How to find history in mozilla firefox. How to view and delete history in Mozilla

It is called “Ognelis”, “FF” and “Mozilla”. Some users think browser Mozilla Firefox the worst thing that has ever been created, citing as arguments a lot of security holes and the program's love for fatal errors. The opposing side calls this browser ideal, putting it on par with the best programs for and surfing in . A difficult to explain psychological effect has long been noticed: as soon as a person works in Firefox for some time, he falls in love with it forever. Becoming his follower, admirer and adept.

Today Mozilla internet browser Firefox ranks third in the world in popularity among all and a confident first place in the “Free Software” category.

However, there are countries where the popularity of Firefox is higher than the global one. So, let's say, in Russia Firefox- the second, and in Germany - even the first. It is precisely what preceded such a deafening glory of this program that we will talk to you today.

Creation of Firefox. Start

And the history of Firefox began with the fact that Netscape Communications really wanted to create a browser that would grab some piece of the pie from the incredibly popular Internet Explorer. Yes, yes, I was not mistaken, everything is correct: today in limbo and revived only by efforts, the IE browser at the end of the 20th century was extremely, simply fantastically popular.

It is quite natural that other companies did everything to repeat this success. Yes, let's be honest, the Netscape 5 browser completely failed in the battle with Internet Explorer in 1998, but still did not disappear without a trace - it was on its “remains” that the creation began new program for surfing the Internet. Or rather, the program was essentially written, so to speak, “from scratch”; only some ideas and pieces of open source software were taken from Netscape 5 program code. At the core modern browser Firefox is based on the freely portable Gecko engine.

Until 2002, the development of the new browser was neither shaky nor slow. As often happens, the crisis became a motivational kick for intensive work on the project. In 2002, AOL Time Warner Corporation, which owned Netscape Communications, decided to close the unprofitable project. However, the development of the new browser was not stopped, but separated into a separate Mozilla structure Foundation.

By the way, the AOL Time Warner corporation greatly helped the new company at the initial stage, providing computer equipment, providing some initial funds and transferring intellectual property rights.

Creation of Firefox. Continuation

It was from the moment we gained independence that the development of the project began to gain serious momentum. Already on September 23, 2002, the first version 0.1 was released. Frankly, the first release did not attract the attention of either the general public or specialists. Moreover, the program was so “raw” that many changes were made by the developers literally at full speed, at the time of using the program. Of course, this subsequently led to some compatibility problems. And yet, a beginning was made: the browser saw the light of day and began to actively develop.

The landmark date in the history of the Mozilla Firefox browser can easily be considered November 9, 2004. On this day the first stable version 1.0 was released. Sorry for the cliches, but the appearance of this version was akin to the effect of a bomb exploding. New browser users loved it so much that in just a year more than 100,000,000 people installed it. Moreover, 25 million Firefox downloads scored in the first 100 days after the program was posted on the Internet. Impressive numbers.

Then there were versions 1.5 (2005); 2.0 (2006); 3.0 (2008); 4.0 (2011) and so on. Each version improved something, optimized something, pulled new OSes into its orbit and additional functions. As of March 2014 Firefox browser already has 27 stable versions, each of which only increased the army of fans of the program.

And it’s interesting that the name Firefox was not the first. Nowadays, few people know, but initially the browser was called Phoenix (“Phoenix”), then Firebird (“Firebird”), and only after both of these names were rejected due to copyright infringement by the developers, the well-known to the online community, a cute fiery fox. Which, by the way, is not a fox at all, but a red panda. At least, this is what the Chinese think, from whose language the name is literally translated.

The creators of Firefox

Today, both Mozilla Foundation employees and volunteers from all over the world are working to maintain the functionality and expand the capabilities of the browser. And yet, the browser has its own “fathers,” who are considered to be the creators of Firefox. There are only two of them - Blake Aaron Ross and Dave Hewitt. I think they deserve a few words.

I tried to remember below Interesting Facts that relate to the Firefox browser:

Firefox: predictions for the future

Nowadays, when colossal funds are circulating in the IT sphere, every successful decision is akin to the discovery of a real gold mine. And Firefox browser in this case not an exception. For several years now, intensive work has been carried out to popularize it and integrate it with mobile devices. The scope of special extensions available to browser owners is expanding. Media seeding is also actively underway, thanks to which the popularity of Mozilla Firefox is constantly increasing.

In general, if you follow the download statistics, you can conclude that very soon another “redistribution of spheres of influence” awaits us. Considering that Firefox owners extremely rarely switch to other web surfing systems, we can expect a significant jump in the popularity of this truly very unusual and original browser.

The history of visiting sites in Mozilla is ordinary data that is stored on the computer in the same way. Therefore, in case of removal from hard drive they can be quickly restored if necessary. You just need to know where the Firefox browser stores its temporary files.

Using applications to retrieve erased files

The browser stores history in the C:\Users\ folder<имя>\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\, where:

  • <имя>- this is the user whose browsing history needs to be restored in the browser;
  • - an arbitrary folder name that the program sets for a given user.

This hidden section, so first of all make it visible. For example, in Windows 8 you can do this:

Exists great amount applications specializing in recovering lost files. One of the most famous is the free Recuva. With it we will try to restore the erased Firefox history:

After this, all you have to do is open the browser and enter “History,” i.e., the tab where links to previously visited sites are stored.

Restoring history using the standard Windows tool

OS periodically, and also before important changes - installing updates, fresh drivers, programs, etc. saves the current system configuration so that the user, in the event of a critical failure, has the opportunity to return Windows to its previous stable state.

When creating checkpoints, browser settings are also saved along with system files.

Let's roll back to one of the previous configurations so that a list of previously visited addresses will again appear in Mozilla:

Please note that all applications installed after creating this control point will be destroyed upon completion of the process.

Checking the DNS cache

When a user visits a website, information about the user's domain is stored on the computer. This data remains intact even if all Firefox data were erased. To use the ability to view a list of visited sites from the cache, do the following:

  1. Open the Run window from the Start menu or by simultaneously pressing hot Win keys and R;
  2. In the command input field, type cmd to go to the command line;
  3. Enter ipconfig /displaydns.

Press Enter and a list of sites visited in Firefox will open in front of you.

But you shouldn’t completely rely on this method, since on the screen you will see not only sites opened in Firefox without sorting, but also in other browsers. Moreover, Internet browsers are far from the only applications that use Internet access. The list will display, for example, the addresses of requests for programs and games during updates, the results of the services instant messages etc.

Using special applications to extract browser information

A unique program not only for Firefox, but also for other browsers is HstEx, which works in conjunction with the NetAnalysis application. Using HstEx is easy.

History is a magnificent science in its scope, and, of course, useful. What happened yesterday, the day before yesterday, a month, a year ago - everything is taken into account, everything is recorded. Is it bad? If only browsers had something like this... Well, it does! It is enough for the user to have an idea of ​​​​how to view the history in Firefox, and he will know literally everything about his “adventures” on the Internet - time/date of visits, website addresses, etc. Moreover, if he, the user, does not like what in the history browser, - so it’s one click in an instant, whew! - and there’s nothing at all. Where were you? What did you read? What did you see? Unknown. Count from a blank sheet of paper.

In other words, it is extremely important and important for the user to know where the history is stored in Firefox. After all, there are reasons even more serious than the prologue! For example, the same malicious sites that, like curious barbarians, poke their noses into other people's stories... browser-based, of course.

Anyway, let's get to practice!

How to view your browsing history in Firefox?

If you are confident enough to press keys and are able to press several letters/functions in one fell swoop, open the “Journal” hot combination- “Сtr + Shift + H” (H - Latin).

If not, then click your mouse a little:

1. Launch your browser.

2. Click right click mouse at the top of the browser in the space free from tabs.

3. From the list of functions that appears, select Menu Bar.

4. Open the "Journal" section in the main Firefox menu(it will appear at the very top of the browser window).

5. Click on the “Show entire log” submenu.

And here, please, is the history of all your actions in the browser: in the left panel “Journal” - landmarks by day (Today, Yesterday, etc.), and in the right panel (Name/Tags/...) - addresses open pages, time last visit and etc.

How to selectively delete entries in your browsing history?

Don't rush to close the Journal! Viewing links to sites visited is one thing, but clearing Firefox history is a completely different matter. Moreover, when you need to perform this task extremely delicately: delete only individual records and only under specified conditions.

Deleting browsing history for a specific day:

  • in the left column of the “Library” window (it opened in the browser after you followed the previous instructions), under the “Journal” inscription, right-click on the day whose history you want to delete (for example, “Today”);
  • In the context submenu, click the “Delete” function.

Removing one link in your browsing history:

Find in the left panel of the “Library” window (opens - “Ctrl+Shift+H”) the link (entry) that you want to get rid of;

  • hover the cursor over it and click the right mouse button;
  • In the functional submenu, click the “Delete this page” item.

Sometimes users are tormented by guesses: “How can I delete history in Firefox associated with a specific site?” Or even worse - manually select and delete links with the same domain name(site name). In fact, this problem can be solved much simpler:

  • you must select any link with the website you are looking for;
  • call the context submenu with the right mouse button (the cursor must be placed over the entry);
  • activate the “Forget about this site” command.

How to completely delete browsing history in Firefox?

1. Open the “Journal” section in the main menu.

2. Activate the “Delete recent history...” function.

3. In the “Deleting all history” panel that opens, click on the “Delete:” drop-down menu (the “down arrow” icon on the right) and select the period of time for which you want to delete the history. If you want to clean firefox , as they say, “from and to”, select the “Everything” value.

4. Click the "Details" button. Check the boxes next to the elements that the browser should clean up during the “cleaning” process.

5. Click "Delete Now".

Advice! This cleaning firefox can be activated via hot keys - “Ctrl+Shift+Del." Learn this combination by heart and use it while surfing the Internet on FF. Very comfortably!

How to disable history in Firefox?

1. In the "Tools" section, open "Settings".

2. Go to the "Privacy" tab.

3. In the “History” block, in the “Firefox:” option, open the drop-down menu and select “Will not remember history.”

4. In the Restart Firefox window, click OK.

After these steps, the browser will not record and save addresses opened by the user sites. Accordingly, you no longer have to worry about clearing your browsing history.

Have a comfortable and safe use of the Internet, dear reader! Let other online users know as much about your browsing history as they should know.

I continue to publish a series of lessons related to viewing visited sites through any browser. You probably already guessed that in this post I will show and tell you how to view history in Mozilla.

As with all browsers, this procedure is not complicated and does not require much movement from you. To view the history in Mozilla browser Firefox, you need to top panel press the button with three horizontal lines. Then select “Journal”.

Please pay attention to the hotkeys that are indicated when you hover over the “Journal” button. Using the "CTRL" + "H" or "CTRL" + "Shift" + "H" keys you can open the site history tab without even going to this menu.

Using hot keys is not only convenient, but also practical. After all, if the interface of your favorite browser is changed, you can use hot keys and get to the window you need.

In the future, you can familiarize yourself with other browsers, namely how you can open the history in:

When you click on the “Show entire log” button or use hotkeys, a window will open in which you need to select the period for which you want to view visited sites. For example, we select a folder called “Today”, click on it with the left mouse button, and the sites you are interested in will appear on the right in the list that opens.

In this post I show you how to view history in Mozilla, but there is more for you helpful information for the future. If you accidentally closed the site and need to open it right away, then you don’t need to “go” to history, but just press the “CTRL” + “Shift” + “T” keys. After this, the site you just closed will open. In a situation where you have closed several tabs at once, you need to press these keys until the desired site opens.

Welcome to my blog!
The Mozilla Firefox browser stores a detailed history of visits and downloads, which can be useful when you need to find out which sites the user visited and what files he downloaded. In addition to control, this can be useful, and if you yourself have forgotten the name of an interesting site and you haven’t added it to your bookmarks, but need to find it, this is where the history of Mozilla Firefox comes in handy. After reading this article you will learn how to view the history in Mozilla Firefox, how to view the browsing history and download history of this browser and what useful features It's in Mozilla's history menu.

Let's look at two Firefox histories, browsing history and download history, as they together give more full information about the user's work in the browser.

How to view your browsing history in Mozilla Firefox.

There are several ways to open your browsing history in Firefox, and you will now learn about them.

How to open a magazine in Mozilla Firefox.

And in the bottom menu, select “Downloads”.

3. Press the key combination Ctrl+J.

The main window will open Mozilla stories Firefox, but already on the “Downloads” tab and you will see all the latest downloads saved in it, you will find out from which sites they were made and at what time.
If the download list is large and difficult to find required file, then you can also use the search here. Enter the search phrase in the search window and you will see the entire list of matches for it.
Now you know how to view history in Mozilla Firefox and you can easily cope with this task.
Good luck!