celsius ().
  • Sensors Lines with constantly changing numbers will appear on the screen. They characterize the operation of a gyroscope, compass, accelerometer and others. When you move the smartphone slightly, the numbers should change. Let us remind you that this is much easier to check using Phone Doctor.
  • Applications. List installed games and programs.
  • Codecs, folders, system files.

A list of tests is immediately presented on the main screen. Let's get started!

  • Sensor status: similar to AIDA64, only more understandable and in Russian. There are also properties of each of the sensors.
  • Wi-Fi status: information about the connection, not very useful.
  • Telephony: operator, signal, provider code and other uselessness.
  • GPS status: satellites, signal transmission accuracy, latitude, longitude, bearing.
  • Battery: charge level, capacity, technology, voltage, temperature and battery condition.
  • Multitouch test: touch the screen with all fingers, check the operation of the display. For this it is better to use .
  • Camera: basic information, the previous program has a more informative and complete list.
  • System information.

Often, when buying a Chinese smartphone, you cannot be sure that the characteristics indicated on the store’s website are genuine, because you can write anything you want, right? However, why should this worry you so much? It's no secret that Chinese smartphones have to be reflashed quite often (if the fake is not of very high quality or the software is crude). And in order to reflash the device you need to know EXCLUSIVELY accurate TX ( specifications).
If you “upload” the firmware using other TX, you will get a “brick” (it turns on before the logo and freezes - this is the best case).

How to find out the characteristics

First you need to determine which chipset your device is based on: Mediatek (MTK), Spreadtrum, Broadcom or Qualcomm. Chinese devices are often not made with Exynos (they disguise it as actually MTK) or TSM on board. Actually, look at the page of your smartphone in the store where you bought it to see what processor is installed, or try in practice the programs below, whichever one works is yours!

Mediatek MTK

If you have a smartphone based on a Medaitek (MTK) processor, then you need to use the MTKDroidTools utility. Of course, the matter will not work without installing drivers, weight necessary kit software we will indicate below. So, if you ask (yes, only there friendly specialists will help you select the firmware and reflash your smartphone for free and with high quality), then you need to indicate the exact TX determined through MTKDroidTools. To increase the accuracy of the determined TX, it is worth getting shell root through the same utility (the button for obtaining root rights is located at the bottom).

Smartphone characteristics taken using AIDA64 on Android


  • - determination of TX, getting root, creating backups

  • Drivers: &ADB Driver


In this case, you will have to rely on the information indicated on the smartphone page in the store and that indicated under the cover of the device, on the board, and so on. That is, information will have to be collected, what is called “bit by bit.”

The situation is similar with Qualcomm and Broadcom. This is because MTK is much more common, which is why a utility was developed for this purpose.


Checking the technical characteristics is one of the main stages in preparing for flashing and installation custom recovery and even obtaining root rights (if the bootloader is locked). Therefore, you should treat this aspect very carefully, because if you determine the TX incorrectly, you will get a “brick”.