IPhone or Android? Pros and cons of iPhone. iOS is a long time support

Today the whole world is filled with millions electronic devices. Tablets, laptop computers, smartphones and others mobile gadgets– people can no longer imagine their lives without them. All this leads to an increase competition in the software market, especially operating systems.

From operating systems for mobile devices iOS and Android are at the forefront of competition. iOS is the brainchild of the famous Apple, and development operating system Android does no less famous company Google.

Both systems have their loyal fans, their pros and cons. We will try to compare them according to some fundamental parameters and, to some extent, answer the question - which is better: Android or iOS.


The first parameter on our list can be decisive for many. Detailed comparison at the price of Android devices and their rivals from Apple, you don’t even have to do this - Apple devices are three to four times more expensive than their counterparts.


This is a controversial issue because it is subjective. It all depends on tastes individual user. But instead of design, you can compare interfaces. Here, Android devices should be given preference, since they have much larger set widgets, and installing them is much easier.

For Apple devices, in addition to a limited number of widgets, all of them are placed in special menu, which is quite inconvenient.

Customization and personalization

Android is, without a doubt, much more flexible in this regard. Live wallpapers, custom screens and, of course, launchers - the user has many options for customizing the interface. Can be replaced system applications third-party (browser, message manager, etc.). The only question is why? After all, quality third party applications it could be much worse.

U iOS features Settings and changes to the interface are traditionally limited - you can only change the order of what is on the screen. Oh yes, more wallpaper. They can also be made dynamic. So iOS greatly limits the user’s desire to customize the interface. But this can also be seen as a plus - iOS is more stable.


There are a sufficient number of applications for both operating systems. But for real multitasking system can only be considered Android. In order to open a new application, in all iPhones, up to version 4S, you need to close the old one. Control open applications on Android it happens about the same as on a regular computer.


As it seems to many users, there are many more games on iOS than on Android, and they are better developed. Another plus of Apple is that new products appear there earlier.


The undoubted advantage of many applications for Android is that they are free. Almost all iOS applications are paid. By the way, App Store offers much more apps, how Google Play Market. Interestingly, those applications that are on Google Play Market absolutely free, they already cost money on the App Store.

Connecting with other devices

To connect to other devices, Android devices use standard interfaces. In order to transfer any file, including an application, to an Android device, you don’t need any tricks. It is enough to be of sound mind, have a memory card in the device and regular USB cable. The vast majority of such gadgets are recognized by a computer with a modern operating system as regular storage. Even without the need to install additional drivers.

With Apple gadgets everything is much more complicated. For switching, they have developed their own proprietary interfaces. Often there may be a need for all kinds of adapters, which are quite expensive. As for the task of copying files from a computer to an Apple device, for this you need special software. It's called iTunes and requires online registration and setup. Many users do not like this because the procedure is too time-consuming.

However, these restrictions can be circumvented by doing a so-called jailbreak. This operation provides access to an initially private file system iOS devices. Official position Apple is that jailbreaking is an illegal procedure and the device on which it was carried out can no longer be repaired under warranty. Russian legislation believes otherwise, and in the Russian Federation a jailbroken device is required to be accepted for repair..


Both systems have excellent social networking and browser support. But, if we talk about network connections over Wi-Fi and 3G, then iOS is definitely faster. Accordingly, it is more comfortable to work with the Internet on Apple devices.

Stability and security

iOS is a proprietary, closed operating system, which makes applications developed for it more stable. Another significant plus of iOS is complete absence viruses. Android cannot boast of this. But this situation is completely fixable. You just need to install an antivirus software, which will check all applications during the installation period.

Battery charge

A comparison of the iOS and Android operating systems in terms of this parameter shows a clear iOS advantage . As practice shows, intensive use of iOS devices during the day is unlikely to lead to full discharge batteries. The same cannot be said about Android devices.

Instead of a resume

Let's summarize some results. Android - advantages:

  • A wide field of activity for all those who want to adapt the product to suit themselves. From widgets to processor overclocking. You can install any firmware;
  • Most Android smartphones support external cards memory;
  • An indisputable advantage is the low price;
  • The ability to transfer any files to the device without any problems;
  • A huge number of free applications.

Now its flaws:

  • The main disadvantage of Android devices is their instability. If you don’t optimize the system’s operation, it will be very difficult to use your phone in a year;
  • Presence of viruses. If you do not install an antivirus and actively download free apps on Google Play Market, you can be very upset if money disappears from your account;
  • The battery charge does not last long;
  • No physical buttons for navigation, touch only. It would be nice if at least home button was physical;
  • To remove an application you need to make a lot of gestures. It also happens that after deleting a game, its cache continues to occupy memory.

Pros of iOS:

  • Stable operation of the system. If you want to use all the capabilities of the phone and not bother with system optimization, buy an iPhone;
  • The system works quickly, without any brakes or glitches;
  • The firmware does not come out raw. There is no such thing that after an update the system will work worse;
  • The Internet is not interrupted during the call;
  • Very simple menu. There is no need to rummage through the settings for a long time, everything is on the surface;
  • An important advantage is the complete absence of viruses.

Cons of iOS:

  • Undemocratic price;
  • Blocked bluetooth. Can only be used with accessories;
  • The complexity of the procedure for uploading files to the phone;
  • Inability to remove system icons;
  • Compared to Android, the sound is quite quiet.

We collected information, conducted surveys, played with both platforms and finally decided to put forward a verdict in the debate: what is cooler - Android or iOS?

Our opinion may differ radically from yours. And there are reasons for this. We will try to be as objective as possible to both sides on different barricades.

After all, it cannot be said that Android better than iOS or vice versa. These are two completely different operating systems. The question is different: for what tasks will one or another system be more convenient? And we found it out.

First criterion systems evaluation will concern safety.

You should know that immediately after purchasing a smartphone with operating Android system First of all, you need to install an antivirus on it. After which, this antivirus must be constantly updated. This is because hundreds of applications are developed for Android every day. Not all of them are safe. Especially if you download them from unknown pirated sites and markets. You can find out more about licensed stores for Android in our article.

As for iOS, everything is much calmer here. Apple always avoids templates in every possible way and develops all its products itself. They have their own laboratories and blacksmiths with their own characteristics. It is very difficult for ill-wishers to find a way to introduce malignant products into the Apple monopoly. But there are still viruses. Only their number is negligible. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid that your iPhone or iPad will be damaged by a malicious program. But this is only if you yourself do not want to hack the system of your smartphone by jailbreaking it. In this case, the threat increases.

iOS wins the first round!

Second criterion– applications.

Google Play serves as the main store for downloading Android applications. There are an endless variety of them in the store. Many of them are free. But among them there are a number of applications Low quality, and such applications are sometimes equipped with viruses. To protect yourself from virus attacks, by searching for more quality applications use other stores.

IN AppStore applications a little less. As we found out, there are also fewer viruses here. But the inconvenience is that you have to pay for most of the applications. Analog paid application for Android it will be cheaper.

Second round – Android wins!

Third criterion– support for memory cards.

Android wins this round early. After all, as you know, not a single Apple gadget has the ability to integrate with a map microSD memory. Android devices allow you to use memory cards, increasing its capacity.

Fourth criterion– widgets.

Android wins again. And again early. At Apple similar technology quick login They do not use various properties of the smartphone. But it is very comfortable.

Fifth criterion– price.

iPhone and iPad are expensive devices. Android offers different price options: from the cheapest to those that exceed the cost of apple ones. A more democratic approach.

Another point for Android.

Sixth criterion– system memory.

Android has a division of memory into system and main. This is the same as on a computer (drive C is intended for installing the system; drive D is the main memory, intended for everything else). So on Android, the operating system is installed on the system memory. And its volume is small. You can find out about the amount of system memory in the settings. Usually it is small. This means that if system memory becomes clogged, you will not be able to install applications, even if there is still space on the main one.

There is no such division on iOS. Therefore, here you can install applications to capacity.

This advantage goes to the iOS treasury.

We tried to indicate the advantages and disadvantages of both systems using six criteria. What's better? This is your individual choice.

New operating system for Apple devices came out this week, and many were faced with a choice: to update or not?

Apple has introduced a new version of its operating system - iOS 10. According to the developers, it has included the most a large number of changes over history..

When did it come out iOS update 10?

New operating system for smartphones iOS control released on Tuesday, September 13th. It is available as free update for users iPhone phones and iPad tablets.

What changes does the new operating system bring?

The main innovations affected the lock screen, working with messages and photos, as well as Siri. Thus, the smartphone itself “wakes up” when it is lifted from the table. Swipes on the lock screen open the Camera and widgets.

It is now possible to add animations, drawings, emojis, and stickers to messages. Now you can even attach and send tracks from Apple Music.

The Photos app has learned to recognize people's faces, objects in photos, and the background, so it can group similar faces, and also display all pictures on the map.

Voice Siri assistant now works with third-party applications from the App Store, and also supports sending messages, phone calls V VoIP programs, ordering trips in special applications and making personal payments.

Let's add that you can now remove some standard applications.

Who can install an iOS update?

The new operating system is available to everyone iPhone owners 5th model and higher, all models iPad Air and iPad Pro, iPad fourth generation, iPad mini 2 and later, and for iPod touch 6G. And here iPhone smartphones 4s has already been cut off from updates. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, with the release of a new operating system, older smartphone models begin to slow down more and more.

How to install a new operating system?

You can update your smartphone in two ways: “over the air” and using a cable. In the first case, you just need to connect to Wi-Fi (it is advisable that the iPhone is connected to charger), open settings and go to the “General” menu, then select “Software Update”. After searching for the latest version of the operating system, you need to click the “Download and Install” button.

In the second case, you need to connect your phone to your computer and download the update using iTunes apps. There, on the “Summary” page, you need to click the “Check for updates” button, and then “Download and install updates”.

Can my phone break due to an update?

In the first hours after the release of the new operating system, a number of users said that their smartphones and tablets were out of order. After installing the update, the devices went into recovery mode, and a request to connect to iTunes appeared on the screen. A company representative assured that the problem was immediately fixed, but this does not give full confidence that this will not happen to your iPhone. Some users complained that their gadgets turned into bricks after the official announcement from Apple.

The iOS mobile operating system was developed by Apple specifically for use in the company's smartphones, and later began to be released under its control. iPod players Touch and iPad tablets.

The system was demonstrated back in 2007 and was called “iPhone OS” until mid-2010.

Apple's mobile OS was very simple and intuitive, which is what distinguished it from the Palm OS that existed at that time, Windows Mobile, Symbian and the Android operating system that appeared in 2008.

What went wrong

Jobs and the company managed to create a pleasant and understandable system that was easily understood by any user from schoolchildren to retirees. However, reverse side simplicity had limited functionality.

This could not continue for long, competitors added hundreds of new features and features in each update, Apple had to accept the rules of the game and we got a full-fledged mobile operating system with an application store and various options.

The seventh version of the mobile operating system stands apart. It was demonstrated to the public two years after Jobs' death, led by iOS development 7 Jony Ive.

I still remember my conflicting feelings when I first saw flat design instead of icons “that I wanted to lick.”

The appearance and colors of the design became the main difference from iOS 6; designers redrawn the icons and interface of all standard programs on iPhone and iPad. Yes we saw new panel multitasking and Control Center, but precisely the transition to flat design it is generally accepted distinctive feature iOS 7.

From that moment until today, iOS has only “grown with muscle and fat.”

I have been actively following the WWDC conferences for several years, where they present a new version of iOS, and I am waiting for one key change in mobile system. However, instead of it, we are offered incomprehensible applications that almost no one uses (News, Home, etc.) and thousands of smiley stickers.

What iOS needs is not new features, panels or switches, not additional politically correct emoticons or stickers, not new wallpapers and options in the settings.

iOS needs a new user interface

Look at the layout of the main controls in your applications. Just like 10 years ago, we see a panel with sections or functions at the bottom and buttons for navigating the menu at the top.

The only change in better side– the emergence of the ability to move by swiping; otherwise, the ease of use of the system remained at the same level.

However, the first versions of the system were developed with a 3.5-inch display in mind, and all other amendments were made for comfortable work on a 4-inch diagonal screen. Third year of apple releases iPhones with large screens from 4.7 to 5.5 inches, but at the same time does not want to optimize the user interface.

The Reachability option looks like a pathetic handout, which allows the interface to “slide” down for a while.

What can be done

It's time to really rethink iOS and give us a new one user experience, the ability to operate with one hand and not intercept our “shovels” several times a minute.

  • Remove everything necessary and interactive from above

It's high time to combine the notification center with the bottom iOS curtain. The second page in Control Center should have been a block with missed messages, and not a hefty module for the player.

All buttons to move between menus and programs should move down.

  • Finally allow you to put icons in any place

An interactive grid for arranging icons has long been suggested in iOS. Couple top rows should be filled with widgets and informers, for example, a clock, weather or the cover of the track being played.

  • Notifications should appear at the bottom

Yes, at first it will be unusual, but you won’t miss a single important banner.

Imagine that you are walking down the street and holding your iPhone X Plus with one hand, a notification pops up at the top for a couple of seconds, you are trying to quickly intercept the device or use your other hand to respond. In most cases, you either don't make it in time or almost drop your iPhone on the ground.

Pop-up notifications at the bottom would solve this problem.

  • Rethink Safari Browser

Exactly Safari app is the most frequently used on our smartphones. We spend a lot of time in the browser and every time we have to reach for the top border of the screen to enter a query, open reading mode or reload the page.

All these elements can be perfectly placed below.

A good reimagined browser has been in the App Store for a long time. The guys from Yandex understood the problem and moved everything they needed to the bottom of the screen.

This program is really convenient to use with one hand. Yandex.Browser has not yet replaced Safari for me, but if I need to flip through pages on the go, I always prefer it.

These are the features and changes we have been waiting for for years now. new version iOS. The current update should be key and, taking into account the release of the new one, should give us a new user experience.

The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is that when updating over the air, 5.6 GB was required free space, which was quite difficult to find, given that our iPhone 5s has 16 GB of memory. It was not possible to update via iTunes, the servers constantly crashed and the firmware could not be downloaded, so a simple solution was decided - delete all the music from the smartphone and install the firmware, then re-sync it with iTunes.

Immediately after the update, a massive update of applications began in the App Store, main reason - iOS support 8. Those applications that have not been adapted to the 8th version of the OS crash quite often. Moreover, this happens in a rather strange way, each time in different places.

Many users online wrote that battery consumption on iOS 8 is 15-20% more than in iOS 7. Time iPhone work 5s after fully charged is 6 hours 6 minutes, while the waiting time is 12 hours 21 minutes. On this moment The charge on the smartphone is 33%, that is, about 2/3 of the charge is empty. It's strange, but contrary to comments online, the iPhone 5s on iOS 7 has never lasted this long.

In addition to reviews about fast discharge smartphone, there are a lot of comments on the forums about the glitches of iOS 8, but no matter how hard we tried. We could not find any serious bugs. The only exception is that the keyboard jitters a little when opening an application from multitasking, but this is not at all critical.

There is little to say about the quality of communication, because during this time there were only a few conversations. No changes were found compared to iOS 7, except that now the subscriber’s photo when making a call is displayed in full screen, as in the first iOS version 7.

During the entire testing period, I got the feeling that switching between LTE and 3G began to happen faster, but this may be due to the low load on base stations operator, in any case there is not much difference.

One of the most important iOS disadvantages 8 can be called the need to update the application on the part of the developer. Conscientious developers have already released updates for their applications and games, while most are in no hurry to release updates. For example, the VKontakte application for iPhone began to appear in iOS style 6, but with the keyboard from iOS 8, and it’s even scary to imagine how much the development team social network will release an update, given that the redesign for iOS 7 took about 6 months.

Additional keyboards from third-party developers and widgets are quite unstable. Keyboards reset their settings spontaneously, and widgets are not yet highly adapted to the functionality of iOS 8. It’s hard to say who is to blame for this situation, but most likely both sides.

There are not many external changes in the firmware. The animation of multitasking and Spotlight has changed slightly, and now the clock is in iOS menu ticking in real time. Several new items have been added to “Settings” to make it more convenient to customize the gadget to suit you.

One of the main reasons for upgrading to iOS 8 was the feature Touch support ID third party developers. The 1Password app updated almost minutes after iOS release 8 and received unlock support from using Touch ID, which turned out to be very convenient.

Whether to install iOS 8 or not, everyone must decide for themselves. If you want something new and don’t need a jailbreak, then you can safely update, but if having a jailbreak is important, then you should wait until the release iOS hacking 8, but this may take many months.

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