What to do if Google Chrome doesn't work. Why won't Google Chrome open on my computer? Damage to system files

Sometimes it turns out that many PC users do not open Google Chrome. Quite often the reasons may be inexplicable - everything was fine in the evening, but now “glitches” are happening. So let's figure out why and how to deal with this situation.

Why does this happen

Computer problems are quite common. These often include various problems with web browsers. "Google Chrome", "Mozilla", "Explorer" - it doesn't matter what program you have installed. The main thing is that “glitches” do not bypass any option.

So, let's try to figure it out. The most common startup hindrance is the antivirus program. Absolutely any. Problems can also be caused by viruses and various installed programs. Let's look at each reason separately to find out why the Google Chrome browser does not open.


No matter how strange it may sound, antivirus programs can not only serve the benefit of the user, but also harm them. This happens because many people do not look at what pages and addresses they go to. If you click on a malicious link that does not contain Trojans or worms, you may end up with a not very pleasant situation - the browser will stop working when you restart. More precisely, the process will start, but there will be no “picture”.

IN in this case you need to check the system for viruses, then disable the antivirus and try to launch your browser. If this doesn't help, uninstall the web program completely and reinstall it. Everything should work.

Sometimes the reason that Google Chrome does not open can be: It will perceive the browser as a prohibited process and then block it. In this case, disable your antivirus and firewall and try to start working.


A fairly common answer to the question of why Google Chrome does not start is the presence of viruses on the computer. It’s good if they don’t devour your system, but only get to the browser. Although an unpleasant phenomenon, it is tolerable.

If you suspect that your computer is not running Google Chrome, the first thing to do is run an antivirus program. Which one to use is up to you to decide. However, we would recommend Doctor Web to you - it is easy to get and use without effort. In addition, this “antivirus” has so-called free demo versions that help detect “infection” on the computer. In this case, you do not have to buy the final product.

So, once you have decided which antivirus program to use, launch it. During checks, leave the computer alone - close all programs and games, including browsers (if any are running and open). When the computer completes the scan, disinfect all detected files; delete any that cannot be cured.

Be careful - important system data may be found among malicious programs. Therefore, before you start working with antiviruses, save all the important data that you need. Yes, just in case.

Restart your computer after the scan and treatment are complete. After that, try to launch Google Chrome. If all is unsuccessful, completely remove the browser with all bookmarks and other data, and then reinstall it. Everything should go back to normal.


Of course, if all the previous methods turned out to be useless, there is only one way out - reinstalling the system. Of course, you can rollback. However, from all problems, as they say system administrators, “there is one cure - take down the Windu and that’s it.”

So, when you decide to take this difficult step, find installation disk"Windows". Before doing this, write down important personal information in advance so as not to lose it. Insert the installation disc into your computer and wait for it to start.

Select "installation" operating system Windows". A window will open in front of you to select the method of carrying out the process - "clean" and "shallow" installation. In order to get rid of worries about why Google Chrome does not start, it is better to choose the first option. Next, using simple actions format HDD and select the path Windows installations. Wait for the process to complete. The computer will reboot about 3 times - don’t be alarmed. Next, install the browser and use it as before. Now you know what to do if Google Chrome does not open.

Google Chrome has good positions among all known browsers. This is facilitated by stability, a rich set of extensions, good performance and the ability to sync across multiple devices. But even this web page reading monster can sometimes start to fail. The most well-known problem among users is when Google Chrome does not start. Below we will present several options for solving this common problem.

Google Chrome won't start: first steps

The first thing you can do without much effort is to restart your computer. This operation will not delete necessary files, will not break the browser tab structure and will avoid other similar problems.

The second thing to try is to update your video card drivers. The fact is that Google Chrome uses performance power GPUs to optimize the opening of web pages. The update will not harm the system in any way, so you can try this method.

It will also be useful to look into the task manager and analyze how many megabytes are spent on processes. If there is no unnecessary waste of resources, and the memory is full to capacity, then it’s worth visiting the nearest electronics store and buying a memory stick. Sometimes it is possible that the browser is already running, and due to some failure, the second instance of Google Chrome does not start.

Virus check

Antivirus protection is also important for stable operation all systems and the browser in particular. Many malware actively use memory to solve their problems. At the same time remaining free random access memory may not be enough for Google launch Chrome.

In addition, there is a group of viruses that are tied specifically to the operation of the browser, as they cause the spontaneous opening of advertising and phishing sites to steal the user’s personal data. If the computer is completely absent antivirus protection, then it’s time to worry about installing it. To quickly treat the system, you can use “one-time” utilities that can scan all existing objects for viruses and neutralize them without installation.

Checking system files

If Google Chrome won't start despite the previous steps, then it's time to check the integrity of important system files. For this purpose the standard Windows utility, which comes included and is called SFC. To launch it you will have to use command line. But everything is quite simple - you just need to open it and enter SFC.exe /scsnnow. The /scannow switch says that you need to scan once and do it immediately. After pressing the "Enter" key, the process will begin. Upon completion, a message will be displayed indicating how many files were damaged, and whether there were any. If the system automatically restored the faulty files found, it will notify you about this. By the way, this utility can be used without having visible faults, to prevent future problems and eliminate them in the first stages.

In addition to this utility, you can manually check hosts file, in which viral and harmful sites like to register. It exists in the path C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc. In this folder you need to find the hosts file and open it with notepad. It should not contain unnecessary lines and addresses.

Reinstalling the browser

To solve the problem in a universal way, you need to install Google Chrome. There are, however, several side effects associated with this. For example, important tabs will be lost. But you can take care of this in advance by exporting them to a file or setting up synchronization. But saved passwords will still be lost. It is worth considering this when deciding to install Google Chrome. In general, there are several ways to save all entered passwords on websites and social networks. For example, you can create a copy of the profile Google user Chrome in its entirety.

Download Google Chrome latest version You can by going to Google from another browser and typing the name of what you are looking for. Next, the installer will be downloaded, which, after launch, will install the browser in automatic mode. It is worth noting that changing the bit depth sometimes also saves you from startup problems. Before downloading Google Chrome, you need to pay attention to which browser is ready to download - 64 or 32-bit.

Why won't Google Chrome launch?

If antivirus software is installed on the system software and it has its own firewall, it is worth checking all its settings. Perhaps somehow the browser accidentally ended up on the list of programs that are subject to blocking when accessing the Internet. The same applies to staff Windows Firewall. If it is active, then just in case you should add Google Chrome to the list of exceptions.


Some extensions that many people install in Chrome and forget about can consume a large amount of resources. If Google browser Chrome won't launch, then maybe that's the problem. To try to launch Chrome without extensions, you need to use command line switches.

You need to register them in the properties of the Google Chrome shortcut, in the “Object” item. The --disable-extensions switch is responsible for disabling extensions during browser startup. The complete line should look like this:

"C:\Users\User1\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable- extensions. If the installation was successful, it means that it was the extensions that prevented Chrome from starting.


To avoid having to periodically search for similar articles on the Internet, you need to carefully monitor the system. After all, the performance of all components depends on it. You should check the OS for viruses, update it, pay attention to the web resources you visit and downloaded files. If the system begins to slow down, then you should not postpone the solution, but restore it immediately. It makes sense to periodically create a copy of your profile so as not to lose data, passwords and bookmarks.

There are many reasons why the Google Chrome browser does not open. Some of these problems can be easily identified and fixed by any PC user. Other problems lurk beneath the surface system settings, and here unqualified intervention can cause serious damage. If you encounter incomprehensible situations while launching the software, it is better not to experiment, but to seek help from a service company.

It happens that Chrome for a long time worked smoothly, and one day, without apparent reason, stopped even opening, then the following could happen.

  • Random settings failure.
  • The software executive files are damaged.
  • Something happened in system registries Windows.
  • The computer has become infected with viruses.

To begin with, you can consider the most common, easily fixable problems.

Security services block your browser

If the firewall is turned on and antivirus software is installed on the computer, Chrome may have been mistakenly blacklisted and will not start.

To check this direction, sequentially disable the firewall, antivirus, then try to launch the program. If everything is fine, then you need to go into the settings of the security services and specify the allowed status. Or add it to the list of exceptions to block.

Windows system files are changed or damaged

Then not only browsers, but also other programs may not work. The simplest thing you can do is roll back the system to a more recent one. early state. Remember to create return points? If you don't do this, in situations of force majeure you will have no way to retreat. Simple advice: if you see that the desktop works just fine, so to speak, it flies, don’t be lazy, open the System Restore interface, add this to the list good point countdown.

If after restoring the system Chrome started working in normal mode, it means there was a problem with the system. The power supply may have been unexpectedly interrupted during a previous session. This often leads to disruptions in the functioning of the system.

Not enough RAM

One of common reasons, why the Google Chrome browser does not open, there is an overuse of computer RAM. The program itself consumes quite a lot of computer hardware resources. And if the user simultaneously opened several large applications, all this together can deplete the system to the limit.

Sometimes in such cases a window pops up with a corresponding notification. But there may be no warnings. How to treat? Try turning off running applications one by one and trying to launch Chrome again each time. If after one of the shutdowns the browser starts normally, this means that your computer is not designed to work simultaneously large quantity resource-consuming applications.

Some optional programs can be immediately disabled in the autorun service. During the installation process, some applications automatically, unauthorized, add themselves to the startup list when turning on Windows, even if this is not particularly necessary.

Such arbitrariness not only interferes with the operation of some programs, but also makes the process of turning on the computer too long.

User profile corruption

If Chrome turns on, then turns off by itself, the cause may be a settings violation user profile. To touch system files, the simplest solution is to completely remove the browser from the computer and reinstall it from the beginning. Then all default settings will be made automatically, in accordance with the factory browser settings.

Outdated video card drivers

Modern Internet browsers are designed for new computers, and the presence of some archaisms in the system may well cause new programs to malfunction. Try running the automatic Windows updates, then the drivers will be brought up to date.

If for some reason automatic update cannot be enabled (the operating system is no longer supported or installed pirated version), then you have to look fresh drivers in the Internet. Typically, driver updates can be found on large software portals. Just check in advance on one of the forums which updates you need for your version of Windows.

The browser update is not compatible with your computer

The fact that Google Chrome can update automatically and in background, it's very good and convenient. However, if your computer is old and the operating system Windows system also not new, some updates may not want to work on such hardware and software.

In order not to be faced with such an unexpected and unpleasant fact that the browser for some unknown reason stopped working, turn off automatic updates. Then you will be able to control the situation, and you will know for sure that the program stopped working precisely because of the update that was just downloaded.

To protect against such cases, it is useful to download from the Internet in advance a version of the program that works well on your equipment and store it just in case. This way you can also save Internet traffic.

There are several reasons why Google Chrome may not work. Among them are the most common ones. The simplest and most obvious reason is no connection to the Internet.

To fix it you need check availability Internet connection on your computer. If it is missing, check whether the router (modem) is turned on and whether the cable is connected to the PC. If everything is fine, there are problems on the part of your provider. Call tech. support.

If everything is fine with the network, we look for the reason in the program itself.

Incorrect installation

Sometimes, when installing applications, conflicts arise between different processes of your operating system. The consequence will be the loss of any file or library. The solution to the problem will be uninstalling a program through the file deletion manager and repeat Google installation Chrome.

If you are sure that the installation was completed correctly or that everything worked fine before, you need to check whether the browser is blocked by an antivirus or firewall. To check this option it is enough time disable antivirus, and launch Chrome.

You can solve the problem by opening the settings of your antivirus and adding the browser to the exceptions.

Everything works, but some pages do not open

There may be three options: problems with the site itself, content being blocked by an antivirus program, or outdated cookies and cache.

You can check the functionality of the site by loading it in any other browser, and, if correct operation, clear outdated data Google Chrome: go to settings - history - clear history.

If a site is blocked by an antivirus, then in 99% of 100% it is better not to open it. If you are confident in the contents of the page, allow entry to this resource in the notification window.

The problem is viral activity

If a virus gets onto your computer, it can damage the system files of the application and the browser will simply stop working, or the virus will change some settings to its own, and when you open any page you will be redirected to various advertising sites, or windows will pop up with intrusive advertising on any open page.

In these cases it is necessary scan your computer a reliable antivirus program and fix infected files. If this action does not help, uninstall and install Chrome again.

At frequent freezing and its slow operation, look for the problem in weak hardware. New versions of the program require good computer performance. If you find it difficult to open multiple tabs or wait several minutes for a website to load, here's one piece of advice - add performance to your computer. Or try not to open multiple processes in parallel.

So, you want to access the Internet through your favorite Google Chrome browser (Google Chrome), you click on the browser icon, as usual, and the next moment you realize that it does not start. There can be many reasons why a browser may not work. Often, it is quite difficult to quickly identify the reason why the browser does not start. Below we will look at each of them in detail, find out why Google does not work, and find ways to fix the problem.

Reasons why Google doesn't work

One of the most common reasons why Google Chrome does not work is initially incorrect installation browser on your computer. You will just need to reinstall Google Chrome on your computer.

Your browser may not start due to antivirus programs installed on your computer. Check this by disabling your antivirus program and running Google Chrome again. If the problem with the browser is the antivirus software, just make an exception for Google Chrome in the settings of the antivirus program. Then, you can turn on your antivirus program again.

Speaking of antivirus program, it is not in vain that it can block the operation of the Google Chrome browser if it contains any malicious files, therefore, before disabling anti-virus software, it would be a good idea to check your browser for viruses and disinfect its files.

Very often pages do not open due to some temporary malfunction. To check if this is the case, you can try opening the page using other browsers, such as Firefox or Internet Explorer.

If this page opens in other browsers, this problem may occur when Google connection Chrome to the Internet. Check the web address. The address may have been entered incorrectly. If the address is entered correctly, then the page may be temporarily unavailable. Lack of internet connection is one of the possible reasons Why Google Chrome doesn't work.

May need to be removed cookies. These are files created by websites you have visited to store information, such as website preferences and profile data. This error may be caused by a corrupted cookie. To delete these cookies, you must select “Settings” from your browser toolbar, then “Show additional settings", in the "Privacy" section, click "Content Settings", then in the "Cookies" section, select "cookies and site data", then "Delete all".

Problems with the Google Chrome browser can be resolved by changing the proxy server settings. You need to follow the same step by step instructions, written above (cookies). Only after the inscription “Show additional settings” select “Change proxy server settings”, then click “Network settings”, check the “ Automatic detection parameters" and click "OK".

Google.ru doesn't work

Why might google.ru not work? The reasons may be similar to problems with the Google Chrome browser itself, which have already been described earlier. However, this list of reasons may include incorrect work server or server failure. In properties network connection You can manually register the DNS server. In the case when to connect to the Internet you need to manually start the connection, click “Start” - “Connection” - select “Connection”, right key- “Properties” – “Internet Protocol TCP/IP” – “Properties” - “ DNS servers" and" - "Ok" - "Reboot". If you cannot decide on your own this problem, you will need to contact the technical support of your Internet provider for help. Such actions are suitable for a home PC.

So, there are enough reasons explaining why Google Chrome does not work, but now, knowing the reasons for these problems in the browser, you can easily fix them and continue to use it unhindered in the future.