Subdomain or separate folder - Mastertalk. Subdomains or folders. Where to post content: options

Search engines have metrics they apply to pages, such as PR, and metrics they apply to domains and subdomains (TrustRank, various quality scores, mozRank, etc.).

Over the years of experience, observation and testing, the following has been observed:

  • Individual pages benefit from being on powerful domains/subdomains. This is why if someone copies your content to a more authoritative domain, they will rank higher on that domain.
  • Subdomains do NOT always inherit the positive metrics and rankings of other subdomains of the root domain.
  • Some subdomains DO NOT BENEFIT from the root domain. (This applies to sites where any user can create their own subdomain, for example,
  • Folders receive all the benefits of their domain/subdomain.
  • Good linking can help distribute positive traits subdomains (but this doesn’t always work out well).

Based on the above, for a separate part of the content it is better to create a folder in root domain, rather than a subdomain. For example, for a blog it is better to use instead of, and for a subsection it is better to use than

However, there are cases where using subdomains makes sense:

  • You already have pages on your main domain ranked for a specific search query. Search engines do not display more than 2 URLs from one domain on one search page, but they can display several URLs for subdomains of one root domain.
  • If a subdomain, or a combination of subdomain + root domain, forms the ideal anchor text for which you promote the site.

Like subdomains, microsites (separate, independent sites for part of the site’s content) have their own niche:

  • You are launching some kind of product/service completely independent of the main site/business. The undoubted advantage is that such a site will be easier to sell in the future than a subdomain, much less a folder.
  • You are launching some product/service that you would not want to associate with the main brand.
  • You have Domain name for your keywords.
  • You have content that is not related to the main site, and you do not want to clutter the site with it, confusing visitors.

The big problem with microsites is that they don't inherit anything from your main site. They are independent and need to be promoted as independent sites.

Thus, despite undeniable advantages folders, subdomains and microsites have their own scope. Knowing the advantages of each type of content division, choose the one that best suits your specific case, this will help avoid many difficulties.

What could it be?

  • Website of a branch or division of a company in another region
  • Separate brand produced by the same company
  • Language version of the site
  • Additional significant sections of the site - online store, forum.
What are the main differences?

The differences are that search services There are different indicators, such as TCI, PR and others, which can relate to both domains and, for example, individual pages.


The main difference between a subdomain is that it will be perceived by search engines as if it were “another site.” That is, if you have always had a website and now you create a domain - for search engines it will be another site, with initially zero indicators in everything - that is, the TIC will be equal to zero, and so on. But at the same time there is important feature- the subdomain inherits the so-called “problems” of the domain - filters or sanctions.

However, due to this, it is clearly clear where you can get the most benefit from using a subdomain - promotion by region. Yes, this will certainly be a more labor-intensive process, because full-fledged promotion of a subdomain in this case will be comparable to website promotion. But it is the subdomain that can have a clearly defined regionality and be promoted in a certain region.

Another advantage is the ability to have several links in search results on a similar topic from different subdomains. When several pages on a similar topic from one site (from subfolders) compete in a search, the search engine will show only one page that it considers most relevant. If two relevant pages are on different subdomains, then there is a chance to get them both in search results.


The main difference between a folder and a subdomain is that it is perceived by search engines as part of the overall site. That is, it takes over all the indicators of the domain, and will have, for example, the same TCI as the domain itself
Pages hosted in a folder will be indexed faster than a newly created subdomain.

An important advantage, especially for new sites, is that when using folders, the indexing quota increases. Naturally, this only works when quality content, but the search engine will see an increase in the number of pages on the site, they will give relatively good behavioral characteristics, hence the search engine will increase the quota for pages from this site in the search.

Well, the final advantage of using folders is that you don’t have to work with them in terms of SEO as a separate project - as would be the case if you used a subdomain.

In conclusion, let us voice a few general conclusions:

  • Regional sites must be promoted through domains like
  • It is better to organize a forum or blog in a folder if there is no need to keep them separated by geography.
  • If you have an online store and your resources/budgets allow, make it on a subdomain, for example There is a chance to get more space in search results.
  • If you create something radical new service, service or product that is poorly connected with your main site, including using very different semantics - make a subdomain, or maybe just use a completely different domain with a completely different brand.

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If you have a project within the company, you will have to find a place for it on the website. You can create a subdomain or a separate folder, or you can launch the project on its own using a microsite. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Read more about where to place it best new content, Eric Enge told the Stone Temple blog.

It is not always clear how best to structure a website so that search engines like it.

For example, you want to change the structure of an existing site, or you have new content/business strategy and are wondering where to place the materials. The question that should arise first is what is better to create: new domain, subdomain, folder or microsite?

Where to post content: options

Options can be grouped into three main segments:

1. Root domains/second level domains

The root domain is the main domain, for example Although the term "root domain" is commonly used, the correct technical term is second-level domain. This is the site you registered and DNS settings(domain name services).

2. Subdomains / Third-level domains

A subdomain is a third-level domain. Looks like this: Blogs are often posted on it. But a little later I will tell you why this is not always the case. the best choice from an SEO point of view.

3. Folders

Folders on a site contain page files or documents. They can exist either in the root domain or in a subdomain. For the user, folders look like navigation sections of a site.

For example, the “About” folder may contain the following files:

  • (landing page information page)
  • (supporting page)
  • (supporting page)

Folders are an integral part of the path of search crawlers on a website. They create information architecture site, determine how you organize content to separate it by topic.

When to use folders

Folders are often chosen when you want to place content that is different in topic from existing content.

What does it look like

You already have a root domain - The subfolder will exist as part of this main domain. For example,

Because these folders are crawled by search engine crawlers, they directly contribute to how search engines understand and rank the primary domain. However good structure affects not only search robots, but also on the user experience.

Fine organized folders help search engines understand your site better and rank it higher.

By the way, subfolders are registered by the main search engine tools and can be tied to specific countries and languages ​​as needed.

The above screenshot shows the profiles of the main domain, subfolder and separate page in Search Console.

When to use a subdomain

A subdomain may be needed when there is a need to separate some content from the main domain due to the nature of the content, or to make it easier to manage.

Example. The company has a division that is responsible for staff training. The marketing team believes that the training center should have a unique URL. The company creates a subdomain:

Another example you are very familiar with is Google Maps:

Keep in mind that subdomains may not take full advantage of the link juice and other positive metrics of the main domain. For example, a blog created on the platform will not benefit from the authority of the platform.

If you already have content on a subdomain, the consequences of moving it to the main domain are usually not worth the effort. The exception is if you notice a serious problem and you have no other solution.

If you decide to move content from a subdomain to the main domain, there will be a short-term loss of traffic.

When to use a separate root domain (microsite)

I almost never advise clients to post content that is useful to the main resource on separate domain. Although there are a few scenarios where this makes sense.

The decision to use a new domain may result in the creation of a microsite. It is typically focused on one specific marketing initiative or topic.

A microsite is a completely different domain, e.g. This means that in order to attract traffic to it, you will have to devote time to marketing and SEO.

Microsites require significant marketing and search efforts.

All this leads to the fact that you will have to develop separate marketing and SEO programs for the main domain and microsite. This is additional effort and wasted time. This is the reason why I don't recommend setting up a microsite - planning and implementing marketing and advertising campaign Promoting two sites is more difficult than promoting one.

Is this really what you want?

But there are several scenarios that may lead you to choose a microsite:

  • You own a domain that matches a high volume search query such as In this case, it makes sense to use a microsite because it targets the keyword “small dog sweaters.” But be careful with exact match domains. This tactic has been abused by many SEOs in the past.
  • If you are planning to create a website and then sell the domain. This is a good option because you can't sell a subdomain or subfolder.
  • When you want to create a brand within your company or draw attention to an idea/product/service. Microsites work well in this case - you concentrate your marketing efforts on them, and when the need for the campaign disappears, set up redirects to the main domain.

Reasons not to use a separate root domain or microsite

Yes, in some cases a microsite can be useful. But not always. And here are the reasons why I don't recommend you create a separate domain:

  • Search algorithms favor larger, more authoritative domains that have a history.
  • Having multiple sites dilutes the benefits backlinks. So putting content that would benefit your main domain elsewhere defies logic.
  • Niche sites such as microsites do not provide the ability to target a wider range of topics (and keywords) that may be important to your business.

Irina Vinnichenko

Content Marketer SEMANTICA


A microsite helps differentiate some content from the main site by using new colors, a fresh feel, and different placement. This option is suitable if, for example, you created a tool or service within a company, but want it to become an independent brand.

If the new content is significantly different from what you did before, a microsite is also an option. For example, your specialty is SEO. Your website has sections with promotion services, a thematic blog, and pages with reviews from satisfied customers. But then you open a new direction - website development. You have two options - mix everything on one site or distribute directions across different domains.


It turns out that the main reason for creating a microsite is not the benefit for promotion, but the desire to isolate one content from another. If you are more focused on SEO, then a more acceptable option is to create a folder on the main site. Because:

  • Folders benefit from the positive metrics of the primary domain. This means that due to the accumulated positive metrics of the site, new content will receive advantages when crawled by search robots.
  • Folders are user friendly. Correct navigation makes it easier for users to navigate the site.


The disadvantages of folders on the main site are long URLs and lack of opportunities for creativity. You will have to use the colors and design styles of the main site. This is not always good for promoting new services or products. An alternative is a subdomain.

A subdomain is an independent website. It requires separate promotion. Therefore, you should use this option only if your content does not fit into the format of the main site.

TLD - domain top level. Many people wonder when it is appropriate to choose a top-level domain other than .com. Here are some scenarios:

  • You are creating a website for government agency, non-profit organization or educational institution. In such cases, you can use .gov, .org or .edu respectively.
  • If your site is focused on specific geographic areas, you can use a national link. For the UK, for example, the TLD is
  • If you're targeting multiple countries, you can use multiple TLDs. This is one of the cases where having multiple domains is completely normal. But be sure to link them all with tags hreflang.

Is there a difference in website ranking depending on the type of top-level domain? The answer is no, there is no difference.

Many people believe that in the TLD .edu there is some magical power that allows sites educational institutions rank highly. This is fiction. College and university websites tend to have a lot of authority because they attract links. So it's a secret good positions such sites are far from being in the domain.

In fact, there are many types of top-level domains. But in essence, they do not affect rankings. In other words, the presence of a domain .lawyer at a law firm does not mean that the website of this firm will have any additional benefits when ranking

Therefore, if you were unable to register a site with a TLD .com or you wanted to use something more creative, don't worry. This doesn't mean you are at a disadvantage. Gary Ilsh confirmed:

Question: I assume that there is no basis to talk about the relationship between site ranking and the type of TLD. For example, .shop has the same ranking capabilities as .com. I'm right?

Gary: Yes, you're right.

Finding the perfect place for your content

You have many options for what to do with your new content - create a subdomain for it, a separate microsite, or just a folder on the main domain. But in almost all cases, it's better to have one root domain where you direct all your marketing and SEO efforts. Except for some cases which are mentioned above in the article, this solution will provide the most benefits.

While some marketing and business decisions may sway you toward creating a subdomain or microsite, you should carefully weigh the long-term benefits and risks associated with the option you choose before deciding.

Sometimes, due to various reasons, there is a need to create a second or more sites based on your main site. Possible solutions- two. Create a subdomain or create a subfolder.

In the meantime, let's figure it out what are 1st level domains, 2nd level domains, and 3rd level domains.

1st level domain. .ru, .rf, .com, .net. In fact, there are quite a lot of 1st level domains. There are hundreds if not thousands of them. These domains are issued primarily to countries. .ru, .kz and so on. Thematic domains are also issued. .com, .net, .info, .org, etc.

Buy a first level domain, ordinary users not particularly realistic. Yes, and this is not necessary. Because site visitors simply won’t understand it.

2nd level domain. This is perhaps the most common type of domain. This means that first there is a name chosen by the owner, then domain zone, to which the site belongs. This is a second-level domain name. This is the domain zone to which the ruseo website belongs. And this is the main type of sites on the Internet.

3rd level domain. An example of such a site is That is, here the site name consists of three parts. – ru, wordpress, However, as a rule, third-level domains are used on all kinds of free hosting, of which there are a great many. Hence some dislike and wariness both on the part of search engines and on the part of ordinary users.

What is a subfolder?

Any website can have a complex structure. And have your own subfolders. In this case, the site address may look like this. or In fact, there can be very many subfolders a large number of. Moreover, each subfolder can contain its own subfolders. For example, and and so on.

Of course, unless absolutely necessary, it is undesirable to create a complex site structure. Because the ordinary user it will be difficult to find on the Internet specific page Online. However, if the site is really big, then there is no other choice.
So what's the difference between them?

And the answer is actually quite simple. A site that uses subfolders is indexed search engines as one whole. That is, if you type links to pages located in subfolders, then the quantity and quality of these links will affect the entire site.

Thus, you can type links to the site, for example to the blog section. And these links will also affect another section. For example, to the forum section. Thus, by promoting one section, you are simultaneously promoting another section.
Thus, in most cases, the use of subfolders is more justified, since this makes it easier to promote the entire site.

So why use a 3rd level domain.

As I already said, a 3rd level domain is often used on free hosting. Then, your hosting provider allocates you a 3rd level domain, sitting on the 2nd level domain of the hosting provider itself. It should be kept in mind that the actual owner of the 3rd level domain is the owner of the 2nd level. That is, in in this case, he will be able to take your domain away from you at any time. That is, simply assign.

But there are other uses for third-level domains. One of these applications is the need for various languages for site. Of course, this should already be a large site that operates simultaneously in different countries. I have already given one such example above. This is the Russian-language section of the site dedicated to WordPress. In fact, there are quite a lot of such sites.

There are other uses for a 3rd level domain. It can be used for temporary testing. That is, you can create a website And already try it on it various topics, various plugins and so on. After all, mistakes that will be made on this site will not affect search results main site.

In general, where exactly to use a subdomain and where to use a subfolder depends on the specific goals. But speaking on average, in most cases (especially for promotion purposes) using a subfolder is more justified.

Therefore, we move on "right off the bat." The algorithm of actions depends on what control panel you have on your hosting. Therefore, next we will look at the most popular panels and show how to correctly create subdomains in them.

Important! You cannot create subdomains with the names mail or smtp (for example, or, because they are usually reserved for proper operation postal services.

Own control panel

Because Since their own (custom-written) control panels are developed by hosting providers independently, they are very different from each other. Therefore, provide you complete instructions we cannot, even if we really want it. The best option It will be possible to independently find information on the hoster’s website. But there is a universal algorithm that is relevant for any hosting provider:

1. Find the section "Sites", "Domains" or something similar. It usually has a "Subdomains" or "Subdomains" section. Go there, click “Add”, and if necessary, specify the folder in which the files of the new site should be stored. But usually the folder is created itself and corresponds to the name of the subdomain.

2. Upload the site files to the appropriate folder, and your site on the new subdomain should be up and running in 1-8 hours.

How to create a subdomain in cPanel

1. On home page find Subdomains and click there.

2. In field 1, enter the name of the subdomain, in field 2, select the main site to which our subdomain will be attached, and field 3 should fill in by itself. If it is not filled in, then enter the home directory address for the new site (subdomain) there. After that, click “Create”.

The folder is created automatically, upload the site there and it will start working.

How to create a subdomain in ISPmanager

1. On the main page of the control panel, find the "WWW domains" section.

2. Click the “Create” or “Add” button.

3. In the window that appears, fill in the following fields:
Domain name : the name of our subdomain.
Nicknames: The field will fill in automatically.
The root folder : leave it on auto, and then your website files will need to be uploaded to the directory /www/ or specify this folder yourself.
Owner: You need to select a user.
IP address And Encoding: don't touch.
Index page : we enter here the name of the page that will open when requesting the main page of the site (usually this is index.php).
PHP: Be sure to specify "PHP as an Apache module".

For a site on a new subdomain to start working, you need to upload its files to root folder, which was created after filling the previous window. But it may take from 1 to 8 hours until the site becomes available, because... this time is needed to update DNS records.