Beeline about connecting without borders. Is it possible to change the home region for a Megafon number. Calls and SMS in other countries

For a long time There was only one way to optimize your roaming expenses - not to make or receive calls. Many got by sending SMS, which was quite profitable. Over time, mobile operators began to develop and offer their subscribers a variety of services and options aimed at reducing the cost of calls and SMS in roaming.

Their typical example became the Planet Zero service from Beeline. She aimed at those who often roam and wants to optimize their communication costs. Let's see what advantages it has this service and how profitable it is.

Description of the service Planet Zero

The Planet Zero service allows you to significantly reduce the cost of incoming and outgoing calls. Wherein there is no subscription fee, in its classical sense. But there is a fee for using the option, which is charged on the day of use. That is, if during the current day no incoming/outgoing calls or receiving/sending SMS have been made, then no debits will be made.

In order to use the service, you need to connect it - the connection cost will be 25 rubles. You can turn it off when you return home, but this is not necessary. Let's try to figure out how calls will be charged. Tariffing will be carried out in two zones:

  • Popular countries;
  • Other countries.

Tariff principles in popular countries:

  • Fee per day of using the service (in fact) – 60 rubles;
  • Incoming calls from the 21st minute of the day – 10 rubles/min;
  • Any outgoing calls – 20 rub/min;
  • Sending SMS – 7 RUR/piece.

The benefit is that for 60 rubles a day we get 20 minutes of free incoming calls. If we were talking at standard roaming rates, then one minute of an incoming call would cost us 69 rubles. The cost of outgoing calls in all directions, both local and international, is also noticeably reduced.

The list of popular countries includes Greece, Egypt, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Kazakhstan, China, Spain, Italy, Poland, USA, Turkey, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic, Finland, France, South Ossetia and many others countries. Detailed list published on the official Beeline website. In addition, information about countries included in the list of popular ones can be obtained from the operator’s help desk.

Tariff principles in other countries:

  • Fee per day of using the service (in fact) – 100 rubles;
  • Incoming calls up to 20 minutes per day are free;
  • Incoming calls from the 21st minute of the day – 15 rubles/min;
  • Any outgoing calls – 45 rubles/min;
  • Sending SMS – 9 RUR/piece.

As you can see, the cost of calls here is higher. But these prices are also more favorable compared to standard Beeline roaming tariffs. Other countries include Taiwan, Singapore, Israel, Canada, Australia, Afghanistan, Bolivia, Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, Iran, Korea, New Zealand, UAE, Chile, South Africa and many other countries. Find out more on the operator’s website or in the Beeline help desk.

The service does not work in some countries, but preferential tariffs apply here:

  • Subscription fee and usage fee – 0 rubles;
  • All incoming calls from the 1st minute – 30 rub./min;
  • All outgoing calls from the 1st minute – 60 RUR/min;
  • Outgoing SMS – 9 rubles.

The list of these countries includes Jamaica, Seychelles, Abkhazia, Tunisia, the Bahamas, Lebanon and some others.

How to connect Planet Zero to Beeline

Connect to the “Planet Zero” service on Beeline impossible because it is archived. Instead, there is a new service “The Most profitable roaming", does not require connection.

Dedicated to all travel enthusiasts or people who frequently travel on business trips... The Beeline “Planet Zero” service opens up new horizons for inexpensive communication around the world. When traveling to the most popular destinations, it does not always bring benefits to the user. But if you are going to visit distant countries, then be sure to order this option, - this way you will definitely save money.

Connect or disable the “Planet 0” service

The service is outdated and this moment cannot be activated.

To activate the option from Beeline “Planet Zero”, just dial the command *110*331#. If you want to deactivate this service, dial *110*330# and or simply call 067-40-30.

The user also has access to the disconnect/connect functions on the official website of the mobile operator through the Personal Account. You can also contact support. To reach the call center for customer service, from your phone within home network dial 06-11, while in roaming call +7495-974-8-888 or, while traveling around Russia, enter the following combination of numbers: +7800-700-0-611 (calls are free!).

“Planet Zero” service for people in roaming

This option will be relevant for those who regularly receive calls from their family and friends while roaming. If you are used to calling everyone yourself, then do not look for benefits in the advertised service.

To activate the “Planet 0” option from a popular mobile operator in Russia, you will need to pay 25 rubles. “Planet” does not require a subscription fee, so if you do not use the service, you can rest assured about your money. If you receive an incoming call during the day while roaming, you will have to say goodbye to 60 rubles for popular destination countries or 100 rubles for other countries.

If you are in our country, then no debits are made and restrictions do not come into force. The option is activated only when you travel abroad (disabled upon arrival). The action of “Planet Zero” continues until you deactivate the service yourself.

For incoming calls lasting up to 20 minutes, you will not pay a penny, but from the 21st minute you will have to pay 10 and 15 rubles for popular destination countries and other countries, respectively (payment is per minute). All outgoing calls will cost 20 or 45 rubles depending on the territory of your stay. Cost of one outgoing SMS message– 9 rubles.

While in roaming, valid per minute billing. The time is counted from the first second of the conversation.

To get the most detailed advice on the cost of calls, dial 0611 or contact the nearest Beeline customer service point.

An important point: the “Planet Zero” option is valid only on some prepaid tariffs. It is not possible to connect it to a USB modem.

From April 13, 2016, this service ceases to exist. Instead, the operator cellular communications Beeline offers the “Most profitable roaming” option. International roaming will still delight the user with its benefits, but now it can be ordered for any traffic.

This service allows you to reduce subscribers' expenses when traveling abroad. It makes communication with loved ones more profitable and economical. In this case, activating this option will not cause difficulties, since it is done in a few clicks. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with all the features of the offer in advance in order to know exactly what it is.

The “Planet Zero” service from Beeline is aimed at reducing costs when subscribers travel around the world. After its activation, users receive the right to make calls at special discounted rates, which are noticeably lower than standard. At the same time, subscribers should still take a closer look at the updated prices in advance in order to understand what they can expect and not find themselves in a difficult situation abroad. Even significantly reduced prices remain significantly higher than the standard rates that customers enjoy in their home region. Therefore, users should not forget about prudence; in extreme cases, they need to regularly top up their balance in order to maintain contact with family.


Those who decide to save on calls and send SMS need to remember that the cost of communication depends on the country in which the subscriber finds himself. There are 3 categories of foreign countries:

  • popular destinations among tourists with the most attractive prices;
  • less popular countries with preferential rates;
  • several states where the service will not be available.

In each case, subscribers should check in advance the price level for cellular communications.

Calls and SMS in the CIS, Europe and popular countries

Those who decide to visit relatives in the CIS or vacation in Europe should prepare for the following prices:

  1. subscription fee for incoming calls – 60 rubles per day (only on days when the service was used);
  2. free incoming calls from 1 to 20 minutes per day;
  3. other incoming costs – 10 rubles;
  4. outgoing – 20;
  5. sending SMS messages – 7.

It is important to emphasize that the list of countries where these prices are available is presented on official portal cellular company.

Calls and SMS in other countries

In countries that are not very popular among tourists, slightly different roaming rates apply:

  • subscription fee – 100 rubles;
  • incoming calls from 1 to 20 minutes are free;
  • other incoming ones – 15 rubles;
  • outgoing – 45 rubles;
  • sent SMS – 9 rubles.

A list of countries with indicated prices is also presented on the website.

Internet cost

Mobile Internet is not included in the option described above, so its cost remains at the standard level for roaming. Moreover, the service is not available for use on tablets and USB modems. User should take into account this fact, and do not overpay for visiting sites and portals.

The standard cost of connecting to the Internet is:

  1. V European countries and the CIS and the most popular tourist routes 40 MB for 200 rubles per day;
  2. each additional MB – 5 rubles;
  3. in other countries – 90 rubles. – megabyte.

Considering the cost, you should either limit the use of online resources, or think about connecting additional options.

How to connect Planet Zero Beeline?

The described service appeared in 2013 and is now hopelessly outdated. Therefore, those wishing to connect to the Beeline “Planet Zero” service will have to abandon this idea. The operator has archived the option, so it is not available for activation. Those wishing to save on cellular communications while roaming should take a closer look at alternative options connections. Among the offered telephone company options will definitely turn out to be convenient and suitable.

How to disable Beeline "Planet Zero"

Keeping in mind that the service has been archived, those wishing to disable the Beeline “Planet Zero” tariff must take into account that it is impossible to cancel the deactivation. If the users' intentions are serious, you need to:

An alternative way to deactivate is to call contact center. Consultants will clarify the identity of the caller, asking for the series and passport number, and will fulfill the client’s request to disconnect.


In addition to the above, users need to remember that the option is incompatible with other similar services aimed at reducing costs when traveling to foreign countries. Activation of alternative offers of similar focus will lead to automatic deactivation current conditions.

The description would be incomplete without specifically mentioning the fact that the offer does not apply to satellite communications. Tariffing for satellite calls remains at the standard, normal level, regardless of whether additional conditions are connected or disabled.

Mobile communication services have long become an integral part of Everyday life modern man. They are the ones who allow us to constantly be in touch with our relatives, friends and superiors.

Many companies provide telecommunications services, and mobile connection is the most popular service. In Russia, such a mobile operator as Beeline has long earned trust and popularity among residents.

It offers many tariffs and services with which everyone can feel comfortable, no matter what part of the world they are in. It is the profitable roaming services that attract many customers. The roaming service Planet Zero Beeline is considered especially interesting and profitable, the description of which will be of interest to anyone who is often abroad.

Naturally, when a person is going on a trip or flying on business trips abroad, he still needs to stay in touch with those who remain at home in Russia. But, as you know, roaming services are especially expensive and will significantly impact the budget of the number owner. Then the question becomes what service can be connected to make it as profitable and convenient as possible.

It is possible to stay in touch constantly if you use Beeline services. What does the Planet Zero Beeline service offer? Description:

  1. The option is offered without paying a subscription fee. For connecting the service, 25 rubles 00 kopecks will be charged from the subscriber’s account, and if he did not use the service today, then no more debits will be made from the account.
  2. The service is suitable for those subscribers who do not make many outgoing calls themselves, but receive more.
  3. This offer from Beeline is valid only on smartphones; other devices do not support this service.
  4. Since 2016, this service is no longer active and cannot be activated by new users.

Details about the countries in which it is profitable to use the service

To begin with, we note that while the subscriber, even with the connected Planet Zero service, is on the territory of Russia, the current tariff plan to which the SIM card is connected is working. As soon as the Russian border is crossed and mobile device together with the owner find themselves in another country, then planet zero will begin its action.

The following services are charged under this option:

  • First incoming call;
  • The duration of an incoming call is from 1 to 20 minutes of conversation for the whole day;
  • Inbox from 21 minutes for the whole day;
  • Outgoing calls;
  • SMS messages sent by the user.

The cost will depend on the country in which the client is located.

CIS and popular countries (tourist centers)

These locations will charge the following fees:

  1. The first call (incoming) will cost 60 rubles per day.
  2. From 1 to 20 minutes of calls throughout the day, not a penny is charged from the subscriber.
  3. Starting from 21 minutes a day, 10 rubles are withdrawn from the account per minute of conversation.
  4. It is not profitable to make outgoing calls; they cost 20 rubles per minute.
  5. One outgoing SMS will cost the subscriber 7 rubles.

Cost of services in less popular countries

For people who are not in the most popular travel destinations, the following conditions will be offered:

  1. For the first entry in a new day, 100 rubles will be debited from your account.
  2. The first 20 minutes of conversation will cost the subscriber 0 rubles.
  3. From 21 minutes of conversation per day, a fee of 15 rubles will be charged for each minute.
  4. An outgoing call costs 45 rubles per minute of conversation.
  5. SMS can be sent for 9 rubles.

In some countries the service is not available at all, and in others it has a very high and unfavorable payment regime.

More details about specific countries in which a certain cost of the option applies can be found on the official Beeline website.

All about the Beeline Planet Zero service

Using any communication services mobile operators, including Megafon, you may have noticed in the descriptions of tariffs, options, Internet and other services such a phrase as Home Region. Let's figure out what it is, as well as what to do if you are outside it.

Unfortunately, our mobile operators have not yet reached the point where the same tariff plans and the same prices for calls, SMS and Internet traffic apply throughout the country. You can say that Europe has already had this for a long time, but what about that Europe? Each of its countries is comparable in size to one of our regions.

Here we have Megafon and other operators and came up with such a trick as home region, and linked all their tariff plans, services and options to it.

What is considered a home region?

Home region- this is the area where you connected your Megafon number. That is, for example, if you connected it in Moscow, Podolsk or Zelenograd, then your home zone- this is Moscow and the Moscow region (Moscow region), if in St. Petersburg or Vyborg - then St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, and if in Ryazan, Ryazhsk or Kasimov - then the Ryazan region.

Accordingly, all descriptions that you read in your tariff plan, will be valid only on the territory of this connection area, and beyond the aisles - Megafon Roaming is already coming into force, about which you can read in more detail at the link - it’s about traveling both in Russia and abroad, and it talks about how much money you can get from you will be charged for calls, SMS and access to the Internet, and also about how to avoid this.

Don't know which cities are included? All cities in your region. The division on the Megafon website into Center, North-West, Volga region, South, Urals, Caucasus and so on is a convention; the boundaries of the home region still run along the border of your region, as shown geographic map(there may be errors at the border if a signal from a tower from another area is picked up inside the zone).

Megafon outside the home region

What if you registered your number in one region, but are going to travel or live in another? There may be three options here.

  1. A short trip around Russia;
  2. Long-term residence in another city;
  3. Complete move to another city.

In the first case, you will not be on the trip for too long, and then return to hometown, and since you are not in danger of staying outside your home region for a long time, change the tariff plan completely or connect it altogether new number there is no point. But you can use suitable tariff options from Megafon. Here's an example of how you can save:

  1. Fell yourself like at your own home— with the option enabled, all calls, SMS and Internet outside the home region cost the same as at home (the only exception is the Crimea peninsula). True, you will have to pay 15 rubles a day.
  2. Crimea- the situation is the opposite, here at home rates you can only speak in Crimea.
  3. Everywhere Moscow- you can talk at home prices and send SMS throughout Central Russia - for residents of the capital.
  4. In Moscow, like at home- on the contrary, an option for guests of the capital, allowing you to talk and send MMS and SMS in Moscow, as if you were in your native region (your region).
  5. All Russia- not exactly home prices, but still free incoming calls and three rubles outgoing and SMS - this is better than nothing.

Most options are designed only for calls; Internet outside is already expensive - 9.9 rubles per MB, with the exception of special options for this or TP, which is valid not only at home, but also when traveling around the country.

If you are going to live in another city for a long time, then it makes sense to consider buying an additional SIM card, connecting it in the new city of residence, and setting the first one to forward incoming calls so that even those who do not know your new number can call you.

And finally, if you are planning to permanently move to live in another city, just buy new SIM card and tell everyone from address book, with whom you will communicate, that you have changed your number. This can be done automatically using the “New Number” service.

Is it possible to change the home region for a Megafon number?

Unfortunately, this cannot be done. Each SIM card is initially assigned (this is sewn into its chip and assigned to a number) to a certain region of the Russian Federation, and it is technically impossible to change its home region. So you won’t be able to move to another city, leaving your old number, and use communication services according to its tariff plans.

The only thing you can do is register a number with the same set of numbers (except for the first three, which contain the region number), if it is still free at the moment. In this case, you will have the number 8-960-XXX-XXXX instead of 8-920-XXX-XXXX (this is just an example), but changing it this way will only be useful for easier remembering of your phone number.

How to connect your home region

Depends on what exactly you are going to connect. By itself - it is installed automatically. But if you want home prices to apply outside your home region, then you can use various tariff options— they are available both for minutes and SMS, and for Internet traffic. Above we have listed the most popular ones for traveling around the Russian Federation, and more full list Read the Internet options and packages of minutes and SMS for traveling around Russia in the Roaming section and connect through your Megafon personal account or USSD using commands and sms_messages.

For example, for the Internet you can enable the option " Internet in Russia"and enjoy unlimited access to the network throughout the Russian Federation, except for the Far East, Crimea and other remote places ( *105*0042# - connection and disconnection).

And for completely free calls and SMS " Travel without worries» ( *186# - connection and disconnection) - valid everywhere except Crimea.

There was already an article about this profitable service for travelers, like Beeline “My Planet”, today we will talk about something else, but no less advantageous offer which is called "Planet Zero". It is also suitable for anyone who loves to discover new paths and the most beautiful, although not the most popular, places on our planet. This is a great option to save on mobile calls. It is worth noting that for popular tourist routes this service will no longer be so profitable, but when going to distant, unexplored countries, connecting this service will be the most optimal solution.

Planet Zero is a service from Beeline that makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs of outgoing and incoming calls.

Beeline service "Planet Zero"

At the same time, there is no standard subscription fee as such. However, you must pay a fee to use this option and such fee will be debited from your account on the day you redeem the offer. This means that if you have never made any calls or written or received any SMS messages in a day, then there will be no debits either. Naturally, the Planet Zero Beeline service will be available only after connecting it to your phone, and it will cost 25 rubles. And when returning home, you can disable the option.

Connecting and disconnecting the “Planet Zero” service Beeline

In order to have access to the capabilities of this attractive option, you need to dial the number *110*331# . In addition, the connection can be made on the Beeline website. In particular, this can be done in personal account or through the support service, where you can call from the Beeline number, while still in your country, to the number 0611 . While roaming, to connect you need to dial toll free number +74959748888 .

You can stop using offers by dialing *110*330# or by calling 0674030. Thus, to disconnect or connect Planet Zero from Beeline you will need a minimum of time and effort.

It is worth emphasizing that at the moment it is not possible to connect to the service, as it is outdated.

Tariffs for the “Planet Zero” service Beeline

Planet Zero Beeline offers tariffing for calls and SMS in two directions (zones), namely:

  • by popular countries;
  • and other directions.

It is important to say that this offer will be most beneficial for those who are roaming and more often receive calls from friends and family than make them. Thus, Beeline’s planet zero option offers the following pricing:

  • in fact, the cost of the option is 60 rubles;
  • from 0 to 20 minutes incoming calls are free;
  • from 21 minutes the cost of a call is 10 rubles per minute"
  • an outgoing call costs 20 rubles per minute.”
  • the price for SMS is 7 rubles.

The beauty of this offer is that for just 60 rubles you can get as many as 20 minutes of completely free calls. In the event that you were a subscriber communicating at standard roaming rates, then he would pay as much as 69 rubles for just one minute of conversation on incoming call. Outgoing calls are also significantly reduced in price to any direction. Which helps to significantly save your money in your account.

Thus, popular destinations include countries such as Ukraine, Greece, Egypt, Great Britain, Armenia, Germany, Azerbaijan, Polza, Turkey, the United States, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Spain, China, Italy, etc. The entire list of these countries can be found read on the Beeline website. This information can also be obtained from the operator.

It is also important that if the subscriber is located on the territory of the Russian Federation, then the Planet Zero Beeline service does not write off any money, and there are also no restrictions. It turns on automatically when you go abroad, and turns off when you arrive. Thus, it will be activated and disabled until you disable it yourself.

In other directions, the pricing for the Planet Zero Beeline service is as follows:

  • the write-off per day of using the service is 100 rubles;
  • from 0 to 20 minutes incoming calls are free;
  • from 21 minutes, an incoming call costs 15 rubles per minute;
  • The cost of all outgoing calls is 45 rubles per minute."
  • SMS are priced at 9 rubles per message.

These countries include Taiwan, Israel, Kanala, Singapore, Afghanistan, New Zealand, Korea, Brazil, UAE, South Africa, Iran, Chile and other countries. The entire list of countries is on the official website or you can find it out by calling the number help desk Beeline company and contacting the operator.

Thus, it turns out that tariffs in these directions are already less profitable. But, nevertheless, such prices still help to save a lot on telephone conversations, while abroad, when compared with standard roaming prices. All calls made while roaming are charged per minute, starting from the first second of the call.

If you still have any questions about this option from Beeline, you can contact the subscriber service office or call the number 0611 . In addition, it is worth emphasizing that this option is not available for some tariffs and for USB modems. The entire list of those that do not support the service can be seen on the company’s website.

At the moment, this option is already outdated and instead you can connect another service called “The most profitable roaming”.

OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline brand) launches new service"Planet Zero" to optimize communication costs in international roaming.
By activating the “Planet Zero” service, the subscriber will be able to receive incoming calls while roaming, paying only for the first minute of the call. The absence of subscription and connection fees makes the offer particularly attractive.

"Planet Zero"


Connection cost - 25 rubles.
Subscription fee - 0 rub. per day

Cost of calls and SMS when located in Europe, the CIS and popular countries

Fee per day of use - 60 rubles.
Incoming calls from the 21st minute - 10 rubles. in a minute
Outgoing calls - 20 rub. in a minute
Outgoing SMS - 7 rub.

List of countries: Austria, Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vatican City, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Guernsey Island, Gibraltar, Greenland, Greece, Georgia, Denmark, Jersey Island, Egypt , Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Isle of Man, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, USA, Thailand, Turkey, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, South Ossetia.

Cost of calls and SMS when located in other countries

Fee per day of use - 100 rubles.
Incoming calls from the 1st to the 20th minute - 0 rub.
Incoming calls from the 21st minute - 15 rubles. in a minute
Outgoing calls - 45 rub. in a minute
Outgoing SMS - 9 rub.

List of countries: UAE, Taiwan, Singapore, Qatar, Kuwait, Japan, India, Cambodia, Canada, Israel, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Bahamas, Virgin Islands (USA), Guadeloupe, Guiana, Curacao, Martinique (French and Western India), Samoa (Western), Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin, Australia, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Benin, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Bhutan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, East Timor, Vietnam, Gabon, Guyana, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guam, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Zambia, Western Sahara, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Cape Verde, Cameroon , Kenya, Colombia, Congo, Korea, Ivory Coast, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Mauritania, Madagascar, Macau, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Mongolia, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, New Zealand, o .Mayotte, o. Reunion, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Palestine, Paraguay, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Swaziland, Northern Mariana Islands (Saipan, Tinian), Senegal, Singapore, Syria, Sudan, Suriname, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Togo, Tonga, Uganda, Uruguay, Fiji, Philippines, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Sri- Lanka, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, South Africa

Reduced cost of calls and SMS when located in countries where the service is not available

Fee per day of use - 0 rub.
Incoming calls - 30 rub. in a minute
Outgoing calls - 60 rub. in a minute
Outgoing SMS - 9 rub.

"Planet Zero" - another one great addition to our line of roaming services. Its peculiarity is that the most low prices Incoming calls from your family and friends are valid worldwide, and there is no monthly fee, which means that you no longer need to worry about turning off the option. We really hope that with “Planet Zero” the New Year holidays will become bright for our subscribers, and communication with loved ones will be even more pleasant!”, comments Andrey Patoka, Vice President for Corporate Business Development.

When activating the “Planet Zero” service, the “Multipass”, “Sexy Roaming”, “Custom Country” options are not provided. Active users mobile Internet together with the “Planet Zero” service, they can simultaneously use the “Sea of ​​Internet” and “GPRS packages in international roaming” options.

Planet zero Beeline: description

The offer is valid for all Beeline subscribers.

You can activate the “Planet Zero” service using your USSD number *110*331#
The service is valid for 30 days.

You can disable the “Planet Zero” service using your USSD number *110*330#

We continue the series of service descriptions mobile operator Beeline, specializing in roaming. The queue came to such an option as “Planet Zero” by Beeline. If “My Planet” was developed for subscribers traveling along popular routes, then this service is suitable even for trips to remote corners of the world. But about this in order.

Description of roaming service

Planet zero is an option from the category of services without a monthly fee, which will open up a world without borders for you. To connect it you only need to pay 25.00 rubles. When using the service, you only pay for the time spent on the call.

As long as the user who activated the service is in the Russian Federation, the cost of all calls and messages is subject to the conditions applicable in his tariff plan. Special roaming conditions are activated automatically after crossing the borders of Russia.

The functionality of the service is designed in such a way that it is suitable for subscribers who mainly receive calls rather than make them themselves, since incoming calls while roaming are made free of charge.

Please note call restrictions

In some countries Beeline services have restrictions, up to and including shutdown. Therefore, the operator strongly recommends that before traveling you familiarize yourself with the availability of communications in certain parts of the world on its website.

We will now list several countries in which Planet Zero is an unavailable service.

Countries of Africa and the Middle EastIsland territoriesCentral and South AmericaEurope and neighboring territoriesAsia
Lebanon, Tunisia, Bahrain, Syria, Iran, Algeria, Iraq, Angola, Tanzania, Niger, Kuwait, Cape Verde, Madagascar, Oman, PalestineAruba, Anguilla, Antilles, Bahamas, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Grenada, Dominica, Seychelles, Cayman Islands, Maldives, Mauritius, Montserrat, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, Turks and Caicos, Jamaica, Guam, New Zealand, Faroe Islands, BermudaVenezuela, Panama, CubaAbkhazia, Andorra, Kosovo,Nepal

Attention!“Planet Zero” is a service only for smartphone owners; it does not work on other devices.

Cost of options when activating the “Planet Zero” service

To make it clear how beneficial this service is for Beeline subscribers, let's take a closer look at what it can offer them.

Payment for calls and messages in the tariff

The tariff for these options depends on the subscriber’s country of residence. For popular destinations (such as the countries of the former Soviet Union, as well as tourist destinations Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Italy or the USA, Canada and China), the Beeline operator has provided the most profitable terms regarding the service, this mainly concerns incoming calls:

  • Debit for an incoming call – 60 rubles.
  • From 1st to 20th minute – free incoming calls in roaming.
  • Starting from the next minute, the call is charged at 10 rubles per minute.
  • If you call yourself, a minute call will cost 20 rubles.
  • Sending a message – 7 rubles.

In countries that are less attractive for travel, other conditions apply:

  • For the first incoming call per day in roaming, 100 rubles will be charged.
  • Live conversation is free for the first 20 minutes.
  • For the next minutes of the call the cost is 15 rubles/min.
  • Outgoing calls from a telephone are priced at 45 rubles/min.
  • Sent SMS – 9 rubles.

To determine which category the country you are visiting belongs to, you should refer to the company’s official website for detailed explanations.

Internet access with Planet Zero

Since the conditions of the option are designed primarily for incoming calls to numbers in roaming, Internet access here does not have favorable tariffs.

On the contrary, in order to take advantage for a package of 40 MB you need to pay 200 rubles/day and every next MB, starting from the 41st, will cost 5 rubles. If you are an active Internet user, then this amount of traffic may be enough to read Email and visiting social networks.

Other operations, such as listening to audio tracks or watching videos, will require assistance. additional services, respectively, for an additional fee.

How to connect “Planet Zero” on your phone?

Connecting and disconnecting the service is such an easy and short process that even a child can handle it.

You just need to use one of the following options:

  • Call the operator’s contact center specialist at 0611.