Yandex search engine updates analyzer. How to find out that a Yandex update is in progress. How to find out accurate and correct Yandex updates

For many optimizers Yandex updates are the most anticipated. After the search engine finds new texts and links, enters them into the database, and also takes into account various factors according to which projects are ranked, the desired and long-lived this update issues, saying in simple language changes in site positions in search results.

There are also other types of updates search engines.

After issue update may change, or the positions of sites in search results change, as a result of changes in the ranking of projects by the search system.

It is difficult to say how often this update occurs. This usually happens 1-2 times a week. But you need to know and remember that the site’s position may change between Yandex updates, although such changes are minor.

If after the update the position of your project has risen, it means that you are on the right path and can continue to work in the same spirit. But if the position has “shaken”, then this is already an alarming signal, which indicates erroneous actions and probably at some stage mistakes were made in optimizing the resource.

Sometimes it even happens that after the next Yandex update, all pages of the resource may fall out of the search, but then they take their places again.

Text update usually happens once or twice in seven days, and the database is updated with new text content on pages on various resources. During the Up, new text content appears in Yandex search results, which was indexed some time ago.

Positions are changing due to the emergence of new text documents, and in addition to this, technical changes are made (duplicates are closed, a region is assigned, pages are optimized, etc.).

Link update occurs simultaneously with the text one, but with an interval of up to three hours, data on all new links that lead to your project is updated.

During this Upgrade, there is a change in the positions of resources in the Yandex search results, which are caused by the appearance of new links, as well as the re-counting of the link mass that was supplied earlier.

TIC update

With this update, the thematic project citation index is recalculated, which is due to a change in the number of sources citing your resource. The TIC indicator usually changes no more than once every two months.

It must be said that TIC update can be push-button and toolbar. In principle, they occur almost simultaneously. First, the push-button TIC is updated, and then the toolbar TIC is also updated. Therefore, Apa time can last from one hour to 24 hours. The push-button TIC is therefore more accurate, thanks to which its value is displayed in.

A push-button TIC is, in fact, a button in the form of “money”, so to speak (which can be obtained from Yandex) and which you can often find on many resources. Or you can install it on the site right away. The toolbar TIC is usually displayed in, such an extension can be installed in your browser if desired.

The TIC update can occur consistently once a month, or you can wait for it for more than two months. But it also happens, although rarely, that it happens a couple of times in two weeks. The frequency of this Apa remains a mystery for now. Unless she is known to Yandex employees.

Excessive frequency or long breaks are usually associated with updating and testing new Yandex algorithms. During such testing, resource positions for promoted queries can fluctuate quite a bit and change significantly. But don’t worry, after “such a storm” (testing) positions usually return to their places.

That’s why, before the next TIC update takes place, there is a lull on link exchanges. Then, after completing the update and the sites receiving new TIC values, the movement is reactivated on the exchanges and the webmasters adjust the prices for regular and .

Accurate and correct Yandex updates

Determine exact Yandex updates Many services can do this. You can highlight, for example, or They also offer their own update calendar and the ability to notify about upcoming Upgrades by Email or SMS.

The search engine itself can show you the correct Yandex updates. It is enough to configure the receipt of messages in Yandex.Webmaster. The content will be something like this: “An update has occurred. search base Yandex" and the date is indicated.

Unfortunately, the message arrives after the Up, but you can definitely be sure of the correctness of the update and feel free to check the site’s position.

Google updates

Google updates occur so frequently (in principle, daily) that optimizers do not track a site’s position in Google “from Apa to Apa”, but check them daily. During such updates Google results reference and text changes on the promoted resource.

PR update represents a recalculation of the document's authority value. After such an APA, a new value is assigned to each page of the site Page Rank.

When a PR recalculation occurs, all changes that have occurred in the number and quality of links leading to this document. Page Rank updates usually occur once every three or four months, although the parameters are constantly recalculated.

Hello dear readers! Today I decided to take a break from the WordPress topic and talk about Yandex updates. Why Yandex? Yes, because, unlike Google, it does not make updates so often. It should also be said that Yasha is today the leading search engine on the Runet, so people pay attention to him Special attention. Below I have provided a list of all updates (updates):

  • Search results update;
  • T&C update;
  • Yandex Catalog update;
  • Favicons update;
  • Updating the image database;
  • Update search algorithm;
  • Behavioral factor update.

I think I’ve indicated all the updates, but now let’s look at each of them in more detail.

I think the most attention is focused on updating the search results. Yandex makes these updates at different intervals. Now this period is approximately 9 days. Previously it was more often almost every two days.

Once upon a time I didn’t pay much attention to this update, but now for 4 months in a row, I’ve been watching it and hoping that some kind of HF request will “shoot” for me. Plus, as you remember, I conducted an experiment to increase site traffic, which did not succeed. You can track this update by following this link:

As you can see here you can monitor 4 types of updates simultaneously. IN currently many began to confuse the usual Yandex random with the search results. In detail, there are such concepts as textual and link update. What is it?

A text update is the appearance in the search results of site documents with a later date that were indexed after the last crawl by the robot.

Link update - changing the number of external links that point to your site.

Usually a link up follows a text up, but not vice versa. IN Lately Yasha began to do link updates less and less often, but text updates always happen differently (you have to wait 1-2 weeks). It is better to track the appearance of these APs through

T&C update

The second most important update (at least it was for me) is the T&C update. Previously, when I was just starting to be interested in making money on the site, this app was in the first place for me, I dreamed that my site would earn the top ten. After they gave me TiC 10, I practically stopped being interested in this update. Although for many webmasters it is very significant since the profit from the sale of links directly depends on the T&C. I gave up Sape 1-1.5 years ago. It brought in income, but not as much as I wanted, and I don’t have enough pages on my website to trade in it.

Yandex Catalog update

This update occurs more often than all others, on average every 2 days. I don’t follow this Yandex update at all, because my site has not yet been included in this directory. Yes, in principle, I think even those who have sites in the Yandex Catalog do not particularly monitor it as much as the traffic from this directory is very small and that is, not everyone who is in the directory.

Favicons update

In principle, it doesn’t affect anything, I followed it when I first created my site. For those who don’t know, a “favicon” is a mini-logo of a site that is displayed in searches and is also visible in browsers at the top.

And I watched this up because I didn’t have any favicon in Yandex search.

Updating the image database

I think this type of change is followed only by those webmasters whose main traffic comes from image searches. For example, you may have a website dedicated to paintings from a certain era, and it will be presented in the form of a gallery of pictures. Here I think you will follow this app.

This update is being followed by many, especially young sites and those that have moved to new domain. And the essence of this app is that it involves gluing together the site’s mirrors. A simple example of a mirror: website And That is, an address with and without www. It is very important to indicate the same address both in the webmaster panel and in the file .htaccess via redirect and in the file robots.txt and wait for the mirrorer's update. After the update, the following message will appear in the Yandex Webmaster panel:

Search algorithm update

Perhaps for some it is a very unpleasant update, for others it is excellent. The thing is that search engines are improving and it happens that they change their algorithms. So Yandex, without exception, sometimes makes itself felt. Now this update is called Minusinsk. Yandex lowers the position of the site that had purchased links. This also happened today next update search algorithm, how this affected the site’s results is too early to tell, you never know what else could happen during this week.

Behavioral factor update

The last type of update that we will consider is an update of the behavioral factor. In fact, this update was a very long time ago - November 26, 2014, so it’s too early to talk about it. Although behavioral factors greatly influence the position of the site. I'm really looking forward to this update, as behavioral indicators on my site have improved.

Hello! Last Saturday I invited my friends to visit us to accompany us to the winter. We had a wonderful time, organized a rehearsal for a folk music ensemble :) - watch the video at the end of the article - and played Cash Flow.

Update, or “up” for short, means update. Yandex updates mean updating certain parameters by which this search engine ranks (indexed) web documents in its database.

Surely everyone who follows news in the field of SEO has heard about the Yandex-introduced new algorithm ranking of Internet resources "Minusinsk". This is an example of an update to the system’s search algorithm itself. Those. This is a new formula for calculating the relevance of pages to search queries.

All other updates can be considered auxiliary in relation to the ranking algorithm. Accordingly, the most important thing for the optimizer is the update of Yandex results, i.e. changing the positions of sites in search results for queries. In the case of Yandex, such updates occur with at certain intervals. Those. information is collected for some time and then optionally analyzed at certain intervals.

As for Google, the world's largest search giant has enough hardware power to track changes on Internet resources almost online.

What types of Yandex updates exist?

Since Yandex analyzes sites based on many parameters, it does not update them simultaneously. The frequency of Yandex updates varies. Most important information the search engine updates more often, less important - less often.

Analysis of Yandex updates allows you to track trends in the development of the system, as well as the influence of certain factors on the position of your resource. Thus, the webmaster decides what needs to be done to increase the traffic of his Internet resource and what promotion methods to use.

So, what updates are there in Yandex? We list them in order of importance.

  1. Yandex text update. Considering that 95% of Internet resources have text as their main content, the importance of this update can hardly be overestimated. As is its labor intensity. After all, all texts are scanned - both new and old (what if changes are made to them). And they are not only scanned, but also analyzed - for compliance with the topic, technical and semantic uniqueness, etc.
  2. Yandex link update. It is produced simultaneously with text update. All links are found and analyzed. The role of this app has increased greatly after Yandex began to seriously punish for SEO links. One of the most reliable sources of advancement has turned from a locomotive into a brake. Read.
  3. Yandex PF updates. Here in the plural, because PF is, of which there are quite a lot. Using this app, the search engine sees how long visitors are on a specific web resource, how they move through it from page to page, etc. PF search engines are paying more and more attention, since with their help it is possible to judge with great certainty whether an Internet resource is useful to people or is it just another GS.
  4. Yandex TCI update. According to the original plan, the TIC was supposed to become an indicator of the trust of the resource, a parameter of trust on the part of other websites on the network. The basis for its calculation is the number and quality of links leading to the site. However, due to the widespread artificial this indicator for selling links, he no longer has such great value among webmasters. But gradually Yandex gets to sites for selling links (which are the ones that sell TICs) and can simply reset it to zero with the next TIC update.
  5. Update. Monitors whether a site is in the most prestigious Runet directory or not. By the way, recently the search engine has become more demanding of Internet resources that are located in YAK and will expel them from there for almost anything (for example, for fake reviews).
  6. Update of Yandex images. This update tracks changes to graphic content on the web resource. Since the search engine learned to search for pictures using graphics, and not just alt tag, the role of such content in promotion has grown.

There are also rare Yandex updates, such as Favicon (monitors changes to the site icon), mirrorer (monitors changes on the mirrors of an Internet resource), etc.

Yandex updates search results after all updates that may affect it. First of all, after Yandex text and link updates.

How to find out about search engine ups?

In order to analyze Yandex updates, you need to know when they occur. There is no strict schedule. But there are several ways to find out the update history. Let's list the most convenient ones.

By the way, here, as can be seen in the figure, a forecast of Yandex updates is offered.

Watch the video about updates:

That's all. Now you know what Yandex updates are, what they are and how to check them. Hope, this information will help you better understand how to optimize your site for a given search engine.

P.S. Many of our friends came to see us off for the winter. And why didn’t it occur to me before to arrange such a jam on different musical instruments, it’s a lot of fun! And in general, having such friends is a great happiness!)

We play the game “Cash Flow” by R. Kiyosaki, almost everyone managed to escape from the rat race. They say that if you play this game often, you can become very rich!

Among professional webmasters, you can often hear such an expression as Yandex update or AP. Naturally, not many of you are familiar with this concept, so I will try to tell you about Yandex updates in more detail.

What is Yandex Update

So, what is a Yandex update? The word update itself is in English and is translated as update, i.e. when they say Yandex update, they mean its update. It has become a little clearer, but a counter question arises - what is Yandex updating?

In fact, there are a lot of Yandex updates, but I’ll talk about them a little below, and now, to help you understand general definition AP, I’ll give you this example: you add your site to Yandex search, and after some time it appears there. This means that a Yandex incident occurred.

Or here’s an example: adding new articles to the site, they are not found in the search, but over time they also appear there, which means an update has occurred. In other words, a Yandex update is an update of the Yandex search database, which is updated with new sites and pages.

What types of Yandex updates are there?

I think a clearer picture has appeared in your head of what Yandex AP is, so it’s time to consider the types of updates.

Search results update. To explain what kind of update this is, I’ll give an example: you enter some query into the search, and the TOP 10 sites for these queries are displayed in front of you.

If you enter the same query about a week later, then it is likely that the site that was in 10th place for this request may end up, for example, in 8th place, or, on the contrary, instead of this site in 10th place it may end up completely another site that was not previously in the TOP 10.

Why is this so? Because there was an update to the search results, and Yandex decided that this site had no place in the TOP 10 and put another resource in its place. Those. The definition of SERP is as follows: it is a change in the positions of sites in search results.

Sometimes Yandex can rank your site higher than others, sometimes lower it in positions, or maybe leave it unchanged.

Text update. Here I think you yourself will guess that the text (new articles) is being updated. Even though you already have articles indexed in search, search robot continues to scan them in case you make any changes, and also monitors for new text material to index them and add them to the search.

Link update. I think everything is clear here too. Yandex scans the links leading to your site and decides which of them to index and which not.

In general, the updates I listed above are closely related to each other. For example, you added a lot of articles and purchased links.

Yandex needs to check and index all this, and also decide in what position to place your article, so it starts making updates. As a rule, all these APs occur at the same time, although there are also cases when they occur separately.

There are also the following types updates:

TIC update. TIC is a parameter assigned by Yandex, and the larger it is, the better. Typically, this parameter is important for webmasters who monetize their site by selling links from it.

Favicon update. Favicon is a small graphic icon of a website. While using the search, you probably noticed that next to each site there is a small icon, and this icon is the favicon, which Yandex also sometimes updates:

When do Yandex updates take place?

We seem to have more or less figured out the updates, all that remains is to clarify, when will they take place? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, since Yandex is unpredictable, but I will still try to answer.

It is clear that webmasters work on their sites every day, so such types of updates as AP search results, as well as link and text updates should occur much more often, and preferably every day.

But Yandex believes that daily APs are too fat and updates search results, links and text on average once a week, for which, by the way, almost all owners of Russian-language sites do not like it.

At the time of writing this article, the last update was July 30, 2014. It included AP of new articles, links and search results at the same time. Before this, there were also a couple of issuance updates, but there was no text AP for 12 days.

As for the link update, it usually takes place together with the text update, although you can often observe such a picture in the Yandex webmaster, when the number of external links changes several times during the day, but whether it is an AP or not, one can only guess.

The TIC and Favicon update is a completely different story, and they are usually updated once a month.

How to find out that a Yandex update is in progress

And finally, so that you know everything about Yandex updates, it remains to tell you how to determine that a Yandex AP is in progress. In general, it is very difficult to visually determine whether an AP is happening or not, so I will tell you about the services that I use myself to determine the update.

The first service I use is seopult. When you visit this site and scroll down, you will see the following sign:

Here we are interested in the “Storm” column. A high storm index indicates that an AP is most likely underway. As I said, at the time of writing the last AP was on July 30, which is what this service tells us.

If there was a text AP, then this service also reports this, writing the time of the recorded update. Also pay attention to the 25th. The storm was also pretty decent, however text update not recorded, and it is quite possible that there was an update to the issue.

Another popular service to determine the update - By going to it, there will also be information about updates, and more information is indicated here specific information by updates:

You can also install the toolbar that this service offers. It will allow you to find out about the latest updates without visiting the site. You can find it just below in the left column:

If you use the Mozilla browser, you can install an extension for it RDS Bar. By the way, it’s a very useful thing that allows you to learn a lot about the sites you visit. An already installed RDS Bar will look like this:

I will not dwell now on how it works, I will only say that when update in progress, you will see a notification that an accident has been detected.

I also use the service XTOOL. In general, this service is designed to check the site’s trust, but if you register with it, you will receive letters in the mail informing you that an accident has occurred. The only negative is that the letters arrive late, when the update has already ended.

Receiving an update letter from Yandex

How is it possible, you say, that Yandex carries out updates and does not report them. In fact, it reports, you just need to notify Yandex to receive notifications. This can be done Here by checking the appropriate box:

There are a bunch of other services for determining AP, but believe me, the ones I told you about are more than enough.

As for the time of Yandex updates, usually all updates begin at 12 am Moscow time and last throughout the day, so it is best to check the AP results in the late afternoon.

Well, now you definitely know everything you need about Yandex updates, so all I can do is say goodbye to you and thank you for your attention.

Sincerely, Shkarbunenko Sergey.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Any novice webmaster is faced almost immediately with such a concept as Yandex search engine update. Why webmaster of RuNet? Well, because Google, which dominates very large quantities countries of the rest of the world, there is no such thing as an update, except that you can only talk about an update, but again it’s a toolbar update, because real value The static weight of all pages indexed by this search engine changes constantly (in real time).

Yandex, in addition to updating the search results (changing the positions of sites for the overwhelming number of search queries) there is also ap Tietz, i.e. updating the value, which you can read about at the link provided. In fact, Titz is a kind of indicator of the trustworthiness of a site, and the larger it is, the more trust it will have on the part of search engines (most likely). Titz is also important for those who sell links from their sites, because their price significantly depends on the value of Titz.

What is an update to the Yandex search database?

Well, webmasters in RuNet also have something to look forward to. For example, there are such concepts as updating favicons, Ya.Catalog, mirror and pictures. These ups are not of interest to everyone, and certainly not all the time, but sometimes it is relevant, for example, when you move to a new domain, change the favicon, pay to be added to YAK, or get a significant share of traffic from image search.

Let's start, perhaps, with Yandex search database updates. How often does this phenomenon occur? How do you know if an incident has already happened? And why, in fact, monitor these same updates? Similar questions arise for novice RuNet webmasters who are beginning to get acquainted with the harsh reality of website promotion for the Yandex search engine. I had them too and it’s normal.

The essence of the updates is as follows. Unlike Google, Yandex does not have such impressive hardware and physical power to update search results several times a day, taking into account all newly indexed pages and found backlinks to sites. Therefore, he is forced to resort to some tricks that will significantly reduce high load to his server.

But here you will need to have at least a general idea (if you have it, then continue reading, and if not, then follow the link to see the overall picture). What does Yandex do? Of course, like Google, it constantly indexes new pages on the Internet and re-indexes updated ones, and also finds more and more backlinks for different sites.

But... He does not immediately take all this wealth into account, but puts it in a not very long box, so that once every few days (sometimes the period between ups can exceed ten days, but not often) he pleases you and me with another update. Here are the dates of the official ups of the RuNet mirror search database for several months, so that you can estimate their frequency:

What then do we have the opportunity to observe in the search results between the ups? Generally, banal cache.

To exaggerate, the first user who sets a search query after the next update activates an algorithm that, after calculations, produces the resulting results (a list of relevant this request pages), which is immediately cached and when you enter the same query again, the search engine algorithm is not used, but the list of sites stored in the cache is retrieved (result). This reduces the load on Yandex servers and allows you to match your older brother Google with less hardware power.

At the time of the next update, all that has accumulated since the last update new information(page texts and links to them) will be taken into account when ranking (read more about search engine results) and the list of relevant pages for each search query will be saved again in the Yandex cache in order to be promptly shown to users until next update search base. Convenient, simple and economical.

But this is all, of course, very much exaggerated and simplified. Yandex probably worked on this principle ten years ago or even more. In addition, since the end of 2012, Yandex switched to personalized search results when different users with different, but quite large, search history is shown different list sites for the same request. Now it is gaining more and more power and updates are becoming blurry.

However, when the percentage of search queries for which the results change exceeds several tens of percent, we can assume that the incident has taken place. How to recognize this very moment? Well, read about it below.

And we will also dwell on the fact that what is Titz update? Everything is much simpler here. It is believed that the overall value of Tits of all sites indexed by Yandex does not change, but is only redistributed between them. Moreover, this redistribution does not occur permanently, but again at certain, not particularly regulated intervals (from twice a month to once every two months).

You can see the dates of the latest ups, which do not have a stable periodicity:

Titz is influenced by quantity and quality backlinks leading to your site from other resources that, in the opinion of the search engine, are similar in topic to it.

Yandex constantly collects data on such links, but the TIC values ​​for almost all Runet sites do not change between updates (sometimes, however, as punishment the citation index can be reset to zero, but this is force majeure). Then suddenly the value of the thematic citation index is recalculated and it will be safely stored in the cache (after some shaking and shrinking or adjustment), until the next update. Trite.

Other types of Yandex updates and more

You can judge the frequency of PR updates from this screenshot:

In addition, there are the following types of updates, which some webmasters monitor to one degree or another:

  1. Yandex Catalog update— adding new sites and removing those that have lost trust from the most prestigious directory of the Runet. If you are expecting your resource to appear in the YAC or have reason to fear its exclusion, then it is worth monitoring the update of the database of this directory.
  2. Updating the image search database— a separate Yandex robot performs indexing of images on the Internet, but the results based on pictures, like the main results of this search engine, have pronounced updates. If your resource has every reason to promote itself and receive traffic from images, then it makes sense to track this app in order to evaluate exactly what results the actions you took brought.
  3. Up favicons— in Yandex search results, by tradition, a Favicon taken from this site is displayed to the left of the page title and description. In fact, it is precisely because of this feature that your humble servant is still on the Yandex needle, because it is very clearly visible those sites that I trust and to which I go to look for an answer in the first place.

    Before this, I already wrote a detailed article about where and where it should be shoved. However, the number one search engine in RuNet will show the favicon of your new site (or the updated icon of the old one) in the search results not immediately after indexing it, but only after the next Favicon update, which does not happen often.

    Mirrorer update— Yandex has a special robot that is responsible for gluing so-called mirrors. The simplest example mirrors are (they will need to be glued together, i.e. determine the main mirror - either , or , or ).

    A situation may arise where a site moves to another domain due to falling under a filter or due to other force majeure circumstances. At the same time, you indicate the new main mirror in robots.txt of the old and new domains and do the same in the Ya.Webmaster panel. However, the mirrors will not stick together immediately, but only in the next step of the mirror operator.

In addition, the update of the search engine database itself can be causal in nature, and therefore the following are distinguished:

  1. Text up- i.e. accounting of all texts of new and updated pages included in the index.
  2. Reference— taking into account all new backlinks to sites whose pages are included in the ranking.
  3. AP behavioral factors- a somewhat mythical type of ups, which is caused by updated user data on sites participating in the ranking.
  4. Search algorithm update- the most terrible, from the point of view possible consequences, an, because in this case not only new texts, links and behavioral factors are taken into account, but the very principle of calculating relevance changes. Yandex even began to call such global updates based on the principle of the game “Cities”.

    We started from afar - from Magadan (May 2008) and continued with Nakhodka, Arzamas, Snezhinsk, Konakovo, Obninsk, Krasnodar, Reykjavik. Now, since December 2012, Kaliningrad has ruled the roost, and then there will be something with a “D”. Kaliningrad is trying to create for each user personal delivery, focusing on his preferences, which the search engine revealed by following him for some time.

During a regular search database update, a text update usually follows first, and after a while a link update. Behavioral ones are updated quite rarely or they cannot always be identified. It's pretty clearly visible on the website Yandex tracking enthusiast (Evgeniy Trofimenko is such a smart comrade that it is not always clear what he is talking about when speaking at conferences):

True, it’s not worth going into this too much, because the very fact of the update is important, so that you can start and draw conclusions about the correctness of your chosen course of website promotion. However, of course, it is not worth judging the dynamics of development based on one ap, because search engine has enormous inertia and you should always wait a few ups before drawing conclusions or starting to tear your hair out.

How and where to track Yandex updates

The question arises, how track Yandex updates? It turns out that there are several options that will allow you to do this.

Also, in my opinion, it is very convenient to learn and discuss updates on, the most convenient of which is probably Serch. There's a special one Yandex Apam section, for the appearance of materials in which you can subscribe:

Good luck to you! Before see you soon on the pages of the blog site

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