How to find a person on Skype: basic techniques for working with search and contacts. How to find a person and add them to your Skype contacts

Skype is one of the most popular communication programs. It allows you to connect with family, friends and friends around the world using text messages, voice calls or video calls.

But before you contact someone, you need to find the right one
user among the program subscribers and add him to your contact list. To search, you can use several simple and quick methods.

First and last name

The first step is to launch the program. Then click on “Contacts” on top panel. To search for users, you need to click on “Add contact”. In the menu that appears, select “Search in Skype Directory.” After this, you need to enter a user name and after a few seconds a list of subscribers will appear, from which you should select the one you need.

In addition, you can search for interlocutors by last name, login and email. But often a name is enough. It is even easier to search for a person by last name. You must follow the steps described above and enter your last name instead of your first name.

To add a user to your contact list, you need to become friends with him. You need to click on his name and press the “Add to contact list” button. After that, the “Request subscriber contact information” window will appear on the screen, where you need to click “Submit”. Now you need to wait a little while the user responds to the request.

In this way you can find friends, acquaintances and loved ones. However, many users use this method to look for new friends to communicate with.

Phone number

Another way to find friends on Skype is to search by phone number. Unfortunately, latest version the program does not allow you to search in this way. If the phone number is not included in the login or email, then it is almost impossible to find the user.

But you can try to find people you are talking to by phone number using Yandex or Google search engines. Sometimes in contacts with specified number The phone also contains your Skype login, first and last name, which is quite enough for searching in the program. When you enter a phone number in the search field, the result may be zero.

It’s unlikely that you will find the right person, but it’s worth a try. Old version Skype had a special window for searching for subscribers by phone, and ensured almost 100% success.

Other search options

The old version of the messenger provided the ability to search for interlocutors by city and country. However, the latest release of the application does not have such a function. To do this, you again need to seek help from search engines. You can use email, first and last name and other data.

Search problems

Sometimes users encounter search problems. This can mainly happen on older versions of the program. In this case, you need to update the application or install a new one. After this, there should be no problems with searching.

To determine which users are online, you just need to open your contact list and look at who has a green icon next to them. In addition, you can use special service, which can reach users all over the world. This service will help you find new friends.

These are all the methods that can be used to find old friends and new interlocutors on Skype. All options are quite simple and even a novice user can cope with them. It doesn’t matter whether the user is online or not, since the program stores messages on its server, you can always send him a message, to which he will respond as soon as he is online.

Communication in Skype program carried out according to unique names- . ICQ is available identification numbers, so in Skype each user has his own login, which no one else has. If you were given the login of a friend, you can easily communicate with him by finding him in the program.

You will need

  • - Internet.


Open Skype. If you have not yet logged in, log in with your username and password to start working with the program. Enter your username and password carefully, paying attention to the keyboard layout and Caps button Lock. If you do not have a login, then click on the “Registration” tab to register a new user.

In the main menu of the Skype program, find the “Contacts” item and select the “Add” section from the list new contact" The window for registering a new interlocutor will open. The program will ask you to enter the details of the user you want to add. Enter your friend's login in the " Skype login" It is also worth noting that this software allows you to search in real time not only by login, but by the user’s country of residence, age, name and many other parameters.

In a moment, the program will offer you a list of users registered with the same - or almost the same - login. Choose from the list a person you know. Pay attention to the personal data that the program indicates under the login. Also, do not forget that when adding you must write who you are and why you are adding the person, since the percentage of spammers in the program is increasing, so many users are afraid to add strangers.

Used by about 500 million people around the world. Using the utility, you can transfer videos, documents, photos and other files, make calls, send messages, and organize conferences. To start communicating, you need to find and add the subscriber to your contact list. Therefore, it is important for new users to know how to find someone on Skype.

Features of selection

Unlike other instant messengers, Skype does not import contacts from phone book. The subscriber will have to manually search and add acquaintances, friends and relatives. To find people through the application, you will need their data:

  • Last name and first name.
  • Unique identifier (login).
  • Phone number or email.

Until January 2018, there was another option for finding friends - Facebook. The user could find a person on a social network, add him as a friend, and then transfer his data to Skype. Unfortunately, the developers abandoned such an interesting and useful feature.

Using the ID

During registration, each subscriber chooses a password and login. It is the nickname that is the identifier with which you can find and add a person to your address book. But how to find a person on Skype by login?

The user needs a friend to tell him his ID. You can find out your account ID in the “Personal Data” section. A person needs to click on his avatar and look at the “Account” line.

The user who finds out the ID can only do the following:

The program will show all subscribers with the same login. What to do if dozens of subscribers have the same nicknames? A person should pay attention to the avatar, country and city of residence. This will help narrow your search and add the right user. The user can also explain to a friend how to find himself on Skype, thereby simplifying the adding process.

Search by name

You can find a friend or relative on Skype using your full name. The user only needs:

  • Launch the application.
  • Click on the “Contacts” section. The option is located at the top of the program window.
  • Select the “Add contacts” function.
  • Go to the “Search in the directory” tab.
  • Enter your personal information in a special line.
  • Click on “Enter”

A user who has figured out how to find a person on Skype by first and last name will face another problem. The utility is used by millions of people, so there will be many namesakes on the list. To find desired contact need to know Additional information: country, avatar, city.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to find a person on Skype by phone number. When you enter a phone number in the search bar, the program will inform you that the number is not included in your contact list and will offer to add it there.

If the user you want to add used as login mobile number, then adding it this way will not work. Instead, you need to search by full name, or you need to know his Microsoft account, which is automatically created when registering for Skype. If the user does not know it, then he can find it out in two ways.

The modern world is full of a variety of programs and applications created to facilitate communication. For example, there is a messenger called "Skype". It allows you to communicate, make video calls, and exchange data. Here you can chat not only together, but also in groups, and create conferences. All this can be extremely useful. But, having installed this program, a person has to think about how to find friends on Skype. This is one of the simplest actions. Finding and adding new contacts to your friends list takes minimal time. Especially if you know exactly how to act.

About search methods

It’s worth noting right away that you can search for people on Skype in different ways. For example, through the search bar or function menu. In the first case, the task is completed more quickly. But this technique is not always used in practice.

How to find friends through Skype? To do this, you need to have some information about the interlocutor. Eg:

  • login;
  • no one;
  • last name and first name of the person;
  • country and city of residence;
  • by email;
  • mobile phone.

Important: the most in an exact way searching for contacts is to use the login, then the nickname. But find by last name, first name and other data the right person can be quite problematic. After all, users with the same last names, first names and even nicknames are often registered in the system!

Quick search by phone

Let's start by searching using mobile phone. This technique does not provide any guarantee of success. If the interlocutor did not indicate his phone number in the questionnaire, then it will not be possible to find him using this information.

To search for a contact using a mobile phone, you need to:

  1. Log in to Skype.
  2. In the right menu of the program, in the search bar (line with a magnifying glass in the corner), dial the phone number.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the contacts that were found in the program directory.

As already mentioned, sometimes the search does not turn out to be successful. Therefore, it is worth considering other options for the development of events. By the way, the proposed method for solving the problem allows you to quickly search for friends not only by phone, but also by other data. For example, by first and last name.

Menu and login

How to find friends on Skype? You can use a special functional menu. It allows you to explore search results in a more convenient way. After all, they are displayed in a separate window.

To search for friends on Skype, you need:

  1. Login to the program.
  2. Open the "Contacts" menu item. It is located at the top of the application window.
  3. Select "Add contact" - "Search in Skype directory".
  4. Type the user's login into the search bar. You need to find out from a friend in advance. You are also allowed to write here any information that will help carry out the search. For example, a nickname or last name with a first name.
  5. Click on "Search".

Adding as a friend

It’s clear how to find friends on Skype. How can you add a contact to your friend list?

There are 2 ways to solve the problem. Namely:

  • adding "from scratch";
  • adding a contact as a friend after a conversation.

In the first case, you will need to find the user using any in a convenient way, then click on the person’s profile and click on “Add to contacts” - “Send”.

After the user has spoken with a contact who is not on the friends list, he appears in the friend list under a special mark gray. To add a former interlocutor as a friend, just click on the contact in the left menu of the program right click mouse and select the “Add” function there.

That's all! All you have to do is wait until the other person confirms the addition. Otherwise, you will not be able to add the person to your contact list. From now on it’s clear how to find friends on Skype.

After creating an account, newbies are faced with a problem: their contact list is empty. There is no one to call or write to.

How to find someone on Skype? What do you need to know about this? What information should I enter and, most importantly, where?

Search by login

You will quickly find the people you need on Skype if you know their exact nicknames in the system.

“What should I write if they ask me for my Skype?” – a question that often arises among novice users. What they require from you is a login, by which you can be easily found in the system.

In the top panel, click on the “Contacts” block. Next, point the arrow at the first item and click on “Search in the Skype directory.”

You can immediately start typing the person’s login in the search bar.

How to search by name, place of residence and phone number?

How to find contacts if there is no information about logins? The easiest option is to ask the person by calling him on the phone or contacting him in some other way, for example, through social networks.

You can also search by first and last name. The downside is that there will be so many users with the same real names that the chances of finding out which contact is correct are zero. The list that opens will be very long. How to reduce it?

  • Immediately enter the country and city along with real names.
  • Write your phone number.

However, the user has the right not to indicate this information or hide it in the profile, so even in the reduced list this person may not appear. Moreover, not all owners accounts They put up photographs, but often they are just pictures.

Adding a contact

The contact found in the list must still be added to the list of yours. To do this, open your profile by clicking on the item on the left side of the window and click on the blue “Add to contact list” button.

An additional small window will open with the text of the request. It is standard for everyone, but it can be changed. Click on “Submit” and wait for your friend to confirm the addition request. If he is online, the answer may come immediately. If not, you may have to wait a long time.

Advanced Search

IN previous versions The program had an advanced user search available. Now this option has disappeared as such from the functionality. You can only search for people through the search bar above the contacts on the left side of the window.

At the user's request, a window could open in which various additional parameters were entered:

  • Country of Residence,
  • age,
  • phone number,
  • address Email etc.

For those who don't want to put up with the lack of advanced search, there are options for other programs that allow you to link contacts from social networks and Skype, look for friends with similar interests in groups or countries. As an example – the VKSkypes utility.

Importing contacts

Until recently, the program had the option “Import contacts” in the same “Contacts” block in the top panel. With recent updates the button has disappeared.

New versions of the utility are associated with free postal service from Microsoft, called Outlook. Now the default contacts for this email are in Skype system. The user only chooses whether to display them in the list or not.

How to add a contact that was previously blocked?

If you have ever blocked a person, they will be removed from your contacts list. How can I get it back?

  1. Go to the “Tools” block and open “Settings”.
  2. Go to the “Security” tab, and in it – “Blocked users”. A list of users will appear. To unlock, click on the item with the desired profile and click “Unblock this user”.

Finding friends on Skype is often difficult without certain logins, so it’s better to ask the person in advance what fictitious name he is registered under.