Using the Navigation Pane in MS Word. Basics of navigation and search in Internet Explorer

There is a tendency in web interface development to get rid of standard menu. And really, why bother with navigation if there is a search bar? Google's success and Amazon shows that people are actively using search queries even on mobile phones, where printing is tedious and often accompanied by errors, not to mention desktop computer or laptop.

However, as practice and research on the issue shows, search alone is not enough.

Do your clients know what to look for?

To formulate the right query, users must know what they are looking for. Sometimes this is easy, for example, a person is looking for the nearest supermarket. But when you need to buy an oven or lawn mower, especially if you don’t understand anything about them, the question arises: what characteristics of the product should be specified and what keywords use in query?

Category pages are often built into overall architecture website and help you quickly navigate the products and their characteristics. For example, when we go to the online store in search of a kettle, we find out that there are samovar kettles, thermos kettles, electric kettles, and also electric kettles with a thermostat.

In addition, the models differ in color, case material, volume, power, type heating element, type of internal coating of the heating element, presence or absence of backlight, LCD display, timer, self-cleaning system, indicator light, the ability to select an operating mode, etc.

Even if this is your first time choosing this household item, thanks to such an expanded and convenient search Easily get a complete understanding of important details.

Additionally, you can sort products by brand, price and availability in stores.

The teapot category page shows all their types, and the filters on the left allow you to select the model you need as accurately as possible. Filters transform search into navigation and solve the problem of unfamiliar search space. The system of characteristics allows you to obtain comprehensive information about the product.

Search requires extra effort

Even if the search area is familiar to the user, he still needs to come up with a word form that is relevant to the purpose of the query.

Site navigation saves time by offering recognizable product features. This is one of the properties of UI design. If in the dummies example search was the only tool, you would have to check own requests with what is on the site.

Translating a user goal into a search query is challenging task and creates an additional load in contrast to simple choice links on the page.

Let's take the resource as an example. Let's say you're going to watch a funny movie with a 14-year-old teenager who doesn't understand the subtleties of verbal humor and prefers an eccentric sitcom.

In the comedy section of the site, it's not easy to figure out which movie suits your needs. In this case, you have 2 options: review each annotation or enter the appropriate terms into the search bar. Maybe “PG-13 sitcom” (age 13+) or “PG-13 comedy with Jim Carrey”? Monstrously inconvenient!

Agree, such a task harder to choose kettle on the Ulmart website. Today Megogo presents several categories of films, including family cinema, which includes films suitable for viewing with children and teenagers. But there are no clear criteria within this genre, which complicates the choice. Additional filters would provide more easy search with many criteria.

Search has a higher "interaction cost" per user

Search is a more labor-intensive process, since the user must not only come up with a query, but also type it into search bar. Data entry refers to the “high cost of interaction.”

Even on full keyboard typing errors are common and take time to correct, not to mention mobile devices Oh. There are, however, automatic suggestions, but they are justified if the request is popular. Thus, search is “more expensive” than good resource navigation.

Site search often does not work correctly

Even a working search bar often returns irrelevant results. The larger the search engine, the more complex its algorithms, the more more base data and a higher probability of relevant results for the request, even if the user did not enter all the keywords and is not very well versed in a certain area.

However, here we're talking about about major search engines. Thematic sites, as a rule, cannot afford to implement complex system, therefore the percentage of incorrect output increases. For example, the already mentioned movie site Megogo did not find any matches for the query “comedy to watch with teenagers” and produced distorted results.

Moreover, quite large percentage people make mistakes or typos in search queries and the systems of thematic sites in most cases do not know how to respond to them.

If you type "jim carey" into Megogo's search bar, not only will you get completely irrelevant results, but, most interestingly, the same recommendations that were returned for the previous search for "comedy to watch with teens." In the same time search system Yandex displays correct information about the actor regardless of case.

Users have poor search skills

Jakob Nielsen called users' search skills incompetent. Indeed, people do not have a complete understanding of how such a system works on the site. They are spoiled by giants like Google and expect similar technology available on every resource.

For example, a person enters the request “fashionable comfortable shoes size 7.5 with low black heels” in an online store, and then is surprised by the results received. Some sites try to parse the search string. But in most cases the technology does not work correctly, like Zappos.

Above is a page of results for the search term “fashionable comfort shoes for women size 7.5 low black heels.” As we see, many options do not meet the request, for example, shoe insoles.

However, it is better to get at least some results. It can be worse: the Autozone website responded to the request “Camry wipers” with suspicious silence.

Instead of a conclusion

Searching the site is definitely important. If you know what you want to find and formulate your query correctly, you can save time. However, navigation performs the most important functions: clearly shows what is on the resource, promotes better user orientation and understanding of the search space.

Basics of navigation and search inInternet Explorer

(handouts on the topic)

1.1. Using Microsoft Internet Explorer to navigate the WWW.

1.1.1. Address entry and navigation

Enter the address in the address bar

To return to previous page, click on the toolbar button Back.

To view one of the last nine pages viewed during the current session, click the arrow next to the buttons Back or Forward, and then select the page you want from the list.

1.1.2. Pages viewed in the last few days

On the toolbar, click the button Magazine.

To view a web page, select a week or day in the History panel, expand the website folder with separate pages, and then click the page icon.

To sort or search the contents of the History panel, click the arrow next to the View button at the top of the panel.

1.2. Saving found information in files

1.2.1. Saving the current page to a file

Double-click the folder where you want to place the page.

In field File name enter the appropriate name.

In field File type select file type.

To save all the files needed to display a given page, including pictures, frames, and style sheets, select Web Page, Entire. In this case, all files will be saved in the appropriate formats.

1.3. View a WEB page without an Internet connection

To view a web page in offline mode Without updating the content, you can save this page in your computer's memory. This can be done in several ways, from keeping just the text to keeping all the pictures and text when the page is displayed as it appears on the web

1.3.1. How to share your active web page for offline viewing

On the menu Favorites select item Add to favorites.

Check the box Make available offline.

To specify when this page is refreshed and how much information is downloaded, select Setup.

Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

Before disconnecting from the Internet, check that you have loaded the latest versions of pages by going to the menu Service and selecting the item Synchronize.

1.3.2. How to Browse the Web Without an Internet Connection

Before terminating the connection to the Internet, in the menu Service select item Synchronize.

To start working offline, in the menu File select item Work autonomously.

On the menu Favorites select item Organize favorites.

Once you have selected your favorite pages for offline viewing, you can view them as follows:

In the list " Favorites» select the page you want to view.

If the mode is selected battery life, That Internet Explorer will run in this mode until you remove the checkmark Work autonomously.

1.4. Copying information from WEB pages to other documents

1.4.1. How to save a page or image without opening it for viewing

1.4.2. How to copy information from a web page into a document

Highlight the information you want to copy, then from the menu Edit select team Copy.

1.5. Choosing the correct encoding

Most web pages contain information that allows the browser to determine the necessary language encoding(language and character set).

If such information is not available on a web page, then Internet Explorer will usually determine the appropriate language encoding itself when the function is enabled automatic selection

1.5.1. How to enable automatic selection

On the menu View Internet Explorer, specify the item Encoding and check that the menu item is ticked Automatic selection. If there is no checkmark, select this item.


If the automatic selection feature fails to determine the correct language encoding, and you know which encoding you need in your in this case, then you can select it manually.

1.5.2. How to choose a language encoding for a web page

On the menu View, select item Encoding, then Additionally and select the appropriate language.

If you are prompted to download language support components, select Download.

1.6. Disabling graphics

Pictures, drawings, photographs, etc. take up a lot of space and take a long time to load. To reduce page browsing time, graphic objects can be disabled

Tools – Internet Options – Advanced– on the list Multimedia uncheck the line Display pictures - OK

Modern industry produces great amount and relics designed for both experienced and novice users. But in the practice of a search engine, having climbed all the surrounding fields, forests, estates and old buildings, there comes a moment when he feels that he has reached a certain level in his skill, “has gotten the hang of it,” so to speak, and is ready for new, more complex search activities. But these events, as we all know, are unthinkable without the presence of archival, oral (survey local residents) and other historical information that search engines sometimes collect for more than one year. One source of such information is ancient geographic Maps. Previously, some search engines were engaged in transferring the coordinates of interesting places to search from an ancient map to a modern one using tracing paper, then the GoogleEarth program became widely used and it became much easier to transfer maps and search for places for excavations. However, progress does not stand still - at the current time, many innovations have appeared that make it easier to find places for research. One of these innovations is satellite navigator. But it would seem - what is special about a satellite navigator, besides accurate target designation, how can it help when working with historical maps? The answer is quite simple - you need to install additional alternative software on the device.

So, for the experiment, a relatively cheap (1,790 rubles) portable (car) satellite navigator from a company with a self-explanatory name was purchased Prestigio(Cyprus), naturally produced in China, model Geovision 4050.

I'll bring him brief characteristics : Mstar MSB2521A processor of the ARM9 family with clock frequency 500MHz, flash memory capacity 4GB, RAM capacity 128MB, TFT display with touch screen, slot for MicroSD cards 8GB, LI-poly/1050mAh battery. The device is equipped with an operating Windows system CE. NET6.0 and Navitel maps - however, like most navigators of this price category. To work with old maps we need to install the OZIExplorer program for mobile devices, but in order to work more fully with maps, we need to install the Windows version of the program on your computer. The first thing you need to consider is what processor our navigator has. Windows based CE. There are mainly two types of processors - ARM, but there are also MIPS, in order to find out, just look at the passport data. Then we go to the official website and download the software we need in accordance with the navigator processor model or download the archive of the article and take necessary files there. After unpacking the archive on the computer, write the resulting folder to the navigator’s memory card or to internal memory navigator.

In the navigator menu, go to Settings and specify the path to OziExplorer.exe so that when you start navigation, the Ozi program starts, then go to the main menu and click on the Navigation button.

In addition to this, for full-fledged work with the program, we will need a keygen and a program cracker - we take all this from the article archive. If you own a Chinese navigator, then most likely Windows CE is not Russified (or Russified, but with the wrong Russifier) ​​and you will need to additionally download and install the Russifier from the article archive.

Russification of Windows CE. Install the crack on the memory card and insert the card into the navigator. Turn on the navigator, go to Settings, click on the Path icon, uncheck the “start automatically” icon (if your navigator has an exit icon in Windows, you can immediately go to the memory card and launch Rus_WinCE.EXE ). Next, specify the path to the folder with the crack and select the file Rus_WinCE.EXE , go to the main menu and click on the navigation button, after a few seconds your navigator is completely Russified. Then we enter sleep mode, namely sleep mode, wait 30-40 seconds, exit sleep mode and reboot the navigator. To disable Demo mode you need to use keygen. If you have already tried unsuccessfully to register by creating a key, then you need to delete the license; there is an option in the program itself. Launch keygen on your computer and run the program OZI on the navigator. In the window that appears, enter a name and serial number, below is the device ID. In keygen, type the name in the format xxxx-xxxx-xxxx (Latin), insert the ID below and press key. In the program, in the code entry window, insert the name and generated number (turn on the keyboard by pressing the KB button in the key entry window). When finished entering, click OK. A message should appear on the screen indicating that the key has passed. The program is no longer in Demo mode. Exit the program and put the navigator to sleep, do not turn it off. Wake up from sleep and turn off the navigator. Now let's Russify OziExplorer. Unpack, file Russian.cel put it in the folder with OziExplorer. Launch OziExplorer, go to File > Help > Change Language in the window that appears, click OK and exit OziExplorer. The next time you load OziExplorer, a language selection window will appear, select RUSSIAN and enjoy working in the program in native language! In order to fully work with maps, you need to install the OZIExplorer program on your computer. To do this, install this program on your computer, taken from the official website or from the article archive. You need to Russify and install the key, disabling the demo mode, in the same way as installing OZI in the navigator (all files are in the archive). Now download the old maps (with Ozi binding, available on the web, on torrents), place them in the Maps folder of the program itself, put them in the Maps folder and modern map. When downloading files, make sure they have the format map or ozf(otherwise they won’t open in the program).

When all the maps are placed in the maps folder, run the program, in top row Click File - load map from file - select any map and download.

Click on any place on the map and right click "find the map indicated by the cursor" - the program gives you maps for this position (old, new, all of which are suitable for these coordinates).

Now you can do overlaying, marking points, editing, etc., and then upload this map to the folder maps programs OZI on the navigator - in the pictures - Mendele's map of 1850.

Well, after a successful dig, you can listen to music on the way back - the navigator has a player for both music and video files, and it’s useful to discharge lithium polymer batteries to the end, and then charge from scratch - this way they last longer. The battery charge in offline mode lasts for about 3 hours - this is quite enough to find desired point. In conclusion, I would like to wish you many good and valuable finds! Elektrodych was with you.