Where did Sergei Brin study? Sergey Brin - photo. Google success story

It is simply impossible to be an Internet user and not know what this is, because this search engine is one of the most popular in the world. But not all users know that it grew out of an ordinary student project. It is interesting that those who created Google did not initially count on any kind of profit, but set up a kind of experiment, which then grew into a full-scale and very profitable project.

Who invented Google?

When it comes to who is the creator of the Google system, advanced users most often remember one name - Sergey Brin, completely forgetting about his partner Larry Page. Probably the reason for this neglect is the great media activity of Sergei, who appeared mostly on TV and in the media, trying to promote his brainchild, while his co-author delved into scientific research and study. But, be that as it may, the Google system was really created by two people, so when talking about the history of both the search engine itself and the company of the same name, the contribution of both partners to the common cause should be fairly highlighted.

It all started back in 1996, when both future billionaires studied at Stanford University and had to pass an annual scientific project. It became the Back Rub search engine, which a year later grew into the Google search engine itself, and a year later became the Google corporation. It is noteworthy that the birthday of the new system is celebrated on September 15, but sometimes it is celebrated a week earlier or later. The creators came up with a brand name for their product using a play on words: they took the English name 10 to the hundredth power, which is written as googol, and distorted it a little, making it unique and recognizable.

After receiving a patent for the Google.com domain, the partners began to think about creating their own company in order to be able to develop their brainchild. To do this, we had to look for investors, and as soon as the first financial injection in the amount of $100 thousand was received, the new enterprise immediately received permanent registration and official registration in a garage in the town of Mento Park, owned by one of Sergei and Larry's friends. However, a year later, the partners moved to Palo Alto to the Mountain Beau complex, and since then this place has been called nothing less than Googleplex. The head office of a world-famous corporation is still located here.

How do the creators of Google live today?

Currently, 43-year-old US citizen Sergei Brin lives in California, in the town of Los Altos. It is noteworthy that his homeland is the USSR, from where his parents took him at the age of 5. In 2006, he married Ana Wojcicki, a biologist by profession, they had a son and a daughter, but the couple divorced in 2013. In 2016, the authoritative Forbes magazine named Sergei 13th in the TOP of the richest people globe, but the young billionaire does not boast of his wealth and lives quite modestly, donating huge sums to charity and scientific projects. He actively publishes in American and foreign academic periodicals and willingly takes part in various scientific and technical forums, and also appears on television.

Another Google creator, Larry Page, also recently celebrated his 43rd birthday and was ranked by Forbes as the 14th richest person in the world. He is happily married to Lucy Southworth, has two children and lives in a large house in Palo Alto. He also actively spends money on charity and various research projects, for example, on developing a way to blow up asteroids approaching the Earth, and also finances the publication of books for children.

Most recently, the English tabloid Financial Times named Person of the Year 2005, which he became Sergey Brin– a native of Moscow, and now a US citizen, founder and president of the company Google Inc. Russians, including former ones, have been repeatedly called “people of the year” in various nominations and categories, but for the first time this honorary title was received not by an actor, not by a politician, not by an oligarch who made his fortune from the ruins Soviet Union, and a mathematician who became famous throughout the world for the creation of his own mind - the Google search engine.

Fates Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page are a wonderful example of how scientific talent, creativity, courage and a love of experimentation can pave the way to success. Indeed, the meteoric rise of two young billionaires can be called the embodiment of the traditional American dream in the age of computers and the Internet.

Google- This unique company. There is probably no other major corporation where its two founders have absolutely equal powers. At the beginning of their journey, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, when choosing an interim president among themselves, simply tossed a coin. They don't care about such little things. They think more globally. Today our story is about them - about two mathematical geniuses who structured information on the Internet, as well as about the prospects for the development of Google as the largest IT company in the future.

Larry and Sergey

The Brinov family left the USSR when Sergei was only 5 years old. Even then he did not really understand the reasons, since as a child he did not see all the repressions that were directed at the Jews at that time. (or maybe there weren’t such terrible repressions? Now in our country there are a lot of representatives of the Jewish diaspora, and among them there are a lot of successful people who lived in the USSR at that time) But let’s not talk about sad things. Sergei’s father, mathematics professor Mikhail Brin, quickly found a job at the University of Maryland, and his mother got a job at NASA as a research assistant. It’s no wonder that with such parents, Sergei early childhood studied mathematics, but most importantly, he truly loved it. The parents wanted their son to follow in their footsteps and become a researcher, possibly a teacher.

Since childhood, Sergei has been a confident, purposeful, and most importantly intelligent person. His real passion was mathematics and computer science. Back at school, Brin constantly argued with teachers. He had a low opinion of them, and it must be said, not without reason. Sergei often offered them solutions mathematical problems, which they didn’t even know about. Already at the age of 19, Brin became a bachelor of the University of Maryland, where his father worked. (but there is no connection here, Sergey, of course, applied on his own and for free) After graduating from Maryland, Sergey Brin went to Stanford to study with a degree in computer technology.

The defining moment in Sergey Brin's life came in March 1995, when, at a spring meeting of new computer science PhD candidates, he met a young scientist named Larry Page, the future co-president of Google. Brin was tasked with escorting Page around the university grounds. If you believe the annals of Google, initially the two were not at all delighted with each other and argued furiously, discussing any topic. However, they soon discovered that they were both extremely interested in the problem of extracting information from large amounts of data. Sergei and Larry became friends while developing a new Internet search system for their college dorm. Next important stage collaboration was the writing of a joint work, “The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine,” which is believed to contain the germ of their future grand idea. Among the scientific works of Stanford University, this work ranks 10th in terms of the level of interest it arouses.

In January 1996, while preparing to write their doctoral dissertations, Brin and Page began working together above research project, designed to fundamentally improve methods of searching for information on the Internet. Realizing that the most popular data was often the most useful, the young scientists hypothesized that a search engine that analyzed relationships between Web sites and ranked results according to the popularity of particular pages would be more efficient than existing systems. (In the search engines in use at the time, the ranking of results typically depended on how many times the searched word appeared on the page.) New system originally called “BackRub” because it checked quantity and relevance backlinks to assess the information importance of the site. It was later called PageRank.

Convinced that the most important Web pages for data retrieval are those that are most often linked to by other pages that themselves have high level relevance, Brin and Page decided to prove the correctness of this idea as part of their university research. Thus, the basis for their creation of their own search engine was the verification of a scientific thesis. The search engine was originally hosted on the Stanford University website under the domain google.stanford.edu. The google.com domain was registered on September 14, 1997. The origin of the name “Google” itself, which arose with light hand investors as a result of the changed spelling of the word “googol”, meaning 10 to the hundredth power. (The latter, in turn, was invented by the nine-year-old nephew of mathematician Edward Kasner.) In fact, Brin and Page initially named the company Googol, but the investors to whom they presented their project mistakenly wrote a check to Google.

And yet Google

The system developed by leaps and bounds. Soon it received a new name - Google, and became the university's search engine, located at google.stanford.edu. Soon, almost all Stanford students and professors used Google in their work. Brin and Page have applied for a patent on the technology Page Rank. It is interesting that the design of the main Google pages was initially simple (and now it is absolutely the same) due to the fact that neither Larry nor Sergei had money for good designer. Now home page Google is a role model in terms of its appearance for other search engines. It is also interesting that the first version of the company’s modern logo was developed by Sergey Brin in Open Source Gimp editor. It turned out well.

Soon Larry and Sergey tried to sell Google to companies such as AltaVista and Yahoo! for 1 million dollars. The first ones refused - now they are gone, the second ones also refused and are now trying with all their might to keep up with Google, although everyone understands that they will no longer be able to do this. Having failed to find buyers for their project, Sergei and Larry decided to found their own company. I must say, this was not an easy decision for them, since it meant leaving Stanford. This was completely at odds with their parents' desires for scientific work. However, Google, which began its history with sponsorship from Stanford, slowly began to expand beyond the university. Larry and Sergey began looking for venture investors.

Andy Bechtolsheim, who was once vice president of Cisco Systems and also participated in the founding of Sun, became an angel for Google. He understood the prospects of Internet searches. Despite the fact that Larry and Sergei did not even have a business plan, and they had little idea how they would earn money in the future from their search engine, their determination and drive, coupled with intelligence, convinced Bechtolsheim to invest his money in the company and start looking for investors.

Interestingly, Google has completely abandoned any advertising. Larry and Sergei relied entirely on force word of mouth. In 1998, Google moved from Stanford to Menlo Park, where the company rented a garage and a couple of rooms as a home in the house of Susan Wojcicki, who was a longtime friend of Sergey Brin. Ultimately, Larry and Sergey paid about $2,000 monthly for such rent. (They ate a lot of light - they paid for it) On September 7, 1998, Google Inc. was officially registered. This was the beginning. All this was done with Andy Bechtolsheim's down payment, which was $100,000. However, Google did not last for a long time in the garage and in February 1999 the company moved to Palo Alto.

The number of satisfied users grew by leaps and bounds, the word “Google” was passed from mouth to mouth. The company needed funds to expand its business. At the same time, Brin and Page did not want to lose control and allow Google to retreat from its core principle of improving the world through opening access to information. And here they again proved that they are capable of finding original solutions not only in the field of new technologies, but also in organizing business. In 1999, they managed to convince two competing venture capital firms - Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers - to fund Google at the same time. total amount$25 million According to David Vise, co-author of the book “ History of Google” (The Google Story), it was a classic “divide and conquer” maneuver. It allowed the company's founders to prevent the possibility of serious influence from either investor, despite the fact that representatives of both entered the board of directors.

The partners’ ability to think unconventionally was also evident during the boom in the dot.com industry. While the company's competitors were spending millions on advertising and marketing campaigns in the name of “brand building,” Google executives worked quietly and intently to improve their search engine and better serve users' needs. Brin believed that Google could rely on the help of users for marketing, since a significant portion of those who use its search engine recommend it to other users. As a result, the collapse of the Internet sector, which ended in the collapse of many young firms, prevented the further steady growth of Google, which reached profitability in 2000. A significant role in this success was played by the emergence of “unobtrusive” advertising texts, located on the periphery of search results (in the first years of the company’s operation, search results were not allowed to be accompanied by advertising).

Brin and Page carried the burden of running the company until its number of employees exceeded 200 people. In the summer of 2001, they handed over the CEO role to Eric Schmidt, an industry veteran who had been brought in as chairman a few months earlier and had previously served as Novell's interim chairman and CEO. However, they continue to firmly “keep their finger on the pulse”, and not a single important decision can be made without their approval. In case of disagreement, partners discuss in detail controversial issue alone and develop a common position, which they present to others, acting as a “united front”.

In August 2004, Google made an initial public offering on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the symbol (GOOG). Once again abandoning the beaten path, company executives ignored the traditional Wall Street methods of conducting an IPO, preferring a “Dutch” auction. In addition, they managed to “anger” the Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC, which was outraged by the fact that the interview was published in Playboy magazine during the so-called “quiet” period (the period before and some time after registration with the SEC, when advertising is prohibited). In any case, the IPO attracted significant interest from investors.

The continued growth of Google's business, which expanded through acquisitions and regularly created new types of Internet services, contributed to the rapid rise of its shares. Having started trading at $85, a little over a year later they cost five times more. When the company conducted its initial public offering, Brin and Page cited financier and multi-billionaire Warren Buffett as their “role model.” And already in January 2006, Google managed to catch up with Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. at market value. The company recently held a $4 billion secondary offering (the number of shares was tied to an infinite number of pi numbers), which sparked speculation about possible upcoming acquisitions.

True, experts talk about the greater stability of Berkshire securities in the long term and the high cost Google shares in terms of profit, order volume and sales. At the same time, most analysts forecast for shares Google further strong growth, pointing to a growing stream of advertising revenue and the constant addition of new services. Thus, according to Mark Stahlman of Caris Co., if the company expands its services into the areas of online finance and healthcare, its sales volume could reach $100 billion in the future, and the share price could increase significantly.

Against the backdrop of the powerful growth of shares, the personal fortunes of the creators of Google in the period following the IPO showed a dizzying rise. Since August 2004, Brin and Page have outpaced the income growth of such computer business “whales” as Bill Gates and Paul Allen. In 2004, the partners first appeared on the list of billionaires published by the authoritative Forbes magazine - with $1 billion each. In 2005, Brin's fortune was already estimated by Forbes at $11 billion, and he shared 16th place with Page on the Forbes 400 list of the richest US citizens. In addition, Brin was second among Americans under the age of 40. According to the ranking presented by Forbes this year, Brin took 26th position among the richest people in the world, and the size of his personal fortune reached $12.9 billion. It should be noted that, starting from the second quarter of 2004, when Google was preparing for its IPO and To date, Brin, Page and Schmidt have received $1 per year as base salaries, with the full expectation of stock options and appreciation.

Forward Google

Today, Google is not only about Internet search. It is also one of the most modern email services, the world's most popular video service, web applications for the office, news, and much more. And soon it will appear mobile platform Android on some smartphones and communicators. The company continues its development, gaining more and more influence on the Internet every day. No one is going to stop there. Sergey Brin is a rather vain person. In one of his interviews, he noted that if Google were his most notable achievement in life, he would be upset. Well, his wife is already working in the field of genetics on a social network that will contain the DNA of all people on the planet. Google itself is the world's premier source of information. Bill Gates is not just trying to compete with Google in the Internet search market. He clever man, and understands perfectly well what influence a company that occupies a leading position in information search will have. Gates's only problem is that he doesn't understand that such a company already exists - and it's not Microsoft. Google is only 10 years old this year. This is still a very young company. But in 6-8 years, perhaps Google will be largest company in IT, which occupies a very important place in the life of every person on the planet. There are some concerns about how such an influence might turn into a disaster for all of humanity. Let's hope this doesn't happen, because the main Google principle, formulated by Sergey Brin sounds like this: “Do no harm!”

Meanwhile, the private life of Sergei Brin remains almost unknown to the general public. High income didn't make him wasteful. He drives an inexpensive car and is content with a modest apartment. Bryn is interested in gymnastics. In addition, like many Google employees, he often roller skates near the office and plays roller hockey during breaks. For clothes, he prefers jeans, sneakers and sports jackets. As for culinary preferences, it is known that, maintaining contact with his country of origin, Sergei quite often visits numerous Russian restaurants in San Francisco.

Sergey Brin has repeatedly acted as a speaker at conferences and forums dedicated to issues of science, business and technology, including the World Economic Forum. He also appears on television shows and documentaries, offering his opinions on the technology sector and the future of search engines. In 2004, ABC World News Tonight named Sergei and his partner “People of the Week,” and in 2005, Sergei Brin was nominated for the title of “Young Leaders” at the World Economic Forum. The Instituto de Empresa awarded him an MBA degree.

In an interview, Brin said that “Internet research seems very relevant these days,” and he is “no exception.” In fact, what makes Brin and his partner unique is not what they do, but how they approach their business. They strive to “be different” in everything from the famous corporate motto “Don't be evil,” reminiscent of the hippie philosophy common in the United States in the 1960s, to an unorthodox corporate structure and unprecedented commitment philanthropy.

From the very beginning, the founders of Google thought on a global scale, seeking to use innovative technologies to organize not only the Internet (which in itself is a huge undertaking), but the entire system of information so that it would become accessible to everyone. In recent Google years has undergone dramatic changes, transforming from an Internet search engine into a grandiose system covering news, catalogs, advertising of products and services, maps, e-mail, etc. However, as Brin pointed out, it did not become a media company, but remained a technology company “trying to apply technology to media.” The company “fundamentally works with the entire complex of global knowledge; they just exist different approaches to this issue." Since in modern society people cannot do without information - their careers, education, health, etc. depend on it - Google's influence on the spiritual state of the world will, according to Brin, become increasingly stronger.

In conclusion, it is worth quoting one more statement by Sergei Brin, which, perhaps, briefly and clearly expresses his life credo: obviously everyone wants to succeed, but I want to be thought of as a major innovator, a person of high morals, trustworthy and, in ultimately bringing great changes to this world.

Sergey Mikhailovich Brin. Born on August 21, 1973 in Moscow. American entrepreneur and scientist in the field of computing, information technology and economics, billionaire, developer and co-founder (with Larry Page) of the Google search engine.

Lives in Los Altos, California. According to Forbes magazine, in 2015 he ranked 20th among the richest people on the planet.

Sergei Mikhailovich Brin was born in Moscow into a Jewish family of mathematicians who moved to the United States permanently in 1979, when he was 5 years old. Sergei's father is Mikhail Brin, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Mother - Evgenia Brin (née Krasnokutskaya, born 1949), a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University (1971), formerly a researcher at the Institute of Oil and Gas, then a climatologist at NASA and director of the charitable organization HIAS; author of a number of scientific works on meteorology.

His father, a former researcher at the Scientific Research Economic Institute under the USSR State Planning Committee (NIEI under the USSR State Planning Committee), candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Mikhail Izrailevich Brin (born 1948), became a teacher at the University of Maryland (now an honorary professor), and his mother, Evgenia (née Krasnokutskaya, b. 1949), formerly a researcher at the Institute of Oil and Gas and a climatologist at NASA (currently director of the HIAS charity organization). Sergei Brin's parents are both graduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow state university(1970 and 1971 respectively).

Sergei's grandfather - Israel Abramovich Brin (1919-2011) - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, was an assistant professor at the Electromechanical Faculty of the Moscow Energy Institute (1944-1998). Grandmother - Maya Mironovna Brin (1920-2012) - philologist; In her honor, a research program (The Maya Brin Residency Program) and a lecture position (Maya Brin Distinguished Lecturer in Russian) were organized at the Russian department at the University of Maryland with donations from her son. Among other relatives, the grandfather’s brother is known - the Soviet athlete and coach in Greco-Roman wrestling, Honored Coach of the USSR Alexander Abramovich Kolmanovsky (1922-1997).

Received a bachelor's degree ahead of schedule in the specialty "Mathematics and computer systems"at the University of Maryland. Received a fellowship from the National Science Foundation.

The main area of ​​Sergey Brin's scientific research was technology for collecting data from unstructured sources, large amounts of scientific data and texts.

In 1993, he entered Stanford University in California, where he received a master's degree and began working on his dissertation. Already during his studies, he became interested in Internet technologies and search engines, became the author of several studies on the topic of extracting information from large arrays of text and scientific data, and wrote a program for processing scientific texts.

In 1995, at Stanford University, Sergei Brin met another graduate student in mathematics, Larry Page, with whom they founded Google in 1998. Initially, they argued fiercely when discussing any scientific topic, but then they became friends and teamed up to create a search engine for their campus. Together they wrote scientific work“The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine,” which is believed to contain the prototype of their future super-successful idea.

Brin and Page proved the validity of their idea at the university search engine google.stanford.edu, developing its mechanism in accordance with new principles. On September 14, 1997, the domain google.com was registered. Attempts followed to develop the idea and turn it into a business. Over time, the project left the university and managed to collect investments for further development.

The joint business grew, made profits, and even demonstrated enviable stability during the dot-com crash, when hundreds of other companies went bankrupt. In 2004, the founders were named in Forbes magazine's list of billionaires.

In May 2007, Sergey Brin married Anna Wojcicki. Anna graduated from Yale University in 1996 with a major in biology and founded 23&Me. At the end of December 2008, Sergei and Anna had a son, Benji, and at the end of 2011, a daughter. In September 2013, the marriage broke up.

Today, many of us simply cannot imagine a world without technology industry giants such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and others. Although, of course, there were times when these companies did not exist, and their founders were ordinary people, just like you and me.

Of course, the way they achieved success may become interesting story with a happy ending that will teach each of us something. It’s not for nothing that biographies famous companies, and at the same time - the people who stand behind them, many ordinary Internet users are so interested. It is for such people that this article will be published.

In it we will tell the story of the formation of one of the most famous brands in the world - a search engine whose name is written with two “o” (in English). And no, it's not Yahoo. Our story will be dedicated to those who are called “the founders of Google” - two business partners, one of whom has Russian roots.

Where it all started

Surprisingly, the development of the modern Internet giant began back in 1996. Then two graduates of Stanford University - Larry Page and Sergey Brin - worked on a common project. The purpose of the latter was to systematize information in the form of a catalog and its further processing. At the time of the creation of such a product, the founders of Google, of course, did not know what all this could lead to. These were, in fact, simple graduate students who came up with an original approach. He, in turn, justified himself many times over.

At the initial stage, as is known from many sources, the developers of the Backrub project experienced a significant lack of finances. For this reason, they often had to literally cobble together functional solutions from parts of outdated computers that had fallen into disrepair. Despite this, the founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, were able to show good results already in 1997. More and more people at the university began to learn about their system for searching information on the Internet.

Search for a buyer

Few people know, but in 1998, shortly after the start of development of their technology, the founders of Google intended to sell all the results of their work. There were several reasons for this - the guys did not want to continue working on the project; they understood that they could simply make good money on this innovation and start something new, more interesting. In order to find an interested buyer, they even created a special office. The founders of Google were able to establish some connections (in particular, with the founder of Yahoo, the largest search engine at that time). True, David Filo was not interested in the system at the level to invest in it. He advised the guys to further refine their search project (even then it was called Google), and if they succeeded, sell it ready-made.

First office

Remarkable, but first office space, which housed three company employees, became a garage. His guys rented it to Menlo Parennu (California). At this point, the service was already available on the Internet; Every day it was visited by about 10 thousand people who were looking for information of one kind or another.

The success that each Google founder achieved could be considered unlikely even at that time. This is evidenced by the fact that some reputable US publications placed the site in the “Top 100” ranking of technology portals in the world.

The dizzying growth continued. In 1999, the company processed about 500 thousand requests per day on its portal. The founders of Google, whose photos you see below, were able to attract several investments from leading funds totaling $25 million. The money was used to purchase servers and expand the capabilities of the search engine.

Larry Page

If we talk about this figure at Google, then after reading Page’s biography, you will not be surprised by his choice of profession. Larry's parents are professors computer science and programming teacher. He was born in 1973, and today, at 42 years old, Page is a dollar billionaire. This founder of Google is deservedly included in the top twenty of the Forbes.com ranking with his fortune.

According to media information, he is married, lives in the USA and owns his own Boeing 767.

Sergey Brin

For us, Brin’s biography is more interesting, if only for the reason that this founder of Google is Russian. According to data from public access, at the age of 6 he left Moscow, where he lived with his parents, teachers at Moscow State University (Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics). Later, Brin's father began working at Stanford, and his mother went to NASA. While studying for a master's degree at the same university, Sergei became interested in search engines, as a result of which he began the first steps to create Google back then.

On this moment Brin is married and has a son. Like Page, he ranks in the top 20 of Forbes' wealth estimates.

The basis of success

As we can see, it was no coincidence that Google founders Sergey Brin (photo below) and Larry Page found success in the field of Internet search and development of online services. In fact, such a sharp rise was preceded by long work. Both were from an intelligent family of specialists in mathematics and technology. Both grew up in the USA - a land of technological opportunities at that time. Each founder of Google worked to improve search technology, with the goal of starting a company and making money being only the last in the line of goals. This is evidenced by the fact that a private company based on this technology was created after repeated testing. Moreover, the guys wanted to sell their work and “disperse” in their own interests. There are even rumors that in the early days of working together they couldn’t even tolerate each other because their characters were too different. However, as we see, fate decided differently.

Increasing positions

The growth of Google's presence in the Internet search market has become colossal. At that time, the undisputed leaders were Yahoo, WebAlta, AltaVista. As you know, today none of them can compete with Google in terms of capitalization. In a very short time, a little-known university project was able to bypass the “business sharks”.

Experts believe that the explanation that Google founder Sergey Brin and his partner Larry Page were able to consolidate their efforts so successfully lies in the idea. It was to develop the perfect search technology. At the same time, companies like Yahoo at that time paid attention to profits and income from other types of business. The direction of Internet search as of 98-99 was considered unprofitable and unpromising. Perhaps Page and Brin simply did not know about it.

Creation of new businesses

But today, when the Google search engine is the absolute and undisputed leader in search throughout the world, the development team is conducting completely different types of business. We can say that after a successful start in the field of searching and systematizing information, the founders of the system began to work in other areas.

In particular, this is the YouTube video blogging service (which is the leader in terms of the volume of videos posted on it); the most popular blogging platform Blogger.com, Google Plus social network, hosting drive Google data Drive, Google advertising Adsense and much more. We will tell you a little more about each of these types of businesses from the search giant in separate parts of the article.

Social media

The most popular projects, as time has shown, are social networks. This is explained by the fact that people by nature are inclined to communicate, establish connections with each other, make acquaintances, and so on. One of the most famous in the world is the service launched by the search engine - it is called Google Plus. This is an identification platform that not only allows the user to find his friends and communicate with them, but also gives the opportunity to express his opinion about a particular resource on the Internet, leaving an appropriate “tag” - the so-called “plus”. This, in turn, helps improve the mechanisms Google has developed for evaluating sites. Those who receive more "pluses" deserve a higher position in search results. As of 2013 in social network there were more than 500 million registered users.

For the company, thanks to the merger different services together, a single image is created, positions in different niches are strengthened solely due to the name. For the user, which is important, this increases convenience and comfort in work. A person, as already mentioned, does not need to switch from one account to another - for all this there is a unified authorization system. There is no need to use it third party services- all tasks can be completed quickly and easily on one site, and that is Google.

Mobile platforms

Speaking about the achievements of the search giant, one cannot fail to mention the world's most popular mobile operating system. To be more precise, Android history began as another startup that served as a platform for mobile devices. In 2005, it was acquired by Google. For many IT industry specialists, this was a real surprise - few could say why the search engine needed the development of a mobile OS. Today, years after that deal, everyone can say that this step was very successful. If you believe the platform's distribution statistics, in 2014 there were more than 1.6 billion devices in the world with this operating system, which accounted for about 75% of the entire market. With such indicators, even the leader in mobile phone production Apple devices, which has its own operating system iOS, which is often pitted against Android, cannot compete for the market in this situation.

Although the site is open-sourced (some device manufacturers can create their own modifications of this OS), Google’s earnings on it are significant due to, for example, the same Google Play - a content store. In addition, producers using the platform must pay licensing fees.


It is difficult to assess the full breadth of prospects that are open to such a strong player in the IT market as Google. The company is growing every day by expanding its catalog of businesses, constantly buying up the most promising startups. It is now difficult to imagine that any other brand could beat Google in the field of Internet search. We can safely say that so far the position of this giant remains unshakable for any of its competitors, including popular search engines Bing, Yahoo, Aol, Yandex, Baidu and others, due to certain circumstances. All over the world, the Google brand is known as a leader, and this will not change soon.

In general, you know who the founders of Google are and how they managed to create this empire. For each of us, this story can be a good lesson that everything in this life is possible. The main thing is to strive to achieve your goals and constantly work on yourself.

Brin Sergey Mikhailovich (Sergey Brin) is a co-founder of Google Corporation, a scientist specializing in computer science, information technology and economics. IN latest rating Forbes magazine, published in March 2017, Sergey Brin ranks 13th with a fortune of $39.8 billion. Photo: Steve Jurvetson

Sergey Brin was born on August 21, 1973 in Moscow. Sergei's father, Mikhail, was a doctor of mathematical sciences, and his mother, Evgenia, was an engineer.

The parents of the future businessman had Jewish roots. At the end of the 70s, the USSR authorities began to release Jewish families abroad. Mikhail took advantage of this opportunity and took his family to the USA in 1979. Already in America, Sergei turned 6 years old. Soviet mathematicians were highly valued in the world, so Sergei’s father quickly found a job at the University of Maryland, and his mother became a scientist at NASA.

Childhood In the USA, Sergei went to primary school State of Maryland. He notes that some of the foundations for his future success were laid here. School course there was little mathematics, so additional education In this area, the boy received his father's house. Parents supported their son's hobby computer technology

and mathematics. Interesting fact! Despite the high cost and low prevalence in the early 80s, Sergey Brin received his first PC (Commodore 64) for his birthday at the age of 9. Computers became the boy's main hobby.

In 1990, Sergei graduated from school and entered the mathematics department of the University of Maryland, where his father taught. He completed his studies ahead of schedule with honors in the field of computer systems and mathematics.


Brin continued his studies at the most prestigious university in the United States focused on computer technology - Stanford University. For some time he could not decide on the list of disciplines to study. His selection of objects was chaotic and surprised the university professors.