On the issue of link ranking. Link anchor and its impact on link ranking. Link ranking - what is it?

Hello friends! IN Lately All optimizers are paying more and more attention to behavioral factors. This is primarily due to changes in Yandex ranking.

I remind you that since the beginning of 2014, Yandex has canceled link ranking for commercial sites in Moscow and the region. And just recently I changed the operation of the AGS algorithm, I wrote about this.

All these changes have forced SEOs to take a fresh look at SEO and search engine optimization in general.

For those who don't know what it is behavioral factor and link ranking, as well as why this is needed, I explain.

Link ranking- one of the most important components search engine optimization. The principle of link ranking depends on the quantity and quality of links to certain web resource. That is, if there are many links to your site or blog with a keyword (promoted) word in the anchor, then your site has a greater chance of ranking higher in search results for this request.

When introducing this ranking factor, the developers were guided by the following logic. If a webmaster - the owner of a site or blog, links to another site with a certain anchor or text, then this site really has this information.

Behavioral factor– the most an important part ranking sites. The behavioral factor refers to the totality of actions of an Internet user. That is, by what request the user came to the site, his time spent on the site, clicks on links to other pages of the site, transitions from the site to third party resources and return back to the site. Most search engines give preference to the behavioral factor.

Improve behavioral factor possible by publishing quality material, good internal optimization, easy navigation on the site and excellent design.

Why is link ranking a thing of the past?

Link ranking is gradually becoming a thing of the past. This does not mean that links do not work when ranking sites. Links are very important and they work. But Yandex is gradually relegating link ranking to the background. This is primarily due to link exchanges and the fight against low-quality sites that have made their way to the TOP thanks to the mass purchase of links.

But Google, unlike Yandex, continues link ranking of all sites, and for Google this is still the main ranking tool.

Changes in the operation of link exchanges.

With changes in Yandex ranking, link exchanges also began to change their work and the principle of selecting sites. So famous stock exchange Sape links introduces a new quality mark for sites – Sape Rank (SR). If previously in Sape, the indicator of the quality of a site was considered to be the traffic of a web resource and bellies - TIC and PR, now the selection of the quality of sites will be carried out by the number of unique visitors on the site pages, by the number of pages viewed, as well as by clicks on links leading from the page.

My conclusion.

To promote a web resource, everything is important – both links and behavioral factors. It is impossible to bring a site to the TOP using just one thing.

Link ranking played a significant role in search engine optimization of any website until recently. Now this parameter is not very important for determining the success of a certain resource by search engines, since recently more functional and effective ways determining the quality of sites. This is why it is important to understand what internal linking is and the basics of link ranking.

However, traffic and other user factors still play a huge role. For example, internal linking of an Internet resource is very important. It's like Wikipedia. In general, our topic is very broad, and we definitely need to learn the basics of link ranking and what algorithms search engines have for ranking a site. Understanding them is very important for advancement.

What is link ranking?

In science, the number of references used by other scientists plays a huge role in the credibility of a particular specialist or publication. This is the law. The same goes for the Internet. A site is considered worthy if it does what it can. At the same time, it can be good and of high quality. There may even be many visits. But who can guarantee that no one cheated the visit data? It is hardly possible.

That is why search engines have been using the link ranking method for a very long time to check the quality of a certain resource posted on the Internet. It is only important that it be indexed. Scientifically speaking, link ranking is the correspondence between what users are looking for and the text of the links that visitors post. That is why, to ensure a favorable ranking mechanism, you need Special attention pay attention to anchors - the texts of these links.

The more a link matches a query, the better it is in the eyes of search engines. This is called "weight". The heavier the links are on a resource, the better the site itself is for search engines. Accordingly, for successful link ranking you need to ensure maximum amount conversions and the best user factors when visiting your site through this link. This is a whole science, and let's look at it in more detail.

Search engines take great care to ensure that sites are ranked correctly. And each of them has its own views on how sites should do this correctly. Therefore, let's take a closer look at what specific mechanisms each search engine uses. We will consider search engines from Yandex and Google, since they are the most popular in our latitudes.

In principle, the mechanisms of their operation are very similar. Therefore, when optimizing sites, you can only take into account General characteristics data algorithms. So, when promoting sites, both search engines use such a parameter as link weight. Among other things, it is important to consider the relevance of links to your resource. Relevance is similarity in topic. Now let's take a closer look at how search engines rank websites.

Google ranking algorithm

This algorithm is applied to documents that are interconnected by links. At the same time, each of these documents is assigned a number symbolizing the importance and quality specific page based on which specific link is being used. Documents that have a lower PR (this is the name of the algorithm from the American search giant) are located lower in the search results. Accordingly, one of the factors that determines the position of a resource in the search engine Google results, is the PR of this resource.

How can you define PR? For this there is such an add-on as Google Toolbar. It displays the rating of each page on a ten-point scale. It is important to note that the search engine itself does not disclose the specifics of the calculation this indicator. At the same time, many webmasters and SEO optimizers have noticed that the site must be old enough for this parameter to be more than five.

Ranking algorithm from Yandex

The algorithm from the domestic search engine is called a citation index. This is exactly the indicator that scientific works and their authors have. It is determined by the number of links. In Yandex, things are approximately the same. We can say that this is a qualitative characteristic expressed in quantitative indicators. As for science, this definition will be inaccurate. But there is absolutely no difference, because the citation index really determines the quality of the document.

This algorithm, as in “American Brother,” shows how close a certain resource on the Internet is to the topics and queries entered by users World Wide Web. It is important to understand that all sites must be indexed by a Russian search engine. In principle, the same can be said about the American one. At the same time, the citation index has a completely different scale. If Google has a ten-point rating, then Yandex can have absolutely anything.

Information about the cancellation of ranking by Yandex

However, Yandex recently said that it is canceling link ranking. Moreover, the information appeared long enough for the panic to subside. So you can look at these data soberly without losing your brain from a storm of emotions. Some people immediately say that the links will no longer work. But no, they really work, despite all Yandex’s statements. It is unlikely that our manufacturer can come up with something original, to be honest, and even something that will exceed the achievements of the American giant, which has offices in many countries of our world.

Don't forget about It is more important than the external one. If the pages of your site are not optimized, then no matter how much link mass you have, it won’t do any good.

The influence of internal linking in ranking

Website optimization is affected not only by weight but also by internal ones. Therefore, it is very important to do internal linking for optimal ranking of links on your Internet resource. An example would be Wikipedia, which was partly promoted precisely thanks to this system of resource organization. Internal linking also improves because users literally “jump” from one link to another. And this has a positive effect on the time they spend on the site. In general, internal linking is a very important component of a good website.

How to do internal linking correctly

In general, there are two types on the site: manual and automatic. In the first case, you insert all the links yourself. This is good when you need to direct a person from one page to another while reading. In the second case, linking is created automatically using special plugins.

Automatic internal linking

How to do it automatic linking. It all depends on the engine. For example, in the Ucoz website creation system there is such an item as informers. These are special blocks that implement this task. There are also other informers. For example, you can display the time. But this does not correspond to the topic of our article.


We figured out what link ranking factors exist, what they are, and also looked at search engine algorithms for determining the ranking of a particular resource. We also figured out one more thing important issue. The cancellation of link ranking by Yandex, despite the panic among the masses, did not significantly affect optimization. The links still work. Internal linking websites and the basics of link ranking is a rather complex topic. At the same time, remember that internal link ranking will only work if the content is interesting and correctly optimized for the requirements of search engines.

I’ve already written a lot about links, and in my SEO course I talked about them in detail, but I forgot to explain one “ancient” term from search engine optimization (for some reason I decided that everyone already knows what it is). I'll fix the situation now.

Link ranking - what is it?

Everything here is quite simple - the definition itself sounds more complicated than it is interpreted. This is the effect of link text on relevance some page of the site.

For the first time, link texts began to influence search results (i.e., the ranking of documents in search results) in Google search engine(Google started taking this into account in 1998, I think). Over time, other search engines “took note.”

What is the point here and why can this text? Everything is very logical from the point of view of search engines: if a user puts a link with specific text to another page, this means that:

  • this page contains this text and is therefore relevant to the query contained in this text. In other words, if the user puts a link learn about new BMW cars to the page about BMW, then this page is really relevant to queries about BMW cars,
  • and since a person has put such a link, this fact will add authority to the page to which he linked (after all, for search engines, the most important thing is the opinion of users). And, naturally, it will improve the ranking of this page in search results.

Thus, taking into account link ranking by search engines is one of the methods used by search algorithms to determine the best relevance of a page to a query.

An anchor plays a particularly important role when placing links from other people's sites. For example, on your website page about cucumbers, but for some reason they refer to it something like this: tomatoes . After this, it is quite possible that your page about cucumbers will be shown in search results for the query “tomatoes”

But! Everything that is written above can already be attributed to history, because search engines are not so primitive and take into account many factors in link ranking - the main thing is that the subject of the anchor of the link and the page to which this link leads coincide. Only then will placing such a link have the desired effect.

Previously, search engines could be easily deceived - read. Well, now search engines are becoming smarter and smarter, so organizing this is very difficult or even impossible.

It’s also worth adding that if instead of text in the link (this code: ), then it can be used as an anchor alt attribute(description of the picture).

You can also find on the Internet such a definition as “dynamic page weight”. This is precisely the weight (better said, authority) of a given page, obtained as a result of link ranking.

» one very important term. This is one of the factors, the term of which we will consider, on which the site’s position in search engines directly depends. This - link ranking.

Link ranking is called the algorithm that is used by the search engine to calculate . This type of ranking is based on taking into account the quantity and quality of links leading to site pages.

By link quality I mean (that is, not me, but search engines :)) inclusion in the anchor link relevant to the content the page to which the link leads, keywords. In addition, the page itself on which the link is located must also be relevant, i.e. similar topics.

For example. We wrote . Literally an hour later it’s already in the search engine index, but for the right query, he doesn’t know where. A couple of days pass, people read the article with pleasure and provided quite a few links with relevant anchors () in various in social networks, and in their blogs.

After indexing these links, the article rises higher in the search results and now it is already on the first page, in the top ten. Why is that? Because search engines take into account the opinions of other users. If someone said that this page is written about Steve, then it is so, then you can offer it to users in search results.

The example is, of course, somewhat crude, but I think the principle is clear.

In general, the most famous link ranking algorithm is (page rank), used by the Google search engine. The algorithm was created by graduate students at Stanford University and who worked to implement the idea that the “weight” of a web page should increase in proportion to the number of links leading to it from authoritative pages.

The first article describing PageRank was published in early 1998. In September of the same year, Brin and Page founded the company Google Inc., whose main area of ​​activity was the Google search engine, based on the algorithm link ranking PageRank.

Link ranking is the most important factor external optimization site, since modern search engines consider external links as the most objective indicator. It is impossible to promote a website for high-frequency and most mid-frequency queries without using high-quality external links with keywords. That is why various exchanges, etc. exist and flourish.

After completion of work on internal optimization Almost all website promotion activities come down to obtaining permanent links from authoritative resources containing keywords. It is advisable to ensure that these links are placed on different domains and were not identical in content. Several links on one domain are also not bad, but it is important that they point to different pages site with different anchors.

The effectiveness of link ranking depends on the age of external links, their topicality, the authority of the linking page (domain age, number of sites linking to this page, etc.) and the surrounding text. There is also a so-called behavioral ranking factor, which also affects the effectiveness of link ranking, but more on that later, in another article.

The age of external links has a significant impact on ranking performance, as search engines take this into account to minimize the impact of purchased links. New links have very little “weight”, which increases over time.

Thematic content of external links– this is a parameter that is determined by the content of the site. All other things being equal, links from sites whose topics correspond to the content of the site being promoted provide a ranking effect that is several times greater than the return from links from non-thematic sites. The costs of website promotion can be significantly reduced by concentrating efforts on obtaining thematic links.

The authority of a page is expressed by the PR (PageRank) indicator for Google or the weighted citation index (WCI) for Yandex. Links from pages with high authority are more effective in promoting a site than links from pages with lower PR and VIC indicators.

Near-link text is the text that is located next to active link . Most often, the link is contained directly in the adjacent text. This factor has a positive effect on the effectiveness of link ranking, since search engines may consider links without text to be purchased and not take them into account in search results. This is why links in articles are more effective than, for example, links at the end of articles.

I think about ways to increase link ranking for pages and the site as a whole, we will talk more than once. ;).

Good luck to you and good positions your site!

Link ranking factors ( external factors) indicators of external links, depending on which search engine ranks the site and assigns it positions in the search results.

The most well-known factors are the number of external links and their weight. Let's consider each factor separately.

Number of external links

Theoretically, this can be justified as follows: the more external links a site has, the higher its performance. Why is the number of inbound links a priority? Because an unpopular and useless site is usually not linked to. If there are many external links to the site, this means that users are interested in it. Practice has shown the opposite.

The optimizers decided to cheat and began renting sites from webmasters for links that led to their Internet resources. The trend has turned into a profitable business. Not only webmasters, but also special exchanges began to provide services for the purchase and sale of links. The most popular exchanges are Sape, Mainlink, Linkfeed, etc.

How often should you buy links?

Depending on the speed of building the link mass, the resource may end up in the TOP or banned. A sharp increase in external links indicates illegal promotion methods, causes a link explosion and is punishable by a ban or penalties. Therefore, it is better to be patient and buy links systematically.

New era

At the initial stage of SEO development (the second half of the 90s of the 20th century), buying external links was not considered a crime. There were few users, and even fewer websites.

Since 2005, website building has become very popular among users. Absolutely everyone was involved in link building, which called into question the quality of search: often useless and low-quality sites made it to the TOP. Then search engines introduced algorithms and diluted the existing factors with a pleasant addition.

Resource authority

Along with the number of external links, the authority of the referring resources began to be taken into account. The Golden Age of Promotion external links the end has come. The less authority the linking site has, the less weight the link has. Sometimes situations arise when the weight of the link goes into the negative, causing serious damage to the performance of the main site, as well as its positions.

But the provisions of the main site are also important. If it is determined that the linking site “feeds” the promoted site, which does not provide any value to users, then its rank will also be lowered.

In addition to the two main reference factors, there are others.

Subject of the site

The weight of the link indirectly affects the trust of the site. The more authoritative the linking site, the more weight the link has. True, the link will be even more “solid” if the topics of the promoted and linking sites coincide. Thanks to this factor, the search engine ignores the ranking of sites that, while being useless for professionals, will be useless for ordinary users.

The relevance of sites does not imply strict adherence to a narrow topic: resources can also be thematically related.

Site trust

Time has shown which resources are considered trusted: each search engine has its own personal database of authoritative resources. The trust indicator is general concept- TrustRank (from the English trust - trust). This score is assigned by search engine algorithms and then compared to the TrustRank of trust sites in the same area.

The closer the TrustRank of a site is to the trust of an authoritative resource, the greater its position. TrustRank algorithm - proprietary search engine, so optimizers don't have an exact idea of ​​how it's calculated, meaning it can't be manipulated. Therefore, it is better to promote resources according to the rules of search engines.


It is impossible to advance due to one factor - search algorithms They calculate all the factors and, based on a comprehensive calculation, decide whether the site is worthy of the TOP, so it is better to advance based on all external factors.