The iPhone charger is broken. Modern ways to charge an iPhone without regular charging

You’ve had breakfast, you’re about to leave home, you’re already dressed, you’ve collected the necessary things, you pick up your iPhone and see that there’s 10-15% charge left. Is the situation familiar? It’s good if you travel by car, you can recharge your smartphone along the way, but in other cases it’s just a tragedy.

You have to look for a PowerBank, make room for it in your bag and manage a string of wires that allow you to charge your smartphone and use it on the go at the same time.

Until Apple “invented” fast charging, the correct algorithm of actions is as follows:

1. Turn on airplane mode

You will be surprised, but many still do not know that the cellular module and Wi-Fi are the main energy consumers in any smartphone. I turned them off and charging will go much faster.

And at this time, background data synchronization will not occur, geolocation and all network activity of the device will be disabled.

2. Turn on energy saving mode

In iOS 11, they even provided such a switch in the control panel, but in older versions of the system you need to go to Settings - Battery and activate the toggle switch there.

In this mode, the power of the iPhone is reduced, some processes are disabled, performance drops, but energy consumption is also reduced. This way, not only will charging be faster, but the device will also be less power-hungry throughout the day. If you don’t have time to “refuel” 90-100%, this will be useful.

3. Leave the iPhone to charge

Now the main thing is to give the device time to recharge. Many at this time are already packed, standing on the threshold and don’t know what else to do. They start playing games or just flipping through photos. So the smartphone may not only take longer to charge, but may not even receive a percent of the energy.

It’s better to review your collected things again, make a plan for the day, spin your favorite spinner.

4. Remove all cases from the iPhone

This advice is more relevant in the summer than ever. During charging, the device will heat up noticeably, and if after leaving it you run resource-intensive programs or navigation on it, the iPhone will seriously heat up. All this will have a negative impact on the battery and will be inconvenient to use.

If you carry the device in a case or case, remove it from its protection to quickly charge.

5. Use a powerful charger

To quickly recharge, do not try to charge the device via USB from the computer. Take the supplied power supply and connect it to an outlet. If you find a more powerful iPad adapter, charging time will be reduced.

These things will help you charge your iPhone as quickly as possible:

 USB Power Adapter 12W

This unit is much more powerful than the standard one: 12 W versus 5 W. Some iPad models are equipped with it, but it will also do an excellent job of charging an iPhone. The smartphone will charge almost twice as fast.

 Lightning to USB cable 2 m

The original cable from the iPhone is usually carefully laid behind the desk and you don’t want to pull it out to charge it before going to work. Buy another original cable, but this one is two meters long.

It will be convenient to place your iPhone in the hallway or hallway for quick charging.

 29W USB-C adapter

This power supply comes with the 12-inch MacBook. When you connect your iPhone, it can charge it too. Of course, charging time will be reduced even compared to charging from an iPad.

 87W USB-C adapter

The most powerful portable power supply in the Apple line. They are equipped with power-hungry MacBook Pros. It will literally “pump” energy from the outlet to the connected gadget.

 Lightning to USB-C cable

If you choose one of the last two blocks, you will have to acquire such a cable. They no longer have an ordinary USB port, but a new Type-C, and with this cable you can directly connect your iPhone to the latest model MacBooks.

The battery has been considered the weakest link in the iPhone for many years. Under average load, it can keep the device offline for no more than a day, after which the gadget will be completely discharged. You may not be familiar with this problem only if you use it to make 2-3 calls a day with an average duration of 3-4 minutes.

Of course, Apple's proprietary charger ensures that the battery returns to full capacity within 1 hour, but if you go on a long trip, finding an outlet in time is a real challenge.

In order to renew the battery charge, you can use various energy sources: from computer USB ports to special cases. The choice depends on your preferences and available means.

How to charge iPhone without charging while on the road?

It is worth noting in advance that if you use a non-original charger or charging methods not approved by Apple, you risk damaging your smartphone or even getting injured.

Charging iPhone via USB connector of computer or car radio

To do this, you will need a standard USB cable for your phone (30-pin for older models and Lightning for all models starting with iPhone 5). Using it, you can charge your smartphone from any computer, laptop or tablet that has a USB connector. You only need to connect the cable to your mobile phone and computer, after which charging will begin almost immediately. In addition, if your car has a car radio with a USB connector for connecting flash drives, you can use it to recharge the device.

How to charge an iPhone without charging using iQi Mobile?

iQi Mobile is a small (thinner and smaller than a plastic card) external antenna designed to receive electricity from a Qi standard wireless charger. It is attached to the outside of the back cover of the smartphone using adhesive tape, and then connected to the Lightning connector. After this, a silicone case or cover is put on the device, which hides this “design”.

To start charging, just place the back of the iPhone on the surface of a special stand that supports the Qi standard.

Charging iPhone using external battery

You can use any manufacturer if you purchase a universal external battery. It is equipped with a USB port for connecting a charging cable and will allow you to “resurrect” your smartphone as quickly as possible. In addition, there are special cases for the iPhone with a built-in battery (such as the Juice Tank Helium). It is enough to put this accessory on your smartphone so that it can extend the “life” of the device by almost 2 times.

You recognize this situation: after leaving for another city or traveling, you suddenly remembered that your iPhone charger was left lying on the coffee table at home. The situation, naturally, is not a pleasant one, because without a gadget in our time, it’s like being without hands. Due to the fact that the battery does not last forever, you need to think about how to charge iPhone 5 without charging.

It’s good to have someone nearby who can lend you their charger, or to have an Apple service center somewhere nearby. But fate rarely gives such gifts. It would be strange not to start with the simplest thing - a USB port. Surprisingly, for some users even this information may be a revelation. If you have an iPhone charging cable (without a power supply) and a laptop/PC at hand, you can quickly and easily charge your phone. You just need to plug the cord into the USB connector and wait for the treasured hundred percent of the battery.

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How to charge an iPhone without a cord using alternative power sources

The problem of a forgotten charger at home can now be easily solved with the help of alternative power sources. You can replenish the required battery supply using external batteries. Portable storage devices have firmly established themselves in the market for essential and everyday goods. This small box, which can be ordered/purchased in an online store, is capable of delivering four full charges to your favorite smartphone. The choice of device depends on the capacity reserve expressed in mAh value, additional functions (flashlight), and design.

Thanks to a portable battery, you can forget about a low battery for several days, although the charging process will take a little longer. Simply connect the accessory to the mobile cord and press the “turn on” button. A wide selection of these devices on the market allows you to buy them inexpensively - the price ranges from 500 to 5,000 rubles, depending on the capacity. As an alternative, inventors have come up with several other types of additional power sources:

  1. From a solar battery. In the catalogs of online stores around the world you can already find these simple devices at an affordable price. They look like external batteries with one exception - they need to be placed in a place where there is direct sunlight and the phone can stay afloat for a long time. Thanks to this method, you can quickly solve the following question: how to charge an iPhone without charging.
  2. From the fire. An unusual device whose job is to convert thermal energy into electrical energy. Special braziers are placed on the fire, a cable is connected to them, and the phone begins to quickly dial up interest. This charging method is ideal for hikers and those who don’t know how to charge an iPhone 5s without charging in nature.

Wireless charging for iPhone iQi Mobile

Recently, the gadget market has been replenished with another new product - the iQi Mobile wireless charger for Apple iPhone, sold at prices ranging from 1,200 to 3,000 rubles. The principle of operation is very simple - electromagnetic energy is used, acting inductively on a special battery attached to the phone. It sounds complicated, but in reality everything couldn’t be simpler: this is a thin plate 0.5 mm thick, which fits under any case and is connected to the smartphone connector with a lighting cable. After this, the iPhone is placed on a special docking station and charged wirelessly.

Charging case for iPhone

A special battery case has become a very popular product of our time, after putting it on the iPhone begins to rapidly replenish the battery capacity. The device has a capacity of 2200 mAh, which is enough to extend the life of the smartphone by a good 1.5-2 days. An important point is to take care of charging the case itself in advance, otherwise it will turn into only a protective shell and, I would like to note, a very weighty one. The design of the accessory is laconic - one “turn on” button and an indicator panel displaying the remaining battery. The cost of the gadget is reasonable – it sells for between 800 and 2,000 rubles.

What to do if the iPhone does not charge from the original charger

A lot of people face a similar problem. The original wire, produced by a large American company, can break for various reasons. This could be incorrect handling, ordinary technical problems, inoperability of the connector on the phone itself, and much more. Let's consider solutions in cases where the standard factory charger does not charge the iPhone:

  1. Software error. Sometimes malfunctions occur in the program that sends signals to a special charging controller (chip). If the software is in a “frozen” state, then the phone will not be able to recognize that the current has already flowed. There is a simple solution - simultaneously press and hold the Home and Power buttons on your iPhone for about 30 seconds before the reboot begins. After this, the smartphone should start charging.
  2. The port that helps charge the smartphone is dirty. A common problem that arises among those people who like to carry a mobile phone in their pocket. Debris particles fall into the lighting hole and prevent the flow of current. The solution is simple - take a simple toothpick and use it to get out the dirt, and then blow it thoroughly. That's it, you can connect/charge.
  3. USB port problem. If you don’t know how to charge an iPhone without charging and are using a cord connected to a PC or laptop, then you need to check all inputs for functionality. The problem is solved this way: just plug the wire into another USB port or use a regular 220V plug - you can charge.
  4. There is a fault in the cable. It happens that when the wire is connected, the phone does not show any signs. This means that somewhere in the cord there is a break that can only be repaired by a specialist. The best solution is to buy a new iPhone charger.

Find out how to transfer photos from iPhone to computer.

Charging your phone with another charger

If none of the methods described above turned out to be useful, then there is only one option left, which is better to resort to as a last resort - connect the iPhone battery directly to other chargers. It should be noted right away that using this method is dangerous for both the person and the device, which will have to be opened in any case. Take precautions - carry out the operation with rubber gloves, do not touch bare wires with your skin. Scheme of how to charge iPhone 4 without charging (original):

  1. Disassemble the iPhone and disconnect the battery.
  2. Take any charging device, cut off the connector to connect to the phone.
  3. Connect two exposed wires of different colors in series to the contacts on the battery, which has polarity indicators (blue to +, red to -).
  4. Press the wires tightly and secure with electrical tape.
  5. If you did everything correctly, then when you turn on the iPhone, it will show signs of life.

Find out more ways to charge your phone without charging.

Video: how to charge an iPhone without charging

How to charge an iPhone without charging at home. Charging an iPhone without USB - high technology news on the site"

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Apple smartphones are good and functional devices. But they have one drawback - low autonomy. When the charger is at hand, it can still be tolerated, but how to charge an iPhone without charging? Let's consider several ways.

According to statistics, 15% of iPhone owners use a gadget with a broken screen. The situation is approximately the same with the charger. It often breaks down, and you can’t buy a new original charger in the store around the corner, unless, of course, it’s an Apple service center. Therefore, it is useful to know how to charge an iPhone when left without a charging device.

Here are three emergency options:

  • From USB port. This is a painfully banal method, but there are people who have never heard of this possibility.

If your iPhone won't charge from a wall outlet, most likely the problem lies with the adapter. Disconnect the cable from it and insert it into the USB port of your laptop or PC. Connect the reverse side of the cord to the phone. Turn on your computer and switch your smartphone to charging mode. As a rule, it takes 2-3 hours to fully recharge.

  • Alternative chargers. In case the standard charger is covered along with the cable, it is useful to have an alternative on hand that does not even need to be connected to an outlet.

There are various models on the market, but the most effective are chargers that receive energy from wind, sun and muscle strength:

  1. Wind generator. Connect it to your iPhone and attach it to your bike or backpack while walking. In windy weather, the device can be fixed on a windowsill or window frame. Charging time from 0 to 100% - 5‒6 hours.
  2. Solar battery. Essentially, it is a Power Bank that is charged by solar energy. Leave it under the rays for several hours and then transfer the charge to your smartphone.
  3. Dynamo machine. The most effective device of the three, however, it requires human intervention. Connect the charger to the iPhone and turn the special knob until you transfer enough energy to the gadget. According to the manufacturer, a full charge will take about 2-3 hours. Monotonous, but what can you do?!

All these devices are easy to find on Chinese Internet sites. Someone will say: “Trash.” Perhaps, but, as they say, if there is no fish, there is no cancer.

  • Use any other charger. IPhone manufacturers made sure that chargers from other manufacturers are not suitable for it, but in an emergency, all this is not important.

You can charge your iPhone with any charger, but there is a chance of damaging the phone. Therefore, use this method only in the most extreme cases. Here's what to do:

  1. Find a charger from an old cell phone lying around.
  2. Cut off the plug that was inserted into the phone.
  3. Cut off part of the main winding from the cable.
  4. Separate the wires and strip about half a centimeter of insulation.
  5. Remove the battery from the iPhone.
  6. Connect the wires to the battery contacts - plus to plus, minus to minus. For reliability, secure with electrical tape or tape.
  7. Plug the charger into a power outlet.

Note: Do not touch the battery while charging as it becomes very hot. Do not leave her in this position for more than an hour. If you see the battery swelling or smoking, stop power supply immediately.

There are tricks that will revive your phone for a few minutes:

  1. Take out the battery, cover the contacts with tape and return it back. In some cases, this is enough to make a short call.
  2. Heat the metal plate and apply it to the battery. Increasing the temperature will increase the charge, which will last for a couple of minutes.
  3. Pull out the power source and throw it hard onto something hard. You can tap it a little with a hammer. The main thing is to maintain the integrity of the battery and not damage the contacts. These measures should give a few milliamps of charge.

So now you know: there are ways to charge your iPhone without a charger. Some are safe, but others are best used only as a last resort.

Hi all! In the comments I am often asked: “I have a USB charger from Samsung, Acer, Sony, etc. or a PowerBank from some company - can all this be used to charge an iPhone? Will there be any harm to the battery or the device itself? Or do you need to run headlong for the original adapter, shell out a large sum (at the time of writing - about 1,500 rubles) for the “native” power supply from Apple and charge only with it?”

But really, is it necessary to pay extra money (which never happens)? Or is it possible to do without all those "Original Made in Apple" official accessories? Let's try to figure it out, let's go!

Important note! The entire article is exclusively the personal experience of the author, his friends, many acquaintances and strangers. The information in no way claims to be the ultimate truth. I repeat, personal experience and nothing more. But it can be useful too, right? :)

So, we are interested in:

  1. The wire.
  2. USB power adapter.

Of course, if you have a cable and power supply from Apple, then it is better to use them for charging - everything is certified, thought out, there are special controllers inside, etc. This means that the iPhone will receive energy exactly as the manufacturer wants it.

What if you don’t have Apple accessories and don’t want to buy them? Is it allowed to charge others? Let's get a look!

The wire

This is the case when saving is definitely not worth it. Basically, this is the most important part that is involved in the charging process of your iPhone.

Apple is so clever in certifying cables for its devices that even Chinese craftsmen still cannot properly fake these cables.

To be more precise, they succeed, but not for long. As a rule, after just one or two iOS updates, the iPhone refuses to accept charging and “pleases” the owner with the message . I've seen so many similar wires - absolutely all of them stop working after some (very short) time.

And of course, the use of counterfeits negatively affects the device’s battery - since they do not have any special controllers or chips for properly charging the iPhone.

Conclusion: The cable must be used only original or certified by Apple (there will be a Made For iPhone sign on the package).

Power adapter

But here there is much more room for imagination. A standard 5 W iPhone charger costs about one and a half thousand rubles and, admittedly, this is not small money.

By the way, it’s worth admitting one more thing - this is a big redneck from Apple :)

Is it possible to replace it with something else? In my opinion, yes:

  1. If you really want a branded accessory from Apple, then an iPad adapter will cost you almost the same amount. . And the gadget will charge faster.
  2. If you don’t want to spend money, and you have a power supply at home from any other well-known manufacturer, then you can safely use it to charge your iPhone.

Why? Yes, because any self-respecting company monitors the quality of its accessories and I don’t think that the power supply from the same conventional Samsung is in any way seriously different from the “native Apple”.

I’ve been using three adapters alternately for about four years now: from an iPad, an Asus tablet (1.5 A), and a Samsung phone (1 A). And a year ago, a Xiaomi external battery was added to all this. Are you having problems with your iPhone battery? No.

Conclusion: Whether the charger is “Apple” or not is not so important. The main thing is that it is of high quality.

But what about voltage, current and “that’s all”?

An original and certified wire, as well as a charging controller in the iPhone itself, simply will not allow the phone to take more than it needs.

The most important thing is not to use very cheap adapters from unknown manufacturers at a price of “100 pieces per kilogram.” Since the money saved can turn into big troubles in the future.

Instead of an afterword or a summary: iPhone can be charged with any (with some small reservations) USB chargers. The most important thing is to use an original or certified (Made For iPhone) cable by Apple. And then everything will be “OK”.

I repeat, the entire article is solely the personal thoughts of the author. Do you agree with his opinion? Or do you have some other experience? Tell us in the comments, very interesting!

P.S. Feel free to ask questions (I will try to answer them), like them, click on the social network buttons - please don’t be shy!:)