Relevant is effective! Everything you wanted to know about relevant content. Relevant work experience - what is it?

Relevancea parameter indicating how well the search engine result matches the requirements of the user who entered the query.

Relevance is calculated by search engine algorithms and is the ratio of the number of keywords on a resource page to the total number of words. Each page is assigned its own percentage of occurrences of keywords in the text. You should stick to the golden mean: a small amount will go unnoticed by search engines, and a large amount will be regarded as spam and then a filter will be applied.


With the active development of the Internet and the rapid increase in sites, the question arose about the quality of search results. In response, search engines have implemented the principle of query relevance, processing sites and presenting users with their most suitable options.

At the first stage, the relevance of pages was built on the basis of meta tags, keyword density, frequency of keywords in headings, methods of content design, etc. With the emergence of doorways that meet these criteria, it was necessary to introduce external relevance factors.

Below is a formula characterizing the relevance criteria: R=PR*(T+L).

R - query relevance,

T - level of text relevance, to what extent internal criteria meet the requirements of search engines,

L - level of link relevance, how much the texts of incoming links correspond to the search query,

PR - resource rank, does not depend on the request.

This formula is only a conditional justification for the effectiveness of ranking algorithms, which demonstrates a complete picture of the relevance criteria.

External Relevance Criteria

External criteria of relevance are represented by the degree of citation (reference popularity). The relevance of a site depends on how many sites link to it. The more linking sites, the higher the authority of the site, and the better its content.

Search engines have their own relevance algorithms, but they all work on the same principles, in fact, they are a processed and improved version of the very first algorithm (PR), developed by the founders of Google, which characterized only the number of inbound links.

The very first relevance algorithm is considered to be the PI (page authority indicator) of Aport, developed in 1999. The PI determined only the most significant external link.

Yandex has its own citation index, VIC, which was released in the spring of 2001. A VIC is assigned to each page. After 2002 Due to webmasters' manipulations with the VIC, the citation index was closed to public access. Previously, such a service was provided in Yandex. Bare. Today you can only view the TCI, the citation index for sites in the Yandex catalog.

In the fall of 2002 the popularity index appeared on Rambler; in addition to links, it also determined the frequency of visits to site pages, which could be found out from the Top 100 counter.

Internal ranking criteria

The most important criterion is the frequency of the keyword on the page. Search engines are able to highlight a keyword in the text. A site is relevant provided that the user's request matches the keyword and its form on the site.

Keyword position also affects a site's relevance, especially if the keyword is in the title. And if the query turns out to be identical to the title of the text, then the search engine will certainly rank this page above others.

Internal relevance criteria include:

  1. The position of the keyword on the page, for example in meta tags.
  2. Keyword proximity. An important role can be played by the situation when the request is equated to a set phrase.
  3. Position at the beginning of the page. The higher a keyword ranks, the more weight it has.
  4. Keyword synonyms. The more forms and synonyms of keywords in the text, the better: this indicates that the topic of the site corresponds to the initially specified topic.

Relevance– the degree to which search results correspond to the expectations of the user who submitted the search request. The effectiveness of the search engine is judged by the degree of relevance of the search results. How relevant this or that information is to a request is determined by the search algorithm. In the simplest approximation, the relevance of a page is determined by the ratio of the number of times keywords included in a search query are used on a site page to the total volume of text. Each system has its own percentage of occurrence of a search phrase in the text, which indicates the high relevance of the page. On average it is 5%. Fewer search phrases may be ignored by the search engine. More than that may fall under the restrictions of the search engine spam filter with all the ensuing consequences.


With the development of the Internet, search engines began to play a leading role. Thanks to their algorithms, users could quickly access any information. However, the rapid increase in the number of sites also began to give rise to the problem of choice. Since one user request could return up to several thousand sites, among which there were both high-quality and low-quality ones, search engines were forced to develop the principle of relevance, allowing them to select for users the most suitable documents for their conditions.

Initially, the relevance of pages was determined by internal criteria: the density of keywords in the text, the occurrence of keywords in the title, meta tags, text design elements and many others. However, after the appearance of doorways optimized for these requirements, there was a need to develop external parameters that determine the site’s compliance with the entered request. As an example describing this process, consider the following formula:

R=PR*(T+L); where: R – relevance value; T – degree of compliance of internal criteria with the requirements specified by search engines (text relevance); L – level of link ranking - the degree of correspondence of the texts of incoming links to a document to the search query (link relevance); PR is an indicator of external document criteria that do not depend on the request (the authority of the resource).

This formula is not an exact reflection of the work of modern search engine ranking algorithms, but it gives an idea of ​​the significance and types of criteria that make up the relevance of pages.

Internal Relevance Criteria

The most significant internal criterion of relevance is keywords, namely their frequency in the text. Search engines are able to calculate this parameter and, if a phrase is repeated frequently, consider it a key phrase. If, during a user request, the phrases found on the page correspond to its form and are key, that is, frequently used, the site will be considered relevant.

Keywords also have a big impact on their location. First of all, this is their presence in various headings. If a user's query matches the title of a document, the search engine is more likely to rank that page more than others. Additional factors influencing the weight of keywords also include:

  • Close to the top of the page. The closer to the top of the page a keyword is, the more significant it is.
  • The presence of keywords in some places on the page. For example, in headings, meta tags, text design tags.
  • The proximity of keywords to each other. It matters when any phrase, especially a stable phrase, acts as a search query.
  • Availability of keyword synonyms. Search engines often pay attention to the presence of other forms of keywords in texts, indicating that the documents actually deal with a given topic.

External Relevance Criteria

The basis of external relevance criteria is the principle of citation or reference popularity. This factor implies that the relevance of a site can be determined by its popularity on the Internet, that is, the number of other resources linking to the page in question. The higher their number, the greater the authoritative weight of the site, and, therefore, the information presented on it is of higher quality.

Each of the search engines uses its own algorithm for determining the level of citations, however, they all have a similar mechanism of action and, in fact, act as a modification of the world’s first algorithm that takes into account the number of

While studying the abstruse SEO Talmud, you often come across the concept of “relevance” of a text, page or site as a whole. Relevance what is it in simple words? This is exactly what this publication will be about, we will analyze the term relevance in detail, consider examples of relevant search engine results and how to achieve it.

Relevance what is it

Relevance is the ratio of the search query to the resulting search result. In simple words, the relevance of information is how much the content (text, pictures, videos) satisfies the user searching for it.

To understand what search relevance is, let’s look at some examples and try to figure it out in simple words.

An example of relevant results. A certain user enters a query in a search engine: “How to bake apple pies.” As a result, we will get the top 10 sites with recipes.

Let's take the first 5 positions and analyze them from bottom to top (let's start with the 5th):

  1. In fifth place we will see a recipe for a pie, which will describe the necessary ingredients, what to mix and how to cook, a general picture of the finished pie. Everything would be fine in Rhodes, but why did this site “receive” only 60% relevance (a figure out of the blue for clarity). Let's go further and understand the reason.
  2. In the 4th position, the recipe is the same as in the previous example, only a few pictures have been added during the cooking process. The article has turned out to be more informative and will receive its 70% relevance.
  3. We rise higher. Everything is the same as in the previous example, plus a video of the process of preparing the ill-fated pie has been added. The percentage of users satisfied with the information received will increase sharply. The site received its 80% relevance of information for a reason.
  4. The second item contains a recipe with pictures, videos, detailed text descriptions and links to similar recipes, for example with the addition of pears or a cheaper option. The user studied the material, was satisfied and moved on to the next page. This is a great signal for a search engine. This site gets 90%.
  5. And finally, our winner, first place in the search results for the relevance of information. A complete set of content (text, pictures, videos, links to similar materials), a satisfied user. But what separates this user from the previous one? What separates it is the correctly used keywords that match the search query. For example, in the title of the page, in the h1-h6 tags, in the text there are words and phrases found in the request. This is called internal relevance. I'll talk about this a little below.

I think after this example it became clear to you what the relevance of site pages is and how to determine it. We determined the level of relevance visually, but it can also be calculated in real numbers, immediately after we analyze internal and external relevance.

Internal text relevance criteria

We've looked at what search relevance is, now let's outline the main points that can help you achieve the highest degree of visitor satisfaction:

  • The first and main point is that the text should tell or show what the user is asking about in the search engine. It is most important.
  • The presence of keywords in the text is an important point. If your content is perfect but does not contain a single exact occurrence of the promoted query, the chance of getting to the top is close to zero.
  • Use of synonyms and word forms of keywords.
  • Key density. This concept is living out its life; with good content and proper optimization, one occurrence of the key is enough. However, try not to cram the same words side by side, this will be regarded as spam and will not only reduce the relevance of the test, but may even throw such a page out of the search.
  • Location of keywords. This is an interesting question, and there is also a lot of controversy surrounding it. Everyone can agree on one thing. The main key should be in the exact form in the first paragraph of the text, once in the middle and at the very end. This will be quite enough.
  • Use key phrases in h1-h6 tags, description and title. This will give significant weight to your page for this query.

These are the basic internal principles by which the relevance of information on site pages is determined.

External Relevance Criteria

External relevance includes links leading to the site. The more often your page is linked to, the better. If the page from which the link is placed is similar or the same topic, and even the anchor (link text) contains a keyword. This will significantly increase the relevance of the page to which the link is placed.

How to increase relevance

How to increase the relevance of an already indexed page? You can go back to the previous two headings and analyze whether you have everything, but let’s repeat it again and break down what a relevant page should look like, whether it’s new or requires editing an old one.

So, the relevant page should contain the following:

  1. Keywords in title.
  2. Key in H1
  3. Keywords in the first paragraph. (The closer to the beginning the better).
  4. The content must fully respond to the search query. Contain comprehensive information so that the visitor no longer wants to look at other sites.
  5. Use pictures, videos, lists, small paragraphs, links to similar materials.
  6. Description, often used in a snippet (search text), should be short, informative and attractive. Using keywords.
  7. The page must have incoming links from other sites.

You can go through all the points and check if everything is in place; if necessary, you can supplement the article, add some elements. I have already talked about this in great detail.

There are many online services to check the relevance of a page. I will list a few of them.

You can check relevance on the website. You need to enter the required request and indicate the url of the page being checked.

Megaindex also provides this opportunity.

The majento website also provides a detailed analysis of the relevance of pages.

Which service to use is up to you, you should try them all and determine which one suits you best.

Finally. The purpose of this publication was to answer your query - “relevance, what is it in simple words.” I hope I was able to convey to you the essence of the concept of relevance, this is the visitor’s satisfaction with the information provided, completeness and equivalence to the search query.

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- [English] relevant essential] ling. capable of serving to distinguish linguistic units; having significance for what l. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. relevant (English relevant essential) capable of serving to distinguish between linguistic ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Suitable, relevant Dictionary of Russian synonyms. relevant adj., number of synonyms: 3 adequate (27) ... Synonym dictionary

relevant- oh, oh. relate to raise, raise English. relevant.1. specialist. Important, significant. 2. linguistic Capable of serving to distinguish linguistic units. Krysin 1998. Relevance/ness 1) property of the relevant; 2) inform. Semantic correspondence between... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

See rilevante... Five-language dictionary of linguistic terms

- (from the French “relever”, mark, highlight). Capable of serving to distinguish linguistic units... Dictionary of linguistic terms

relevant- capable of differentiating linguistic units, capable of serving to differentiate (delimit) linguistic units and, therefore, important for language as a means of communication; significant... Explanatory translation dictionary

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Aya, oh; ten, tna, tno. [English] relevant essential] Lingu. Capable of serving to distinguish linguistic units. Ry signs. Paradise opposition. ◁ Relevance, and; and … encyclopedic Dictionary


  • , Turnbull D., Buryman J. Users are accustomed to receiving relevant results almost instantly from search applications. To create such applications, you must master search engines. However, for many...
  • Relevance search using Elasticsearch and Solr, Turnbull Doug, Berryman John. Users are accustomed to receiving relevant results almost instantly from search applications. To create such applications, you must master search engines. However, for many...

Relevance(derived from the English relevant - relevant) - in a general sense, this is the compliance of the document with the user’s expectations. Thus, search relevance is the degree to which a user is satisfied with the search results shown in response to his query. Ideally, the search results page should fully satisfy the user’s information needs in terms of its completeness and accuracy.

Relevance is calculated using search engine algorithms. Each search engine works according to its own algorithm. The ranking is based on Matrixnet technology.

Types of search relevance

  • Formal– it is on this type that search engine rankings are based. The image of the search query is algorithmically compared with the image of the document in the search engine index. This means that relevance is calculated without direct human intervention - using a specific formula based on data collected by the search robot.
  • Content– relevance is determined informally. This type is also used by search engines, but to assess the quality of the search. Special employees evaluate search results based on their assumption that a given document matches the request. These specialists are called assessors.
  • Pertinence– complete satisfaction of the user’s information needs. This is exactly what all search engines strive for.

The search results show the most relevant website pages from the search engine's point of view. Before starting promotion, it is always necessary to determine the most suitable page for promotion. Here you can be guided by factors such as age, link juice, level and existing relevance of the page.

To determine the most relevant page from existing ones, just use the query language or advanced search.

Advanced search page for Yandex

Advanced search page for Google

Components of page relevance

In the vast majority of cases, SEO optimizers work on a website in the following areas:

  • The technical component of the relevance of site pages is common errors that make it difficult for search engine robots to correctly index them:
    • site accessibility;
    • page loading speed;
    • issuing resource encoding;
    • setting up server response codes (redirects, error pages);
    • site mirrors;
    • robots.txt file and robots meta tag;
    • sitemap.xml file;
    • frames;
    • elements hidden from the user;
    • URL structure;
    • duplicate pages;
    • broken links;
    • date the pages were last modified;
    • spam;
    • other interference with indexing.
  • The textual component of the relevance of site pages is the correspondence of the content to the user’s request:
    • meta tags;
    • text headings;
    • occurrences of key phrases in the text;
    • img tag attributes.
  • The reference component of relevance is factors associated with:
    • external linking;
    • link anchors;
    • donor characteristics;
    • dynamics of link mass growth.
  • Behavioral component of relevance – factors associated with user behavior:
    • number of visitors;
    • visitor sources;
    • duration of stay;
    • bounce rate;
    • viewing depth;
    • conversion;
    • ease of navigation;
  • Other factors:
    • regionality;
    • affiliates.