Management information technologies.

Social network 2008

Year of issue: Genre:

Economy Publisher:

"UNITY-DANA" Format:

PDF Quality:

OCR 463

Number of pages: Description: Textbook " Information Systems in Economics" was prepared taking into account the requirements of the State Educational Standard latest generation , covers all topics curriculum
and consists of two parts that have a certain independence and a logically consistent connection. The first part of the book “Information Systems in Economics” is devoted to methodological issues of the creation and operation of information systems, their most important components - workplaces, new information technologies, including electronic document flows, databases and knowledge, data warehouses and information protection.
The second part of the textbook “Information Systems in Economics” contains a description of information systems and technologies for solving functional problems in the conditions of their informatization in financial and credit management bodies, industrial enterprises, organizations of production and non-production spheres. Market reform of the economy, constantly intensifying competition between commodity producers, and the need to prevent threats of financial risks require modern professional qualities from specialists, increasing the responsibility of managers for the effectiveness and consequences of decisions made. In these conditions, a sustainable trend in the development of informatization of management processes becomes a strategic component of business, and the effectiveness of the organization’s activities is determined by the use of innovative methods and software technical means
their support. Moreover, the larger the business, the more difficult it is to obtain the necessary information that allows you to assess the financial condition of each of the enterprises and the holding as a whole, identify changes in the parameters of financial flows and be able to influence their distribution and adjustment. Therefore, the need for tools that automate management technologies increases every year. At the same time, the requirements for economic specialists - managers, accountants, auditors, employees of banks, financial and tax services, who are able to adapt to work in a constantly updated information technology environment - are increasing. necessary knowledge, but also clearly realize that the introduction and use of information technologies have key value to ensure the effective competitiveness of the organization, and the solution to emerging problems can only be achieved by a reliably functioning information system, not only permeating all business units and business processes of the organization, but also capable of collecting and providing data for analysis in real time. Contents of the textbook

1.1. Information resource - the basis for informatization of economic activity
1.2. Concept and classification of information systems
1.3. Information Technology, their development and classification
1.4. AWP - a means of automating the work of the end user
2.1. Objects of IS and IT design in organizational management
2.2. From structural-functional to process organization - the evolution of the methodology for creating information systems
2.3. Stages, methods and organization of creating IP and IT
2.4. Methods and models for forming management decisions
2.5. The role of the user in creating an IS and setting a problem
2.6. The procedure for setting management tasks
3.1. The concept of information support, its structure
3.2. Classifiers, codes and technology for their application
3.3. Bar coding and the technology of its application in economic activity
3.4. Documentation and methods of its generation
3.5. Peculiarities modern forms document flow
3.6. Structure of intramachine information support
3.7. Data bank, its composition and features
3.8. Data warehouses and knowledge bases
4.1. Tools technological support IP and IT
4.2. Modes automated processing information in economic activity
4.3. Integrated IT in IS
4.4. New IT in economic activity
5.1. Types of IS and IT security threats
5.2. Types, methods and means of information protection in information systems and in IT management
6.1. Organization of financial management in market conditions
6.2. Characteristics of the goals and functional tasks of financial management
6.3. Information Support financial management
6.4. Software financial decisions
6.5. Technology for solving financial management problems in AIT conditions
7.1. general characteristics accounting information system
7.2. Features of accounting information support
7.3. Characteristics of automated accounting systems
7.4. Computer information technologies in accounting
8.1. Functional tasks of a computer information system for auditing activities
8.2. Automated information technologies for auditing activities
8.3. Software for automated information technologies for auditing activities
9.1. The current stage of development of the banking system
9.2. Automation of banking activities
9.3. Problems of information support in banking
9.4. Innovation processes in banks
10.1. Control system features tax service. AIS "Tax"
10.2. Characteristics of functional tasks solved by tax authorities
10.3. Features of information support for AIS tax authorities
10.4. Features of information technologies used in tax authorities
11.1. Fundamentals of budget process management and the need for its automation
11.2. Structure of the system for automating the work of individual participants in the budget process
11.3. Structure of AIS budget management
11.4. AIT of public authorities of the budget process
11.5. AIT of local finance (municipalities)
11.6. Application of AIT in budgetary institutions
11.7. IT solutions to functional problems Pension Fund RF
12.1. Characteristics of the state of informatization in treasury authorities
12.2. Tasks solved in treasury authorities, features of their implementation in the conditions of IS and IT
12.3. Problem-oriented IS and IT solutions to functional treasury tasks
12.4. Organization electronic document management in treasury bodies




Edited by prof. G.A. Titorenko

Second edition, expanded

Approved by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation as teaching aid for higher education students educational institutions students studying economics

Moscow 2003

UDC 004.78:338.24(075.8) BBK 65.050.2s51ya73


Department of Economic Information Systems and Information Technologies, Moscow University of Statistics, Economics, and Informatics

(head. Department Dr. econ. sciences, prof. V.P. Bozhko); Doctor of Economics Sciences, Prof. S.A. Kharitonov (Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation)

Editor-in-chief of the publishing house N.D. Eriashvili

Information technologies of management: Textbook. manual I74 for universities / Ed. prof. G.A. Titorenko. - 2nd ed., add. -

M.: UNITY-DANA, 2003. - 439 p. ISBN 5-238-00416-8

The purpose of the textbook (1st edition - UNITI-DANA, 2002) is to give future specialist managers theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills in the creation and application of information technologies to solve management problems and decision making. The methodological basis for creating information systems and technologies, as well as design and application procedures are considered. the most important species technological support. The experience of creating information technologies for managing economic objects is shown in the examples of strategic, production, financial management, personnel management, logistics research in organizations, as well as state and municipal authorities.

For undergraduates, graduate students and teachers of economic universities and faculties, as well as for specialist managers and heads of organizations and state and municipal government bodies.

BBK 65.050.2s51ya73

Preface to the first edition

P The last decade has been characterized not only by a radical change socio-economic environment, in which

a swarm of Russian enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership operate, and there is a steady trend in the development of informatization of management processes.

The need to operate in a market economy and increasingly intense competition among commodity producers determines increased demands on the professional qualities of specialists and the responsibility of managers for the results and consequences of decisions made. Taking into account the time factor and organizing the analysis of material, commodity, and financial flows, and the search for informed decisions in regulating production, economic and financial situations are becoming extremely relevant.

The introduction of a research approach into management activities is based on the use of modern achievements in the field of information technology, ensuring completeness and timeliness information display managed processes, the possibility of their modeling, analysis, forecasting. The research approach underlying management is equally characteristic of both federal, regional, local authorities management, as well as enterprises, firms, corporations that conduct engineering research and reengineering of organizational structures, closely linking them with the designed business processes and achieving real time gains and economic benefits.

Preparation in higher school should provide for the mastery by a specialist manager of fundamental knowledge of the theory and practice of management, as well as the ability to actively use information technology in his work professional activity. Wide application personal computers, communication means, easier access to databases and knowledge bases, the use of intelligent technologies and systems provide the specialist with real opportunities to perform analytical, forecasting functions, and prepare management decisions in a modern technological mode of information processing.

Considering the relevance and need for the use of information technologies in the activities of managers, the discipline “Information

tion technologies of management" is included in the blocks of specialized courses of state educational standards of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in the specialties: 06.11.00 "Organization Management", 06.10.00 "State and Municipal Administration".

The discipline “Management Information Technologies” is intended to form future managerial specialists with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of creation, operation and application of information technologies to solve functional management problems and organize a decision support system.

The proposed textbook is devoted to methodological issues of management informatization. The first part examines the information processes of managing an organization, the methodological basis for creating information systems and technologies, information technology procedures for designing the most important types of technological support and their application in organization management systems. Attention is paid to the conditions for integrating information technologies and building systems information security accumulation, storage, and use of information for preparing and making decisions.

The second part of the textbook systematizes the accumulated experience in creating information technologies for managing economic objects using the example of company management, and examines the organization of information processing in corporate information and computer networks. administrative management authorities at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

Preface to the second edition

P In front of you, dear reader, is an updated edition of the textbook “Management Information Technologies”.

The need for its preparation is dictated by the constant increase in requirements for economists’ knowledge of the fundamentals computer systems and technologies, the ability to interact with specialists from consulting and specialized production and sales companies software products and technology. Knowledge of the real possibilities and features of the use of information technologies, trends in their development and improvement, the ability to clearly and substantively formulate their user requirements to those complex instruments such as Computer techologies, should become an integral part of the professional activity of the manager of the new formation.

The second edition of the textbook, like the first, includes two sections. The first section “Methodological aspects of informatization in management activities” retained his methodological orientation. It remains fundamental for mastering the discipline “Management Information Technologies” and it is recommended to begin studying the subject with it.

Second section “Information technologies for solving management problems” taking into account the didactic positions of the new educational standards of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in relation to the named specialties in to a large extent changed and supplemented. In addition to the peculiarities of the functioning of information technologies used to manage a company in state and municipal administration, the section contains examples of the construction and use of information technologies for solving functional problems in such aspects of management activities as strategic management, personnel management, and production management. For each of the named areas (chapters 7-13) students can gain knowledge about the essence, content and practical ways solving management problems using new information technologies.

The textbook can be useful when studying the discipline “Marketing Information Systems” (specialty 06.15.00 “Marketing”), as well as disciplines of specializations: “Enterprise Information Systems” (specialization “Production Mechanism”

Management" specialty 06.11.00 "Organization Management") and "Computer Information Technologies in Financial Management" (specialization "Financial Management" specialty 04.06.00 "Finance and Credit").

preface, chap. 1 - prof. G.A. Titorenko and Associate Professor I.A. Konopleva; Ch. 2 (except for paragraph 2.4) - Prof. G.A. Titorenko and Associate Professor G.L. Makarova;

Ch. 3 - prof. VZFEI V.V. Braga and Associate Professor E.G. Solovyova;

Ch. 4 and ch. 5 (except for paragraph 5.5) - prof. VZFEI G.D. Savichev and prof. VZFEIV.I. Suvorov;

clause 2.4; 5.5 - prof. B.E. Odintsov; Ch. 6 - prof. VZFEIV.I. Suvorov; Ch. 7 and ch. 11 - Prof. L.A. Vdovenko;

Ch. 8 - assistant professor L.G. Lysenko; Ch. 9 - Prof. I.Ya. Lukasiewicz;

Ch. 10 - assistant professor IN AND. Gusev;

Ch. 12 - assistant professor I.A. Konopleva;

Ch. 13 (except for clauses 13.4, 13.5) - prof. G.A. Titorenko; paragraph 13.4, 13.5 - Ph.D. econ. Science E.F. Kazakova.

The team of authors expresses deep gratitude to Dr. Econ. Sciences, Prof. M.M. Maksimtsov, Dr. Econ. Sciences, Prof. V.P. Bozhko, Dr. Econ. Sciences, Prof. SA. Kharitonov for constructive comments that were taken into account in the process of finalizing the textbook.

We also thank the staff of the Department of AOEI VZFEI SE. Ku Laginu and E.P. Leonov for his great work in preparing the manuscript materials.

Methodological aspects of informatization

V management activities

V Information processes in organization management

V Methodological basis for creating IP and IT

V organization management

V Information support for IT and IS management of an organization

V Technical and software support

IT and IS organization management

V Information technologies in control systems

V Protection of information in IS and IT management of an organization

Information processes

V organization management

The concept of information systems and information technologies in management, their role at the present stage of development of market relations.

Classification of information management systems and information technologies.

w The importance of information systems and information technologies

V organization development strategies various types.

w Role information environment and organization of information links in corporate systems management.

The role of information technology in the formation of management decisions in various levels management in organizations of various types.

1.1. Information Systems

And technologies. Their classification

V organizational management

WITH Modern enterprises and firms are complex organizational systems, individual components of which

of which - fixed and working capital, labor and material resources and others - are constantly changing and are in complex interaction with each other. The functioning of enterprises and organizations of various types in a market economy has set new tasks for improving management activities based on complex automation management of all production and technological processes, as well as labor resources.

The market economy leads to an increase in the volume and complexity of problems solved in the field of production organization, planning and analysis processes, financial work, relations with suppliers and consumers of products, operational management which is impossible without the organization of a modern automated information system (IS).

Management information system - a set of information, economic and mathematical methods and models, technical, software, other technological tools and specialists, designed for processing information and making management decisions.

The management information system must solve the current problems of strategic and tactical planning, accounting and operational management of the company. Many accounting tasks (accounting and material accounting, tax planning, con-

troll, etc.) are solved without additional costs by secondary processing of operational management data. Accounting is necessary additional means control. Using operational information obtained during the operation of an automated information system, the manager can plan and balance the company’s resources (material, financial and personnel), calculate and evaluate the results of management decisions, establish operational management of the cost of products (goods, services), the progress of the plan, use of resources, etc.

Management information systems allow:

increase the degree of validity of decisions made through the prompt collection, transmission and processing of information;

ensure timely decision-making on the management of the organization in a market economy;

achieve increased management efficiency through timely submission necessary information managers of all levels of management from a single information fund;

coordinate decisions made at various levels of management and in different structural divisions;

through awareness of management personnel about the current state of the economic facility, ensure an increase in labor productivity, a reduction in non-production losses, etc.

The classification of management information systems depends on the types of management processes, the level of management, the scope of operation of the economic entity and its organization, and the degree of automation of management.

Main classification criteria automated information systems are:

level in the public administration system;

area of ​​operation of the economic entity;

types of management processes;

degree of automation of information processes.

IN In accordance with the classification criteria according to the level of government administration, automated information systems are divided into federal, territorial (regional) and municipal information systems, which are information systems high level hierarchy in management.

IP of federal significance solve the problems of information services for the administrative management apparatus and operate in all regions of the country.

Territorial (regional) IP designed to solve information tasks management administrative-territorial ny objects located in a specific territory.

Municipal IP function in local government bodies for information services specialists and ensuring the processing of economic, social and economic

forecasts, local budgets, control and regulation of the activities of all levels of socio-economic regions of the city, administrative district, etc.

N The classification according to the area of ​​operation of an economic entity is focused on the production and economic activities of enterprises and organizations of various types. These include automated information systems for industry and agriculture, transport, communications, banking information systems, etc.

By type of management processes, information systems are divided into:

Process Control IC designed for automation of various technological processes (flexible technological processes, energy, etc.).

IS for managing organizational and technological processes are multi-level, hierarchical systems, which combine process control IS and enterprise management IS.

The most widespread IS of organizational management, which are intended to automate the functions of management personnel. Considering the widest application and diversity of this class of systems, various information systems are often understood precisely in this interpretation. This class of information systems includes information systems for managing both industrial firms and non-industrial economic entities - service sector enterprises. The main functions of such systems are operational control and regulation, operational accounting and analysis, long-term and operational planning, accounting, sales and supply management and solving other economic and organizational problems.

Integrated ICs are designed to automate all functions of company management and cover the entire cycle of operation of an economic facility: from research and development, design, manufacturing, production and sales of products to analysis of product operation.

Corporate IP are used to automate all management functions of a company or corporation that has territorial separation between divisions, branches, divisions, offices, etc.

Research IP provide solutions to scientific research problems based on economic and mathematical methods and models.

Educational information systems are used to train specialists in the education system, during retraining and advanced training of workers in various sectors of the economy.

N According to the degree of automation of information processes, information systems are divided into:

Manual information systems, which are characterized by the lack of modern technical means of information processing and

The purpose of the textbook is to give future managerial specialists theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills in the creation and application of information technologies to solve management problems and decision-making. The methodological foundations for creating information systems and technologies, as well as procedures for the design and application of the most important types of technological support are considered. The experience of creating information technologies for managing economic objects is shown using examples of strategic, production, financial management, personnel management, logistics research in organizations, as well as state and municipal authorities.
For students, graduate students and teachers of economic universities and faculties, as well as for specialist managers and heads of organizations and state and municipal government bodies.

The last decade is characterized not only by a radical change in the socio-economic environment in which Russian enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership operate, but also by a steady trend in the development of informatization of management processes.

The need to operate in a market economy and increasingly intense competition among commodity producers determines increased demands on the professional qualities of specialists and the responsibility of managers for the results and consequences of decisions made. Taking into account the time factor and organizing the analysis of material, commodity, and financial flows, and the search for informed decisions in regulating production, economic and financial situations are becoming extremely relevant.

Table of contents
Preface to the first edition 3
Preface to the second edition 5
Part I. Methodological aspects of informatization in management activities 7
1. Information processes in organization management 8
1 1. Information systems and technologies. Their classification in organizational management 8
1.2. Features of information technology in organizations of various types 14
1.3. Information communications in corporate systems 17
1.4. Information technology as a tool for forming management decisions 23
2. Methodological basis for creating IS and IT in organization management 31
2.1. Objects of IS and IT design in organization management 31
2.2 Decision support system and engineering design in organizational management 38
2.3. Methodological and organizational principles for creating IP and IT 45
2.4. Methods and models for forming management decisions 49
2.5. Stages, methods and organization of creating IP and IT 63
2.6. The role of the user in creating IS (IT) and setting management tasks 72
2.7. Methodology for setting management tasks 75
3. Information support for IT and IS for organization management 84
3.1. The concept of information support, its structure 84
3.2. Off-machine information support 88
3.2.1. Scorecard 88
3.2.2. Classification and coding systems 92
3.2 3. Unified documentation system and organization of document flows 98
3.3. In-machine information support 106
3.3.1. Options for organizing in-machine information support 106
3.3.2. Data bank, its composition, database models 108
3.3.3. Data warehouses and knowledge bases - a perspective for the development of IS in management 116
3.4. Information support for manager's workstation 120
4. Hardware and IT software and IS for organization management 127
4.1. Composition of technical support for IT and IS management of an organization 127
4.2. Software IS organization management 133
4.3. AWP 142 software
5. Information technologies in management systems 152
5.1. Information technology and processing procedures economic information 152
5.2. Organization of information technologies in various modes 162
5.3. Integrated information technologies 164
5.4. New information technologies in management activities 166
5.5. Automated technologies formation of management decisions 168
6. Protection of information in IS and IT management of an organization 192
6.1. Types of IS and IT security threats 192
6.1.1. The need to ensure information security of IS and IT 192
6.1.2. Types of intentional threats to information security 193
6.2. Methods and means of information security 202
6.2.1. IS Security Assessment 202
6.2.2. Methods and means of constructing information security systems. Their structure 205
6.2.3. Cryptographic methods information protection 211
6.2.4. Information protection in corporate networks Control IC 217
6.2.5. Stages of development of protection systems 219
Part II. Information technologies for solving management problems 223
7. Information technologies for strategic management in the enterprise 224

7.1. Organizational and economic essence of strategic management in an enterprise 224
7.2. Functional tasks of strategic management. Their implementation in IT conditions 231
7.3. IT strategic management in the enterprise 238
8. Information technology of logistics research in organization management 245
8.1. Logistics system as an object of automation 245
8.2. Relationship between logistics management and other management functions 249
8.3. Enterprise logistics information system 251
8.4. Basic business processes in ISLP 252
8.5. Principles of constructing an automation subsystem for solving logistics problems 257
9. Information technologies in financial management 264
9.1. Organization of financial management in market conditions 264
9.2. Goals and functional objectives of financial management 267
9.3. Information support for financial management 269
9.4. Financial Solutions Software 279
9.5. Information technology for solving financial management problems 297
10. Information technologies for personnel management 320
10.1. Organizational and economic essence of personnel management tasks 320
10.2. Problems of personnel management and their solutions based on IT 323
10.2.1. Planning staffing tables 324
10.2.2. Accumulation of personal data about employees 325
10.2.3. Recruitment and transfer of employees. Professional development of personnel 328
10.2.4. Planning the use of labor resources 329
10.2.5. Accounting for the use of working time 330
10.2.6. Settlements with personnel, pension and tax accounting 330
10.3. IT solutions for personnel management problems in corporate organizations 333
10.3.1. Are common technological principles 333
10.4. Internet, labor resources and employers 335
11. Information technologies for production management at the enterprise 338
11.1. Organizational and economic essence of production management at an enterprise 338
11.2. Functional tasks of production management, their implementation in IT conditions 344
11.3. IT production management at the enterprise 353
12. Information technologies for company management 361
12.1. Organizational and economic essence of company management 361
12.2. Management tasks and their implementation based on an IT company 363
12.3. Technical support IT company management 368
12.4. IT company management software 373
12.5. Information base company management technologies 379
13. Information technologies in state and municipal administration 386
13 1 From the history of informatization of organizational management 386
13.2. Information computing and situational centers in government and regional administration 391
13.3 Information technologies for solving functional problems in municipal government 397
13 4. State information resources of Russia on the Internet 411
13.4.1. Informational resources library network of Russia 412
13.4 2. Resources of the state system of economic, scientific and technical information 413
13 4 3. Russian resources legal information 415
13.4 4 Information resources of federal and regional authorities 418
13 4.5. Information resources in the field of finance and foreign economic activity 419
13.4 6 Industry information resources material production 420
13.4.7 Information resources State system statistics 422
13.4.8. Informational resources social sphere 425
13.4 9 Information about natural resources, phenomena, processes 426
13.5. Materials state registration electronic information resources 428
Bibliography 432

Titorenko, G. A. [ Electronic resource]: textbook for university students studying in the specialties “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting, Analysis and Audit” and specialties in Economics and Management (060000) / G. A. Titorenko; edited by G. A. Titorenko. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 463 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-01167-7. read

Are being considered general issues informatization of management processes, use of information systems and technologies in management; methodological approaches to the creation and operation of computer systems and technologies are revealed, as well as modern methods and information security tools. Special attention is devoted to the formation, processing and presentation of data in an integrated environment, corporate technologies solving professional problems by managers working in organizations of various types and complex structures - at enterprises, small and large businesses, in state and municipal authorities. The experience of creating information systems and management technologies is revealed using examples of corporate, production, strategic management, personnel management, innovation process management, as well as the example of the activities of state and municipal government bodies. For undergraduate students, masters, graduate students and teachers of economic universities and faculties. Can also be used to improve the skills of specialist managers.

Titorenko Galina Antonevna

Titorenko, G. A. Computerization of banking operations[Electronic resource]: textbook. manual for secondary vocational educational institutions / G. A. Titorenko; edited by G. A. Titorenko. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 207 p. - ISBN 978-5-238-01339-8. read

The tutorial provides the basics basic knowledge on banking activities, aspects of computerization of banking operations are considered, taking into account modern development information processes in economics and banking sector, features of the state of banking in Russia. The purpose and essence of traditional banking operations are revealed, the concept of banking risk is given, and a set of issues related to the organization is considered. computer processing banking information. Attention is paid to the most relevant areas of remote banking services, customer relationship management. The methodological apparatus includes conclusions, questions for repetition and tests for self-control by chapter. For high school students, colleges, low- and middle-level bank employees.

Titorenko Galina Antonevna

Information systems in economics/ Titorenko G.A., - 2nd ed. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2015. - 463 pp.: ISBN 978-5-238-01167-7 read


The purpose of the textbook (1st edition - UNIT, 1998) is to give future economists knowledge in the field of creation and operation of information systems, modern technologies, providing specialists with tools for solving management problems in the accounting and financial credit spheres. General issues of informatization of financial and credit processes, the place of information systems and technologies in the economy are considered; methodological approaches to the creation and operation of systems and technologies are revealed, as well as methods and means of protecting information. Particular attention is paid to the formation, processing and presentation of data in an environment of integrated information technologies for solving problems of accounting, auditing, financial, banking, tax and treasury systems, as well as in the financial management of organizations. For undergraduates, graduate students and teachers of economic specialties at universities and faculties, as well as specialist managers, heads of organizations and state and municipal authorities.

Management information technologies. Titorenko G.A.

M.: 2003. - 439 p.

The purpose of the textbook is to give future managerial specialists theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills in the creation and application of information technologies to solve management problems and decision-making. The methodological foundations for creating information systems and technologies, as well as procedures for the design and application of the most important types of technological support are considered. The experience of creating information technologies for managing economic objects is shown using examples of strategic, production, financial management, personnel management, logistics research in organizations, as well as state and municipal authorities.

For undergraduates, graduate students and teachers of economic universities and faculties, as well as for specialist managers and heads of organizations and state and municipal government bodies.


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Table of contents
Preface to the first edition 3
Preface to the second edition 5
Part I. Methodological aspects of informatization in management activities 7
1. Information processes in organization management 8
1 1. Information systems and technologies. Their classification in organizational management 8
1.2. Features of information technology in organizations of various types 14
1.3. Information communications in corporate systems 17
1.4. Information technology as a tool for forming management decisions 23
2. Methodological basis for creating IS and IT in organization management 31
2.1. Objects of IS and IT design in organization management 31
2.2 Decision support system and engineering design in organizational management 38
2.3. Methodological and organizational principles for creating IP and IT 45
2.4. Methods and models for forming management decisions 49
2.5. Stages, methods and organization of creating IP and IT 63
2.6. The role of the user in creating IS (IT) and setting management tasks 72
2.7. Methodology for setting management tasks 75
3. Information support for IT and IS for organization management 84
3.1. The concept of information support, its structure 84
3.2. Off-machine information support 88
3.2.1. Scorecard 88
3.2.2. Classification and coding systems 92
3.2 3. Unified documentation system and organization of document flows 98
3.3. In-machine information support 106
3.3.1. Options for organizing in-machine information support 106
3.3.2. Data bank, its composition, database models 108
3.3.3. Data warehouses and knowledge bases - a perspective for the development of IS in management 116
3.4. Information support for manager's workstation 120
4. Hardware and IT software and IS for organization management 127
4.1. Composition of technical support for IT and IS management of an organization 127
4.2. IS software for organization management 133
4.3. AWP 142 software
5. Information technologies in management systems 152
5.1. Information technologies and procedures for processing economic information 152
5.2. Organization of information technologies in various modes 162
5.3. Integrated information technologies 164
5.4. New information technologies in management activities 166
5.5. Automated technologies for forming management decisions 168
6. Protection of information in IS and IT management of an organization 192
6.1. Types of IS and IT security threats 192
6.1.1. The need to ensure information security of IS and IT 192
6.1.2. Types of intentional threats to information security 193
6.2. Methods and means of information security 202
6.2.1. IS Security Assessment 202
6.2.2. Methods and means of constructing information security systems. Their structure 205
6.2.3. Cryptographic methods of information protection 211
6.2.4. Information protection in corporate networks IS management 217
6.2.5. Stages of development of protection systems 219
Part II. Information technologies for solving management problems 223
7. Information technologies for strategic management in the enterprise 224
7.1. Organizational and economic essence of strategic management in an enterprise 224
7.2. Functional tasks of strategic management. Their implementation in IT conditions 231
7.3. IT strategic management in the enterprise 238
8. Information technology of logistics research in organization management 245
8.1. Logistics system as an object of automation 245
8.2. Relationship between logistics management and other management functions 249
8.3. Enterprise logistics information system 251
8.4. Basic business processes in ISLP 252
8.5. Principles of constructing an automation subsystem for solving logistics problems 257
9. Information technologies in financial management 264
9.1. Organization of financial management in market conditions 264
9.2. Goals and functional objectives of financial management 267
9.3. Information support for financial management 269
9.4. Financial Solutions Software 279
9.5. Information technology for solving financial management problems 297
10. Information technologies for personnel management 320
10.1. Organizational and economic essence of personnel management tasks 320
10.2. Problems of personnel management and their solutions based on IT 323
10.2.1. Staffing planning 324
10.2.2. Accumulation of personal data about employees 325
10.2.3. Recruitment and transfer of employees. Professional development of personnel 328
10.2.4. Planning the use of labor resources 329
10.2.5. Accounting for the use of working time 330
10.2.6. Settlements with personnel, pension and tax accounting 330
10.3. IT solutions for personnel management problems in corporate organizations 333
10.3.1. General technological principles 333
10.4. Internet, labor resources and employers 335
11. Information technologies for production management at the enterprise 338
11.1. Organizational and economic essence of production management at an enterprise 338
11.2. Functional tasks of production management, their implementation in IT conditions 344
11.3. IT production management at the enterprise 353
12. Information technologies for company management 361
12.1. Organizational and economic essence of company management 361
12.2. Management tasks and their implementation based on an IT company 363
12.3. Technical support for IT management of the company 368
12.4. IT company management software 373
12.5. Information base of company management technology 379
13. Information technologies in state and municipal administration 386
13 1 From the history of informatization of organizational management 386
13.2. Information, computing and situational centers in state and regional administration 391
13.3 Information technologies for solving functional problems in municipal government 397
13 4. State information resources of Russia on the Internet 411
13.4.1. Information resources of the Russian library network 412
13.4 2. Resources of the state system of economic, scientific and technical information 413
13 4 3. Russian legal information resources 415
13.4 4 Information resources of federal and regional authorities 418
13 4.5. Information resources in the field of finance and foreign economic activity 419
13.4 6 Information resources of material production sectors 420
13.4.7 Information resources of the State Statistics System 422
13.4.8. Information resources of the social sphere 425
13.4 9 Information about natural resources, phenomena, processes 426
13.5. Materials of state registration of electronic information resources 428
Bibliography 432