The iPhone says it is infected with a virus. Do you need an antivirus for iOS devices?

Although there are not many viruses for iOS devices, they do a lot of harm. Let's figure out who is threatened by these malware and how to protect yourself from them.

Is there a threat?

Are there viruses on iOS? Definitely yes, but they are rare nowadays. Therefore, despite the emergence of more and more new malware For mobile platforms, owners of Apple gadgets feel safe.

However, one cannot fail to recognize the fact that nothing created by man can be absolutely invulnerable. This also applies to the operating room. iOS system, which is still considered one of the most reliable. And no one can say for sure how long this “for now” will last.

The fact is that the vulnerabilities in iOS security exist, analysts from leading antivirus software companies are confident. They explain the fact that today the number of malware for this platform is only in the dozens by the disinterest of virus writers in Apple users. Since there have always been relatively few of them - about 3 - 5% of all mobile device owners. But in the last year or two, there has been a growing trend in the number of those who can afford an iPhone or iPad. And there is no doubt that cybercriminals will pay their attention to them, so the question of whether there are viruses on the iPad may soon become rhetorical.

Here is a video example confirming the existence of malware for iOS:

Why are viruses dangerous for Apple?

The creators of malware, like other representatives of the criminal business, are looking for ways to misappropriate other people's money. Therefore, mobile iOS viruses (viruses - in in a broad sense words, including Trojans, spies, etc.) are aimed primarily at this. They can harm the owner of the gadget in the following ways:

  • steal and transfer personal data (passwords, account numbers, addresses and phone numbers from the contact list, etc.) to attackers;
  • send SMS and make calls to paid numbers;
  • download and covertly install other malicious content;
  • destroy, corrupt or forward user files to the creators of the virus;
  • lead covert surveillance for the user (determine location, record calls, take photographs, etc.);
  • send messages on social networks on behalf of the device owner.

Who's at risk?

Those who most often suffer from infection and suffer the greatest losses are those who use modified versions iOS - after jailbreak and unlock.

It should be noted that some types of malware are created specifically for such systems—it is impossible to run them on an unmodified platform.

It turns out that additional conveniences come at the expense of security, while the user opens the door to viruses with my own hands. Therefore, for example, on the pages of our website we will never recommend jailbreaking.

In addition, they are poorly protected from malicious intrusions early versions iOS, especially those below iOS 6. They are better studied by cybercriminals and have more known vulnerabilities through which viruses penetrate.

How do iOS viruses spread?

Where can your iPhone catch a virus? Largest number victims, as was noted by researchers of the issue, received it by downloading programs from App Store. Despite the notorious protection with manual access control, malware is increasingly leaking into the store, bypassing the “border posts”. And here the “human factor” played a role.

Attackers create viruses disguised as iOS applications with useful functionality that is actually implemented. And since such programs work and correspond to their stated purpose, moderators let them through.

The ease of infection with iOS malware is also facilitated by the carelessness of users who are ready to download and install everything. Although in the comments to such software you can also find warnings from other victims. As it is identified, all this is removed from free access, but not always quickly and in a timely manner.

Security measures

Although the majority of owners of Apple gadgets are not accustomed to thinking about security, life will teach this sooner or later. And it would be better if based on other people’s mistakes.

In order not to be among those defrauded, it is better to follow simple measures protection:

  • Do not use modified iOS versions. Think carefully about whether jailbreaking is really necessary for you. After all, not only you, but also your uninvited guests, who so cleverly slipped you the Trojan.
  • Don't be lazy to install everything official versions firmware released for your gadget. A new version systems provide not only updated functionality, but also closed loopholes for viruses.
  • Download apps from the App Store that have a lot of reviews, a good reputation, and have been there for a long time. They are highly likely to be safe.
  • If you want to install unknown program, especially of a hacker (cracker) nature, think carefully. As a last resort, download it not on an iOS device, but on a computer running Mac OS or Windows and scan it with an antivirus.
  • Don’t fall for the “cheap scam” - don’t be tempted by offers promising easy money and other benefits. Remember where the place is free cheese. This method of spreading malware is a favorite among cybercriminals. Letters of similar content can be sent by email or SMS. Ignore them.

That's probably all. Although viruses for iOS are not so common, and Apple takes care of its users day and night, you are interested in your safety. Only you and no one but you.

A lot of time has passed, but things are still there: people constantly ask about this pressing problem. And both live and in the comments. I'll try again with a fresher, more advanced look at the problem.

Are there viruses for iOS?

If everything is clear with Android (antiviruses are clearly needed there), then with iOS the situation is not simple.

There are viruses for iOS, but the threat to a specific user from their presence is not so high. It has long been clear that iPhone users and the iPad is a tasty morsel for virus writers, since this is a very solvent audience. But over all the years of the existence of iOS, there were only a couple of dozen cases of viruses being found, and all these stories were widely covered in the press.

On the Internet I found a list of all threats for iOS on English language over the past 8 years. But the list comes with a few caveats:

  • many viruses do not work on the latest version of iOS
  • many loopholes are only feasible if the device is jailbroken
  • some threats on the list are special utilities that are written against specific people

For so many years, such a small number of viruses is explained by this:

  • closed operating system and principle: one application cannot somehow influence the actions of another
  • Apple's strict policy regarding App Store content

Do I need to install antivirus on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch?

Answer - No! Why?

Firstly, because the App Store does not have an antivirus in the usual sense of the word (a program that contains a virus database). A large companies like Symantec or McAfee do anything but release antivirus for iOS. Come up with secure storage and browsers, programs for storing passwords, etc.

Antivirus companies are also taking radical steps. On the Internet, it’s easy to find custom articles on reputable sites that promote paranoia... Their goal is to convince the user that viruses are about to appear, it’s just that virus writers are not interested in a small audience Apple users. But this fairy tale is so old that it has grown a beard.

Secondly, observing basic rules safety, the risk of catching the virus tends to zero.

Thirdly, and this is my personal reason. I think that all the information booms related to viruses on iOS are somehow strange.

Let's look at a striking example.

YiSpecter- a virus that infected users from China and Taiwan and was able to download applications to the iPhone, add them to third party applications advertising, change default search, etc. The buzz was great. However, now, if we try to find information about the virus, this is what we see.

  • All articles about him are dated October 5-6, 2015. And often these are just reprints. Then the virus was forgotten.
  • Finding any evidence of the existence of this virus is difficult. Not a single Chinese person has posted a video on Youtube! :)
  • The hacking method is described everywhere in general terms. But as I understand it, they used trusted profiles installed from some erotic site.
  • Apple has confirmed the presence of this virus, but the vulnerability is closed in iOS 8.4.

And the situation is similar with several viruses at once. The funny thing is that it is mainly the Chinese who suffer. And it also looks more like some kind of special information dump. Somewhere in the laboratories they took it out, made a fuss, Apple out of harm’s way closed the hole and everyone successfully forgot about the virus.

What should iOS users do to protect themselves from viruses?

Below are not calls, but simply advice that reduces the chance of somehow suffering even from some new viruses.

  • Update iOS
  • Don't jailbreak. But even if you did, then do not install any rubbish from unverified sources. Be careful when visiting Chinese stores. :)
  • Be wary of installing any profiles from third-party sites. Especially if you don't understand what exactly you are doing.
  • Do not follow any links that you do not understand. But even if you go through and some nonsense comes up like “Your iPad is under attack!”, then just close the page.
  • Secure your Apple ID with two-step verification. Since Apple ID and password are the first thing that can be stolen from your iPad, iPhone.
  • Set a password on your device

IOS-based mobile devices are among the most secure. The whole point is that the file iPhone system is closed from viewing, which means that no virus can harm the mobile device (if the factory firmware). If the owner of such a device has flashed the phone or installed programs not only from the official website (AppStore), then the likelihood of viruses getting onto the phone increases significantly.

Of course, there are ways to check mobile device for the presence of viruses. This can be done either using anti-virus software that is already installed directly on the user’s computer, or using special antiviruses for iPhone.

Checking using a personal computer

In the first case, you need to connect your mobile device to personal computer With via USB. After the computer detects it, you can launch the antivirus installed on the PC and run a scan of the removable drive (phone memory card). At the end of the scanning procedure, the antivirus will show the user all vulnerabilities found and any malicious software found. software. Of course, this method is not the most convenient. The best thing is to download anti-virus software for your mobile device from the AppStore and install it.

Antiviruses for mobile devices

There are several most popular options, these are: Intego VirusBarrier X6, ESET Cybersecurity, Panda Antivirus, Norton AntiVirus. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Intego VirusBarrier X6 scans most archives and attachments, scripts, detects and restores damaged data, and malicious software. The main advantage of this antivirus is that it scans quite quickly. ESET Cybersecurity is not capable of cleaning archives and attachments, but fortunately this software protects the user while surfing thanks to special anti-phishing features. Among the main disadvantages is that, unlike the previous version, ESET Cybersecurity works quite slowly. The functionality of Panda Antivirus and Norton AntiVirus are approximately the same, the only difference is the cost of these applications. It is worth noting that owners of computers with operating MAC system can also use these antivirus programs.

If you use the Internet a lot and quite often, you, without your desire, become an easy victim for all kinds of worms, Trojans, malware and other viruses that live in the Internet. global network. The myth that a virus can only be purchased on untrustworthy sites has long been unjustified. Your computer can become infected even while you are viewing the news or watching a sports match. Here are some simple tips on how to protect yourself from this.


Ensure your constant by installing one of the special programs- antiviruses, which will allow you to protect your computer and at the same time check it for threats at any time. The installation will also allow you to monitor malicious sites, check downloaded files, detect new viruses, personal control particularly important sites.

Download if you can't afford it yet paid versions. Many free programs that float on the Internet do an excellent job of protecting your computer no worse than their commercial counterparts. Update the database as often as possible, do general checks at least several times a month, and your computer will be completely protected.

Use on-line antiviruses if you don’t want to bother with installing new programs. Just use a search to find a site that provides services for finding and removing viruses from your equipment and diagnosing it.

Video on the topic

Testing antivirus applications using virus programs usually performed by developers in special laboratories. However, such a check can also be carried out at home using a specially created pseudo-virus that is not capable of causing harm to the computer.

You will need

  • - EICAR Standard Anti-Virus Test File


Open the page in your browser to log in to the Virus Bulletin website.

Fill out the fields required to register and wait until you receive a message asking you to confirm your registration by email.

Go to: virus test file.htm to open The European Institute company page for Computer Antivirus Research and download a test virus created by the company’s specialists. This pseudo-virus does not contain program code and cannot harm the computer, but the vast majority antivirus programs is defined as malicious application. In fact, it is a completely valid DOS program, the result of which will be the appearance of the message

Consider the fact that the results of test effectiveness studies antivirus programs can differ quite greatly from the accepted classification. For example, the top ten antiviruses in 2011 are as follows: - Shield Deluxe 2011;
- Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus 2011;
- Norton Antivirus 2011;
- Panda Antivirus Pro 2011;
- ZoneAlarm Anti-Virus 2010;
- ESET NOD32 Antivirus;
- Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011;
- Zone Alarm;
- McAfee Antivirus Plus 2011;
- Computer Associates Antivirus 2011.

Compare the above list with the top seven free antivirus applications 2011:- Avast Free Antivirus;
- Avira AntiVir Personal Free Antivirus;
- AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011;
- Microsoft Security Essentials 1.0;
- Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.0;
- Comodo Internet Security Premium 5.0;
- PC tools Antivirus Free Edition.

Video on the topic


  • Intended use EICAR in 2019

Mobile telephone It is no less susceptible to viruses than a computer. Providers are increasingly offering antivirus programs, releasing new ones every year software products. Antivirus software protects email, chats, downloaded files, all incoming messages and any connection.

Articles and Lifehacks

Relatively recently Steve Jobs(the person who is the creator of the Apple brand) when presenting his “brainchild” to the public, he emphasized that viruses can infect any device, but only in Apple brand products that work on closed iOS platforms, they can't penetrate. But users are not only interested, but also often ask the question of is there a virus on iphone, which is starting to worry many people. Perhaps everything is not as good as it might seem at first glance?

Can viruses “attack” an iPhone?

1. Incident one. The first one appeared in 2008 Trojan virus for the iPhone, which was created by an eleven-year-old schoolboy. In principle, it was practically harmless, and got into the smartphone system from applications downloaded on third party resources, and not from the AppStore (to the credit of the creators). But still, the incident happened, which means iOS is not as protected as Steve Jobs would have liked, and tens of thousands of hackers around the world understood this.

2. Second incident. In 2009 year iPhone began to attack truly dangerous “worms” that entered the phone via 3G or Wi-Fi and transferred to their creators all valuable information(starting with messages and ending with passwords from bank cards). This “pest” could only be removed by reinstalling operating system.

3. Subsequently, it also turned out that the iPhone can “catch” a virus on the Internet or via SMS.

How to find out if your iPhone has a virus

There are several signs that will help you find out if there is a virus on your iPhone, namely:

1. Abnormal smartphone activity (eg. fast discharge battery or too slow work devices).
2. An unexpected change in the picture on the screen, as well as the appearance of strange symbols on it.
3. Strange SMS messages appear on the phone, which are likely to infect the iPhone.
4. “Missing” money from the balance sheet mobile account or bank card.

How to protect your iPhone from viruses

In order to protect your stylish gadget from “pests”, it is recommended not only to find out, but also to use only licensed software, and download applications only from a specialized AppStore. The same goes for music, which the lucky owners of these smartphones download exclusively through iTunes. When browsing the Internet, it is better not to click on banners that are too bright, as they often “hide” viruses that infect the iPhone without its owner noticing. Well, if the phone does become infected, then, most likely, it will have to be reflashed, of course, if something remains from the operating system, otherwise it will be almost impossible to restore the device.

The other day, a reader came to me with this problem. She believed she had caught a virus on her iPhone and asked for help. At the same time, the phone never went through the procedure, and it was an iPhone, not an Android fake. In general, the case claimed to be in the Guinness Book of Records. The girl wrote that she went to some website, after which the phone was blocked, and the message that appeared on the screen notified that money needed to be paid. To understand what exactly was going on, I went to this site from my smartphone, and this is what I saw...
The site is currently located at: and it seems that it even works as an affiliate program (parameters are passed through the link, such as When you access this page from an iPhone, a contextual message about an alleged violation opens at the full height of the browser window. At the very bottom of the window there is an “OK” button, which, in theory, should close it. But when you click on the button, the script on the page is triggered again, and the window again blocks the browser. If you close Safari with the Home button, you can use any application on your iPhone without any problems. But when you open the browser, the last page viewed will be shown, the same one. It turns out that this is not the first time. This is the so-called Ministry of Internal Affairs virus, and many people have already seen such a picture on the iPhone.

How to remove MIA virus from iPhone

1. Close Safari with the "Home" button (the button below the screen). 2. Open (pull out from the bottom of the screen) the control panel. Tap Airplane Mode. This will turn off the internet on your device. 3. Quickly press the "Home" button twice. The multitasking screen will open. 4. Find your Safari browser and pull it up. This will completely close the application and disable the virus script. 5. Click on the "Home" button. 6. Open Safari. Without the Internet, the virus script on the iPhone does not work and you will simply see a blank page. Safari will warn you about Airplane mode. Click OK. Open multipage (the icon of two squares in the lower right corner). And close the page on which the Ministry of Internal Affairs virus was

7. Open (pull out from the bottom of the screen) the control panel and turn off Airplane mode. That's it, the Ministry of Internal Affairs virus on the iPhone is defeated, continue using the browser. :) P.S. I think clones of sites like this Ministry of Internal Affairs virus for iPhone will continue to be created. Because the, this action is fraud, then any victim has the right to contact the Police (Militia) to suppress criminal activity. And if you paid money, then compensation for the damage caused. Through law enforcement agencies the owners of such resources are found very quickly...