How to open all programs in windows 8. Windows Easy Transfer

Some users, after switching to Windows 8, 8.1, do not immediately understand how to open the control panel in these operating systems, because... the interface is significantly different from previous versions Windows.

There are actually several simple ways launch panel Windows management 8 and 8.1. You just need to get used to them.

Method 1: Through the application list

In Windows 8, from the Start screen, click right click mice. An “All Apps” button will appear in the lower right corner.

Click on it and a list of applications will appear on the screen, including an icon with a link to the control panel in the “System - Windows” section.

In Windows 8.1, the Control Panel opens in a similar way. The only difference is that the application list is opened by pressing the button in the form of a circle with an arrow at the bottom home screen.

Method 2: Using a command control panel

Press the key combination “Win+R” to open the “ Execute" Then enter and run the command control panel.

Method 3: Using the Win+I combination

When you are at work Windows desktop Press the key combination “Win+I”. As a result of these actions, you should see side panel, in which you can select the “Control Panel” item.

Method 4: Through the Sidebar

Hover your mouse over the upper or lower right corner of your desktop. In the sidebar that opens, select “Options”. There, in the side panel, a list of parameters will open, among which there is the “Control Panel” item.

Method 5: Through the Start button

On your desktop, move your cursor to the bottom-left corner of the screen to display the Start button. Right-click on it and select “Control Panel” from the context menu.

In Windows 8.1 you need to do similar actions. The only difference is that the Start button is always visible on the desktop.

Method 6: Through search

From the Windows Start screen, start typing "control panel" » . The search results will display the “Control Panel” item.

Standard programs in Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7

Standard programs in Windows- a set of useful and popular programs that came with Windows. Serve for various purposes.Standard Windows programs are:Notepad - simple text editor, Paint - simple and convenient graphics editor, Calculator,WordPad, Remote Desktop Connection, Explorer, Utilities and others.Utilities include: Disk Defragmenter, Disk Cleanup, System Restore,resource monitor, control panel, system information and others.

- a small standard program included in Windows for viewing and editing text files(usually *.TXT).Notepad can be used for many purposes, such as creating small text notes, as it usually opens faster than office programs.

Paint- A simple graphic editor, a standard program included with all versions of Windows. It is also often referred to as MS Paint or Microsoft Paint. Allows you to create drawings, pictures, etc. or edit images. In addition, it can be used to save graphic files V various formats. The main functions of paint, creating screenshots on this.

In standard programs there isinstructions for using the program- built-in help. To access help, you can press the F1 key or the question mark icon on the right top corner program, if present.

Where to find it in Windows 10, 8.1, 8

On Windows 10:

Method 1) Click "Start" - "All applications" - "Accessories - Windows"

Method 2) (for a specific program): Click "Start" - and immediately type, for example: "Paint", "Notepad", "Wordpad"...

On Windows 8:

Anyone who starts working with new Windows 8 or 8.1 will notice that the start menu interface is completely different from previous ones Windows versions and it takes some time for the user to get used to it.Anyone who uses Standard Programs knows how to open them in previous Windows, but this is slightly different in Windows 8 due to the change in the Start Menu. If you want to open a standard program and you open the Start menu, you will notice that the item standard programs disappeared and the start screen appeared.


1. Anytime Windows window or in the Start window, move the mouse to the upper right corner of your screen or desktop, it will pop up vertical menu: Search, General access, Start, Devices, Settings. Click the Magnifier icon - search button - the Applications window will open, where all your programs are.
3.a Move the bottom scrollbar slider to the right - you will see the Standard programs group
The programs you are looking for are there.
3.b You don’t have to move the slider and search in the entire list of programs, but with right side of this window in the search bar write, for example, Notepad or notepad and on the left you will see the search result in the programs - notepad.

What are system requirements Windows 8?

  • CPU: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher with PAE, NX and SSE2 support
  • RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit Windows or 2 GB for 64-bit
  • Free disk space : 16 GB for 32-bit Windows or 20 GB for 64-bit
  • Video card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics adapter with WDDM driver

Additional requirements to use certain features:

  • To use touch input, you need a tablet or multi-touch monitor
  • To access Windows store, downloading and launching applications is necessary active connection Internet connection and screen resolution of at least 1024x768
  • To use the Snap function (attaching applications), you need a screen resolution of at least 1366x768
  • Access to the Internet
  • For secure boot, you need firmware that supports UEFI v2.3.1 Errata B and has a certification authority certificate in the UEFI signature database Microsoft Windows

What is the minimum resolution to run on Windows 8?

You can run Windows 8 even at the most minimal resolutions, which are currently not used anywhere, like 640x480. For use various functions Inside Windows, the corresponding minimum resolution is required:

  • To access the Windows Store, download and run applications, you need a screen resolution of at least 1024x768
  • To use the Snap function (snapping applications), you must have a screen resolution of at least 1366x768

When installing Windows 8 as a second system, the disk of the first OS is not visible in it

At Windows installation 8 by the second system on a computer where another Windows OS (7, Vista or XP) is installed, the partition on which the previous OS is installed is not assigned a letter.

To display it, you can assign a drive letter manually.

  1. Right click on the bottom left corner of the screen ---> Disk management.
  2. Click right key mouse on the section without a letter and select Change drive letter or drive path, then assign a letter to it.

What image formats can be mounted using standard Windows 8 tools?

A new feature in Windows 8 is mounting (connecting) disk images regular means. Only images are officially supported ISO formats and VHD, but in fact - all “renamed” ISOs, for example IMG. For images of other formats you will have to continue to use the programs third party developers: Alcohol, DAEMON Tools, Virtual CloneDrive, etc.

Microsoft account

What is a Microsoft account and what is it for?

A Microsoft account is an alternative to a regular username and password for logging into Windows. The main difference between a Microsoft account is the synchronization of settings operating system and applications over the Internet with other computers where you are logged in with the same account.

How do I start using a Microsoft account or switch back to a local account?

Click the charm button Options ---> ---> Users --->

Switch to a Microsoft account

Switch to local account.

Here you can change your password.

Is it possible to log into Windows when there is no Internet connection?

Yes, it's possible. The connection is required to synchronize data; it does not affect the ability to log into Windows. As soon as the connection reappears, the data is synchronized.

What data is automatically synchronized?

You can set which settings will be synchronized:

Click the charm button Options ---> Change computer settings ---> Synchronizing settings --->

  • Personalization. Colors, background, lock screen and your avatar
  • Desktop personalization. Themes, taskbar, high contrast and other parameters
  • Passwords. Login information for some apps, websites, networks, and homegroup
  • Special abilities. Narrator, magnifier and other parameters
  • Language settings. Keyboards, input methods, interface language and other options
  • Application settings. Some app settings and files purchased through the app
  • Browser. Settings, History, and Favorites
  • Other Windows settings. Explorer and mouse

Even if you have one computer, synchronization can be useful. At reinstalling Windows you don’t have to waste time setting up the above parameters; all settings will be automatically received from the cloud storage on the Internet.

What other benefits does a Microsoft account have?

  • Automatic login to modern Windows applications. The ability to seamlessly download and update applications in the Windows Store.
  • Data synchronization in modern applications. For example, starting to make a shopping list for your home and placing the file in a folder SkyDrive service on your computer, this file will automatically be sent to cloud storage in the Internet. You can continue editing it at work, and then, when you arrive at the store in the evening, you can view the list on your smartphone or tablet. Very comfortably!

If you forget to put a file in storage, SkyDrive can help you reach it on remote computer. The main thing is to allow this possibility in advance.

Getting to know the new Windows 8 interface

Where are the Start button and menu now? How can I get them back?

In Windows 8, the Start menu has been replaced by the Start screen.

Here you can pin your most frequently used applications, as well as access all applications installed on your computer. The Start screen appears immediately after Windows boots.

There is no way to return to the “classic” Start menu. Alternatively you can use .

The Start button appears when you hover your cursor at the bottom left corner of the screen:

and it calls up the initial screen.

Initial (start) screen

Appears immediately after Windows boots.

Here, as planned by the authors of Windows 8, all the information you need will be collected. On one tile there is a weather forecast, on another there are news headlines, there are also tiles for launching your favorite programs and games, for opening web pages and computer folders.

The initial screen is shaped by you to your liking. You can attach the necessary tiles here and remove unnecessary ones, move, reduce or enlarge tiles for better perception and placement more dynamic information.

The Start screen is automatically updated with tiles for installed programs.

How to search in Windows 8?

The easiest way:

  1. From the Start screen, start typing your search term.
  2. Then, if necessary, select where the search will be carried out: among applications, settings, files, or in one of the applications
  3. Get the result:

You can also search while in the modern application. To do this, click the miracle button Search and type your request.

Charms Bar

You can call the panel in one of the following ways:

There are many ways to turn it off. Standard method for Windows 8 is as follows: Move your mouse pointer to one of the right corners of the screen (or quickly swipe from the right edge to the center on touch display) -> Options(or press the keyboard shortcut Win+I) -> Shutdown.

There is no hibernation in the shutdown menu

To add it there, right-click in the lower left corner of the screen ---> Power management ---> What the power buttons do ---> Change settings that are currently unavailable---> check the box Hibernation Mode.

Why aren't window titles transparent?

According to Microsoft, this has lost its relevance. Transparency is disabled in final version Windows 8.


Where can I find "All Programs"?

In Windows 7, there was an “All Programs” item in the Start menu. In Windows 8, right-click anywhere on the Start screen and select All Apps, or click Ctrl+Tab.

Application switching panel

On the left side Windows screen 8 has a panel for switching between applications. To call her

  • Move your mouse to one of the left corners, then up or down.
  • Swipe in from the left edge touch screen, and then, without releasing your finger, push the app back to the left edge.
  • Use a keyboard shortcut Win+Tab.

You will see the running applications and can select the one you need. The desktop and all desktop applications are present as one element when switching.

For fast switching between running applications and classic applications, click the mouse in the upper left corner. When using the touch screen, swipe from the left edge to the center.

To switch between all running applications (Metro style, as they were previously called) and classic applications, use the familiar and favorite combination Alt+Tab.

Attaching applications

With pinning, you can use two apps at the same time. For example, while surfing the Internet, manage your music playlist.

To attach, grab the application by the very top (the cursor turns into a palm)

and drag to the right or left edge.

Bring up the app switcher panel and drag the thumbnail to the other edge.

How do I close a modern app?

There is no need to close them. When inactive, Windows pauses modern applications and closes them after a while.

If for any reason you need to close modern application manually, here are several ways for you to choose from:

  • Press the keyboard shortcut Alt+F4.
  • Move your mouse cursor to the top of the screen and drag all the way to the bottom.
  • Click on the thumbnail unnecessary application on the application switcher panel and click Close.

  • Quit the application in Task Manager.

How to enable gadgets?

Gadgets are missing from Windows 8 and there is no way to enable them. To solve the problem, look for methods from folk craftsmen.

What are the systemic Windows requirements 8?

  • CPU: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher with PAE, NX and SSE2 support
  • RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit Windows or 2 GB for 64-bit
  • Free disk space: 16 GB for 32-bit Windows or 20 GB for 64-bit
  • Video card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics adapter with WDDM driver

Additional requirements to use certain features:

  • To use touch input, you need a tablet or multi-touch monitor
  • To access the Windows Store, download and run applications, you must have an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024x768
  • To use the Snap function (attaching applications), you need a screen resolution of at least 1366x768
  • Access to the Internet
  • For secure boot, you need firmware that supports UEFI v2.3.1 Errata B and has a Microsoft Windows certification authority certificate in the UEFI signature database

What is the minimum resolution to run on Windows 8?

You can run Windows 8 even at the most minimal resolutions, which are currently not used anywhere, like 640x480. To use various features inside Windows, the following minimum permissions are required:

  • To access the Windows Store, download and run applications, you need a screen resolution of at least 1024x768
  • To use the Snap function (snapping applications), you must have a screen resolution of at least 1366x768

When installing Windows 8 as a second system, the disk of the first OS is not visible in it

When installing Windows 8 as a second system on a computer that has another Windows OS (7, Vista, or XP) installed, the partition on which the previous OS was installed is not assigned a letter.

To display it, you can assign a drive letter manually.

  1. Right click on the bottom left corner of the screen ---> Disk management.
  2. Right-click on the section without a letter and select Change drive letter or drive path, then assign a letter to it.

What image formats can be mounted using standard Windows 8 tools?

A new feature in Windows 8 is mounting (connecting) disk images using standard tools. Officially, only images of ISO and VHD formats are supported, but in fact - all “renamed” ISOs, for example IMG. For images of other formats, you will have to continue to use third-party programs: Alcohol, DAEMON Tools, Virtual CloneDrive, etc.

Microsoft account

What is a Microsoft account and what is it for?

A Microsoft account is an alternative to a regular username and password for logging into Windows. The main difference between a Microsoft account is the synchronization of operating system and application settings via the Internet with other computers where you are logged in with the same account.

How do I start using a Microsoft account or switch back to a local account?

Click the charm button Options ---> ---> Users --->

Switch to a Microsoft account

Switch to local account.

Here you can change your password.

Is it possible to log into Windows when there is no Internet connection?

Yes, it's possible. The connection is required to synchronize data; it does not affect the ability to log into Windows. As soon as the connection reappears, the data is synchronized.

What data is automatically synchronized?

You can set which settings will be synchronized:

Click the charm button Options ---> Change computer settings ---> Synchronizing settings --->

  • Personalization. Colors, background, lock screen and your avatar
  • Desktop personalization. Themes, taskbar, high contrast and other options
  • Passwords. Login information for some apps, websites, networks, and homegroup
  • Special abilities. Narrator, Magnifier, and more options
  • Language settings. Keyboards, input methods, interface language and other options
  • Application settings. Some app settings and files purchased through the app
  • Browser. Settings, History, and Favorites
  • Other Windows settings. Explorer and mouse

Even if you have one computer, synchronization can be useful. When reinstalling Windows, you will not have to waste time configuring the above parameters; all settings will be automatically received from the cloud storage on the Internet.

What other benefits does a Microsoft account have?

  • Automatic login to modern Windows applications. The ability to seamlessly download and update applications in the Windows Store.
  • Data synchronization in modern applications. For example, if you start making a shopping list at home and place the file in the SkyDrive service folder on your computer, this file will automatically be sent to cloud storage on the Internet. You can continue editing it at work, and then, when you arrive at the store in the evening, you can view the list on your smartphone or tablet. Very comfortably!

If you forget to put a file in storage, you can use SkyDrive to access it on a remote computer. The main thing is to allow this possibility in advance.

Getting to know the new Windows 8 interface

Where are the Start button and menu now? How can I get them back?

In Windows 8, the Start menu has been replaced by the Start screen.

Here you can pin your most frequently used applications, as well as access all applications installed on your computer. The Start screen appears immediately after Windows boots.

There is no way to return to the “classic” Start menu. Alternatively you can use .

The Start button appears when you hover your cursor at the bottom left corner of the screen:

and it calls up the initial screen.

Initial (start) screen

Appears immediately after Windows boots.

Here, as planned by the authors of Windows 8, all the information you need will be collected. On one tile there is a weather forecast, on another there are news headlines, there are also tiles for launching your favorite programs and games, for opening web pages and computer folders.

The initial screen is shaped by you to your liking. You can attach the necessary tiles here and remove unnecessary ones, move, reduce or enlarge tiles for better perception and to accommodate more dynamic information.

The Start screen is automatically updated with tiles for installed programs.

How to search in Windows 8?

The easiest way:

  1. From the Start screen, start typing your search term.
  2. Then, if necessary, select where the search will be carried out: among applications, settings, files, or in one of the applications
  3. Get the result:

You can also search while in the modern application. To do this, click the miracle button Search and type your request.

Charms Bar

You can call the panel in one of the following ways:

There are many ways to turn it off. The standard method for Windows 8 is as follows: move the mouse pointer to one of the right corners of the screen (or quickly swipe from the right edge to the center on a touch display) -> Options(or press the keyboard shortcut Win+I) -> Shutdown.

There is no hibernation in the shutdown menu

To add it there, right-click in the lower left corner of the screen ---> Power management ---> What the power buttons do ---> Change settings that are currently unavailable---> check the box Hibernation Mode.

Why aren't window titles transparent?

According to Microsoft, this has lost its relevance. Transparency is disabled in the final Windows versions 8.


Where can I find "All Programs"?

In Windows 7, there was an “All Programs” item in the Start menu. In Windows 8, right-click anywhere on the Start screen and select All Apps, or click Ctrl+Tab.

Application switching panel

On the left side of the Windows 8 screen there is a panel for switching between applications. To call her

  • Move your mouse to one of the left corners, then up or down.
  • Swipe in from the left edge of the touchscreen, and then, without releasing your finger, push the app back to the left edge.
  • Use a keyboard shortcut Win+Tab.

You will see the running applications and can select the one you need. The desktop and all desktop applications are present as one element when switching.

To quickly switch between running applications and desktop applications, click the mouse in the upper left corner. When using the touch screen, swipe from the left edge to the center.

To switch between all running applications (Metro style, as they were previously called) and classic applications, use the familiar and favorite combination Alt+Tab.

Attaching applications

With pinning, you can use two apps at the same time. For example, while surfing the Internet, manage your music playlist.

To attach, grab the application by the very top (the cursor turns into a palm)

and drag to the right or left edge.

Bring up the app switcher panel and drag the thumbnail to the other edge.

How do I close a modern app?

There is no need to close them. When inactive, Windows pauses modern applications and closes them after a while.

If for any reason you need to close your modern app manually, here are a few options to choose from:

  • Press the keyboard shortcut Alt+F4.
  • Move your mouse cursor to the top of the screen and drag all the way to the bottom.
  • Click the thumbnail of the application you don't need in the application switcher panel and click Close.

  • Quit the application in Task Manager.

How to enable gadgets?

Gadgets are missing from Windows 8 and there is no way to enable them. To solve the problem, look for methods from folk craftsmen.

Computer Management or Computer management"in Windows 8 is a well-known MMC snap-in or set of applications that contains a lot of diverse utilities for managing the operation of the system.

This mode includes such well-known utilities as “Scheduled Tasks”, “Event Viewer”, “Disk Management”, “Hardware Manager”, “User Accounts” and other components.

Although you can launch each of these components independently, Computer Management provides a more compact view of them and provides quick start the required utility.

How to open a snap-in

1. Through the “Control Panel”

Open the “Administration” section through the standard “Control Panel” dialog box. Next, find “Computer Management” at the end of the list of available snap-ins and launch it.

2. Via the command line

Launch the Run utility, or open the search bar through the start menu or desktop. Dial in command line name of the snap-in “compmgmt.msc” and press the “Enter” button.

Snap-in main menu structure

The Computer Management window in Windows 8 is visually divided into three main panels. The left panel is a list of available utilities that can work as independent components. The middle panel gives full transcript data of the selected utility. And the right panel called “Actions” displays a list of commands and additional actions available for execution.

All computer administration utilities are divided into three main categories in a tree style. These are “Utilities”, “Storage Devices” and “Services and Applications”.

Below we provide a description of all the utilities available in computer management mode.

Task Scheduler

Windows 8 can run scheduled tasks in background. For example, it can start disk defragmentation at a time you specify, which will allow you to process stored data at a faster rate. Similarly you can put Windows task for testing and installation available updates. In addition to creating a schedule to run system tasks, you can schedule any other application to run.

Event Viewer

Windows has a commendable habit of logging any problems that arise in the system. This information is called "events". Such events are generated in case of system failures, security breaches, or operational problems. third party applications and in other cases.

You can view all the details of such events through the logs maintained in the Event Viewer utility. It is usually chock full of information. A lot of events are recorded in the logs when the operating system boots. If Windows displayed all events on the screen, the user might go crazy. Otherwise, Windows simply stores them in logs that can be viewed only when necessary.

Shared folders

Data exchange between networked computers is commonplace. If you need to listen to some music hosted on another network computer, then it is much easier to ask the owner of a resource to open access to it over the network than to transfer information using portable storage devices.

Through this MMC snap-in you can control access to your computer's resources. In it you will see not only open in this moment resources, but also current data consumption sessions. Through this utility you can “share” any resource on your computer, or, conversely, deny access to it.

Local users and groups

Through this snap-in you can manage accounts local users. It has very serious capabilities for this. Here you can create a new user or delete an old one, change their password or temporarily block your account. In addition, you can change the account's membership in a user group, and also change the location of the home directory. The same capabilities apply to user groups, which can be created and deleted at your own discretion.


If you find that your computer is slowing down when performing normal tasks, you can check the performance of the main system components in order to detect the bottleneck in the system.

Using the “Performance” snap-in, you can organize monitoring of the main indicators of the system in real time, additionally recording their values ​​in a special protocol. It allows you to record the main indicators of such components as the processor, HDD, RAM and others.

To monitor system operation, the snap-in allows you to install and activate so-called counters, for example CPU Idle Time, CPU Busy Time, Hard disk read speed, Hard disk read time, Hard disk write time, Memory idle space and others.

device Manager

The Device Manager snap-in is like a universal snap-in Swiss knife is used for fine tuning and repair of equipment installed in the system. When you connect a new device to your system, Windows 8 automatically installs a driver for it, which is used to identify and function correctly.

Even when the device is disconnected, the driver for it remains installed in the system and the next time you connect the device, its installation will no longer be required.

Device Manager displays a list of all installed devices, even those that are integrated into the system by default (for example, laptop speakers). Through this list, you can update the driver of any device or remove the device from the system along with the driver.

Disk management

Disk Management allows you to manage logical partitions on media such as a hard drive, flash drive, or optical drive.

Through Disk Management you can create and delete partitions, or format them if necessary. You can immediately assign a different letter index to the logical partition or change its size.


The Services utility shows a list of all services that are installed in Windows 8. Through it, you can manually start a stopped or frozen service, or vice versa, stop it completely.

In addition, you can configure the service startup properties, for example, the startup method - manual or automatic, under what account it should start, etc.