Hosting from your PC. Virtual hosting and your own domain on your home computer

  • DNS
  • Hosting
  • I (like many web developers) have a dozen websites that need to be hosted somewhere.

    The sites practically do not bring profit, since these are some old works (according to various reasons did not go into production), Homepage, the site is launched beautiful mail etc. But at the same time, it’s a pity to abandon these sites, and therefore you have to spend very real money on them every month to buy hosting. The money, frankly speaking, is small, but nevertheless it is a pity, since there is no return from the sites.

    At the same time, we have in stock:

    • Home server on Ubuntu
    • Fast ethernet internet from MTS
    But there is no key - static IP. If he was, then everything would be much simpler and this article I definitely wouldn't write it. And my MTS absolutely does not want to issue a static IP (unless I connect as a business client).

    Of course there are well-known Dynamic DNS services like, but they only successfully solve the problem remote access to our server (via SSH or FTP), but they are not suitable for hosting at all, since in the domain settings on the DNS server we need to register an A record with a real IP address (and not a link to our virtual domain).

    What to do?

    I won't go into detail on how to set up linux server(and even more so how to choose it), since I assume that you already have it. Also, I will not describe in detail the settings of nginx and Apache, since again I assume that you can handle this on your own.

    The first thing I had problems with was how to redirect visitors from my domains (I have 2 domains) to my home server. That is, so that the client who types gets exactly to my home server, taking into account the fact that the IP address on it changes every day.

    To solve this, we need to configure the DNS server, namely the following records: SOA, NS, MX, A, CNAME. It is important that we have the ability to configure TTL (time to live), since the lifetime of our recordings should be very short, literally 60-120 seconds. Otherwise, when changing the server IP address, users will not be able to get to our server for a long time (due to caching).

    So we need DNS server, solution options:

    Let's consider both options.

    We use services that provide us with DNS hosting

    There is a series for this free services, of which the most popular is On such services, you can add your domain(s) and be able to update their A-record via the API using a small script.

    It looks quite good, but the catch is that these services reserve the right to add third-level subdomains to your domain. That is, you registered with them, and they easily add their sites like,, and so on. Of course, you can refuse this, but... for money. I don’t see the point in paying money for such services, since for comparable money you can buy full-fledged hosting on some provider without any fuss about DNS settings.

    We will not consider the remaining services, but will focus on the second option.

    We use our own DNS server in conjunction with a DDNS domain

    For this option, firstly, we must have a DDNS domain (which is updated when the IP changes), for example,, and secondly, we will have to install and configure BIND on our server.

    In total you need to take exactly 5 steps. Everywhere, the words “domain” or “” mean your domain name (short or full).

    1. Set up 2 or 3 DDNS subdomains
    Why 2 or 3? Because a number of registrants will not allow you to use a domain with only one NS server. The most annoying thing is that not everyone will say about it - your domain simply won’t work, but you won’t understand why.

    Everything is simple here - go to, register an account there and add 3 free subdomains (more than 3 will not work).

    2. Set up your own DNS server
    Install BIND:

    $ sudo apt-get install bind9
    We create zones (one zone for each of our domains):

    $ sudo nano /etc/bind/
    with content:

    Zone "" ( type master; file "/etc/bind/"; );
    and the actual file with the zone settings:

    $ nano /etc/bind/
    and write inside:

    ; ; BIND data file for local loopback interface; $TTL 60 @ IN SOA (1477015437; Serial 10800; Refresh 3600; Retry 604800; Expire 1800) ; Negative Cache TTL @ IN NS @ IN NS @ IN NS @ IN MX 10 @ IN A mail IN CNAME * IN CNAME
    Note: Please note that we set the TTL to 60 seconds. In the file /etc/bind/named.conf.local we add the connection for our zone:

    Include "/etc/bind/";
    That's it, let's restart BIND:

    $ sudo service bind9 restart
    And look at /var/log/syslog so that there are no error messages there

    3. Set up our domain(s)
    We go to the registrar’s control panel and there in the settings of our domain we indicate the created DDNS subdomains as NS servers:

    Nameserver1 = nameserver2 = nameserver3 =
    After this, you may have to wait several hours (or even a day) while the settings are replicated between all servers.

    4. Configure periodic IP address updates
    My router supports updating the IP address on one domain, but I need to do this for 3 domains at once. Plus, we need to update the IP address in the BIND config, so we’ll write a script that will do:
    1. Determine our external IP address
    2. Check if the IP address has changed; if it hasn’t, then you don’t need to do anything.
    3. Update the IP address of all DDNS subdomains via Service API
    4. Register a new IP address in the BIND config
    5. Restart BIND
    Let the script itself be in the shell:

    #!/bin/sh # This script works via service + local Bind server # Settings IP_FILE=./current_ip.txt DDNS_USER=user DDNS_PASS=password DDNS_HOSTS=domain.,, # Start DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # detect an external IP IP=$ (dig +short $DDNS_HOST) if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z $IP ] || [ $IP = "" ] ; then echo "$DATE Can"t detect a remote IP. Aborting." exit 1 fi # verify IP changing PREV_IP="(unknown)" if [ -e $IP_FILE ] ; then PREV_IP=$(cat $IP_FILE) fi if [ $IP = $PREV_IP ] ; then echo "$DATE IP "$IP" has not changed" else echo "$DATE IP has been changed from "$PREV_IP" to "$IP"" echo "$DATE IP will be updated on DDNS server" /usr/bin/curl -u $DDNS_USER :$DDNS_PASS "$DDNS_HOSTS&myip=$IP" fi echo $IP > $IP_FILE # check BIND config cd /etc/bind if [ ! ZONES_CONFIG ] ; then echo "$DATE File $ZONES_CONFIG not found!" exit 1 fi # read the list of active zones ZONE_FILES=$(grep file $ZONES_CONFIG | grep -v ^# | perl -ne "/file "(.+)"/ && print "$1\n"") for ZONE_FILE in $ZONE_FILES; do echo "$DATE Process the zone config $ZONE_FILE" cat $ZONE_FILE | perl -ne "s/([\t ]+IN[\t ]+A[\t ]+)[\d\ .]*/\$(1)$(IP)/; print \$(_)" > $ZONE_FILE.tmp if [ $(diff -w $ZONE_FILE $ZONE_FILE.tmp | wc -l) -ne 0 ] ; then # update serial number STAMP=$(date +%s) cat $ZONE_FILE.tmp | perl -ne "s/\d+(?=.+Serial)/$STAMP/; print \$(_)" > $ZONE_FILE # reload BIND service bind9 reload echo "$DATE Config $ZONE_FILE is updated" else # nothing to do rm $ZONE_FILE.tmp echo "$DATE Config $ZONE_FILE is NOT changed" fi done
    The script needs to be run as root (so that it has enough rights to update BIND configs and restart it). We add it to root’s crontab to run it every minute:

    * * * * * cd /home/root && ./ >> /var/log/update_bind_config.log
    A few words about determining the current IP address. In the script above, this is done through resolving the DDNS subdomain That is, first our router registers it there, and then we read it. This is not a very good option, since we are tied to the router and can lose several minutes while the IP address is updated on the DDNS subdomain to the current one. During this time our server will be unavailable.

    Therefore, I used an improved version for myself, which at the same time does not access the Internet:

    IP=$(perl -le "use LWP::UserAgent; my $content=LWP::UserAgent->new->get("http://router")->decoded_content(); $content =~ q( ([\d\.]+)); print $1")
    IN this option we are loading home page router (via http), then use regexp to find the current IP address on it. Of course, this option is not suitable for everyone, but DD-WRT firmware works.

    5. Setting up the router
    I have already written about the need to configure access to the DDNS service, but do not forget about the need to configure port forwarding on your router:
    • HTTP - TCP, port 80
    • DNS - TCP+UDP, port 53


    So what I got in the end:
    • My sites live on home server, for which I don’t pay anyone;
    • My domains are resolved through my own DNS server, the lifetime of records is 1 minute, that is, the update happens very quickly;
    • The NS records are not real IP addresses (which change frequently for me), but DDNS subdomains;
    • The relevance of records in DDNS subdomains and in the config of my DNS server is ensured automatically, without any intervention on my part.
    According to my measurements, when MTS (my provider) updates my IP address, my sites start working after about 2 minutes. This is quite acceptable to me.

    P.S. If someone liked this article, then I can write a second part, where I will tell you how to set up work using Yandex DNS hosting. This will allow you to abandon your own DNS server, abandon DDNS subdomains, and also slightly improve the reliability of operation (since the DNS server will never change its IP). This is exactly the scheme I am using at the moment.

    Have you ever wondered how difficult it is to create your own hosting? You may ask, why? Firstly, for fun, and secondly, to understand how to choose the right hosting from hosting companies. Thirdly, no one has canceled the commercial attractiveness of own hosting. Of course, creating your own hosting is not an easy task, but it is an interesting one, and looking through the options for hosting rental offers, you understand what comes to mind for many.

    How to create your own hosting

    I won’t dwell long on the ethical side of creating commercial hosting. When creating a product for sale, you need to understand that this is not entertainment, but serious work on which strangers. Initially, there is no need to try to create garbage projects and make enemies and networks. If you want to work with creating hosting services, start with a mini project “for your own”, then move on. So, 4 ways to create your own hosting.

    Cloud hosting

    Usage VDS servers on with breaking it into hosting pieces, the idea lies on the surface. The attractiveness of using a VDS server is its low cost and the ability to gradually increase resources. But this is at first glance.

    The evolution of creating VDS hosting is simple:

    • We take a cheap VDS, 500-600 rubles per month. This will be 1 GB of RAM, 10 GB of disk and 1 TB of traffic. For example, here:
    • We rent or take forever a control panel, for example ISPmanager Business (1939 RUB/month, perpetual license 27,000 rub.). We install it on a rented VDS. If you can’t handle it yourself, hire a network administration company. For example,
    • For billing, we buy, in the same place, a second VDS. For billing, we buy a BILLmanager billing license. To begin with, we limit ourselves to the Standard version (6,869 rubles per year).

    This option seems inexpensive at first glance. But even with average loads on sites, you will have to buy additional traffic and spend money on storing backup copies.

    Dedicated server hosting

    The second option for your hosting, and it is the most common, is to purchase a dedicated server. The creation mechanism is as follows:

    • We buy a dedicated server. For example: Cost 39 Euro, random access memory 32 GB, SATA drive 8 TB, 1 Gb/sec pass.
    • For management, we take the same ISPmanager Business panel (1939 rubles / month). We install it on our server.
    • For billing, we buy a cheap VDS with a BILLmanager Advanced license (1030 rubles per month, / 20606 rubles perpetual).

    Hosting with minimal losses

    As you can see from the prices, creating hosting is expensive. When creating hosting, we understand that we may not be able to cope with various problems, which will be on hosting, we may not be able to handle the settings and protection, we may not find clients at all and recoup the costs. Therefore, we rent VDS with minimal costs, we rent the panel and billing monthly and in case of failure, we carefully close it down with minimal losses.

    Reselling program – resale of hosting services

    There are companies with BillManager Corporate that allow you to sell your services to reseller accounts, like billing-billing. The scheme works like this:

    • There is external billing, Corporate, possibly Advanced;
    • The option to resell is available and activated on the billing;
    • Create a reseller account there;
    • Create a server, install billing on it, connect a reseller account, import tariff plans;

    You can start resale:

    On external billing there is a hosting service for 150 rubles, the client goes to your billing on your server and makes an order. There is an invoice on your reseller account, and when a customer places an order, it is transferred to external billing, and you receive order data.

    Real income, with a large number of projects.

    It’s better to look at how this works in a reseller program, for example here:

    These are just the most general steps for creating your own hosting. There are a lot of other tasks: creating correct domain for hosting, working with DNS clients, defence from DDoS attacks. Despite all the problems, your own hosting is the same business as any other, with problems, tasks and their solutions.

    Meet Demyan. An aspiring Russian blogger who is tired of posting his notes on Tumblr and wants his own website. But Demyan is greedy. So greedy that he feels sorry for $3 a month for hosting.

    One day, Demyan was told that he could create hosting directly on his computer. And not just hosting, but a whole dedicated server that will host not only a blog, but also an online store where Demyan will sell his T-shirts, hats and other merch.

    In this article, we will talk about how Demyan made his hosting. And also why the stingy pays twice.


    Demyan can turn a computer into hosting in about an hour. But first he needs to prepare.


    Demyan does not have a computer - he only has a laptop from which he uses VK and scrolls through photos on Instagram. Even Demyan understands that doing hosting on an old laptop that he carries with him everywhere is somehow not comme il faut.

    Demyan doesn’t want to buy a computer in local stores - everyone knows that local prices are higher! That's why he goes to bourgeois and, mourning his blood money, collects for himself system unit. Demyan settles on a dual-core Pentium G4560 and 4 GB of RAM, which costs him $250. He spends another $50 on delivery.

    Seeing the prices for Windows, Demyan faints. But Demyan is not friends with Linux at all and doesn’t want to get acquainted. He downloads pirated Windows and installs it, promising to buy a license later - from the first profit.


    Without good internet Demyan cannot do without it - how else will crowds of enthusiastic readers come to him? And the current 10 Mbit/s doesn’t even allow him to watch YouTube properly.

    Sighing sadly, Demyan walks around providers in search of cheap 100 Mbit/s. Having learned why he needs such a channel, all providers immediately point their finger at the User Agreement and offer only special rates for hosting - 5 times more expensive. And some don’t allow hosting at all. Finally, Demyan finds a new provider who is ready to connect his hosting for500 rubles per month - but only for the first time.

    There, Demyan connects a dedicated IP address. This costs another100 rubles per month.

    Installing server software

    Having assembled his car and connecting a monitor found at a flea market to it, Demyan finally gets to work. After reading the forums, he finds out that in order for his hosting to work with modern CMS, he needs special programs - Apache server, PHP, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, etc.

    You can download them and install them one at a time - but this is long, difficult and can lead to version conflicts. Fortunately, Demyan is shown a set of programs that will install and configure everything for him - Wampserver.

    Half an hour later, Demyan figures out how to install Wampserver correctly, registers domains, connects them to the server, and starts installing WordPress, rather rubbing his hands together.


    Let's calculate how much money Demyan managed to save:

    1. Electricity. The average electricity tariff in Russia is 5.31 rubles/kWh. Average computer consumes about 600 Wh. This means that Demyan pays 2,300 rubles a month for electricity alone.
    2. Internet. 100 Mbit/s costs Demyan 500 rubles per month + 100 for IP. And he was also very lucky with a generous provider.

    From this we get that a dedicated server costs Demyan 2,950 rubles per month.


    1. No technical support. All problems are solved by Demyan himself, using instructions and forums.
    2. Demyan has nightmares about his electricity bills. It’s good that he has a single-tariff system and doesn’t have to pay for overspending.
    3. The presence of a blog on the Internet depends on the city power grid.
    4. Unlicensed Windows on the server forces Demyan to twitch every time the doorbell rings.

    And Unihost offers approximately the same server for only 2,500 rubles per month, without all of the above problems. That is, Demyan “cheated” himself out of 450 rubles a month, and also got into trouble with the law.

    What do you need to know to create your own?

    First, you need to understand the essence of this service. Hosting combines high-quality equipment and software on the one hand, and the provision of maintenance services with. Many experts note that service is the most important component, since finding companies with high-quality equipment and software is not a problem.

    Secondly, you need to understand that hosting, like any business, requires initially significant financial expenses, which will not pay off immediately. Therefore, before creating your own hosting, you need to make an approximate cost estimate and allocate the required amount from your own budget (or receive from another source).

    Thirdly, you need to understand the hardware and software and/or find ones that will work as technical support for customers. It should be understood that calls will come constantly and they will need to be answered quickly and problems that arise just as quickly resolved. The number of employees involved will be closely dependent on the hosting.

    Ways to create your own hosting

    There are three main ways to create your own hosting.

    1. The first is to become a reseller, this method is the cheapest. A reseller is a person who purchased servers from a well-known hosting company and sells space on the server, as well as being responsible for technical support. However, since it is not owned by a reseller, technical support will be hampered by a number of obstacles (for example, the inability to carry out effective control server, reboot it, etc.)

    2. The second way is to rent an entire server from a hosting company. This will be significantly more expensive, but this method has a number of advantages that resellers do not have. In particular, the ability to install your own software on the server, the ability to control it, and as a result, more efficient technical support.

    3. The third method is to independently purchase a server and place it in a Data Center on a space rental basis. The advantages of this method are cheaper rent. The disadvantage is the need to buy a server, which is quite expensive.

    Stages of creating hosting

    • Drawing up project estimates and funds.

    • Development tariff plans for website owners.

    • Determining the method of creating hosting (resellership, server rental, space in the Data Center).

    • Development marketing strategy to promote your services on the Internet and find clients.

    • Creation of hosting and its .

    • Hiring staff

    Video on the topic


    • how to make your own website hosting

    Every webmaster who decides to create his own commercial project has many questions. The success of the created hosting largely depends on a number of factors. You need to be patient, a certain amount of money and knowledge in English which you will need to read technical documentation, settings and installation of control panels.

    You will need

    • - Dedicated server;
    • - server control panel;
    • - technical support staff.


    The most important stage is the sites for its placement. You can, of course, use existing control panels to create hosting, which are offered by many modern hosting providers, but in this case the success of your project will be limited.

    To begin, select the data center from which you will buy a dedicated server. Check out the hardware of the selected Dediks, find out more about maintenance, and if possible, pay a visit to the office of the selected company to receive real performance about the state of the servers and the server room. A true data center is independent of geographic location.

    Choose software that suits you and that you are more or less familiar with. So to serve IIS server under Windows control, will have to read a large number of configuration information and always be aware of all vulnerabilities. It is important to install on time Latest updates systems, because this is primarily a matter of safety. If you have made a choice in favor of Unix, then you must know the system and be able to handle the console.

    Hello, dear readers of Habr. With this material we begin a series of publications on how to build VPS hosting from scratch based on the RUVDS White Label API.

    In this introductory publication, we will tell you what you need to do first in order to start making your first profit from your own VPS hosting as soon as possible, how to do it relatively quickly and how feasible and profitable it is. If you decide to create your own VPS hosting from scratch, but you do not have your own infrastructure or do not have the funds and time to create it, welcome to cat.

    Do you need a website

    To organize your own VPS service, you will first need 2 things - a website on which you will offer VPS server rental services and a service provider that will provide you with favorable partnership conditions for these purposes, its infrastructure and a reliable API with wide possibilities. What is an API? This is an interface using which you can provide your clients with all the same server management capabilities that your service provider provides to its clients.

    Integrating a website with your VPS provider via API will be much cheaper and faster than creating your own cloud infrastructure from scratch, since in this case it “takes care of” many issues: you don’t need to worry about the availability of a sufficient amount of resources from the provider, , how to organize a wide and fault-tolerant channel for Internet access with virtual servers, how to collect and store data on resource usage by servers, and so on.

    Now about the site. There can be many options here, we will list the most common:

    • you are the owner of a website that offers related services (domain checking/registration, DNS server rental, remote administration servers).
    • you create your website from scratch using popular CMS and plugins for it.
    • you order a website from a web studio
    • enter your option
    First - best option, since in order to add new service renting VPS servers, you will need very few modifications: you won’t have to write many of the things listed below from scratch. When creating your website from scratch, launch dates may vary significantly the worst side. You will need to implement all the components listed below yourself (or use the implementations third party developers, having previously tested and adapted them to your project). We recommend using the third option only if you lack necessary knowledge on website creation or the inability to make your website the way you want.

    Let's start

    What should be implemented on this site?

    Registration, user authentication/authorization, password recovery, feedback form.

    All hosting providers without exception have this. Your future client must be able to register, recover his password if he loses it, have Personal Area on the website with up-to-date information about its balance, purchased servers, etc. Also, he must be given the opportunity to report the problem to technical support. In order to avoid mass registration“fake” accounts, we recommend not to neglect the funds additional protection, like captcha on forms, and also save about the user maximum amount available information, which can help if any violations are detected on his part. IN in this case, there are many ready-made solutions, requiring minor modifications. If you plan to create your website based on a CMS, then the above-described functionality is either implemented to some extent or can be easily connected using plugins.

    Client personal data management

    It should be implemented to some extent, but you can do without it. This functionality does not block the launch of your service.

    Client server management

    What should be on a given page of your site depends on how much you want to use the available functionality of your service provider and how much control over the server you will give your client. For example, you can create a dedicated server for him after depositing the required amount into the balance and his written request to technical support, or you can provide it with a full configurator for fine tuning characteristics of the server, as well as interfaces for changing the configuration during operation, obtaining server load statistics, various possibilities like reinstalling the OS and so on. The launch speed of your VPS hosting will vary significantly depending on the option chosen. We will consider this issue in more detail in the following articles from this series.

    Possibility of use test period

    Obviously, for the initial promotion of your new VPS hosting service, you will need to implement the possibility of using a test period. This is necessary so that your client can decide for himself whether the price you advertise for VPS rental corresponds to the quality of the services you provide. What should you consider when implementing? First of all, you need to select the number of days. You shouldn’t make the test period too long - clients who just want to get their hands on your service will register free server for a certain period, and after the test period ends, they will register new account and try to use the trial period again. In order to protect you to some extent from such clients, you definitely need to learn how to identify them. This is especially important at the initial stage of development of your service, as for each such client you will receive less potential profit. You should also take into account that a long test period will not be very beneficial for you, since there is no test period on your affiliate account, to which all the servers you create are linked.


    How will clients top up their balance and buy servers? Of course, we will need another very important component, billing. What do we include in the concept of “billing”? Of course, this includes creating/editing current tariffs, interfaces for accepting customer payments, internal mechanisms for processing payments, creating promotions / discounts, monitoring tools.

    You should approach the implementation of your own or the integration of third-party billing into your project especially responsibly, because the ability to purchase a VPS server on your website (read your first money) directly depends on the performance of this component. To quickly start accepting money from the most popular payment systems, we recommend that you use payment aggregators. Why? Firstly, integrating with one aggregator is much faster and easier than integrating with each of the payment systems it provides. This is due to the fact that each payment system your own interaction protocol, which needs to be correctly implemented and work with it unified within your system, which is extremely labor-intensive. Secondly, you have one interface that provides most of the necessary functionality for working with customer payments - this is the aggregator’s personal account. Of course, you will have to pay an additional commission for all this, but in our opinion, this solution is optimal when creating your own VPS service.

    Of course, before integrating with a payment aggregator, your site must meet certain requirements. As an example, we can cite the requirements of the payment aggregator paymaster:

    • the site must be completely filled with information and function;
    • the site must consist of more than one page;
    • the website must contain information about the goods and services sold, as well as the cost of these goods and services;
    • the site should not be hosted on free hosting;
    • products and services offered on the site must not conflict current legislation Russian Federation and international law;

    Also, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the list of payment systems, as a rule, is much wider if you enter into an agreement as legal entity. In some cases, connecting certain payment systems may take quite a long time, since your site must meet the requirements of each payment system provided by the aggregator, and the verification procedure is carried out on the side of the payment system.

    Financial aspect

    We have come to one of the most important aspects(if not the most important) - financial. Working with your VPS service provider should be profitable. Let's consider why it is profitable to organize a VPS server rental service by choosing the RUVDS provider as a service provider.

    Let's take the most popular VPS configurations based on operating system Windows Server 2012 R2 and present some data that we obtained when analyzing the VPS services market in Russia as of February 2016:







    Number of processors






    RAM capacity, GB






    Disk capacity, GB, HDD






    Number of IPv4 addresses






    Current configuration price

    When paying monthly

    300 rub.

    600 rub.

    1400 rub.

    2980 rub.

    5720 rub.

    When paying annually

    2880 rub.

    5760 rub.

    13440 rub.

    28608 rub.

    54912 rub.

    In order to estimate your potential earnings, we present the gain in price of configurations compared to the average price of competitors:

    Also, do not forget that we have expenses for paying commissions for transfers and withdrawals to payment systems.

    Current discount for creating servers with using the API amounts to 10% .
    How to estimate potential earnings from one server given configuration, purchased for a month? You can use the following formula:
    Earnings = Current. price RUVDS * 10% + Difference with the average configuration - Expenses for payment of commissions.

    Calculation example for configuration 3:

    Earnings = 1400 * 0.1 + 794 (rounded down) -240 = 694 rubles.

    This is earnings from one server. When your clients purchase 25-30 servers of this configuration, you will earn an amount of earnings already in 20 thousand rubles per month.

    In the following articles we will talk in detail about the possibilities